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00:30Do you think I'm a bad person?
00:31I didn't want to stay at home watching her suffer like that.
00:35Did the tests show anything?
00:36Everything is normal.
00:37Dr. Glaucia started with a very mild medication.
00:39Dr. Glaucia, she is very competent.
00:42Very dedicated.
00:43The address of that accountant who was fired,
00:45Mr. Osvaldo started working there.
00:47I want to interrogate this guy as soon as possible.
00:48How is it going with Joyce?
00:50It looks like we're getting to know each other again.
00:52Think about yesterday. Benjamin was so happy.
00:55Our son can't go through this alone, please.
00:57Zoe, she was pregnant.
01:00She was expecting your son, Benjamin.
01:03Ricardo Montana puts the interests of humanity
01:06above his own interests.
01:08And his next steps will lead us to a tomorrow of peace,
01:12equality and prosperity.
01:14Paul screams.
01:15There is a false peace reigning in the world.
01:18The true one will only come
01:20when you return to the Lord.
01:22How is my daughter? My daughter is sterile.
01:24How is she? Tell me.
01:25It's a lie!
01:26It's a lie!
01:27I take today the commitment to concentrate efforts
01:30in the construction of a peace agreement
01:32between Arabs and Jews.
01:35Coins, religion, borders
01:38should no longer separate us.
01:40You only know that you can count on me
01:42when you need to vent.
01:43Zoe was a woman of so much faith.
01:47She believed in a single, powerful God.
01:54Is that how you say you're a God of love?
01:56But my wife and my son
01:58Zoe trusted you!
02:00Stop talking like that about your own son!
02:02Deborah, I'm not blind.
02:04The things he says,
02:06the way he manipulates people around him...
02:09Yes, but isn't that how the world works?
02:12Power is only conquered with strategy and coldness.
02:15The same coldness you had to reconcile with your family.
02:19That's right.
02:20Yes, I played my role masterfully.
02:23I deserved applause in the end,
02:24like the prodigal daughter who returns home.
02:28It's all a lie.
02:29What do you want?
02:31Do you think hatred turns into love from one moment to the next?
02:35No, my dear.
02:39True hatred,
02:41that deep one,
02:43never ceases to burn inside.
02:46I really don't understand you and Ricardo...
02:48Yes, that's why Ricardo is a winner.
02:52And you...
02:56a loser.
02:58A spoiled son,
03:00who always had everything in his hands.
03:02That's not true.
03:03Seducing you gave me a lot of work.
03:05In fact, I still pay for this unthinkable attitude.
03:08Excuse me, Deborah.
03:09Where are you going to drown your sorrows with some cheap woman?
03:13No, they're not cheap.
03:15I spend a fortune.
03:16Unlike you, they pay every penny I pay.
03:21Come back here, you bastard!
03:23Come back here!
03:54Can I come in?
04:02Vivi, how are you?
04:04I'm sad.
04:06I'm worried about my brother.
04:10I talked to my father and he said that Benjamin is devastated.
04:16And I can't talk to him.
04:19Hashem will comfort your brother and I will pray for that.
04:22Poor Benjamin.
04:25I wanted so much to be by his side now.
04:28You know?
04:29I know how much he needs me.
04:32I miss him.
04:34I wish I could hug him.
04:37Honey, I'm so sorry.
04:42Don't you want to leave this room a little?
04:45Get some rest?
04:47Leave this room a little?
04:49Get distracted?
04:50Meet people?
04:52Not now.
04:53Noah is in the living room.
04:55Are you sure you don't want to join us?
04:58I'd rather stay quiet.
05:01If you need me, you know where to find me.
05:21Your lamb is wonderful!
05:24You couldn't miss your favorite dish.
05:27He couldn't miss it.
05:29But they said that salvation is within our reach.
05:32I heard, Hannah.
05:33I heard what they said.
05:36But your father is right.
05:38He's right.
05:39He's right.
05:40He's right.
05:41He's right.
05:42He's right.
05:43He's right.
05:44He's right.
05:45He's right.
05:46He's right.
05:47He's right.
05:48He's right.
05:49He's right.
05:50He's right.
05:51He's right.
05:52He's right.
05:53He's right.
