General Hospital 9-12-24

  • last month
00:00Sasha Sasha I got your text hello come out come out wherever you are I'm a big
00:09believer in not wasting time so you rang I came here and I'm at your disposal
00:14completely all of me are you ready for something fun and exciting I am always
00:35well thank you for gracing us with your presence okay it's not like this meeting
00:40was scheduled weeks ago it just popped up on my calendar last night and yet
00:44everybody else managed to make it here on time apologies for being all of two
00:49minutes late you're getting the kids squared away with breakfast which I hope
00:53to be enjoying soon something smelled divine when I passed the kitchen it's
00:57quiche oh I love quiche you know a really good boss would have probably
01:02served all of us breakfast maybe at least just a little coffee okay so why
01:08are we here exactly about deception is under threat from who a competitor no no
01:16not another lawsuit Sonny Corinthos oh here we go a FBI agent was murdered on
01:26this property Sonny was here at the time so obviously Sonny killed him obvious
01:31that is conjecture at best call it whatever you like but since Sonny is an
01:37investor deception is vulnerable our friendly neighborhood mob kingpin could
01:43take us all down please let's just settle down and think about this
01:53rationally Sonny has not been charged and there doesn't seem to be any
01:59evidence linking him to the crime
02:12no that's not what we discussed just let me know what it's fixed
02:19hi what's wrong it's mom you need to save her from herself
02:28I hate feeling helpless especially when I know exactly what needs to be done
02:39I'm lucky bring him home and you get that transplant it's the first part
02:45that's proving to be difficult
02:49hey thanks for coming is everything okay
02:56well that's running out of time
03:03morning Diane morning and it's a busy one for me so what's up coffee no thank
03:10you is there a problem and it's a big one
03:16Alexis just framed herself for murder a murder I'm quite sure she didn't come
03:47you plan all this yeah I thought it would be fun for you all to have a
03:52family brunch where are Maxie and Bailey Lou Maxie's the main house for a
03:57deception meeting I don't miss those and Bailey Lou has the sniffle so
04:03Spinelli stayed home with her next time definitely well I made pancakes and
04:08quiche what's that it's eggs and cheese and other yummy stuff all mixed together
04:14I smell bacon and sausages and warm pastries oh thank you this is this is
04:22really happy very well let's eat yes I'll uncover the dishes and you guys
04:33enjoy wait a minute you're not gonna be joining us oh this is a family thing no
04:38way no Max right you did all the work you have to eat with us
04:43besides we wouldn't want Cody to be lonely now would we can't have that
04:52um who are you and what have you done with Lois um does it doesn't really hurt
05:00does what hurt speaking like that you know what I I really think you're
05:07having a stroke I I think you do you need to relax I think she is having a
05:11stroke I'm gonna call 9-1-1 it's okay it's okay Tracy has generously offered
05:20to pay for a dialect coach to give me tools to make my accent more palatable
05:27to buyers who who said you needed to be more palatable you got rave reviews for
05:35your in-store appearances and you were a hit on home and heart it's true you
05:38literally your ratings went through the roof well imagine how they will skyrocket
05:44now that she no longer sounds like a car alarm that's crazy that's okay I am used
05:48to Tracy well you shouldn't have to be used to Tracy you know what I really
05:55feel like that all of us should have been consulted on this I agree this is
06:00something we should all have made the decision on Lois's voice Lois's choice
06:05and by the way we consult all the time and what do we have to show for it a
06:09mobster investor installing his mall and making us accessories to murder what has
06:16gotten into you oh you know what it is Brooklyn Tracy is obviously still upset
06:22because Sonny and Carly were doing the boom-boom in her room room oh my god
06:28don't remind me
06:35last I checked mom was fine mom and Sonny reuniting in Tracy's bed sounds
06:41fine to you so you you heard about the other night yes I did and mom told me
06:46that it was a one-time thing but you know her history with Sonny are you not
06:50as concerned as I am I just don't think it's any of our business Michael she's
