(Adnkronos) - "Sono 290 i comuni che hanno aderito alla nostra iniziativa. Tra i luoghi simbolo c’è Palazzo Chigi, a Roma, che ci ha veramente onorati del fatto di ‘dipingersi’ di verde per la nostra proposta”. Con soddisfazione Maurizio Colombo, consigliere nazionale Aisla, Associazione italiana sclerosi laterale commenta l'illuminazion verde di Palazzo Belvedere a Milano, in occasione della 17esima Giornata nazionale della sclerosi laterale amiotrofica (Sla), evento ideato, organizzato e promosso il 14 e 15 settembre da Aisla.
00:00What do you think about the gesture of this evening?
00:04The gesture of this evening assumes for us of Isla,
00:07assumes a character of extraordinary strength
00:11in being able to communicate
00:13both what we are doing as an association
00:16and the sensitivity that the institutions show to us.
00:23And having an institution like the Region of Lombardy
00:28that pleases us with the fact of colouring in green
00:31and therefore of hope,
00:33all the gestures that we are trying to put in place
00:36for our patients and their families fill us with pride.
00:39There are 290 municipalities that have joined our initiative
00:43and among these the most important is Palazzo Chigi in Rome
00:47which has really honoured us with the fact of painting himself in green
00:51for our initiative.