05:54He's right.
05:55He's right.
05:56He's right.
05:57He's right.
05:58He's right.
05:59He's right.
06:00He's right.
06:01He's right.
06:02He's right.
06:03He's right.
06:04He's right.
06:05He's right.
06:06He's right.
06:07He's right.
06:08He's right.
06:09He's right.
06:10He's right.
06:11He's right.
06:12He's right.
06:13You're right.
06:14I'm sorry, but then I sometimes get a little bit ...
06:16You don't need to say sorry.
06:19I also suffer as much as you do.
06:24But we have to maintain our beliefs.
06:30The community counts on me in that moment.
06:34Understand, John?
06:50The ghost area de agradecer a presença de todos aqui hoje. Se que muitos verão de longe
06:56inclusive de outros países para o nosso treino anual
07:00assim como nossa amiga querida tia tira bidu
07:04Saulo brigada muita saudade
07:09Credito que todos nós nos tornamos pessoas melhores no serviço militar
07:17E todos sabemos que as forças de defesa de israel são consideradas um dos exércitos mais fortes do mundo
07:24somos quase
07:25200 mil nativa entre homens e mulheres
07:28representados aqui hoje pelo meu cunhado noa dessa nova geração
07:33é uma honra
07:37Mas também não se esqueçam somos quase 600 mil na reserva
07:45Prontos a assumir nossas armas a qualquer momento se israel precisar de nós
07:51É verdade e pelo jeito saulo não vai demorar muito houve boatos sobre a reconstrução do tempo
07:58não são boatos
08:04Vivendo o momento que tanto aguardávamos
08:11Esse sonho finalmente
08:14sairá do papel
08:17E você sabe o que isso quer dizer guerra
08:26Não não senhor não não não não calma-se de maneira alguma
08:30A reconstrução do tempo se dará pelas mãos do messias
08:37E o messias trará a paz
08:41A paz saulo esse é o ideal pelo qual lutamos tanto a paz
08:46a paz a paz a paz
11:12The peripheral vision is perfect Ariela
11:15Stop looking at me and ask what you want to know, Taimi. What?
11:21When a cause is too close to an effect
11:24I know what it means
11:27Where do you want to go?
11:30Na verdade eu quero voltar
11:33Ao seu encontro com o Omar Sayyad no dia do misterioso desastre aéreo
11:41Deixe de roteiros ariela você não é disso o califa teve alguma coisa a ver com a queda daquele avião
11:49Admita o que você quer saber é se eu tenho algo a ver com essa tragédia
11:57Minha querida
12:00A minha visita ao califado nunca existiu está claro
12:06E o que eu não negociei com o califa Omar
12:12Pra sua segurança
12:14É melhor que continue a ignorar boa reunião com o conselho dos 10
12:26Mariela spare ariela
12:36I just took on saudades de deborah e ricardo ya tambem mi amor yo tambem yo tambem
12:44Mas não ligaram pra avisar se chegaram bem não ligaram com certeza chegaram bem tamar
12:51Nós já saberíamos
12:54Que sabe eu vou ligar pra eles
12:57Não meu amor não faça isso meu amor o ricardo é um homem muito importante não tem tempo para
13:03Amenidades a vou ligar então pra minha filha quero saber de notícias vou ligar
13:16Pela sua cara ou é a sua família não tem marketing
13:21E a família perfeita não é um produto super valorizado no mercado cima de um preço exorbitante minha querida
13:29Melhor assim melhor assim
13:32O que você queria você vai gerir os além
13:36enche o coração dos seus velhos de felicidade
13:40Depois você resolve que eles não podem querer mais
13:42Como é que pode isso o amor é a droga mais pesada do mundo é para de falar besteira adriano eu já fiz o que prometeu
13:48Ricardo aquela gente esquisita moralista ficou no passado
13:54Será que deu uma marca se eu fosse você não tem dia
14:11Lucca que surpresa
14:13Lucca mais que surpresa
14:15Por favor junte-se aos bons
14:19Com licença
14:21Imagina sinta-se em casa
14:23Uma outra hora Adriano
14:25Vim só buscar algo que o Ricardo vai usar na reunião do conselho
14:27Tudo bem?
