• last year
مسلسل المتوحش الحلقة 37 مترجم الجزء 2
مسلسل المتوحش الحلقة 37 مترجم
مسلسل المتوحش الحلقة 37


00:00:44Yeah, yeah
00:00:46Kisses or don't
00:00:49Ain't a job I wish I'm a believer
00:00:53Are you
00:00:55Bossy nerdy
00:00:58Channeling to be merciless
00:01:03Bench is on the chicken
00:01:14It's a short alcohol
00:01:17I'm ashamed to kiss you
00:01:23Yes, I'm a good deal I see
00:01:28We should make deal
00:01:32But I just wish my mom does any of them
00:01:43Yeah, baby
00:01:46Yes, I've met
00:02:06I feel so good
00:03:59See more
00:05:46This music is not my style.
00:05:49What do you mean?
00:05:54Pull that leg. Pull, pull, pull, pull, pull.
00:05:59If we say hello to our neighbor.
00:06:06Hey, boy, turn down that music.
00:06:10Hey, boy, who am I talking to?
00:06:20Hey, boy.
00:06:23Hey, open the door.
00:06:25Hey, who am I talking to?
00:06:27Hey, boy, open the door. Open it.
00:06:30Hey, boy, did your father hit your farm?
00:06:34Okay, okay, I'm done.
00:06:38What's going on? Huh? What's going on? Who the hell are you?
00:06:41Well, when I saw the posters at the door...
00:06:44Ensu, I thought you were a man. I knocked on the door, but you didn't open it.
00:06:47What did you decide? To break the door?
00:06:50No, I just...
00:06:52I'm asking you a favor. Could you turn down that music?
00:06:56What's going on? When you saw I was a woman, you were polite.
00:06:59We're screwed, aren't we? We're screwed.
00:07:02Who screwed who?
00:07:03Are you okay, girl?
00:07:05You turned on the music, you're annoying everyone.
00:07:07Why are you yelling?
00:07:08I'm not yelling.
00:07:09You are yelling.
00:07:10I'm not yelling!
00:07:14It would be nice if you'd turn down your voice a little.
00:07:16Otherwise, you're going to get all your friends on our heads.
00:07:18What friends, girl?
00:07:19I'm talking about your buddies.
00:07:20You know, we're in the woods. There are a lot of bears here.
00:07:24Look at me.
00:07:25Look, you're being too much of a bear, okay?
00:07:28Are bears the only ones living in the woods?
00:07:30I mean, don't lions live like that, for example?
00:07:32What lion, son? Are we in Africa?
00:07:34We're not.
00:07:35But we're not in the concert hall either.
00:07:37You're so loud.
00:07:38There's nothing to cheer about.
00:07:40What do you mean, so?
00:07:41Is this normal, girl?
00:07:42You woke us up early in the morning.
00:07:44And you came up to me like this.
00:07:46You know, you're talking like you know.
00:07:48You have to apologize to me.
00:07:49Okay, what else?
00:07:51You almost broke my door.
00:07:52Like a bear.
00:07:53And you expect me to apologize?
00:07:57Look, you're calling me a bear.
00:07:59You know, you weren't going to be a woman.
00:08:01You know, I...
00:08:02What are you talking about?
00:08:03What else?
00:08:04Tell me.
00:08:05What happens if I'm not a woman?
00:08:06Get the rest of the conversation.
00:08:07Go, girl.
00:08:08Don't get me in trouble early in the morning.
00:08:09Son, I'm a man.
00:08:11What are you going to do?
00:08:12Tell me.
00:08:13Come here.
00:08:14Come on, do it.
00:08:15Girl, what's your problem?
00:08:17My eye!
00:08:19My eye!
00:08:20My eye!
00:08:22What did you do?
00:08:24Who's going to take care of me?
00:08:25My eye!
00:08:26You blinded me.
00:08:27I said I'd take a look.
00:08:28You didn't say anything.
00:08:29It hurts so much.
00:08:30I can't take it off.
00:08:31Okay, I'm not interested in touching you.
00:08:32Come on.
00:08:33It hurts so much.
00:08:34Let's sit down.
00:08:35Let's sit down.
00:08:37It hurts so much.
00:08:40I said I'm not interested in touching you.
00:08:42Come here.
00:08:49It hurts so much.
00:08:50Give me my phone.
00:09:00Give me my phone.
