Secrets of the Spellbinders Spellbinder - Season 1 Episode 8

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Secrets of the Spellbinders Spellbinder - Season 1 Episode 8


00:00The truth is, you're never going to get out of here.
00:13Let him go!
00:19Help me!
00:22Help! Help me!
00:52Move out of the way!
01:17Help me!
01:20Help me!
01:29Help me!
01:30They're off!
01:37I'm coming!
01:46Be careful!
01:51What's the matter?
01:57They're just dead people.
01:59What are you frightened of?
02:02I just hurt myself when I fell.
02:08Come down!
02:09You've got to see this!
02:21Spot binders.
02:25They must have been here since the time of the darkness.
02:30Don't touch anything!
02:31I'm just lighting a candle.
02:43These are plants.
02:45They're not dead.
02:48These are plants for constructing a power suit.
02:57And a flying ship, see?
02:59I can't read this.
03:01These are the spellbinder secrets I've been searching for.
03:05You can build new suits and ships.
03:07Tyrone, shouldn't we get back before Ashka finds out you've tripped her?
03:11I can't leave now.
03:12This find is much too important.
03:14I'll go and watch the gates.
03:16Go and watch the gates.
03:46This is a nightmare.
03:48We're supposed to have read some book by Homer Simpson or somebody.
03:51His name's just Homer.
03:52See? I borrowed a copy from Mr. Byrne.
03:54What? I can't read this.
03:56All right, my little wordsmiths.
03:57Take your bags to the dormitories and settle in.
03:59We'll meet in half an hour and have a spot of Homeric first before lunch.
04:04As soon as we get a chance, we'll sneak our way up to the cave.
04:06Hey, what about lunch?
04:13Impossible! They're fools!
04:16It was the spellbinder themselves who caused the darkness, not the Marauders!
04:21The old spellbinders were trying to increase their powers,
04:24but something went wrong. Listen.
04:30Moments after the experiment began, the earth convulsed.
04:34Cracks appeared in the ground and mountains of fire arose.
04:39Earthquakes and volcanoes.
04:41That's why your world is so different from mine. Go on.
04:44The sky was black with clouds and the sun disappeared.
04:48The trees began to die.
04:50It sounds like a nuclear winter.
04:52In my world, people learned how to turn fireworks into bombs.
04:56One bomb can destroy a whole castle.
04:58A nuclear bomb is a million times more powerful.
05:02If enough of these went off,
05:03there would blow so much dust into the atmosphere that it would block out the sun.
05:07It would cause a winter that would last for years and all the animals and trees would die.
05:11That's what the old spellbinders must have done.
05:14They were arrogant fools, like Ashka.
05:17And Ashka already knows how to turn fireworks into bombs.
05:21But she must not be allowed to learn the secret of making gunpowder.
05:25We must find a way of sending you home.
05:28Great. We have to get to the summoning tower at Clay Hill.
05:32That's where I arrive.
05:33Put in my ribbon! Put it back!
05:51Let me go, Rihanna!
05:54Homer's Iliad is full of suffering and pain.
05:58Young men die, women and children lose husbands and fathers,
06:02but the gods, exempt from pain, look on.
06:06I'm suffering, all right. He's the pain.
06:09Let's start with something simple.
06:11What setting did Homer choose for his great human tragedy?
06:16The sky.
06:17The war between the Trojans and the Greeks.
06:19Con the Greeks!
06:22You're not supposed to be Greek, Nathan.
06:25Well, since you've decided to pick sides, Nathan, you can begin reading from the start of book one.
06:41Sing, goddess, of the anger.
06:44Of Achilles' son of Peleus.
06:49The acute said anger which brought uncounted anguish.
06:56Anguish. Anguish on the Achaeans.
06:59On the Achaeans.
07:02Um, Nathan wasn't feeling too well on the bus, sir.
07:05He suffers from car sickness.
07:09I'll take him to the toilet.
07:10Yes, yes, do.
07:12Settle down, settle down.
07:15Sky, perhaps you can continue.
07:21Let's go up to the cave now.
07:33Try gently, boy.
07:37Keep still.
07:38I can't.
07:39You're too heavy.
07:43I think I can reach.
07:53Hello, damn man.
07:56Need some help?
08:11Yes, Ashka?
08:17I was expecting to meet Regent Corion.
08:20Corion? Left the castle this morning.
08:24It's very odd.
08:25He hasn't been outside the castle in years.
08:28You may wait for him here.
08:39So what are we looking for?
08:40I don't know, but let's go through what happened.
08:44Paul was standing here when he disappeared.
08:47The power surge came down the cable from there.
08:51And this whole area is surrounded by magnetic rock.
08:55Yeah, so?
08:57I don't know.
09:08Martin, Luke and Mrs. Corion.
09:11I found the boy.
09:13Bring him back to the castle.
09:16I am sending him back to his world.
09:18His knowledge is too dangerous for us.
09:20When you see what I have found, you will understand why.
09:24We demand that you bring him back.
09:31Regents, I think I know where Corion and the boy are.
