My Mom Secret Was Bigger Than Anyone Can Imagine

  • 14 hours ago
#animatedstories #lifeexperiences #personaldrama #emotionalanimation #inspirationaltales #teenstruggles #familyconflicts #relationshipissues #comingofage #highschooldrama #friendshipstories #lifelessons #personalgrowth #selfdiscovery #uniquestories #animatedlife #reallifeevents #motivationalstories #lovestories #betrayaltales #overcomingchallenges #animatedconfessions #familydynamics #socialissues #mentalhealth #identitycrisis #animatednarratives #dramafilledstories #relatablecontent #animatedvlogs #viewersubmissions

MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00I was caught between two worlds, rich and poor, past and future, and it was time to
00:09make the hardest decision of my life.
00:11Hi, everyone.
00:12I'm Kate from Taiwan.
00:13Please like and subscribe if you've ever had to make an impossible choice.
00:17Before we get back to that, here's a little backstory.
00:19When I was a kid, I idolized my mom.
00:22She was a total boss.
00:24She owned her own real estate company, wore the best clothes, could body slam a guy twice
00:28her size, fold her legs over her head, and was the coolest person in the world.
00:33I wanted to be just like her.
00:35Don't worry.
00:36I eventually stopped being her mini-me, but come on.
00:38I was cute.
00:39When I was nine, I was turning cartwheels in the attic, and I accidentally kicked over
00:43a shelf and a jar of old buttons and yarn fell on the floor.
00:46I knelt down to pick it up, and I saw something amazing.
00:50I sat there for hours, moving the buttons and yarn around until it became a work of
00:56After that, I was hooked.
00:57I gathered random objects from everywhere to make my masterpieces.
01:00My mom encouraged me to follow my passion, but my dad didn't get me at all.
01:04Get out of the trash can!
01:06I almost got it!
01:08Dad was barely ever home, and when he was, he never had time to talk to me.
01:12I didn't mind, though, because my mom and I were close, and she was all I needed.
01:16But then one day, completely out of the blue, mom packed her bags and left.
01:20I'm sorry, sweetie.
01:21I hope someday you'll understand.
01:23She didn't explain or say when she was coming back, and of course, my dad wasn't any help.
01:29He shut himself in his room, hugging their old wedding photos and crying his eyes out
01:33while he sang old love songs off-key.
01:36For a little while, I felt totally lost and confused, and then one day at school, I met
01:42You made this?
01:43So cool!
01:45Found object art is my favorite!
01:47I was shocked!
01:48My art projects had a name!
01:50For so long, I thought I was just a weirdo!
01:53After that, things started looking up.
01:55April introduced me to her friends.
01:57They were all really nice and talented and cool.
01:59They didn't care what anybody thought of them, especially the spoiled rich kids from the
02:03private school across town.
02:07We clicked right away.
02:08It felt like I'd known them all my life!
02:10As the years passed, we spent all our time hunting down random items and transforming
02:15them into something new and beautiful.
02:17I still missed my mom, but hanging out with April and my friends made me feel much better.
02:22But of course, my stupid dad had to ruin it!
02:25I've decided to enroll you in a private high school across town.
02:28It's the best education money can buy.
02:30I was devastated!
02:31Dad, no!
02:32I like my school!
02:33All my friends go there!
02:34You'll make new friends.
02:35This is all for the best.
02:36You'll see.
02:37My blood boiled!
02:38I couldn't believe this!
02:39My dad really sucked!
02:40But this time, he'd gone too far!
02:41You sit on a throne of lies!
02:42You're the worst!
02:43Mom would never do this!
02:44Well, you're my mom!
02:45You're my mom!
02:46You're my mom!
02:47You're my mom!
02:48You're my mom!
02:49You're my mom!
02:50You're my mom!
02:51You're my mom!
02:52Your mom's not here!
02:53Then dad just stormed off.
02:54I begged and pleaded for him to change his mind, but he didn't budge.
02:58My life was over.
03:00I was going to be behind enemy lines in a private school filled with rich, judgmental,
03:05spoiled, dim-witted, money-obsessed snobs!
03:08April and my friends encouraged me to stay positive, so I tried to be optimistic.
03:12But when I got there, I discovered kids there were jerks!
03:15They even bullied their own teacher!
03:17Please don't tell me you actually paid for that outfit!
03:21Things were much worse than I ever imagined!
03:24Can you, like, not afford a tailor?
03:27What happened to custom-made outfits?
03:28It didn't help that as soon as April and the others saw me in my school uniform, they were
03:33compelled to make fun of me!
03:35Oh, please, your excellence, allow me!
