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00:00Okay, what else nachos, what do you want? Oh you want jalapenos love that for us. Here we go
00:09Hey Naisha, it's me your favorite chef
00:12Well, sometimes now we all love a tropical vacation and I'd like to see what you can cook up
00:18If you were stranded on a tropical island now
00:21I left some exciting ingredients on the platform and I can't wait to see we're gonna cook up. Good luck
00:27Amazing and I know just the place to take us on next level kitchen Hawaii
00:32So for this amazing sort of Hawaiian experience, I've rated the platform
00:37I got some killer ingredients and this is really simple. This is a fun play on sort of a poke meets nachos
00:43First up. I always like to start with what takes the longest
00:46I have some hot sort of neutral oil here and I'm going to cut these beautiful
00:53Wonton chips, which will bring some beautiful texture to these
00:58Poke nachos, which generally you might see
01:01tortillas, so I've just cut them in half and
01:04I'm going to drop them in the fryer
01:08Whenever frying you want to make sure that the oil is hot you're not
01:12Waiting on it to become hot and you want to not overcrowd the pan so that everything has the opportunity to become crispy
01:20I'm just sort of
01:22Swirling around the oil
01:24One of the most important key ingredients whenever frying is to season right when it comes out of the oil today
01:30I'm actually using these beautiful wonton chips and I'm flavoring it with furikake
01:35Which is like bonito flake and sesame seed and sort of this beautiful crushed nori
01:41You can totally buy this or you can make it at home
01:43And so this will act as my sort of salt and stick to these
01:48Beautiful chips adding a ton of umami and depth of flavor from the seaweed
01:53Love that. So I'm gonna just allow the chips to set aside
01:58While we build our poke and so you want to get some gorgeous high-quality tuna
02:03You can also use salmon. You can use yellowtail. You can make it vegetarian with shiitake mushrooms. The world is your oyster
02:10I just happen to have tuna here today
02:12So one of the things I love about a beautiful classic poke is actually not dicing the fish too small
02:18You want to know what you're eating? You want to taste the beautiful high-quality fish?
02:22so I actually sort of run my knife down vertically creating these longer strips and
02:30Then I just run it on its side and create sort of a dice
02:34Really simple. I had the opportunity to spend a good amount of time in Hawaii and I literally ate this almost every day
02:41You're gonna find this all over Hawaii. So just dicing
02:46So one thing that you want to look for there's different parts of the tuna
02:51so when you are cutting your tuna you want to look for anything that's
02:56This sort of sinew or this tougher part of the tuna and you want to cut against that or you can just go in and scrape
03:02It with a spoon now that we have our diced tuna
03:05What we're gonna do is just create this really light marinade. So I go in with a little bit of soy
03:10It's gonna give us that saltiness
03:12So you want to balance this out with something that's rich and fatty. I like to use sesame oil
03:20Love the flavor of toasted sesame oil and a little bit goes a long way. So be
03:25Sparingly with it and to fortify that sesame flavor actually use whole toasted sesame seeds
03:31We're also gonna add edamame which kind of acts like the beans that you might see in a traditional nacho
03:37but just kind of a little bit of a healthier version and I also I'm gonna add just a little bit of a
03:43Gochugaru or a Korean chili flake
03:45So Korean chili for like really delicious tons of depth of flavor, but not overly spicy
03:50Just adds a nice little smoky kick to it with the onion very particular
03:55You want to actually look at your onion? Not all onions are created the same
03:59Create a sturdy base
04:01Cut down
04:02through the root of the onion and I like to cut them and these sort of beautiful half moons kind of
04:08Following the natural shape of the onion
04:10So I'll use the base of the knife and just sort of run through kind of trying to hit the center of that onion
04:16So they all appear aesthetically beautiful, right? We eat with our eyes first
04:21Toss in some beautiful raw onion
04:24so now we're just going to gently toss this together and
04:28What I want to do is allow this fish to marinate while we actually build the other components of our poke nachos
04:35Always taste as you go
04:39Tiny bit more soy. So what I'm gonna get from the soy is a little bit of saline or salt content
04:46I'm actually not gonna add
04:47Salt to this we get a little bit of salt from the furikake and a natural salt from the soy sauce
04:52I'm just gonna add a touch of black pepper and that's gonna give us some beautiful smoky notes
04:58So I just give this a little bit of a toss and set that aside
05:02so to sort of like mimic the idea of nacho cheese
05:06I'm actually gonna make a beautiful Japanese mayo and sriracha kind of
05:12spicy chili aioli
05:14moment, so take a good amount of
05:17Japanese mayo I like to use tends to be a little bit richer
05:20More viscous or a little bit thicker
05:23And a little bit of chili sauce about equal parts of the Japanese mayo and chili sauce
05:29I'm a big spicy food fan. So I tend to go a little bit heavy on the chili
05:34So lucky I rated this off of the platform. It's really hard to come by at sriracha these days
05:39So I was lucky that I snagged it off the platform. So you want this nice little creamy mixture here
05:47Again taste as you go
05:50The Japanese mayo is already seasoned there's seasoning in the sriracha, so
05:56Not really gonna bother with adding a lot of salt to this
06:00We have two components down already
06:03Tuna's marinating our delicious spicy aioli is sitting to the side
06:08Believe it or not. The hardest part of this dish is already done. Just gonna cut a few garnishes. I love fresh scallion
06:14It's one of my favorite ingredients. I use them almost every morning in my eggs
06:18I'm actually just gonna use the tops of the scallions and I like to cut them on a bias
06:24So they sort of intertwine with the chips, right? So a nice hard bias nice thin slices and
06:32You know, I just love nachos and dishes that you can eat with your hands are sort of fun
06:37Fussy I spend a lot of time in fancy French kitchens. So anytime I can just get in there with my hands and
06:43Have a nice cold sake with some ahi poki nachos kind of sounds like a fun moment, right?