06:56our mother if she gets hurt or betrayed or sent to prison I do think it is our
07:01business prison yes look I have tried to let it go and let her make her own
07:06choices but the decisions that she's making right now have serious
07:10consequences if she's chosen to forgive so she has it there's no way that she's
07:15just all of a sudden chosen to forgive Sonny after what Nina and he did to her
07:19right all of a sudden she's just over all of that what are you saying I'm
07:24saying I don't buy that mom and Sonny are back together but I do buy that mom's
07:30given him an alibi and that could blow up in her face
07:41okay so communication Kevin and Laura it's nearly impossible last I heard they
07:47were on their way to an aid camp on the border of Somalia and Kenya where they
07:52think lucky is working okay well if they found the camp maybe lucky still there
07:56the thing is he's not and we can't get in touch with Kevin or Laura to tell
07:59them okay so you can't give them an update but you have any more leads on
08:02where lucky is right now well Isaiah the guy that you found on the side of the
08:06road he gave us a more recent location of where lucky is being held captive but
08:12I just found out that that camp has been broken up and moved okay how'd you find
08:16out who's telling you all this Jack Brown
08:21you got something to say say it Diane I plan to okay but as an officer of the
08:31court I'm gonna suggest that you and I choose our words very carefully what is
08:35the status on Alexis case well the PCPD sent her home last night and she seems
08:40to think that's the end of it but you don't well of course not have they
08:43charged her with anything not yet then why are you acting like a senator
08:47Penville because there's a little thing called evidence Sonny although at this
08:51point it's all circumstantial Alexis has no alibi just because you don't have
08:56an alibi doesn't mean they're gonna throw you in jail for murder well
08:59unfortunately that's not the extent of her problems okay according to my
09:03sources she publicly threatened Kate's in a squad room full of witnesses she has
09:09yet to provide an explanation as to where and why she procured a firearm and
09:15two onlookers saw her Chuck said firearm off the Blackstone Canyon Bridge
09:21who saw her onlooker a the unimpeachable head of nursing for General Hospital
09:28Elizabeth Baldwin and be well it's as impeachable as gets your brother Rick
09:46okay no I did not come here to discuss Sonny and Carly sex life amen no thank
09:53you can we please get back to why you actually called this meeting
09:56gladly Sonny is a person of interest in the murder of FBI agent John Cates and
10:02he killed that man on this property for the millionth time you do not know that
10:08to be true it's natural and reasonable and probably an accurate assumption
10:16deception does not need that kind of publicity but Sonny is a silent
10:22investor it's not like he's the face of this brand no but if his rampant
10:25criminality leads authorities to our books we're gonna have to explain where
10:30the money came from and even if he didn't actually pull the trigger he
10:34could have hired a hitman and used deception dividends now you're really
10:38reaching I was willing to listen to your concerns but so far all we've
10:43gotten is baseless accusations yes Sonny gets a lot of media attention but when
10:48doesn't he he's a valuable investor and what have we gotten to show for it a
10:54wonderful CFO who has worked miracles with our hopelessly snarled books
10:59hopelessly is a bit of an overstatement it's not really Natalia is a gift one
11:06that Sonny gave us and I think we should all remember that
11:16leave it up to Rick to insert himself I'll pay him a visit well there's no
11:22need what do you mean because his statement is now a matter of record and
11:27it's corroborated by Elizabeth who's got no reason to lie Alexis herself told
11:32me that they saw her chuck something off the bridge you representing because I'm
11:41representing you my client who's got a solid alibi whereas Alexis has none she
11:49can be charged with first-degree murder Sonny tried and convicted so what I want
11:54to know is what are you gonna do about it
12:00I know what you're thinking I doubt it you think that I'm just on another anti
12:04Sonny crusade but I'm not I don't care about him I care about mom and she just
12:10got off for federal RICO charges and now she's voluntarily putting herself in
