林修の今知りたいでしょ!2024年9月12日 夏のダメージ回復法6選

  • 10 hours ago
林修の今知りたいでしょ!2024年9月12日 夏のダメージ回復法6選
#EnglishMovie #cdrama #drama #engsub #chinesedramaengsub #movieshortfull


00:00This year, there are still severe heatwaves in September.
00:06It has been exposed to temperatures over 30°C since June.
00:13The average temperature from June to August is the highest since the beginning of the year.
00:25Due to the damage caused by the heat, there are also abnormalities in your body.
00:41The reason for the abnormality of the eyes, such as tired eyes, is that the oil in the eyes is lacking due to the motion.
00:54When I take a bath, I get a massage.
00:57This year is a little different. I feel a little scared.
01:04The reason for the swelling of the feet in summer is...
01:09Due to the heat, there is a burden on the veins of the blood vessels.
01:15The sweat is dry.
01:18It's a hair loss at the peak of September.
01:22The cause is also the damage in the summer.
01:27It was an invisible micro-sunburn caused by motion.
01:34The damage in the summer may be a part of the abnormalities you have.
01:38The important thing is to do the right thing now.
01:43I've never experienced this kind of heat in the summer.
01:47Based on my experience, I can't do anything about it.
01:53So, in order to get through the second half of this year,
01:58we'll show you six ways to recover from motion damage.
02:06So, what's the cause of the motion damage?
02:10There are six parts that can cause abnormalities.
02:13First of all, the eyes.
02:17The eyes are coming.
02:21The eyes are affected by various abnormalities, such as headaches and stiff shoulders.
02:30At this time of year, the air conditioner is used to speed up the process.
02:37The air conditioner?
02:38Yes, the air conditioner.
02:41It doesn't make me dizzy, but it does make my eyes tired.
02:45I think it's because of my age.
02:48I get itchy when my eyes are dry.
02:53I use eye drops.
02:56When I turn on the air conditioner, I sweat.
02:59My eyes hurt.
03:01They hurt, and I have to wash my face.
03:06In the summer, due to the influence of UV rays, the cornea is easily damaged.
03:11It's a season when various abnormalities such as eye fatigue and bleeding are easy to occur.
03:17However, the coldness of the eyes caused by the air conditioner can also lead to tears.
03:27It may also be the cause of the abnormalities in the eyes.
03:31I think it would be good to cool it down.
03:35According to Dr. Arita Ito, the vice president of the Institute of Ophthalmology at Tokyo University,
03:44in this season, tears are easy to occur due to lack of oil in the eyes.
03:50Tears are caused by moisture and oil.
03:55In the summer, the body gets cold and the eyes get cold due to the air conditioner.
04:00When the exit of the oil is clogged and the oil is hard to come out,
04:04the amount of oil decreases and the water evaporates.
04:07This may be the cause of eye fatigue in the summer.
04:12The main components of tears are water and oil.
04:17The oil coats the moisture on the surface of the eyes.
04:22It prevents the moisture from evaporating immediately.
04:27When the oil is insufficient, the moisture evaporates immediately without enough coating.
04:36This is a normal eye.
04:38The whole is covered with green tears.
04:43Normally, even if you open your eyes like this,
04:46the tears will not evaporate for a while.
04:51However, when the oil is insufficient,
04:54When the oil is insufficient,
05:02There is a black line just three seconds after opening the eyes.
05:09This is called a dry spot in medical terms.
05:15This is exactly where the oil coating is insufficient and tears have evaporated.
05:24It is said that there is a characteristic in the eyes of people whose eyes tend to be dry.
05:32Tapioca fiber appears in the eyes.
05:36Tapioca fiber.
05:38Here it is.
05:42What is this?
05:44It's like a tapioca that's about 4mm in size and puffs up on the eyelids.
05:50The person who makes this is called an air conditioner.
05:54If you look closely, it looks like there is.
05:56It looks like there is.
05:58Why is it possible?
06:01I wonder.
06:04And the point that recovers the eye's air conditioner is
06:08how to blink.
06:13What is the method?
