• last year
00:02:26Can you see that I'm a star disponible lugar or no tienes trabajo
00:02:36Claro apartamento dosientos uno segundo piso la puerta está abierta gracias señora
00:03:01Señora que te pareció
00:03:04estaba perfecto no quieres si
00:03:08Cuanto cuesta que incluye o tu pagas el gas la luz el agua
00:03:15mantenimiento cuotas
00:03:17Me cobra la basura si también debes pagar por la basura gracias señora
00:03:29Hasta luego
00:03:35Se busca ayudante
00:04:26Necesitamos ayuda
00:04:27Necesito ayuda en mi cocina
00:04:29Jerez italiano verdad si cien por ciento italiano mira cariño es un inmigrante como tú
00:04:36No todos los inmigrantes son iguales verdad
00:04:42El trabajo es tuyo
00:04:45Mañana a las dos estaré a tiempo si llegas a tiempo llegas cinco minutos tarde
00:04:51Aquí está nuestro manual del empleado contiene todo lo que necesitas el menú el plano fotografías de todo incluyendo la comida
00:05:00Esto esto es muy útil estudiar o bien queremos que hagas todo rápido estaré listo puede contar conmigo
00:05:31Comerte el corazón
00:05:37Así que es italiano de primera generación
00:05:43No lo sé acá se importa Oh
00:05:46Cariño claro que importa como puedo decirlo en palabras que entiendas italianos de primera generación
00:05:53cocinan su pasta al dente
00:05:57La pasta de segunda generación es
00:06:06Podrías parar acabo de contratar al tipo tienes que probar esta nueva posición
00:06:13Realmente te abre tonifica tú
00:06:17Está bien me tengo que ir
00:06:40Debe ser el chico nuevo
00:06:42italiano verdad
00:06:43si mi nombre es paolo el nuevo ayudante tú debes
00:06:47ser el cantinero bueno soy actor y cantinero
00:06:52Y camarero y mesero depende del día así que preparate siempre
00:06:58en serio
00:06:59yo no hablo italiano
00:07:01Pero hablo un poco de francés para un papel que tuve pero podría aprender italiano si fuera necesario para un papel si claro si
00:07:08paolo bienvenido carlos espera en la cocina
00:07:12estudiaste el menú ciertamente
00:07:17Me cambio al fondo a la derecha
00:07:24Mira asegúrate de limpiar la mesa 5 señor levine bienvenido al restaurante
00:07:31Estoy aquí por tu pollo agridulce de limón y tengo exactamente 20 minutos
00:07:36maravilloso que tal una copa de vermentino 2012 de la toscana
00:07:41bueno porque no la mesa 5 está lista bien podrías decirle al chef que el señor levine comerá el pollo agridulce limón
00:07:49Este vino procede de una bodega
00:08:01Una orden de apoyo es pollo agridulce al limón
00:08:23Lo siento no encontraba un lugar para cambiarme los casilleros los casilleros
00:08:28No encontraba los casilleros estoy listo
00:08:55Oye necesito ese pájaro
00:08:59Ese ese pájaro el pollo sabes el pollo es un pájaro
00:09:04el pollo agridulce de limón
00:09:09Claro enseguida lo preparo
00:09:28Último toque
00:09:41Eres un artista
00:09:59Acaso tocaste mi receta de pollo
00:10:03Italiano no yo solo estaba tu estabas afuera caso cambiaste mi receta de pollo
00:10:10Solo intentaba intentaba ayudar
00:10:17Aquí está el pollo agridulce
00:10:28La vaina
00:10:58El mejor pollo que probado la cuenta por favor
00:11:15La audacia del pimentón ahumado mezclado con la ralladura de limón
00:11:23Digno de una reseña de cinco estrellas
00:11:36Que tengan lindo dia
00:11:41El chef lo logro
00:11:44Dios mio vamos a ser famosos
00:11:47Tengo que preparar un discurso
00:11:50Me gustaría agradecer a la academia del pollo y a me refiero a la academia de la cocina a pesar de
00:12:07Te conozco y a los italianos les gustas
00:12:10De que hablas
00:12:11Esta es mi cocina y yo te digo que hacer
00:12:19Gracias por ver el video
00:12:21No olvides suscribirte al canal
00:12:23Y activar las notificaciones
00:13:19Que tal tu primer dia
00:13:22Aprendí mucho de Carlos
00:13:24Y aprenderás mucho mas de el
00:13:28Sabes que apuesto a que Eduard Levine escribirá sobre nuestro pollo agridulce en su columna esta semana
00:13:34Va a ser una gran reseña
00:13:38Ah entonces le gusto
00:13:40Le encanto dijo que era el mejor pollo que había probado
00:13:43Esto es grande
00:13:45Esto es genial y que mas dijo
00:13:48Dijo que le encantaba el pimenton ahumado y la ralladura de limon
00:13:54Podria ser nuestro amuleto de buena suerte
00:13:56Fue un gran primer dia
00:14:01Buenas noches Maya
00:14:03Buenas noches Paolo
00:14:05Nos vemos mañana
00:14:18No te preocupes
00:14:20Habra tiempo para eso
00:14:26Es lo que siempre dices
00:14:29Te gusto el nuevo empleado
00:14:32Te refieres a Paolo
00:14:35Esta bien
00:14:36Creo que es un poco impaciente
00:14:38Esta por todos lados
00:14:40Mientras el me escuche no tendremos problemas
00:14:44El me agrada
00:14:46Es un gran trabajador y necesitas a alguien que este contigo
00:14:51Es un gran elemento para el equipo
00:14:54Dije si me escucha y no se entromete
00:14:57No lo hara
00:14:59Esto es algo bueno
00:15:02Ademas creo que obtendremos una excelente critica y seremos vistos
00:15:12Grandes noticias
00:15:55Buenos dias
00:15:57Por que llegaste tan temprano?
