Jake Hutchinson

  • 5 days ago
00:00Willie and Debbie can tell you what it looks like outside, but only one person on our team can tell you what it looks like inside
00:07And that's our man Jake Hutchinson
00:09Covering the Niners like no other joining us on the River Islands guest line right now is our man Hutch
00:16How's it looking in there Jake? Thanks for coming on
00:19It's good. It's good
00:20It's nice to finally have some football to watch and not just that and contract nonsense and other stuff no joke
00:26But obviously those guys who took us through that journey are gonna be center stage tonight
00:32So what do you think the exact plan is for Brandon Iuke and Trent Williams?
00:38Yeah, I think they're gonna have to put Trent out there for almost all the snaps
00:42I think it'll depend on him and where he's at
00:45I personally think it would be fun if they if they trotted him out it
00:49Eligible and then pull them out for a snap after that put him in motion like they did back in 2022
00:55They could do that. I'm not sure they will I think Iuke is not gonna go full bore the way he normally would but I
01:02Think he's gonna be out there. You know I guess at least two-thirds of the snaps
01:06But we'll see how his conditioning you know where they think he's at
01:10But I think they're both gonna be out there plenty short of Iuke being out there
01:14What is the plan for the X receiver when he's gonna be on the bench?
01:18Yeah, it's I think it's probably gonna be Chris Conley, you know, he's a guy they trust they trust him in the playoffs
01:24He made a couple. I think literally a couple big catches
01:28And he's just a guy that they know what to expect out of him
01:32Like he's not the most dynamic receiver they have but he's big
01:35He knows what he knows what to do and they can trust it
01:38I do think we might see a little bit of Jacob Cowling, but that might be more
01:43You know in Debo Samuel spot at G, but we'll see
01:45Our man Jake Hutchinson is inside the building as we count down and get ready
01:51We're well inside of two hours until kickoff of the 2024 campaign for the San Francisco 49ers
01:58Willard and dibs live on the scene at the Hilton across the parking lot getting y'all ready
02:02Okay, hutch new coaching staff for the defensive side of the football. What are you looking for?
02:09Tonight with regard to differences
02:12Yeah, we'll see if you know, they've talked up this whole three-four thing, you know, they were sort of open about that that they've been
02:19Experimenting with those wrinkles. Are they actually gonna do that?
02:22Are they gonna stand up Leonard Floyd Nick Bosa and and try that a decent amount or is that something that you know?
02:28They're just trying to throw off the Jets. That's something I want to see. I also I'm interested
02:33You know, I would guess that they probably go George Odom at safety next to Jairz
02:38Experience, but Nick Sorensen also threw Malik Mustafa's name out there. So do they get the rookie out on the field?
02:45Because they like Odom as a special teamer. He's an all-pro special teams player
02:49Do they like Malik Mustafa and have they seen enough out of him?
02:51It's a pretty young safety pairing against a veteran quarterback if they do that, that'll be interesting
02:57And then I think Isaac Adams probably starts at corner
03:00But I'll be interested if they choose Renardo green over him. I don't know. I don't know
03:05But I'll be interested if they choose Renardo green over him, I think they probably go experience there, but but we'll see
03:12And would you anticipate a lot of nickel coverage tonight?
03:14And you know really maximizing the fact that they do have such depth in the secondary and really only two
03:21Legitimate linebackers you want to lean on
03:24Yeah, especially with the winters out
03:26I think you know
03:28They trust Demetrius Flanagan fouls, but he is more of a special teams player than it's been a pretty reliable linebacker either way
03:35You know, this team is gonna run nickel like 75% of the time around there
03:38I think you know
03:40You want to get Lenore on the field and and I think they're still gonna do the same thing they did last year where he's
03:44Outside bumps inside the nickel. But yeah, I think you want Lenore nickel as much as possible
03:50And then you know outside you probably just have the Adam and Charburius Ward. I think that's what they'll stick with
03:57Especially, you know with the winters not playing and and Devondra Campbell being a veteran
04:02You don't really have a lot of guys you can trust that linebacker outside of that
04:06I think there's there's gonna be plenty of nickel tonight
04:08Huts you've used the word trust a couple of times and in a game like this and at the beginning of the season that makes
04:14A whole lot of sense, but I'm interested in this crop of rookies
04:17We know that Poonie is gonna start so there's that but outside of that
04:21Who are the other rookies that you feel have really gained Kyle Shanahan's trust
04:28You know, it's
04:30It's tough to say cuz Kyle's trust can be you know a fickle thing, right?
