Girls are Jealous of Me Despite of ALL MY Conditions

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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00It had been a day. My evil nemesis had taken my spot as valedictorian, a solid gold helicopter landed in my backyard,
00:07and I was being stalked by a prince! And it all began when I almost went into a coma.
00:12It all started as I was walking around the school garden.
00:15I spotted my favorite purple flower, but as I held it up to my nose,
00:18I panicked when I heard that all-too-familiar buzzing sound. I tried to swipe it and run away,
00:23but it came right at me! Ow! I dropped everything, fell to my knees, and desperately searched for my medicine.
00:29You see, I was severely allergic to bees, and if I got stung, it was just moments before I would stop breathing.
00:35I've got you!
00:36I turned to see Chandler, the mysterious new student at school who always wore dark sunglasses and a long coat,
00:41holding my medicine and rushing toward me just as I passed out. As I woke up,
00:45I was staring into the most beautiful yet unfamiliar face I had ever seen, smiling at me. Who is this?
00:52You're okay. I gave you your injection just in time.
00:55I touched his face and realized that I was in his arms.
00:59I must be hallucinating because one of your eyes is brown and the other is blue.
01:03Must be the way the light is hitting it.
01:05He suddenly got uncomfortable and jumped up quickly, putting his dark coat and glasses back on.
01:10I immediately pushed him away when I realized it was Chandler! Wait, were you watching me?
01:16Don't be so dramatic. This isn't your private garden. Besides,
01:20I only saw you because you were running in circles screaming like a lunatic.
01:24I looked around to gather my things and pick myself up. And what's with the outfit, Dracula?
01:28Are you afraid I'm going to discover your secret identity? And as I turned towards him, he was already gone.
01:35No one ever has to know that the class weirdo saved my life or that for a minute
01:39I thought about him as someone other than a Twilight cosplayer.
01:42I mean, the first time he actually talks to me and then he runs away like a crazy person and
01:47now I'm talking to myself like a crazy person.
01:51Hi, my name is Monica and this is my story of how my biggest nemesis became the reason I found happiness.
01:58But before I continue, please like and subscribe.
02:02That weekend, I invited my best friend Phoebe to play tennis at my house on our private court.
02:06I told her what happened and she started screaming like a swifty.
02:10Oh my god, mon! He's totally into you. Ew, gross.
02:16Well, he never talked to any of the girls at school before so it definitely meant something.
02:21He's too weird for me. Besides, I have so much going on with being vowed Victorian and homecoming queen this year.
02:27I don't have time for a fan fiction fanatic.
02:30Rumor has it that his family has ties to the mob and that will make your love story even hotter.
02:35I can see it now. Coming to theaters soon. Mafia queen and her mysterious man.
02:40That might be your fantasy, but mine is a little more Prince Harry than Dirty Harry.
02:45Suddenly, a solid gold helicopter landed right on the tennis court.
02:50Talk about be careful what you wish for.
02:52We had to hold on to the net so we wouldn't get blown into the next yard.
02:55The truth is I was more annoyed than surprised since we lived in a very rich neighborhood and our neighbors were
03:01constantly landing at our house by mistake.
03:03Oh man, if this is one of the black pink girls again, my dad's gonna explode.
03:08But it was actually my childhood friend Ross who'd moved to Germany when his mom married Royalty.
03:14I hadn't seen him in five years. I barely recognized him. He ran to me and hugged me.
03:19Hey, hot stuff. Tell me how much you miss me.
03:23Holy extreme makeover. You look amazing. Where's the rest of you?
03:27You like it? I lost 80 pounds, got rid of my acne and now I wear contacts. Are you, uh,
03:34posing for me? Just then he spotted Phoebe standing behind me. Who's the dweeb? Dweeb? This is Phoebe.
03:41She's my best friend. Of course. You needed a pet to keep you company while I was away. Okay. Well, I'm back now.
03:48So run along dweeby. Monica and I have a lot of catching up to do.
03:53I put my arm around her to stop her from slapping Ross and smiled uncomfortably. Wow, you sure have changed.
04:00I know. The new and improved 3.0 Ross-O-Rama. He flexed and winked at me.
04:06Why don't you go say hi to my parents? I'll meet you inside.
04:09Just as Phoebe was about to say something to him, I put my hand over her mouth.
04:13I know he seems like a jerk, but growing up he was the sweetest guy. Please just give him a chance.
04:20What? Oh, I said I'll give him a shot.
04:23But if his manners don't improve, I'll show him how good I am with a tennis racket.
04:28My parents told Ross he could stay with us until his parents arrived a few weeks later.
04:32I thought it would also be a good chance for us to reconnect
04:35and for him to remind me of his sweet side that I used to love so much.
