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00:00Oh, no.
00:03You guys, follow me.
00:05Oh, my god, this is going to be awesome.
00:08Oh, my goodness.
00:11Ladies and gentlemen, just stop eating for 30 seconds, please.
00:15I didn't know.
00:17Greg, Pamela, please come over.
00:19I mean, sat there for the last 60 minutes.
00:21That was me.
00:23Quick question, who's in charge?
00:26I am.
00:27You'd never have thought so, sat there.
00:29I felt like the dogs were more in charge than the owners.
00:32You know, this food wasn't even at a diner's level.
00:37And then the servers are petting the dogs.
00:40Everybody else find hair in the food?
00:43You found some hair?
00:44Human hair or dog's hair?
00:46It was dog's hair.
00:46Oh, I had both.
00:48Pamela, do you feel there's a structure here?
00:50I guess apparently not.
00:53I'm shocked.
00:54All of you, put the knife and forks down.
00:58Follow me.
01:00Dogs, on the leash, please.
01:08Look at this.
01:09Come around.
01:10Come on, guys.
01:11Hell on wheels.
01:13Is this a mobile kitchen?
01:14This is the heartbeat of my operation.
01:17This is hell on wheels.
01:20To all employees at Fetch Bistro,
01:23there's something you should know.
01:25My team have been inside that restaurant
01:28secretly recording you.
01:29Oh, shit.
01:31And what they found was pretty shocking.
01:36I want all of you now to take a very close look.
01:39Watch carefully.
01:42I don't want to see that.
01:44I love dogs.
01:45I don't believe a dog should be in the kitchen.
01:47Chuck, out of the kitchen.
01:49It just worries me, because if they start to fight,
01:51somebody is going to get hurt.
01:52We just have to, I think, be more careful.
01:55Oh, how'd it go?
01:57Good job.
01:58I was wondering why there's a leaf in it.
02:00Bay leaf.
02:01It's flavored, Greg.
02:03No, he's never done that before.
02:04Well, we don't have a recipe to follow.
02:08Greg, do we have any more hamburger buns?
02:10I don't think so.
02:11Well, we're out.
02:12Are we out of, like, Italian dressing?
02:14They don't have any olive oil?
02:16I don't know, dude.
02:18This bacon is done, done, done.
02:21Oh, my god.
02:22Oh, my god.
02:27Didn't know how messing up things was.
02:34First of all, I don't find anything funny here.
02:36What's the big giggles?
02:37Laughing instead of crying, because that
02:39wasn't good at all.
02:41I love the idea of a restaurant with puppies.
02:43I think that's exciting.
02:44But the footage I saw kind of makes me want
02:46to go home and brush my teeth.
02:48I don't know.
02:49It's gross.
02:50Who's the head chef?
02:51Put the hand up.
02:52We don't have one.
02:54Kitchen manager.
02:56Are you in charge of the kitchen?
02:57Greg did appoint me in charge, yes.
03:00So who is your head chef?
03:02I don't have one.
03:03I've never seen such a disorganized, chaotic mess
03:06in all my life, honestly.
03:08Do you feel you know how to run a restaurant?
03:11Not after looking at that.
03:13What's become evident is that you haven't got a structure
03:18on how to run a business.
03:20Now, I'm here to help.
03:22But more importantly, are you guys committed?
03:27I haven't got three weeks, three months.
03:30I've got 24 hours.
03:33Because if we can't come together
03:35to make this concept work in 24 hours,
03:38trust me, this restaurant doesn't stand a chance.
03:41And that 24 hours starts right now.
03:52Oh, my god.
03:53You're Steve, right?
03:54I am, please.
03:55Is it?
03:56Is that the guy?
03:58You good?
03:59There's Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen.
04:01We've got Gordon Ramsay in our kitchen.
04:03Shut down the kitchen.
04:04Turn everything off.
04:05I need you in the dining room.
