comp Khatm E Nabuwat Programme 3 - 11 Sep 2024 Tiktok Instagram امتناع قادیانیت آرڈیننس 26ستمر 1984

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ماہ ربیع الاول کی آج 7ویں تاریخ ہے
نبی اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی حیات بابرکات کے حوالے سے اس مہینہ کو دوسرے مہینوں پرفضیلت ہے۔ اس سال یہ ماہ مبارک ستمبر میں آیا ہے۔ ستمبر کا مہینہ پاکستان کے حوالے سے خاص اہمیت لئے ہوئے ہے کہ سال 1974ء کے ستمبر کی 7 تاریخ کو قومی اسمبلی نے قادیانیوں کو کافر قرار دے کر رسول اکرم صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی ختم نبوت پر مہر ثبت کی تھی اور مرزا غلام احمد قادیانی اور اس کو نبی ماننے والوں کو کافر قرار دے دیا تھا. اس حوالے سے یہ سال یعنی 2024ء گولڈن جوبلی قرار پاتا ہے
ہمارا چینل Hadhmi Prophet's Nation قوم رسول ہاشمی اس پورے ماہ مبارک میں ربیع الاول کے پیغام اور رسول ﷺ پر ختم نبوت کے سلسلے میں پروگرام پیش کرے گا۔
آج تحفظ ختم نبوت امتناع قادیا یت آرڈیننس مجریہ 26 اپریل 1984 پر گفتگو ہوگی۔ اللہ تعالیٰ تحفظ ختم نبوت کے ضمن میں ہم مسلمانوں کی کوشش کو کامیاب اور قبولیت سے سرفراز فرمائے۔ آمین یا الہ العالمین


00:00As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu, today we are presenting a program on the memorization
00:20of the 7th September of this year, in which Punjab Qadiani was declared as a non-Muslim.
00:32After that, the conditions of Qadiani continued, because Qadiani's followers, some other
00:39powers are doing it, some other powers are doing it, the non-Muslim powers, they are
00:44doing it.
00:45And I would like to tell you that even before Qadiani came into existence, in 1989, 1988
00:51and so on, these people claimed to be Qadiani.
00:54After that, Qadiani has been declared a non-Muslim in different countries as well.
00:59For example, on 19th January 1927, the Chief Justice of Mauritius declared him a non-Muslim.
01:05After that, on 20th January 1935, the Chief Justice of Turkey declared him a non-Muslim.
01:11After that, on 22nd January 1935, the Chief Justice of Turkey declared him a non-Muslim.
01:17After that, on 22nd January 1935, the Chief Justice of Turkey declared him a non-Muslim.
01:22After that, in the case of Bahawalpur, Judge Muhammad Akbar declared Qadiani a non-Muslim
01:28in a case on 7th February 1935.
01:31And the governments of Hijaz, Egypt, Syria and Iraq also declared him a non-Muslim.
01:38Even in Qatar, the Ulema declared Qadiani a non-Muslim.
01:43And in a court case on 30th June 1955, Qadiani was declared a non-Muslim.
01:49Similarly, on 13th July 1970, a civil judge from the district of Jacobabad,
01:54who was in charge of the family court,
01:59declared Qadiani a non-Muslim.
02:05That's all.
02:35We had started a program about Qadiani on 12th November and September.
02:45That program is being presented.
02:48The only objective is that people should be informed about Qadiani.
02:54Qadiani has been preaching Islamic teachings against different religions and doctrines from Pakistan.
03:00He has been doing all of this under the guise of his leaders.
03:03I have told you that he has been doing all of this under the guise of his leaders.
03:06He has not considered any religion to be against other religions.
03:09He has been doing everything according to his own rules.
03:12Then, on 23rd March, Qadiani was declared a non-Muslim.
03:19After that, Maulana Muhammad Salam Qureshi was kidnapped from Sialkot.
03:25After that, he took control of history.
03:31Non-Muslims who use Islamic poetry, Islamic addresses, Islamic titles,
03:38because they are non-Muslims, they should be prohibited from using these addresses.
03:46In this regard, on 21st November 1984,
03:50Razi Zafrul Haq Sahib,
03:53at that time he was the President of Pakistan,
03:57Zia-ul-Haq Sahib, etc.
03:59Razi Zafrul Haq Sahib expressed his desire that
04:02someone should meet him first,
04:06so that he can brief him.
04:08So, Razi Zafrul Haq Sahib, Maulana Muhammad Sharif,
04:11Jaliluddin Sahib, who was from Jodhpur,
04:13he was the leader of his group.
04:15So, Razi Zafrul Haq Sahib met him.
04:18Razi Zafrul Haq Sahib was in Tehrik-e-Umar.
04:20When he gave his name,
04:22Maulana Muhammad Sharif met the President of Pakistan,
04:25Jaliluddin Zia-ul-Haq Sahib.
04:27After meeting him, he gave his address.
04:31Before meeting him, he gave his address,
04:34which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
04:36After meeting him, he gave his address,
04:38which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
04:40After meeting him, he gave his address,
04:42which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
04:44After meeting him, he gave his address,
04:46which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
04:48After meeting him, he gave his address,
04:50which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
04:52After meeting him, he gave his address,
04:54which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
04:56After meeting him, he gave his address,
04:58which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:00After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:02which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:04After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:06which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:08After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:10which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:12After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:14which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:16After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:18which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:20After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:22which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:24After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:26which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:28After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:30which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:32After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:34which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:36After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:38which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:40After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:42which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:44After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:46which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:48After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:50which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:52After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:54which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
05:56After meeting him, he gave his address,
05:58which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:00After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:02which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:04After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:06which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:08After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:10which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:12After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:14which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:16After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:18which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:20After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:22which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:24After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:26which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:28After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:30which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:32After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:34which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:36After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:38which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:40After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:42which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:44After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:46which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:48After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:50which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:52After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:54which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
06:56After meeting him, he gave his address,
06:58which was in Khatm-e-Noor.
07:00This is the part of the regular Ayin.
07:02This is the part of the regular Ayin.
07:04This is the part of the regular Ayin.
07:06Details will be presented in the
07:08program in the future,
07:12Assalamu Alaikum.
07:14Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.