04:39Yeah, that so didn't happen. From the minute he arrived,
04:43he was bossing all the house staff around and constantly parading around with no shirt. Sure,
04:48he had a great body, but the minute he opened his mouth, I wanted to put my boot in it.
04:53Let's face it guys, somewhere out there, there's even someone who Ryan Gosling annoys, am I right? And to make matters worse,
05:00he insisted on taking his precious gold helicopter everywhere. To the mall, the movies, and worse, to my school.
05:07One day the helicopter landed on the football field and as he stepped out,
05:10he took a t-shirt gun and shot shirts with a picture of his face on them at all the girls swooning over him.
05:18Yes, ladies and a few you boys, I see you. Your dream man, Prince Ross, has arrived.
05:24He walked over and put his arm around me and held my hand.
05:28I thought I would pick you up and we can go for protein shakes at the new juice bar.
05:32Just then, Rachel, the most spoiled little rich girl in our school and my arch nemesis, rushed up to him.
05:37We have never actually had royalty here. Would you sign this for me? Ross dropped my hand and proceeded to flirt with her.
05:45What's your name? Rachel, but you can call me yours.
05:50Aha, yours, until someone else comes along in three, two, one.
05:55Excuse me. Let's face it, you change your mind about boys more often than a traffic light says go.
06:01And speaking of that, why don't you just go?
06:04Rachel went to charge at me, but Ross got in between us both.
06:08Aw, ladies, I know it's hard, but don't fight over me.
06:12I was so disgusted that he was acting this way. You know what? You can have him.
06:16Later that day, he came up to me at the house. Can we talk? If it's about how amazing you are, no, thanks.
06:23I think I've had enough of the Royal Ross reality show to last me a lifetime.
06:27Actually, I wanted to tell you I'm sorry about how I acted and I brought you these.
06:32He handed me a bag of gummy worms.
06:34Remember when we were little and we used to bury them in the backyard because we wanted to set them free?
06:40You remember that? Of course, you were and hopefully still are my best friend.
06:46You were, you are. It's just that you were acting. I was just trying to impress you.
06:51You befriended me when no one else did and I wanted to show you that I was finally worthy of you.
06:57You don't need all that to impress me. I chomped on a gummy.
07:00Just you, me, and maybe we eat the worms instead of burying him this time.
07:04We stayed up all night talking and it was like I had my best friend back.
07:08I was in such a good mood until I got to school and heard the announcement.
07:12Our new valedictorian and also homecoming queen for this year's senior classes, Rachel!
07:19I didn't hear anything after that. My blood boiled. How could she have beaten my GPA?
07:24Wasn't she failing math last week? I was so mad.
07:28I wasn't looking and I bumped into Chandler and almost fell over, dropping all my books.
07:33But he caught them and me before we hit the floor with almost superhuman speed.
07:38He pushed his sunglasses to the tip of his nose and he looked at me with a hypnotic stare as he held me.
07:43Running from another bee? I could only manage to mutter as I started to melt into his gaze.
07:48I, uh,
07:50GPA, homecoming.
07:52Oh, yeah, I heard.
07:53You should definitely ask for an investigation because Rachel is as likely to have gotten those two honors as I am to wear ballet slippers to school.
08:01I felt like time stood still and I never wanted it to start again.
08:04But then Phoebe walked up with a big grin on her face and tapped me on the shoulder.
08:09What you doing? I was startled but Chandler didn't let go. His big strong arms just held me. Oh, uh,
08:16I'm okay now. You can let me go. He released me, took a step toward me and whispered in my ear.
08:22I don't know if I can let you go.
08:25Okay, Twilight, if you're done talking with my bestie into joining your coven, we're late for class.
08:31As we walked to class, Phoebe couldn't help but tease me. He's too weird for me. I don't have time for that.
08:36I want Prince Harry. Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm just saying. Hubba hubba.
08:41I had after-school activities that day. So I got home late and walked into an unusually quiet house. Mom?
08:48Dad? Where is everyone? Even the staff was gone. Something was wrong.
08:52Then I heard a strange noise from the living room.
08:55I grabbed an umbrella from the closet and held it up ready to beat up the intruder and slammed open the door.
09:01Whoa, okay. Okay. Okay. You can pick the movie.
09:03I looked around to see Ross had set up a movie night for us with popcorn and gummy worms. Ross?
09:08Hey, baby, I heard about the whole Rachel thing and I thought you need a little cheering up. Where is everyone?
09:13Your mom and dad mentioned going to dinner across town.
09:16I think they left you a note on the kitchen counter and I gave the staff the night off so we could chill together.
09:21It did seem sweet, but something still felt off. I sat down next to him on the couch and he handed me the popcorn.
09:28Wait, how did you know what happened today? Did you have one of your groupies spying on me? Aw, babe, are you jealous?
