00:00a daylight jumper no good santos the rebound put it back in in the air with one hand and got found
00:12outstanding stupendous ridiculous all in one
00:20bay area it's keith santos here you're listening to wheeler and dibs on 957 the game
00:26outstanding stupendous yep and gediculous is what that was a beautiful call from tim roy
00:35and i'm telling you um to watch key santos get up i mean grandy how would you describe it like
00:41for those who if you're in the building like he got up and i mean he his whole body was just like
00:47pulsating toward the fans after that oh and he did a whole strut down the floor after celebrating
00:53man that was something that was something so here we go i can already feel it it's already all over
01:00social media lucas thank you very much um here we go oh yeah gee santos is better than jonathan
01:06cominga i said it yes oh you just did oh yeah yeah no send it out send it out um i hate jk
01:14always have just trying to keep brother down for sure um all of those things are we cutting all
01:19this i mean because i'll lay out if we're gonna continue to barry willard for his uh this is his
01:24anti uh jk tate this is very simple he's phenomenal he'll get his opportunity but he's
01:32gonna need to do something with it the warriors are really good right now and i don't know about
01:38y'all i'm not willing to mess with that i'm not and and and steve was the one who said
01:46it's very difficult when you're playing well and a key player returns his words his words
01:54and by the way hello historically it's that way every time it always is it's very hard
02:02to bring back a 30 minute a night player when your team is on a streak remember a year or two ago
02:10when everybody went with hey gosh the grizzlies are worse with jaw what's going on there
02:18raise his hand it's hard when you're rolling to inject a key player back in because you start
02:26doing things differently i don't want the warriors to do anything differently right
02:29now they're phenomenal yeah that's all i'm saying yeah that's it i don't think that they're going to
02:34reintegrate him at the level that he was at before he got hurt and i'm
02:39looking at it where it was 37 minutes 34 32 25 and the 25 was only because they crushed philadelphia
02:47he had 20 minutes and 25 or 20 points in 25 minutes and yeah then he got hurt against memphis
02:53and so when he comes back he'll be two months 10 weeks removed from an ankle injury so you don't
02:59have to worry about them throwing him back in there for 25 30 minutes it's going to be a slow
03:05build and it's going to be great and if jonathan when he gets to full fitness and full confidence
03:12in the ankle which heck i i would have thought would have been by now but if you get into late
03:18march and he's finally fit and ready if the team is not playing as well as they are now well then
03:25he's not going to play that much and it's okay and look at the the past playoff runs with kaminga
03:32and with jordan pool where yeah jordan pool was going through a bit of a struggle and so
03:37he played less and kaminga was you know basically refusing to retrieve a rebound that was bouncing
03:43right toward him and so they stopped playing him as we get deeper into march and into april
03:49and the games have more import it's not going to matter what your name is if it's gee or quinton
03:56or gary or kavon or jonathan if you're not playing well and playing the way they need you to play to
04:03help promote winning then you're gonna sit it doesn't matter who you are and how your ankle
04:08is and all the rest of it you're 100 right this this this is actually the least discriminatory
04:13thing in the entire world it's not about young people old people it's about the first letter in
04:19the world warriors go get a w it's a meritocracy yes no doubt and if you merit minutes you get
04:25minutes and just look at jonathan this year where are you going to start you're coming off the bench
04:30we're not sure and you know wiggins and this and that and then this is where it becomes so
04:34frustrating because you finally found that sweet spot which was all right you're going to come off
04:39the bench and when you come off the bench go cook and he started really cooking and he cooked for
04:45about seven games and then the ankle injury happened and so no it's super unfortunate it
04:51is mostly for him and his contract but you're right when it comes to where we are on march 10th
04:56and he's not playing on the 10th and he might play the 13th he might not play till the 22nd or
05:01whatever when they have a game but when he does play he comes on to a team that when he left
05:07didn't have quinton didn't have this gee jimmy butler was kind of a heat not really uh this team
05:14was not this team i mean look if he comes back and makes him better i'll buy a jersey there's no hate
05:20here but the nba app just reached uh just released their new power rankings and the warriors are
05:24fifth fifth in the whole league they're fifth they're fifth dang and some of you are driving
05:30around out there being like so let's change some stuff okay okay jonathan in the city hey jonathan
05:39thanks for calling what's up hey man um first of all i want to uh shout out uh b santos and
05:46posts for uh you know playing well and taking full advantage of their opportunity you know
05:51that's one of the best thing that happened here you know uh slo-mo became quentin post
05:56and uh lindsey waters became uh d santos another thing that i want to say is uh i have a suggestion
06:03or a wish you know like like you say i don't want to change anything man if ain't broke don't fix it
06:07pretty much everyone is having uh you know a nice uptick in their performance playing well
06:12except for that one guy so when cominga is ready to be inserted in the lineup i mean spacing is all
06:20for not if you can't score he should take most if not all the minutes from bad buddy bad buddy go
06:27ahead and sit right next to pjd well this is you know what jonathan this is an interesting subject
06:33that you bring up and my bet is if jonathan were given the opportunity to pitch that to steve kerr
06:40steve would find a way to answer it this way and this is part of what i'm getting out with
06:44regard to gee or moody or anyone else nobody wants to sit here and ask well is moody better than jk
06:51is gee better than jk is buddy better than jk well the answer is no across the board obviously
06:58but that doesn't matter what about the specific things they do on the court exactly that the
07:03warriors need in a given moment so i bet steve would find a way and be like well there are moments
07:09where i need someone out there who is really a threat to get hot and knock down a couple threes
07:16and if that's all i said don't play the best player what if i pitched it to you that way
07:21steve looks at the bench and goes i need somebody to go knock down a couple threes
07:25who are you pointing at jonathan or buddy well buddy buddy clinton but yeah maybe neither of
07:32them no but i don't know but you get what i'm saying i do okay and this is uh one thing that
07:37you've said that i have kind of stolen and used in many other facets which is steve doesn't know
07:44when he puts buddy healed on the floor like which buddy he's gonna get he doesn't know in advance
07:49how a guy is gonna do and if you look at buddy uh four games ago he was five of nine from three
07:55he had 22 yeah buddy then he followed it up with a three of ten okay and then oh five and one for
08:02five so of course when you play buddy you don't know if buddy's gonna be hot buddy or cold buddy
08:08but to your point like when you look at the role players in fight steph draymond jimmy you're the
08:15three and we need the other seven of you to fill in the other two spots on a rotating basis so
08:22who's gonna do what all right quinton stretch five you can shoot all right gp2 you're grimy
08:28you'll get a dunk and you'll play defense and kavon you can rebound and set screens and all
08:32the rest of it but you get to buddy and it's like all right buddy we need you to go in there
08:36and shoot threes and make them yeah all right coach i can do that well he's one for 10 in the
08:41last two games so yeah no how do you know though if buddy's gonna be you don't but but you're
08:46playing percentages and you're looking for certain characteristics out on the floor exactly