00:09:12Love you, honey
00:09:15We'll be missing
00:09:19But money up to you soon, you know, that's what's on a yardım etmeye çalışıyorum şu an ben de sana dokunma meraklısı değilim
00:09:24Ben de şöyle yapayım
00:09:30Ya tamam geliyorum
00:09:36Şu yaptığı şeye bak ya deli olacağım ya bir bak bana nasıl oldun
00:09:48Ne yaptın lan kıza ya ben ne yapacağım oğlum Allah Allah ya
00:09:54Ya kızım bir konuşma bir sus
00:10:03Ceketin Allah Allah
00:10:07Adet yerini bulsun
00:10:11Ve buna da ihtiyacın olacak
00:10:14Esra acaba çok mu acil ediyor yeni gelin beni çok seviyor daha fazla sabredemeyecekmiş yıldırım nikah istiyor dersin
00:10:22Derim ben işlemleri halledeyim sana haber veririm
00:10:28Hastanede görüşürüz hastane olmaz
00:10:32Yani senin buradan kalkıp daha hastaneye kadar gelmene gerek yok ben gelirim seni buradan alırım buradan beraber gideriz
00:10:40İşlemleri bitirir bitirmez sana haber vereceğim
00:11:04Anne ya bir önemli bir şey soracağım da sana acil ne oldu bir şey mi oldu merak etme ya Allah çok iyi işte Çağla da iyi
00:11:12Ben de iyiyim
00:11:14Lan hayvan hala iyiyim diyor utanmadan ya
00:11:16Biri sana hayvan mı dedi
00:11:18Yok annecim bana kimse bir şey demedi televizyonun sesi açık
00:11:20Çok iyi ya
00:11:22Ali ne yapıyorsunuz
00:11:24Annecim televizyonun sesi açık diyorum ya
00:11:26Sen niye stres ediyorsun şu an
00:11:28Yani biber gazı var ya
00:11:30Birinin gözüne kaçtı diyelim
00:11:32Mesela ne olabilir ne olacak
00:11:34Ben sana söyleyeyim ne olacak kör olur
00:11:36Birine bir şey mi yaptınız yine
00:11:38Annecim yani
00:11:40Biz kime ne yapmışız ki bu zamana kadar
00:11:42Allah Allah
00:11:44Sizin normali ne demek ki bu
00:11:46Ya kadına şiddetleşmem bu ya
00:11:48Ne kadına şiddeti kızım ya
00:11:50Neredesiniz siz kimlesiniz
00:11:52Ya yok anne alalım bir tane arkadaşı aptalın teki
00:11:54Gözüne biber gazı sıktı yanlışlıkla
00:11:56Su iyi gelir diyorlar
00:11:58Hayır hayır
00:12:00Suyla olmaz
00:12:02Hastaneye gitmeniz lazım
00:12:04Eve geçtiniz mi
00:12:08Bak yüzünü bol suyla yıkayacağız tamam mı
00:12:10Oğlum dokunma diyorum lan bana dokunma
00:12:12Ya ben de sana dokunma meraklısı değilim diyorum ama
00:12:14Yüzünü yıkamamız gerek
00:12:16Gel buraya
00:12:19Dur dur
00:12:21Ne yapıyorsun hayvan dur
00:12:25Şöyle bir yüzünü böyle bir yıkamamız lazım
00:12:27Ne yapıyorsun geri zekalı
00:12:29Ya ben senin iyiliğin için yapıyorum ne yapıyorsam ya
00:12:31Ya yavaş ya kör ettiğin yetmede de boğacak mısın beni
00:12:33Ya tamam ya bir sussana kızım sen ya
00:12:35Gel şuraya
00:12:37Ya çekil
00:12:39Bu son bu son bu son
00:12:41Allah'ım sabrımla oynadım
00:12:43Boşuna arıyorsun oğlum ulaşamazsın
00:12:45Gizli numardan aradı Allah Allah
00:12:51Bana bak bana bak al şunu
00:12:53Al şunu yüzünü silersin yolda
00:12:55Çekil ya ne yolu
00:12:57Hastaneye gideceğiz tamam mı
00:12:59Oğlum bak ben seni şuraya şuraya gitmem defol
00:13:01Ya kızım saçmalama kör olacaksın kalacaksın benim başıma ya
00:13:03Neyi işte görmüyorum ya senin suratına defol
00:13:05Ya bak anlamıyorsun
00:13:07Ben vicdan
00:13:11Vicdan azabı çekerim ben
00:13:17Ver lan benim telefonumu
00:13:31Ya şu ömründe bir kere
00:13:33Önce abini düşün ya
00:13:35Varsa yoksa kendin
00:13:47Bir kere ya
00:13:51Ben orada nelerle uğraşıyorum
00:13:53Sen neler yapıyorsun burada
00:13:55Şuna bak ya
00:13:57Şu tipine bak
00:13:59Senin ayağına ne oldu
00:14:01Ya kafam bıraktı bu bende