09:34Let me bring them back.
09:46Alex, I'm trying to think.
09:48Look, my team's in the semis here.
09:50Turn it off.
09:52If they win, they're in the grand finals.
09:55Come here.
09:56It is sighted that the Regent Corion is traveling with a boy called Paul.
10:01Did you say Paul?
10:02The boy is about 15 years with dark hair and speaks with a strange voice.
10:06It is Paul.
10:07Sightings are to be reported to the spellbinders immediately.
10:11What's a spellbinder?
10:12Oh, Paul's.
10:13They use radios.
10:15Paul is in a parallel world and we can prove it exists.
10:18Well, if we can hear them, maybe they can hear us.
10:21If we had a radio transmitter...
10:22Where are we going to get a transmitter?
10:25They had walkie-talkies last time we were on the camp.
10:28I don't know why people say you're stupid.
10:31Who says I'm stupid?
10:32Come on, let's get back to the camp before they realize they're missing.
10:35Who says I'm stupid?
11:01Ashka has triggered my ice dome.
11:02She'll find us.
11:03Can't you turn it off?
11:05We have to get rid of it.
11:06Give it to me and I'll leave her away from you.
11:08Don't be ridiculous.
11:09You're the one she's after.
11:10Give it to me!
11:23Clever girl.
11:43If there's a radio in the camp, it'll be in here.
11:46Did you bring the book?
11:54Start reading.
11:55If anyone comes in, we're just studying for tomorrow.
12:00Agamemnon stabbed him in the forehead with his sharp spear.
12:05And it went through the bone and all his brains were splattered inside.
12:10Now this is really good stuff.
12:12I think it's stupid.
12:13All those men killing each other over a girl.
12:15Yeah, well, you don't have to worry.
12:16No man's ever gone to war over you.
12:20Any luck?
12:22Keep reading.
12:24Agamemnon sliced off his arms and his head and rolled him down the hill like a log.
12:31Oh, you beauties.
12:35It didn't work, though.
12:39Now it will.
12:41Let's go up to the cave now and try it out.
12:43What are you two doing here?
12:45We're preparing for tomorrow's class, sir.
12:47I was quite explicit about the rules for this camp, boys, and girls are not to fraternise after that.
12:53We weren't fraternising, sir.
12:55We were reading.
12:56The Iliad.
12:57I'm sorry, but I will have to inform your parents tomorrow.
13:00Nathan, isn't it?
13:01Yes, sir.
13:02Nathan Jones.
13:03And Deanna McDougal.
13:05I'm very disappointed in you both.
13:07Come on, Deanna.
13:08I'll escort you back to the dormitory.
13:09Nathan, I expect you in bed by the time I get back.
13:33What if Corrine can't find a way to get you home?
13:38I don't want to think about it.
13:52I'm hungry.
13:53So are we.
13:54And if you don't behave yourself, we might think about eating you, Gryphon.
14:03Corrine, look!
14:05This cannot be done here.
14:09We can't land here.
14:11But we'll send for a man to find us.
14:13We have to go.
14:19We're not far from Clay Hill.
14:21Our healer could help you.
14:22We have to get to the summoning tower.
14:24Why don't you leave me here?
14:25I'm only slowing you down.
14:26Shut up!
14:30Paul, he's not well.
14:36All right.
14:41The summoner asked after Rianna again today.
14:44What did you tell him?
14:45Just what you told me, that she went hunting.
14:48But she's been gone four days.
14:50What if she's had an accident?
14:52It's all right.
14:54I haven't.
14:58We've been worried sick.
15:01Where have you been?
15:03To the spellbinder's castle.
15:09Hello, Myron.
15:14My daughter is a good girl.
15:16She can be wild and stubborn, but...
15:18Apparently, she learned it from her mother.
15:24Don't be afraid.
15:26I am in your daughter's debt.
15:30He needs the healer.
15:31Our girl.
15:33Bring him to the fire.
15:43These herbs are powerful.
15:45I feel better already.
15:47Drink some of this now and rest tomorrow morning.
15:54Can you do magic?
15:56I am a spellbinder.
15:57Of course I can do magic.
16:07Jumping stones?
16:10Take them.
16:13They will bring you good luck.
16:58Release me.
17:00Release me or I'll make sure Rianna is banished.
17:07Where's Paul?
17:08I don't know.
17:10He and Rianna left early with Regent Corion.
17:15So why didn't the Greeks just pack up and go home?
17:19Because they're Greek.
17:21No, no, I'm serious.
17:23I mean, the Greeks were very proud warriors.
17:25They had to stay at Troy for their honour.
17:27Very good, Nathan.
17:28Pride and honour are at the crux of this story.
17:31And, of course, the Greeks would never give up a beautiful girl without a fight.
17:40Um, excuse me, sir.
17:42Can I please be excused for one minute?
17:44Well, make it quick, Nathan.
17:45We all value your comments.
17:48Now, everyone turn to page 43.
17:52Couldn't this wait till after class?
17:54I was doing really well.
17:55We're here to find Paul.
