Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 9 Smashed

  • 4 days ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 6 Episode 9 Smashed


00:00I'll give you a winch before thee let the unclean thing crawl!
00:09She's a perfectly normal girl.
00:11Then she's a rat.
00:13Maybe we should get her one of those wheel thingies.
00:16Can... can we not do this now?
00:18Forget it ever happened.
00:23What is wrong with you?
00:25I know you used that spell on me.
00:27I would go out a month without doing any magic.
00:31Go a week.
00:32Fine, that's easy.
00:34When the fire goes out,
00:36when the crystal turns black,
00:39the spell will be cast.
00:41I don't think this is gonna work.
00:44Are you saying you're gonna leave me?
00:47I'm placing an order.
00:49Oh, no, no, I'm not making any more girls.
00:51Sure you are.
00:54Here's your specs.
00:56So, you guys wanna team up and take over Sunnydale?
01:03The trio versus the Slayer.
01:06We're like supervillains.
01:10I can't do this without you.
01:12You can't.
01:14That's why I'm going.
01:18I'm headed back to England.
01:20And I plan to stay.
01:23We have to talk.
01:25About what?
01:27We kissed, Buffy.
01:39I'm sure we can work something out.
01:41A deal of some sort.
01:43Anything you want.
01:45I always wanted a pony.
01:49You weren't really speaking to me, were you?
01:52My bad.
01:54Well, as long as I'm here.
01:59A mugging.
02:01Haven't gotten one of those in a while.
02:05Usually it's blood and with the horror.
02:08Just a good old-fashioned mugging.
02:12Kinda sweet, actually.
02:14Oh, well, probably not for you.
02:25Not too sweet for you, either, huh?
02:29But come on.
02:30Rush me.
02:31It'll be funny.
02:42What the hell are you doing?
02:45Thought they were demons.
02:47Way to go with the keen observingness, Jessica Fletcher.
02:51Remind me not to help you.
02:53More often?
02:54Hey, little sympathy for the man with the migraine here, can't we?
02:58Well, that's what you get for attacking a human.
03:03You'd think if the government was gonna put a chip in my head,
03:06they'd at least make it so I could attack criminals on that sort.
03:09Yes, because muggers deserve to be eaten.
03:12Just have to get your rocks off fighting demons.
03:16There are other ways.
03:20And to that, an extreme see you later.
03:31Spike, it's late, okay?
03:33Can we just finish this another time?
03:36Oh, so you wanna jump right to the kissing, then, huh?
03:41I am not kissing you, Spike.
03:44Once was...
03:47But not again.
03:50You're a tease, you know that, Slayer?
03:53Get a fella's motor revving, let the tension marinate a couple of days,
03:56and bam, crown yourself the Ice Queen.
04:00Need a few more metaphors for that little mix?
04:03It's only a matter of time before you realize I'm the only one here for you, Peg.
04:08You got no one else!
04:18I'm sorry.
04:42What's the matter, Amy?
04:45You're lonely?
04:49We need to get you a nice companion rat that you can love,
04:54play with, and grow attached to
04:58until one day they leave you for no good reason.
05:02Won't that be fun?
05:05Relax, Amy, I'm just kidding.
05:10I swear, if I could figure out how to turn you back...
05:18any way...
05:22Reveal it.
05:39I, the Parasite, am finished,
05:43and the proof tells me the opposite.
06:09I, the Parasite, am finished,
06:12and the proof tells me the opposite.
06:16I, the Parasite, am finished,
06:20and the proof tells me the opposite.
06:24I, the Parasite, am finished,
06:28and the proof tells me the opposite.
06:32I, the Parasite, am finished,
06:36and the proof tells me the opposite.
07:07I, the Parasite, am finished,
07:12and the proof tells me the opposite.
07:21Dude, what are you doing?
07:23We're not breaking into Langley here. It's Sunnydale.
07:26Well, you never know what new stuff they have. Better safe than...
