Me And My Bff Are Dating The Same Guy_2

  • 4 days ago
#animatedstories #lifeexperiences #personaldrama #emotionalanimation #inspirationaltales #teenstruggles #familyconflicts #relationshipissues #comingofage #highschooldrama #friendshipstories #lifelessons #personalgrowth #selfdiscovery #uniquestories #animatedlife #reallifeevents #motivationalstories #lovestories #betrayaltales #overcomingchallenges #animatedconfessions #familydynamics #socialissues #mentalhealth #identitycrisis #animatednarratives #dramafilledstories #relatablecontent #animatedvlogs #viewersubmissions

MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, my name is Rose, and I'm from Florida.
00:02Please like and subscribe.
00:03Ever since I can remember, I've always led a pretty normal life,
00:06filled with the three F's.
00:08Food, friends, and football.
00:09And when I turned 14, I knew I wanted to try out for my high school team.
00:13Girls playing football?
00:14Ha! Please!
00:16I threw the ball at them to show them my skills,
00:18but right then, this girl walked in its path.
00:21You missed!
00:22You'd do better as a cheerleader.
00:24I ignored them and rushed over to her.
00:26I am so sorry.
00:27Are you okay?
00:27No worries, I'm okay.
00:29But you know, I have the combinations for their lockers.
00:32I saw how those jerks were acting,
00:34and I was actually coming over to give them a piece of my mind.
00:37Yeah, those boys make me so mad.
00:39But I say, don't get mad, get ants.
00:42April and I filled their helmets and couldn't help but laugh
00:45as we watched them squirm and swat while trying to explain to the coach.
00:49I'm April, by the way.
00:50Nice to meet you.
00:51I'm Rose.
00:52We've been partners in crime ever since.
00:53Making prank calls to our classmates,
00:55baking cupcakes with gummy worms for the bake sale
00:58to annoy the snooty girls, usual high school stuff.
01:00But then things took a turn when I hit sophomore year.
01:03One day, I was running late for class, but I had to pee.
01:06When I came out of the stall, I saw this beautiful,
01:08dark-haired boy with the most intense green eyes.
01:11This is the ladies' room?
01:14In the bathroom?
01:15Then he pointed to the wall, and I realized I was in the wrong place.
01:20I was in such a rush.
01:21Hey, you must be one of the exchange students.
01:23Where are you from?
01:25Oh, do you speak any English?
01:29Well, I know some Italian, too.
01:30Una mattina mi sono alzato.
01:33Oh, bella ciao, bella ciao, bella ciao, ciao, ciao.
01:36Who told you that if you slow down and speak louder,
01:39that someone will understand your language better?
01:41Oh, so you're a comedian.
01:43Well, do you understand sign language?
01:45Because I've got a gesture for you.
01:47Relax, everyone.
01:48I'm keeping it PG.
01:49Talk to the hand.
01:50Oh, don't be like that.
01:51I just thought you were cute, and I was messing with you.
01:53Don't go.
01:54I stormed out, but he grabbed my hand to stop me,
01:56knocking my phone on the floor.
01:58And when we both went to pick it up, I accidentally
02:00head-butted him on the way back up.
02:02Ow, I think you broke my nose.
02:04Just then the bell rang, and I couldn't be late again to Miss Dander's class.
02:07Sorry, I don't have a tissue, but this tampon may help.
02:10You'll be fine.
02:11I made it to class 15 seconds after the bell rang,
02:14and I couldn't wait to tell April.
02:16But just as I was about to give her the deets, he walked in.
02:18Class, I'd like to welcome one of our new exchange students.
02:21Holy moly.
02:23She asked if anyone would volunteer to take him to the nurse,
02:26and April's hand shot up in the air like a rocket.
02:28But Miss Dander pointed at me.
02:30Since you were late to your seat, perhaps you
02:32need a lesson in thinking of others, not just yourself.
02:35Come on, holy moly.
02:37Let's get you all better.
02:38As I walked him to the nurse's office, he kept trying to talk to me.
02:41I'm Billy, so I.
02:43But I knew, like this, I might fall for his charms.
02:46So I panicked and pinched his arm to get him to stop talking.
02:50Oh, look, here we are.
02:52And after school, all the girls, even April,
02:54started gushing about how gorgeous Billy was.
02:57I mean, even with his nose all bandaged up, he's so dreamy.
03:00The next day, I was having lunch with April
03:03when we saw Billy talking up some of the cheer squad.
