Published 3 Books at 15 & Saved My Family From Poverty

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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Your joggers are green and your waistline thick, sometimes your food makes me sick.
00:08I love you a little more in every way, because you're my mother, happy Mother's Day!
00:13When I was finished with my poem, there was complete silence, and suddenly, my sister
00:18Eva burst into laughter.
00:19What a dumb poem!
00:20I looked at Mom, and my eyes welled with tears.
00:25Then Mom stood up and applauded.
00:28Bravo, sweetheart!
00:29That was the best poem ever!
00:30Hey, my name's Tanya, and if you want to hear about the biggest sibling rivalry of the century,
00:35keep watching.
00:36My sister Eva and I were born to a mother who was a world-renowned author, known for
00:40her amazing stories.
00:42But our dad was a struggling dancer, and a pretty bad one at that.
00:46Luckily, I took after Mom and loved writing.
00:48I dreamt of publishing my stories one day like Mom, so I'd spend hours in my room creating
00:53the most amazing stories ever.
00:55The snake slithered in the dark cave, as the filthy bee-breed kissed Captain Silver
01:01on his cheek.
01:02But Eva took after Dad, and wanted to be a world-famous dancer.
01:06Heck, she wanted everyone in the family to be a dancer.
01:08Tanya, you should give up writing and become a dancer.
01:11You'll never make it as a writer with that lisp.
01:13You see, I had a lisp, and because of it, my S's and Z's sound like thuh.
01:18At school, kids teased me about it, and I didn't have any friends.
01:21This obviously meant I was super shy and avoided talking to people.
01:25Eva, on the other hand, was super popular with tons of friends who were always ready
01:29to see her newest dance moves, no matter how crazy they were.
01:33Growing up, even though Eva teased me about my lisp, we were pretty good friends.
01:36But then, everything changed.
01:38When Eva and I turned 13, our parents started fighting like crazy.
01:42They were always arguing over bills, and couldn't even stand to be in the same room with each
01:48A few months later, Dad left, and we never saw him again.
01:50Good riddance to you and your poverty.
01:54Eventually, we're devastated.
01:55But after Dad left, Mom changed.
01:57She hated each and everything about Dad, so she tried to steer Eva away from dancing.
02:02Eva, dancing is dumb.
02:03But I'm good at it, Mom.
02:05Honey, I've seen you trip over your own two feet more times than I can count.
02:08Then I'll stumble my way to the stars.
02:10When Mom realized she was talking to a brick wall, she turned all her attention to me.
02:15Tanya, another A in creative writing?
02:18Let's celebrate.
02:19She ignored Eva completely, no matter how much Eva tried to win her over.
02:22Mom, I won the talent show at school today with my dancing skills.
02:26It didn't matter what Eva accomplished.
02:29Mom never praised her, and Eva began to hate me for hogging Mom's attention and tried to
02:33make me look bad in front of her.
02:35About a week after our 15th birthday, Mom hosted a small gathering and asked me to make
02:39caramelized apples for the guests.
02:41I was super excited, and the apples smelled amazing.
02:44But when the guests tasted the apples, they almost puked.
02:47These are disgusting.
02:49Is that dish soap?
02:50Yep, sure enough.
02:51My sister switched my caramelized apples with apples covered in dish soap.
02:56Another time, Mom invited her writing friends over, and while I was in the middle of reading
02:59my stories, Eva walked in with a radio in her hand blaring hip-hop music.
03:04She twirled, bleed, and swayed to the rhythm.
03:07For a second, everyone was impressed, but then disaster struck as Eva tried to execute
03:11a dramatic spin.
03:13Her foot accidentally connected with the edge of the table, sending the fishbowl flying,
03:17and poor Benny landed in Mom's editor's mouth.
03:20Mom was furious.
03:21Eva, no more dancing ever.
03:23You have no right to take dancing away from me.
03:25I'm your mother, and what I say goes.
03:28I hate you.
03:29That night, Mom removed every device that could play music in the house.
03:33Eva looked ready to explode.
03:35The next day was Saturday, and I woke up to the worst screeching sound coming from Eva's
03:41When I got to Eva's room, she was huffing and puffing with wild enthusiasm into a harmonica.
03:46Eva, you sound like you're strangling cats.
03:49Since I can't dance, I'm starting our school's first harmonica club.
03:53Eva smirked devilishly as she blew once more into the harmonica.
03:57She was so annoying.
03:58I returned to my bedroom and tried to block out the noise, but then neighborhood dogs
04:02began to howl in unison.
04:04Oh, God.
04:05Make it stop.