07:30Okay, the security system here is the guy named Rusty.
07:36And get up.
07:41Whoa, head rush.
07:44Guys, come on.
07:45All right, quit jerking around.
07:46See, that's cool.
07:47How come you get to play with all the cool stuff?
07:59Because I'm allergic to methane and you're still afraid of hot things.
08:02I know.
08:03Besides, the tank kept making both of us tip over.
08:06Got it.
08:07It's beautiful.
08:08Boys, congratulations.
08:09Phase one of the plan is now complete.
08:12Let's get the hell out of here.
08:17What are you boys doing?
08:21Um, we're with the tour group.
08:33They get the freeze-ray tour group.
08:35have gotten separated. Museum closed five hours ago. Really? Uh-huh. Guess we just lost track of
08:43time and should probably just get the freeze ray out of here now.
08:55We love the learning, Rusty. Museums, libraries, Disney Hall of Presidents,
09:01not boring. But more to the point, goodbye. Dude, that is so cool!
09:16Freeze ray totally worked. Yeah, uh, not exactly. It was a kink or two. It's just a prototype. I
09:24mean, soon we'll have a whole... Hey, that's really neato and stuff, but in the meantime,
09:29you know, ow! Be a bigger wuss. Can we just go back to the lair? Because
09:36I can't really feel my fingers. Yeah, yeah, come on.
09:44Is she gonna like... Oh, it'll be fine. Yeah, I'll defrost in a couple days. No harm, no foul.
09:51Want any towel on us? And say what? Two guys and a mime took me up with their freeze ray?
09:59Come on.
10:09Hey, here's some hot chocolate you want? No, thanks.
10:16Still kind of queasy. Okay, maybe later.
10:23Hey, no, it's okay. It's just a siren. So it's all right, okay? You okay?
10:36Mm-hmm. Yeah, just, you know, everything feels weird. I mean, it's like I felt like I was in
10:48I mean, it's like I felt like I was in that cage for weeks.
10:55But it can still be okay, right? I can still get into the swing of things, like
11:03prom's coming up. I was so hoping Larry would ask me. We would make such a splash of...
11:08Oh, oh God. He hasn't asked someone else, has he? Amy, three things we have to talk about.
11:27One, Larry's gay. Two, Larry's dead. And three, high school's
11:36high school's kind of over. How long was I in the cage? How long?
12:06Hey. How you doing? Oh, um, okay. Yeah? Yeah.
12:17Not parades and cotton candy, but okay. Well, um, can I talk to you about something?
12:27Of course. Right. Okay, um,
12:35you know how we all make choices? Sometimes they're good and sometimes they're less good?
12:45Uh-huh. Well, lately I am... Oh, Tara, hey. Amy? The whole school?
13:00By a giant snake thing? You're still adjusting? Hey, Buffy. Hi.
13:08Hi. How have you been? Rat. You? Dead. Oh.
13:21Well, I should let you guys catch up. I can... No, no, no. I'll stay.
13:27Do you have any cookies? Uh, yeah. What kind?
13:32Any kind. Not cheese? Um, sure. In the kitchen. I'll just get them.
13:38No, no, no. I'll grab them. Okay, well, um, at least, you know,
13:43let me make up the couch for you. It's late. You should stay here. Everybody does.
13:50Wow. I know.
14:02Is she gonna be okay? I don't know. She's kind of freaked out.
14:08But then I would be, too. Wow.
14:13Yeah, I just realized I could. Thought of the right thing and
14:18it's nice having another magically inclined friend around.
14:27So what were you gonna tell me? You were sounding all serious.
14:34Oh, it's nothing. I mean, the whole Amy, Rat, Amy thing. The way I'm topping that.
14:48Hey. How you doing?
14:59You need anything? No, thanks.
15:02Good cookies.
15:09Sorry about your mom. Thanks.
15:13It's crazy all the things that have happened since I went away.
15:16No kidding. Snyder got eaten by a snake. High school got destroyed.