06:17What is tapioca fiber?
06:20It is a line that produces oil in tears called myosin.
06:24Tapioca fiber is a state in which the exit of the line is clogged and inflated.
06:30It is a recent trend.
06:32It is kept in the room with the air conditioner.
06:35When the temperature drops, the exit of the oil tends to clog.
06:38Even if you sleep at night, the tears do not come out.
06:41If the tears do not come out and the oil hardens,
06:46the risk of dry eye is very high.
06:49Tears are not only to protect the eyes,
06:53but also to relieve fatigue and nourish the eyes.
06:57When the tears dry, some people have fatigue symptoms.
07:01Dry eye may be caused by headaches or stiff shoulders.
07:06What is recommended for such oil-deficient eyes?
07:10Blink exercise.
07:14People are not aware of the importance of blinking.
07:20People blink 15,000 times a day.
07:25It is important that the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid stick together.
07:30If you do this on a computer or smartphone,
07:33it will be a shallow blink.
07:36This is a video of a person diagnosed with dry eye.
07:52Slow playback.
08:07You can see that the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid do not stick together.
08:16When the blink becomes shallow or the number of blinks decreases,
08:20the tears do not come out.
08:23This is the cause of dry eye.
08:25Blink exercise is to train the muscles to blink.
08:31Now, I will show you how to do the blink exercise to recover from the damage of the summer.
08:39First, exercise to train the upper eyelid.
08:45Close your eyes for 2 seconds.
08:50And blink lightly twice.
08:54After that, close your eyes for 2 seconds.
09:00This is an exercise to train the upper eyelid.
09:04When you blink, try not to get wrinkles on your forehead.
09:10If you only train the upper eyelid, you will not get wrinkles on your forehead.
09:14It's difficult. I've never thought about it.
09:17Next, exercise to train the lower eyelid.
09:22First, close your eyes when it is bright.
09:27Then, the lower eyelid will rise naturally.
09:31When you blink, you can train the muscles that close the lower eyelid.
09:39Now, hold the corner of your eye with your finger.
09:44Now, hold the corner of your eye with your finger and raise it up.
09:49In that state, try to close your eyes.
09:54This is to fix the upper eyelid.
09:57If you close your eyes while fixing the upper eyelid,
10:00only the lower eyelid will move naturally.
10:06When you blink, 90% of the upper eyelid goes down,
10:10and 10% of the lower eyelid goes up.
10:14So, instead of training only the upper eyelid,
10:17you should also train the lower eyelid.
10:20It's easier to open my eyes now.
10:23The view of the studio has improved.
10:26It's a little bright.
10:29I feel like I bought a TV.
10:34Blinking is important.
10:36When tears come out, the quality of eyesight improves.
10:40When I was in elementary school,
10:42when I checked my eyesight,
10:44when I blinked right or left,
10:46I could see which eye was open for a moment.
10:49When I blinked, the unevenness of tears disappeared.
10:52When it becomes uniform,
10:54the light comes in straight,
10:56and the quality of eyesight improves.
10:59In addition,
11:00to dissolve the clogged oil,
11:02it is also recommended to warm your eyes with a steamed towel in a plastic bag.
11:08Please try it.
11:17The cause of motion damage is
11:19the six parts that are now prone to injury.
11:22Next is
11:26a defect in the leg.
11:29What's wrong with the legs of more than 10 million people?
11:33The swelling of the legs is caused by an abnormality in the veins of the blood vessels.
11:38It's swollen now.
11:40I wonder why it's swollen so much.
11:43It feels a little different from the previous summer.
11:47If you stay in the cooler room for a long time, it swells.
11:50I feel that my legs get tired easily.
11:54Even at work,
11:56I often sit down,
11:58so I can clearly see the traces of rubber.
12:03Many people are worried about the swelling of their legs.
12:09In the worst case,
12:11the blood vessels themselves may swell.
12:15Dr. Hirokawa, director of the Ocha-no-Mizu Blood Vessel Dermatology Clinic,
12:20says that the cause is summer,
12:22and that there is a possibility of abnormality in the veins of the blood vessels.
