• last year


23:10-¡Marcelo! ¿Va todo bien?
23:12-¡Claro que sí!
23:13-¡Sí? ¿Ya tienes preparada la ropa de don Pelayo?
23:16-¿Don Pelayo es el conde de Añil?
23:18-¡Claro! ¡Marcelo, por Dios!
23:21-¡Que estoy de chance, Teresa!
23:23-¡Pues menos chance y más seriedad!
23:25¡A ver qué le has preparado de ropa!
23:27-¡Pues la que suele llevar siempre!
23:28Un terno, con su chaleco, su pantalón...
23:30-¡Un momento!
23:31¿Cómo que la que suele llevar siempre?
23:33-¡Sí! No quería meter la pata.
23:35-¡Pero no has escuchado al señor Pellicer!
23:37¡Se trata de un evento importante!
23:39-¡Razón de más para no equivocarme!
23:41-¡Y como tal tiene que llevar un vestuario especial!
23:45-¿De verdad?
23:46-¡Pues claro, Marcelo! ¡Es lo que dicta la etiqueta!
23:49Porque si no, el señor Pellicer te iba a preguntar si ya tenías la ropa preparada.
23:52-¡Puede que tenga razón!
23:53-¡Por supuesto que la tengo!
23:55Las dondellas ya están preparando el vestido de la señorita Catalina
23:58y es el más bonito que tiene.
24:02-¡La señorita Catalina es quien la acompaña!
24:06-¡Es que hay muchos señores en esta casa!
24:08¡Demasiados, diría yo!
24:09-¡Lo que el señor Pellicer intentaba preguntarte
24:11si ya tienes preparada la ropa de gala del conde de Añil!
24:13-¡Te he dicho que le he preparado la de siempre!
24:15¡Ese señor va engalanado a todas partes!
24:17-¡No, Marcelo!
24:18¡Siempre va elegante!
24:19Pero para un evento como este,
24:21es importante que lleve un vestuario distinguido y aristocrático.
24:24-¡Es que nadie me lo ha explicado!
24:25-¡Es que se supone que tendrías que saberlo tú!
24:27Y si no, ya te lo estoy contando yo.
24:31-¡Madre mía! ¿Y ahora qué hago?
24:33Pues lo primero, mantener la calma.
24:35Y lo segundo, averiguar si quiere llevar chaqué o frac.
24:37Y después, prepararlo a la mayor brevedad posible.
24:41-¿Y cómo me entero de eso?
24:42-¡Pues cómo te vas a enterar preguntándole!
24:44¡Vamos, date prisa!
24:53Me has dicho que tengo que preguntarle
24:54si quiere llevar frac o chaqué.
24:57-No sabes distinguirlo, ¿verdad?
25:02Está bien, iré contigo.
25:04Pero es importante que hables tú con don Pelayo.
25:06Sí, sí. Tú solo dime lo que tengo que decirle exactamente.
25:15¿Ocurre algo?
25:17No. Simplemente acompañaba a Marcelo
25:20para enseñarle dónde están los productos de limpieza.
25:44Y todas, sin excepción, deberéis llevar el uniforme impoluto.
25:48No pienso tolerar otra mancha.
25:50Disculpe, señora Arcos.
25:51Y cuando llegue la duquesa de Carril,
25:53debermos dar una imagen impecable.
25:55¿Está claro?
25:57¡Anda, voy a cambiarte su uniforme!
25:59Y que sea la última vez que te veo desaguisada.
26:01No volverá a pasar, señora.
26:02¡Más te vale!
26:07Señora Arcos.
26:10A juzgar por esa sonrisa tuya parece que tienes que preguntarme algo.
26:14Anda, acompáñame a mi despacho.
26:23Veo que ya me va conociendo.
26:32¿A qué no sabe?
26:33¿A quién acabo de ver salir corriendo del patio?
26:37A Teresa y Marcelo.
26:39¿No me dijo que no le quitara el ojo a ese hombre?
26:44¿Y a dónde crees que iba tan deprisa?
26:48Pues según Teresa, a mostrarle unos productos de limpieza a su marido.
