Barney & Friends - What's in a Name (1998)

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Season 5 (1998-1999)

Plot: Linda is learning the alphabet with a little help from Barney, her friends, and her big brother, Chip. Chip sets out to help Linda learn the letters in her name while Barney and the kids discover other fun ways to learn the letters of the alphabet. With a little Barney magic, the kids even create their own game show.

Songs: Barney Theme Song
Alphabet Song
I Am Learning to Spell My Name
My Kite
The Alphabet Parade
The N Game
I Put a Smile On
I Love to Read
I Love You


00:00Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination And when he's tall he's what we call a dinosaur sensation
00:18Barney comes to play with us whenever we may need him
00:22Barney can be your friend too if you just make believe him
00:31Hello class
00:33Hello teacher
00:34Today we're going to learn the letters of the alphabet
00:37Now, as I point to a letter, you tell me its name
00:41That's an A
00:43You're right Linda, A is for Apple
00:46And that's a B, B is for Barney
00:51Very good, Barney
00:55Oh, I know that
00:59That's a C, C is for Cookie
01:02Very good class
01:04Now, I know another fun way to learn the ABC's
01:07Just listen and sing with me
01:10A B C D E F G
01:17H I J K L M N O P
01:25Q R S T U V
01:32W X Y and Z
01:40Now I know my ABC's
01:44Next time won't you sing with me
01:48Hello, hi Dee Dee, my babe
01:52Oh, thanks Hannah, hello Linda
01:54Okay, is everybody ready?
01:56Yep, we're ready
01:57Okay, here we go
01:59A B C D E F G
02:03H I J K L M N O P
02:07Q R S T U V
02:10W X Y and Z
02:14Now I know my ABC's
02:18Tell me what you think of me
02:22Oh, I think you really know the letters of the alphabet
02:29Thanks Barney
02:32Oh, hi guys
02:33Oh, yeah
02:35Hey, it looks like you've been having a ball
02:37We sure have
02:39Stephen was helping us get ready for our baseball game later this afternoon
02:43Oh, that sounds like fun
02:45Say, I really like those uniforms
02:47Oh, thanks Barney
02:49So, what have you guys been doing?
02:51We've been playing school and learning the letters of the alphabet
02:54I know lots of letters now Chip
02:57That's great! Maybe now you're ready to try learning the letters in your name
03:01Do you think so?
03:02Well, I think you might give it a try
03:04You know how I learned the first letter of my name?
03:08Well, I would just think of one of my favorite toys like this
03:12Car and Curtis both begin with C
03:15Let's all try to find things that start with the first letter of our name
03:19That'll be a fun way to help you learn the first letter of your name Linda
03:22It's a great idea! Let's get started!
03:31Look, I found this hat
03:33Hat and Hannah both start with the letter H
03:38How about this starfish?
03:40Starfish and Stephen both start with the letter S
03:46And Basket and Barney start with B
03:52And here's a leaf
03:54Leaf and...
03:57Linda start with L
04:00Good job Linda, you were right!
04:02And see, you've already learned the first letter in your name
04:07I'm learning to spell my name
04:10Each and every letter
04:13It's almost like a game
04:16And each day you get better
04:19I'm learning to spell my name
04:25A birthday card came in the mail
04:28I knew it was for me
04:31Cause on the front was my own name
04:34As I could clearly see
04:37I'm learning to spell my name
04:41Each and every letter
04:44It's almost like a game
04:47And each day you get better
04:50I'm learning to spell my name
04:56I drew a picture for my mom
04:59She put it in a frame
05:02Everybody knows it's mine
05:05Because I signed my name
05:08I'm learning to spell my name
05:11Each and every letter
05:14It's almost like a game
05:17And each day you get better
05:20I'm learning to spell my name
05:29Now you know the first letter of your name
05:32Good job Linda!
05:34Thanks Barney!
05:35Would you like me to stay here and help you learn the rest of the letters of your name?
05:39But don't forget about our baseball game this afternoon Chip!
05:42I won't Curtis!
05:43See you later guys!
05:45Let's get started okay?
05:53I know something else we can do with letters
05:55What's that?
