• last year
Blind Dating Based on 5 Senses (1) #google #dailymotion #senses


00:00I like a man who could pick you up, swing me around, you know, throw me.
00:05I could throw you across the room.
00:06I love that.
00:09Slap me while you're at it.
00:10Okay, let's do it.
00:12So we've been dating for three years.
00:14Let's say you lost me at a grocery store and you have a nickname for me.
00:18What would you call me by in the grocery store?
00:20I'd probably just shout really loudly, pumpkin, pumpkin.
00:25And I would wait until somebody either brings me a pumpkin
00:29or you eventually show up.
00:40So my name is Emily.
00:41I'm from Miami, Florida, and I'm a TikToker.
00:44I've been single for four years.
00:46And the reason why I feel like I've been single
00:48is because I always pick the wrong men.
00:51I'm not the problem, I swear.
00:52What kind of guy are you looking for today?
00:54I'm looking for a funny, smart, strong man.
00:58You got one of those at least.
01:00One of those?
01:01What makes you someone dateable?
01:04I feel like I'm very loving and caring
01:06and just a very overall giving person.
01:08But then again, I always pick the wrong men.
01:10What up, you two?
01:11What's going on, guys?
01:12Make sure to like, share, and subscribe.
01:13Put on those post notifications
01:14because we are giving away two lucky winners
01:17who comment within the first thousand comments.
01:1950 buckaroonies.
01:21Can I comment and win some?
01:23Of course.
01:24Probably not going to pick you
01:24because then it'll look like we're colluding.
01:27No collusion.
01:28Before we start today's video, guys,
01:30I want to give a big shout out to today's sponsor, Arup.
01:33Arup is a first hydration system
01:35that turns plain old boring water
01:37to delicious flavored water through scent.
01:40All you got to do is add one of these taste pods to the top,
01:43activate it like so,
01:45take a big old sip,
01:47and boom, that water tastes like blueberry.
01:50I chose blueberry because that's my favorite flavor.
01:52Personally, guys, I have a hard time
01:54reminding myself to drink throughout the day.
01:56You know, by the end of the day,
01:57I realize I've only had like one cup of water.
01:59I'm dehydrated.
02:01But this, because it's flavored,
02:03I have more fun drinking it.
02:05I'm just excited to the whole experience
02:07of wanting to drink it more.
02:08I also love that it's healthy, guys.
02:09It has no added sugars.
02:11It has no calories.
02:12It's just plain old water
02:14turned into delicious water through scent.
02:16Gift with taste this holiday season with Arup.
02:19Click the link in the description
02:21to get one of the limited edition bundles.
02:22Perfect for holiday gift giving and save up to 30%.
02:26So once again, guys,
02:27big shout out to Arup for sponsoring this video.
02:29So get your own Arup bottle
02:30and see all the different flavors available
02:32by clicking the link in the description.
02:34So yeah, let's get back to the video.
02:36All right, Emily.
02:37So I'm super excited.
02:38You know, I've been trying to get you
02:39to do this for a while.
02:41So now we're going to find
02:43the love of your life, baby.
02:45Yes, I'm so excited.
02:46Obviously, we need a wing woman for you.
02:49So let's bring out your wing woman.
02:52Let's go.
02:53It's Jackie.
02:55We got Jackie here.
02:57So who do you think that she needs right now in her life?
02:59Because obviously she's not picking right.
03:01Am I right?
03:02Yeah, you're very right.
03:04You're very right.
03:04She needs a manly man
03:06who is not manipulative and toxic.
03:08In touch with his feminine side too.
03:10And in touch with his feminine side.
03:12So does she normally like pick like the wrong guy?
03:15She does?
03:16Why do you do that?
03:18What's going on, dude?
03:18No, I don't know why.
03:19I have so many like nice men too that,
03:22you know, try approaching me,
03:23but I always go for like the funny.
03:25Well, what's wrong with funny?
03:26First off, we're good guys.
03:28Are you calling yourself funny?
03:31First off, yes.
03:34Sorry, we'll cut that out.
03:36Got a laugh right there.
03:37That's two right there.
03:40That was a snort laugh too.
03:45So we're going to blind these lovely ladies up
03:47and then we're going to bring out the boys.
03:49So let's bring out the boys.
04:00All right, we got the guys.
04:02We got our bachelorette, her wing woman.
04:04Once again, shout out to AirUp for sponsoring this video.
04:06All right, boys, you guys ready
04:08to meet the love of your life possibly?
04:09And don't get rejected by the girl
04:11that you think is the love of your life.
04:14All right, turn around, boys.
04:16All right.
04:19Okay, okay.
04:20Look at them sporking at you, dude.
04:23First round is the hearing round.
04:26A lot of people can find a voice attractive.
04:28People have different pitches, you know, tones.
04:31There's deep voices.
04:32High voices.
04:34Do you find voices to be sexy?
04:36Like what kind of voice?
04:38Not that one, like deep, like, you know.
04:40I feel like most of these guys have deep voices.
04:42I mean, I don't know.
04:44I feel like most of these guys have deep voices.
04:46I mean, I don't know about that.
04:47If we do, yes.
04:50All right, contestant number one.