12:27In summer, the blood flow increases to let the body temperature out.
12:32If the veins are normal, there is no problem,
12:36but if the veins are broken, blood accumulates in the legs.
12:40Then the water from the blood vessels
12:43leaks under the skin of the body and swells.
12:48In the first place,
12:50there are veins that flow from the heart to the end of the body
12:54and veins that flow from the end of the body to the heart.
13:01There is a vein several centimeters in length
13:04that prevents blood flow,
13:07and here is a valuable image of it.
13:12This is a picture taken with a special intracranial mirror
13:16inside the veins of the legs.
13:23This is a vein.
13:25When the vein flows from the back to the front,
13:29it opens and closes firmly to prevent backflow.
13:33It looks like this.
13:36It's well done.
13:40On the other hand, when there is an abnormality in the veins,
13:47the veins are shaking.
13:51They are loosened and cannot be closed well.
13:58As a result, backflow occurs.
14:01This is called swelling.
14:04The abnormality of such veins is not uncommon.
14:10About 9% of the veins are broken.
14:14It is said that there are about 10 million people in Japan.
14:18Including minor backflow,
14:21about 50 to 70% of adults have backflow.
14:29I don't know if it's because of the summer,
14:32but it's getting harder to get swelling.
14:35It's getting clearer.
14:37I thought it was swelling regardless of age.
14:40School socks are pretty tight.
14:43There is a vertical line,
14:45but after that, there is a lot of swelling.
14:49I couldn't take it off for hours.
14:52In addition,
14:53the abnormality of the veins increases the amount of blood flow in the summer.
14:59In the hot summer, the amount of blood flow increases
15:02because the blood vessels expand to release heat.
15:05As a result, the amount of blood that accumulates in the feet increases,
15:08and the moisture seeps out and becomes swelling.
15:13In addition to the increase in blood flow in the summer,
15:16there is also a vicious cycle of swelling due to abnormal veins.
15:23Dr. Hirokawa recommends a way to recover now.
15:29The important thing is to train the calf.
15:32For that, ankle exercises and baths are important.
15:38Is there a difference between people who have easily broken veins and those who don't?
15:43In some cases, there is a physical difference,
15:46but there is also a lack of muscle strength.
15:52In the case of men and women,
15:54when women are pregnant,
15:57the veins tend to break due to hormonal relations.
16:00There are more women who have broken veins than men.
16:05If the veins are broken,
16:07is there a way to recover them?
16:11You can't recover broken veins.
16:14You can't?
16:16That's right.
16:17You can't recover broken veins.
16:23there is a way to improve swelling without making the veins worse.
16:31It's a simple exercise for calf muscles.
16:37It's flowing a lot.
16:40In addition,
16:41there is a way to stop swelling caused by summer damage.
16:47In September,
16:48there is a way to prevent hair loss and hair dryness.
16:52There are many ways to recover the swelling that you are worried about now.
17:07How to improve the swelling of the calf
17:11The blood vessels in the legs are prone to swelling due to summer damage.
17:16There is a way to improve the swelling without making the blood vessels worse.
17:23It is to use calf muscles.
17:29I will explain while looking at Izawa's legs.
17:36The thick black part in the middle is the vein.
17:42The thin black part below it is the artery.
17:46I'm going to put the blood now.
17:49I can't see it.
17:52The lower part is the artery.
17:56The upper part is the vein.
17:58The artery hasn't flowed much yet.
18:01Take a deep breath.
18:04It's flowing a little.
18:07One more time.
18:09It's flowing.
18:12Breathing is also important.
18:14The blood will be sucked up by breathing.
18:17Now, lift your toes a little.
18:21Like this?
18:22Yes, slowly.
18:24One more time.
18:26It's flowing a lot.
18:28It's flowing a lot.
18:31One more time.
18:32Isn't it flowing too much?
18:34It's flowing too much.
18:36That's scary.
18:38It's amazing.
18:39It's flowing a lot.
18:41The blood flow of the calf is almost non-flowing if you don't move your feet.