00:14:03Bastım şurada bir yere
00:14:25Hemen geliyorum
00:15:17Ulan bütün arızalar bizi buluyor be halası
00:15:19Ama bunların hepsi senin yüzünden biliyor musun
00:15:21Bak hepsi
00:15:23Sen bir kere bile benim sana verdiğim emeklere karşılık verseydin var ya
00:15:25Biz çoktan gitmiştik buradan
00:15:27Ben senin yüzünden arızalarla uğraşıyorum burada
00:15:47Derdin ne senin ya
00:15:51Ben niye bir türlü ulaşamıyorum sana ya
00:15:53Ben niye bir türlü çözemiyorum seni ya
00:15:57Hadi be güzelim be
00:16:05Benim ayağıma ne battı lan acaba
00:16:07Bastı bir şey midir sence
00:16:17Bu muydu lan
00:16:33Halas buldum lan
00:16:35Eksik partiyi buldum galiba lan
00:16:37Bu mu acaba
00:16:39Oğlum var ya bu ise var ya
00:16:41Bir daha benim sırtım asla yere gelmez he
00:16:43Hadi memek
00:16:45Hadi memek
00:16:49Hadi güzelim
00:16:51Hadi güzelim
00:16:55Oğlum ya bu ise var
00:17:01Halas şuna bak oğlum
00:17:03Bitti lan bitti
00:17:07Duyuyor musun oğlum bak bu neyin sesi biliyor musun
00:17:09Bu ses senin abinin özgürlüğünün sesi oğlum
00:17:11Bitti lan bitti
00:17:15Hayır gibi
00:17:17Böğürüyor yine ya
00:17:19Neye sevindim acaba bu kadar
00:17:21Armut mu buldum nedir yani
00:17:27İyi güzel
00:17:29Ne mutlu bizi senden kurtuluyoruz
00:17:33Oh be
00:17:35Sessizlik ya
00:17:37Valla tek istediğim bu ya
00:17:41Açsana bir
00:17:43Gerçekten sabrımı zorluyorsun artık
00:17:45Defol git
00:17:47Ben öyle seni merak ettim de
00:17:51Doğru söylüyorsun biliyor musun
00:17:53Bana ne yani sen kendin ettin kendin buldun
00:17:55Bende vicdan yapıyorum bir de yani
00:17:57Geldim bir de özür dileyecektim salak gibi biliyor musun
00:17:59Hala üste çıkmaya çalışıyor ya
00:18:01Oğlum sen bir yok olsana artık
00:18:03Ben yok olacağım ki zaten
00:18:05Hemde senin sayende yok olacağım biliyor musun
00:18:07Sen beni delirtmeseydin çünkü
00:18:09O aylardır aradığın bir dayı bulamayacaktım biliyor musun
00:18:11Yani o yüzden özür mözür boşver
00:18:13Ben sana koskocaman bir teşekkür borçluyum biliyor musun
00:18:17Benim motorum senin sayende çalıştı çünkü
00:18:19Geri ver
00:18:25Neyi geri vereyim ya
00:18:27Anlamadım kızım ben neyi geri vereyim sana
00:18:29Vidamı geri ver
00:18:31Ya ben çoktan taktım onu o hem
00:18:33Nereden senin vidan oluyor
00:18:35Bana ne sök geri ver
00:18:37Ya kızım hayatta olmaz ben ne kadardır o vidayı arıyorum biliyor musun sen
00:18:39Karavanımın yanında bulduysan benimdir o vidan
00:18:41Geri ver
00:18:43Sen sıkıntılısın ha
00:18:45Sabah geldin karavanımı bastın dışarıda ayı gibi böğürüyorsun
00:18:47Ben miyim ya sıkıntılı oğlan
00:18:49Geri ver
00:18:51Sen normal değilsin
00:18:55Anladım ben neyse parası veririz
00:18:57Para da olur
00:18:59Para da mı olur
00:19:05Bende aptal
00:19:07Ben söylemesem sen nereden bileceksin ki zaten
00:19:09Geldim aptal gibi söylüyorum sana değil mi
00:19:17Gerçi var ya
00:19:19Yüz lira bile etmezdi o vida
00:19:21Neyse benim paşa gönlümden korktu
00:19:31Kapa kalmadı ya
00:19:41Yok ya
00:19:43Bundan sonra var ya
00:19:45Benim canımı hiçbir şey sıkamaz ya
00:19:51Senle ben bundan sonra bebek
00:19:53Senle ben
00:19:55Dünyayı gezeceğiz seninle
00:20:03Teşekkür ederim
00:20:17Ne olmuş böyle
00:20:21Buyun hanımefendi kime gelmiştiniz
00:20:23Evime geldim
00:20:25Neslihan ben
00:20:27Burada oturuyorum Neslihan
00:20:31Bir saniye hanımefendi
00:20:33Bir saniye derken ne oldu gerçekten ilaçladılar mı eve
00:20:35No, what medicine?
