I am the royalty of the royalty

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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Okay, if you hate everything and my car so much why don't you just get out this isn't funny
00:04It's freezing, and it's dark out
00:06Is this a joke does it look like a joke call an uber my jaw dropped as he sped off
00:11I was waiting for the driver when I suddenly heard glass shattering and a loud alarm
00:16I looked behind me and saw a man in a dark hood running out of a jewelry store. We both froze hi
00:22I'm Layla from New York before I tell you the rest don't forget to Like and subscribe
00:26I had a perfect family. I grew up in one of the most expensive penthouses in all of New York City
00:32We had a personal chef designer clothes
00:35Everything my dad was the president of a huge company
00:37And he loved my mom and I more than anything in the world we had it all but when I was five my life turned
00:43Upside down when my mom left and my dad started spending all his time at work a few years later
00:49He married Gwendolyn who was some random supermodel
00:52And they started jetting off to exotic cities for her work every weekend at first
00:57I hated how they left all the time even tried going with them once I'll pack up for the trip daddy
01:02Oh, Layla. You didn't really think you were coming with us. Did you tomorrow's my seventh birthday right right the housekeepers?
01:09Will make you the biggest cake you've ever seen
01:11Toodaloo, but as I got older I got used to them being gone for weeks and eventually I totally loved it
01:17Needed actual parents when you had their credit card an empty house meant having epic karaoke parties movie marathons and makeover parties
01:25Whatever I wanted my parents didn't care as long as no one broke anything that cost more than $10,000 having the best party
01:32House in an elite private school was like being royalty among royalty. Oh my god, Layla your party this weekend was incredible
01:39When's the next one um don't think I didn't see you break my stepmom's favorite vase for you
01:44There won't be a next one like any Queen bee
01:47I had to keep my hive in line and most importantly I had to have a super hot king by my side
01:53So I had a boyfriend Jackson who was the heir to a massive family fortune
01:58Hey, babe want to take my dad's helicopter to the Bahamas this weekend. Oh the Bahamas should we ask our parents?
02:04Good one. We even won prom king and queen two years in a row
02:08I mean, it's not like it was a surprise life was totally perfect
02:12But when I was 17 everything changed Jackson was driving me home from dinner one night and we got into the dumbest argument
02:19He was always throwing tantrums. Okay, if you hate everything and my car so much. Why don't you just get out?
02:24This isn't funny. It's freezing and it's dark out
02:27Is this a joke does it look like a joke call an uber my jaw dropped as he sped off
02:32I was waiting for the driver when I suddenly heard glass shattering and a loud alarm
02:37I looked behind me and saw a man in a dark hood running out of a jewelry store. He both froze
02:42He was turning to run when a huge gust of wind blew his hood off
02:46I immediately noticed this huge scar on his forehead
02:49Luckily, the alarm must have called the police the flashing lights and sirens sent him running. I told the officers everything
02:56They dropped me off at home
02:57Jackson didn't take my call and I had to sleep with all the lights on next morning
03:01I woke up to the sound of someone banging on my door. It must be Jackson begging for forgiveness
03:06Surprise surprise, you better have a whole bouquet of flowers for me
03:10You're not Jackson two giant men in dark suits with gold badges were standing at my door FBI
03:16Layla you need to come with us now. Is this about last night?
03:19I told the police everything the man you saw is some psycho who's connected to robberies all over the city and he's extremely dangerous
03:26We've already contacted your parents with your family's high-profile. We're putting you in witness protection witness protection
03:32Doesn't that only happen in movies?
03:34You'll be living with a new family in a discreet location until he's captured. He barely saw me my dad
03:39We'll never allow this dad
03:40Wait, what can't you just come home to protect me?
03:43Apparently when no one signed all the paperwork and sent it to the FBI that morning without even asking me first
03:49You can't do this to me
03:50It wasn't even allowed to say goodbye to my friends or take my phone
03:53And I dozed off in the car until we pulled up to a small house in the desert a woman and a little girl stood
03:59At the door waving and holding up a handmade sign Eunice. Who is Eunice? Welcome home, Miss
04:05Celia will tell you everything you need to know from here
04:08Good luck walking into the house felt like the beginning of a nightmare
04:11Everything was so old. Even the floorboards were creaking under my feet
04:15I know this is probably a lot for you Eunice, but we're here to make you feel like home. Um, okay
04:20But where's the rest of your house? I can't believe I have a pretty big sister. Don't mind Amy
04:25She's only five and she is excited to meet you
04:28I'm sure you're exhausted, but I was instructed to change your hair tonight. You need to be unrecognizable Eunice. Are you kidding?