17:57Yeah, I know, but I stayed up all night reading.
17:59Never finished a book before, but it's fun.
18:01Oh, well, I'm glad you had fun.
18:03I was standing outside your dormitory for half a night waiting for you to come out.
18:06Yeah, I couldn't.
18:07Berm was sleeping outside my door.
18:08Why didn't you go up to the cave on your own?
18:10Because you had the battery.
18:12Oh, right.
18:18This is where I came through.
18:21In my world, electricity jumped from the power lines and came down the cable.
18:25There was a huge flash.
18:28And when I could see again, I was standing here.
18:32There was energy sparking between the top of the tower and here.
18:37And after I knocked the ice stone down, the doorway, or whatever it was, closed.
18:46I think that when the summoner used his ice stone,
18:49the energy from this world must have connected with the energy in yours.
18:54That's what opened the doorway to your world.
18:57Let's see if we can make it happen again.
19:00But I smashed your ice stone.
19:03Oh, don't give up, Paul. I may not need one.
19:06Stand by the pedestal.
19:08Rihanna, stand back.
19:10I hope it works, Paul.
19:14It won't.
19:33Karin, it won't work without the cable in my world.
19:36I'll try increasing the power flow.
19:39Paul, you'd better move away.
20:15It's working!
20:38Alex! Look!
20:43Katrina, be careful!
20:48There's someone there!
20:55There's people there! Hello!
21:03I can't maintain the power flow!
21:05But it's nearly open.
21:11What's happening?
21:13I don't know.
21:25Is anybody there?
21:27Paul, can you hear me?
21:30Maybe it's on the wrong frequency.
21:33Can anybody hear me?
21:37Can anybody hear me?
21:45I'll go back to Claire here and get help.
21:55Hello, Paul.
22:01Please, I just want to go home.
22:07Get away from him!
22:09Put those down!
22:11Rihanna, don't be stupid.
22:14You dare to disobey me?
22:21Leave him alone!
22:25Father, you must report it to the other regents.
22:30I'm sorry, Regent Karin.
22:37Rihanna, fetch my horse.
22:40We can't leave now.
22:41We have to go.
22:43It won't take Ashkelon to guess where we are.
22:45Don't try to follow us.
22:47Don't worry, I will find a way to get you home.
22:50Talk to me, please!
22:53Give me a gun.
22:56This is Big Daddy Alex calling all hot thuggers in a parallel world.
23:00Do you copy?
23:06Come in, folks, this is Big Al talking at you.
23:09All ears and I'm ready to receive.
23:12Who is this?
23:15We're looking for Paul Reynolds.
23:17Who are you?
23:18I am the Spellbinder, Ashka.
23:19Are we able to speak to Rihanna still?
23:21Well, I...
23:22Well, well.
23:23Rihanna and Nathan together again.
23:26I repeat, who is this?
23:28Whoever you are, this conversation's over.
23:30Please, Mr Byrne, we're looking for a missing friend.
23:32We've made contact with a parallel world.
23:34I've had enough of your lies.
23:36I've just been on the phone.
23:37The real Rihanna and Nathan are still at home.
23:40You two are in a lot of trouble.
23:46There is another summoning tower just ahead.
23:48We'll wait for the local summoner.
23:51I'll use his eyestone to contact the regions.
23:54Well, they didn't help us before.
23:56Why should they now?
23:57They will when I show them this.
24:04Let's go.
24:13What's all this stuff doing here?
24:15I don't know.
24:21We're orders.
24:34I'm sorry.
24:35I'm sorry.
24:36I'm sorry.
24:37I'm sorry.
24:38I'm sorry.
24:39I'm sorry.
24:40I'm sorry.
24:41I'm sorry.
24:42I'm sorry.
24:43I'm sorry.
24:44I'm sorry.
24:45I'm sorry.
24:46I'm sorry.
24:47I'm sorry.
24:48I'm sorry.
24:49I'm sorry.
24:50I'm sorry.
24:51I'm sorry.
24:52I'm sorry.
24:53I'm sorry.
24:54I'm sorry.
24:55I'm sorry.
24:56I'm sorry.
24:57I'm sorry.
24:58I'm sorry.
24:59I'm sorry.
25:00I'm sorry.
25:01I'm sorry.
25:02I'm sorry.
25:03I'm sorry.
25:04I'm sorry.
25:05I'm sorry.
25:06I'm sorry.
25:07I'm sorry.
25:08I'm sorry.
25:09I'm sorry.
25:10I'm sorry.
25:11I'm sorry.
25:12I'm sorry.
25:13I'm sorry.
25:14I'm sorry.
25:15I'm sorry.
25:16I'm sorry.
25:17I'm sorry.
25:18I'm sorry.
25:19I'm sorry.
25:20I'm sorry.
25:21I'm sorry.
25:22I'm sorry.
25:23I'm sorry.
25:24I'm sorry.
25:25I'm sorry.
25:26I'm sorry.
25:27I'm sorry.
25:28I'm sorry.
25:29I'm sorry.
25:30I'm sorry.
25:31I'm sorry.