00:20:37I knew it. What medicine?
00:20:39It's obvious you're new here, you don't know me.
00:20:42Could you call Osman, please?
00:20:44There's no one like that here, ma'am. It's obvious you came to the wrong place.
00:20:47I didn't come to the wrong place, brother.
00:20:49I couldn't find it, I guess.
00:20:51It's the house of a thousand-year-old fortune teller.
00:20:53Don't I know my house? Get out of here.
00:20:54Ma'am, it's obvious you're the owner of this place.
00:20:57Now this is the house of Sürme Elif Evzi.
00:21:01The house of Sürme Elif Evzi.
00:21:05Sürme Elif Evzi
00:21:11They sold it.
00:21:19They sold my house.
00:21:24They sold it.
00:21:35The house of Sürme Elif Evzi
00:22:05The house of Sürme Elif Evzi
00:22:19Ms. Hande, welcome.
00:22:21I hope I didn't keep you waiting.
00:22:24Get well soon. What happened to your hand?
00:22:26It's a small accident, it doesn't matter.
00:22:28If you need anything, you know our hospital is always at your service.
00:22:33Thank you, but you know I came here for another reason.
00:22:40Whatever the reason, seeing you here made me very happy.
00:22:44I wanted you to know that.
00:22:51I thought about your offer, Mr. Serhan.
00:22:54The share of the partnership you made and the amount of payment.
00:22:59I don't know.
00:23:01There's no second chance.
00:23:04Ms. Hande, you already said that on the day I came to you.
00:23:09I didn't finish, Mr. Serhan.
00:23:18I'll take your shares.
00:23:21But all of them.
00:23:25I don't understand.
00:23:30So you want to take all the shares, right?
00:23:3820 million dollars for all the shares.
00:23:45But I never thought about selling all my shares.
00:23:50Even if I had thought about it, this offer is very funny.
00:24:00I think it's a good offer considering your hospital's fast decline in recent years.
00:24:09Then you know about our annual turnover.
00:24:14This place makes at least 30 million dollars in water.
00:24:18It would.
00:24:20But it doesn't anymore.
00:24:24And I don't even think you'll find me suitable for the partnership.
00:24:29However, I offer you to take all your shares.
00:24:33I think you can think about it for a few more days.
00:24:37I don't think there's a reason to think about it.
00:24:43I made my offer.
00:24:45The decision is yours.
00:24:46If you change your mind, you know where you're going.
00:24:49Thank you very much.
00:24:52But I can't accept it.
00:24:55You've been bothering me so far.
00:25:00I will have 50% of the shares and the management of the hospital.
00:25:05But I can accept this condition.
00:25:08This is my last offer.
00:25:29What's going on here? Why are there signs outside?
00:25:32Welcome, Mrs. Neslihan.
00:25:35Yes, answer me.
00:25:38Where's the trustee?
00:25:39The trustee doesn't work here anymore, unfortunately, Mrs. Neslihan.
00:25:44What do you mean, he doesn't work here?
00:25:47What's going on here? Can someone explain something?
00:25:49It would be better if someone authoritative told you what's going on.
00:25:52What's going on here?
00:25:54What's going on here? Can someone explain something?
00:25:56It would be better if someone authoritative told you what's going on.
00:25:59Getik, please let someone know.
00:26:26Where's the trustee?
00:26:28I have a few things to do. I'm taking care of them. Why?
00:26:30Are you going to the hospital?
00:26:32Which hospital?
00:26:33What do you mean, which hospital? How many hospitals do you work in?
00:26:36Our hospital, I mean.
00:26:37What happened? Did something bad happen to me?