05:56Well, we can make some letters and then have Barney guess which letters we've made
06:00I'm a good guesser!
06:02Sounds like fun!
06:03Okay, here's what we do
06:09Okay, are you ready Barney?
06:11I'm ready!
06:12Make a letter!
06:14Okay, let's see
06:16Straight line up and down and a crooked line
06:18That's a K!
06:19You're right Barney!
06:20How about another one?
06:23Just one straight line
06:25I'd say that's an A!
06:27You're right again Barney!
06:28Here's the next one
06:31Let's see if I can guess
06:32A straight line up and down and one across
06:34That's a T!
06:36That's terrific Barney!
06:39Now here's the last letter
06:41You're right
06:42Let's see now
06:44That's an E!
06:46You're right Barney!
06:48That's great!
06:49And when you put those letters together
06:51They spell the word KITE!
07:00Flying so high with its tail in the breeze
07:05Up in the air with the greatest of ease
07:09Flipping and dipping with colors so bright
07:13I love to fly my kite!
07:17Whirling, twirling high in the air
07:21Whirling, twirling floating up there
07:25At the end of the string it's a wonderful ding
07:29I love to fly my kite!
07:36Look at it flutter and dance all around
07:40Hear the wind blowing it high off the ground
07:44Feel the string tugging but just hold on tight
07:48And you can fly a kite!
07:53Whirling, twirling high in the air
07:57Whirling, twirling floating up there
08:01At the end of the string it's a wonderful ding
08:05I love to fly my kite!
08:14Hey, hey, hey Miss Anna!
08:16I'm flying my kite!
08:17Well that's quite a kite Scooter!
08:20And you better hold on tight!
08:22Well, I've got a hold of it Miss Anna!
08:25Oh my, it's getting pretty breezy!
08:28Whoa, whoa, it's okay Miss Anna!
08:31I got it, I got it!
08:33Oh dear, hold on Sugar!
08:38I never knew he was a flying squirrel!
08:44That's right, B-E-S-T spells best!
08:48Okay Hannah, let's try another word!
08:51Now spell tree!
08:53Tree, T-R-E-E, tree!
08:56You're right, very good!
08:58Thanks for helping me with the spelling bee Barney!
09:00You're welcome!
09:01What's a spelling bee?
09:03Well, it's a game to see who can spell the most words!
09:06I think I still need some practice before I can be the spelling bee!
09:10Well, I know a great way to practice letters!
09:13How about a parade?
09:15A parade?
09:16Sure, an alphabet parade!
09:27With the alphabet parade, you can see how words are made!
09:31Watch the letters marching in a row, march, march!
09:35Every letter has its place, and a very happy face!
09:39They spell the words we know!
09:42Watch the letters going by, you can wave hello, goodbye!
09:46Every letter is important, yes indeed!
09:50Oh, the alphabet parade shows us how our words are made,
09:54and helps us learn to read!
10:12W-X-Y-Z, hooray!
10:15With the alphabet parade, you can see how words are made!
10:19Watch the letters marching in a row, march, march!
10:23Every letter has its place, and a very happy face!
10:27They spell the words we know!
10:30Watch the letters going by, you can wave hello, goodbye!
10:34Hug your learning ABC!
10:38Oh, the alphabet parade shows us how our words are made,
10:42and helps us learn to read!
10:45Look! D-O-G spells dog!
10:49That's right!
10:50And C-A-T spells cat!
10:53You're right too, Hannah! Very good!
10:57Oh, the alphabet parade shows us how our words are made,
11:01and helps us learn to read!
11:05It helps us learn to read!
11:09Oh, the alphabet parade!
11:13How's it going?
11:15Pretty good so far.
11:16Look, Barney, here are the first two letters in my name.
11:20L and I.
11:23Very good, Linda!
11:25See, I drew a leaf for the letter L,
11:29and an ice cream cone for the letter I.
11:32They help me remember L and I.
11:35Do you know what letter is next?
11:37We were just getting to that one.
11:39It's N.
11:40But how can I remember N?
11:43I know! Let's play the N game!
11:46Come on! Come, Franklin!
11:53Can you think of a word that starts with an N
11:56that rhymes with the word I say?