03:05I bet he loves the attention.
03:07Ugh, he's such a flirt.
03:08Then we heard a familiar voice behind us.
03:11Yes, he is.
03:12Am I having the side effects of today's lunch food,
03:15or is he in two places at once?
03:17Oh, that's my twin brother.
03:18Yo, Blaine.
03:19April and I were both shocked.
03:21I was glad Billy wasn't a flirt.
03:23But then my brain was working overtime on a plan
03:25as Blaine walked towards April.
03:27Billy for me.
03:28Blaine for April.
03:30We'd be one big family.
03:31I gave April an encouraging look,
03:33signaling her to talk to Blaine.
03:35But she didn't utter a word.
03:36Blaine, this is April and Rose.
03:38Hey, Rose.
03:40Not only do they look alike, they sound the same too.
03:43So you're the one I can thank for making
03:45me the better looking twin.
03:46It looked like the entire cheer squad agrees with you.
03:49So Blaine, you know if you want to pass your classes,
03:52you need a study buddy.
03:53I mean, April here is a whiz.
03:55Right, April?
03:56Let's have a study group.
03:58We'll meet you guys at the library after school tomorrow.
04:00As we walked away, I turned to April.
04:02Oh my god.
04:03Did you see how Blaine was staring at you?
04:05I don't know, Rose.
04:06I just met him.
04:07So the next day, I gave April an awesome makeover.
04:09And I added 12 more layers of lip gloss.
04:12When trying for the 13th layer, this gloss
04:14will last for a whole week now.
04:15Let's go.
04:16Our study date was amazing.
04:18I found out that Billy was really sweet.
04:20I talked to him all the time.
04:21And April kind of looked happy with Blaine too.
04:24Then one day, I hopped to the store
04:25to grab snacks for our library session.
04:27And as I was reaching for the top shelf,
04:29I felt someone slap me on the butt.
04:31No way was I going to let some random weirdo do that.
04:34So I whipped around and went full demon karate girl on the guy.
04:37But as I kicked him, I realized it was Blaine.
04:41What the heck, dude?
04:42He pointed to a cockroach on the floor that apparently
04:45had been crawling on my butt.
04:46You could have just told me.
04:48OK, but you should be thankful.
04:50You should apologize to me.
04:52Why don't you just leave?
04:53You can't tell me to leave.
04:55This isn't your family store, you know.
04:57My dad could buy this store for me with a snap of his fingers.
05:00Oh, really?
05:00My family is richer than yours.
05:02We use $100 bills as napkins.
05:04And I have even more money in my piggy bank
05:07than you have in your entire bank.
05:08He waved his card at me before he put it in his back pocket.
05:11I sneakily swapped it with my library card
05:13when I purposely knocked into him.
05:15Then I walked out of the store.
05:17Not for long.
05:18I was the first one to arrive at the library.
05:20And just as I reached for the book,
05:22I felt a hand sweep across mine.
05:24It was Billy.
05:25But I turned around too quickly, and the book fell on his head.
05:28You had to pick the biggest book in the library?
05:31Well, what's up with the sneak attack?
05:33I thought I could admire your pretty face in secret.
05:36Really now?
05:36I hope my pretty face doesn't blind you.
05:39He laughed, and we talked about football.
05:42Suddenly, his eyes twinkled, and he leaned closer to me.
05:45My heart raced as I realized he was going to kiss me.
05:48And just then, he sneezed right on my face.
05:52He quickly tore some pages out of the book
05:54and handed it to me.
05:55I am so sorry.
05:56Here, wipe your face on that.
05:57And what's worse?
05:58The librarian saw us and threw us out.
06:01Just then, he pulled the tape off of his nose.
06:04Blaine, you jerk.
06:05Sorry, Billy's not going to make it today.
06:07He's with mom.
06:08So I decided to pay you back for the card
06:10switcheroo you pulled on me.
06:11You can imagine how embarrassing it
06:13was to try to pay for food with my library card.
06:16Blaine held up my card, but as I went to grab it,
06:19he moved and held it above his head so I couldn't reach it.
06:22What's the matter?
06:23You can't take it out of my hand.
06:25You forget, I'm not a basketball fan, more of a footballer.
06:29I tackled him to the ground.
06:30Jeez, girl, you've got moves.
06:32Don't try to butter me up now that I've taken you down.
06:35I'm serious.
06:36You know, my dad's got connections with sports agents
06:39if you want me to set you up with a meeting.
