Sueños de libertad Cap 141 (11-09-24)

  • 2 days ago


00:00Where is Julia? Is she okay?
00:12She is fine. She is tired but she has fallen asleep in her room.
00:16Jesus, please let her rest. She has been wandering for hours without eating or drinking anything.
00:22Isidro has told us that she went to Digna's house.
00:25Yes, the poor thing did not know where to ask for help.
00:27She could have come here directly, instead of keeping us all in check.
00:30I was afraid you would punish her.
00:32And that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to punish her in a way that she will never forget.
00:36And don't you think punishment is enough? The boarding school where you want to put her?
00:38I agree with my sister-in-law, Jesus.
00:40And what do you know about raising children?
00:42Unfortunately, I haven't had that opportunity yet.
00:45But when I have them, I assure you that I will try to do it better than you.
00:48Jesus, I don't see the need to load the ink. The child will have already learned the lesson.
00:54She is my daughter, Father. Neither you nor anyone will tell me how to act with her.
00:59What your daughter needs now is understanding.
01:01And above all, don't make her see boarding school as a punishment.
01:05Because I imagine you still have the idea of ​​sending her to that school.
01:09Of course. What I'm not going to do is let her get away with hers.
01:13She knows that even the Civil Guard has been looking for her.
01:15She knows that we have been very worried. And she is very sorry, Jesus.
01:18Well, let's see if it's true. And stop being silly.
01:21When she wakes up, tell her that as soon as she returns from the factory, we go out for a walk.
01:25But how, how, how? Are you going to take her today?
01:28As planned, yes.
01:29But you don't have a heart. She's just a kid, she doesn't deserve this.
01:33Well, enough already. We're not going to be arguing all day.
01:42I want to see you three in a couple of hours at the factory.
01:45Can I ask why?
01:47You'll know when we're all together.
01:49Very well. Well, I'll be there. At the foot of the canyon. As always.
01:53I just hope I don't delay my departure too much.
02:12You don't know how I got when the real girl disappeared, Doctor.
02:16Alone, that girl, out there, in that world of God.
02:19What do you feel?
02:25The important thing is that everything has gone well.
02:27Thank God.
02:29The tension is perfect.
02:31Get on the scale, we're going to weigh you down.
02:47Are you eating well?
02:49You've only put on a couple of pounds.
02:51Doctor, the truth is that lately I haven't had much appetite.
02:55That could be a problem for the baby.
02:58Not necessarily, but you have to eat well.
03:00Come on, go back to bed, we're going to escort you.
03:03I'm going to try, Doctor.
03:05What happens is that with all the nausea I have and that I don't eat much,
03:09I've vomited, well, in the end...
03:12But that could affect the baby.
03:14It could affect you.
03:16Because the baby is going to feed on everything it can,
03:19even the bones, if it needs it.
03:21That's why you have to rest and take good care of yourself.
03:26Now comes the worst phase,
03:28which is childbirth.
03:31I'm very scared, Doctor.
03:34Everything will be fine, woman.
03:36You're going to have a very good baby.
03:40You're going to have a very strong baby.
03:43Because his heartbeat is perfect.
03:45That's what I want, Doctor.
03:47I don't care if it's a boy or a girl.
03:49Blond or dark-skinned.
03:51Tall, short, fat, thin, I don't care.
03:54What I want is for him to be born strong.
03:56For everything that awaits him.
03:58What awaits him?
04:00Well, you know, Doctor.
04:01He's the son of a single mother who doesn't play anything.
04:04There are worse things, I can assure you.
04:09The thing is, I didn't imagine this situation like this, Doctor.
04:12I thought my mother was going to be taking care of me
04:15while I was taking care of the baby.
04:17Your mother will pass out as soon as she sees the baby's face.
04:20And then you're going to be the one who wants to leave you alone.
04:23Because all grandmothers are the same.
04:26God willing, maybe.
04:29Of course, if you're a woman, cheer up.
04:31The important thing is that you're taking the embarrassment to the sea of good.
04:34All I ask is that people don't point me out on the street
04:37as if I were a pest.
04:39Well, you don't listen to the rumors.
04:41As if you were alone in this world, you and the creature you expect.
04:44I see, Doctor.
04:45But you don't know what people are saying out there.
04:48That the baby is from Father Mateo.
04:53Well, think that bad tongues will end up getting tired.
04:56Yes, but it's not easy to put up with.
04:59The other day, me and my friends were kicked out of a cafeteria in Toledo.
05:04The owner of the place was a customer of the store and knew everything about me.
05:07And they didn't even let me pass through the door.
05:11So you can see what people are like.
05:13I know what people are like, and that's not people.
05:15It's a bunch of people.
05:16And you're worth a lot to let yourself be weighed like that.