04:52What's the weirdest thing you've ever said in bed?
04:55Honestly, I'm a bit of a sleep talker.
04:58You know, mumbling a little bit and maybe,
05:00you know, complimenting you.
05:01Oh, you're so beautiful, you know.
05:02Also, I'm very active in bed, kicking here and there.
05:05So if you need some action, you know,
05:06some active person would love to marry you.
05:09Wait, so like you kick in your bed?
05:12Just, you know, try to get comfortable,
05:14you know, move around a lot.
05:15So you'd like kick me?
05:17Whatever you like, honestly.
05:19I'm into anything.
05:19I was going to say, you like that?
05:20You like that?
05:21Kicking, choking.
05:22You do like toxic guys.
05:25What do you think about the accent here?
05:27I love the accent.
05:29I'm originally from Yorkshire.
05:31I'm Lebanese, but I'm here on holiday.
05:33So I'd love to take you to Nobu.
05:36Have you heard of it?
05:37I have.
05:38Oh, he's rich.
05:40He's from York something.
05:41He got some money.
05:42He got some money.
05:43He got a credit card at least.
05:44Couple quid.
05:45How do we know that you're saying you're beautiful
05:47and you're dreaming of her?
05:48What if you're dreaming about someone else?
05:49Well, that's true.
05:51You're dreaming of your ex, huh?
05:52No, no.
05:53You're the only one of my dreams at this current moment.
05:56I usually date girls that have the same name.
05:57So if I mess up, it's okay.
06:01You've dated a Yasmin before?
06:03Honestly, yes, I have.
06:04Well, I just tricked you.
06:05Her name is Emily.
06:07Emily, I've done that as well.
06:09I'm like, no.
06:10Why don't you give a quick little fact about yourself?
06:12Oh, hi, I'm Emily.
06:13I'm from Miami.
06:16You see that British accent kind of disappeared right there.
06:19Contestant number two.
06:21What is the worst thing you've ever said to your ex?
06:23You know, I've really never had an ex.
06:25So I haven't said anything bad.
06:27Well, you've never had an ex?
06:29Yeah, not really.
06:30No one likes to play, I guess.
06:31I'm just extremely picky.
06:34And I've always been that way.
06:36That's why you've been single your whole life?
06:38Wait, how old are you?
06:39I'm 30.
06:40Oh, you're 30 and you've been single for 30 years?
06:42I'm just waiting for the right one.
06:44I like that.
06:45You believe that?
06:46I believe that.
06:47Well, I mean, I've had some flings, but it's nothing serious.
06:51Okay, what do you think about someone that's like super picky like that?
06:55No, I respect it.
06:56You know, you're waiting for the right one.
06:58But like, being 30, single for 30 years,
07:01sometimes it's like more of a you thing, you know?
07:04Damn, a you thing.
07:05I didn't mean it like that, though.
07:07There's nothing wrong with that.
07:09I don't care.
07:10I think there's nothing wrong with that if you're trying to find the one.
07:12I'm an only child, so maybe that was a part of it.
07:15I'm good at being alone.
07:16Okay, yeah, independent.
07:18What do you think about his voice, though?
07:20It's a nice voice.
07:21Not very smooth.
07:24Okay, okay.
07:25All right, contestant number three.
07:26We're at the bars, right?
07:27So you and me have been dating for like a year, let's say.
07:30Girl comes up to you, right?
07:31I'm still with you, though.
07:32She starts being like, being really touchy.
07:34She's laughing at your jokes really hard.
07:36What are you doing?
07:36Are you going to continue cracking the jokes?
07:37Oh, she's touchy at the same time, too?
07:39Yeah, she's being touchy, too.
07:40But like, we're together.
07:41It's been a year.
07:42I'll look at you.
07:42I'll give you a little face.
07:43I will tell you, hmm, something's wrong here.
07:46I'm like, I wouldn't like that.
07:49But let me get to know you a little bit more.
07:51To the other girl?
07:53Just a little bit.
07:54Just a little bit.
07:54Let me see what's your interest.
07:56What would you like about me?
07:57I'd like to hear.
07:58From the other girl?
08:00She can keep you, honestly.
08:02I wouldn't go there.
08:03That's the thing.
08:04I wouldn't go there.
08:05I just like to see how much the...
08:07He likes to toe the line, I guess, you know?
08:10Show me what you like about me.
08:11Interest me.
08:12Surprise me.
08:13She can keep you.
08:14That's crazy.
08:16I could...
08:17Like, the voice was attractive.
08:18And then you hit us with the...
08:19Well, she can get to know me a little more if she wants to.
08:22Oh, after you've been with her for a year?
08:24Look, watch.
08:25Maybe he just needs his ego fed.
08:27True that.
08:28Would you let her buy you a drink, though?
08:29The other girl?
08:30No, no, no.
08:30If she buys me a drink, I'll give it to her.
08:33Yeah, see?
08:33It works both ways.
08:34It works both ways.
08:36I wouldn't do nothing.
08:37Nah, I'll just let her feed your ego.
08:38I'm dating you for a reason.
08:39That's why.
08:40I'll let her feed your ego and I'll find another man that's...
08:42Do you think?
08:43That's what I think.