12:15this position it's accessory to murder Michael it's not a joke one saying that
12:19it is well you're not saying anything so how am I supposed to know what you're
12:23thinking okay listen to me you're dealing in hypotheticals and that's
12:29never a good idea you don't know what's gonna happen what I do know is that
12:34Kate's was a garbage human and out-of-control animal coward with an axe
12:42to grind and whoever killed him did this world a favor
12:47okay so you're just excusing cold-blooded murder no I'm not I didn't
12:52expect what I'm excusing is the removal of a man who was actively trying to harm
12:56our family he arrested Christina did you know that for what killing her unborn
13:03child all because of this ancient grudge she had against my dad that's the kind
13:10of man Kate's was so if you're expecting me to shed a tear over that bastard's
13:14death that is not gonna happen
13:23you need to stay away from Jack Jack Brennan okay why why do I need to stay
13:36away from John because he's dangerous I can't hold Jack
13:39no you cannot he gave me what I wanted didn't he oh and what did that cost you
13:44he asked for nothing in return nothing is for free in that world look it was
13:49just a conversation with Jack Brennan it isn't okay I'm telling you right now
13:53trust me there's an agenda if you're asking this guy for something he's
13:56giving it to you he wants something back if he can help me I need you to hear me
14:01do not get involved with Jack Brennan
14:06Sasha everything is delicious really is you know maybe we should hire a chef at
14:13the PCPD or you could send over some recipes to the GH cafeteria I'm so glad
14:19you like it I love it what about you James yay or nay on the
14:25quiche yay I would eat this for breakfast every day I'm sure your mother
14:30would be thrilled to oblige as long as quiche is readily available in the
14:34freezer aisle it is actually perfect it's so nice here I wish we could look
14:41by the lake says where Cody saved me yeah we know James cuz you've told us
14:48like a million times I'm just glad I was in the right spot at the right time me
14:54too me three Sasha yes do you sleep over at Cody's
15:02every night why would you ask that bud because Violet said you guys took a nap
15:09the other day so if you take naps during the day together you must have
15:19think mom will let me sleep over at Cody's like Sasha does
15:29well thank you Maxie that's that's very kind I believe in positive reinforcement
15:36you should try it sometime Tracy pass okay well I'm gonna join my family for
15:42brunch have a great day ladies you too see you soon Max I'm not gonna get used
15:49to that my brother hi I'm out too in case there's anything else
15:55as a matter of fact oh boy how can I help you Tracy tell Sonny he might want
16:03to review the morality clause in his investors agreement I know I have I will
16:11you do that
16:21I'm so sorry I didn't know that about Christina is she okay she's devastated
16:30I don't think I've ever seen her this broken but instead of being given space
16:36to put herself back together she's being hustled in and out of the PCPD and now
16:40her mom is under investigation wait Alexis is under investigation for what
16:47yeah she's a person of interest in Kate's murder and who in their possible
16:52right mind thinks that Alexis killed somebody I don't know but she's being
16:57questioned which is why I'm telling you the worst thing you can do right now is
17:02is run around town shouting conspiracy theories about who's sleeping with who
17:05and who's giving an alibi and why that could cause serious problems how do they
17:12think Alexis is fair game what do you think that makes mom
17:20what are you asking me to do I'm not asking you to do anything Sonny I'm your
17:25attorney your legal interests take precedence but if I know you and I do
17:31the man you are will not sit idly by while the mother of one of your children
17:36is railroaded for a crime we both know she did not commit Alexis has put me in
17:44an impossible situation why couldn't she figure out a different way to get rid of
17:49the gun or come to me shame on Alexis for not knowing how to dispose of a
17:55nine-millimeter she's my best friend Sonny
18:02I know that and we both know how her mind works when it comes to her children
18:10Alexis acts purely on instinct and if it comes down to a choice between protecting
18:16her and protecting her children she's gonna choose her children every time and
18:21if she believes that the only way to keep Christina from having her bail