11:58If you know a few words beginning with N
12:01then I think we're ready to play.
12:03Here goes!
12:14I think you've got the idea now.
12:17Let's do it again.
12:18Can you think of other words that start with N
12:21that rhyme with the word I say?
12:23If you know some more words beginning with N
12:26then let's continue to play.
12:28Here we go! Now game!
12:39That's it!
12:40See, I knew you could play this game.
12:44Well, that was fun and you sure named a lot of words
12:47that begin with N.
12:49If we're ever just looking for something to do
12:51we should play this game again.
12:53Last time now.
13:05We're all done.
13:08That was fun.
13:09Now I'll remember N.
13:12Thanks Barney.
13:14No problem.
13:18We've got two more letters to learn Linda.
13:20We'd better get back to work.
13:22See you later guys.
13:23Okay, have a good day.
13:24See you later.
13:29Hey, Miss Anna.
13:30Can you think of a word that begins with N
13:33that rhymes with the word I say?
13:35Well, give me a word sugar.
13:37I'm ready to play.
13:39Okay, here's a word.
13:43My, oh my.
13:45Whatever could it be?
13:47Could it be nut?
13:51Right Miss Anna, you're right.
13:54Imagine that.
13:57Oh, look.
14:01It spells hat.
14:02You're right, Anna.
14:03Okay, it's your turn.
14:07How about this?
14:11You're right, Stephen.
14:13Hi there.
14:14How's it going?
14:16We've been putting letters together to make words.
14:18Oh, I see.
14:20May I try?
14:21Go ahead.
14:22So, do we have a G?
14:25Oh, here it is.
14:28Now, how about an A?
14:30I've got the A right here, Barney.
14:32Thank you, Stephen.
14:33Now, who can find the M?
14:37Here's the M, Barney.
14:39Great, Anna.
14:40And all we need now is an E.
14:43Oh, I found the E.
14:46Good job, Curtis.
14:48Now, put it next to the M.
14:51Oh, G-A-M-E.
14:56It spells game.
14:57That's right.
14:58And I know a game we can all play together.
15:06Now, boys and girls, it's time to play your favorite letter game.
15:11Name that letter.
15:13Now, let's meet your host.
15:15Here's Barney.
15:21Thank you, everybody.
15:22Thank you so much.
15:23Great to see you.
15:25And welcome to Name That Letter.
15:29The game that lets you, well, name that letter.
15:35Is everybody ready to play?
15:38Well, just give the wheel a spin.
15:43Round and round it goes.
15:46Where it stops, nobody knows.
15:50Now, name that letter.
15:55That's the letter S.
15:56School structure's S.
15:58You're right.
15:59Show me an S.
16:05Logan, the wheel goes round and round.
16:09Which letter will be found?
16:13That's the letter M.
16:15The word milk starts with M.
16:17All right, Hannah.
16:18Light up the M.
16:21It's a big red.
16:26Spinning, spinning like a top.
16:28Where, oh, where will it stop?
16:34That's an I.
16:35I is for ice cream.
16:36That's right, Curtis.
16:38How about an I?
16:41An I.
16:47Watch the wheel spin and spin.
16:50Round and round once again.
16:56I know that one.
16:57It's the letter L.
16:58Lemon starts with L.
17:00You're right, Steven.
17:01Light up the L.
17:05That's it.
17:07So, I'll give the wheel one last turn.
17:11Now, which letter will we learn?
17:19That's the letter E.
17:20E is for egg.
17:21You're exactly right, Hannah.
17:23Let's light up that E.
17:28Now, look at the letters all in a row.
17:31And you'll find a word that you might know.
17:34Just put the letters S-M-I-L-E together
17:38and you make the word...
17:43You're right!
17:45And I always smile when I'm with you.
17:52Thank you, everybody.
17:54I'll smile when I'm with you.
17:56Only in the morning when I get dressed
18:00because I always want to look my best.
18:03The first thing I do so everyone will see
18:07is put a great big smile on me.
18:11I put a smile on.
18:13A smile on my face.
18:15I put a smile on.
18:17I'm here at every place.
18:18I put a smile on.