00:26:39No, nothing bad happened. I was going to come to you.
00:26:42I see.
00:26:44I guess the kids haven't talked to you yet.
00:26:47What does this have to do with the kids?
00:26:50I'm coming to you right now.
00:26:52Don't come.
00:26:53Stay where you are.
00:26:54I'm coming to you right now.
00:26:58There's something very important I need to talk to you about before the wedding.
00:27:02I'll come to you as soon as possible.
00:27:04Let's talk about it and it'll be over.
00:27:07Okay, we'll talk.
00:27:15They've been lying to me since the beginning.
00:27:17I already heard that it was a trap.
00:27:19I already heard that it was a trap.
00:27:22God, keep an eye on my mind. I'm going crazy.
00:27:41What are you doing here?
00:27:48What are you doing here? What are you doing here?
00:27:52Mr. Serhan, I'll leave Enes alone.
00:27:55I'm sorry.
00:27:57It's an old family matter.
00:28:06What are you doing here?
00:28:08It's an old family matter.
00:28:16It's an old family matter.
00:28:20It's an old family matter.
00:28:25What are you doing?
00:28:26Did you decide to assemble around the former enemies of the nobility?
00:28:31It's not like that.
00:28:32There are things you don't know.
00:28:34I'm aware.
00:28:35There are things I don't know and I'm waiting for you to tell me.
00:28:39What are you doing here?
00:28:40What are you doing here?
00:28:46Is this place mine?
00:28:52Could it be because it's mine?
00:28:54Actually, I have to ask you.
00:28:57What are you doing here?
00:29:01What am I doing here?
00:29:07Did you say this place is mine?
00:29:10Oh, those kids.
00:29:13So they still haven't told you.
00:29:17That they handed over the hospital to me.
00:29:21Did they hand over the hospital to you?
00:29:23Everything that we have.
00:29:26Look at what's going on.
00:29:28The heirs are leaving.
00:29:31Your heirs that your father couldn't fit in.
00:29:35It's over, it's over, it's over.
00:29:44In return for what?
00:29:52I said Serhan.
00:29:54In return for what?
00:29:56What did you do to get these in return?
00:30:00I didn't do anything.
00:30:03You did.
00:30:04This is the price for what you made me go through.
00:30:10Whatever we went through.
00:30:13It's because of you.
00:30:18You ruined my family.
00:30:22If you hadn't brought that kid called Yaman Ali.
00:30:27If you hadn't taken the opportunity to be thrown into the arms of old love.
00:30:33Right now.
00:30:35With our children.
00:30:37We could have been a happy, happy family.
00:30:44Ece may still be alive.
00:30:46Shut up.
00:30:50Don't ever mention her name again.
00:30:55You're not a father or anything.
00:30:58With words, only yourself.
00:31:00No one believes you.
00:31:01No one believes you.
00:31:06After all you've been through.
00:31:08You don't take responsibility for anything, do you?
00:31:14We were not happy.
00:31:16There was a hole in the bottom of our happiness.
00:31:20You pulled all of us out of the hole you were in.
00:31:23Me and the kids.
00:31:27Their fathers can still pull their children out of that hole.
00:31:33Because everything that their mothers have is mine now.
00:31:46You threatened him with me, didn't you?
00:31:48You withdrew your complaint in exchange for turning everything over.
00:31:52How can I believe you?
00:31:55How stupid am I?
00:31:57I thought you regretted it.
00:32:01I thought there was a little goodness left in you.
00:32:05I thought your humanity was coming out.
00:32:09But who is humanity? Who are you?
00:32:14What should I have done, Nisya?
00:32:16Should I have let my children go when the son of the trustee was taking advantage of the children's wealth?
00:32:22Should I have left my children face to face?
00:32:26That wealth is the right of my children.
00:32:32My children.
00:32:36I only thought about my children.
00:32:40I did everything for them.
00:32:45Even though they still don't understand it.
00:32:49Are you thinking about the children?
00:32:52If you were thinking about them, they would have a place to stay right now.
00:32:59You wouldn't sell your house as a first job after you've spent everything on it.
00:33:05You are a disgraceful father.
00:33:08Stop hiding behind your children's souls.
00:33:12You feel very sorry.
00:33:19You can't digest it.
00:33:21I see.
00:33:23My advice to you is not to face this reality anymore.
00:33:30You lost, Nisya.
00:33:33Now it's your turn.
00:33:35Would you leave the hospital?
00:33:48Your children will never love you.
