(August 1993) WITF Pledge Drive

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00:00We'd like to remind you that if you get a busy signal, please keep trying.
00:08We've got a lot of volunteers here anxious to help you.
00:11And we'd like you to also remember that if you join us at any membership level, at the
00:15$120 level, the $60 level, or the $35 level, every single membership, every new member
00:21that we welcome this evening, helps us qualify for that AMP Business Partner Challenge.
00:25If we reach our goal of 100 this evening, we are entitled to the gracious donation from
00:30AMP of $2,500.
00:31And just moments ago, we're 16 away.
00:34All our lines are active.
00:35I'm sure we are much closer than that.
00:37We'd like to tell you how easy it is for you to join when you call, too.
00:40It's probably best for you to join if you charge your membership to Visa, MasterCard,
00:44or American Express.
00:46That definitely means that your membership does more for Channel 33, and we're sure that's
00:49what you're after.
00:50A charged membership involves less overhead costs for Channel 33.
00:54And of course, that means that more of your membership pays for more of public television
00:58stations' programming.
01:01Everyone who becomes a member for $35 right now, of course, receives a member card.
01:05And that means a whole heck of a lot of savings at area businesses that participate in WITF's
01:10member card program.
01:12You also, of course, receive the ability to purchase the program-related merchandise that
01:17you've seen us talking about all day here, and that you'll see us talking about all during
01:22the membership campaign.
01:24You'll be able to purchase those at a special discounted price.
01:26Mark, I hate to interrupt you.
01:28We have to go to the network briefly.
01:29We're doing really well here, so we'll be back to meet with you again very shortly after
01:33this brief network break.
01:36Bill Moyers, this is our final opportunity to work together this evening, so I certainly
01:56want to take an opportunity to thank you for bringing this series to public television.
02:00I'm sure there are thousands, millions of viewers, really, around the country who feel
02:04the same way.
02:05And I hope they will offer that thanks to you, of course, for this last time tonight
02:09in the form of a pledge to this station.
02:12That's the way you say thanks.
02:13That's the way you make sure that this kind of special television, television that brings
02:18real emotion to the screen, television that appeals to your mind and to your heart, that's
02:23what makes sure that it'll be here for many years to come.
02:25I know that's a commitment that you have, and I know that's the commitment that public
02:29television has, to bring you the television of ideas for many years to come.
02:32And we just thank you for that, Bill.
02:34Well, Ed, and I thank you and all the folks at Public Broadcasting who are doing this
02:38around the country for your hospitality tonight.
02:40You know, the reason I like television so much and have stayed in it so long is because
02:45it's the most collaborative medium I know of.
02:48If you could take apart every film that I do, you'd see hundreds of fingerprints of
02:53camera people and producers and researchers and editors and videotape operators.
02:58This is a collaborative, cooperative medium.
03:02And you're part of that collaboration.
03:03I thank you in return for what Ed said.
03:08I thank you, the public television audience, for the kind of support over the years, not
03:12only to me, but to this station and to public television universally, for your continuing
03:19encouragement and endorsement, your willingness to take risks, your willingness to make the
03:24phone ring, your sitting down to write letters.
03:27You really do put the public in public television.
03:30So when you thank me, I have to thank you, and we both have to thank you out there.
03:34It's that kind of thanks that will be reflected in great programming in the future.
03:38That's the pledge that we in public television bring right back to you.
03:42Just a quick final list, Bill, if I may.
03:44Vermont Television has joined us.
03:46They're having wonderful pledges there.
03:47WYES in New Orleans, there's some more there you can mention.
03:50WGBH in Boston, Larry Heilman has told us they're doing very well there.
03:54Austin, Texas, doing very well.
03:56They always do well.
03:57They do well.
03:58And Dallas is telling us they're doing wonderfully.
03:59We're thrilled.
04:00KLVX in Las Vegas and WQED in Pittsburgh, all doing very well tonight.
04:06This is very interesting.
04:07Dallas is two points ahead of Washington with 30 seconds left to go and one more call.
04:13What are you doing, Washington?
04:14That's right.
04:15Get busy out there right now.