04:06I decided that I needed to get out of the house if I was going to get any peace and
04:10Angrily, I gathered my books and ran out to the park.
04:13As I was walking past the pond in the park, someone screamed,
04:15Look out!
04:17Before I could react, someone crashed into me, sending us tumbling into the pond.
04:20I sputtered and stood up utterly drenched.
04:24My precious stories were now a pile of soggy pages soaked beyond recognition.
04:29I'm so sorry.
04:30I couldn't stop.
04:31I was so furious and devastated that I could power a rocket to Mars with the steam coming
04:35out of my ears.
04:36It's not your fault.
04:37It's my sister's.
04:38Her and her stupid harmonica.
04:40I marched home with a thunderous fury in my steps, each one echoing my building frustration
04:45As I prepared to confront Eva, I burst through the front door, and there Eva was, sitting
04:50in the living room.
04:51I threw my ruined stories at her.
04:53Because of you, my stories are ruined.
04:55With a rush of adrenaline, I lunged at Eva, and the living room became a war zone.
05:00A few minutes later, Mom walked through the front door and pulled us apart.
05:03Why are you girls fighting?
05:04I quickly explained what happened to Mom, while Eva fumed on the other side of her.
05:09Everything I worked so hard on is now gone.
05:11And how is that my fault, Sonia?
05:14If you weren't playing that stupid harmonica, I wouldn't have had to leave the house.
05:17Eva, you're grounded.
05:18Go to your room.
05:20Eva glared at us and then stormed off.
05:22Don't worry, Tanya.
05:23Together, we'll create more stories from that big, beautiful brain of yours.
05:27Over the next few days, Mom and I spent hours huddled together, weaving new stories to replace
05:32the ones that were lost.
05:33Our collaboration was nothing short of magical.
05:36About a month later, I had completed twenty incredible short stories which Mom took to
05:40her publisher.
05:41And guess what?
05:42He loved it.
05:43Without Mom's help, I had just accomplished my first major writing achievement.
05:47I can't believe I'm about to become a published author!
05:50Congratulations, Tanya.
05:51I'm so proud of you.
05:52Thanks, Mom.
05:53I couldn't do it without you.
05:54News about my first book spread through the school like wildfire, and it wasn't long before
05:59I became more popular than Eva.
06:01Over the next year, with the help of specialists, my lisp improved, and I published two more
06:07The more famous I got, the more rebellious Eva got.
06:10She'd come home late, started skipping school, and hung out with the wrong crowd.
06:14One afternoon while at the mall, I even caught her trying to shoplift.
06:17Eva, what are you doing?
06:18What I'm doing is none of your business, Tanya.
06:21It is my business, because you're my sister and I care about you.
06:24You care about me so much that not once have you stood up for me since Mom banned me from
06:30A wave of guilt washed over me.
06:32Eva was right.
06:33I was so caught up following my dream, while her dreams remained out of reach.
06:37Eva, maybe we can talk to Mom together.
06:40Eva's eyes darkened, and she leaned close, our faces inches apart.
06:44No need, because soon you'll realize that dreams don't last forever.
06:48Eva brushed past me and left the store.
06:51On my way home, my mind was still reeling from my encounter with Eva, so I decided that
06:56a few donuts would help brighten my mood.
06:58Much to my surprise, Pondboy was behind the cash register.
07:01Hey, it's you!
07:02What are you doing here?
07:03Pondboy flashed me a mischievous smile.
07:06Gotta keep an eye on the coffee beans.
07:08I can be quite mischievous, always plotting to escape.
07:11So, your coffee bean security?
07:13Just call me Captain Beanie!
07:15In a much more serious tone, he added,
07:17By the way, I'm Alex.
07:19Tanya, after receiving my order, I sat at one of the tables.
07:22When Alex had finished his shift, he joined me.
07:24I told him about the three books I published with Mom's help, while he told me about his
07:29I grew up in an orphanage and was adopted by a nice couple about a year ago.
07:32I'm glad you finally have a family.
07:35A strange look crossed Alex's face, and he smiled.
07:38So do I!
07:39Alex was kind and smart and super easy to talk to.
07:42Over the next few weeks, when I wasn't at school or writing, I was hanging out with
07:47One afternoon, I invited Alex home to watch movies.
07:49I had gone into the kitchen to get snacks, and when I returned, Alex and Eva were laughing
07:54and talking as if they'd known each other for years.
07:57And sure enough, over the next two weeks, Alex was hanging out with Eva more than he
08:01was with me.
08:02I was furious!
08:03So, you're ditching me again to hang out with Eva?
08:06Tanya, she's your sister.
08:07I don't see what the problem is.