00:33:54Even if they want to, they won't.
00:33:59Because you killed our daughter instead of yourself.
00:34:03Shut up.
00:34:05Because you
00:34:06killed their siblings.
00:34:12You are a murderer.
00:34:16At the end of the day,
00:34:19there is only one loser here.
00:34:23And that's you, Serhan Taklac.
00:34:26Shut up, Nisya.
00:34:30Shut up.
00:35:52You are the faces.
00:35:58And these fabrics go along super.
00:36:04Didn't make it to you said
00:36:10Dandran need to collide a solution I never let me on geldiğinde de terlemiştim
00:36:17Yani hava çok sıcak tek bana özel bir şey değil ki
00:36:27Anneciğim yok bir şey bak iyiyim mutluyum huzurluyum
00:36:33Acaba sende biraz benim gibi mi olsan böyle günün keyfini mi çıkartsam
00:36:41Bak nasıl olmuş makyajı
00:36:48Rojo azaltsak mı yok bence gayet iyi
00:37:02Ama affetmiş sizi
00:37:05Annenizi alıp buraya getirdiniz oğlum siz
00:37:08Nerede şimdi o içeride mi evet bizde tam onunla konuşacaktık yapacaktık
00:37:13konuşacaktık konuşacaktık
00:37:15burada mı konuşacaktın oğlum
00:37:26Biz konuşacağız
00:37:28Biz anlatacağız ona gerçeği
00:37:31Ve o bu kapıdan çıkıp yine evet diyecek sana gerçeği öğreniyor olmak sana karşı olan herhangi bir duygusunu değiştirmeyecek
00:37:39Bırak da ona annen karar versin
00:37:44Artık inşaatı yerden konuş
00:37:57Neslihan ben gerçekten çok üzgünüm
00:38:02Bunun ne yeri ne zamanı
00:38:05Ama konuşmamız lazım
00:38:08Evet haklısın
00:38:10Bizim senden gizlediğimiz bir şey var
00:38:12Anneciğim ev satıldı biz sana nasıl söyleyeceğimizi bilemediğimiz için de bahaneler uydurduk yani
00:38:20Hastane hisseleri şirket hisseleri bunları da verdik
00:38:24Yani anlayacağın elimizde avucumuzda hiçbir şey kalmadı sıfır para babam senin serbest kalman karşılığında her şeyimizi istedim
00:38:33Ama çocuklar doğru olanı yaptılar
00:38:36Seni korumak için kurtarmak için
00:38:39Ben yapamadım ama onlar
00:38:42Ne olur kızma onlara
00:38:45Kızdım al işte
00:38:51Size çok kızgınım hem de çok ama evi sattığınız hastaneyi kaybettiğiniz beş parasız kaldığınız için değil
00:39:04Eğer ben bunu duyarsam üzüleceğimi düşündüğünüz için
00:39:10Buna daha çok değer verdiğimi düşündüğünüz için
00:39:18Siz benim yanımdasınız sağlıklısınız
00:39:23İyisiniz artık hep beraberiz
00:39:28Benim için önemli olan bu
00:39:39Sizi çok seviyorum
00:39:41Çok seviyorum
00:39:50Sizi çok seviyorum
00:39:54Sizin şu kafanızı gözünüzü yarmayı bırakırsanız daha memnun olacağım muayene
00:40:03Hadi şimdi uzayın bakayım
00:40:09Evleniyorsunuz yani
00:40:11Yürü yürü
00:40:13Oğlum hala
00:40:15Ben size dedim ya söyleyelim diye
00:40:35Aslıhaniye gidince öğrendin değil mi
00:40:44Gittiğimde tabelaları indiriyorlardı
00:40:46Ne olduğunu anlayamadım
00:40:48Hemen seni sordum
00:40:52Artık o hastanede çalışmadığımı söylediler sana
00:40:58Nisansımın elimden alındığını
00:41:02Artık doktorluk yapmadığımı
00:41:05I'm a taxi driver.
00:41:09You're a taxi driver?
00:41:15Actually, you've found a great job.
00:41:19You've solved our problem of not being able to get a cab.
00:41:24It was a tough transition from being a surgeon to being a taxi driver, but...
00:41:29It's a bit like that.
00:41:38Please don't be unfair to yourself.
00:41:41To yourself, to me, to us. Don't do this.
00:41:47I love you.
00:41:51I love this man standing in front of me with all his heart.
00:41:56When you're strong, when you're weak, in sickness, in health...