00:16:00Estoy 5 minutos antes
00:16:02Llegué a tiempo, justo a tiempo
00:16:09Revisa todas las estaciones
00:16:11Vamos a tener otro dia ocupado
00:16:13Ponte a cortar
00:16:29Acaso empezaron sin mi?
00:16:32Cariño, estoy aqui trabajando
00:16:33Trabajando, amo tu trabajo
00:16:35Por que no te sientas y te unes?
00:16:37Que estamos bebiendo
00:16:39Asi que estos son los jugos de uvas italianas
00:16:43Una copa de vermentino de la Toscana
00:16:46Suena elegante, dale mama un poco de eso
00:16:49Le dije a Maya que este vino combinaria muy bien con los platillos que el creo
00:16:54Por eso hacemos esto, para saborear y reflexionar
00:16:57Bueno, hablando de gustos y reflexiones
00:16:59Por que no le pides a ese chef tuyo que nos haga algunos maridajes para acompañar este jugo de uva italiana
00:17:10Acaso es el jugoso italiano que me prometiste?
00:17:15Tish, callate
00:17:17Tengo que decir que el italiano es el sabor del mes
00:17:21Oye, no la animes
00:17:23No estoy fomentando nada fuera de la marca, vamos
00:17:27Toma otro sorbo de esto y disfruta
00:17:33Le pedirias al chef que prepare algunos maridajes para degustar?
00:17:36Si, seguro
00:17:38Carlos salio, pero le dire cuando vuelva
00:17:41Mmm, cuanto daria por degustar algo como eso
00:17:45Necesitas calmarte un poco
00:17:49No, estoy de acuerdo con Patricia
00:17:51No veo nada de malo en cubrir mis labios con un elixir de oro tan aterciopelado
00:17:57Es tan fuera de control
00:17:59Y eso es solo mi primer vaso
00:18:01Necesito apagar ese fuego chica
00:18:04Dame un poco mas de italiano para apagar el calor
00:18:08Maya, te lo dije
00:18:13Hay que pedir al menos 5 cajas de este vino porque esta genial
00:18:18Como se llama?
00:18:23Sale a mamar de tu jugo
00:19:09Noche ocupada, no?
00:19:12Si, fue un buen dia
00:19:16Asi que eres de Toscana, verdad?
00:19:19Si, lo soy
00:19:21Me encanta el vermentino de la Toscana
00:19:25Sabes porque es tan bueno?
00:19:29La gente que elabora el vino es honesta, orgullosa y sobre todo feliz
00:19:36Por eso es tan...
00:19:42Que es tan gracioso
00:19:45Es solo algo que dijo Patricia hoy
00:19:48Una tonteria
00:19:54Am, pasa algo?
00:19:57Solo algunas inconsistencias contables
00:20:01Necesito darle una segunda vuelta
00:20:03Seguro que me estoy equivocando
00:20:06Solo fue un viaje triado
00:20:08Y estoy feliz por eso
00:20:11Entonces, brindemos por eso
00:20:29Oye, quieres darte prisa?
00:20:31Tenemos que hacer una ronda hoy
00:20:33Y no estoy muy contento con esta parada
00:20:36Porque siempre me estas apurando?
00:20:38Tengo que poner mi cara de malo
00:20:41Bueno, vamos, vamos, tenemos enemigos que hacer
00:20:44Muy gracioso
00:20:46Entonces, quieres que de golpes?
00:20:49No esta vez, solo sera una visita de cortesia
00:20:52Esta bien jefe
00:20:54Solo espero que la pasta este tan buena como dicen
00:21:04Bienvenidos chicos, tienen una reservacion?
00:21:07No lo creo, estamos aqui para ver al chef
00:21:10Oh, y he oido que hacen pastas buenas
00:21:13Entonces si
00:21:15Mesa por favor
00:21:17Muy bien, les conseguir una mesa
00:21:19No, yo las cojo
00:21:43Quienes son ellos?