18:26revoked for being in possession of a firearm she would throw that firearm
18:29over the bridge that's right
18:33this is a complicated situation Peter and it was under control only you only
18:41you would classify this situation as being under control and it was
18:49and now what what am I supposed to study she was protecting her child your
18:59so how do we get her off the hook
19:05please I promise I'll be good and I'll sleep oh like you did when I picked you
19:12up at Joey's your eyes were all bloodshot we went swimming no Joey
19:17doesn't have a pool you've dumb dumb your brother's not dumb okay well he's
19:21just not a very good line come on that is a question for your mom to decide oh
19:27well then it's a good thing I'm here isn't it or is it of course it is I
19:33sweetheart hi mom oh this is such a sweet setup oh I love these thank you
19:37for arranging it you're welcome mom talk to me goose can I sleep over at Cody's
19:45like Sasha does oh well that is definitely a question I was not
19:52prepared for actually James Sasha and I don't have
19:58sleepovers right you don't know we don't but she's your friend right
20:06actually she's my girlfriend her Lisa I'd like her to be
20:16so you're saying Jack is John Cates back I'm saying that he's powerful and
20:21he has an agenda Carly this is not news the guy tried to abduct you and he would
20:26have of Anna and Dante hadn't arrested okay that was a miscommunication on all
20:30of our parts okay when you were dealing with the five families what did it
20:35almost cost you
20:38everything everything the WSB international espionage you don't want to
20:44touch that there's no honor there's no loyalty these people are out for
20:47themselves I don't care the only thing that matters is finding lucky and saving
20:57you have to understand that
21:05I do
21:09ah that dialect coach you hired for Lois it's very good of course she is
21:15have you considered maybe taking a few lessons to smooth off the rough edges of
21:20your tone Lucy yes get out gladly I'll be in tow
21:30oh now I get to have my quiche she is in a mood Brooklyn are you okay yeah
21:48I you seem a little bit off your game this morning yeah just distracted with
21:56what the whole sunny thing no I mean it's concerning obviously but I'm sure
22:02I'll figure it out then what is it I can stop my training if my voice is
22:09freaking you out ma has nothing to do with that then what is it I can't get
22:15this conversation that chase and I had with violet out of my head did she miss
22:20her dad yes but it wasn't about fin violet wanted to know when chase and I
22:28are going to start a family
22:32if no one takes responsibility for Kate shooting Alexis could end up spending
22:36the rest of her life in prison I don't want that day and you know not but it
22:41doesn't change the fact that that's what's happening okay whatever is
22:45happening with Alexis case I want to know everything I can relay the
22:51information that she imparts to me as a friend and that's the extent of my
22:55knowledge but if I know her and I do you should be expecting a call from her soon
23:00yeah imagine that I just hope the conversation is able to be held outside
23:05the confines of a jail cell
23:10I get it whatever is going on between mom and
23:16Sonny has to remain a secret for mom's sake exactly I just don't understand how
23:21she could lie for him we don't know that she is she supported him for years and
23:26he repaid her by cheating on her and breaking her heart how does she stick
23:31her neck out for somebody like that I can't speak for mom you can speak for
23:37yourself I mean how did you repair your relationship with Sonny well it was
23:44pretty simple actually I realized that hating my father and trying to cut
23:50myself off from him it cost me more than finding a way to
23:56forgive him
23:59why wouldn't you be Cody's girlfriend he's the best James what what you can't
24:05just ask that why not because it's private
24:09you want a waffle sure sure okay I'm sorry I just put you on the spot in
24:24front of an audience no less in front of your family yeah that make it better or
24:31worse I don't know but I I do know that I think I would like to be your
24:40girlfriend you know that you think I know that I know so we're doing this I
24:50guess so okay
24:58so this is where my breakfast is
25:06do you think Lulu and I are similar in what way our personalities I've never
25:18really thought about that but I can safely say that no one in the world is
