Motivational Video

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Motivational speech for students
Motivational Video
Never Give Up
00:00Once you get this, y'all, you can change everything.
00:05Do you understand?
00:06Negativity, you can protect yourself from negativity.
00:10And that's what stops most people, negative thoughts.
00:14You can coat your mind from negativity.
00:17It's a real simple exercise to do.
00:19I do it every morning before I walk out the door.
00:21So I walk out as a positive person.
00:25You know, I get tired sometimes.
00:27That's different from being negative.
00:29Because I get mentally drained from my job at times.
00:33But to coat your mind from negativity,
00:35the way you can put a coating around your mind
00:38is with one simple thing, gratitude.
00:42Gratitude erases negativity.
00:45I'm gonna show you how this works.
00:47If you wake up in the morning,
00:48you start having negative thoughts.
00:50Man, this ain't my day.
00:51I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
00:53I'm tripping, I just don't feel myself.
00:56Every time you feel, in the middle of the day,
00:58if you feel yourself doing that, stop.
01:01Just stop for a second.
01:03And start going over in your mind
01:05everything you have to be grateful for.
01:08Not everything you want.
01:10Everything you already have.
01:12Because what you have is substantial.
01:14You just haven't gone over the list
01:16and taken inventory in a long time.
01:18But the fact that you can walk, that's a blessing.
01:22The fact that you woke up, that's another blessing.
01:24The fact that you can see, think, reason,
01:28that's another blessing.
01:29The fact that you can go somewhere
01:30and get yourself something to eat, that's another blessing.
01:33The fact that you can go and turn the key
01:35and call some place home, that's another blessing.
01:38The ability to dream is a blessing.
01:43The fact that you have an opportunity
01:45to get it right is another blessing.
01:48And I'm just talking to you, I don't even know you.
01:50I could give you 50 things
01:51you ought to be grateful for right now.
01:53I don't even know you.
01:54Start coating your mind with gratitude, interchangeably.