00:42:01I want to be with you in good times and bad times.
00:42:09I want to grow old with you.
00:42:12I want to pick you up when you fall.
00:42:15I want to lift you up when you fall.
00:42:19But of course, you have to let me.
00:42:23Will you let me?
00:42:31I'm saying this because I'm sorry.
00:43:01I love you.
00:43:31I love you.
00:43:54I was so relieved when you told my mother.
00:43:57I wish we had done it from the beginning.
00:43:59I call him my brother.
00:44:01He's leaving.
00:44:03And since we told my mother...
00:44:09Look at me.
00:44:11Are you sad because I'm leaving?
00:44:14What's it to me? Go wherever you want.
00:44:16You know, you're an emotionless guy.
00:44:19But I'm going. You're going to call me a lot.
00:44:21Exactly. A lot.
00:44:23Go quickly, so that the caravan can open up.
00:44:25When you live in that caravan, does it open up?
00:44:28I'm going now. No one's going to pick you up.
00:44:30If you put it on the donkey, it'll disappear in that caravan.
00:44:33Come on. My mom's calling. Come on.
00:44:36Come on.
00:44:58I love you.
00:45:00I love you.
00:45:28I love you.
00:45:47It's time to say goodbye, isn't it?
00:45:50Be careful.
00:45:53The roads are mine now.
00:46:08Live the way you're happy.
00:46:11Don't do it.
00:46:13You'll get over it faster than anyone else.
00:46:16Please don't sleep everywhere.
00:46:18Listen to them.
00:46:22Don't leave the house unnoticed.
00:46:28I love you so much.
00:46:30I love you so much.
00:46:32I love you so much, too.
00:46:34I love you so much.
00:46:55Look, man.
00:46:57Let's die together.
00:47:09Maybe we'll come with you.
00:47:11Let me go first.
00:47:27It's not that I'm curious.
00:47:31Where are you going?
00:47:35So you're saying it's a secret.
00:47:57I love you.
00:47:59I love you.
00:48:25If you talk to Asil, call me too.
00:48:41Be careful.
00:48:49I love you so much.
00:48:51I love you too.
00:48:57I love you too.
00:49:03I love you.
00:49:07I love you too.
00:49:29Is this it?
00:49:31Which one do you want?
00:49:33Let me see.
00:49:35You can play with this.
00:49:37What are you going to do?
00:49:51Mom, I'm in Istanbul. Can I come home?
00:49:57I love you.
00:50:01Mom, what did you do?
00:50:07We're going to pay for the room.
00:50:09If you pay attention to the sound, I'll be happy.
00:50:11You bought the shares.
00:50:13Lawyers started the process.
00:50:15What are you trying to do?
00:50:17I know what I'm doing.
00:50:19You don't know, mom.
00:50:21You can't think healthy.
00:50:23Look, I'm trying to get out of trouble.
00:50:25What happened last night?
00:50:27We didn't open the night.
00:50:29How did you get out of the hospital?
00:50:33You're going to open old books.
00:50:35Close this subject.
00:50:37Don't get involved.
00:50:39There's something I know.
00:50:41What do you know?
00:50:45You're playing with fire.
00:50:47If you're on fire, I'm on fire.
00:50:49I made my decision.
00:50:51Come on.
00:50:53If he jumps like fire, he'll burn us all.
00:51:09Is he gone?
00:51:21I don't know.
00:51:51I don't know.
00:52:21I'm not doing this.
00:52:43I don't understand.
00:52:45He's working.
00:52:47What happens after that?
00:52:49It's broken. I couldn't fix it.
00:52:51Alas, did you find it?
00:52:53I think I found the missing piece. Is this it?
00:52:56If this is it, I'll never get my back straight again.
00:53:00Let's go.
00:53:04If this is it...
00:53:09Alas, look at this!
00:53:12Do you hear the sound?
00:53:14We did it, Alas! Do you know what sound this is?
00:53:17This is the sound of your brother's freedom, son.
00:53:20Good, good.
00:53:21We are so happy to be free of you.
00:53:27God damn it.
00:53:31God damn you.
00:53:47God damn it.
00:53:55Look at this.
00:54:06Are you talking to me?
00:54:08Is there anyone else here?
00:54:10Do you see this line?
00:54:13From now on, you can't cross this line according to your head.
00:54:16What is this, dear?
00:54:18Why don't you build a road and a security guard?
00:54:21I can do that if necessary.
00:54:23You know, we are in the wild.
00:54:25There is a pig, there is a bear.