09:36Of your Rossettes?
09:37Never. Good, because you're the only girl for me. He put his arm around me and went to kiss me.
09:43I was so shocked that I dumped the popcorn on his head. What are you doing? We are just friends.
09:48I, I don't think of you that way. Maybe in time you will. I'm a prince now.
09:53I can give you even more than you already have. I'm sorry, Ross, but it's been a long day.
09:58I'm just gonna go to bed. As I walked to my room, I could feel him watching me.
10:02Okay, but I'm here if you need anything. When I woke up for school the next day,
10:06the house was still eerily quiet. I looked in my parents' bedroom and the bed was still made.
10:10I remembered that Ross said they left me a note and went to the kitchen. When I read the note, I screamed.
10:16What is it? What's wrong? The note.
10:19My parents have been kidnapped. They said if I call the police, I'll never see them again. It's okay. I'm here for you.
10:25We'll find them. He went to hug me, but I had a bad feeling, so I moved away and reached for my phone instead.
10:31Who are you texting? I need Phoebe. No, I'm your best friend. You don't need anyone else. You have me.
10:37He knocked the phone out of my hand, smashing it into pieces. I ran out the door.
10:42I had to get as far away from Ross as possible. Instead of putting Phoebe in danger by going over to her place,
10:47I ran towards the one person I knew who could possibly handle the kidnappers, someone who lurked in the shadows.
10:53I need Chandler. I ran all the way to school and snuck in, just in case Ross was around,
10:58but trying to find Chandler was like looking for a needle in a haystack.
11:01Just when I was about to give up, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking for me? You scared me.
11:07We need to work on you approaching people head-on, but yes, I need you. I'm flattered.
11:12No, you don't understand.
11:13My parents have been kidnapped, and I need you to use your mafia connections to help me get them back.
11:18He stopped for a minute, then burst out laughing.
11:21You, you are horrible. You were laughing that my parents got kidnapped? I knew this was a mistake.
11:26Forget you, forget all the boys. I'll do this myself. No, wait. I'm, I'm sorry.
11:31I was just laughing because you think I'm involved in organized crime. I mean, I've heard all the rumors about me.
11:37I have fangs. I'm a spy. My favorite is that I'm a 30-year-old undercover cop, but the mafia, that's a new one.
11:45He touched my face and wiped my tears. Wait, you're not?
11:49No, sorry to disappoint you. No, that's actually a good thing.
11:53Although this might have been the one time I needed it to be true.
11:56I'm so sorry to hear about your parents, and of course, I'll help you find them.
12:00Maybe it was his confidence, or the fact that I didn't know who else to turn to, but I believed him.
12:06So the first thing is... Just then, Ross came barreling down the hallway in attack mode, heading straight for Chandler.
12:13Take your hands off of her. I'll save you, Monica.
12:17Chandler whipped off his trench coat and mocked Ross by waving it at him like a bullfighter.
12:22Toro, toro!
12:23Just as Ross was about to pounce, Chandler pulled back the coat to reveal a locker and Ross drove head first into it.
12:29That just slowed him down for a little bit. But Ross got up and was as angry as ever.
12:34She's mine. And as soon as I stop seeing double, I'm coming for her. Or maybe not. Time to go.
12:42He grabbed my hand and we rushed out of the school doors to his motorcycle.
12:45I'm not getting on that thing with you, but then I turned to see Ross running towards us. Change of heart?
12:50He tossed me his extra helmet and we took off. We drove for a while to make sure we weren't followed, then pulled over.
12:57I think we should go back to your house. See if we can find any clues.
13:00Good idea. But we have to be careful because I don't want to run into...
13:03The Rossinator.
13:05But before we go, I need to know, why did you agree to help me? We don't even really know each other.
13:10You mean saving your life doesn't fall under the category of we're friends now?
13:15Hmm. Okay, good point. But I feel like you are avoiding telling me about you.
13:19Well, I would love to take you for coffee and tell you my life story, but you might want to rescue your parents first.
13:25Also a good point. Okay, there's a door at the back of the house that leads to the wine cellar.
13:30It's been sealed off, but if we can get in, I can get into the house from there without anyone seeing.
13:35Once we got to the house, I tried to pry it open. Ugh, it's been closed so long. It must be rusted shut.
13:41Here, let me try. He handed me his coat. If it's easier, you can take off your shirt, too.
13:46He paused for a moment and gave me a flirty smile. I mean, you know, so it doesn't get dirty.
13:52Oh, I think you would like me if I was dirty.
13:54Then he tore off his shirt and it was like I had won the hot guy lottery.
13:58Yet when he tried to open the door, he only got it to move a little.
14:02Maybe if we both try. You grab the handle first and I'll wrap my arms around you and we'll pull together.