18:48If you lift your toes, the Achilles tendon will be pulled.
18:51The gluteus medius will contract.
18:53The blood flow will be pushed up.
18:56That's why it's an economic symptom.
18:58This is called the pump function.
19:01The second heart.
19:03If the muscles are strong, the veins won't break.
19:07If the veins are broken, the blood flow will be pushed up.
19:11This will improve blood flow.
19:14Even if you move your ankles lightly,
19:18the blood flow will be strong like this.
19:22It is recommended to exercise the ankles while taking a bath.
19:31The way to do it is to raise your toes while being aware of the calf.
19:37Lower it.
19:39Just repeat this movement.
19:43Also, it is important not to weaken the gluteus medius itself by walking.
19:55The cause of motion damage?
19:58There are six parts that are prone to injury.
20:01Next is...
20:04The bronchial tube.
20:07The virus has recently invaded.
20:09The bronchial tube, which causes long-lasting inflammation.
20:14I don't think it's a cold,
20:16but it's a sudden inflammation.
20:18I can't stop it.
20:20It's been going on for about two or three weeks.
20:24It's still going on.
20:27The cold, which is similar to the bronchial tube,
20:30has been going on for a long time.
20:33It's not every year.
20:35It's only this year.
20:38Including me, I can't get rid of my cough for about a month.
20:45It's not painful, but it's been going on for a long time.
20:49When I actually took it, I couldn't get rid of it.
20:51It's been going on for about two months.
20:54There's still a little bit left.
20:57There are quite a few people who are still going on.
21:00Everyone says they've been suffering from long-lasting inflammation and summer colds.
21:06This summer, there may not be many people who have been affected by long-lasting inflammation,
21:12such as KPE3, a mutant of the new coronavirus, and mycoplasma hyen, which has been the most popular in the past 10 years.
21:22In fact, there is a possibility that the summer cold of the bronchial tube is related to a member of the population who has caused long-lasting inflammation by allowing such viruses and bacteria to invade.
21:36I asked Dr. Tamaoki, a professor at Tokyo Joshirika University, who has seen more than 100,000 patients with bronchial tubes.
21:44In fact, the bronchial tube has hair.
21:47That's the structure of the hair.
21:51We know that the work of the hair gets worse depending on the temperature.
21:57You can get acne or get infected.
22:02Here's a video of the hair growing in the bronchial tube of a mammal.
22:08Each hair on the cell is moving as if it were whipping.
22:13This is the hair of the bronchus, which is called the hair of the bronchus.
22:19It is a grateful being that captures the viruses and bacteria that have invaded and pushes them out along with the sebum and gallbladder.
22:28However, the hair of the bronchus is also inflamed due to hair loss.
22:32The hair of the bronchus is also inflamed due to hair loss.
22:36The function of the hair decreases.
22:39The risk of infection increases by allowing viruses and bacteria to invade.
22:46In a study that examines the relationship between the work of the hair and the temperature,
22:53the hair of the bronchus functions optimally at a temperature of about 35 to 40 degrees.
22:59It is reported that the function decreases in this range.
23:07What does Dr. Tamaoki think about this?
23:11This is the situation in Japan as well.
23:14Depending on the location, the air is sucked in at 40 or 45 degrees.
23:23This is a heat island phenomenon in which the city becomes hot due to asphalt that accumulates heat and skyscrapers that make the flow of wind worse.
23:33Depending on the location, it may exceed 40 degrees, and the possibility of weakening the function of the hair by sucking in the air.
23:44So, what should we do to recover the hair of the bronchus that was damaged in the summer?
23:51The method is quite simple.
23:58Drink plenty of water.
24:02This is a so-called cooling effect.
24:05By lowering the body temperature, the function of the cells can be restored.
24:12If the hair of the bronchus is damaged due to the heat, the moisture will be lost.
24:18If you cover the state with moisture replenishment, you can expect the function to recover.
24:26Here is a hair expert quiz.
24:31There is a time when you should drink water especially consciously for hair expert in a day.
24:38When is that?
24:40When is that?
24:43When I enter the room, the temperature suddenly changes and it seems to be dry.