08:44I'll prepare for both of us.
08:45Do you think?
08:47That's number three, right?
08:48That's number three, yeah.
08:49Contestant number four.
08:51Let's say we meet at a bar, right?
08:53I give you my number.
08:54Oh, wait.
08:55I like your voice.
08:59Okay, I give you my number.
09:01And you call me and I don't answer.
09:04What voicemail are you leaving me?
09:06Well, first of all, always respectful.
09:08I'm just gonna assume you just missed the call.
09:09You'd be like, hey, what's up, Emily?
09:10I know you missed my call, but I'd love to take out a dinner sometime.
09:13Grab a quick drink, some Starbucks, go to a lookout, a viewpoint.
09:17Give me a call back when you can.
09:18Okay, respectful.
09:20I like that answer.
09:20What do we think of the voice?
09:22I like it.
09:22You stopped in midway.
09:23You're like, wait, wait a second.
09:25I'm like, say something else?
09:26And you like that deep voice?
09:27Because I feel like him and I sound the same.
09:29I don't know.
09:30I really don't get that.
09:31Your pitch is wrong.
09:32I think it's the same.
09:34Contestant number five.
09:35So we've been dating for three years.
09:38Let's say you lost me at a grocery store and you have a nickname for me.
09:42What would you call me by in the grocery store?
09:44I'd probably call you pumpkin.
09:45And I'd probably just shout really loudly, pumpkin, pumpkin.
09:51And I would wait until somebody either brings me a pumpkin or you eventually show up.
09:56And I wouldn't leave.
09:58Why pumpkin, though?
09:59Why'd you pick pumpkin?
10:01It's October.
10:02It's October.
10:03The nicknames go by season?
10:05All right, so Christmas, what would it be?
10:07Santa Claus.
10:12Wait, can we get a reenactment of Santa Claus there?
10:15Well, when I said it, I realized that wasn't the right choice.
10:19Oh, my God.
10:20I think I just dug my grave.
10:23Honestly, I'd probably leave the grocery store if he was shouting pumpkin.
10:27I'll honestly leave him there.
10:28I find it funny.
10:30It's funny.
10:31Shouting pumpkin?
10:32No, no, no.
10:33That's crazy.
10:33It's crazy.
10:34But it'd have to be like, shut up.
10:36I think they liked it.
10:39It's good.
10:40Number six.
10:42What's something you said in bed, acted out in your voice?
10:45Don't stop.
10:48That's how you say it, too?
10:49Maybe it says that song, Don't Stop Believing,
10:51because maybe she's not into it.
10:53You're like, don't stop believing.
10:54Something good is coming up, I swear.
10:56So you're going to say it in that voice, like super monotone?
11:00Don't stop.
11:01All right, let me try again.
11:02Come on, man.
11:03You got to win her over, bruh.
11:05Don't stop.
11:08Okay, maybe not.
11:09That's not a good one.
11:10Can you ask me a different question?
11:13Come on, what kind of question is that?
11:14Maybe we'll give him a different chance.
11:16Number six.
11:17Let's do this again.
11:18You just met me.
11:18You see me at a bar, right?
11:20You come up to me.
11:21What's your pickup line?
11:23Are you John Cena?
11:24Because I've never seen a girl like you before.
11:26John Cena's a man, though.
11:28That's true.
11:30No, I get that one.
11:30I get that one.
11:31Because, you know, John Cena, can't see him.
11:33No, I get it.
11:34And you can't see him right now either.
11:37All right, guys.
11:38So now we're going to eliminate one of the guys based off the sound of their voice and their answer.
11:44So, Emily, I know this is going to be tough for you, but who are you eliminating this round?
11:51Number three.
11:53Yeah, Liam.
11:53Why, though?
11:54I just feel like I always gravitate towards toxic men.
11:57So you just got to go.
11:59Yeah, you can't go for the same.
12:00No, I can't.
12:00Honestly, I respect that.
12:01I respect that.
12:02I just went out both ways, you know.
12:04I wouldn't do nothing.
12:05Don't get me wrong.
12:06I wouldn't do nothing.
12:07I just like...
12:08That's crazy.
12:10I like how you're still like trying to show like, no, I'm telling you, I won't vote for her.
12:13It's fine, it's fine.
12:14So are you guys ready to see the man you just eliminated?
12:17I need some water for this.
12:20Can I take it off?
12:21All right, reveal yourself.
12:25The one that looks like Maluma?
12:26That's the one?
12:27No, no.
12:28It's like one of my best boyfriends.
12:30Shit, I'll take both of them.
12:31Why not?
12:32That's crazy.
12:34Jackie, you can take both of them.
12:35Depends what you make it.
12:37Hi, nice to meet you.
12:38Nice to meet you.
12:39I can't even see.
12:40You think he's cute, Darlies?
12:42Yeah, low-key, kind of my type.
12:46I guess so.
12:46But toxic.
12:47Why am I low-key liking it now?
12:49I told you.
12:50I might be toxic, but good.
12:51Nice to meet you.
12:53It was nice to meet you.
12:54Thank you so much.
12:55When I come back.
12:57This is a touching round, guys,
12:59where the guys will choose one body part
13:01for our bachelorette, Emily, to touch,
13:04and they have to explain why they chose it.