14:29Tudo ótimo
14:31É a primeira edição do livro do
14:33Se chama da guerra
14:35Claro claro era do Giancarlo
14:37Isso mesmo
14:41O que você está esperando para buscar?
14:45Desculpe eu não me demoro
14:47Enquanto isso eu sirvo alguma coisa para o nosso amigo
14:49Ótimo faça exatamente isso
14:51Agora eu não quero nada mesmo Deborah
14:53Muito obrigada
14:55E a minha boca você aceita?
15:35Um minuto por esse momento filho
15:37Eu também
15:39A gente quase não tem tido tempo né
15:41Ultimamente o Pai Sagrado
15:43Tem recorrido muito aos meus conselhos
15:45O que fala muito sobre sua inteligência
15:51Você viu o pronunciamento do sacerdote?
15:55Ele e o Ricardo
15:57Estão cada vez mais em sintonia
15:59Sempre estiveram meu caro
16:01Desde que o Ricardo era um bambino
16:03Você acredita que eu sentia ciúmes?
16:05É sério
16:07Sentia não sei
16:09Sentia medo
16:11E doía achar
16:13Que ele gostava mais do Ricardo
16:15Ai poverito
16:21Por favor
16:23Tome muito cuidado
16:25Com o que?
16:29É que uma pessoa
16:31Com um coração como você
16:33Pode não resistir
16:35A uma decepção
16:37Mais profunda
16:39Mas por que você está falando isso?
16:41Eu sei lá por que eu estou dizendo isso
16:43Sou uma velha que viveu muito
16:45E sofreu demais
16:47Só isso
16:51Eu tenho pensado e
16:55Eu acho que a gente deveria ver o Pai Sagrado
16:57Eu vou com você
16:59Mas a gente vai junto
17:01Não é possível que ele não vai demonstrar compaixão
17:09Por enquanto não
17:13Eu temo perder esse
17:15Esses momentos são raros
17:17Mas esses momentos são migalhas
17:19Isso aqui não é nada
17:21Esses encontros rápidos, secretos
17:23Parece que a gente está fazendo alguma coisa errada
17:25Por favor filho, esquece isso
17:29Tudo bem
17:31Mas você tem que levar em consideração
17:33Que o Pai Sagrado cuidou de mim desde pequeno
17:35Ele cuidou
17:37Quase como um pai mesmo
17:41Tenho certeza que ele ouviria a gente
17:43E eu
17:45Eu vou pensar
17:49Me dá um abraço
17:51Bem forte, bem apertado
18:17Será que o Benjamin vem hoje?
18:19Não devia
18:21Com o André está certo
18:23Coitado do chef
18:25Um monte de pena
18:27Também não é para menos né gente
18:29Não, mas sério
18:31Eu estou preocupada
18:33Será que a gente não devia ligar?
18:37Não vai ser necessário
18:47O que foi André?
18:49Calma cara, eu só queria saber
18:53Sobre trabalho, porque se não for não me interessa
18:57Que caras são essas?
18:59Que caras são essas?
19:01Cara, e se você não entender
19:03Eu vou explicar para vocês, isso daqui
19:05É uma empresa, como qualquer outra, que aliás
19:07Estamos atolados de trabalho
19:09Os headlines apertados, portanto, vamos trabalhar
19:11Vamos trabalhar!
19:23Mas o que foi que você não entendeu André?
19:25Você não está bem cara
19:27Você não está bem
19:29É o que?
19:31Virou médico agora?
19:33Ele tem razão
19:35Sua pressão arterial está alta
19:37Seus batimentos cardíacos acelerados
19:39Percebo aumento na produção de mielina
19:41E a atividade da amígdala
19:43Indicando um alto nível de estresse emocional
19:45Melina, quem foi que pediu essa opinião?
19:47Me fala
19:49Tá bom
19:51Passou da hora de fazer uns ajustes
19:53Da sua programação
19:55Vai pra casa Benjamin
19:57E tira o dia pra você
19:59Não me fala o que fazer
20:01Não me fala o que fazer
20:05Eu sou o dono dessa empresa, eu decido o que eu faço
20:07O que vocês fazem
20:09Eu já mandei todo mundo trabalhar
20:11E cuidar das suas próprias vidas
20:23Já viu ele assim alguma vez?