05:20Thank you very much, Doctor.
05:21And Claudia?
05:22Well, she's not here yet.
05:24Ah, well, better.
05:26You'll see what a surprise she's going to get.
05:28Let's see if she's a little embarrassed about everything that happened yesterday with Mila.
05:31And let's see if we can get her to eat something.
05:33Well, yes, because she has to eat for her and for the baby.
05:36What am I seeing? That little food, right?
05:38No, Carmen, no.
05:39What food for a regiment?
05:40Look, look.
05:41We can invite the colleagues next door who will still be left over.
05:44Right away.
05:45They've been gossiping about Claudia all day.
05:47And the enemy, no way.
05:49I know, I know.
05:50Maricé tried to get me to tell her who the father of the child is.
05:55She is one of the few who is convinced that it is not Mateo.
05:57No, that's another one.
05:58You'll see when she finds out who the father is.
06:00Let's see, what do I say?
06:01My husband having a son with my friend.
06:04In short, Maricé is better off being quiet.
06:06Because as she asks me, I'll take her by the hand and stir her up.
06:09My God, who are you going to take by the hand?
06:12Claudia, look.
06:13Look what we've prepared for you.
06:14Look what a meal.
06:16But what a surprise.
06:17But this is for me.
06:18But why?
06:19Well, of course, because you deserve it.
06:22Really, I'm the best friend in the world.
06:26And look, with the croquettes, the potato omelette, I do what I like.
06:30Yesterday we stayed with the desire for a snack.
06:32Today, to eat like a queen.
06:35Claudia, are you going to cry?
06:36No, no.
06:37But, well, the doctor told me that it is normal to be sensitive in my state with the hormones.
06:43Well, with us, you can put as many gnocchi as you want.
06:45Yes, but after eating, I feel like licking those croquettes.
06:48How good.
06:50What a pain.
06:52What a scare Julia has given us.
06:55It's the second time she's done it.
06:56Thank goodness it wasn't my fault this time.
06:58Poor girl.
06:59I would also run away if I were in her situation.
07:02You don't know what awaits her in that boarding school.
07:05Well, maybe she'll be better there than here.
07:07With those parents she has.
07:10One for being too severe and the other, look, I'm not telling you what I think of the other.
07:14Especially because I already know.
07:16And Maria, you should show a little compassion for her.
07:18Begoña has had a very bad time.
07:21Don't you find her behavior strange?
07:24I think it's pretty normal.
07:26That's what I mean.
07:28She has been able to go alone in the car to look for Julia.
07:32She had her head completely lost a while ago.
07:36Well, I'm glad she's better.
07:39These days she's being very kind to me and she keeps apologizing for the medal incident.
07:44That's why I'm leaving, I don't believe such a sudden change.
07:47What are you saying, Maria?
07:49That such a sudden recovery has the cat locked up?
07:52I'm sure she was faking that strange madness.
07:54Come on.
07:55What good would it do to pretend that she's crazy?
07:57That they could have put her in a sanatorium, please.
08:00Besides, who tells you that tomorrow she won't relapse and the poor thing ...
08:04No, that's sure not going to happen.
08:07Gemma was faking.
08:10She's capable of anything to get Andrés' attention.
08:12Especially now that she's so aware of me.
08:15Thanks to the supposed son you've lost.
08:17What's this all about?
08:19Well, you're assuming that Begoña has faked her illness, just like you have faked your pregnancy.
08:25Emma, please, don't compare.
08:29Andrés is my husband and I had to do something to stop him.
08:34Well, I don't think Begoña is capable of something like that, no matter how many defects she may have.
08:38You don't know what she can do.
08:41I don't know.
08:42I don't think Begoña is capable of something like that, no matter how many defects she may have.
08:44You don't know what she can do.
08:49See you later.
08:50See you later, Gemma.
08:51But hey, if you're going to be a saint, you have to see how you wear the clothes of walking down those paths of God.
08:58I went up to pee a little before eating.
09:00I'm going to the bathroom.
09:10Ah, yes, of course, just a moment.
09:13A conference from Brazil. They're asking about you.
09:17I'll take the call.
09:18I'll do it. He's an army friend. I haven't heard from him in a long time.
09:26Miss, I'll take the call.
09:30Cristóbal, what a surprise.
09:32Cristóbal, what a surprise.
09:39You were able to go to Manaos.
09:44What have they found out?
09:49Are you sure about that?
09:51Even if it's with water, let's toast.
09:53Come on, who makes the toast?
09:54Me, me.
09:55Besides, girls, I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you a few words.
09:59I wanted to thank you because without you, I would have returned to Benito with the mouse between my legs a long time ago.
10:06That's because above my corpse, look what I'm telling you.