24:52At this time of year, I want to be careful when it is dry.
24:57I think it's important to stay in bed without taking water while leaving the air conditioner on.
25:04The correct answer is...
25:09Before going to bed at night.
25:12Hey, it's the other way around.
25:14You two are wrong.
25:16During sleep, there is a lot of water evaporation.
25:20If you do that, the water in the hair will decrease, so the function will decrease.
25:30So, how to recover from the damage caused by the heat of the summer.
25:36It is a frequent moisture replenishment.
25:39It is recommended that you drink a cup of water before going to bed at night.
25:49The cause of hair loss is...
25:52Six parts that are now prone to hair loss.
25:55Next is...
26:01A large amount of hair loss is caused by indoor hair loss.
26:04AGE, the cause of wrinkles, wrinkles and hair loss.
26:10I've been taking good care of my skin lately.
26:15I'm worried about wrinkles and freckles.
26:20I always apply sunscreen.
26:23I'm worried about wrinkles.
26:26I'm worried about wrinkles and freckles.
26:30Sun umbrella, arm cover.
26:33Even if you take measures to prevent sunburn,
26:38It is difficult to prevent it.
26:41UV rays.
26:44This summer, your skin may have accumulated AGE, a cause of wrinkles.
26:53What is AGE?
26:56AGE is a cause substance that is said to promote aging of various parts of the body, such as skin and bones, with strong toxicity.
27:05I asked Dr. Yamanishi, a first-year professor of AGE research at Showa University Medical School.
27:13In the summer, AGE is easier to produce aging substances due to the influence of UV rays.
27:19In this way, a lot of melanin, which protects the skin from UV rays, can be produced.
27:27It is a cause of wrinkles.
27:31When AGE accumulates, collagen, which gives the skin elasticity and elasticity, falls.
27:39It is a cause of wrinkles and freckles.
27:42In addition, Dr. Yamanishi says that if you do not take measures now, the damage of the summer will be further worsened.
27:52From autumn to winter, the climate is getting drier.
27:57When the water content of the skin decreases, sugar and protein become easier to stick together.
28:01For that reason, AGE is easier to produce on dry skin.
28:05AGE is produced by sugar and protein bonding due to the influence of UV rays.
28:14In fact, the water content of the skin blocks the bonding.
28:20When the water content of the skin decreases due to dryness, AGE increases.
28:29In order not to increase AGE in the skin, moisturizing is important.
28:37In fact, AGE is not only in the human body, but also in all kinds of food.
28:45If you eat AGE, it will be absorbed into the body.
28:50However, Dr. Yamanishi says that we should be careful not to increase the amount of AGE in the food itself, but to increase it greatly.
29:03AGE Quiz
29:06Which of the following is a cooking method that increases AGE greatly?
29:121. Grilling 2. Boiling 3. Frying
29:19Please show your answers.
29:26Hayashi-kun, you chose croquette.
29:29I think it will increase if we fry it at 180 degrees or high temperature.
29:35I said we should not stick it with sugar.
29:38Meat and potatoes are sweet.
29:41Potatoes seem to be high in sugar.
29:46What is the correct answer?
29:50Which of the following is a cooking method that increases AGE greatly?
29:561. Grilling 2. Boiling 3. Frying
30:01Which of the following is a cooking method that increases AGE greatly?
30:111. Grilling 2. Boiling 3. Frying
30:14Which of the following is a cooking method that increases AGE greatly?
30:19I will announce the amount of AGE.
30:25This is croquette.
30:30This is not good.
30:33The most AGE is fried croquette.
30:38Why is that?
30:41If we cook it at high temperature, the moisture will fly away.
30:45Then, the sugar and protein will stick easily and AGE will be easy to make.
30:49So, if we cook it at high temperature for a long time, AGE will be easy to make.
30:54According to Mr. Yamagishi, the cooking method that increases AGE greatly is frying.
31:00The next one is grilling.
31:03Yes, we use a lot of oil and heat it at high temperature.
31:08The longer we heat it, the more AGE is likely to increase.
31:14I see.