25:27like you Dante called me out the other day he said that Lulu and I weren't
25:38particularly close in the years before she went into her coma yeah well life
25:44pulls people in different directions
25:48I'm just ashamed all right because Lulu and I were tight once you know we really
25:58got each other and I don't know I saw a lot of myself in her yeah Lulu could be
26:05tough oh you wouldn't want to get on her bad side but she was funny she could
26:14make a joke she could take a joke and she was so smart I'm so easy with us you
26:22know until
26:26till it wasn't
26:35the one who got me the one I got into trouble with
26:41I miss my cousin
26:45don't want her back
26:51good morning Tracy he told me to find you here I wanted to get hey he settled
26:56up but you're obviously otherwise occupied Sasha had this great idea is
27:01this the quiche I've been smelling all morning imagine my surprise when I
27:05walked into the kitchen and was met with a box of instant oatmeal if you
27:10would like some quiche there's more than enough
27:13yeah please help yourself oh thank you for offering me food made in my kitchen
27:17by my cook okay you're obviously upset just curious who asked you to cater a
27:24brunch for the Scorpios on our property I asked Olivia this morning if anyone was
27:32using it's not Olivia's to offer and not to mention the fact that we don't
27:37pay you to feed people who wander onto the property they are my guests Tracy
27:42this is my day off I invited them and I paid for the food a novel what's the
27:48problem Tracy the problem is you have overstepped your bounds for both of you
27:53that's enough
28:01have you and chase talked about having a family of course in a one day won't that
28:08be fun you're gonna be a great dad kind of way so then you both know that you
28:13want to have children oh yeah that's not the issue then what is we never talk
28:20timetables there's no plan well when you're ready you'll discuss it and
28:26figure it out that's just it ma what if when we go to figure it out we're not on
28:31the same page I don't see that happening I don't know ma
28:35chase has professional goals so do you yeah what if we don't reach them at the
28:40same time sweetheart you've barely been married six months you're both young you
28:47have plenty of time theory I get that but how that pilots brought up the
28:52subject it's like a running loop in my head and it won't stop and you hear
28:57your biological clock ticking very loudly sometimes it's deafening and
29:04other times get scared
29:10I mean we already have so much going on you know our jobs and and we're both
29:16taking care of violet and we haven't even been married for that long what if
29:20throwing a baby into the mix is just too much
29:25but for over two years I tried to punish my dad and I did but it didn't make me
29:32feel any better actually it just amplified the pain for all of us I
29:38almost lost willow because of it too so you're telling me that I should just let
29:43all of this go even though it feels like mom is headed over a cliff you
29:47can't control what mom does any more than she can control you yes that's
29:51basically what she said a lot of times people have reasons for their behavior
29:58that we don't understand we just have to trust that they know what they're doing
30:03well that's very hard I know but you can do it can I have faith
30:15find out where Rick is Stan if he leaves let me know
30:22hey hey your guard said I could come in come on in have a seat what brings you
30:32well I was just at a meeting for deception okay and as you can imagine
30:39the dead FBI agent came up yeah what a tragedy considering the way he was
30:47targeting your family I'm not so sure but it's not the murder I'm concerned
30:51with it is the repercussions of it and specifically your investment in
30:56deception how so so Tracy Quartermain is under the perception that you may
31:06have been involved in the shooting that's not the most reliable source but
31:13she thinks that you're a person of interest well you know the cops have a
31:17lot of people that they're interested in and then agent Kate's a lot of
31:25enemies yeah well be that as it may Tracy may be able to invoke the morality
31:33clause and force you to pull your money out that's where you come in you're
31:37protecting my investment right but that's why I think that we should face
31:41the reality and move forward accordingly
31:47my daughter just lost her child and she was charged with manslaughter