03:37Your royal hand shouldn't have to touch this filth!
03:40Can I get you some tea, your majesty?
03:43You guys are jerks!
03:44You know I didn't have a choice, right?
03:46At school, I tried to keep my head down and blend in with the others, but one time I spotted
03:50a cool ribbon in the trash that I could use for my new art piece.
03:53I dug it out of the trash can, and someone spotted me!
03:57Ew, look, she's digging through the trash like a raccoon!
04:00Oh, gross!
04:02I was so embarrassed!
04:04After that, everyone started to call me Raccoon Girl!
04:06It hurt my feelings for a while, but I eventually learned to ignore it.
04:10I even tried to be more discreet when I gathered items for my art projects.
04:14Those rich kids threw away the best stuff!
04:16A couple weeks later, a new boy named Lee joined the school.
04:19The kid was that his parents were CEOs or something important, and all the students
04:23treated him like royalty, and he acted like one, too.
04:26But there was this one time when a snobby rich girl threw trash on the ground, and Lee
04:30went to go pick it up, and then he brought it over to me!
04:33Hey, Kate, I know we've never talked before, but you're into, like, found art projects,
04:39I thought maybe you could use this.
04:41That's covered in pizza sauce.
04:43Sorry, that was dumb, huh?
04:45It was really sweet, though, thank you!
04:47I think it's really cool how you're able to turn anything you find into art, and I was
04:51wondering if you could maybe teach me?
04:54There's nothing to learn, but sure, I'll teach you!
04:56At first, I thought Lee was just being nice, but all throughout the week, he kept bringing
05:00me things, none of which I could use, and I started to wonder if you liked me.
05:05Since he was always acting shy, I decided to ask him myself.
05:09Do you like me or something?
05:11Why are you being so overly nice?
05:13What's the deal?
05:16I didn't get an idea like that.
05:17Okay, yeah, I like you, a lot.
05:20Would you maybe want to go out with me sometime, like, on a date?
05:24I'd love to.
05:25That weekend, Lee planned the world's most expensive date for us, dinner at a super-exclusive
05:30restaurant, dessert on his dad's yacht, and then a stroll through a private garden I didn't
05:35even know existed!
05:36I'm having a lot of fun, but you didn't have to do all this, I'm not that type of girl,
05:41I'm happy just having a conversation.
05:43Sorry, I might've gotten a little carried away.
05:46I just really wanted to impress you, so you'd say yes to going on a second date with me?
05:52Oh, yeah, um, sure, I guess I could fit that into my schedule.
05:57I never expected to fall for one of the rich kids, but Lee wasn't like the others.
06:02He treated everyone the same, no matter how much money they had, and he had a little sister
06:05he adored.
06:06And he loved model airplanes, which was dorky but kinda cute.
06:11Before I knew it, it was our one-month anniversary, and Lee and I got together to exchange gifts.
06:16You go first.
06:17Okay, so I got you this Ferrari.
06:20And this diamond necklace, and the keys to your own beach house.
06:23Now you go.
06:24I, uh, I made you a little airplane out of seashells.
06:28It's okay, you can say you're disappointed.
06:31It's the nicest thing anyone's ever given me.
06:33It reminded me of the time I made my mom a macaroni picture frame when I was little.
06:38Sure, my mom said she loved it, but who really loves macaroni art?
06:43She never even put a photo in it.
06:44Lee seemed to genuinely like his gift, though, which made me happy.
06:48I occasionally had to remind Lee that I wasn't into material things, but he was trying.
06:53I asked him to return everything and donate the money to charity.
06:57Everything except...
06:58Okay, the Ferrari was cool.
06:59I kept that.
07:00Sometime later, when I met up with my friends, I was surprised to find them acting cold and
07:05a bit distant.
07:06What's wrong?
07:08You left us hanging, Kate.
07:09We had to finish the project all by ourselves because you didn't show.
07:12It took hours.
07:14I'm sorry, I was out on a date with Lee.
07:16You know he gave me a...
07:18You've changed, Kate.
07:19You used to make fun of spoiled rich people, and now you've got the rich boyfriend and
07:23the fancy car, just like every other snob.
07:26I'm still the same person, and Lee's not like that.
07:28I really think you'd like him if you gave him a chance.
07:31April clearly disagreed, but I managed to convince her and my other friends to invite
07:35Lee to work on our next project so they could get to know each other.
07:39Thankfully, it went perfectly.
07:40My friends and Lee totally hit it off, and from then on, we all met up often.
07:44Okay, that was a lie, but in my defense, the truth made me want to cry.
07:48Our big hang sesh started out well enough, but things went downhill fast after Lee...
07:54Oops, did that.