04:34I just got highlights and please stop calling me Eunice. My name is Leila. Sorry, sweetheart
04:40But according to your new identity, your name is Eunice
04:43You're my niece who just moved here from a farm and you have short green hair. Cool. I love green hair
04:49I'm gonna be sick. Hopefully not too sick. You have to start school tomorrow after hours of sobbing
04:55I had no choice but to let Celia destroy my hair. Before school the next morning
05:00Celia printed out a schedule and told me about my new identity. Whoa, whoa, whoa AP trigonometry? Chess club?
05:06You'll do great. Oh and I packed you a sandwich for lunch
05:09It's probably nothing as fancy as you're used to but I think I make a mean PB&J. The best sandwich
05:15Oh, and here's your phone. Don't try to sneak any texting to friends
05:19It's only programmed to call me. A flip phone? Have a great first day! As if that wasn't enough
05:25The students all looked so weird. Not a single person was wearing designer clothes. I guess I wasn't either
05:31I shut the locker and jumped when I saw a tall guy with glasses and a plaid sweater standing right in front of me
05:36Ah, who are you? Hi, I'm Edward. Eunice, right? I'm Leila. I mean, yeah, I am. How did you know?
05:42I'm the chess team captain. I heard we were getting a new student today and you're the only person here
05:47I don't recognize. Small town. I don't need a greeting committee. I won't be staying long. Whoa. Sorry
05:52I thought I'd help the new girl, but if you've got it all figured out, I'll see you later
05:57Great start Eunice. If the nerds already hated me, I wouldn't dare try my luck with the popular girls
06:02I ate lunch in the bathroom alone. This is all Jackson's fault
06:06I was so furious that I spent the rest of the day in a daze
06:09Thinking about getting out and seeking my revenge. The final school bell snapped me out of it. Time for the worst part
06:15We have a new member. Everyone, this is Eunice. She'll be my partner today. Earth Eunice, you go first
06:20Oh, right. Okay. I bumped a random piece up on the board
06:23Um, I don't know what chess was like where you're from, but you can't do that. My aunt made me join
06:28I really don't care about this
06:30Well, we care and I don't have time for someone who doesn't want to be here. Fine, whatever
06:35I stormed out and looked for a phone booth since I couldn't use my own phone
06:38There had to be a way to get out of here
06:40I thought about calling Jackson or my dad until I realized they're the ones who got me here in the first place
06:45Jackson abandoned me on the sidewalk. Dad just straight-up abandoned me. I gave up and went back home
06:51I had the best day at school. We got to play outside. I saw a rock that was bigger than my head
06:55Okay, what about you? Did you make any new friends? Nope, but maybe a couple of enemies
07:00I told Celia that I didn't want to go to chess anymore
07:03Although seeing them all play did remind me how fun it was to play with my dad
07:07Did I just call chess fun? One day I was walking to the bathroom for another sad PB&J
07:13Someone was blocking the door Edward, you know, this is the girls bathroom, right?
07:17I just wanted to make sure you knew that it wasn't the cafeteria since you eat lunch here every day small school people talk
07:23Well, that was humiliating. What do you want? Surprisingly? He apologized for being so harsh on the first day
07:29He even offered me to join him for lunch where they play chess as well
07:33I never thought I'd say it but it was way better than eating alone in a bathroom
07:36Edward even walked me home after school and I saw Celia spying at us through the window before he dropped me off
07:43Someone's making friends. Does he want to have a playdate with me?
07:46Um, I'll ask him Edward and I started spending more time together and it was fun
07:50and I
07:51started to look forward to school and I had to admit it was nice not having friends who only look for status and where I
07:57Had to dress up like I was going to a fashion show every day and once as I prepared to leave for school
08:02I saw Celia braiding Amy's hair and it reminded me of my mom. I gathered myself and took my bag to leave
08:09By my I mean before I knew it Celia was hugging me. I'm sorry. My tears are getting your shirt wet
08:17It's just that my real mom was the last person to actually take care of me
08:21We don't have the nicest things but we have a lot of love to give and we love you. Yeah, they're my sister
08:28I pulled Amy in with us. I could have stayed there all day
08:31I was so happy even in school after weeks of practicing with Edward
08:35We were finally ready to have a real match
08:38I asked Celia if he could come over to play at the house after school the FBI agent said as long as I kept my
08:43Cover-up, it was fine. Hi Edward. We heard a lot about you. I cleared off the table for you guys to play Edward
08:49Are you staying for dinner?