00:21:45Dicen que son amigos del chef
00:21:48No sabia que ustedes eran asi
00:21:50Que quieres decir?
00:21:52Que quieres decir? No sabes?
00:21:54Soy un actor
00:21:55Mira estos tipos
00:21:57Parecen los malos del casting
00:21:58Que no consiguieron la audicion
00:21:59Ya basta, que quieren?
00:22:02Ellos oyeron cosas maravillosas sobre la pasta
00:22:06Asi que es el codigo de gangster
00:22:08Para dame los platos o si no
00:22:11Eres un tonto
00:22:12Ve y dile a Carlos
00:22:13Los saludare y les ofrecere vino
00:22:20Bienvenidos caballeros
00:22:22Puedo ofrecerles un poco de vino o alguna bebida?
00:22:25Si, me gustaria pedir su mejor
00:22:30Pido disculpas por mi colega
00:22:31Estamos en horas de trabajo
00:22:33Usted entiende
00:22:35Venimos a saludar al chef
00:22:37Ah, conoce a Carlos?
00:22:39Estamos comprometidos
00:22:40Y es mi socio comercial
00:22:43Que tal una soda italiana?
00:22:45Oh si, por supuesto
00:22:46Carlos nos ha contado sobre ti
00:22:48No es asi, parejo?
00:22:49Si, lo ha hecho
00:22:51Solo no sabiamos lo afortunado que era
00:22:54Al tener a una chica hermosa como tu
00:22:57Con todo mi respeto
00:23:00Es con todo
00:23:04Soda italiana esta bien
00:23:06Que sean sin hielo, si?
00:23:11Por que siempre me corriges delante de los clientes?
00:23:14Ya te dije que no me gusta
00:23:17Este es un cliente que no sabiamos que teniamos
00:23:20Asi que lo siento si te sientes ofendido
00:23:23Aprende a hablar bien mejor
00:23:28Hagamos esto interesante
00:23:35Estamos aqui
00:23:39Carlos no quiso salir
00:23:44Oh es bueno
00:23:46Eso llamara su atencion
00:23:50De acuerdo señor Rockwest
00:23:52Le llamaremos cuando visitemos al proximo cliente
00:23:58Dos amigos tuyos estan aqui
00:24:00Que dos amigos?
00:24:02Dos amigos, dijeron
00:24:04Pasa algo?
00:24:06Los platos de pasta eran para ellos?
00:24:08Rick no te lo dijo?
00:24:16Dos sallarines con tomate
00:24:18Te juro que
00:24:20Ese hombre un dia me volvera loco
00:24:28Oye tu
00:24:32No lo arruines
00:24:35Estan listos los fideos?
00:24:37Te refieres a la pasta con tomate?
00:24:39Si, esos fideos
00:24:40Cuanto tiempo tardaran?
00:24:41En realidad
00:24:42Ya casi estan
00:24:43Dejame terminarlos
00:24:58Bien hecho Miguel Angel
00:25:02Ya volvi, ya volvi
00:25:04Todo esta bajo control
00:25:06Quiero que limpies alli
00:25:17Tocaste mi salsa?
00:25:28Que pusiste en la salsa?
00:25:29Estabas afuera
00:25:30Que te dije la ultima vez?
00:25:32Solo trato de ayudar
00:25:34No ayudaras en lo que yo te diga
00:25:37Lo se
00:25:38Que le pusiste a la salsa?
00:25:45Pero yo
00:25:46No me acuerdo
00:25:47Solo trataba de evitar que la salsa se quemara
00:25:51Te conozco
00:25:53A los italianos les gustas
00:25:55A los italianos les gustas
00:26:05Bienvenido de nuevo
00:26:10Como estuvo su comida?
00:26:12Sorpresivamente deliciosa
00:26:15Donde esta Carlos?
00:26:17No salio a abrazarnos?
00:26:18Esta muy ocupado ahora mismo
00:26:20Oh esta ocupado
00:26:25No pasa nada
00:26:27Asi que
00:26:28El negocio va bien
00:26:30No puedo quejarme
00:26:33Es bueno saberlo
00:26:35Lo que quiere decir es
00:26:37Que nos alegra oirlo
00:26:39Carlos merece una victoria
00:26:42Nos encanto la salsa para la pasta
00:26:45Es buena
00:26:47Como mi nona solia hacer
00:26:50Es un ganador
00:26:52Gracias por mencionarlo
00:26:53No se lo diria chef
00:26:57Mi nombre es Grande
00:26:58Este es mi socio Palillo
00:27:01Bueno yo soy Maya
00:27:02Un gusto conocernos
00:27:10La salsa de la pasta es un exito
00:27:12Tal como lo sole hacer nona
00:27:14Felicitaciones al chef
00:27:17La mesa 7 escucho a tus amigos
00:27:18Y quieren probar la misma salsa
00:27:20Asi que
00:27:21Cuatro platos
00:27:22Por favor
00:27:32Platos listos
00:27:34Oh dios mio
00:27:35Huele tan bien
00:27:36Paulo puedes ayudarme con los otros dos?