26:53¿Y tan urgente era la mancha en cuestión?
26:55Eso parece.
26:56Porque dejó la colada a medio acero.
26:58¿De verdad ha hecho eso?
27:01Qué extraño.
27:02De cualquier otra me lo hubiera esperado, pero Teresa...
27:05Teresa jamás dejaría una labor si no fuera por un motivo de peso.
27:09No la conozco mucho, pero justo eso pensé yo.
27:14¿Y por qué crees que lo ha hecho entonces?
27:16Pues para arreglar algún descuido de su marido.
27:19Es evidente.
27:20Es que ese torpe no sabe hacer nada a derechas.
27:23No sabe ni por dónde le supla el viento.
27:25Es un inútil.
27:27O sea que Teresa está tratando de tapar las torpezas de su maridito.
27:31Estoy seguro de ello.
27:34Qué pena.
27:37Ha cambiado a mi hijo Feliciano por un incompetente que no le llegó ni la suela de los zapatos.
27:44Creo que es hora de hacer pública su incapacidad y su impostura.
27:51¿Has hablado con alguien más de esto?
27:55Aún no.
27:56Tenía pensado hacerlo con don Rómulo.
27:59No, no.
28:00No lo hagas.
28:02No hables ni con él ni con tu padre.
28:04¿Y eso?
28:06Aguanta, Santos.
28:09Porque ahora todo el mundo entiende que Marcelo comete errores.
28:14Pero habrá un momento en que él meta la pata de verdad.
28:17Y entonces ahí...
28:19Ahí será donde tendremos que acabar con él.
28:23Está bien.
28:24¿Usted sabe más de esto que yo?
28:32¿De qué te ríes ahora?
28:34Te acabo de recordar otra cosa.
28:37Ayer fui a la sala de plancha y costura por un cepillo.
28:40¿Tú también tenías urgencia con alguna prenda de los señores?
28:43En absoluto.
28:44De hecho, tuve todo el tiempo del mundo para disfrutar de lo lindo con lo que me encontré.
28:49¿El qué?
28:50Un cuaderno de notas lleno de relatos y anotaciones supuestamente literarias.
28:55Alguna doncella que se cree con ínfulas de escritora.
28:59Yo sé.
29:00Sé a quién pertenece.
29:02¿A quién?
29:03A María Fernández.
29:05Hace tiempo que le entró la manía por escribir.
29:08Pero como no la había vuelto a ver, pues pensé que se le había pasado.
29:11Pues a la vista está que no.
29:14Perdóneme, pero es que no puedo evitarlo.
29:17Me parece tremendamente osado que una persona que apenas sabe hablar con propiedad se atreva a escribir.
29:23Digamos santos que en este palacio se permiten demasiados comportamientos estrafalarios entre el servicio.
29:32Entre tú y yo.
29:37Bien, pues este es el hangar.
29:39Le hemos dejado este espacio para que pueda trabajar cómodamente.
29:43Muchas gracias.
29:44Pidió expresamente que no le diera la luz directa del sol, ¿verdad?
29:46Así es. La luz directa arruina ciertos productos, pero la luz artificial altera los colores, por lo que sería arriesgado trabajar con ella.
29:54Vaya, eso no lo sabía.
29:56Y aunque hay pintores maravillosos como Caravaggio que trabajan a la luz de las velas, esta no sería adecuada para restaurar.
30:05Como ve, le hemos dejado el caballete y en esta mesilla tiene todos los productos que sobran.
30:10Varniz, frinceles de varios tamaños, rascadores, baños limpios... En efecto, está todo lo necesario. Muchas gracias.
30:18A usted por emprender esta tarea.
30:20La haré muy gustosa, y más en este entorno tan cómodo. Sé que también es su lugar de trabajo.
30:28Sí, pero yo también dispongo de un estudio.
30:32Intentaré molestarle lo menos posible.
30:34Julia, su presencia en este hangar no es ninguna molestia. Esté tranquila por ello.
30:40Nunca había estado en un lugar así.
30:42No creo que haya muchos por esta zona.
