• last year
(Adnkronos) - “I numeri positivi che abbiamo commentato devono essere di stimolo a fare ancora meglio. Siamo contenti: l’incidenza si è stabilizzata e” c’è la “riduzione della mortalità nei giovani. Non va mollata la presa su ricerca e screening. Ci sono ancora disparità importanti in termini di accesso allo screening sul territorio nazionale”. Lo ha detto Massimo Di Maio, presidente eletto Aiom, Associazione italiana oncologia medica, in occasione della presentazione ‘I numeri del cancro in Italia 2024’, il volume sui numeri delle neoplasie nel nostro Paese.


00:00The positive numbers that we have commented for the numbers of cancer 2024 must be an incentive to do even better in the sense that we are happy with the fact that the incidence has substantially stabilized, we are happy with the fact that we are even documenting an improvement in mortality in young people thanks to the progress of prevention and therapies, but this must also be an incentive to do better,
00:24so we must not give up on prevention, we must not give up on the efficiency of screenings, we must not give up on the research and improvement of the therapeutic offer for our patients,
00:34because the numbers of cancer still photograph important disparities in terms of access to screenings on national territory, I am referring to the mammary tumor, the rectal colon tumor, the uterus colon tumor,
00:46they still photograph important differences in the lifestyles that are known risk factors for some neoplasies and contribute in percentage and even in absolute numbers a lot for many tumors,
00:56so I think of smoking, I think of alcohol, I think of physical exercise and the risk of sedentary lifestyle, I think of the risks of incorrect nutrition,
01:04so these behaviors are still unfortunately very deformed on national territory, there is a high prevalence of risk factors and this should be fought to improve even more what we are seeing in these years.