08:09I couldn't help but feel jealous.
08:11Alex was supposed to be my friend, not Eva's.
08:13I decided to confront him about it at the cafe.
08:15When I got there, he was deep in thought as he stared at a picture that he was holding.
08:19I snuck behind him to glance at the picture, and I gasped when I realized that it was a
08:23picture of Eva.
08:24Are you stalking my sister?
08:26You creep!
08:27Startled, Alex fumbled with the picture and shoved it into his pocket.
08:30It's nothing like that, Tanya.
08:32Please, keep your voice down.
08:33You want me to keep my voice down?
08:35You befriended me to get to my sister, didn't you?
08:38I did, but it's not what you think.
08:40Then explain it to me.
08:41What Alex said next turned my world upside down.
08:44Eva is my sister.
08:46I looked at Alex and began laughing hysterically.
08:49Am I being pranked?
08:51Do you have hidden cameras in here?
08:53Alex shook his head, and I saw the sadness in his eyes.
08:57Are you serious?
08:58It has to be a mistake.
08:59One day, the orphanage director asked me to bring out some files from his office, and
09:03I accidentally dropped them.
09:04I noticed my mother's name and a picture of her.
09:07Out of curiosity, I opened the file and saw that Mom had a twin birth.
09:11So, I jotted down the name of the person who adopted my sister and traced it back to your family.
09:17I was stunned and hurt.
09:19Why would Mom keep something like this a secret for 17 years?
09:23I understood why Alex ditched me.
09:25He wanted to spend time getting to know his sister.
09:28I knew I had to do something.
09:30You're coming with me.
09:31Before he could say no, I grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the cafe all the way home.
09:37Where are you?
09:38Mom came out from the kitchen, but Eva was nowhere to be seen.
09:40When were you going to tell Eva that she was adopted?
09:42A look of horror appeared on Mom's face.
09:44Who told you that?
09:45It doesn't matter.
09:46Mom, is it true?
09:47Is Eva adopted?
09:48Mom sank into the sofa.
09:50Yes, it's true.
09:51Eva is adopted.
09:52We heard a gasp, and we all looked up to see Eva frozen at the top of the stairs,
09:56her eyes as wide as saucers.
09:58She turned around and bolted to her room, and I ran after her.
10:01Just as she was about to slam her door on me, I rammed the door with my shoulder, hard,
10:06sending the both of us flying into the room.
10:08Mom and Alex rushed into the room, and Mom knelt by my side.
10:11Tanya, are you okay?
10:12Mom, I'm fine.
10:13Eva needs you.
10:14Why didn't you tell us?
10:15I looked across at Eva, who was staring out of the window.
10:18Her shoulder shook slightly, and I knew she was crying.
10:21Mom went over to her while Alex helped me to my feet.
10:24Mom tried to touch Eva's shoulders, but she shrugged Mom off.
10:27Is this why you never liked me?
10:29Because you're not my mother?
10:31Eva, you are my daughter, and I love you.
10:34Around the time Tanya was born, we visited the orphanage for a charity run, and we fell
10:38in love with you, so we brought you home.
10:40Eva turned to face Mom.
10:42Her mascara mingled with tears running down her cheeks.
10:45What type of love makes you rip my dreams and toss them into the garbage?
10:49Mom was in tears.
10:50Eva, loving something and being able to make it into a career are two different things.
10:55I love to sing, but I sound like a frog with a tuba stuck in my throat.
10:59And I love to play the harmonica, but I'm not very good at it.
11:02OMG, you guys really are siblings.
11:05The worst harmonica duo in history.
11:08A small smile curved onto Eva's lips.
11:10As your mother, it's my job to tell you the truth.
11:13Maybe together we can think about what you're really good at and take it from there.
11:17But you should have told me!
11:18I'm sorry I didn't.
11:20Can you forgive me?
11:21I think so, but I need time to process it all.
11:24Now that you guys have made up, Mom, do you mind taking me to the hospital?
11:28Over the next few months, Eva and I grew closer, and I was happy to see Mom and Eva spending
11:33more time together.
11:34Alex and his parents came to dinner once a week, but Alex was always hanging out at our house.
11:39I didn't lose a sister.
11:40I gained a brother, an aunt, and an uncle.
11:42Once Eva and I graduated from high school, I went to college, and Eva started her harmonica band.
11:47Just kidding.
11:48Eva didn't know what she wanted to do yet, so she got a job at the cafe, and Alex and
11:52Mom supported her.
11:53And after two years, Alex and Eva decided to open their own cafe, and Eva went to college
11:58to get a degree in business.
11:59No family is perfect, but a supportive family is everything.