30:45Desde luego que no. Esto era un lugar abandonado y en desuso hasta que convencí a mis padres para reformarlo.
30:51Así que usted también es un restaurador.
30:54Constructor de aeroplanos, prefiero que me llame.
30:56Esa es su pasión, claro.
30:58Lo es.
31:00No podría siquiera decirle la cantidad de horas que he pasado aquí encerrado.
31:04Alumbrando el nacimiento de mi aeroplano.
31:07Suena fascinante.
31:08Lo es.
31:09Diseñándolo, fabricándolo, montándolo.
31:15Entiendo que este es su refugio.
31:20Lo era antes de la guerra.
31:23¿Y desde qué volvió?
31:28Desde que volví, estoy enfrascado en los nuevos diseños de mi nuevo aeroplano.
31:32Y como ya le he dicho, dispongo de un estudio dentro del palacio.
31:35Así que, en fin, para los planos tan solo necesito papel y lápiz.
31:39Y dejar volar la imaginación, nunca mejor dicho.
31:44¿Y qué ha dicho usted?
31:46¿De dónde sacó esa pasión por el arte?
31:49Me introdujo en él una buena amiga.
31:51Entonces se puede decir que esa amiga es una buena influencia, juzgar por sus conocimientos y habilidades.
31:55Ya lo creo que sí. Yo considero que las amistades son una de las cosas más importantes en la vida.
32:01Quien tiene un amigo tiene un tesoro.
32:04¿Es tan difícil crear una relación sólida de amistad?
32:07Yo creo que se basa en experiencias comunes.
32:11En vivir situaciones complejas, uno al lado del otro.
32:16Sí, eso puede ayudar, desde luego.
32:18Compartir un suceso complicado junto a otra persona forja lazos muy fuertes.
32:23No me puedo siquiera imaginar lo unidos que estarán ahora ustedes con sus compañeros del frente.
32:28Con los que lucharon codo con codo.
32:31Arriesgando su vida los unos por los otros.
32:39Hay personas y momentos que no podrán olvidarse nunca.
32:45Sí, ya forman parte de nosotros.
32:48Si no necesita nada más, nosotros nos marchamos.
33:31The garment must be a little wet.
33:35Pay close attention to the small details.
33:39Like the neck, fists and folds.
33:45The front part is the most important.
33:50What are you supposed to be doing?
33:52I'm ironing Count Agnil's coat jacket.
33:55He's going to ask for a favor with Miss Catalina and he must be the most elegant guest.
34:00Yeah, but you shouldn't be ironing.
34:03That's the job of my maids.
34:06I admit that I forgot to tell them in time and that's why I'm doing it.
34:09Well, your responsibility is to take care of them so that they are on time.
34:14I know, it's just that I had a little misunderstanding with the task, I didn't understand it very well.
34:19It is also your responsibility to know things well, because for something you are paid.
34:25Don't worry, Mrs. Petra. This time I'm going to be scarred, but this is under control.
34:31No, you have nothing under control.
34:34And the only worse thing that can happen to you now is that you burn that shirt.
34:41I'm not going to lie to you.
34:43It's not the first time that a relative or someone close to an employee is hired here to compensate for their loyalty.
34:51In the end, if we don't support each other, who is going to support us?
34:55But years ago, many years ago, no one as incompetent and unprepared as you arrived.
35:02You will have to be born twice to be a good lackey.
35:07But Mrs. Arcos, what you say is an exaggeration.
35:10I don't exaggerate a bit.
35:13Did you know that my son Feliciano took the position you have now?
35:18But he begs with his lack of experience, with his ...
35:23With his effort and his humility.
35:25And what do I have to do with it?
35:28You are an insult to everything he represented.
35:32And for all the dignity that is in this unworthy and sinful world.
35:36Really, Mrs. Arcos ...
35:37That you have taken his place in Teresa's heart only shows that she was not up to it.
35:42But I will not allow you to take his place in this house.
35:46I don't intend such a thing.
35:48I didn't even know Feliciano.
35:50You are not up to it.
35:52And Teresa neither.
35:55And I tell you, I know Teresa well and she will never be able to love someone like you.