10:09No, really, you're really the strength I need to put up with this talk and the bad faces.
10:16So, this toast is for our friendship.
10:19And for the creature that is growing.
10:21For the churumbe.
10:26Come on, eat now.
10:27Wait a minute.
10:28Claudia, for God's sake, I'm fainting from hunger.
10:31I know, I know, I know, but how can I not give you a surprise?
10:38Did you want to hear the baby's heart?
10:43Of course.
10:44Look, look.
10:46Come on, baby.
10:50Oh my God.
10:52But, how do you do it?
10:54Look, look.
10:57I'll show you.
11:04Do you hear anything?
11:05It's just that it's very quiet here.
11:08Here, here, here.
11:11Take it, take it.
11:13Of course.
11:17I don't hear anything.
11:18Yes, look.
11:25It's going very fast.
11:27Oh my God.
11:31Bring it, bring it, bring it.
11:32Let's see.
11:34Do you hear it?
11:37Let's see.
11:44Help me.
11:57For love, I am capable of doing many things.
12:00I assure you.
12:04maybe you and I are not so different.
12:12I'm not like you.
12:14Are you crazy?
12:15Look how you exposed me.
12:16I'm not like you.
12:28How are you?
12:33How long has it been since you were diagnosed?
12:35Just before I got here.
12:38But how is it possible that you are so advanced?
12:41Apparently, cancer has been camping at its wings
12:43until the first symptoms appeared.
12:45But what symptoms?
12:47I haven't noticed anything and we work together.
12:49I've been hiding it all this time and I haven't told anyone.
12:52Well, just Luz.
12:54I asked her to be discreet.
12:56I understand.
12:57I know you have a very close relationship
12:59and it must have been hard for her not to tell you anything.
13:02It's an honor.
13:04It has cost me God and help to tell Marta.
13:08You don't know how sorry I am.
13:12Is there anything I can do to help you?
13:16Yes, there is something, Begoña.
13:19Forgive me.
13:21Forgive you?
13:24For failing you when I did the blood test.
13:33Mother, I don't know if it was a good idea for us to meet again.
13:36Don't be annoying, Luis.
13:38Do you understand that I don't have to talk to him?
13:41There he is, Mario.
13:43Dignar, you're still here.
13:46Hi, Luis. How are you?
13:47What's up, Mario?
13:50It will be better if you leave them alone.
13:54I'm sorry, Dignar. I already told you that I couldn't help you.
13:56Yes, I know what you told me.
13:58But I had to come back.
14:00Because I haven't stopped thinking about it.
14:03I need to talk to you.
14:05Whatever it is, your children can explain it to you, I'm sure.
14:08I'm a little busy.
14:09It will only be a minute, please.
14:13Unfortunately, we don't have Gervasio here anymore.
14:17So that he can explain anything to me.
14:19Well, it's all in the bathhouse project.
14:21You know perfectly well that I haven't come to talk about the project.
14:26You know I want to be something personal.
14:30I hope you have the decency to be honest with me.
14:33Since when?
14:37Since when were you together?
14:40Listen, this doesn't make any sense. I know.
14:43For God's sake, Mario.
14:46I'm the one who's asking you for a favor.
14:49It's something I don't want. I can't talk to you.
14:52Mario, Mario, Mario.
14:55I know it must be very difficult for you to talk about all this.
14:59But you owe me.
15:01I opened the doors of my house for you.
15:05You came to have dinner with us.
15:08With my son.
15:10With me.
15:12And you were involved with my husband.
15:16We shared the table.
15:19The two of us, in front of me.
15:21Lying to my face.
15:25You owe me.
15:26Your face.
15:29You owe me.
15:31You owe me.
15:35But then you did find traces of fentanyl in my analysis.
15:39Yes, that's right.
15:43I tried to convince him not to do it, but...
15:46I couldn't.
15:49I was always watching you, watching your condition.
15:52In fact, sometimes I tried not to take those infusions.
16:01Why are you taking it?
16:05I'm going to ask Dina to make you something a little more consistent.
16:08Not so much liquid.
16:09It will make you feel better.
16:18I see.
16:20I guess Jesus threatened you with something of vital importance.
16:23As he usually does.
16:24I'm wrong.
16:26I'm sorry he did it.
16:29But I can't forgive myself for letting this happen and not being more forceful.
16:35I don't blame you for anything.
16:37You would have your reasons.
16:41I assure you I had them.
16:46Sorry to interrupt.
16:48Time to take your temperature.
16:51Have you seen?
16:53The great Marta de la Reina pretending to be a nurse.
16:56I'm sure she does it much better than me.
17:00Jaime, I told you I'm here for whatever you need.
17:07Cheer up.
17:14Let's see.