06:41But it has to wait, because I'm enjoying
06:43this closeness with you.
06:44Oh my god, is he flirting with me?
06:47We were trying to get up from the floor,
06:49but my foot twitched and I fell, causing Blaine to go over me.
06:52Then he touched my face.
06:54Wait, stop.
06:55I like Billy.
06:56Or do I?
06:57Or I like Blaine?
06:58I'm so confused.
06:59Guys, help me out here.
07:00What should I do?
07:01And we kissed.
07:02You guys did say kiss him, right?
07:04It was amazing, but I pulled away
07:06when I remembered April was supposed to be with Blaine.
07:09Too late, though, because she showed up
07:11just in time to see us kiss.
07:13What's going on?
07:14I thought you, she looked so betrayed.
07:16I couldn't think of anything better,
07:18so I faked a stomach ache.
07:20It's bad tacos.
07:21I dashed off, but April had enough, and she ran after me.
07:24Don't you dare run away.
07:26Just tell me, why did you kiss him?
07:28It wasn't a kiss.
07:29I was, we were, he was giving me CPR.
07:32Yeah, remember when I puked in Miss Dander's exam?
07:35I had just found out that I, I had cancer.
07:38And today I fainted, so he was helping me.
07:41I kept it to myself, not wanting anyone to pity me.
07:43But April, how could you think of me like that?
07:46I felt bad for lying, but I truly
07:48didn't want to ruin our friendship.
07:49I would have to cover up for now.
07:51But soon, I would tell her the truth,
07:52and we could laugh about it.
07:54Oh my god, Rosie, I'm so sorry.
07:57I was so wrong.
07:58Please forgive me.
08:00You're using my shirt as a snot wiper?
08:02The next day at school, Blaine brushed his hand against mine
08:05as he walked by.
08:06My heart skipped a beat.
08:07I was confused about why I didn't
08:10feel the same around Billy.
08:11I shrugged it off and looked for April.
08:13What do you need?
08:14You want to hold my hand?
08:15A bottle of water?
08:16This is why I didn't tell you.
08:18I don't want you to treat me any differently.
08:19And don't tell anyone either.
08:21OK, you got it, bestie.
08:22I have an idea.
08:23Why don't we go to my family's cabin by the lake this weekend?
08:26We can have a fun slumber party like we used to.
08:29That weekend, April picked me up.
08:31But when we got to the cabin, I was
08:33shocked to see Billy and Blaine were already there.
08:37I thought now you could have Billy
08:38and I'll just hang out with Blaine.
08:40I was so on edge around Billy and Blaine.
08:42We unpacked our stuff, and we were about to make dinner
08:45when Billy grabbed the pan.
08:46I'll be making a special dinner for someone special tonight.
08:50I don't think anyone wants food poisoning,
08:51so I'll be making dinner tonight for my special lady.
08:54Oh, really?
08:55Your special lady?
08:57You have no idea what me and Rose have,
08:59so you better shut your pie hole or I'll do it for you.
09:02April was stunned, and Billy took a tampon out of his pocket
09:05and shoved it in Blaine's ear.
09:08I knew you punched like a girl, but this
09:10is a whole other level.
09:11Actually, it was a gift from Rose, so I'd like it back.
09:14I was supposed to spend the weekend with my friend,
09:17forget about boys, and get everything back to normal.
09:19But instead, everything was falling apart.
09:22So I just snuck out for some time to think.
09:25I must have walked for a while because I wound up
09:27on a road that clearly hadn't been used in months.
09:30Then suddenly, I heard a woman yelling for help.
09:32As I approached, I saw a woman on the ground.
09:34I rushed over to help.
09:36Are you OK?
09:37I knelt down to see that her foot had been badly injured
09:39and was stuck in a gopher hole.
09:41Hold still.
09:42I think I can use a branch to pry you loose.
09:44I freed her from the hole and took her
09:45to the hospital for treatment.
09:46But she needed blood, and luckily, I was a match.
09:49When she woke up, she called me over.
09:51You are an angel.
09:53I would have surely been there for a month
09:54if you hadn't saved me.
09:55If I had a daughter, she'd be just like you.
09:58As she hugged me, I fought back the tears,
10:00thinking of how much I missed having my mom around.
10:03No matter what you do or how rich you are,
10:05there's no replacement for a mother's love.
10:08My sons forgot their undies, so I tried Google Maps
10:11to reach them, but I got lost.
10:13I just called them, and they should be here soon.