15:23Oh, Gatorade has a new flavor. Blue. See? That's funny.
15:32People getting frozen. Willow's dating girls.
15:36And did you hear about Tom and Nicole? People getting frozen?
15:40In critical yet stable condition as local authorities continue their investigation
15:47into the robbery that left one man frozen solid. Live from the museum, Brian Morris, K-O-U-S.
16:12Yeah, careful.
16:37Great. Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up.
16:43What are you doing here, Spike? Well, you know, a man was frozen alive in there.
16:49A little compassion. You know, as long as we're both here,
16:53you might as well tag along. I mean, as a team.
16:57Yeah, that never really ends well, does it? It did the other night.
17:01You really seem awfully fixated on a couple of kisses, Spike.
17:06And you seem awfully quick to forget about them.
17:09Look, I'm sorry. Okay, I'm sorry if you thought that it meant more.
17:19But when I kissed you, you know I was thinking about Giles, right?
17:26You know I always wondered about you, too.
17:29What? Oh, gross, Spike.
17:35He left. I was depressed. Ergo, vulnerability and bad kissing decisions.
17:42Okay, but that's all that it was. You have to let it go.
17:48Did it work? What?
17:52You convinced yourself? Please, stop.
17:58A man can change. You're not a man.
18:04You're a thing. Stop walking away.
18:07Don't touch me!
18:27You're a thing. An evil, disgusting thing.
18:57Look at all the goodies.
19:26that's right. You should scream.
19:28You're a creature of the night here, yeah? Some people forget that.
19:37Please. She thinks I'm housebroken.
19:41She forgot who she's dealing with. Anything you want, please.
19:44She's confused about where she fits in. I'm supposed to be, too, because I'm not.
19:50I know what I am. I'm dangerous. I'm evil.
19:55I'm sure you're not evil. Yes, I am.
19:59I am a killer. That's what I do. I kill.
20:05And yeah, maybe it's been a long time, but it's not like you forget how.
20:12You just do it. And now I can again, all right?
20:20So here goes.
20:20This might hurt a little.
20:36What the hell is going on?
20:39Good God, that's a lot of shake. I mean, I know, part of our big movie and milkshake fun day, but
20:50good God, that's a lot of shake. Helps to wash down the raisinets.
20:56Promise me that you will eat something green tonight. Leafy green, not gummy green.
21:03Movie was fun. Yeah, it was ironic when all those cute inner-city kids taught their coach a valuable
21:09lesson. You know that I will always be there for you, right?
21:15There's actually more of a lead in when I practice that at home.
21:23I know.
21:24There's actually more of a lead in when I practice that at home.
21:31I know. It's just, I wanted you to know that
21:38my movie, I had nothing to do with you and I will never stop loving you.
21:45I know.
21:46Do you think you'll ever get back together? I wish I knew, but you still love her very much. It's just,
21:58sometimes other things get in the way. I know.
22:09She's been doing a lot better lately, though.
22:11She's been really good about being careful about stuff.
22:18Well, good. Great. That's, that's great.
22:27Here, says the guard's definitely gonna live. He's not thawed out. Says they used hair dryers.
22:33He's not thawed out. Says they used hair dryers.
22:40Everything slowed down. His nervous system, circulatory system, he's still unconscious.
22:49Anya? It's such a pain. The text I wanted, Giles took it with him.
22:56He has this thing that owning a book makes it like his property.
23:03What should we do? Should we call him? It's like the middle of last night there.
23:10Maybe it's tomorrow. Anyone remember how that works?
23:14It's okay. No one freak. We'll just do it another way.
23:19I don't think we need to resort to, I mean.
23:25Hey, cool. All right, back to basics. A little old-fashioned, state-of-the-art hacker action.
23:32That's great. Well, I haven't seen you do that in a long time.
23:39I don't remember that part.
23:43It's quicker. It'll just take me a sec to go through the files. Okay. Internal police report.
