オズブラウン 2024年9月8日 産地巡礼!オズワルド・畠中のルーツ函館探訪 vol.2

  • last week


00:01So, today's OzBrown is...
00:03Hey, hey, hey!
00:05Watch out!
00:06Watch out!
00:10Sanchi Junrei.
00:12The roots of OzWorld Hatanaka are Hakodate Dampon.
00:18Sanchi Junrei approaches the roots of Hatanaka,
00:20which grew up in the fishing town of Hakodate.
00:27I know everything!
00:29I'll tell you what I said last time.
00:32Well, it's funny.
00:34Ito seems to be dissatisfied.
00:39This time, he rides a bicycle to visit his hometown.
00:43But then...
00:45Why are you playing in front of the computer?
00:49Hey, computer!
00:52Anyway, I have to carry this with me.
00:56This is a pain in the ass.
00:58It's not a pain in the ass.
01:00I just made a little joke.
01:04This joke will cause trouble later.
01:08I just made a joke about being a thief.
01:13Ito, how do you eat it?
01:20Please be kind.
01:23I have to close this.
01:41Sanchi Junrei.
01:43The roots of OzWorld Hatanaka are...
01:49The hometown of Hatanaka is Hakodate, located in the southwestern part of Hokkaido.
01:56Toichiku, which is 20 km away from the center, is the hometown.
02:01The specialty of this town is kelp.
02:04Hatanaka's father is also a kelp fisherman.
02:09This is the house where my classmate Daichi used to live.
02:13You know everything!
02:15The Siberian Husky living next door is very violent.
02:24If the Siberian Husky runs away, everyone has to be careful.
02:29The topic is all about the people in this house.
02:34As you can see, this is a town.
02:38This is a fishing village.
02:42Good morning.
02:45Did you know I was coming here today?
02:48I heard from my classmate that my daughter was here.
02:52And I brought some flakes.
02:55My grandson brought them.
02:58Is that your grandson?
03:00Good morning.
03:01He came running.
03:02What did you bring?
03:04This is salmon flake.
03:06Salmon flake?
03:07It's handmade.
03:09He always makes it for me.
03:12It's very delicious.
03:13Salmon flake is handmade?
03:15That's amazing.
03:16This is frozen salmon flake.
03:18I just ate it.
03:20Can I eat it?
03:22I want to eat it later.
03:24Put it on top of the rice.
03:26I was going to put it on rice balls, but I didn't have time.
03:29I'm glad.
03:30I'll wait for you to put it on rice balls.
03:34I got this flake.
03:36Let's put it in here.
03:37There is a basket in your room.
03:39It's just right.
03:40It's okay.
03:41Let's eat together later.
03:42Put it in the basket.
03:45Why is it all here?
03:47It's just right.
03:49Isn't there your dad's boat around here?
03:51Is there a dad's boat there?
03:52You can see it.
03:54Let's go see it.
03:58I'm sorry.
03:59I can't give you this.
04:03You can take the mountain.
04:06Why are you doing this to me?
04:08Take more.
04:09I'm going to reduce it little by little.
04:11My local kelp.
04:13I came here, too.
04:16Is that so?
04:17Ito doesn't react to everything.
04:22I've seen it all once.
04:23I've been there, and I've met people.
04:28My dad's boat.
04:29You can tell by looking at the name, right?
04:31It's this big.
04:32I think we can all go fishing.
04:36I'm sorry.
04:37It was this.
04:38It was this.
04:40It was such a big boat.
04:41It was such a small boat.
04:42Small boat.
04:43That's enough.
04:45It's okay.
04:47Toshiichi's father has been familiar with fishing since he was a child.
04:53But now there seems to be a tough situation.
04:58How do you get kelp?
05:00Natural kelp is taken with a long stick.
05:09I'm only farming now.
05:10Farming is like planting seeds in a rope and harvesting them.
05:15You can't get natural kelp?
05:18The global warming is getting worse.
05:21I used to be able to get a lot of kelp, but now I can't get it in this town.