04:16The time is indeed running very short.
04:18We have a few minutes left in this break, and that's it.
04:21And as I know Bill feels the same way, there's nothing worse than the feeling that, yes,
04:26I should have done something.
04:27I should have made my voice heard along with people all over the country.
04:31Don't let that feeling happen to you right now.
04:33Get busy.
04:34So, Bill, we're going to go back for just a few more minutes to see if we can raise
04:36a little more money for public television, and that'll be it for the night.
04:39So thanks to everybody who's called, and Bill will indeed be back in a few minutes.
04:43Welcome back to the WITF studios.
04:52We are well on our way toward getting our goal of 100.
04:54We had a flurry of activity before we had to go to that national update with Bill Moyers,
04:58so we hope you weren't dismayed by busy signals and the like.
05:00Please try again if that's the case.
05:02We have station volunteers waiting to hear from you.
05:05And we are, I believe, at 90.
05:07We are at 90 members, 10 away from achieving the $100 or the 100-member goal.
05:16Ten people now must go to their phone, call 717-233-9000.
05:21So close, yet so far to realizing the AMP Incorporated business partner challenge of $2,500.
05:27Surely we cannot let $2,500 go only because ten people have not yet made up their mind.
05:34I know that 1, 2, 3 are on the way to the phone right now.
05:37Your phone call could be the one that sets off another flurry of activity like we had
05:42before we went to the network satellite feed of Bill Moyers from WHYY.
05:47There's a person right now.
05:49That is the first new membership on the way to the ten that will qualify us for that $2,500.
05:56717-233-9000 now is the number that you want to call.
06:01We make an appeal to your sense of fair play right now.
06:05Your membership pledge can take us to 100 and mean that we will realize $2,500 from the good corporate citizens of AMP.
06:12One more time, Elian, if you can remember what they are, the welcome gift opportunities that we have for people.
06:18Only ten more to go.
06:18I have to remind you that ten minutes left.
06:20A person a minute.
06:21That's not too much to ask.
06:22And then we will be in a position to qualify for that grant from AMP.
06:25Seven. Seven away.
06:27Counting them down.
06:28There we are.
06:29Let me tell you, there are some added incentives to becoming a member besides that business partner challenge we've been talking about.
06:35For your personal pleasure, if you join us at the $35 level, you can choose the Healing in the Mind resource guide,
06:41or you may want to choose a transcript from the program that you were watching this evening entitled Wounded Healers.
06:47If you join us at the $60 level, you may want to choose the home video of that program, Wounded Healers,
06:53or you may also choose the transcripts from all five of the Healing in the Mind shows.
06:58Now, if you decide to join us at a slightly higher level, at the $120 level, you could choose the Healing in the Mind hardcover companion book.
07:06You see it there on your screen.
07:07It's just a beautiful book.
07:08Or you may want to choose the companion audio cassette collection of all the shows that you've been watching this afternoon and this evening.
07:14Now, if you decide to join us at the $250 membership level, and we know you're out there,
07:21the entire set of all five Healing in the Mind episodes is yours on home video to enjoy forever.
07:28Less than a minute and a half, and we will return to Bill Moyers for one more final check on how things are going in support of the Bill Moyers Healing in the Mind marathon.
07:38When we come back here, we would like to be able to report that we are at 100 and have indeed achieved our day-long, night-long goal of trying to get to 100
07:48in order to take advantage of the $2,500 grant that AMP, Incorporated has offered us.
07:54717-233-9000 is the number to call to take us there.
08:00You can join Channel 33 as a member and receive the prize magazine and the member card for $35.
08:06Join for $60, $120, or $250 and take advantage of the welcome gift opportunities that Elian just told you about.
08:14But remember that your membership right now is the force that will assure that we get $2,500 from AMP, Incorporated.
08:23We are so close that we really must, really must maximize and use that.
08:27And right now, I believe we are going to go to Bill Moyers in the studios of WHYY and see how things are going on the national level.
08:54Well, this is it.
08:55We're down now to the final two minutes in today's Healing in the Mind marathon.