13:06You excited for this round, dude?
13:08Did you think you were going to wake up
13:10and feel up on five sexy guys today?
13:12No, not at all.
13:13Dreams do come true.
13:15What do you think about touch, though?
13:17How does that dictate your attractiveness to someone?
13:19I feel like it's really important,
13:20especially in the beginning stages,
13:21because when you're flirting,
13:22getting to know someone,
13:23touch is always, it's there.
13:25Contestant number one,
13:27what body part am I going to touch and why?
13:30Well, honestly, I just put the accent on
13:32so I can make it to the second round,
13:34to be honest.
13:36Nice to meet you, Emily.
13:37I remembered your name.
13:38What body part would I want you to touch?
13:39You know, it's up to you.
13:41I give you the choice.
13:42And of course, the consent is all yours.
13:44And a consensual king.
13:46And I go to the gym, you know,
13:47so you can touch any muscle.
13:49Ooh, she likes that.
13:49Jackie, should I go for the,
13:50should I do the bicep?
13:52I'll go for your bicep.
13:55That's good.
13:56Oh, he's, his arm's shaking.
13:57Oh, wow.
13:57He's strong.
13:58I'm a little flexed for you.
13:59I can feel you flexing.
14:00I'm a little flexed.
14:01A little shaking.
14:03I've never been touched as well, so.
14:06Wait, you have nice biceps though.
14:08You can totally go to the gym.
14:09Jackie, I'm going to have,
14:10I'm going to need you to also touch the bicep
14:12because, no?
14:14But you have to give her, like, the advice.
14:16I trust in what she says.
14:18For this round, I trust her liking.
14:20I feel that, I feel that.
14:21I like that.
14:22You have nice biceps.
14:23Damn, I wish I could see.
14:24I like a man who can...
14:26All right, stop.
14:26Pick you up.
14:27Swing me around and not throw me.
14:31I could throw you across the room.
14:32I love that.
14:35Slap me while you're at it.
14:36Fuck it, let's do it.
14:37Come on.
14:38All right, contestant number two.
14:40What is one body part you want me to feel and why?
14:42I'm going to let you feel my nose.
14:44I hear that I have a great nose.
14:46I've even had, like, a girlfriend,
14:48a friend, you know, friend,
14:50got a nose job based off my nose, so.
14:53They looked at your nose and thought,
14:54I'm going to spend $10,000 to look like that guy.
14:57I mean, it's a nice nose.
14:59I hear it a lot.
15:00I love it.
15:00I got a big nose.
15:01It's random.
15:02Low key, maybe it might be my inspiration too.
15:04Who knows?
15:05All right.
15:06I'm going to need you to...
15:07Oh, yeah.
15:13What if I just stick my finger?
15:15Don't do that.
15:16Don't do that.
15:16Don't do that.
15:17Uh, yeah.
15:18It's a nice nose.
15:19Is it?
15:19That was nice?
15:20That was good?
15:21What'd you think about the nose?
15:24I just, I just felt a nose, you know?
15:26I can't really, like, picture what it looks like
15:29off just the feel, you know?
15:30Well, his nose knows.
15:31He's got a good sense of smell too.
15:33Does his nose be nosy?
15:34I feel like I'm touching my nose right now,
15:35and honestly, I'm getting turned on.
15:38That's a good nose.
15:40You know what they say about big noses?
15:42Oh, I have a small nose, so.
15:44You know what they say about small noses?
15:45What do they say about that?
15:48Just laugh.
15:52I literally just whispered, just laugh.
15:54I had nothing.
15:55Contestant number three.
15:57What's one body part you want me to touch and why?
16:00Emily, I'd love for you to feel my clavicle slash traps.
16:04I feel like it's such an intimate area.
16:06That's my neck, right below my neck.
16:07Uh, it's a spot for you to lay your head.
16:09It's a spot to kiss, to grab.
16:10It's just multifunctional.
16:11I think he wants you to choke him.
16:14If that's what you want, I mean.
16:15Right here.
16:16All right.
16:16I wish I could see.
16:17Oh, you're tall.
16:19Oh, yeah.
16:22You know, like a little massage.
16:26Nice traps.
16:27Nice traps.
16:27I appreciate that.
16:29Oh, yeah.
16:29Have you ever choked a guy?
16:31I don't know.
16:32Would you be down to?
16:33I mean, I'll bet.
16:34I'm down for whatever.
16:35There's wiggle room right there.
16:36I like that.
16:37Did you like it?
16:38Hell yeah.
16:38You like this height?
16:40I hope I'm looking at you.
16:42I can't tell.
16:44Contestant number four.
16:45What is one body part you want me to touch and why?
16:49I was wanting you to touch my ear because I'm always going to be listening.
16:53And I'll always hear you out.
16:54Even when I'm wrong?
16:57Dude, he's ready to listen to all your bull crap.
17:03He's here.
17:05Guide her, dude.
17:06No, this is normal.
17:07This hand?
17:08All right.
17:10Did you get in there?
17:10Grab a good ear.
17:11Yeah, I do.
17:12Can I grab it?
17:12Yeah, you can tug on it.