00:28:18Necesitas que te lleven?
00:28:23Solia tener una vespa muy similar a esta
00:28:27Oh enserio?
00:28:30Fue hace mucho tiempo
00:28:32Despues de la universidad
00:28:33Vivi en Florencia
00:28:35Me tuve un año sabatico
00:28:38Asi que ahi estaba yo
00:28:40Sin dinero en Italia
00:28:42Mi prima bebio media botella de vino
00:28:44Mi cabello estaba empapado por la lluvia
00:28:47Y la vespa se apago justo delante de la tratoria
00:28:51Y ahi esta Carlos
00:28:53El era parte de este
00:28:55Grupo itinerante de
00:29:01Y el empujaba la suya y
00:29:05Si puedes imaginarlo
00:29:08Y llevaba una falda rosa y amarilla
00:29:10Nunca olvidare esa imagen
00:29:16Entonces yo
00:29:17Entonces yo
00:29:21Tu primero
00:29:23Solo quiero decir que estoy contenta de tenerte en el equipo
00:29:27Piensa lo mismo
00:29:33Se que quizas quieras hacer mas en la cocina
00:29:37Pero yo
00:29:42Necesita tiempo para confiar en alguien
00:29:45Quiero ganar su confianza
00:29:49En la esquina a la izquierda
00:29:54Pero yo confio en ti
00:29:56Creo que eres un chef increible
00:30:00Y me siento comoda contigo
00:30:05Yo tambien Maya
00:30:17Es que esta cancion es tan patetica
00:30:20Si es tan triste
00:30:33Muchas gracias Maya
00:30:35No fue nada Paulo
00:30:41Cual es tu historia?
00:30:45Por que sigues soltero?
00:30:48Parece ser un exito entre las damas del restaurante
00:30:52Me mude a la ciudad despues
00:30:54De una ruptura
00:30:56Paso mucho tiempo
00:30:59Y decidí
00:31:00Centrarme en mi carrera de chef
00:31:03No es que no busque a alguien
00:31:06Dicen que cuando no estas buscando
00:31:11Se que tipo de mujer
00:31:12Estoy buscando
00:31:19Buenas noches
00:31:23Oye mira
00:31:26Mi amiga Patricia
00:31:28Esta enamorada de ti
00:31:30Tal vez
00:31:34Buena note
00:31:36Nos vemos mañana
00:31:37Gracias por traerme
00:31:52No puedes dormir?
00:31:58No, ya estaba terminando
00:32:01Deberias dormir
00:32:03Mañana sera un dia ocupado
00:32:07Te pasa algo?
00:32:10No, yo solo
00:32:11Creo que las cosas en el restaurante
00:32:13No van tan bien como deberían
00:32:15Quizás esto tarde algún tiempo en mejorar
00:32:18Quizás nuevos empleados
00:32:22Acabamos de recibir esa gran reseña
00:32:25La gente esta yendo
00:32:28No podemos pagar nuevos empleados
00:32:32Aunque hay una cosa
00:32:34Quizás necesitamos contratar a un contador
00:32:37De que hablas?
00:32:39Es que algunas noches
00:32:42No puedo encontrar el dinero
00:32:45Quizás me este equivocando
00:32:48Dices que falta dinero?
00:32:51No falta
00:32:53Solo creo que podría estar equivocándome
00:32:58Eso es
00:33:02Cuando notaste
00:33:04Por primera vez que faltaba dinero?
00:33:06Hace como dos o tres semanas
00:33:11No fue cuando
00:33:12Paolo empezó a trabajar?
00:33:14Oh Dios mio
00:33:15No, no estoy diciendo eso
00:33:17El trabaja bien
00:33:18El es realmente útil
00:33:20En serio?
00:33:22Realmente lo es?
00:33:25Solo contratemos a un contador
00:33:29Sera mejor que no me entere
00:33:31De que nos esta quitando dinero
00:33:32Que no me entere
00:33:34De que nos esta quitando dinero
00:34:02No, no
00:34:03No, no
00:34:04No, no
00:34:05No, no
00:34:06No, no
00:34:07No, no
00:34:08No, no
00:34:09No, no
00:34:10No, no
00:34:11No, no
00:34:12No, no
00:34:13No, no
00:34:14No, no
00:34:15No, no
00:34:16No, no
00:34:17No, no
00:34:18No, no
00:34:19No, no
00:34:20No, no
00:34:21No, no
00:34:22No, no
00:34:23No, no
00:34:24No, no
00:34:25No, no
00:34:26No, no
00:34:27No, no
00:34:28No, no
00:34:29No, no
00:34:30No, no
00:34:31No, no
00:34:32No, no
00:34:33No, no
00:34:34No, no
00:34:39Can you not deny that
00:34:40This tastings
00:34:42Reached winners
00:34:48This is more fun with you
00:34:51Roll, roll
00:34:56Very Good
00:34:59Maybe you need
00:35:00I need your help with something.