04:07Ladies and gentlemen, I'm so sorry to interrupt.
04:09Could you just stop eating for 30 seconds, please?
04:11I cannot believe this man is here in my restaurant.
04:16I've just sat there for the last hour with my guests.
04:21I am shocked at what I've just experienced.
04:24Dull, bland, embarrassing.
04:27You can't both be in denial.
04:29Does this restaurant need help?
04:31Yes, sir.
04:33Steve, that food was atrocious.
04:38I didn't think it was atrocious.
04:40You didn't think it was atrocious?
04:41No, sir.
04:42And you've got no idea how appalling that kitchen is?
04:45No, sir, I didn't.
04:46Do I need to take what little guests you've got left
04:48in here and show them?
04:51You want me to?
04:52Ladies and gentlemen, follow me, please.
04:54Let's go.
04:55Oh, my god.
04:57Come in, come in.
04:59So under here is where your food goes.
05:03I don't understand what they're saying.
05:06That's a hot plate covered in shit.
05:09Oh, my god.
05:10When was the last time it was cleaned?
05:12I don't have an answer.
05:13I don't know.
05:13You've been here 32 years.
05:15You can't tell me the last time that was cleaned.
05:17I'm done with excuses.
05:18Everyone, follow me, please.
05:19I want to show you something.
05:24Right, come on down.
05:27This is Helen Wills, the heartbeat of my operation.
05:32I'm here to help.
05:33Let's get that right.
05:34But there's something you should know.
05:37Without any of you knowing this, I sent in my culinary team
05:41to secretly record the restaurant for weeks.
05:44And I can't believe what people get up to when they don't know
05:48they're being filmed.
05:50I don't want to see.
05:51I am shocked.
05:54Watch carefully.
05:56So he wants to take these off.
05:58He doesn't want to eat them.
05:59Please put them in a bag for my dog.
06:02People just wasting Nicole's ranch as if it's free.
06:06Who has the chair?
06:06I do.
06:07I'm waiting on the coffee chair.
06:08Yes, they said they've been here forever.
06:11Is there a difference between loin back ribs
06:14and baby back ribs?
06:17Steve, you full of bullshit.
06:19You know that.
06:27Oh my god, really?
06:29Oh my god.
06:34Oh my god.
06:36This can't be real.
06:37Oh, we're going to die.
06:39These folks are going to leave out here and don't
06:40never come back.
06:42Oh my god.
06:47Oh my god.
06:50Oh no!
06:51Oh my god.
06:54Oh god, it looks so much worse on camera.
06:57I'm lost for words.
06:59Sherman's truly need a shock to the system.
07:01Now I am going to help to turn this business around in 24
07:06hours, because if you and your staff
07:08don't have the drive or the passion to change in 24 hours,
07:12then you never will.
07:14And that 24 hours starts right now.
07:28Excuse me, can I see the owners, please?
07:29Of course.
07:30Do you want to go to the owner?
07:31This is?
07:32Patrick, how are you?
07:33Nice to meet you.
07:35Is mom and Fred.
07:38Can you get them for me, please?
07:40Is Fred back here?
07:41Hey, Fred.
07:43Gordon Ramsey is here.
07:44Gordon Ramsey is here?
07:45Yeah, he wants you out there.
07:47Gabby, come on.
07:49Gordon Ramsey, how are you?
07:50What's up, man? How are you?
07:51Fred Hahn, nice to meet you.
07:52Likewise, good to see you, too.
07:53Can you send that back, please?
07:54Gordon Ramsey.
07:58Alice, nice to see you.
07:59You well?
07:59Let's just get one thing clear.
08:02I've just been sat out there for the last hour,
08:03eating some of the worst food I've ever
08:05tasted in my entire career.
08:10How's business been, generally?
08:13Why do you think business is bad?
08:16It's not a lot of customers.
08:17Every other business, this afternoon,
08:20and has been for the last three hours, have been packed.