36:01I love you.
36:15So you have already made a hole in his hangar?
36:18That's right. We have taken everything necessary.
36:21And the place is adequate, right?
36:22It's perfect. I am very grateful to Manuel.
36:25He has been very considerate in giving me a space in his hangar.
36:27That's how my cousin is.
36:32Have you heard it?
36:35Sorry? What?
36:37What are you thinking about? Let's see ...
36:40Well, I think I can guess.
36:42Are you thinking about a new design of airplane wings so that they are lighter and faster?
36:51Exactly that.
36:53Do you want lemonade, sir?
36:55Yes. Thank you very much, Hanna.
36:57Well, then everything is ready to do the remodeling of the painting.
37:01In fact, this afternoon I started the first cleaning processes.
37:06Nothing transcendental, of course.
37:08But that makes me very happy. Well, I really want to see the result.
37:12It will have to be a little more patient.
37:14Yeah, my mother says that's one of my biggest flaws.
37:19I would be unable to face such a meticulous and slow task as yours.
37:22I imagine you will give up.
37:24Well, and the interest also makes a lot, right?
37:27Where does yours come from? His passion for art?
37:32I asked you something and it came from you, right?
37:36No, but it's the same thing that Manuel and Curro asked me a while ago.
37:40It can be seen that everyone has the same curiosity.
37:42Yes. Yes.
37:45But I don't mind repeating it a thousand times.
37:47Actually, the hobby came to me through a friend.
37:50Something older than me. She was a painter.
37:52Daughter of a well-known collector.
37:54Well, that's playing with advantages.
37:56And what's her friend's name?
37:58Ángela. And I have to say that she is the real expert.
38:02She taught me everything about pigments and materials to use.
38:05Anyway, everything I know.
38:07Well, how generous of you.
38:10She changed my life.
38:11And that I met her by chance, through another friend.
38:15I have to admit that before I had never stopped to look at a painting carefully.
38:19Well, it's amazing how people around us can make us change our perception of things.
38:24Well, I think the experts here are Curro and Manuel.
38:33Excuse me, why?
38:36I'm convinced that your experience on the front has generated very strong friendships and unbreakable bonds.
38:43You know, we also talked about that this morning.
38:46But yes.
38:49They were very complex situations.
38:52And we depended on each other to survive.
38:57I can't think of a stronger bond than putting one's own life in the hands of another.
39:05No, I guess not.
39:14Come in.
39:19Mrs. Duquesa.
39:22Don't tell me you weren't expecting me.
39:24Mrs. Cruz told me you were aware of my visit.
39:27And so it is, Duquesa.
39:29Mrs. Marquesa is delighted to receive you.
39:32And not only today, but also the rest of the days you have to welcome.
39:38Well, I trust that this situation will not be prolonged forever.
39:41Well, I suppose you will be eager to complete the recipe as soon as possible.
39:46And above all, not to abuse the generosity of Mrs. Marquesa.
39:52Mrs. Marquesa is delighted to have you here, Duquesa.
39:56And as for me, I want you to know that you have me at your disposal.
40:01Thank you very much. Is there really something that I would like you to do for me?
40:05Whatever you order, ma'am.
40:07Go get Vera, the maid.
40:09I understand that she will be in charge of transcribing the recipes.
40:14Yes, that's right.
40:15Well, in that case, let me tell you that this office is also at your disposal.
40:20Here you will feel more at ease than in kitchens to carry out those tasks.
40:24They had already told me this.
40:26And now go.
40:27Go find the girl I want to meet with her.
40:30How are we going to organize ourselves?
40:32Of course, ma'am.
40:46I can't take that spoiled brat Catalina anymore.
40:50You have to get her out of here as soon as possible.
40:52If it were up to me, I would do it and with pleasure.
40:54She has exceeded all my limits.
40:56Come on, she's even giving me urticaria.
40:58Doesn't that friend of Martina have an allergy to walnuts?
41:01Well, I have Catalina.
41:03You are a bit exaggerated, aren't you?
41:04No, I already told you no.
41:06So please, get her out of my sight.