00:35:02Do you know a good accountant?
00:35:05I know a good one, yes.
00:35:08Yes, you could share the context,
00:35:10I thought you were doing accounting.
00:35:13Is everything okay?
00:35:15Yes, it's fine.
00:35:16I just want to make sure I'm doing it right.
00:35:19As long as you're okay.
00:35:21Is this something we should investigate?
00:35:24No, no, no, no, no.
00:35:27Because I'm ready.
00:35:28Patricia Holmes is on the case.
00:35:31I'll go to the ladies' room.
00:35:32Just don't go into the kitchen again.
00:35:37If you find something good,
00:35:39it could be your Watson.
00:35:40What's this?
00:35:41I'll pay your subscription to Bumble.
00:35:44Honey, it's free.
00:35:58Pasta, mesa nueve.
00:36:58This is so weird.
00:37:23I don't understand.
00:37:25The menu was a little slow today.
00:37:29How is this possible?
00:37:31Maya, is there anything I can do?
00:37:38If something happens to you,
00:37:39can you tell me?
00:37:41Someone is stealing money.
00:37:45What do you mean?
00:37:46Two weeks ago, there was no money.
00:37:48Someone is stealing it.
00:37:50What can I do?
00:37:51What can we do?
00:37:53The cameras.
00:37:55Do you have cameras?
00:38:00I can go in and find the perfect place.
00:38:10I'll set it up to record.
00:38:12We'll catch whoever's doing it.
00:38:15Do you think the battery will last long enough?
00:38:17I have a rechargeable battery, so...
00:38:20We'll catch whoever's stealing, okay?
00:38:28I know we will.
00:38:59You look good today.
00:39:02Did you iron your hair?
00:39:04I woke up like this.
00:39:06And you're 30 minutes late.
00:39:09My Uber was late.
00:39:11I'm sorry.
00:39:12Plus, there was traffic.
00:39:13Traffic or an early audition?
00:39:19You only have the tables ready.
00:39:24You only have the tables ready.
00:39:28And yes, I ironed my hair.
00:39:33Rockwest, I'll send my guys.
00:39:43Rockwest, I'll send my guys.
00:39:53Rockwest, I'll send my guys.
00:40:07Rockwest, I'll send my guys.
00:40:17Rockwest, I'll send my guys.
00:40:27Rockwest, I'll send my guys.
00:40:35Rockwest, I'll send my guys.
00:40:45Rockwest, I'll send my guys.
00:40:55Rockwest, I'll send my guys.
00:41:03That man got arrogant. I can't deny it.
00:41:06I'm going to the kitchen to tell the chef, or will you do it?
00:41:09Oh, of course.
00:41:12The Italian isn't here. He's late.
00:41:20Is it Edward Levine who's at that table?
00:41:24Yes, I was about to...
00:41:26You were about to what?
00:41:30An order of tomato fidel?
00:41:34I swear I'll strangle that man one day.
00:41:37Okay, chef.
00:41:38It's time to put your tomato sauce in Levine's test.
00:41:44Don't worry, it'll be great.
00:41:59You're late.
00:42:00My Vespa wasn't starting.
00:42:03Here, clean that up.
00:42:05Yes, chef. Anything else I can do?
00:42:08No, move.
00:42:16Hello, hello.
00:42:18I wasn't expecting you here today.
00:42:20Now, where is the Italian delight hidden?
00:42:50I told you, Italian.
00:43:12Watch my kitchen and don't touch my sauce.
00:43:15I'm sorry, I was just...
00:43:16I got you.
00:43:18You messed with my kitchen for the last time.
00:43:26Rick, be good and bring this to Levine.
00:43:30Quick, it's going to get cold.
00:43:35A plate of fideos, table five.
00:43:41You allow this?
00:43:53Seriously, Carlos, don't you think it's funny?
00:43:55That boy is traumatized by you.
00:43:57He makes fun of me, he makes fun of my dishes.
00:43:59He's a great worker and he has a lot of passion for life.
00:44:02He also helps us a lot here and we're lucky to have him.
00:44:06Speaking of being lucky to have him, where are you hiding that Italian delight?
00:44:12I'll send it to you right away.
00:44:14Oh, Carlinhos, you know how to bring life to things here.
00:44:18Oh, cheers.
00:44:19Oh, and can I also order a pasta penne?
00:44:22I think it's time to eat.
00:44:26Oh, and don't forget to add the Italian sausage.
00:44:29Patricia, we have customers.