31:16On the other hand, sulforaphane, which is included in broccoli sprouts,
31:21and chitin, which is an ingredient of mushrooms,
31:25are said to suppress the absorption and formation of AGE.
31:30Therefore, in order not to increase AGE in the body,
31:38we should be careful not to eat too much of skin and fried food.
31:43Let's remember that.
31:51What is the cause of the damage to the hair?
31:54There are six parts that are likely to cause injury.
31:57The next one is hair loss.
32:03In fact, this is the peak of hair loss.
32:05The cause of hair loss is sunburn.
32:10Ah, my scalp is sunburned.
32:12I don't apply sunscreen to my scalp.
32:14It's autumn after the summer, right?
32:17I feel like my scalp is sunburned.
32:20Don't you?
32:22When do you notice it?
32:24After I take a bath and wash my hair.
32:29I sweat a lot in the summer, but I feel like my hair is dry.
32:35So, I feel like I have a lot of hair loss.
32:39According to the research on the number of hair loss per month,
32:47September is the period of the most hair loss in a year.
32:53There is a possibility that the cause of hair loss is caused by the damage in the summer.
33:04According to Dr. Ito of Hamamatsu University,
33:07who has been studying hair loss for 30 years,
33:11My scalp looks like it's protected by my hair,
33:15but the UV rays pass through my hair,
33:18and my scalp is sunburned more than I thought.
33:21Recently, the number of UV rays is increasing,
33:25so my scalp looks fine,
33:28but it is often sunburned at an invisible level.
33:34This is a picture of a woman suffering from scalp.
33:38It doesn't look particularly sunburned,
33:42but if you zoom in,
33:47you can see a pattern like a brown line.
33:51This is the sunburn of the scalp.
33:56This is called the Hachinotsu sign.
34:00It is something that is covered by sunburned scalp,
34:03and it is said that this pattern occurs due to the aging of the skin due to UV rays.
34:09In other words, the damage in the summer disrupts the cycle of hair,
34:14and the hair takes a lot of rest.
34:15The fact that there is a lot of hair loss in the fall is the result of the damage in the summer.
34:22Do you know if you are suffering from damage?
34:26Yes. In fact, everyone loses about 100 to 150 hair every day.
34:30You may not know because it's all day long,
34:34but if it's about 200, it's a lot.
34:37It's hard to count.
34:40If you have a lot of short and weak hair,
34:44it's a sign that you have a lot of hair loss.
34:50In September, the sun is still strong, isn't it?
34:54Then you need to take measures.
34:56That's right.
34:58If you look at this graph,
35:01the amount of UV rays is the same as in the beginning of summer in September.
35:06That's right.
35:08In other words, from April to September,
35:12UV rays are quite strong and you need to take measures.
35:16I think everyone puts cream on their skin,
35:19but there is a product that prevents UV rays exclusively for hair.
35:24There are various types of sprays,
35:26but I think it's important to protect the cuticle of the hair.
35:31There are two ways to make strong hair that Dr. Ito recommends.
35:36First of all, food that contains a lot of zinc.
35:40Here it is.
35:43It's an anti-hair loss food called persimmon.
35:49Hair damaged by UV rays
35:53is said to be recovered by persimmon zinc and iron.
36:00Persimmon has a high content of zinc.
36:05If you are worried about hair loss,
36:08take 10 to 20 milligrams of persimmon a day.
36:13In addition to food rich in zinc,
36:16it is also recommended to supplement various types of liver and cattle cataracts.
36:24I've heard that it's good to eat seaweed for a long time.
36:29Is it really good?
36:31It's a city legend.
36:32Oh, really?
36:35The beautiful hair of the Edo period
36:39looks like kelp.
36:44There are elements in kelp.
36:48The amount you usually eat is good,
36:51but if you take too much, your thyroid hormones will go crazy.
36:55It's good to take it regularly.
36:57The second way to make strong hair that Dr. Ito recommends is
37:02rice hair massage.
37:06The method is to loosen the upper part of the rice hair for 15 seconds.
37:13It is recommended to do this for about three sets a day.