23:51A diamond was stolen from the museum last night. A big one. On loan from the British Museum.
23:58They're withholding information to smoke out the criminals. Oh, it's pretty. There's a picture.
24:09Well, is it a supernatural diamond? You know, like healing powers or good lucky?
24:16Maybe it's cursed. Diamonds are excellent for cursing. Oh, keep checking, shall we?
24:23Well, you know, I am kind of beat, and I bet you that's tiring, that thing you're doing there.
24:35Guys, I'm fine. What's the deal with... Oh, for crying out loud. This is bizarre.
24:43You're all la-la-la with the magic and the not talking like everything's normal,
24:48when we all know that Tara up and left you, and now everyone's scared to say anything to you.
24:55Except me. Is this that thing I do that you were commenting?
25:01Guys, it's okay. It's hard, but it's better this way.
25:09Little things just started taking over. Things that didn't matter, but we saw them differently,
25:17so they got blown out of proportion. And this time away will help us sort through things.
25:27Really. Now, let's just keep working on this. I don't want to leave Amy alone in the house so long.
25:35Amy, is she... How is she adjusting? It's hard to say. It's a lot to take in.
25:45I keep expecting her to do, like, ratty stuff, you know, licking her hands clean,
25:51shredding newspaper, leaving little pellets in the corner.
25:55Let's definitely not leave her alone in the house too long.
25:59I didn't know it'd be so sparkly and so big. Yes, gentlemen, it turns out size is everything.
26:10No offense. It makes colors with the light.
26:17All right, I think we finished the first part. Now it's time for phase two. Is the van fired up?
26:33Hello. It's called knocking.
26:39Knock, knock, robot boy. You need to look at my chip.
26:43Is that, like, British slang or something? Because we're not...
26:46In my head. The chip in my head. We're kind of in the middle of something.
26:50Well, you can play holodeck another time. Right now, I'm in charge.
26:55Yeah, what are you going to do if we don't especially feel like maybe playing your...
27:00Wait, what are you doing? Examine my chip or else Mr. Fett here is the first to die.
27:09Hey, all right. Let's not... Let's not do anything crazy here.
27:13That's a limited edition 1979 mint condition Boba Fett.
27:17All right, dude, chill. You can still make it right.
27:24You know you don't want to do this. What I want is answers, Nimrod.
27:29Right. But you don't want to hurt the Fett. Because, man, you're not coming back from that.
27:36You know, you don't just do that and walk away.
27:40Is that right? Let's find out.
27:42Let's find out. One second.
27:47Dudes, I think that's Spike.
27:48Poor citizen. He's evil. Completely capable of removing that head.
27:53I'm going to help him out. Are you sure we can trust him?
27:57I mean, we all have heads, too. So we help him and he owes us one.
28:02So we get Spike on our side, we get info on Buffy.
28:05I mean, maybe we can even find a way to keep him out of phase two.
28:09Jonathan's right. Can we trust him?
28:12Of course not. But alliances aren't about trust.
28:16See, he needs us, we need him. That's how these things work.
28:22I think we're ready. Agreed?
28:24Agreed. Do what you need to do.
28:33I think we can work something out. I'll take a look at your chip.
28:37It'll be a deal. We scratch your back, you scratch...
28:41I'm not scratching your anything. You do what I tell you.
28:45That's the deal. Deal?
28:49Deal. Then let's go.
28:55Oh, it's okay, it's okay. It'll be fine.
29:08Amy? Oh, God, you're back.
29:13I thought you said you wouldn't be gone that long.
29:15I wasn't. I mean, I thought it was...
29:17Let's go somewhere. Don't you want to go see your dad?
29:21No. Can't. Not yet. Too many questions.
29:29About where you were? No, about how I got there.
29:33I wish there was a way that I could make him forget about the last three years.
29:37Oh, well, hey, I can help you with that. Only, you might want to say your name
29:42into your clothes first, or something.
29:47I just don't want to deal with him right now. I think it would be...