17:13How many piercings do you have?
17:14I think like three on that ear.
17:18Scary, huh?
17:19No, there's nothing wrong with that.
17:20I used to have like five, but then they got infected.
17:22It's a long story.
17:23Mine aren't, so.
17:27Not the flex.
17:28That's right.
17:29Flex, but I'm not expecting that.
17:30No infection on my ears.
17:32But see, I was listening.
17:35Green flag.
17:35Green flag.
17:36Yeah, he had a lot of piercings.
17:38That's cool.
17:39Do you like a man with piercings and stuff?
17:40I don't mind that.
17:41Contestant number five.
17:43What is one thing you want me to touch on your body and por qué?
17:47I was going to say my shoulder, because I'll be that shoulder you can lean on.
17:50That shoulder you can cry on after he makes you cry.
17:54Well, he didn't say anything.
17:56So romantic.
17:56Just like my dad.
17:57All right, so.
18:00This is like a leather shirt, so.
18:02Oh yeah, like a leather.
18:02Is it all leather?
18:03Uh, the shirt is, yeah, yeah.
18:05Yeah, nice shoulder.
18:07Man, it's your pleather, dog.
18:09No, I'm just kidding.
18:10How was the shoulder?
18:11It looked pretty bouldery from my angle.
18:13Looked nice.
18:14Good shoulder to cry on.
18:14I feel like he did this little kind of sneak where he grabbed your arm, was flexing his biceps.
18:18Oh, I just feel like you feel more than just the shoulder.
18:21As long as she likes it, because it's body, it's feel.
18:23It's what she's going to be feeling the rest of her love life, so.
18:26All right, Emily and Jackie have discussed.
18:29Who are you going to be eliminating this round, Emily?
18:31Okay, so I think I'm going to have to go with contestant number four.
18:40Oh, that's the Pomeranian.
18:42Just because, I don't know how I feel about ears like that either.
18:46Yeah, me either.
18:46I could have just dug in there accidentally and picked up some wax.
18:49So it's like, I'm glad I didn't though.
18:51But yeah, you seem really cool though, honestly.
18:53I'm up with the earrings.
18:54All right, Emily, you ready to see the guy you just eliminated?
18:58Let's see it.
19:00Wait, can I take off too?
19:01Nice to meet you.
19:02Hi, Jackie.
19:03Nice to meet you.
19:04I knew you'd have cool piercings.
19:06Anyways, good luck.
19:08It was nice meeting you both.
19:10You have nice eyes.
19:13It was fun.
19:14This next round is the smell round.
19:16You know, our noses are like a compass in like helping us find partners.
19:20So, you know, we got your pheromones, you know.
19:23I feel like your nose always knows.
19:26So for this round, we're going to have the guys choose another body part for you to smell.
19:32And you're going to judge them based off that.
19:33But also, let's ask a fun smell question.
19:36Contestant number one.
19:38If you had to describe your smell, what would it be and why?
19:42I'll describe my smell as boyfriend material.
19:45Dior Sauvage and good decisions.
19:48I'm a great hugger.
19:49So happy.
19:50I'll make you happy with my smell.
19:52And excited.
19:53What do you mean by excited?
19:54Makes you want another hug.
19:55Oh, okay.
19:56She's a little needy.
19:57I like it.
19:58I mean, no, I'm not.
19:59I'm a giver, you know, at the end of the day.
20:01Me too.
20:02I like Dior Sauvage.
20:04So I know I'm going to like the smell.
20:05You want him, Jackie?
20:07I've also heard that a lot of guys use that.
20:09Well, the thing is, you got to mix it with something else.
20:11You know, a little accent of Dior Sauvage, a little Tom Ford, a little Gucci.
20:15He knows his perfume.
20:16Surprise you a little bit.
20:17Who can afford multiple colognes, man?
20:19This guy's got money.
20:20Got money.
20:21I got the same one my mom gave me for Christmas.
20:24Shout out, mom.
20:25So what body part is she going to smell, brother?
20:27My neck, probably.
20:28Your neck?
20:29Can I like give you a hug in the meantime?
20:31Yeah, of course.
20:33He's getting a hug.
20:34All right.
20:35I'm right here.
20:37Oh, you smell good.
20:39You do too.
20:40Let me get another hug.
20:43You smell really good.
20:43It kind of smells like my ex.
20:45I smell like your next.
20:50So, okay.
20:51So he smells like your ex.
20:53Maybe your next.
20:54That was a crazy line.
20:56And he's smooth with it.
20:57Yeah, he's quick.
20:59Contestant number two.
21:00If you had to describe your smell, what would it be and why?
21:03I would describe my scent as a Sunday morning by a mountainside after a rainstorm.
21:10Citrusy, a little tropical, but also fresh.
21:14Honestly, I don't know what the f**k that smells like, but it sounds sexy.
21:19Like it sounds like a commercial.
21:22You know?
21:24You're just going to smell, yeah, smell this.
21:26It's actually...
21:27Smell what?
21:28It's not me, but...
21:29That's my Asian chicken marinade.
21:32Do you want to explain why you brought that?
21:33I made it, you know, this morning.
21:35So I was just like, I should just bring this.
21:37You can cook?