17:22Well, very good.
17:27Apparently the flat my family has in Barcelona is empty.
17:31Although I still have to confirm it.
17:34Don't you think it would be better if we went to a hotel where no one knows us?
17:37No, the flat is very well located.
17:39And you won't miss anything there.
17:41Although I would ask you not to comment on anything yet.
17:44Do you think so?
17:45Yes, yes, yes, of course.
17:47Well, I would like to tell Luz if you don't mind.
17:49Of course.
17:52Let's see, that thermometer.
17:54Doctor, I think I can do this alone.
17:57I know you're in trouble.
17:58Please leave.
17:59I'll take care of it.
18:24I don't hold a grudge against you.
18:26But I need to understand.
18:29I think I don't deserve it.
18:32How long have you been together?
18:35A little less than a year and a half.
18:38But you were always in Gervasio's mind.
18:41I was always in his mind.
18:43When he was with you, he was with me, too.
18:46And I was with him.
18:48And you were with him.
18:49And you were in Gervasio's mind.
18:50I was always in his mind.
18:52When he was with you, too.
18:54I was in his mind when he deceived me.
18:56You were his great love.
18:59The mother of his children.
19:00Don't lie to me anymore, please.
19:04Why did he take his life?
19:05I don't know.
19:07Did you break up with him?
19:09I never understood why he did what he did.
19:12He was so unhappy with me.
19:13No, for God's sake.
19:15Don't say that.
19:17He loved you.
19:19And believe it or not,
19:21he respected you a lot.
19:23How can you respect a mother?
19:25Or a saint?
19:27He admired you.
19:28He felt a great love for you.
19:30The proof is that he gave you three children.
19:33Now I think he did it as someone who fulfills an obligation.
19:38Gervasio always wanted the best for you and the boys.
19:42He gave you everything he had.
19:44Except for the happy balneary.
19:45It was there where he wanted you to go and live together.
19:48Without anyone realizing it.
19:52Is that so?
19:55He had to love you a lot.
19:58A great love.
20:01The one who didn't feel for me.
20:03For months, everything passed in front of my nose.
20:06And I couldn't see him.
20:08I couldn't.
20:11Because of him,
20:12I lost my peace.
20:15At least now I realize certain things.
20:22do you know if before you
20:26there was someone else?
20:30I was the first.
20:34And the only one.
20:38Tina, I really have to go.
20:42I want to ask you a favor.
20:45I want you to help me find a land to build that balneary.
20:50If you don't want to do it for me,
20:52I ask you to do it in his memory.
20:59I promise to help you.
21:02Say goodbye to Luis.
21:03Of course.
21:12Is he really asking us
21:14that when Braulio retires,
21:15we put Tassio García in his place?
21:18Tassio works in a packaging company.
21:19It has nothing to do with saponification.
21:21Yes, but he has shown great skills
21:25and he is a very loyal worker.
21:27What's going on with Tassio?
21:29Why do you ask?
21:31I remind you that not long ago
21:33we were about to fire him
21:34because he almost literally cut off another colleague's face.
21:37That was an isolated episode.
21:38No, it was outrageous.
21:39And far from firing him,
21:41he soon became his driver.
21:43Yes, and he has taken him hunting,
21:44and he is advised by his business partners.
21:46I don't know, in the end,
21:47he will be promoted to the Chepa Padre
21:48if he hasn't done it already.
21:49As I have told you,
21:50he is a good worker,
21:51very loyal,
21:52and he learns fast.
21:53And I know that on more than one occasion
21:55he has made substitutions in saponification.
21:59I don't know, I don't finish seeing it.
22:00I'm sorry.
22:01Here, the crux of the matter
22:03is that the position of Braulio
22:04has to be occupied by a soap master.
22:06And Tassio is neither,
22:07nor has the necessary qualities
22:08to do so.
22:09Everything can be learned in this life.
22:11You are a position of responsibility.
22:13It can't be occupied by anyone
22:14for mere sympathy.
22:16And it is obvious that that boy
22:17likes it.
22:18That boy, as you say,
22:20has a crazy desire to prosper.
22:23And I'm sure
22:24that he would do with the position quickly.
22:26I see.
22:27And can I ask him
22:28how he came up with
22:29that he is the right man for the position?
22:31He has appointed himself.
22:33And I thought it was very good
22:34that he did it.
22:36He has shown
22:37great initiative.
22:38Well, I bet
22:39he will propose
22:40to replace you
22:41when he retires, right?
22:48I feel that I have to go through
22:50something so hard.
22:52It was harder
22:53to feel so distant
22:54without knowing why.
22:58I understand.
22:59I don't believe you.
23:00Yes, mother,
23:01I also know what it is to feel love
23:03and discover something unexpected
23:04from the person you love.