41:08All I want is to regain your love and trust to be able to leave here.
41:11Well, you can hurry up.
41:13And you think I don't make an effort?
41:15I've even gone down to the kitchens to apologize.
41:17Wow, it seems that lately everyone wants to go down to the kitchens.
41:21Catalina has always felt a predilection for those cooks, especially for Simona.
41:26Yeah, she likes to deal with those of her rank.
41:29Don't be offended.
41:30No, no, I'm not offended.
41:32But one thing I'm going to make clear to you.
41:34Don't get confused.
41:36I'm no longer under your orders.
41:43I'm no longer under your orders.
41:51Ma'am, I brought Vera here.
41:54Ma'am, how are you?
41:58Fine, ma'am.
42:02I guess you'll have a lot to do, right?
42:05Yes, of course.
42:08I'll leave you alone then.
42:14How long is this going to last, mother? What else is she going to do?
42:18Whatever it takes to get you back, daughter.
42:21A mother never gives up.
42:23Well, I think you should loosen up a bit and let me live my life.
42:26Loosen up? Is this how you talk now? Like a market slacker?
42:29Enough, mother!
42:36Honey, you don't know everything I've suffered for you.
42:43I don't want to cause you any suffering, but I need you to know that I'm much better alone.
42:51How can you say that to me?
42:53Leave this horrible life you're leading and come back home with me.
42:57I don't want to do it.
42:59And no matter how much you tell me, I know that father would never forgive me.
43:03In fact, sometimes I think he's the one behind your insistence.
43:09I would never betray you.
43:11Because you know perfectly well what can happen to me.
43:16But I'll make him reconsider.
43:18I'll talk to him, like I'm talking to you right now.
43:22Mother, please stop coming.
43:26With his presence, I'll just get father to find out where I am.
43:31I can't.
43:33I'm not going to rest until we become a family again.
43:41A month later.
43:46Mr. Count.
43:50I was looking for you.
43:52Me? Why?
43:54I don't understand that you and Catalina are going to attend a party.
43:58That's right. Tomorrow afternoon.
44:00Is it an important event?
44:02The request of an old friend.
44:05And does she know? Or is it a surprise?
44:07How was the representation of the magician for Catalina?
44:11Well, in any case, I'm very happy that you are going to recover part of your social life.
44:15Thank you very much.
44:17I think it's an advance that is seen in society after everything that has happened, right?
44:20Yes, of course it is.
44:22Well, I don't erase a new account, as they say.
44:25And precisely, Catalina likes accounts a lot.
44:28You see what you get, sister-in-law.
44:30Well, don't worry because the count is immune to sarcasm, right?
44:34Yes, one ends up getting used to receiving it so much.
44:36Yes, I see.
44:38For something in particular?
44:40Well, I think in the end time was right, don't you think?
44:44Yes, I think so.
44:47Well, I'll leave you alone.
44:50I see that you were having a lot of fun before I came to bother you with my sarcasm.
45:11Excuse me, Mrs. Arcos.
45:15Can I talk to you for a moment?
45:17What do you want, Teresa? It's too late.
45:20It will only be a moment.
45:23Yes, but I have already wasted a precious time putting your husband where he belongs.
45:29That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.
45:32Wow, I see that you haven't wasted much time going to cry.
45:37And it is not for less given the level of rudeness that you have dedicated to him.
45:41I assure you that I have not told him anything that was not true.
45:44That damn thing of yours is a real incompetent.
45:48Look, Mrs. Arcos, I know that Marcelo makes mistakes,
45:52but that only happens because the promise has just arrived again.
45:55And I do not deny it, it is new.
45:58But you, for example, had no problem adapting when you got here.
46:03Yes, but when I got here, there was a keymaker who was kind
46:08and who made an effort for everyone to be comfortable in the palace.
46:11Wow, what luck.
46:15But it turns out that now the keymaker is me.
46:18He has no right to treat you like that.
46:21Marcelo is doing everything he can.
46:24Tell me something, Teresa.
46:27Why isn't he here defending himself?
46:30He is preparing the clothes of the Count of Añil for the request of Manu.