04:35You can have it and then it's gone in a moment
04:37I think it's something that to prove it and to actually have that trust you have to do it in a game
04:43So I'm not sure, you know that they fully trust a lot of guys, but I'll go back to Jacob Cowen
04:50I think he's gonna return punts for them and that in and of itself is a lot of trust cuz Shanahan could just say
04:57All right, Trent Taylor is gonna go fair catch everything but Cowen showed a lot in the preseason
05:01I think that's a little bit of trust there the other guys on the defensive side of the ball
05:06I think they're gonna have to see it. They've liked what they've seen
05:09There's plenty to like but again, you know week one against a veteran quarterback. We'll see I think it takes a game
05:16Especially for Shanahan for guys. He's not directly
05:19Overseen for him to fully buy in
05:22Speaking of trust
05:23There's been a lot of talk about Christian McCaffrey and trying to maybe limit his carries and slow play the workload for him
05:30How much do you think we're gonna see Jordan Mason in that role that backup role kind of an alleviation for Christian McCaffrey?
05:38Yeah, let's like that's something that should not be glossed over folks, right?
05:43The fact that this is a cap slash Achilles
05:46Not just a calf injury that has something that has lingered from I think it was week 17 of last year
05:52that is something that Shanahan said it offhand just when he said McCaffrey was hurt and
05:57You know, whatever. It's a calf injury. It's something to keep an eye on like that is not something you want to hear Achilles mentioned
06:04I think it's something where Shanahan said specifically they want to take some of the burden off McCaffrey
06:11It just generally speaking I think tonight they should throw Jordan Mason out there a decent amount
06:16But again, if you go down, you know, and you're in a lot of passing situations, it's gonna be McCaffrey out there
06:22So if they get ahead early, I think they're gonna have a pretty steady dose of Jordan Mason mixed in
06:28But again Shanahan if he feels like the game's slipping away like he might just ride McCaffrey
06:34I mean Jake I haven't even been following the active inactive lists
06:38Alright, like can you confirm that Christian McCaffrey is even playing tonight?
06:43Yeah, they haven't put it out yet, but he's gonna play. Okay, I'd be stunned if he if he didn't I think he'll be out
06:51There a hundred percent. Okay, and and just to kind of follow up on that
06:55I guess I'm gonna sort of ask for just you reading the room
07:00They throw out the the word Achilles and it makes all of us kind of freak out when you look at the 49er coaching
07:08Dude, do you feel like they seem concerned?
07:13You know, they try their best to not let us know how they're actually feeling
07:19You know, but I'm saying if this is a guy who led the league in touches last year if I'm not mistaken like they fed
07:26him the ball
07:27Constantly, this is a guy that you signed basically
07:31They could have they could have left his contract untouched and and had no guaranteed money
07:34But they extended him or not really extended him. They reworked his deal where it's like two years basically fully guaranteed
07:41this is a guy that like you were betting on being here this year next year and then the third the question mark, but
07:47They they must think that he's gonna be okay, or he's too good to really worry about it
07:54Yeah, and that's actually where you want to be is, you know having players who are so good
07:58Do you feel like you have to extend them and make them whole and you know, we have the Debo Samuel contract
08:03They got reworked and many people are looking to Debo to have a big start to the season
08:08What have you made of Debo's camp and just how sharp he is coming into the opener?
08:13Yeah, I think this is a game that sets up perfectly for him where that's especially with questions
08:18My Capri and I use not having a full camp and and all this stuff some tunnel screens to Debo
08:24You know getting him the ball and like a Jimmy G style way that would make a whole lot of sense to me
08:30He's looked really good. He's looked healthy
08:32He's been in shape, I think he said he lost like a few pounds
08:36He's just looked really good
08:37And this is a game where he's a physical player
08:40You want to get the ball in his hand and take some of the burden off those other guys?
08:44I expect a steady dose of him tonight
08:47Jake Hutchinson our man on the Niner beat is
08:50Inside the building and helping us get ready for this one on 95-7 the game Willard and dibs on the scene
08:56At the Hilton tailgate getting ready for the season to open up
09:0049ers versus the Jets Jake. Hey, what do you take from sort of this narrative that we all feel after watching games?