00:54:27I can't see anything wilder than you here.
00:54:31But don't worry.
00:54:33I can't cross it even if I want to.
00:54:35I'm going.
00:54:37Is this real?
00:54:38It was written in my astrology book that I would get great news this week.
00:54:42So this is it.
00:54:43I'm so glad.
00:54:44You're not coming back, are you?
00:54:46I'm going to celebrate.
00:54:48Enjoy yourself.
00:54:49I don't have such an intention.
00:54:55Then I won't see you again.
00:54:58I won't see you again.
00:55:47Are you crazy?
00:55:54Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:14Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:15Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:16Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:17Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:18Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:19Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:20Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:21Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:22Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:23Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:24Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:25Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:26Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:27Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:28Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:29Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:30Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:31Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:32Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:33Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:34Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:35Uncle, give me a meatball.
00:56:37Brother, are you all right?
00:57:03Brother, are you all right?
00:57:06She'll stay away.
00:57:16I wish I could do something.
00:57:18This was my last try.
00:57:23Forgive me. Sorry.
00:57:24No, it's okay.
00:57:31We're closed, brother. Let's go.
00:57:33No, it's open.
00:57:34We're far from the shop.
00:57:35What the hell is going on?
00:57:37Get out of my way!
00:57:39Muhittin! Ahmet!
00:57:41Get out of my way!
00:57:45I have a relic here.
00:57:47I will take it and leave. Tatabi doesn't want it.
00:57:49Relic is in my shop!
00:57:51Get out!
00:57:53Come here, girl.
00:57:55Let me go!
00:57:57Let me go!
00:57:59Let me go!
00:58:01Come on!
00:58:03You go, man!
00:58:05Hit us!
00:58:29Are you looking for this?
00:59:01Where is he?
00:59:03He is coming.
00:59:05He is very different.
00:59:07He won't come here anymore.
00:59:09You say so, right?
00:59:11Where is your brother?
00:59:13He is in the hospital.
00:59:15Is there anything wrong?
00:59:17He is fine.
00:59:19What are you doing?
00:59:21You are very beautiful!
00:59:25Get out of my way!
00:59:27Slow down a bit. There's enough for everyone.
00:59:29Brother Yaman, are you really going?
00:59:36I'm going, darling. But I'll be back one day.
00:59:44Look at me. I don't want an accident. Okay?
00:59:48No fighting, no trouble. I'll be back.
00:59:51No, Brother Yaman.
00:59:53Take this.
00:59:54Eat. There's a lot. Eat a lot.
00:59:58Look, I gave you a smiling face.
01:00:01Eat. There's a lot.
01:00:02Brother Yaman, Brother Yaman!
01:00:07You have to come.
01:00:09Are you calling me to your feet? You come.
01:00:11Brother, you have to see. Please, you have to come.
01:00:20So you're calling me to your feet now, huh?
01:00:22Brother, you have to see. I can't look.
01:00:26Brother, you have to see.
01:00:39Everyone go.
01:00:40No one will come near here.
01:00:44No one will come.
01:00:47Don't let anyone near.
01:00:52Don't let anyone near.
01:00:59Brother Selçuk.
01:01:01I have to come to our farm urgently.
01:01:11You'll see when you come, brother.
01:01:25What's going on?
01:01:27Let me go!
01:01:28There's nothing.
01:01:29Let me go!
01:01:30Open the door.
01:01:31Let me go!
01:01:32Calm down.
01:01:33Let me go!
01:01:35Let me go!
01:01:36Let me go!
01:01:38Let me go!
01:01:53What's going on? Are you crazy?
01:01:55Let me go!
01:02:01I brought her.
01:02:02What's going on? Let me go!
01:02:04Open your eyes!
01:02:08What's going on?
01:02:22Let me go!
01:02:23Open your eyes!
01:02:52I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:03:08Welcome home, sister.
01:03:22I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:03:26I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:03:31You didn't touch anything, did you?
01:03:32No, brother. Whatever you say.
01:03:33The teams will come now.
01:03:35Okay, brother.
01:03:52You didn't touch anything, did you?
01:04:22You didn't touch anything, did you?
01:04:53I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:04:55I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:04:57I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:04:59I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:01I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:03I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:05I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:07I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:09I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:11I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:13I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:15I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:17I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:19I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:21I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:23I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:25I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:27I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:29I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:31I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:33I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:35I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:37I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:39I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:41I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:43I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:45I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:47I'm so glad you're here, mom!
01:05:49I'm so glad you're here, mom!