23:05You have no idea
23:06what I'm going through,
23:07so don't you dare
23:08compare yourself to me.
23:11I'm sorry.
23:12I didn't mean to.
23:14You can only see me
23:15as a mother.
23:17But besides mother,
23:18I'm a woman.
23:21I have the same feelings
23:22and the same needs
23:23as any woman.
23:26I want to feel loved,
23:31For God's sake.
23:32For God's sake.
23:35How could I be disrespected like this?
23:38How could I be deceived like this?
23:42If your father didn't want me,
23:44our intimacy
23:45had to be a real hell
23:46for him.
23:50And now I feel used.
23:53That's what he did.
23:56He used me as a cover
23:57so that no one could see
23:58what I really was.
24:00Don't say that.
24:02Father had to suffer
24:03the same thing.
24:04I know.
24:07He suffered
24:09while I tried
24:10to save our marriage
24:11like a fool every day.
24:15Forgiving his absences.
24:19Believing his excuses.
24:24I got used
24:25to not asking myself questions
24:27when I was in bed
24:28and he would turn his back on me.
24:31I got used
24:32to a relationship
24:35while he died
24:37in the arms
24:40of a man.
24:44A man, my God.
24:50No one can understand me, son.
24:53No one can understand
24:54what I feel.
24:55No one.
24:59No one.
25:05I admit it's unwise
25:06to put someone
25:07who has no idea.
25:09If Tassio wants to work
25:10in saponification,
25:11he should start as an apprentice.
25:13José Manuel, for example.
25:14José Manuel has been
25:15Braulio's right-hand man for years.
25:17He knows everything
25:18to get ahead.
25:21Can I ask you
25:22at least
25:23to reconsider it?
25:24I don't need to.
25:25My answer is no.
25:26He has no experience.
25:29When I made you
25:30the director of the company,
25:31you didn't have experience either.
25:35And none of you
25:36in your positions.
25:38Are you going to compare him
25:39to Andrés, for example?
25:40He's an engineer
25:41and he has experience
25:42in logistics,
25:43in the army,
25:44nothing less.
25:45Without forgetting
25:46a small detail.
25:47Andrés is a De La Reina.
25:48Tassio is a Don Nadia.
25:50It's not possible
25:51that any of you
25:52is capable
25:54of giving a young man
25:55an opportunity
25:56that all he wants
25:57is to prosper
25:58in life.
26:00We all want to prosper, Father.
26:02But it turns out
26:03that some of us
26:04have it harder than others.
26:05For various reasons.
26:15I suppose this is
26:17your last word.
26:28Are you going to eat a sandwich
26:29at this hour?
26:31No, no, it's for Julia.
26:32When she gets to the boarding school,
26:33it'll be past dinner time
26:34and she'll have something to eat
26:35on the way.
26:38Poor girl.
26:40Thank God that Ana and Salva
26:41showed up in the end.
26:43Although she didn't make it
26:44through the hell
26:45of Cain.
26:47I don't know.
26:48I don't know.
26:49I don't know.
26:50I don't know.
26:51I don't know.
26:52I don't know.
26:53I don't know.
26:54I don't know.
26:55I don't know.
26:56I don't know.
26:58I was very troubled.
27:01forgive me if my ways
27:02weren't the right ones.
27:03I just wanted to help.
27:05Forgive me.
27:07No, don't worry.
27:10But it surprised me
27:11that you were around
27:12to look for her in the car.
27:13I'm feeling much better,
27:14I've already told you.
27:17I'm glad,
27:18but your sudden recovery
27:19still surprises me.
27:23So much for thinking.
27:26No, I'm not insinuating anything.
27:29I like to make things clear.
27:31Well, let's see if it's true.
27:33And you tell me what I have to think about.
27:35Look, it doesn't matter, let's leave it.
27:37No, Maria, if you have something to tell me,
27:39now is the time.
27:41Very well, then.
27:44I think the only explanation for your sudden recovery
27:47is that you were never sick.
27:49Come on, admit it, Begoña.
27:52All that confusion,
27:53that way of losing the papers, so...
27:56I don't know, so fake.
27:58But, Maria, how can you think something like that about someone?
28:01Because I know you.
28:03And I know perfectly well how you are
28:05since I set foot in this house and I saw you with Andrés.
28:07Maria, what do you think?
28:09That I'm a fake person and without scruples I don't become one?
28:11Oh, no, of course.
28:13You are a sister of charity
28:15who has proposed to conquer Andrés
28:17despite being married to his brother.
28:18You are very wrong.
28:19I have never proposed anything to anyone.
28:21You are capable of anything
28:22when there's something between your eyebrows.
28:24Look, think whatever you want.
28:26You have no idea of anything.
