• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Saving Time è la nostra prima campagna in area ematologica. I tumori del sangue rappresentano il 10% di tutti i tumori, ma sono ancora poco conosciuti. Con questa campagna vogliamo portare all’attenzione del pubblico le sfide che le persone colpite da questa malattia devono affrontare”. Parole di Elias Khalil, presidente e amministratore delegato Lilly Italy Hub, a margine della presentazione della campagna “#SavingTime. Più tempo grazie alla ricerca sui tumori del sangue” realizzata con il patrocinio di Fondazione GIMEMA – Franco Mandelli Onlus, AIL – Associazione Italiana contro le leucemie, linfomi e mielomi e Lampada di Aladino ETS.


00:00In Italy, there are half a million patients who suffer from blood tumors, and every year
00:1630,000 new patients are added, 30,000 new cases, and we are committed to finding solutions
00:24for these patients.
00:26The Saving Time campaign is our first hematology campaign, and it is very important for us,
00:33because in the last ten years, we have seen that research has given new possibilities
00:40for patients. We have seen a rate of survival that is higher and also of care, but at the
00:48level of awareness and knowledge on the part of the public, we have work to do.
00:54For this reason, we are trying to launch this campaign and to take classical music,
01:02which is always hidden in theaters, in concerts, to take it out, out of these places,
01:11to the public, just as the research that we do is always hidden in our laboratories,
01:19we also want to take it and give the public an idea of ​​the challenges that patients
01:28with blood tumors have every day. The concerts will be in Rome, Milan and Naples,
01:37and they will take place at dawn, because for us, dawn gives us all an opportunity to live
01:44our day, a new day, and we want to give this dawn also to patients with blood tumors.