05:26I didn't think there would be so many people in this town who have been affected by global warming.
05:33We don't usually get hurt, do we?
05:36It's a problem in this town.
05:38I'm the least excited today.
05:42I've been so excited.
05:44I used to be able to get a lot of kelp.
05:46You look sad.
05:47Then I'll be the one who gets the cake.
05:50Nothing will change.
05:52I can't get natural kelp, so I'm going to buy a lot of kelp in this town.
05:55Push me.
05:57What do you mean?
05:58But it's nice.
06:00A young man in this town told me the reality of this town.
06:05I want to eat somewhere.
06:07I got a salmon flake earlier.
06:11Thank you for the salmon flake.
06:12I'll have some salmon flake.
06:22Do you know him?
06:23He's a relative of mine.
06:25He's Oz Brown.
06:26I'm Oz Brown.
06:28Nice to meet you.
06:31Tell me where we're going.
06:33Everyone says they're hungry.
06:37We're going to a place where we can fill our stomachs.
06:39Are we going to a place where we can eat something light?
06:41We're going to a place where we can eat something light.
06:44Can we go up here?
06:47What is it?
06:49It's a slope.
06:50It's a board conversion.
06:52It's powerful.
06:53It's very easy.
06:55It's very easy to go up the slope.
06:57It's very easy to go up the slope.
06:59It's very easy to go up the slope.
07:01I used to go to this elementary school.
07:05Is this an African elementary school?
07:09Did Takeshi build this school?
07:11It's an abandoned school.
07:12Did Benan build this school?
07:15At the time of his graduation, there were about 100 students in this school.
07:21Now, the school is in ruins and the buildings are still there.
07:26There seems to be an unforgettable episode at the time.
07:31It's a really peaceful town.
07:34Suddenly, the school board meeting was held.
07:38The principal was in the gym.
07:40There was a big stool on the hand-washing machine in the girls' bathroom.
07:43He said,
07:45This is the first time this has happened since this school started.
07:48He said,
07:49Don't forget the speech.
07:51He said,
07:52I'll leave it.
07:53He said,
07:54I'll have all the students go see it.
07:56He said,
07:57I'll walk down the hallway and go see the speech of the girls.
08:00That's the memory of this elementary school.
08:02That's terrible.
08:03I heard this story too much.
08:04I thought I could speak as well as this guy.
08:07I thought so while talking.
08:09I'm sure Tom Clancy has heard it somewhere else.
08:13I'm hungry.
08:15You're hungry, aren't you?
08:17You were hungry when you were a kid, weren't you?
08:19This is how you do it.
08:22It's sweet.
08:23Don't be silly.
08:25Don't overdo it.
08:28Mr. Hatanaka,
08:30Don't you have a place to buy this if it's on sale?
08:33This school?
08:35It's really cheap.
08:36I'd buy it if it was cheap.
08:37If it was 10 million yen, I'd buy it.
08:3910 million yen is expensive.
08:40Make it a casino.
08:41Make it a casino.
08:43This way?
08:46I can't wait to eat.
08:49Mr. Hatanaka, please take me to a gourmet spot.
08:55Look at this.
08:56It's a restaurant.
08:58Is this it?
09:00It's Seiko Mart.
09:02It looks familiar.
09:04What's this?
09:05It looks good.
09:06It's a good color.
09:08This is really good.
09:10What's going on?
09:15It's good.
09:18It's like a famous restaurant in Tokyo.
09:21It's really good.
09:25There are people all over Japan.
09:27That's true.
09:29I'd like to hear about it.
09:30Do you want to hear about it?
09:31There are people all over Japan.
09:33Do you want to steal this bike?
09:34Don't do that.
09:36Don't do that.
09:38Are you Mr. Mochi?
09:40I'm filming now.
09:43I'm traveling around Japan.
09:45I went around Shikoku and Kyushu.
09:47You went around Shikoku and Kyushu and went to the north and south.
09:50I went from Aomori Port to Hakodate.
09:53You took a ferry.