37:18There is an intervertebral artery and a temporal artery running here.
37:23The blood vessels are running from there,
37:26so it's like lifting here with that in mind.
37:29It's like this.
37:31It is said that there is little blood flow in the temporal artery,
37:36so the blood flow tends to be thin.
37:39Various nutrients and important ingredients go on the blood flow,
37:43so it is recommended to massage to improve blood flow.
37:51The damage of the hair loss is the cause?
37:54Now, there are six parts that are prone to injury.
37:56Next is the intestines.
38:02Is it because of the influence of hair loss that the intestinal bacteria are dull and the intestines are desert?
38:09I haven't had much diarrhea in my stomach.
38:12I have constipation.
38:15I eat a lot of cold food, so I have constipation.
38:22In the summer, for some reason, constipation is common.
38:28In fact, people who feel that constipation is terrible now
38:32have the possibility that the intestinal bacteria are dull and the intestines are desert due to hair loss.
38:40Among them, the most important intestinal bacteria are?
38:44It is a bacteria called lactobacillus.
38:48That's right. Lactobacillus.
38:51What is the effect of hair loss on intestinal bacteria?
38:56In addition, I will tell you about the food that activates dull bacteria.
39:05In the first place, lactobacillus is
39:09an energy source of a large intestine called lactobacillus, which activates that exercise.
39:14As a result, lactobacillus stimulates water absorption and brings moisture.
39:23However, in the summer, the blood flow of the intestines decreases and energy is depleted.
39:29Lactobacillus and other intestinal bacteria are dull and lack water.
39:35In other words, intestinal desertification occurs and constipation is removed.
39:41In fact, various studies have reported on how to activate lactobacillus in recent years.
39:50I asked Dr. Kunisawa, an expert who has seen more than 10,000 intestines.
39:57It is very important that the bacteria work as a relay and become an environment where lactobacillus can be produced.
40:05According to Dr. Kunisawa, the important thing is the relay by a variety of bacteria.
40:11Lactobacillus produces sugar in the material of dietary fiber.
40:15Bifidobacillus produces sugar in the material of bifidobacillus.
40:20Lactobacillus produces lactobacillus in the material of lactobacillus.
40:26In other words, it is very important to remove dietary fiber from vegetables and so on.
40:31In other words, it is very important to remove dietary fiber from vegetables and so on.
40:40Here is a lactobacillus quiz.
40:45In fact, in recent years, another nutrient, not dietary fiber, has attracted attention to activate lactobacillus.
40:54Which food contains a lot of that nutrient?
40:59Everyone, please raise your hand and answer.
41:06Pork, pork, sour, sour, sour.
41:08Kayashi, pork.
41:10I bet on vitamin B1 of pork.
41:13I see.
41:15Kayashi, coffee.
41:17It says sour, so I think coffee is sour.
41:21And Jun, coffee.
41:22Jun, coffee.
41:24It's the one I don't take the most in my diet.
41:27I believe in myself.
41:29You believe in yourself.
41:31The correct answer is pork.
41:36It's really vitamin B1.
41:38In order for lactobacillus to work well, it is important to take food that contains a lot of vitamin B1, such as pork.
41:45Many bacteria can produce vitamin B1, but for some reason, many bacteria that produce lactobacillus cannot produce vitamin B1, so we have to provide them with food.
42:00There are other foods that contain a lot of vitamin B1, such as brown rice, soybeans, and nuts.
42:08Also, if you take it with allicin, which is contained in garlic and onions, the absorption rate will increase.
42:19Vitamin B1 that heals summer damage.
42:22Let's take it well in our daily meals.
42:26So, here are six ways to heal summer damage.
42:31There are only four months left this year.
42:34Please take good care of yourself and stay healthy.
42:40Here is an announcement from Mr. Takahashi.
42:44The drama I will be starring in, Kaoni Doronaru, will be broadcast every Saturday.
42:49Morohara's husband and I will finally be in the final round of the Doronuma Konyakuhaki battle.
42:54It will be broadcast from 11.30 p.m. the day after tomorrow. Please watch it.