09:00After that two minutes, we shut off the cameras, turn down the lights, and go home.
09:05Tomorrow, we'll have a good idea of the kind of response we've gotten from viewers around the country,
09:09sort of the final grade on the report card that I was referring to early.
09:14From the preliminary indications we've gotten already, it looks like we're doing very well indeed, and that's certainly no surprise to me.
09:20I've had the opportunity in the past several months to travel around this country promoting the series,
09:25and the response you've given me all over is very encouraging and enthusiastic.
09:30It shows me that the public is still ready to support good programming like this on public television.
09:36And I certainly want to take this final opportunity to thank everyone who's shown that commitment and generosity.
09:43In the final analysis, I suppose the best way to say thanks is to continue with my colleagues to produce the best programming we can,
09:50to search out provocative topics to explore, and to bring them to you as carefully and skillfully as we are able.
09:58I'll be helped as always by a most talented group of writers, technicians, and producers.
10:04It's their skill and their artistry that do so much in putting these programs together.
10:09But most of all, I'll be helped by you and by your fellow public television members around the country.
10:15You're the people for whom this station does its work,
10:18and I'm confident that you're the ones who will keep it strong and prosperous,
10:23and the source of the most intelligent programming to be found anywhere on the dial.
10:28It won't be long before literally hundreds of television channels will be flooding onto your screen,
10:33but I suspect that this station, your station, will continue to be one of the relatively few that will merit the time, attention, and support that you've given us.
10:43Remember, public television can't exist without you.
10:51We are at 99, I believe that's correct, 99, and so the suspense is killing me.
10:58We are one person away from reaching that goal that we have been striving forward to all day and all night of 100 members,
11:05which means that Amp Incorporated will graciously contribute to us $2,500.
11:11The next time you hear a phone ring, it could be that 100th person.
11:14At the $250 level, right?
11:16We got it.
11:17We got it?
11:17There we are, 100.
11:22Well, that took some time, and I don't know what to say next.
11:27I'm just overwhelmed by the whole experience.
11:30So we have achieved a goal of 100.
11:33If you were headed to your phone, don't be dismayed by the fact that we've hit that goal,
11:36because going over goals is nothing that we're against here at Channel 33.
11:42100 people have joined us as members by pledging $35, $60, $120.
11:50That means that we do get the Amp Incorporated grant of $2,500.
11:55It has been a successful day for Channel 33, I'd like to say.
11:58It sure has.
11:58We thank you very much for becoming members and joining us here with this Bill Moyers Healing in the Mind series today.
12:03It's been a great day.
12:05I think so.
12:06And it seems like there's very little else to say, except that if you are one of the people who was caught up in that excitement of reaching the goal,
12:16please go ahead and become the person who takes us over that goal, who takes us that one next step by calling 717-233-9000.
12:28You know, to all the people who have joined all through the day and into the night, we would like to ask you,
12:34and for those of you who haven't joined, if you sometimes feel a little proud that you watch public television,
12:40you know you really ought to, because watching public television means that you have discriminating taste.
12:45It means that you appreciate intelligent programming.
12:48So you should feel proud that you watch Channel 33 and watch programs that engage your intellect and grasp your emotions.
12:55You see programs on this station that inspire your heart, challenge your mind, and sometimes change your life.
13:00All right.
13:02There, we've had that final $250 pledge.
13:05So someone is taking advantage of the welcome gift of all five of the Bill Moyers Healing in the Mind VHS tapes.
13:13All five of those are available to anyone who pledges $250 as a welcome gift choice.
13:19Right now, you can become even more proud, prouder than just a viewer of public television.
13:25You can become a vital part of what makes this station work.
13:28You can become a member of your public television station.
13:31You can do that by calling 717-233-9000, talking to one of the volunteers who have worked so hard here this evening with Elian and I.
13:39And you can take us to 101, 102, and on, onwards, I guess.
13:46We still look forward to hearing from you.
13:48Make no mistake about it.
13:49If you're still thinking about joining us right now, please stay tuned for Are You Being Served? from WITF Channel 33.
14:19Are You Being Served?
14:41Are You Being Served?