00:44:31I'm just playing with your husband.
00:44:33Go away, go away, devil.
00:44:37I'm about to take that good from both of you, so be quiet.
00:45:00I hope you enjoyed it.
00:45:01How was your pasta?
00:45:03Well, honestly, the sauce was pretty simple and the pasta was fine.
00:45:12I'm sorry to hear that.
00:45:13I'm sure it was a coincidence.
00:45:15Well, I hope the last time wasn't the exception and that this isn't the standard.
00:45:20I'm sorry.
00:45:21Did we do something wrong?
00:45:23This is for the house.
00:45:24No, no, no, no, don't worry, honey.
00:45:27I'm very direct.
00:45:28I don't sweeten anything.
00:45:29What I say is how it is, and it's because I care.
00:45:33I'm more than happy to pay the bill.
00:45:36I'll be back, but other people wouldn't like a dish like this.
00:45:40I'm sorry, Mr. Levi.
00:45:42Just pay attention to what's going on around here.
00:45:57Hey, we need to talk.
00:46:02Of course.
00:46:03What is it?
00:46:04Levi was disappointed.
00:46:06He's not sure he liked the sauce.
00:46:14It was enough.
00:46:20Yes, boss.
00:46:21How can I...
00:46:22What did you put in my tomato sauce?
00:46:25I was just...
00:46:26What do you think?
00:46:27You had spices in your hand.
00:46:29Yes, but I didn't have time to put them...
00:46:31Did you add spices to the soup without asking Carlos first?
00:46:34I was trying to help because Carlos...
00:46:35That's enough.
00:46:38Paolo, I'd like to thank you for your services.
00:46:42Take your things and leave.
00:46:46I can explain.
00:46:47That's not necessary.
00:46:49I won't let anyone ruin the reputation of my kitchen.
00:47:05Are you sure?
00:47:06Why don't we wait a second and not react in an exaggerated way?
00:47:10I'm after him.
00:47:12Things haven't been the same since he arrived.
00:47:15And you know what I'm talking about.
00:47:46Paolo, wait.
00:47:47Can we...
00:47:49Is that our money?
00:47:54This isn't what it looks like.
00:47:56This isn't mine.
00:47:57If it's not yours, whose money is it?
00:48:00There it is.
00:48:01I told you we couldn't trust him.
00:48:03It's our money.
00:48:04We got you.
00:48:07All this time and you were just using me?
00:48:11No, this isn't what...
00:48:12This isn't what it looks like.
00:48:15I can explain.
00:48:16You'd better leave.
00:48:17Get out of this restaurant before I report you.
00:48:26Who do you think you are?
00:48:30You know me.
00:48:31I'm not a thief.
00:48:33This isn't mine.
00:48:34Tell the police.
00:48:37Wait, wait.
00:48:40I can call Immigration and we'll send you back to Italy.
00:48:43No, no.
00:48:44I can explain.
00:48:48From one immigrant to another,
00:48:50you'd better leave.
00:48:52I don't ever want to see your face here again.
00:49:13I'm sorry.
00:49:43I'm sorry.
00:50:13I'm sorry.
00:50:43I'm sorry.
00:50:45I'm sorry.
00:50:46I'm sorry.
00:50:47I'm sorry.
00:50:48I'm sorry.
00:50:49I'm sorry.
00:50:50I'm sorry.
00:50:56I'm sorry.
00:50:58I'm sorry.
00:51:00I'm sorry.
00:51:01Are you sure we shouldn't call the police and file an report?
00:51:06I told you we should wait until we have all the evidence.
00:51:09at least until an accountant reviews the books.
00:51:19You should see Kitchen Review.
00:51:21Levine just published another review.
00:51:25Let's see.
00:51:33Like this, blah, blah, blah.
00:51:37And it doesn't give me any pleasure
00:51:41to say that the standards may have fallen.
00:51:45I hope they can recover the spark
00:51:48that was what attracted me.
00:51:54This is so unfair.
00:51:57These supposed critics
00:51:59destroy anyone with impunity when they want.
00:52:03With a review that costs nothing.
00:52:06And to think that it's all Paolo's fault.
00:52:36My phone.
00:53:06Wait, that's our money.
00:53:13The job is yours.
00:53:26Wait, that's our money.
00:53:31The job is yours.
00:53:36Wait, that's our money.
00:53:41But I trust you.
00:53:44I think you're an amazing chef.
00:53:50And I feel comfortable with you.
00:54:06I feel comfortable with you.
00:54:20Hey, isn't that the guy who worked for Carlos?
00:54:25I think so.
00:54:27Do you want me to beat him up?
00:54:32He didn't do anything to us.
00:54:33He didn't do anything to us.
00:54:35However, I have some questions for him.
00:54:38I understand.
00:54:40So you want to get the truth out of him?
00:54:43Why do you have to be like this?
00:54:45Do you really need therapy with that, stick?