09:55I went to Matsumae, Shakota, Lumoe, Wakkanai.
09:59You went around Wakkanai.
10:01Are you going back?
10:03I'm going to Hakodate today.
10:06I'm going to Aomori again.
10:08You went around Hokkaido.
10:10You went around Hokkaido.
10:11That's amazing.
10:12Mr. Maruyama started traveling around Japan on a bicycle from Osaka in April of this year.
10:21He traveled 2,600 kilometers in just one and a half months in Hokkaido.
10:29By the way, is Konbu a famous restaurant?
10:33Yes, it is.
10:35I want to eat Konbu.
10:38Have you eaten Konbu?
10:40No, I haven't.
10:42It's just right.
10:45It's just right.
10:49This is Konbu.
10:53This is Konbu.
10:57I can't carry it.
10:59I'm doing it lightly.
11:01How about one?
11:02You can't carry it?
11:04I'm doing it lightly.
11:07I can't carry it.
11:11I'm going to fry Konbu.
11:13If you can't fry Konbu, thank you.
11:16I'm looking for someone who can fry Konbu.
11:18I see.
11:21That's cool.
11:23He went around Japan on a bicycle in such a short distance.
11:27It's his own power.
11:29I was shown something.
11:31I'm getting embarrassed.
11:34He is now in Chiba Prefecture, his hometown.
11:38I hope he can go around Japan safely.
11:43I got a sake flake earlier.
11:45You can put that on white rice.
11:48I made it when I was in high school.
11:51It's the only convenience store in town.
11:53I see.
11:55Seiko Mart, a convenience store born in Hokkaido.
11:59This is a series of hot chefs made in the kitchen in the store.
12:03It's a series of hot chefs made in the kitchen in the store.
12:09My grandfather used to buy this every day.
12:12This is seaweed ramen.
12:15This is delicious.
12:16This is delicious.
12:17This is delicious.
12:18I used to buy this every day.
12:19This is similar to Konbu.
12:20This is nostalgic.
12:21I think white rice is better.
12:23I'll put a sake flake on white rice.
12:26There is no rice in hot chefs.
12:28There is no rice in hot chefs.
12:29I'm sorry.
12:30There is no rice in hot chefs, right?
12:32I'll make rice.
12:34Is that okay?
12:35Is that okay?
12:36I'll make four.
12:37It's a little less.
12:38I'll make four small rice.
12:40I've never heard such a word in a convenience store.
12:42That's right.
12:44I don't have much.
12:45It's a local dialect.
12:46It's a local dialect.
12:47It's warm.
12:48It's a local dialect.
12:50I got it.
12:52This is rice made by a hot chef.
12:54That's great.
12:55There is a label on it.
12:56That's great.
12:57I didn't know that.
12:58I'll put this here.
12:59Is that okay?
13:02It's a local dialect.
13:03It's a local dialect.
13:04It's a local dialect.
13:05It's a local dialect.
13:06It's a local dialect.
13:08I don't know if it's okay to eat sake flake at a convenience store.
13:12This is the only place in Japan.
13:15This looks delicious.
13:16This looks delicious.
13:17This is a good color.
13:18This looks delicious.
13:19There is one more.
13:20I think this person will put a lot of salt in it.
13:22Is that true?
13:23Is salt okay?
13:25This is amazing.
13:26How do you make sake flake?
13:28He always makes sake flake for me.
13:31Let's eat.
13:32Let's eat.
13:33Let's eat.
13:34This is sake flake.
13:35This is amazing.
13:36This is sake flake.
13:37This is sake flake bowl.
13:38This is very delicious.
13:39Let's eat.
13:40This is the best.
13:42This is delicious.
13:43The more I chew, the less salty it is.
13:45It's sweet.
13:46It's sweet.
13:47This is unusual.
13:48This is delicious.
13:49This is delicious.
13:50What's going on?
13:52I came up with a good idea.
13:54I eat this with rice.
13:58Do you eat this with lukewarm water?
14:00I think there is hot water.
14:02This is delicious.
14:04Let's eat breakfast.