21:38I can cook.
21:38So that's your natural, like, scent then?
21:40You just smell like...
21:41No, no, this was my scent this morning.
21:44I can smell it from here, too.
21:45Yeah, I can smell it from here.
21:46It's encompassing the whole room now.
21:48Well, I mean, it is a little weird.
21:50You can smell it, too.
21:51It's like soy, ginger, garlic.
21:54No, it smells good.
21:54I thought someone like...
21:57Oh, see, it's kind of the same thing.
21:59I thought someone had burped, because it's when you first...
22:01It's like a nice burp.
22:02I was like, oh.
22:03Let's close it out.
22:04Let's take this biohazard off set.
22:05I actually needed to buy a new cologne.
22:08So I just was like, you know, you can smell the marinade.
22:13I can still smell it.
22:14I can still smell it, yeah.
22:15I mean, it smelled great.
22:16Don't get me wrong.
22:17It just threw me off guard.
22:18Wait, but why did you describe it as like a mountain?
22:21Oh, no, that's my scent.
22:23That's just my marinade.
22:24I feel like I could still kind of smell it.
22:26I'm not going to lie.
22:26I'm also...
22:27I feel like it's on my upper lip now.
22:29All right, moving on to contestant number three.
22:32Contestant number three.
22:33How would you smell like, and what would you describe it?
22:35I was going to say unforgettable, but it's hard to top my boy right now.
22:39So I'd say, think of you're in a bar, and a guy walks past you.
22:42So when you turn to your homegirl and be like, man, that dude smelled good.
22:45And I kind of want to be something that sticks in the back of your mind,
22:48or at the forefront, which is what I'm going to do.
22:50I'm going to be like, I'm going to be like,
22:52that sticks in the back of your mind, or at the forefront, whichever it is.
22:55Like I lose you at the bar, and I could find you through your scent.
22:57I would hope so.
22:58I mean, I wouldn't say it's strong and pungent,
23:00but it's just enough where it's like, if you catch eyes with me, you know it's me.
23:04You know the like moment in cartoons when there's like a smell,
23:07and someone starts levitating, and they start doing this?
23:09That's what I'd like to picture.
23:10Like Tom and Jerry?
23:13For that like pie on the side of the window sill?
23:15For the marinade.
23:18For the marinade, for the marinade.
23:19Setting yourself up pretty high.
23:20What are you going to have her smell?
23:22I would like for her to smell kind of my chest.
23:24I mean, that's where I spray it.
23:25So I feel like that's where you're going to get the best aroma.
23:27I'm going to come right in front of you.
23:28I'm going to grab the back of your head.
23:30Don't want to be disrespectful.
23:31Oh, it smells really good.
23:32Thank you very much.
23:33I like it.
23:34Okay, what did you think about that smell?
23:35Was it nice?
23:36Really fresh.
23:37I actually really liked it.
23:39It's not that strong, like where it's like, ooh,
23:41but it's strong enough where you could smell it for sure.
23:43If you walk by me, I'm going to be like, oh.
23:45It's memorable too.
23:46I hope so.
23:50What would you describe it as?
23:52I would describe my smell as expensive because I'm materialistic.
23:57However, I'm humble.
23:58Not arrogant.
23:59I just like nice things.
24:01Are you willing to like, kind of like share that wealth,
24:03you know, buy her expensive things?
24:05I'll always take care.
24:05Yeah, for sure.
24:06Like sugar daddy vibes or like?
24:08No, no, no, not at all.
24:09No, no chance.
24:13I'm never, I'm dutching every bill, dude.
24:16This is how I look at it.
24:16I want you to want me, but not need me.
24:19Okay, that's a good answer.
24:20I'm going to have my smell my wrist.
24:21All right.
24:23I feel like they're so close, but I can't see.
24:26It smells good.
24:27All right, I'm just, I'm just going to evaluate.
24:32That was a crazy response.
24:34Yeah, that was like Jackie's biggest, oh.
24:37Whoa, what did it smell like?
24:40Like just came out of the shower, put that on, you know?
24:43That's crazy because before,
24:44right before you saw me, he hasn't showered in a week.
24:46So imagine if you showered today.
24:49The perfume covered it up.
24:51Who would you be eliminating?
24:53I'm going to have to be eliminating number two.
24:57It's okay.
24:59I love food though.
25:00If she picks me, you can come cook for us or something like.
25:02Yeah, you guys would just have to pay for it now.
25:06I got you.
25:06I got you.
25:07All right.
25:07Emily, Jackie, you guys can take off your limbs.
25:11And we got, hi.
25:13Hi, how are you?
25:14Nice to meet you.
25:15I'm Jackie.
25:16I'm Dom.
25:16Nice to meet you.
25:17Nice to meet you.
25:17You're funny.
25:18I've seen you before.
25:19No, you haven't.
25:20No, through David's.
25:21Oh, yeah, yeah.
25:22We're roommates.
25:22Didn't you like cook recently?
25:24Yeah, did.
25:25Oh, you do.
25:26I do that.
25:28He does cook.
25:28He's like the, he's like cooking like Michelin star food.
25:32I wouldn't say that, but I'm trying to get there.
25:34Oh, nice to meet you, Dom.