00:54:48Why don't you work as a taekwondo master
00:54:50so you can hit, hit whenever you want?
00:54:53I mean, hit and hit.
00:54:55That's what I do, boss.
00:54:57That's why...
00:55:01Why taekwondo master?
00:55:03That's racist.
00:55:05And unnecessary.
00:55:09To be completely honest,
00:55:12I've never fought in all my life.
00:55:15Except that time I had to hit some stupid kids at Halloween.
00:55:21Wait a minute.
00:55:23Did you hit kids at Halloween?
00:55:26That's insensitive.
00:55:28And it's not Halloween.
00:55:30It's Halloween.
00:55:31Mamma mia.
00:55:32Whoa, whoa, what's wrong with you?
00:55:34You have to learn.
00:55:35Okay, okay.
00:55:37Let's go.
00:55:43Hey, stop right there.
00:55:45You're the cook who worked for Carlos.
00:55:50What's up with that?
00:55:51The boss has some questions
00:55:53that he'd like to ask you.
00:55:55So he'll ask you some questions, okay?
00:55:57May I?
00:55:59We recently visited Carlos' restaurant.
00:56:04I remember you.
00:56:07You're not friends with Carlos, are you?
00:56:09Hey, hey, what did I tell you?
00:56:11The boss is asking the questions here.
00:56:13So you better answer.
00:56:16Are you done?
00:56:20I guess I have to know.
00:56:22That was good sauce.
00:56:24It wasn't the same since you left.
00:56:25And I really remember my nonna.
00:56:35So my only question is,
00:56:37was she yours?
00:56:46I need a wine representative.
00:56:48He's very active.
00:56:50Sometimes he can be a little excessive,
00:56:52but he's very hardworking.
00:56:56These guys again?
00:57:02They come all the time.
00:57:06They give me chills.
00:57:08Customers are customers.
00:57:13Welcome, gentlemen.
00:57:15Table for two?
00:57:19I'll let him know you're here.
00:57:21Follow me.
00:57:39Two tallarines for table five.
00:57:44Table number.
00:57:46It's an improvement.
00:57:54What are you doing here?
00:57:56I thought...
00:57:58we had a deal.
00:58:01Good afternoon.
00:58:03We're here for non-official matters.
00:58:06We're visiting some places in the neighborhood.
00:58:10And we thought it would be nice
00:58:12to have two dishes of the best penne pomodoro
00:58:15while we wait for the results of the game.
00:58:17It's me, or...
00:58:19Carlos doesn't look very happy to see his friends.
00:58:24Enjoy your meal, sir.
00:58:33Bring them two Italian sodas with little ice.
00:58:36I'll be right back.
00:58:48I'll be right back.
00:59:01Did you really steal?
00:59:03Of course not.
00:59:05I knew it.
00:59:07What are you doing here?
00:59:09If Carlos sees you, he'll call the police.
00:59:11Can you take my phone?
00:59:13Your phone?
00:59:15Yes, it's in the office.
00:59:21Oh my God, I feel like Sandra at full speed.
00:59:27Two Italian sodas, as you like.
00:59:30Hey, you know us well.
00:59:34You're here all the time and we can never talk.
00:59:36Well, my name is Herbert.
00:59:38But my friends call me Stick.
00:59:41Nice to meet you, Herbert.
00:59:44And why do they call you Stick?
00:59:45Because I'm a stick.
00:59:47Two pasta with tomato?
00:59:49And a tomato for the gentlemen?
00:59:52Would you like some parmesan?
00:59:56A lot of parmesan.
00:59:59You know, Herbert,
01:00:01the delicate spicy flavor of the tomato
01:00:04is not buried with large amounts of parmesan.
01:00:07It's a sacrilege.
01:00:09Yes, bring it.
01:00:16You found it?
01:00:19Give me the phone.
01:00:21Give it to me.
01:00:23Rick, please.
01:00:29Yes, here it is.
01:00:33It was Calduccio.
01:00:37I didn't know he was so familiar with modern cuisine.
01:00:39I only know by tradition,
01:00:41when something is wrong.
01:00:42It's sacred.
01:00:44I'm glad you have us in such high esteem.
01:00:48This here
01:00:51is not what I used to do.
01:00:53I have to be honest.
01:01:03She looks like a charming lady.
01:01:05She reminds me of my nonna.
01:01:07The pasta,
01:01:09the tomato,
01:01:10reminds me of my nonna.
01:01:12The pasta,
01:01:14when Paolo was here,
01:01:16reminded me of my nonna.
01:01:18Well, Paolo doesn't...
01:01:20It's not what you think.
01:01:24Let's hope today's results are in your favor.
01:01:28our visits will have to be
01:01:30less pleasant.
01:01:36Keep the change
01:01:38as a tip.
01:01:43That was unnecessary.
01:01:58You were betting all this time,
01:02:00and you didn't tell me?