08:51I don't know why that made me nervous or why my mind suddenly flashed to Jackson, please
08:55Does Jackson deserve loyalty after what he did? Yeah, he will stay for dinner Edward beat me
09:00Of course, but the real fun was watching him with Amy during dinner rock-paper-scissors
09:06Always this cute after dinner Celia let us walk to get ice cream so Edward could show me around more
09:11He wanted me to see the fountain
09:13He made wishes in as a kid, but right as we were about to throw coins in something stopped me
09:17Wait, do you hear that?
09:18There's a rustling sound Edward stepped in front of me and that's when I saw a dark figure and my heart raced with
09:24Anticipation the man with the scar to come out and Jackson. What are you doing here?
09:28Layla, I felt terrible for what I did. So I came to rescue you. You're not safe here. You know this guy
09:34Wait, why is he calling you Layla? Um, well, I'm not really allowed to tell you
09:39Is this real my ex-boyfriend and my I don't even know what quick read this
09:44Someone dropped it at my door a few days ago and I've been looking for you ever since tell Layla
09:48I found out her new identity
09:50I know all about the mom and the little girl and I will find her he found me the psycho with the scar
09:56I hired an investigator to find you the FBI said we could fly to one of my dad's islands until it was safe
10:01The helicopter is waiting. I'm never one to run from a fight
10:05But what about Celia and Amy and Edward as long as I was here they were in danger, too
10:10I'm sorry Edward. I have to go Jackson grabbed my hand and we ran
10:14I couldn't bring myself to look back before I knew it. We landed in front of one of Jackson's beautiful island mansions
10:20Ah, look at you. You need a proper makeover and these green hairs look like snot you belong to me
10:26Yeah, I mean here not in some middle-of-nowhere loser town
10:29I think I need to lie down
10:31Jackson got me new clothes fixed my hair and even brought his personal chef to cook us five-star meals
10:36Wasn't this what I had been missing? So why did I keep thinking about Celia and those silly peanut butter sandwiches?
10:43You can at least say thank you. I'm basically your hero. I didn't really minds living there, you know
10:49Our dinner was interrupted by someone pounding on the door Jackson jumped out of his chair to look out the window
10:54Oh, no FBI open the door FBI, what did you do?
10:59He tried to block me, but I pushed past him to open the door good. You're safe Celia
11:03Thought something terrible happened to you. We've been looking for you for days along with your dad
11:07We asked him to wait for you at home
11:09But Jackson said I showed them the letter miss the man you identified has been on trial for a few days
11:14We were waiting until he was in prison to tell you it was safe to return
11:18There's no way he could have written that letter without us knowing I can explain Jackson. You ruined everything again
11:24I had a family who cared about me friends who wanted me for more than just parties
11:28Why do you even care you got me into this mess because because no one walks away from me
11:34Only I can decide that I am Jackson st. Germain. I always get what I want and I still want you walked away
11:42I was in witness protection
11:44I didn't even have a phone
11:47The agents had to put Jackson in handcuffs to put an end to one of his famous tantrums get him out of here
11:53The FBI told everyone I was safe and took me back to my penthouse in New York walking through the empty rooms
11:58I thought about Celia and Amy and I suddenly understood the difference between a house and a home my baby Layla
12:05I'm so sorry for not being here with you all this time. I can't go back to the time that has passed
12:10I know I was so focused on work because I was trying not to miss your mom and I didn't realize how much you had
12:17You look just like your beautiful mom and when I got to know that you were in the witness protection program
12:23I used all my connections to find the scumbag bandit as soon as possible
12:27And when I found out you'd gone missing I realized what a terrible father I am Oh dad
12:32You'll always be my dad
12:34But I really want to go back to finish high school with Celia my dad accepted as long as I had a bodyguard for protection
12:41It was just one thing I had to do before going home driver
12:44Can you please make a stop at the local jail? You better tell them to let me out. Tell them it's a mistake
12:49I cut him off with a well-deserved slap across the face. Clearly. He hadn't learned any lessons yet, but he was super rich
12:56I knew he'd be bailed out in no time, but not by me. Bye Jackson. It was time to reveal my big plan Layla
13:02It's beautiful
13:03I took Celia and Amy's
13:05Blindfolds off and revealed a brand new house by the fountain in the park
13:08My dad wanted to make up for his absence
13:11So he paid to build a big house with everything the three of us could need and yeah
13:15I did ask for a walk-in closet a girl can only change so much. Do I have a playroom? You have two
13:21I still can't believe your name is actually Layla and you did all this just for some chess playing nerds in a small town
13:28Don't flatter yourself too much. It was for all you nerds in this beautiful small town. Let's head inside
13:33I'm kind of craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich