Mom Forgot To Name Me, Unbelievable!

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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Please leave me alone mom ran down the dark corridor looking for a place to hide turning every doorknob that she came to
00:07Finally a door gave way and she crouched in a corner, but it was too late stay away from me stay away
00:13Hey, I'm Anastasia. My friends call me Anna, but my parents call me stay away from me or leave me alone
00:20Okay, I was being a little dramatic at the start of the video mom wasn't actually scared
00:25This is how it really played out mommy. Can you leave me a bedtime story? Please leave me alone go ask your dad daddy
00:32Look, I was outside playing and stepped in the poopsie. Oh
00:36Stay away from me
00:38My nanny looked after me mostly because my parents were super busy with their careers and she always called me miss
00:44So I thought my real name was stay away from me
00:47It wasn't until my first day of kindergarten that I found out I was wrong. And what's your name, sweetie?
00:53Stay away from me. Excuse me. What did you just say stay away from me next thing?
00:58I knew my parents and I were sitting in the principal's office
01:01I got into trouble but at least my parents used my name more after that and when I was four something amazing
01:07Happened my sister Isabella was born and she was beautiful
01:11Oh, I have the most beautiful daughter anyone could ask for I was so bummed by what she said that I stuck my tongue out
01:18At her but I got over it soon enough
01:21Finally had someone to play with or so I thought you see mom didn't want me near Isabella shoe go away
01:27But one night Isabella couldn't sleep and was screaming at the top of her lungs
01:32I crawled into her crib and began to sing her lullabies and soon enough. She was sleeping peacefully
01:37It felt like the best big sister ever
01:39But we never had a shot at getting close because of the way my parents treated us
01:43They were less busy with work now and spent all their time fawning over Isabella and spoiling her while completely ignoring me
01:49You know what? I see in the mirror. I see two beautiful girls with unlimited potential
01:55Anna how long have you been standing here? I was here first brushing my hair. You didn't even see me
02:00They'd whisk Isabella off to the mall or spa and one time they even took her to Paris
02:05Well, I was stuck with the neighbor and her nine cats. It bothered me a lot at first
02:10But eventually I just kind of got used to it
02:13But my parents were slowly turning Isabella into a monster who bullied them and threw a fit anytime
02:18She didn't get her way
02:19She would try to boss me around too, but I mostly wouldn't give in which didn't sit too
02:24Well with her like this one time when I was in fifth grade
02:26I was eating spaghetti and she turned to me with a weird look in her eyes spaghetti and worms taste the same
02:32Don't you think what my stomach churned when I looked on my plate and sure enough there were worms mixed together with my spaghetti
02:41When I told my parents they told me it was a harmless prank every time Isabella did something to me
02:46They would make excuses for her and brush it off. Even the time she cut my head out of all the family pictures
02:52She's too young to know what she's doing. She's just having fun lighten up the weekend before middle school
02:59I bought this super cute outfit for my first day and I couldn't wait to put it on but when I was getting ready
03:04I couldn't find it anywhere that is until I entered the kitchen and there sat Isabella in my outfit
03:12Isabella that's mine. It looks better on me. I look like a doll
03:15I rushed over to Isabella and tried to pull my outfit off of her when mom dragged me away
03:20And what are you doing to your little sister? I want her to take off my clothes
03:25Oh, is that what you want?
03:26You should have said it nicely and then she took a pair of scissors and cut herself out of the dress
03:32Oh my god, you're such a psycho. Mom. Aren't you gonna say anything?
03:36If you knew how to share your things you could both enjoy them
03:39But now look at what you made your sister do Anna
03:42Pull my hair out
03:43There was no winning against this brat when she had some magic spell cast on my parents as I grew older
03:48I just avoided my family as much as I could and faded into the background
03:52I decided to focus on what I loved best singing and I became quite good at it
03:57But I only realized exactly how good I was when I was 16 two months before high school started
04:03I'd taken up a small gig at a cafe to sing occasionally and when I was done a stunning lady approached me
04:09Hi, I'm Gigi. You have a beautiful voice. I'd like to sign you up as a singer. What do you want me?
04:15Yes, I couldn't make you a star. It was an offer. I couldn't refuse
04:20I gave Gigi my address and when she arrived at my house later that evening
04:24My parents were quite surprised and is a look so jealous
04:28Well, why would you want to sign her up because she's talented but her looks can be altered to look the part
04:34What do you mean altered by the time my people are done with you you won't even recognize yourself kiddo the following week
04:41I went to the studio with Gigi and I felt like I was in a dream and after rehearsals
04:46Gigi's makeup artists took over and she was right. I barely recognized myself. I looked
04:53Amazing when I got home mom looked shocked. Oh my god, Anna. You look stunning
04:59Flipped with excitement. Did my mother just give me a compliment as stunning as a chicken in a jumpsuit
05:05Later that week mom took me shopping
05:07In fact over the next two weeks mom and I spent a lot of time together
05:12We went to spas dinners and we even spent a day in Paris
05:16I picked up a few things there for Isabella
05:18But when I went to give it to her she dumped everything on my head
05:21You think you're better than me because of this music it your taste are numbered
05:26My baby's sister just threatened me I was too busy to think too much about what Isabella said
05:31I worked hard and released my first album by the time I started high school. I was already famous
05:36OMG, her skin is flawless. She's such an amazing singer
05:42I can carry your books around but life just had to give me lemons and this lemon was Mandy the meanest and
05:48Richest girl in school. She transferred to our school the year before and was the most popular girl around
05:54But clearly I dethroned her now because I had way more fans and social media followers than her and she just couldn't handle it
06:01Others may have forgotten how ugly you really are
06:03But I'll never forget and I'll make sure the others don't either I tried to ignore her and just enjoy my newfound fame
06:10But of course Mandy did everything to ruin it this one time after gym class
06:14She filled my body wash with oil another time. She filled my bag with live frogs that went crazy in the science lab
06:21She was a lunatic and then one afternoon while walking through the mall
06:24I saw Mandy and Isabella together Mandy was shuffling a dress into Isabella's hand and looking over her shoulder
06:31Wait, was she trying to get Isabella to shoplift? I stormed over to them immediately Mandy
06:36What are you doing with my sister? Mind your business Anna? She's my friend and way better than you
06:42Isa, she can't be that good if she's trying to get you to steal clothes
06:46You're coming with me my arm hard and ran off stay away from my sister Mandy
06:51But after that, I'd see the two of them together all the time if they wanted to run their own Anastasia hate club, then fine
06:58I had better things to focus on like my very first concert that Gigi has arranged to boost album sales on the night of
07:04The concert my family came to support me and I was so excited
07:07I grabbed the mic and stepped onto the stage confidently and I was totally owning it
07:13Everything was going great until someone from the crowd screamed and pointed at the chandelier above me
07:18Which was falling down one of my guitar players threw himself at me and managed to get me out of the way
07:23Seconds before the chandelier crashed on stage before I could even process what had happened
07:27Gigi whisked me away to get me checked up at the hospital
07:30But as I was leaving I spotted Mandy's face in the crowd
07:33I couldn't get rid of the thought that she had something to do with this incident
07:37But would she go this far she was acting like a lunatic lately
07:41But I had no proof and it would be useless confronting her a few days later
07:45I came across the opportunity of a lifetime
07:48There was one spot open in the most prestigious music college and they'd be visiting the school in three months to hold auditions
07:55I just had to get that scholarship. You can drool on that spot all you want, but it's mine
08:00Gosh, why was the world always putting Mandy and me against each other?
08:04She played the piano and she was good like Beethoven good. I couldn't let her win this
08:10I threw myself into practice after rehearsals with Gigi
08:13I'd stay back in the studio and practice for my big day one evening while I was walking home from practice
08:18I was passing by the bakery when I saw Mandy stuffed two loaves of bread under her jacket and sneak out of the bakery
08:24Mandy was the richest girl in school. Why was she stealing food?
08:27I followed Mandy until she went into the bad part of town
08:31The houses were small and shabby and I watched as she entered one of them what on earth?
08:36I needed to know what was happening
08:37So I walked up to the door and was about to knock when I heard a familiar voice
08:42Isabella I told you already I'm done with this
08:44I'm not doing your homework shoplifting or going out of my way to be your puppet
08:48Isabella was making Mandy do stuff feeling shocked
08:52I pulled out my phone opened the door by an inch and started recording what I heard next made my head spin
08:58You'll do as I say or I'll spill your filthy little secret all over the internet
09:02I am so sick and tired of this tell everyone I don't care
09:05Ha! You the oh-so-popular Mandy not caring what people think?
09:10Are you really comfortable with people knowing that your father is rotting in jail for fraud?
09:14While you and your mother are left with nothing and living in this rat hole?
09:18I find that hard to believe given how hard you've been trying to keep up appearances in school
09:22I've done everything you've asked me to do since you read my diary and discovered my secret
09:27You made me tamper with the chandelier at Anna's concert. She could have gotten seriously hurt
09:31I should have never agreed to do it. It's been giving me nightmares
09:35But if you don't do as I say, I'll tell everyone what you did
09:38Oh, yes, I recorded it and then you'll go meet daddy in jail do your worst Isabella. I don't care
09:44I watched in horror as Isabella picked up a bat and raised it at Mandy
09:49I flung open the door and lunged at Isabella
09:51Not a bat from her hand and pinned her to the ground
09:53Get off you ugly jerk. Did you completely lose your mind?
09:57What have I ever done to hurt you?
09:59How could my own sister hate me so much because you overshadowed my life
10:04You should have never been in the picture and I'd do anything to bring you down
10:08Isabella lunged at me with a scream
10:10But the commotion had attracted the attention of some neighbors who came running in and held Isabella
10:15Someone called the police who took her away kicking and screaming
10:18I was still reeling with shock when Mandy turned to me you you helped me why we may have our differences
10:25But I couldn't let Isabella blackmail you or hurt you. Thanks, Anna. No problem. That's what friends are for friends
10:31Are we friends?
10:32Maybe we could try crazier things have happened my parents world turned upside down when I showed them Isabella's video
10:38They decided to get Isabella evaluated and they were told that Isabella had some problems
10:44It was taken to a facility to get the help she needed I've been pointing out Isabella's issues
10:48But you've always just let them slide if we'd gotten her help earlier things might have been different Anna
10:53We're sorry for not treating you both fairly. We're starting to see how our actions have affected you both. We want to do better
11:00Can you forgive us?
11:01It's gonna take some time
11:02But maybe going to therapy together could help us improve as a family hearing this my parents nodded their heads in agreement at school
11:09Mandy and I even smiled at each other
11:11Finally the day of the big audition for the scholarship arrived and I saw Mandy backstage looking super nervous
11:18I don't think I can do this you can and you will break a leg. Thanks you too. Oh, I'm not auditioning
11:24I thought I should give you a fair shot
11:26Oh because you think you're better than me and I have no chance against you
11:29No, because I think you'll beat my butt and I'd rather not be humiliated and you need this more than I do
11:36I'll be cheering for you though
11:37Mandy gave an amazing performance that received a standing ovation and she won the spot
11:42I learned that showing kindness to a rival can turn a bitter battle into an unexpected friendship