01:02:02It was only a few times.
01:02:04It's not a big deal.
01:02:06Please tell me you didn't frame Paolo.
01:02:10Did you use the money from the restaurant?
01:02:12The money my parents invested?
01:02:15You're exaggerating too much.
01:02:17Besides, you have no proof.
01:02:19Remember, we trapped Paolo with the money.
01:02:23Who are you calling now?
01:02:25Your dad?
01:02:27Of course, why not?
01:02:29Anyway, I never liked him.
01:02:31Just give me a minute.
01:02:33Give me the phone.
01:02:35Give me that thing.
01:02:37Why are women so difficult?
01:02:39I guess the Cowboys didn't play well.
01:02:41Mr. Ropez would like to talk to you.
01:02:44Just a few questions.
01:02:46What would you like to do with...
01:02:48Come on, where are you going?
01:02:50Don't worry, Maya.
01:02:52I think the Cowboys played badly,
01:02:54but after all, they won.
01:02:56Now you have some time
01:02:58to find the truth.
01:03:09Watch the restaurant for me!
01:03:16I couldn't have written it better.
01:03:18What do you mean?
01:03:20Honey, this is a romantic comedy, Cursi.
01:03:33Is anyone there?
01:03:35What do you want?
01:03:36What do you want?
01:03:38Hello, ma'am.
01:03:40I'm looking for Paolo.
01:03:42Do you have a job?
01:03:44Yes, but I'm actually looking for Paolo,
01:03:46who lives here.
01:03:48Do you know the number of his apartment?
01:03:54The damn Italian guy?
01:03:56Of course, yes.
01:04:00201, thank you.
01:04:17The end.
01:04:21Isn't it true?
01:04:23Or is it?
01:04:31I don't know.
01:04:39I knew it.
01:04:52You know what?
01:04:54Thanks to you,
01:04:56I realized that courage is needed to be happy.
01:04:59What do you mean?
01:05:01I mean you have to take out your heart.
01:05:04You'll say eat your heart.
01:05:11I'm very excited.
01:05:13Are you ready?
01:05:21Do you like it?
01:05:24Come here.
01:05:26Oh, one more thing.
01:05:28It's a new recipe for the new menu.
01:05:29What is it?
01:05:31I don't know.
01:05:33It's a new recipe.
01:05:35What is it?
01:05:37I don't know.
01:05:39It's a new recipe.
01:05:41What is it?
01:05:43I don't know.
01:05:45It's a new recipe.
01:05:47What is it?
01:05:49I don't know.
01:05:51It's a new recipe.
01:05:53What is it?
01:05:55It's a new recipe.
01:05:57What is it?
01:05:59I don't know.
01:06:01It's a new recipe.
01:06:03What is it?
01:06:05I don't know.
01:06:07It's a new recipe.
01:06:09What is it?
01:06:11I don't know.
01:06:13It's a new recipe.
01:06:15What is it?
01:06:17I don't know.
01:06:19It's a new recipe.
01:06:21What is it?
01:06:23I don't know.
01:06:25It's a new recipe.
01:06:27What is it?
01:06:29I don't know.
01:06:31It's a new recipe.
01:06:33What is it?
01:06:35I don't know.
01:06:37It's a new recipe.
01:06:39What is it?
01:06:41I don't know.
01:06:43It's a new recipe.
01:06:45What is it?
01:06:47I don't know.
01:06:49It's a new recipe.
01:06:51What is it?
01:06:53I don't know.
01:06:55It's a new recipe.
01:06:57What is it?
01:06:59I don't know.
01:07:01It's a new recipe.
01:07:03What is it?
01:07:05I don't know.
01:07:07It's a new recipe.
01:07:09What is it?
01:07:11I don't know.
01:07:13It's a new recipe.
01:07:15What is it?
01:07:17I don't know.
01:07:19It's a new recipe.
01:07:21What is it?
01:07:23I don't know.
01:07:25It's a new recipe.
01:07:27What is it?
01:07:29I don't know.
01:07:31It's a new recipe.
01:07:33What is it?
01:07:35I don't know.
01:07:37It's a new recipe.
01:07:39What is it?
01:07:41I don't know.
01:07:43It's a new recipe.
01:07:45What is it?
01:07:47I don't know.
01:07:49It's a new recipe.
01:07:51What is it?
01:07:53I don't know.
01:07:55It's a new recipe.
01:07:57What is it?
01:07:59I don't know.
01:08:01It's a new recipe.
01:08:03What is it?
01:08:05I don't know.
01:08:07It's a new recipe.
01:08:09What is it?
01:08:11I don't know.
01:08:13It's a new recipe.
01:08:15What is it?
01:08:17I don't know.
01:08:19It's a new recipe.
01:08:21What is it?
01:08:23I don't know.
01:08:25It's a new recipe.
01:08:27What is it?