08:23Why do people come here?
08:26Should I tell you?
08:27Because they can't get in anywhere else.
08:29Yeah, this is not Patrick Malloy's.
08:31This is the last resort.
08:34I'm pretty pissed.
08:35I thought it was good.
08:36You get most feedback of pretty positive.
08:39Oh, fucking hell.
08:41I've got some bad news for all four of you.
08:44Excuse me two seconds.
08:45Ladies and gentlemen, stop eating.
08:50Forks down.
08:53Everybody, the restaurant is closed.
09:00All of you, follow me outside, right now.
09:05Let's go.
09:11Let me introduce you to Hell on Wheels,
09:15the heart of my command center.
09:17And more importantly, every individual behind there
09:20are serious experts.
09:22Over the last few weeks, your restaurant
09:25has been under surveillance.
09:27I want you all to have a look.
09:29I am horrified.
09:31It's fucking embarrassing.
09:35It's New York.
09:36I know.
09:39These tables are so sticky.
09:41It's disgusting.
09:44Kissing in the middle of service.
09:47You've got the owner, the son, that doesn't come around
09:50that much.
09:51It's here every day, fucking hell.
09:53You want to be the top dog?
09:54I don't care about that, though.
09:56Actually, you do.
09:57Oh, my god.
09:58I want to be out of here seven fucking years ago,
10:01and I can't get out of here.
10:02That's fucking honest.
10:03I want to.
10:03That's really good.
10:04I'm not even going to lie to you.
10:06We need someone to stand up and say, I run this fucking place.
10:08You've got to do that, and you don't do that.
10:12Ew, this is gross.
10:15Jesus Christ almighty.
10:21Oh, my god.
10:24I cannot believe we just ate there.
10:27I mean, it's just disappointing,
10:29because you expect people to be up to code, and probably not.
10:32It's going to take a big turnaround
10:34for me to come back here.
10:37Raw chicken with cooked food.
10:42That's inacceptable.
10:43Excuse me?
10:44That's inacceptable.
10:45You're right.
10:46We're doing wrong.
10:49You go to the gym, and you walk in your restaurant
10:52half fucking naked.
10:54You know, it's just something that you're used to doing,
10:56and it's just bad habits.
10:59You're running a business.
11:00It's not a catwalk.
11:02I didn't know how unprofessional I
11:06looked until I saw it on the big screen.
11:09It's pretty embarrassing.
11:11We've got 24 hours to turn this business around.
11:18It's Chef Ramsay.
11:20Holy Jesus Christ, no.
11:23Clive, good evening.
11:24Can you get the kitchen staff out of there, please?
11:26It's Chef Ramsay.
11:28Ladies and gentlemen, I just need
11:2930 seconds of your time, please.
11:32Yeah, Chef Ramsay here, bro.
11:34Good evening, Chef.
11:35I wish it was a good evening.
11:36Let's say evening rather than good.
11:40You're yawning.
11:41You're yawning.
11:46Clive, I've been sat there with my guests
11:49for the last 75 minutes.
11:52From the minute we arrived, it was almost
11:54as if we weren't welcome.
11:57The service was lackluster.
11:59One of our orders was forgotten, and the food was shocking.
12:04How long do you think you've got left?
12:07Maybe six months.
12:08Six months.
12:11Ladies and gentlemen, put your knife and forks down.
12:16Stop eating.
12:20I need to show you something really important.
12:23Follow me.
12:24Let's go.
12:30Come down, please.
12:33Oh, my god.
12:36This is Hell on Wheels, the heart of my command center.
12:41My team has been secretly filming
12:43you in your restaurant, and I want all of you
12:47to focus on what I'm about to show you,
12:50because this is embarrassing.
12:56Stop the church service over here.
12:58Refill on table 10.
13:04Excuse me.
13:27That steak is overcooked, man.
13:29It's not good.
13:31I'm going to get sick.