10:15You know, I am so proud that nothing can come between them,
10:19and they are always together and take such good care of me.
10:22Just then, April, Billy, and Blaine showed up.
10:25Wait, these are your sons?
10:27Blaine rushed for medicines, and Billy came to hug me.
10:30I was so worried about you.
10:31I'm glad you're OK.
10:32But as I hugged him, I realized I was looking
10:35over his shoulder with my eyes glued to Blaine.
10:37It was then I knew that Blaine was the one,
10:40and also that I would have to give him up.
10:43I whispered in Billy's ear, I care so much about you,
10:46both of you, but I need to let you both go.
10:49I don't understand.
10:50I can't be the reason that anything comes between you two.
10:53Someone just reminded me how important family is.
10:56Please tell Blaine for me.
10:58My lie got busted when the doctor told them
11:00that I gave the blood, and April heard it
11:02and looked so disappointed.
11:04I couldn't face April, so I ran away
11:06and decided to escape to Europe and complete my high school
11:09years there, something my dad had always wanted me to do.
11:12But before leaving, I sent a long email to April,
11:15apologizing for not being the friend she deserved
11:18and telling her my true feelings for Blaine.
11:20Then, with tears in my eyes, I deleted all the accounts,
11:24knowing that I'd never be able to tell Blaine how I felt.
11:27It hurts bad, but I thought it was just better for all of us.
11:30Years later, I had graduated from medical college
11:32and came back home to set up my pediatric practice.
11:35I had only been open for a few weeks
11:37when Billy and April walked in with their twin baby girls.
11:40We heard you were back in town, and we
11:43needed a good pediatrician.
11:44And you thought you thought of me?
11:46She gave me a shove so hard that we both started bawling
11:50and ended up hugging.
11:51Through her tears, she told me how much she'd been missing me.
11:54Have you both forgiven me?
11:56Of course, Rose.
11:57I mean, after all, you're the reason we wound up together.
12:00We realized how much we had in common,
12:01and love blossomed from there.
12:03We sent you a wedding invitation,
12:05but never heard back.
12:06I had all my mail forwarded to my dad's house.
12:08I still haven't gone through any of it.
12:10But I'm sorry I missed it.
12:11I'm sure it was beautiful.
12:12Well, you have an open invitation
12:14to come by any time to look at the wedding album.
12:17She'll take any excuse to break that out and show people.
12:20We've gone through three mailmen.
12:22Oh, sweetie.
12:23That night, I swung by my dad's old house
12:25to go through all the mail and find the invitation.
12:27But what I found instead shocked me to my core.
12:30Hundreds of letters from Blaine.
12:32Once I started reading them, I was so happy.
12:35He had been waiting for me and writing to me
12:37all these years, telling me how much he loved me.
12:40I Googled the return address on the letters
12:42and rushed over to his house
12:43and banged on the door excitedly.
12:45Blaine, I know it's late, but you're not gonna believe.
12:47I just got all your letters.
12:49The door opened and my heart pounded.
12:51I went to hug him, but stopped suddenly
12:53when I saw a beautiful girl had answered the door.
12:56Can I help you?
12:57I'm sorry.
12:58I just, I'm Rose, just an old friend of Blaine's.
13:01And I just stopped by to say hi.
13:03He's not home right now,
13:05but do you want me to tell him that you stopped by?
13:07I was crushed.
13:08My heart sank to the bottom of my chest
13:10and I could barely get the words out.
13:12No, thank you.
13:13I stopped my car at the football field at my high school.
13:16I was so heartbroken that I just sat and cried
13:19until I heard a knock on the window.
13:20It was Blaine.
13:21What's the matter?
13:22Did you try to buy food with a library card?
13:24Because I can tell you from personal experience
13:26that doesn't work.
13:27I, I got your letters, but I'm too late.
13:31Well, I'm no expert,
13:32but I think ghosting someone for a few years
13:34does qualify as very late.
13:36Blaine took my hand and helped me out of the car.
13:38How did you find me here?
13:40When my mom's assistant said you were at the door,
13:42I figured I'd find you here.
13:44I felt a wave of relief wash over me knowing about her.
13:47I'm so sorry, Blaine.
13:48And I can't find the words to say how much I, I...
13:52I love you too, Rose.
13:53We were leaning in for a kiss
13:54when a football suddenly came flying our way.
13:57Blaine grabbed it, tossing it to me.
13:59Care for a little match, Rose?