06:50just for a little bit of
06:52Healthiness to the dish gonna add
06:54Some cucumber and just sort of slice this
06:58Don't worry about it being super thin again. These are just elements or a guideline you can totally
07:03Have fun with this and use the ingredients that you have in your home, right?
07:07It doesn't have to be exactly how I'm making it
07:09I think that's really the beauty of cooking is to have fun and bring the joy in it, right?
07:14In this dish, we're bringing that aloha spirit. I had the opportunity to spend a lot of time in Hawaii
07:20I lived there for about a year in Maui and it was some of the best memories of my life
07:25So again big spicy food fans, so I'm gonna add some beautiful fresh chili
07:30You can use jalapeno. You can use bell pepper if you don't like spicy
07:34But really this is just meant to give
07:36The nacho kind of vibe and a little bit of spice note at the back end and
07:42of course
07:43We have to have some beautiful avocado. There are nachos. I
07:47Feel like avocados are so naturally delicious and bring a sort of creaminess to the nachos
07:54So there's not really much I actually want to do with this
07:56You can totally
07:57Fork smash it make a guacamole add some lime a little bit of cumin
08:00If you'd like, but I love the natural flavor of avocado, especially when you have a nice one
08:06So I'm actually just going to
08:08Slice this and kind of maybe fan it over top
08:15Believe it or not that it's everything that we have to do. I mean easy dish right think about friends over
08:21This is a show-stopping kind of dish
08:24You can just say you made it don't say you got it from me
08:27So really we're just gonna start to assemble this and bring this together
08:30So I like to use a wide base plate right to really show off and give you the opportunity to build those perfect bites
08:37along the way
08:38So we have our beautiful
08:39Fruita khaki chips here and we're just gonna pile them on right
08:44Kind of giving some texture some shape
08:49Thinking about leaving space and how I'm building the structure of this nacho here. We have our beautiful marinated ahi tuna
08:55So I just like to dot in and think about
08:59Where my guests are gonna look for building that perfect bite, right? I don't want to cover the chips too much because
09:06They'll get soggy, right?
09:07So I want to go in and be intentional with where I'm placing that beautiful ahi tuna plating is always the best part, right?
09:13It's just kind of getting all of your elements and your friends are starting to show up. Everyone's watching the game now
09:18This is when you start to garnish, right?
09:20So for me when I think about nachos, it's a little bit of a lime wedge
09:26So maybe some fresh cilantro on top, you know, maybe some sour cream, but in this instance we have this beautiful
09:33Spicy aioli it's gonna act like a little bit of a creaminess. So I'm just gonna go in and sort of dot that
09:39Looking and seeing where my guests can build that perfect bite a
09:46Little bit of fresh cucumber just to keep it healthy
09:49So fried shallots just buy them right you don't have to go out and try to dirty up the whole kitchen
09:55I love fried shallots. They give a beautiful texture great flavor and they taste just as good a
10:02little fresh scallion over top
10:05Super fun dish a little fresh avocado
10:09Do a little fancy fan
10:12Just kind of opening up that cut there
10:18Beauty okay. What else nachos? What do you want? Oh you want jalapenos love that for us. Here we go a little fresh jalapeno and
10:29Absolutely, I love this. Okay, so a little bit of pickled ginger, right? It's giving like
10:37Poke but also by way of nacho
10:40gorgeous a
10:42little bit of lime
10:44fun dish touch of sesame
10:49And because I love sauce just got to go in with just a touch more layer in this delicious spicy mayo a
10:57Touch more of the Korean red chili flake
11:01Incredible. I feel like I had the best mac nuts when I was in Hawaii, and I'm gonna show you a fun trick
11:08it's kind of like the Parmesan cheese on top of a pasta, so I actually take a
11:14Microplane and I grate the macadamia nut over top which kind of creates this beautiful snow effect to really elevate
11:22beautiful nacho
11:24Wow, I feel like I have literally just taken a trip to Hawaii
11:31Thank you so much for watching now
11:32Please let me know in the comments what you think of the dish and don't forget to subscribe for more exciting videos. Thank you