14:05Let's eat breakfast.
14:07How is it?
14:08This is very delicious.
14:11Is that true?
14:12This is water, isn't it?
14:13Is that true?
14:14This is amazing.
14:16I eat this while sitting down.
14:18This is delicious.
14:19This is sake flake.
14:20I eat this with water.
14:25Is that true?
14:27What does that mean?
14:30I ate this when I was a child.
14:33It was a good shooting.
14:34It's not over yet.
14:36If I eat sake flake rice on the street, it's over.
14:40In a sense, it's over.
14:41Both as a shooting and as a person.
14:50I'm sorry.
14:51I have to close the door.
14:52I have to close the door.
14:56The roots of Oswald Hatanaka.
15:03Have a seat.
15:05What are you doing?
15:11Is that a butterfly?
15:13Is that a butterfly?
15:14That's right.
15:16How are you?
15:17I'm sorry.
15:18I've seen you a lot.
15:19My name is NUNOKAWA.
15:22My name is NUNOKAWA.
15:25Were you the most important person in this town?
15:27I wasn't the most important person.
15:28You were the most important person.
15:30I was a tool in the mine.
15:32That's right.
15:33I was a sumo wrestler in the mine.
15:34Sumo wrestler?
15:35I was in junior high school.
15:37I was in junior high school in Fukushima.
15:39I built a sumo club.
15:41There was a Kajima Construction Company.
15:43That's amazing.
15:44I was in Osaka during the Olympic Games.
15:50There is a KANAYAMA DOME.
15:53I was there.
15:54I was in the tunnel construction.
15:59I was in the tunnel construction.
16:01I was told to come here.
16:03I was told to come here.
16:04So I came here.
16:10You were a butterfly.
16:11I was a butterfly.
16:12I was a butterfly.
16:13Don't say that.
16:14Don't say that.
16:15You have to say it.
16:19How to end the story.
16:21It's not a headlock.
16:22This is a gift for you.
16:25What is this?
16:27Isn't this an erotic book?
16:30There is nothing here.
16:34This is my mother and father's relationship.
16:38Stop it.
16:40Why do you talk so much?
16:42I can't stop talking about it.
16:44I can't stop.
16:46We're Tom Brown, so please remember us.
16:48I understand.
16:50I feel like I'm about to get killed.
16:54I understand.
16:58It's the first time I've been so focused.
17:00Which store are you going to next?
17:04Last year or the year before,
17:06I opened another store.
17:08It's a stylish store.
17:10It's a Japanese sweets shop.
17:12I want to make it look like a Japanese sweets shop.
17:14It's a Japanese sweets shop, but...
17:16It's a Japanese sweets shop, but...
17:18It's a Japanese sweets shop, but...
17:20There's only a Seiko Mart and a Japanese sweets shop.
17:22It's rare.
17:24I used to go to junior high school.
17:26Is this a junior high school?
17:28It's a junior high school,
17:30but now it's a elementary school.
17:32It's pretty.
17:34There are students.
17:36What grade are you in?
17:38I'm in the 10th grade!
17:40Are you in club activities?
17:44Are you in aquarium studies?
17:48Is it a trumpet?
17:50Can you play me a trumpet?
17:52It'll close tomorrow.
17:58It's closed now.
18:00See you.
18:04See you.
18:06I wanted to hear it.
18:08Me too.
18:10They won't play it for us?
18:12I heard the trumpet.
18:14They said it was closed.
18:16It was a pain to get it out.
18:18If it was the Darts Trip, they would have played it.
18:20I see.
18:22It's a show where you don't know what to expect.
18:24We still have a long way to go.
18:26We'll turn here.
18:30By the way, this is my house.
18:32This is my house.
18:34Is this your house?
18:36This is my house.
18:38Don't say that.
18:40Is this your house?
18:42This is my house.
18:44It's big.
18:46It's too big.
18:48I've seen it many times.
18:52This is a Japanese confectionery shop.
18:54It's beautiful.
18:56It's beautiful, isn't it?