25:35Nice to meet you.
25:36If you do want to book me now, you can.
25:38I was going to cook for you, but it's okay.
25:40All right.
25:41Bye, guys.
25:43It's okay, Fred.
25:44The other guy said he'd wait.
25:45All right, guys.
25:45Now we're moving on to the taste round, which is sponsored by Arup.
25:50Arup is the first hydration system that flavors plain water through scent.
25:56It turns plain water into delicious water.
25:58I don't know about you guys, but I have a hard time drinking water throughout the day.
26:02So this is a good way for me to drink it.
26:03Stay hydrated.
26:04Remember, because it's tasty.
26:06I personally love it.
26:07All you got to do is put in one of their taste pods.
26:09I got blueberry.
26:10The boys chose their own.
26:11All right, guys.
26:12So we're just going to put in a taste pod in.
26:14You activate it by just lifting it up lightly.
26:17And then we're all going to take a quick little sip and taste the deliciousness.
26:27You guys like it?
26:28That's crazy.
26:29It's really good.
26:30You guys taste it, right?
26:32Oh, yeah.
26:32But like it's actual water, but the smell is making it taste different.
26:35That's crazy.
26:36There's no flavor in the water.
26:38There's no flavor in the water.
26:39It's just through the scent.
26:40I'll drink a lot more water if it tastes like this.
26:43Once again, shout out to Arab for sponsoring this round.
26:46Get your own bottle.
26:47And yeah, experience this deliciousness.
26:50So for this round, I'm going to be judging you guys' taste.
26:53So tell me which flavor you chose and why.
26:56Number one.
26:57All right.
26:57So I chose passion fruit because I am very passionate.
27:02I'm a passionate person.
27:03My name in Arabic actually means passion.
27:06And the fruit because I'm a very sweet, sweet person, sweet lover.
27:10Take care of you.
27:11Treat you like the queen that you are.
27:13Make sure to protect you, you know?
27:15But if things go south and I have to fight somebody, that's your call.
27:19Okay, let's say, right, we're out whenever I'm walking on the street
27:22and it's like some 6'8 guy, like bulky, huge.
27:26Well, he's 6'8 too, by the way.
27:27I know you can't see.
27:28He's trying to fight me, but like he's scary looking.
27:31Like you could just tell he'll fight.
27:32You'll still fight for me?
27:33Yeah, I'll fight for you.
27:35Even if you know you're going to get beat up?
27:37As long as you're okay.
27:38Oh, okay.
27:39But I'm not going to get beat up.
27:40I have boxing training, kickboxing.
27:42Okay, so you're athletic.
27:45I can put that, you know, put him to sleep, you know?
27:49Contestant number two.
27:50Which flavor did you pick and why did you choose that flavor?
27:54Cliche, but I chose watermelon for a few different reasons.
27:58It's healthy.
27:59It's easy.
28:00By the pool, you can enjoy it.
28:03And I mean, it's an easy one.
28:06I mean, who doesn't like watermelon?
28:07Like a good watermelon white claw, a good watermelon drink,
28:09watermelon by itself.
28:11I love a food that inspires a good moment.
28:12I feel like watermelon's easy.
28:13Picture this.
28:14You're laying down.
28:16He's fanning you.
28:17Feeding me watermelon.
28:18Feeding you watermelon.
28:19And some of the Arab water.
28:21Oh, that's so good.
28:22That's a vibe.
28:23That's a huge vibe.
28:25I like watermelon too, but I like the first answer better.
28:30It's all good.
28:31It's not about the answer.
28:32It's about her vibe.
28:33So whatever you like, that's what I'm with.
28:35He's like, it's not about you, Jackie.
28:36Don't care about your opinion.
28:37Um, moving on.
28:39Your best friend's opinion is important.
28:41Oh, okay.
28:41Got to take that into consideration.
28:42See, there you go.
28:44He says he cares about you.
28:45Nice backtrack, buddy.
28:46I tried.
28:47I tried.
28:48He didn't care about your opinion.
28:49He didn't care about my opinion.
28:51All right, concession number three.
28:53Which flavor did you pick?
28:54And why did you choose that flavor?
28:56I chose a berry because you're very much my type.
29:04Yeah, very much.
29:06It's like berry, but with the word that he...
29:09the taste bud that he chose.
29:11I didn't catch on.
29:12Oh, okay.
29:14Explain it.
29:16Yeah, berry's good.
29:17A lot of antioxidants.
29:18It's good stuff.
29:20Damn, any smart?
29:21It was, it was cute.
29:23It's cute?
29:24Yeah, very, very cute.
29:25It was very cute.
29:28Yeah, okay.
29:29All right, Emily.
29:30So, um, you and Jackie had some pretty good discussion.
29:32Let's hear what you guys were saying back there.
29:34All right, Jackie, you want to start?
29:35You're like her spokesman.
29:36So you kind of say what you guys were feeling.
29:39I liked number one because it was like a thought through answer.
29:42It was nice.
29:44I like watermelon too, but it just seemed like a simple answer.
29:47You know, nothing really much.
29:49Yeah, nothing really creative with the answer.
29:51There's nothing wrong with that.
29:52I appreciate the nothing wrong with that.