13:33I'm going to get sick.
13:46Nicole, he's laughing his head off.
13:49You're treating this like this is a joke.
13:51It's not a joke.
13:51It's not a joke.
13:53No, it's called humility, it's called respect,
13:56and you're laughing again.
13:57There's nothing wrong with a smile.
13:58It keeps the face young.
14:00So that's how you measure your professionalism,
14:02by standing there giggling.
14:03I am not giggling.
14:05Oh, you weren't giggling.
14:06I can laugh.
14:07There's nothing wrong with laughing.
14:08I'm just disgusted that you're standing there smirking away.
14:11What, would you like some popcorn?
14:15What a disgusting way to behave in front of your boss.
14:17You should be ashamed.
14:19I'm not.
14:21Clive, do you really want to run this place
14:24for another six months?
14:25Not under these conditions, no.
14:27I'm here to help you, but we do not have a lot of time.
14:31I'm going to give you all 24 hours
14:34to turn this business around.
14:36Because if we can't make this work in 24 hours,
14:41we have got no chance.
14:43All of you, get on your cell phones, ring home,
14:47and tell them you're not going to see them for 24 hours,
14:50because the clock starts now.
14:57Please follow me, Junior.
14:58Oh, my.
15:01Young man, can you ask Marco and everybody to come
15:03and join me right now, please?
15:05Young man, can you stand here, please?
15:06Oh, my god.
15:07That's Gordon Ramsay.
15:09Hello, Aurora.
15:11Please stand next to Junior, thank you.
15:12I've had better days.
15:14What I've just experienced was shocking.
15:18I just want to say, you can never, ever step inside this
15:23dining room again dripping of sweat from your nose
15:27into customers' food.
15:29We're trying.
15:32You're worse than him.
15:34The way you shouted at my guests.
15:36Put the plate down.
15:37No, I didn't think I screamed, but no, I apologize.
15:40That's a polite way of acknowledging.
15:42I apologize.
15:43Aurora, I don't know how much this restaurant means to you
15:46and how long it's been in the family.
15:48Truthfully, are you happy right now?
15:54I'm not happy.
15:57Would you like my help?
15:58Of course.
15:59I need your help.
16:01Ladies and gentlemen, stop eating.
16:04Forks down.
16:05I'd like all of you, right now, and I mean all of you,
16:09to follow me.
16:11Let's go.
16:14What a fucking disaster.
16:19Just come and take a stand over here, please.
16:22That's fine there.
16:23This is Hell on Wheels, the engine room
16:27and the heart of my command center.
16:30Listen carefully.
16:32My team has been visiting your restaurant
16:35undercover for weeks.
16:37To find out what truly is happening on a day-to-day basis,
16:42what they uncovered was shocking.
16:46Have a look at this.
16:50When I saw that screen going up, I went, we're done.
16:54We're done.
16:57Why are you going to wait?
16:58We're here now.
16:59Marco, don't talk to me like that.
17:01Who's going to wash the dishes right now?
17:03I'm not going to wash dishes.
17:04I'm not telling you to wash dishes.
17:06OK, there's two ladies over there.
17:07I'm busy right now with the tables.
17:09She's got a mother that I picked up because I can't.
17:11I don't do this to my mother, never.
17:14Hey, Johnny, smell this.
17:16Smell this.
17:18Yeah, a little lava.
17:19Just got to wash off the funk a little.
17:28Oh, shit.
17:30That was appalling.
17:32Let me promise you one thing right now.
17:36I am going to help to turn this business around.
17:40Not only am I going to turn it around,
17:42but I'm going to turn it around in 24 hours.
17:46I almost had a heart attack looking at you.
17:48If your family and your team doesn't have the passion
17:52and the commitment over these next 24 hours, you never will.
17:58Yes, sir.
17:59Yes, chef.
18:00I can't hear you.
18:01Yes, chef.
18:02Good, because the clock starts now.