28:27And I'm starting to get fed up
28:28that you question every step I take.
28:30Look, what happens is that it bothers you
28:32that you are the only person capable of seeing how you are.
28:34You are bad.
28:36And you don't care about seeing people suffer
28:37just to get away with yours.
28:40We even lost a child because of you.
28:52I'm sorry.
28:53With everything that happened to my niece,
28:54the day flew by and I couldn't get closer.
28:57Of course, don't worry.
28:59It's normal with what happened to the girl.
29:02How is she?
29:03Fine, I haven't seen her yet.
29:05But apparently she's just been a little hungry
29:06in her adventure and that's it.
29:08How's everything around here?
29:10Wonderful, as always.
29:11I'm sorry because we've sold almost everything.
29:14I just need to place the new auction.
29:16No, you'll do it tomorrow at three.
29:18Don't worry.
29:19I'm going to check the order.
29:20Make sure it's all there.
29:26Actually, I've already checked with Mrs. Marta.
29:29With the copy of the albaran we had here in the warehouse.
29:31All that's missing is a box of lavender soap.
29:34I'm going to make sure before claiming anything.
29:36Of course.
29:38It's not that you don't trust me.
29:39I always do it like this.
29:40No, no, no.
29:41Yes, it's logical and normal.
29:42I would do the same in your place.
29:44In fact, I wanted to talk to you about that.
29:48About what?
29:50About your work in the store and mine.
29:55As you know, I've learned a lot from you over the years.
30:00You see, what I...
30:02To the point, Carmen.
30:03Yes, it's true.
30:04I'm sorry.
30:05I want to save so I can buy a house.
30:07But I need more income.
30:09You know that the salaries are stipulated
30:11and cannot be modified.
30:12No, no, yes.
30:13I know that.
30:14What I meant was a promotion.
30:18I want you to know that if you need a store manager
30:22to coordinate the different points of sale,
30:25you can count on me.
30:28In case you need it.
30:35Are you done?
30:36Can I talk?
30:39Believe it or not,
30:40I've never wanted to hurt you.
30:43And I'm so sorry I lost that baby.
30:45But you're not the only one who suffers in this house.
30:47No, you suffer because you've noticed a man who doesn't belong to you.
30:51Maria, stop it.
30:52You have no idea what I'm going through.
30:54No, of course not.
30:56Look how unfortunate you are, having everything within your reach.
31:00You know what?
31:01You're right.
31:02I have everything to prevent people like you
31:04from hurting me unnecessarily.
31:06I know this is the last time I give you a moment.
31:08You're ungrateful.
31:10Forget about me for the money I bring you.
31:12I'm sure you have much more important things
31:14to do, that you're aware of what I do or stop doing.
31:16What do you mean by the money you bring me?
31:18You're the one who's ruining your own misfortune.
31:22And now, if you'll excuse me,
31:23I'm going to spend time with my daughter,
31:25which is what I should do,
31:26instead of being here listening to nonsense.
31:35And what made you think I could be missing?
31:38Maybe it could have been a fine comment.
31:41No, no, Mrs. Marta, don't get the wrong idea.
31:43I beg you.
31:45All she's told me
31:48is that I offered her a job in Barcelona
31:51and that she's not going alone.
31:54But I can assure you
31:55that not a word came out of my mouth, Mrs. Marta.
31:59And well, I was going to tell you this before.
32:04Yes, I admit it.
32:06Besides, if you haven't lost your tongue so far,
32:09I know you'll never do it.
32:11Of course not.
32:12Let me finish.
32:14It's important that you know
32:15that the decision I'm going to make
32:17is not based on any of that,
32:20but on your worth, Carmen.
32:27So the answer is yes.
32:29The position of manager is yours.
32:34Are you serious?
32:37It's true that I'm going to Barcelona.
32:43And this store is going to need someone capable.
32:46Capable of carrying it with the same zeal with which I carry it.
32:49I don't know, I'm sorry I got ahead of...
32:53You've always been very honest and very sincere.
32:56And it's something I admire about you.
32:59And your discretion too.
33:01Well, that's thanks to my mother,
33:02who instilled it in me since I was little.
33:04She also instilled in you to be such a good friend.
33:06Because since then you've been like a paraffin sister.
33:08Yes, a paraffin sister.
33:10And I'm very grateful that you've always been by her side.
33:14She's a beautiful person.
33:17And she deserves everything good that happens to her.
33:20And I'm nobody to meddle in other people's lives.
33:23Well, that honors you.
33:26And I'm very clear that you're the best person
33:29I could ask for my stores.
33:31In the end, Mrs. Marta is going to make me look good.
33:33Well, get used to it.
33:34I'm not going to get tired of telling you.