29:53It's all good.
29:54I value your opinion.
29:56Be free with it.
29:57You didn't care about what I had to say.
29:59Be free with it.
30:00Number three.
30:01It was cheesy, but cute.
30:03So at least gave something.
30:05Oh, you're saying he didn't give anything.
30:06It gave something.
30:06It at least gave something.
30:07She said damn.
30:08Number two, you're going to take that?
30:09She said fully who was he?
30:10That's her girl.
30:11I got to respect her.
30:12I mean.
30:12No, you could come.
30:15I mean, maybe it was bland.
30:16Because she likes someone that can, you know.
30:18I mean, you want me to show watermelon don't be aggressive.
30:21I mean, girl, let's start easy and we'll get there.
30:24We'll get there as we meet and progress.
30:28Well, Emily, still don't know who you're going to eliminate.
30:30I'm going to have to go with my girl.
30:32Oh, he's a little sassy too.
30:34He was giving yes too.
30:35I kind of like that.
30:35That's why I said I need him to give something back.
30:38Damn, you guys are toxic guys, dude.
30:41He got to save his spot.
30:42He got to like.
30:42I got to fight for it.
30:44You got to fight number one now.
30:46I mean, she wants me to do it, Emily.
30:48I'll do it.
30:48Wait, hold on.
30:49This is sponsored.
30:50Let's relax.
30:51It's up to Em.
30:52So Em.
30:54I think I'm going to just go with my girl Jackie because she knows better than I do.
30:57So I'm going to go with number two.
30:58Number two.
30:59All right.
31:00And he was one of your favorites for a long time.
31:02I was your favorite homegirl.
31:05All right, you ready?
31:06And reveal yourself.
31:09How are you?
31:09I feel like we've met before, actually.
31:11I'm so scared.
31:12At a party.
31:14I'm always outside.
31:15I'm so sorry.
31:16I'm Jackie.
31:16No, it's all good.
31:17Nice to meet you.
31:18You were funny though.
31:19I like that.
31:22Can I tell you something that's so insane?
31:24I didn't even tell Dave with this, but I like guys.
31:27Look, he picked up on it.
31:33We're still best friends.
31:34No, I know he picked up on it.
31:34Yeah, yeah, yeah.
31:35No, I just didn't want to assume.
31:37No, assume.
31:38Let me know what's up.
31:39I didn't know that.
31:40I would have put you in a guy one.
31:42I could be in both.
31:42I'm here all day.
31:44Now you're crying.
31:47Oh, it's OK.
31:48Better luck next time.
31:49It was nice meeting you as well.
31:50I'm so sorry.
31:52Were you worried for that watermelon by the pool?
31:53Hit me up.
31:54Always down for that.
31:55Love you, bro.
31:56He was tall and handsome.
31:58All right, guys.
31:58So the last round is the vision round.
32:00So before I show you guys how these guys look like,
32:04just based off the other four senses,
32:07who do you think is going to be the hottest one?
32:09Obviously, they're both hot.
32:10Trust me, I'm looking at them right now.
32:12I'm going to go with number one.
32:17So now I'm going to have these guys switch up, move around.
32:21You don't know if he's still contesting number one or two.
32:24I'm not going to lie, I think he will.
32:27Because you said that number two had a leather shirt on.
32:32Well, damn.
32:32Shirts off, boys.
32:34Shirts off, boys.
32:35Let's do it.
32:40Don't stop.
32:41All right.
32:41So they switched it up.
32:43You all know which one's which.
32:48I know you have seen the guys.
32:50Who do you think is, just based off vision,
32:52who are you more attracted to?
32:54Obviously, both of these guys are studs.
32:58OK, I'm going to go with number two,
32:59just because you kind of remind me of Ryan Reynolds.
33:01Just a little bit.
33:02He does look like Ryan Reynolds.
33:04He was just talking about that right before this.
33:06Yeah, I was like, Ken looking ass.
33:09I thought you would choose me.
33:10You're still very handsome.
33:11Now it's going to be based off all the senses.
33:13Hearing, touch, smell, taste, vision.
33:16Who's going to be the guy?
33:17Who are you going to take to mom?
33:18I already know.
33:21Bro, I fucking love the, you know.
33:23Bro, we can do Barbie and Ken.
33:25Yeah, that's perfect.
33:26Well, contestant number one, you've been eliminated.
33:29Good job.
33:30I'm not going to lie, I thought you would pick number one,
33:32even after.
33:32Hi, nice to meet you.
33:33Nice to meet you.
33:35Nice to meet you.
33:36You single?
33:38Double date?
33:40Think about it.
33:42Well, this is the winner.
33:43Let's go.
33:45Nice to meet you.
33:48If you're attracted to the shirt, by the way, that's my shirt.
33:53I like it because I knew you were going to choose him
33:55because Barbie and Ken.
33:56Yeah, I feel like I picked the perfect match
33:59because he looks like Ryan Reynolds
34:01and you also smell really good.
34:02You smell really, really good, by the way.
34:04And you also have a really nice personality.
34:06It's not just because he looks like Ryan Reynolds.
34:07I promise.
34:09I feel good.
34:09Honestly, this is like O.W. today.