20:25É a primeira vez
20:27A morte da sua prima mexeu mesmo com o morro dele
20:29Qualquer pessoa com esse nível de estresse
20:31Não está apta a decisões sensatas
20:35Você tem razão Melina
20:37É melhor eu tomar providências
20:39Antes que o Benjamin faça alguma coisa que se arrependa depois
20:51É o André
20:53Eu sei que você pediu pra usar essa linha só numa emergência
20:55Mas é justamente o caso
20:57É o Benjamin
20:59Ele tá sortando
21:01Acho que só você vai ser capaz de controlar o cara
21:03É melhor você dar um pulo aqui o quanto antes
21:11Suas mãos são tão bonitas
21:13Mãos de pianista
21:19Estamos brincando com fogo
21:21É por isso que eu tô sentindo tanto calor
21:29Que beleza de edição
21:31Mas é só um livro velho Luca
21:33Depois eu nem te mostrei de perto ainda
21:35Mas é maravilhoso
21:47Se você soltar mais um sinônimo hiperbólico
21:49Eu vou desconfiar da sua falta de vocabulário
21:53Querida, precisamos relaxar, serve uma coisinha pro Luca
21:55Ah, eu já servi
21:57Algo muito especial e ele amou
22:03É, eu realmente preciso ir
22:05O Ricardo já passou uma mensagem
22:07Já tá me cobrando
22:09Eu vou com você
22:11Você fica bem aí sozinha?
22:13Às vezes a solidão é a melhor companhia
22:17Acorda, Luca
22:19Você não disse que o Ricardo tá ansioso?
22:25Com licença
22:41E aí?
22:43Ai, amiga
22:45Olha só
22:47Não param de chegar mensagens carinhosas
22:49De não assassinar
22:51Todo mundo com saudade dessa mãe
22:53E aí?
22:55E aí?
22:57E aí?
22:59E aí?
23:01E aí?
23:03E aí?
23:05E aí?
23:07E aí?
23:09E aí?
23:11E aí?
23:19O que foi?
23:31Eu tenho que ir
23:39What a shame, right, Arthur?
23:44We can't get along either.
23:47We are at the entrance of the Old City here in Jerusalem,
23:51a place that brings together Jews, Muslims, Christians and Armenians.
24:00It's wrong, cut, cut.
24:04Let's go again. Armenians, where did I get that from, guys?
24:09Let's go.
24:13We are here at the entrance of the Old City.
24:18Zoe was pure joy.
24:23I missed you, friend.
24:28Let's go again.
24:33Let's go again.
24:38Let's go again.
24:43Cesar, the accountant just arrived.
24:49It's not great, I haven't celebrated yet.
24:53I was accompanied by two lawyers from Tiracolo.
24:55By the clothes of the guys, it's a high-class office.
24:58A sign that I was right.
25:00I'm sure this guy knows something about the robbery at Eisen Hospital.
25:04Otherwise, he wouldn't have come prepared.
25:06Let's go.
25:14I stopped wanting to smell you.
25:17Calm down, Rita, no one can see.
25:19Are you drinking again?
25:21You're drinking whiskey.
25:23Don't exaggerate, Gloria.
25:24I only drank two fingers.
25:25You're the one who's exaggerating about the drink.
25:27I always drank a sip in the morning.
25:29What's the problem?
25:30You have to hold your breath somehow.
25:33I have a missing child.
25:35The daughter is lost.
25:36The woman has a panic attack.
25:37Is it good for you?
25:39It's easy to say, doctor.
25:41Okay, Henrique.
25:42If you think it's right, go ahead.
25:44Now let me work, okay?
25:46I'm in charge here.
25:47Did you forget?
25:50It's today that Barros, the former accountant here at the hospital, will be interrogated.
26:00I knew there was something else.
26:02And I'm worried, Glaucio.
26:04If he opens his mouth...
26:06You didn't buy his silence, Henrique.
26:08Didn't you hire lawyers to accompany him?
26:11Yes, but what about it?
26:12At the time of the pressure, everything can change.
26:16Can the police get to me?
26:20Worried, right, Glaucio?
26:23When the car is tight...