33:36I'll show you what I need myself
33:38to put you in front of the store.
33:48Mrs. Marta is not going to check the order?
33:52You've already done it.
33:57See you tomorrow, Carmen.
34:07This is for you.
34:09So you can start making your own drawings.
34:12And when you come back, I want you to show them to everyone.
34:15I promise.
34:17Look here.
34:20Julia, honey, I think your grandfather also has something for you.
34:27This was Grandma Catalina's favorite brooch.
34:31I was going to give it to you when you were older.
34:34But I'd rather not wait.
34:38Thank you, Grandpa. It's beautiful.
34:41You are beautiful.
34:47I thought I wouldn't make it in time.
34:48I know.
34:53Your uncle Jaime can't come, but he sends you a kiss.
34:56And I'd give you a million.
34:58Because you're the light of this house.
35:00I'm going to get a little sad when you leave.
35:02Besides, I'm going to lose my best advisor.
35:05He only gave you a piece of advice, and it was only once.
35:08With the lipstick in the chest, which was your idea.
35:11Well, but even so, I think part of the success of that chest has to do with you.
35:16That's why I brought you one, so you can take it and remember me.
35:19And play with your new friends.
35:21You're going to have a lot.
35:22And you're going to be fine.
35:25Thank you, Uncle.
35:32I wanted to tell you thank you very much for everything you've helped me when I needed it.
35:39Thank you for being so charming to me.
35:43I'm going to miss you a lot, butterfly. Come here.
35:53Ignacio, don't be sad, please.
35:55No, my love. No.
35:57I'll come to see you when I can.
35:59Of course.
36:01But this house won't be the same without you.
36:03You know, don't stop being good and very generous with everyone.
36:07Like your grandmother was.
36:10Come on, daughter. We have to go.
36:21Can I call you on the phone?
36:24Of course, my love. Whenever you want.
36:26And I'm going to write you letters every week.
36:30I don't want to be apart from you, Mom.
36:43I'm going to be here, yes.
36:45Come on, daughter. We're going to be late.
36:47But if you're going to sleep in Sigüenza, what else do you care?
36:52Are you sleeping outside today?
36:54Yes, I'll stay in a hotel.
36:55You know I don't like driving at night.
36:57Let's go.
37:04Goodbye, my love.
37:15What a rich creature.
37:17I'm sorry he's leaving.
37:18I'm sorry.
37:27Are you coming with me to the terrace to get some fresh air?
37:40Did you dare to ask Mr. Damián for a promotion?
37:44Well, you've earned his trust.
37:46You know what you've done for me, Gaspar.
37:48Well, man.
37:50It was again.
37:51What position did you ask for?
37:54Let's finish.
37:56Soap master, no more, no less.
37:58Well, that position for José Manuel, man.
38:00He's been the second on board for a long time.
38:02It would have been very unfair for them to give it to you.
38:05Well, look, Mr. Damián didn't think it was so unfair.
38:07Well, that's what surprises me.
38:08Besides, you knew.
38:10That he would even consider giving you the position.
38:12There are many more people better prepared than you.
38:14Look, anyway, not a word about this to Carmen.
38:17I don't want to hurt her feelings.
38:20Oh, Tassio.
38:21But hey.
38:23Long live love, yes sir.
38:25Well, what do you want, Carmencita?
38:28A bottle of cider.
38:29We have a lot to celebrate.
38:30But what do we have to celebrate?
38:32You bring the bottle, I'll tell you now.
38:33I'm going, I'm going, I'm going.
38:38What's so important that we have to celebrate?
38:40Hold on.
38:41Hold me, yes.
38:42I'm the new store manager at the company.
38:48Well, I've talked to Mrs. Marta and she said yes.
38:51That the position is mine, that they promote me.
38:56Tell me something.
38:58Sorry, you've left me speechless, Carmen.
39:03The only thing I don't understand very well is that ...
39:05How is it possible that Mrs. Marta has given you her position
39:08with what that woman is with her things?
39:10Well, Mrs. Marta has to be absent for a while.
39:14I see, I see.
39:15And there is no one who has to accept your promotion or something like that?
39:19No, no, of course not.
39:20But it is Mrs. Marta who always makes these decisions in the store.
39:22I already told you that she is not going to have any problems.
39:25I hope so.
39:41Still around here.
39:42I thought you were already at home.
39:44I wanted to leave Julia's room ready
39:47so that when she comes back, it's ready.
39:49Well, actually, what I wanted is
39:52to keep something of yours to keep it closer.
39:55Well, I'm very glad you haven't left yet.
39:58Because tomorrow, I don't know if you'll come back or if you still have the idea of ​​leaving the house.
40:02I'm just asking you one thing.
40:05Think about it, rethink it.