18:58It looks delicious.
19:00This is azuki flower.
19:04Long time no see.
19:06Are you a couple?
19:08We're Ito-san.
19:10We're Ito-san.
19:12It's a fashionable Japanese confectionery shop
19:14in the town we passed by by car.
19:16It's a fashionable Japanese confectionery shop
19:18in the town we passed by by car.
19:20I finally met a decent adult.
19:22The atmosphere is different, isn't it?
19:24The way of speaking is different
19:26from the fishermen I've met so far, isn't it?
19:28The owner, Motoya,
19:30has been running a Japanese confectionery shop
19:32in Aichi Prefecture for 30 years.
19:34Three years ago,
19:36he moved here with his wife from Hakodate
19:38and opened this shop.
19:40The closest house is
19:42the Hatana family, isn't it?
19:46Do you interact with the Hatana family?
19:48Yes, we do.
19:50At that time,
19:52they gave us Japanese fish.
19:54We rescued them and got sea urchins
19:56because we didn't need them.
19:58Was it good to stand here?
20:00Yes, it was very good.
20:02The people in the town
20:04are very kind.
20:06Hokkaido is like that.
20:08I'm surprised when people from Honshu come here.
20:10Sometimes, they send us food.
20:12It's very delicious.
20:14It's delicious,
20:16but I don't feel like eating
20:18Mizu-yokan or Habutai-mochi.
20:20I don't feel like eating them.
20:22I can't eat them unless I come here.
20:24Do you have a favorite one?
20:26Only one?
20:28It's difficult.
20:30Why only one?
20:32If you pay, you can eat them.
20:34Why do you have two or three?
20:36I like Shine Muscat, Habutai,
20:38Mizu-manju, and Mizu-yokan.
20:40Can I have Nagano Purple?
20:42Nagano Purple.
20:44It changes depending on the season, right?
20:46Yes, the inside becomes strawberry.
20:48I heard a good story.
20:50At this time,
20:52I like Nagano Purple and Shine Muscat.
20:54Can I eat this?
20:56Can I have another one?
20:58I thought I couldn't eat them all,
21:00but they ate them for me.
21:04I'm sorry.
21:06I'm like an old woman.
21:08I'm sorry.
21:10Let's eat.
21:12Old woman.
21:14Old woman.
21:16Let's eat.
21:18Habutai-mochi is very delicious.
21:20Let's eat.
21:22It's delicious.
21:24I didn't know that Japanese and fruits
21:26go so well together.
21:28It's too pure.
21:30This is delicious.
21:32It's delicious.
21:34The softness of the cowhide is just right.
21:36It's very fluffy.
21:38What is cowhide?
21:40You don't have to say cowhide.
21:44Let's leave the details.
21:46How does Warabi-mochi taste?
21:48How does Warabi-mochi taste?
21:50It's fluffy.
21:52It's soft.
21:54It's delicious.
21:56There are many repeaters
21:58because it melts in your mouth.
22:00How do you feel, Michiyo?
22:02Let's eat.
22:06I like Mizuyokan,
22:08so I eat a lot.
22:10It's the best.
22:12I eat a lot of souvenirs
22:14at famous stores in Tokyo.
22:16It's very juicy.
22:18That Mizuyokan is very delicious.
22:20Let's eat together.
22:22You often say that Mizuyokan is the best.
22:24You don't have to say that.
22:26If you say that,
22:28I'll never go to this store again.
22:30We'll never go there again.
22:32It's far from here.
22:34It's a far place.
22:36Your father is a manly man.
22:38Finally, Hatanaka's father
22:40has arrived.
22:42Your father is a manly man.
22:44The next episode
22:46It's a town.
22:48It's a hot spring town.
22:50They continue their journey
22:52on their bicycle.
22:54It's delicious.
22:56Let's eat.
22:58They are very excited
23:00about the taste of Hatanaka's memories.
23:04Did you say goodbye
23:06to Sakura-san?
23:08I didn't say that.
23:10I didn't say anything.
23:14Please subscribe to our channel.