46:34Okay, I'll ask you another way.
46:38He is not a man who needs his wife to defend him.
46:41Well, that's enough.
46:44Marcelo does not have to show his manliness to you or to anyone.
46:48As you can imagine, that is not something that interests me either.
46:52No, of course not.
46:54It is something that attracts him.
46:56Because I am the one who bothers her, but it is much easier to attack him,
46:59even if you have the problem with me.
47:02That is clear.
47:05For God's sake, when are you going to stop crushing him like this?
47:10What happened to you, Teresa?
47:13So desperate you were to forget my son that you had to sleep with the first imbecile who crossed your path.
47:19For God's sake, don't be vulgar.
47:21No, you are not vulgar.
47:24For trying to replace my son with that ...
47:28With that scoundrel.
47:29That's enough. Stop insulting him.
47:32Be brave and tell me what you have to tell me.
47:35I can't stand seeing you here like this.
47:39You swore eternal love to my son on his deathbed.
47:43And you were as broken as me when Felipiano died.
47:48I thought your pain and your love, Teresa, were sincere.
47:51They were sincere, Mrs. Arcos. Of course they were sincere.
47:56A part of me broke when Felipiano died. In fact, a part of me died with him.
48:02Don't lie to me anymore, Teresa.
48:03I'm not lying to you.
48:06I'm telling you the truth.
48:08What do you know about my pain?
48:12But I have the right to redo my life. In fact, Felipiano asked me to do it.
48:18Does he have anything to object to that?
48:22Absolutely not.
48:25Being with that useless man is your best way of making your life, Teresa.
48:34Go ahead.
48:37And enjoy it.
48:49A year later.
48:57You saw how she got.
48:59The restoration of the mother's painting was like a confrontation for her.
49:02Well, it wasn't that big of a deal.
49:05As always, you defending your wife.
49:08It's not true.
49:10What happens is that maybe you provoked her a little.
49:13Remembering my mother with affection is not a confrontation against her.
49:16You're right. I understand you.
49:18But you also have to understand that for her it doesn't have to be easy
49:21to have a painting of the former Marquise of Lujan on top of the fireplace.
49:25That painting was long before it arrived.
49:27Yes, but she could have asked me to remove it.
49:31And she didn't?
49:33On that occasion, I managed to convince her.
49:36We were just married and she didn't want to take the opposite from me.
49:40Well, it's probably because she was aware of her worth.
49:43And if I don't finish burning the fireplace, it's because of that.
49:46Because she knew it was painted by a renowned artist.
49:49Anyway, the painting is there.
49:51No, the painting is in the hangar.
49:53We'll see if when it's restored Cruz allows me to preside over the tea room again.
49:57Daughter, you're never going to give up, are you?
49:59You know I'm not.
50:01And that's why I'm not going to give up a palm in the jam business.
50:05I want to get back what's mine.
50:09About that, Catalina ...
50:12About that, will she have a plan? No?
50:15We have to save the business from the captain's clutches.
50:18It won't be that easy.
50:20Why? I've talked to Lope, Pelayo, even the captain.
50:23And you know this can't go on like this.
50:26I've also talked to Cruz.
50:30I admit that Julia makes me nervous when she asks so many questions.
50:34Well, I think she's a tremendously curious person.
50:37Yes, especially when it comes to war.
50:39Which is precisely what I'm trying to forget.
50:42Well, Curro, I'm sorry. I just see her ...
50:45A kind person.
50:47One thing doesn't take away the other, Hanna.
50:49Yes, Julia is charming.
50:51But it bothers me that all the time she's asking me about the front.
50:55And I understand you.
50:58It's just that there's something in her questions,
51:01in the way she looks at me when she does them,
51:03that it's disturbing to me.
51:07But well, I don't know.
51:09Maybe it's me who's more sensitive with the whole war thing.
51:12And it would be understandable.
51:14No, but there's something else, Hanna.
51:17It's as if Julia is thinking about something she doesn't say.
51:22It's as if Julia is thinking about something she doesn't say.
51:29We all hide things sometimes.