40:07Nothing would make me happier than seeing you every day.
40:11Yes, I have thought about it.
40:14And I'm not leaving this house.
40:17I have lived too many things here.
40:21But not all have been bad.
40:25And I think that if I leave,
40:28I will feel further away from her.
40:30You don't know how much it relieves me to hear that.
40:36what I do tell you is
40:38that you are not going to ask me to forgive your son
40:41because I'm not going to do it.
40:43You'll see, Jesus.
40:46I understand. I understand it perfectly.
40:51How the girl is loved, right?
40:55She is loved.
40:58But don't worry.
40:59Soon we will have her running around here again,
41:01filling every corner of this house with joy.
41:03You'll see.
41:06But is something else happening to you?
41:13Today I have had one of the worst days of my life.
41:28May I come in?
41:47How are you?
41:49How am I going to be?
41:52Yes, we are going to miss her a lot.
41:54You can't imagine how much.
41:57How can I help you?
42:00I've been following Valentina's trail through a friend I have in Brazil.
42:03I asked him to go to Manaus to investigate.
42:07Manaus was where Valentina supposedly died.
42:10Well, according to the death certificate my aunt received.
42:13But my friend has investigated and found that there is no buried marine relative there.
42:19There is no evidence that he has been living there and never.
42:22But, Andres, how long have you been investigating this? Why haven't you told me anything?
42:25Begoña, you were very bad when I saw the opportunity to pull the thread.
42:29So you think the death certificate could be false?
42:33As false as the letter my aunt received from Valentin, blaming herself for Clotilde's death.
42:40Begoña, do you think my brother Jesus killed them both?
42:51I knew it.
42:54The day you went down to the beach and said that.
42:58What happened to Clotilde and Valentin, was it true?
43:04Begoña, since when do you know?
43:07Look, Andres, forget it.
43:10Forget it because if your father or your brother finds out about all this ...
43:13My father? What does he have to do with ...?
43:18Begoña, please.
43:19I'm going to keep pulling the thread anyway.
43:22And if you tell me what you know, it would help me a lot, please.
43:32I was looking forward to talking to you to apologize for what Jesus has done with those lands that you wanted to buy.
43:40No, it doesn't matter.
43:42It's not your fault that you had such a twisted child.
43:47And I don't care about those lands anymore.
43:52If I tell you the truth, I don't care about the lands or that project.
43:56Why do you say that? What happened to you?
44:02I have discovered something about Gervasio that has broken my heart.
44:12Not even in my worst nightmares could I have dreamed that he could deceive me.
44:20And I have been deceived like a fool for years.
44:23I'm so ashamed that ... that I can't say it.
44:35What do you mean?
44:39He was not what I believed.
44:48He deceived me.
44:52He fell in love with someone else.
44:56How was he going to love me like I needed him?
45:02Now I'm very angry and very hurt and I don't know if I can ever forgive him.
45:09I feel that Gervasio has failed you.
45:13A woman like you deserves to know what love is in capital letters.
45:17You have it all to raise passions wherever you go.
45:22I always trusted our relationship.
45:27I would have put my hand on the fire for his loyalty.
45:31And now I don't know what marriage I lived in.
45:35I don't know.
45:46I appreciate everything you have made me feel.
45:52And more than I would do if you left me.
46:13The Civil War, you know?
46:15Did you read the version of the facts that Jesus told them? And your father?
46:20My father?
46:22Yes, Andres. He was the one who eliminated all the evidence they found in the lesban.
46:26In the safe was the money and the bonuses that Valentín had supposedly robbed his family.
46:32There was also a gun and even a ring with his initials.
46:37But how is it possible that my father has gone so far?
46:41Your father threatened me not to tell him what he knew.
46:43What did he know?
46:45First ...
46:47First he told me that he would send my mother to the worst asylum he could find.
46:51Did he do that?
46:53And then he threatened to report me to adultery.
46:56He saw us.
46:59Yes, he threatened me with the same thing.
47:02He tried to go to the Civil Guard to report my brother for shooting you.
47:07What a family horror.
47:10Begoña, I'm very sorry you went through this alone.
47:13You should have asked me for help.
47:15I couldn't. I couldn't, Andres. And even less after you lost the baby.
47:19I had to respect your mourning and ...
47:22I know you still suffer.
47:24Of course I suffer, but ...
47:25But nothing.
47:27There is little we can do.
47:29We have no proof.
47:31No, there is the most important proof.
47:34And I'm not going to stop until I find it.
47:36Valentín's corpse.
47:39It has to be buried somewhere.
47:42And I'm not going to stop until I find it.
47:44And Jesus will pay for what he did and what he is doing to you.
47:48Begoña, we will find it together.
47:51And your dream of freedom will come true.