31:56how do you move forward from that
32:05I keep thinking about my mom and wishing she were here yeah Bobby was the ultimate
32:12family matriarch I thought that was Lila Lila and Bobby both earned that
32:22title so will you that's why this feels so important to me you know Bobby was
32:32the glue that kept us all together no matter where we were in the world and
32:36now that she's gone I feel like it's my job to step up I mean Bobby would have
32:41done anything she possibly could to bring lucky home so if cozying up to
32:46Brennan is what I have to do I'm okay with that
32:51then I guess I'm done talking because we both know you don't do things
32:57that you don't want to do
33:04I'm about to ask you to go to Africa and bring lucky home
33:10if this is how you treat your staff it's no wonder you have any employees at
33:14all should be ashamed of yourself oh I don't need to listen on shame from you
33:18well you need it from someone haven't you learned by now no one likes a bully
33:23here take my keys mom says I get cranky when I'm hungry too what do you call it
33:31hangry right I think you're hangry thank you James why don't you enjoy your
33:40brunch with your family and I'm gonna go back to the house and see what I can
33:45scare up I can't believe you just called Tracy Quartermain hangry and live to
33:54tell the tale yeah you're brave or crazy I'm still
33:58deciding thanks for stepping in there and defending Sasha my mouth tends to
34:10get me in trouble so I try to bite my tongue when it comes to clapping back
34:13to the boss it's no big deal it was to me but Tracy shouldn't abuse your
34:19authority like that not with you or your girlfriend
34:24thank God Sasha said yes I would have been embarrassing I'm just glad we were
34:30all your witness me too I'm I'm glad for all this
34:35Mac thanks for welcoming me into your family thanks for being patient until I
34:53you're gonna hate this but Jack will get me lucky's location and when he does
35:00I'm gonna give it to you and I'm gonna ask you to find him and bring him up and
35:04I will like he knows you he trusts you and now you have all these mercenary
35:09skills I said I'd go I know you're not the one I'm trying to convince you've
35:17already spent so much time away from your sons they can't lose you I can't
35:21lose you not again you have to promise me that you're gonna
35:26come I promise I will do everything I can to bring lucky home if you do
35:39I really thought we'd be on the same page here about Sonny I mean we have
35:56been for a long time sometimes you got to turn the page and you're really there
36:01he's treated you so badly for the past few years and yes some of it made sense
36:09but he's your dad and he let you down I he didn't and you're still loyal to him
36:16despite everything he's worth it to you my family is worth it
36:26all of us and dad is a part of it
36:34I'm so sorry I am like I know all this deception stuff is so low on your on
36:43your list especially with everything that's going on how is Christina no no
36:47listen I'm sorry I shouldn't even brought that up you know I mean you're
36:51doing your job and you're doing it well and and I know because I've seen the
36:54numbers well thank you but still more importantly how is Christina and how are
36:59you I'm just worried about my little girl you know every time she seems to
37:06get her feet back on the ground they get taken out and agent Kate's did
37:11everything he could to come at her and it wasn't even about Christina writers
37:17by you I'm just glad he's gone I'll blame you but now it seems like
37:24Christina's mother may take the fall okay well that's crazy is there anything
37:30that you can do to keep that from happening Alexis will not go down for
37:36murder on my watch
37:41it sounds like you holding off for now is what would make you feel the most
37:47comfortable except it's not it's not ever since violet brought it up it's all
37:54I could think about I don't know I'm wondering if maybe Chase and I should
37:58start trying for a baby right away like today I'm not gonna get that specific
38:04with you ma right privacy but how would you feel about becoming a Nona sooner
38:10rather than later
38:16on the next general hospital remember that when it's time for medical act tell
38:21me it's a lie you think Tracy is interested in Cody we can deliver them a
38:25stronger piece against someone else you worried that I'm gonna incriminate
38:28Christina or you Lulu's life is on the line there's no time to waste