26:25I just think it's good to be careful so no one sees us together.
26:30You're a hospital employee.
26:32We're here working.
26:35But it's better not to give the flag, Henrique.
26:37I love seeing you like this.
26:44Okay, get out of here.
26:47Do you really want me to leave?
26:48Stop it, Henrique.
26:50Stop it.
26:51It's nothing.
26:52Stop it.
27:02You worked for many years as an accountant at Aysen Hospital.
27:11From what I gathered, your hiring coincided with the beginning of Mr. Henrique's administration.
27:19What do you know about the rumble in the hospital's accounts?
27:22Because of the diversion of money in the purchase of materials and supplements.
27:29Following the guidance of my lawyers, I prefer to remain silent.
27:38What is your relationship with Mr. Henrique, director of the hospital?
27:49Following the guidance of my lawyers, I prefer to remain silent.
27:53It is correct to say that these divergences began long before your resignation...
27:57and the hiring of the new accountant, Oswaldo Santeiro.
28:03Following the guidance of my lawyers, I prefer to remain silent.
28:06Why exactly were you fired?
28:09Following the guidance of my lawyers...
28:11I know, following the guidance of your lawyers, you're not going to say anything.
28:13Listen here, my comrade.
28:15It's more than in the face that you are guilty of a charge...
28:18to protect this bastard Henrique.
28:21If you commit such a crime, it's a crime of the prison.
28:26Did you know?
28:27Say that you know, that we will relieve your sentence...
28:30or else you run the risk of suffocating the prison.
28:33Do you understand?
28:37IMPROVÁVEL Probably a good show.
28:48It was a hypertension crisis, but everything will be fine.
28:51Okay, Mrs. Mary? I'll be right back.
28:53Nebulize Mr. Antonio in bed 35, change Mr. Pedro's serum in 30...
28:58and put Mrs. Maria's blood in bed 28, please.
29:02Hi, hi.
29:05Oh, Suzana.
29:07Can I have a coffee?
29:08In a little while, I'll be right back.
29:11Dr. Humberto, the tomographies, right?
29:13Okay, I'll take a look and then we'll talk, okay?
29:19So, our break?
29:21Let's go.
29:26Is everything in order, Henrique?
29:29I was looking at you.
29:32Congratulations, Dr. Estela.
29:34You did very well on your shift.
29:36The medication is working, that's good.
29:38It's true.
29:39I confess that I was already missing all this adrenaline.
29:41Look at your face.
29:42Felipe, before I forget, I scheduled your image exams.
29:45Dr. Estela, I thought...
29:46You were going to screw me?
29:48No, no, no.
29:51Excuse me.
29:52What happened?
29:5319 years, suicide attempt.
29:55She's cyanotic, the blood pressure is dropping, she lost a lot of blood.
29:58You can assume that I'm Mukase, Dr. Glaucia.
30:00Are you sure?
30:01Please call trauma 1 now.
30:02Ask for two concentrates of emaciation of the negative O to the emergency blood bank.
30:08Dr. Glaucia, thank you very much for taking care of my sister.
30:11She doesn't even look like the same person.
30:13That's good, Suzana. I'm happy.
30:16No problem.
30:22Thanks, Siqueira.
30:23Good job, okay?
30:27Natalia, are you seeing a guy with a lawyer's license?
30:30Who is it?
30:31Ex-accountant at Eisen Hospital.
30:33Cesar just questioned him.
30:35Natalia, he's determined to put your father in jail.
30:46The guy didn't say anything.
30:48He was already in the face after he came with the shock troop.
30:52I'm sure Henrique is arranging all this.
30:55Including paying these lawyers.
30:57We're on the right track, Guido.
30:59I agree, but that would prove Henrique's guilt.
31:03Cesar, we don't have anything concrete that could incriminate this guy.
31:08The testimony of this accountant is our best chance.
31:11We can still find out who the checks are signed by.
31:15I bet it's a small fish, an orange.
31:19I'm sure if we pressure this guy, he'll tell us who the boss is.
31:24We don't have any information about this person.
31:30Let's check Eisen's accounts from the last few years.
31:33I'm sure this fraud is prior to Oswaldo's hiring.