51:33It's as if Julia wants to know something she doesn't dare to ask me.
51:38Let's see.
51:39Has she told you or done something to make you think that?
51:45She hasn't.
51:46But it's a hunch.
51:48Well, maybe you're right.
51:51Maybe you're more sensitive than usual.
51:54Yeah, because I'm the one with the problem, right?
51:57Everything points to it.
51:59Look, yes, it's true.
52:01Because I notice everyone is very strange, including you.
52:05Wow, me too.
52:07You're going to tell me that lately you've been behaving in a strange way with me, aren't you?
52:11I just don't know what you're talking about.
52:13I'm talking about you wanting to tell me something yesterday.
52:16And you didn't come looking for me to talk about it.
52:19We're talking now, aren't we?
52:21Come on, Hanna.
52:22I almost had to force you to stay.
52:26I work, I work, I work.
52:28It's just that.
52:30And I don't doubt that, Hanna.
52:32But you used to have the same job and that didn't stop you from seeing me.
52:37I work...
52:43Look, it's okay.
52:45It's me.
52:46I'm the only one who sees the problem.
52:48I wasn't going to tell you that.
52:49No, but you think so.
52:51You think your brother has gone crazy, don't you?
52:53No, I don't think so.
52:55I don't think so.
52:56At least not when it comes to me.
53:01Because you're right.
53:03And I'm hiding something from you.
53:06So I understand that you find me strange.
53:09But it's for a good reason.
53:14I've talked to Manuel.
53:18And I've told him the whole truth.
53:23What truth have you told him?
53:28Our origins.
53:30Who we are.
53:31Who our mother was.
53:35But then he knows that...
53:38But then he knows that...
53:44Manuel knows that you and I are brothers.
53:56What do you mean?
53:57That I replaced Feliciana too soon?
54:00Because if that's what you think, it would be good if you said it openly.
54:03That there are already many insinuations.
54:05That in this house we love to meddle in other people's lives.
54:07Tell them how they have to feel, what they have to think.
54:10But we don't realize what those people are feeling inside.
54:13Or how it affects them in our comments.
54:15You left the business.
54:17And now you want to get it back because you want to.
54:20But that would be giving in to the whims of a spoiled girl.
54:23Look, Catalina.
54:24I'm sure that if your father could, he would put the business in your hands.
54:28And not because you want to.
54:29But because it's the best thing for the business itself.
54:32But it doesn't just depend on your father.
54:34If only we could get her out of him.
54:36We've been looking for her for a long time, sir.
54:38And we haven't found any place where she can be sure.
54:41We have to make that man crazy and neutralize him.
54:43Mrs. Martínez.
54:45Why don't you show the Duchess how the tripes are prepared?
54:49Holy Virgin.
54:50Before I would have to know what that is.
54:53A traditional recipe from Cayos, Mrs. Simona.
54:55We're done.
54:57I've heard the Duchess say it's the Duke's favorite dish.
55:01I have to ask you, when is Julia leaving?
55:04I didn't care if she stayed a few days, but this is taking too long, isn't it?
55:07No, I didn't know she was uncomfortable with his presence.
55:10How he is so ... so kind, so nice and above all so discreet.
55:14Yes, Martín, I'm sure that and much more.
55:17But this is not a hotel, dear.
55:19Although it starts to look like it.
55:21What? It can't be.
55:22You know that Manuel and I want to get married in secret.
55:25And that means that no one can know where or when it will be.
55:30So you can't come either.
55:32I can't believe you don't want me to go to your wedding, huh?
55:34He says that some French soldiers will be able to return to their homes after 11 months of absence.
55:40And it's a lot to ask him to stop talking to us about war.
55:43This is a painful matter.
55:45It's not a matter of social conversation or entertainment.
55:49And I'm tired of trivializing it every time your little friend talks about it.
55:53I want to know if anything has changed between us.
55:55I know I've told you a very big secret.
55:58But I also know that ...
56:00that a marriage can't start with a secret like that.
56:04I'm very confused.
56:06And I think that, as things are now, it would be an option to postpone our wedding for the moment.