14:07The one time I don't have my phone to post this on Instagram.
14:10As he put his huge muscular arms around mine, I could feel his heart beating.
14:14And once again, I wish I could have made this time stand still in that moment forever.
14:18Then suddenly the door gave way and we both went tumbling backward.
14:21I landed on top of him with our faces so close that our lips were practically touching. Your eyes are so
14:28beautiful. Were you born that way? No. He looked embarrassed.
14:33What is it? You can trust me.
14:35I actually grew up in the poor section of town and one day I saw a little boy wandering the streets about to get hit
14:40by a car and on instinct I dove in front to save him. The next thing I know I'm
14:44waking up after surgery with this eye and it turns out the boy was the governor's son.
14:48He paid for the best medical care and even sent me to finish my education at your school.
14:53Holy Bruce Wayne, is this guy too good to be true or what?
14:57This would be that moment in the movie when we would have our first kiss.
15:01Just then I paused because I heard quiet yelling.
15:04Except I didn't imagine hearing my parents yelling my name in the background.
15:08Then I realized it actually was my parents.
15:11I jumped up and rushed into the wine cellar and there were my parents tied up and blindfolded.
15:16I ran to set them free and hugged them. Who did this to you?
15:19We don't know. Last thing we remember we were on our way to dinner
15:22then we heard a helicopter and everything went dark. Then we woke up here. Helicopter?
15:27Obviously, Ross.
15:28But we can't prove it because we didn't see him. We only heard a female voice.
15:33I think I might have an idea, but we would need your mom and dad to stay out of sight.
15:37So Ross continues to believe that he controls the situation.
15:40My parents agreed and we brought spare food, blankets and a corkscrew from the pool house down to the cellar to make them more comfortable.
15:46Call the police in exactly three hours and tell them to come to the school to arrest your kidnapper. And mom, dad,
15:52don't drink all the wine in the cellar. We rode back to school and snuck in through the gym. Okay, super cop.
15:57What's your plan?
15:59Well, you know how you think I'm all mysterious. I'm about to reveal to you who I really am.
16:04He walked me into the audio-visual classroom and all the movie nerds turned to look with their mouths open.
16:09You brought a girl into the secret chamber?
16:13How many times do I have to tell you, Joey? It's not exactly a secret. It's a classroom at a school. Potato, potato.
16:20Hold up. You're a movie nerd?
16:22Yep, and proud of it. And me and my group of nerds are gonna catch Ross confessing on tape.
16:28You see, we helped install the security cameras in school so we can access them. Security cameras?
16:35Can you access footage from a few days ago? Sure. What are you looking for?
16:39I'm not sure, but I'll know it when I see it. Go back to a few hours before they announced the valedictorian.
16:45Hey, weren't you supposed to be... Don't remind me. There! Right there!
16:50Is that Ross sneaking into the office and changing the winner to Rachel?
16:55I knew that jerk wasn't working alone.
16:57I bet he did that for her so she would help him kidnap my parents. That must have been the female voice they heard.
17:03Now to put our plan into action.
17:05I borrowed one of the nerds' phones and called Ross to meet me at school.
17:09Once he saw me, he ran and hugged me. It was all I could do not to vomit, so I played it cool.
17:14Oh, Ross, thank god you're here. I was so worried for you.
17:17The police arrested Rachel for tampering with the school votes and she said she was going to blame you for kidnapping my parents. What?
17:25That's crazy. I had nothing to do with any of that.
17:28She must be saying that because she has a super crush on me.
17:31But you know my heart and my helicopter belong to you.
17:35Just then Rachel came out of the AV classroom where she had been watching on camera as Ross blamed her.
17:41You liar!
17:42You are the one who wanted to kidnap her parents so you could save them and make her fall in love with you.
17:47Oh, Ross, you did that for me? Oh, that's so romantic.
17:52Well in that case, yes, it was all my idea. I would do anything for you.
17:55That's a wrap. The police arrived and even as they carted him and Rachel off in the police car,
18:01he was still patting himself on the back. Can't believe you're choosing him over me. I'm a catch.
18:07Phoebe came running up to me and gave me a great big bear hug.
18:11Mon, I've been so worried. You weren't answering your phone,
18:14but I finally talked to your parents and they explained everything to me. I knew that jerk was no good.
18:20Maybe next time you listen to your best friend. A hundred percent from here on out. Best friends forever.
18:26Later that night Chandler and I finally had that cup of coffee and learned a lot about each other.
18:31Monica, I've liked you since the first time I laid eyes on you fleeing from a bee.
18:35I knew then you were my movie queen and I just hoped that you'd be okay with dating a poor movie nerd on a scholarship.
18:44So is this the part in the movie when the hero finally kisses the heroine? Nope.
18:48I uh... This is the part when she kisses him.