09:08All weekend where the defenses seem ahead of the offenses. Are you expecting that to be the case tonight as well?
09:15Yeah, I mean, it's especially given the fact that this is the first time, you know
09:20We're really gonna see that Aaron Rodgers offense. He's coming off in Achilles. I mean Kirk Cousins looked terrible
09:27Coming off his Achilles injury old quarterbacks, you know not being able to grip and rip it again
09:32Rodgers is a guy who's been able to buy time in his career by being mobile
09:37I mean, that's something that if the Jets don't look and think I would not be shocked at all
09:41I think the 49ers having a pretty weak training camp. They often come out slowly, you know
09:46That's just sort of their habit. I wouldn't be shocked at both. These offenses look a little disjointed tonight
09:52How much pressure do you think there is on Nick Bosa to have I don't know if a bounce-back season is fair because I
09:58Thought he was pretty good last year
10:00But feels like there's a lot of pressure on this defense with a new coordinator squarely on Nick Bosa
10:06Yeah, no question about it, especially like Leonard Floyd is a veteran, but it's not like he's got a deep bag of moves
10:12He hasn't been on the decline if you just watch him
10:15Even if you watch him with the bills in the playoffs this year
10:18But he's more of a cleanup guy where both to get the pressure and and he can clean it up that way
10:24But he's not doing a ton of winning at least the last few years. So yeah, there's a ton of pressure on both
10:30To get home and I think him having a full camp for really I think it's the first time
10:35He's actually had a full camp with the Niners. I would expect him to have a really strong start
10:40You saw a lot of the best head rushers in the league getting home and week one
10:43I think he's gonna hold himself to a very very high standard
10:48So yeah, I think there's pressure on him, but I also think he's putting more pressure on himself than anybody else's
10:54But that's a whole lot of questions without the word Brock Purdy coming up
11:00They're starting to shake over here, so let's let's get to it right here
11:05He has had a full camp as the Niners quarterback for the first time. He has bulked up
11:12What are you expecting from him this year, what do you want to see him do that he hadn't done yet?
11:18Yeah, I think Purdy like if he had the same season this year that he did last year. He'd be content with that
11:24I honestly think the thing he needs to do to elevate this offense is feel free to run a little bit more
11:31You know, there's some times and I and I think honestly that'll come down to the playoffs more in the regular season
11:36but when he can pick his spots and stretch defenses a little bit more with his legs and
11:41And take little six seven yards when it's there and slide slide every time do not do not take it
11:48Especially in the regular season get down. I think that's something that could open up a little bit more
11:54but again if he is just
11:55putting the ball in the right spot and
11:58Doing the thing where you know Jimmy Garoppolo could only throw it between the hashes and even then he often throw it into double
12:04coverage like Brock is stressing defenses and if he continues to do that in the deep third and down the sidelines and
12:10He shows that pocket presence that is a lead and that little ability, you know to run away kind of like prime
12:17What's Russell Wilson?
12:18Like he's got a little bit of that just the last second spin out if he keeps doing that this offense is gonna click
12:24And you know, I I don't know what else he can do last year
12:28But if he just does a little bit of that same thing that he did last year. I think they're gonna be good
12:33Hodge it's been a minute since he's been here. But Robert Sala is an ex-college Chanahan assistant
12:38So it does that mean anything tonight? What do you got on this coaching matchup?
12:43Well, he ran the stairs as he you know loves to do
12:48Back here and you know Salas still yoke in an insane shape
12:53It's funny because you always do the thing right where when it's like Shannon versus McVeigh or LaFleur
12:59All these guys know each other all these guys know what to expect and you kind of wonder are they gonna overthink it?
13:04Are they gonna do a little bit different?
13:07It'll be interesting but I think both of these teams are built in similar ways
13:12They run sort of similar offices. I don't know if there's gonna be too many surprises. I think they'll know to expect
13:19I think the biggest wrinkle could be you know
13:21They threw a little bit more 3-4 like I mentioned before on the defensive side
13:25But you know, I think these teams are gonna know each other pretty well and know for the most part what to expect
13:32Watch great stuff, man
13:34Thank you for bringing us the feel and all the stories and and breaking for the listeners that Christian McCaffrey will play. Yeah, it's breaking
13:42Yeah, yeah, sure. Sure. Thank you