18:20And soon I see
18:22the whole world smiling back at me.
18:26That's right, contestants.
18:29A smile is pretty.
18:30A smile is free.
18:32A smile is a gift to you from me.
18:35A smile is a present in a special way
18:39because you still get to keep it when you give it away.
18:44I put a smile on.
18:46A smile on my face.
18:47I put a smile on.
18:49I'm here at every place.
18:51I put a smile on.
18:53And soon I see
18:54the whole world smiling back at me.
18:58The whole world smiling back at me.
19:18You know Barney,
19:19there's something I like to do that always makes me smile.
19:22What's that, Hannah?
19:23I like to read a good story.
19:25Reading is one of my favorite things to do, too.
19:28I like to look at books with pictures the best.
19:31So do I.
19:32And you know, looking at the pictures and the letters in a book
19:35is a good way to practice writing.
19:38Looking at the pictures, looking at the words,
19:42I love to read.
19:44A brand new story or one I've heard,
19:48I love to read.
19:50Reading a book or a magazine
19:53that I've never read before.
19:56I find out what I want to know.
20:00And then I read some more.
20:02Looking at the pictures, looking at the words,
20:06I love to read.
20:08A brand new story or one I've heard,
20:12I love to read.
20:14Reading the signs along the road
20:17to see what they have to say.
20:20Or reading the back of a cereal box.
20:23Hey, I could read all day.
20:26Looking at the pictures, looking at the words,
20:30I love to read.
20:32A brand new story or one I've heard,
20:36I love to read.
20:37I love to read.
20:39I love to read.
20:40I love to read.
20:42I love to read.
20:43I love to read.
20:45I love, I love to read.
20:51Oh, I'll get it.
20:54Oh, I'll get it.
20:56I don't know who that is.
21:00Oh, hi Chip.
21:02Okay, we'll be right down.
21:05Come on guys, Linda wants to show us something.
21:08Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go.
21:15That dog looks like our dog.
21:17Hi Chip.
21:18Hi Chip.
21:19Hey guys.
21:20Hi guys.
21:21Look what I made.
21:22Look at that.
21:24Okay, tell them what it says.
21:26It says L-I-N-D-A.
21:34That's cute.
21:35You've really learned the letters in your name.
21:38Look Barney, this is how I remembered the letters.
21:42L is for leaf.
21:45I is for ice cream.
21:48N is for nest.
21:51D is for dog.
21:53And A is for apple.
21:55That spells Linda.
21:57That's me.
21:58Well, that's a very special way to spell your very special name.
22:03Thank you Barney.
22:06And thanks Chip for helping me today.
22:10Hey, what are big brothers for?
22:15Barney, what are you writing?
22:17Well, just a few of my favorite letters.
22:20Can we see which ones you like best?
22:28These are my favorite letters because when you put them together they say I love you.
22:38I love you.
22:41You love me.
22:43We're a happy family.
22:48With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
22:53Won't you say you love me too?
23:04I love you.
23:06You love me.
23:08We're best friends like friends should be.
23:12With a great big hug and a kiss from me to you.
23:17Won't you say you love me too?
23:27Thanks for a really great day Barney.
23:30You're welcome.
23:31It's always a great day when I spend it with my friends.
23:35Come on Chip.
23:37I want to show Mom how I can spell my name.
23:41Yeah, we better go.
23:42We have just enough time for you to get home and for me to get to the baseball game.
23:45Bye guys.
23:47See you later.
23:48I better get going too.
23:49See you later Barney.
23:52See you later.
23:54Thanks Barney.
24:10Hey everybody.
24:11It's time for Barney Says.
24:22Hello again to all my friends.
24:25I'm glad you came to play.
24:27Our fun and learning never end.
24:29Here's what we did today.
24:32We had lots of fun playing school and learning the letters of the alphabet.
24:37Linda learned the letters in her name.
24:39I liked guessing the letters that Curtis and Stephen made.
24:42And when you put letters together, they can make all kinds of words.
24:46Learning the letters of the alphabet can really put a smile on your face.
24:50And learning the letters is the first step in learning to read.
24:54Just love to read.
24:56And remember, I love you.