31:37And if all this falls on this accountant, he won't be quiet for long.
31:41And he'll turn in Henrique.
31:43Do you have my father, Cesar?
31:47Could you ask him?
31:50So, you resumed the hospital's investigations.
31:53She never stopped, Natalia.
31:56And this guy who left, this former accountant, did he say anything?
32:00Not yet, but he will.
32:02As soon as he realizes he can take all the blame,
32:05he won't want to take it all on his own.
32:07He'll turn in everything he knows.
32:10Natalia, I understand you have a personal interest in this investigation.
32:14Just like Cesar.
32:15Yes, I understand.
32:16But first of all, above all, you are police officers.
32:20I'll ask you to try to maintain maximum impartiality.
32:24I hope Cesar follows your advice, Guido.
32:29Excuse me.
32:41Come back to New York, Susana.
32:43Benjamin needs you a lot.
32:45Yes, I'm fine.
32:46I can't control myself anymore.
32:51I can see you're fine.
32:52That makes me feel a lot more at ease.
32:55I confess that after the accident with Azul,
32:57I'm only thinking about going back to New York,
32:59to be with my son.
33:00Hug him, cuddle him.
33:04He's devastated.
33:06Do what your heart tells you.
33:10Stay with your son.
33:12I don't have my own anymore.
33:18But I have my daughter here.
33:21She needs me, right?
33:24She was very worried about you.
33:26I know.
33:29And I need to win her back.
33:32I made a lot of mistakes.
33:35But this time I want to get it right.
33:38And now I have to.
33:40Now I have a reason to keep on living.
33:43And you have Benjamin, who is in New York.
34:14I'm busy. Can't you see?
34:17Your phone is ringing.
34:18It's your sister.
34:19It's not the first time she's called.
34:21Your mother has called a few times.
34:30What's up, Bela?
34:32I'm so glad I got to talk to you.
34:35What do you want? I'm working. Talk to me.
34:37What is this, Ben? I'm your sister.
34:40I'm worried about you.
34:43You're too worried about me.
34:46Let's stop this.
34:48What is this, Bela?
34:50It's from Bankal Durão.
34:52To be aggressive, to hurt you.
34:56The Benjamin I know isn't like that.
34:59He's loving.
35:02It's horrible.
35:05Come on, brother.
35:07Let this pain go.
35:18It's horrible.
35:20It's horrible not being there with you now.
35:23But I swear I wanted to be there.
35:25To hug you, to take care of you.
35:28It's hard, Sabina.
35:30I know.
35:33What happened is...
35:36It's so unfair.
35:38It doesn't make sense.
35:40I know, but you need to be strong.
35:45Of course it hurts, but life has to go on.
35:50You're loved by everyone.
35:52I'm sure everyone is on your side.
35:58Just don't forget I love you.
36:06I'll try to see you as soon as I can.
36:09Take care.
36:16A gift for you just arrived.
36:19For me?
36:21Weren't you expecting it?
36:35You're not going to open it?
36:37I will.
36:39But I'm waiting for you to leave and close the door.
36:49Close it.
37:03Isabela, this is the dress I intend to take from you after our special meeting tonight.
37:13Ricardo Montana!
37:33All this blue part can reflect in a slightly larger area.
37:41Here it is.
37:42Of course.
37:48I'm glad you could come.
37:53It's the first time I've been here in so long.
37:59It's like a different world.
38:02Deep down, we're aliens.
38:06Badly raised aliens who don't introduce people.
38:12Joyce, this is Uri.
38:14Uri Acet.
38:16You know who.
38:18Pleased to meet you.
38:23Make yourself at home.
38:25Thank you, Uri.
38:32What did you want to show me?
38:35One second.
38:38Give me one second and it'll be there.
38:47See that star?
38:48Which one?
38:50The brightest one.
38:54I found it the week we lost our son.
38:58I was so desperate, Joyce, that at that moment,
39:02finding the light in space gave me...
39:11To me, that star is our son.
39:15Whenever I think of him, I see her.
39:19What's her name?
39:25We didn't even name our son.
39:28That's why I called you here.
39:31So we can think of a name together.
39:52I love you.
39:54I love you.
40:22I love you.
40:52I love you.
40:54I love you.