07:55Don't you build model planes?
07:57I thought you'd be better at this, Richie Rich.
08:00My models come with instructions that tell you where each piece goes.
08:03Instructions are for babies.
08:05Can't say I'm surprised, Richie Rich.
08:07Why do you keep calling me that?
08:09That's not my name.
08:10Then April flicked some paint in Lee's face.
08:13Oops, apologies, your highness.
08:15Aw, the spoiled brat's all dirty.
08:18Hey guys, who's hungry?
08:20Maybe we should take a snack break.
08:22No, I think I'm done here.
08:25And another time, we were eating at McDonald's when suddenly Lee's stomach started hurting
08:29and he ran to the bathroom.
08:31I followed him.
08:32I didn't care, it was the boy's bathroom.
08:34And he was throwing up in the bathroom.
08:36And just then, April followed me in.
08:37Aw, is the Richie Rich boy not used to eating junk food and all the disgusting stuff that
08:43poor people eat?
08:44Stop it, April.
08:45It's that edible sculpture you gave me.
08:47The sneakers that were made from cheese and bread and...
08:50Oh, you actually ate that?
08:52What is that supposed to mean?
08:53I asked you if it's edible and you said yes.
08:56I didn't know you were genuinely asking.
08:58I said a sarcastic yes, duh.
09:01Are you crazy?
09:02Guys, please.
09:03And just then, Lee pushed April and left.
09:06To make matters worse, the next time I saw April and Lee, separately of course, they
09:10refused to be in the same room now.
09:12They each gave me an ultimatum.
09:15Your friends are close-minded jerks.
09:17Your boyfriend is an entitled idiot.
09:20It's me or them.
09:21It's us or him.
09:23All I'd wanted was for my friends and my boyfriend to get along, but everything had blown up
09:28in my face.
09:29I hadn't felt this low since my mom left.
09:31How was I supposed to choose between my friends and my boyfriend?
09:34It was like asking me if I wanted to keep my right arm or my left.
09:38They were both a part of me.
09:39There was only one person who could help me figure this out.
09:42My mom.
09:43I was sure if I could find her, she would know how to make everything right.
09:46But once again, when I asked dad about her, he didn't tell me anything.
09:50Instead, he tried to act like her.
09:52If there's something on your mind, you can talk to me, you know.
09:55I need to talk to mom.
09:57She's the only person who can help.
09:59Your mom's a lot better at running from problems than solving them.
10:02Like you're any better?
10:04You barely even talked to me before mom left.
10:06All you cared about was money.
10:08You don't know what you're talking about.
10:10No matter how much I begged, my dad refused to tell me where to find my mom, who's probably
10:16afraid that if I found out, I'd leave and live with her instead.
10:19Things got worse after that.
10:21Lee and April called me every day to pressure me to give them an answer, but I wasn't ready
10:25to make a choice yet.
10:27Unfortunately, that meant my birthday was pretty lonely, until my dad gave me an envelope
10:31from my mom.
10:32I was so happy, I opened it as fast as I could, but when I saw what was inside, my world turned
10:39upside down.
10:40What's this?
10:41Dad, who are these other people?
10:44I guess it's time you finally learned the truth.
10:46This is your mom's new family.
10:48But what?
10:51Your mom was always obsessed with money.
10:53She spent so much money, I had to work two jobs to pay all the bills.
10:57She took almost everything when she had left, and eventually found a new, richer husband.
11:02I was stunned.
11:03I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, honey.
11:06Your mom has always been your hero, and I...
11:08I didn't want to take that away from you, but you're old enough now to know the truth.
11:12By the way, happy birthday.
11:14Is this the frame I gave mom when I was little?
11:17Yeah, I always thought it was really special, and it's about time we used it.
11:21Dad, I love it.
11:23By the way, I don't know if you noticed, but there are some people here who I think want
11:27to see you.
11:28Hey, uh, we wanted to wish you a happy birthday, and also...
11:32I want to say something first.
11:34I've made my decision.
11:35I love you, all of you, and I don't think it's fair that you've asked me to choose,
11:39so I won't.
11:40You guys don't have to like each other, but you need to respect me.
11:43There's room in my life for all of you.
11:46That's exactly what we wanted to apologize for.
11:49We never should have given you an ultimatum.
11:51I think I was just jealous that you had a new boyfriend, and you were spending so much
11:54time with...
11:56And I was jealous of them, because they got to grow up with someone as amazing as you,
12:00and I didn't meet you till we were older.
12:02Aww, what?
12:03That was sweet.
12:05Anyway, we made this for you.
12:07All of you?
12:09It's so weird.
12:10I love it.