29:52Bored. Well...
29:56Come on, let's get out of here.
29:58Well, what do you want to do? I don't know. Something fun.
30:06Anything. Not involving a big wheel. Or maybe you'd rather sit home all night,
30:16alone, like in high school. No. No, you know what?
30:23I can have fun. Heck, I deserve some fun.
30:27Yeah, you do. I can party.
30:32Not like I owe anyone anything. I am totally free.
30:37So, let's make with the fun.
30:53You're English, right? Yeah.
31:01I've seen every episode of Doctor Who. Not Red Dwarf, though, because...
31:09Because it's not out yet on DVD. Right. It's not out yet on DVD.
31:17Warren! I am.
31:20Warren! Yes, I am.
31:23Bloody hell. Get on with it, then.
31:28Help me out here, Spock. I don't speak loser.
31:31Okay. Right.
31:33Your ship works fine. Yeah.
31:38There's got to be something wrong. No, no.
31:42I don't know what that thing does. I'd like to.
31:47But whatever it is, it works fine.
31:49There's no deterioration of the signal.
31:51It's still coming through on a steady pulse, which it's supposed to.
31:59You're lying to me. No, it's all right here.
32:02I mean, it is. It's really not that hard to figure out if you just...
32:13You tell anyone about this. No, I promise.
32:16Who would I tell? I don't even know what this is about.
32:20It's about the rules having changed.
32:24Everything's different now.
32:29Nothing wrong with me. Something wrong with Heather.
32:41Hello? We're home.
32:44Looks like no one's here.
32:46Well, I'm sure they'll be back soon.
32:48I know Willow and Buffy were meeting up with Zanner to do some research.
32:53Well, then I should probably get back.
32:56Or you can stay and wait for them.
32:59Then you can get a chance to catch up with everyone.
33:03Yeah, I don't think that's such a great idea.
33:07Okay. Your call.
33:10I have the TV to keep me company until they get back.
33:16You notice how it's been getting dark so much earlier these days?
33:24Ha! Talking cat.
33:30Fine. I'll stay, but just until they get back.
33:33And only to make sure that you're not alone.
33:36This has nothing to do with anyone else.
33:41Sure. Cool.
33:43Up to you.
33:46I know. Zanner engaged. I couldn't believe it either.
34:06This is so weird.
34:11So what's she like?
34:11A thousand-year-old capitalist ex-demon with rabbit phobia?
34:18Well, that story's tight.
34:42Well, let's go, then.
34:46We're gonna go dance.
34:48Do you want to come?
34:49Oh, uh, no. You go. I'll keep an eye on our drinks.
34:54Okay. You know, because if you want something a little more your style...
35:01I'm sure we can swing that.
35:06No, really, no.
35:21Nice. Um, top.
35:24No, thanks, but no.
35:26Are you sure?
35:30I'm not. I'm still...
35:32It's cool.
35:36Oh, sorry.
35:42So, uh, are we gonna go?
35:46You sure you're gonna be okay?
35:47Yeah, go. I'm all kinds of good.
36:11No use looking at me like that. It's the gullet for you, mister.
36:26Hey. Sorry. I kind of got caught up.
36:30I know. It's okay.
36:35You know, if rats could dance, they probably wouldn't gnaw so much.
36:42Hey, come on. We're just getting started.
36:48I think I'm gonna set this one out.
36:50Nuh-uh. You can't just work us up like that and then just...
36:53Hey. I think she said no.
36:56Well, nobody asked you, Ellen.
37:05You want to dance?
37:07That's all. Nice, slow, relaxing dance.
37:12I think I do feel more relaxed.
37:29Uh-huh. I got it. Here's our villain right here.
37:38That's a D&D manual, sweetie.
37:41No, but it could...
37:48Let's face it. We're not gonna find this thing because it doesn't exist.
37:52There's no such thing as a frost monster who eats diamonds.
37:57Well, maybe he doesn't eat them. You know, maybe he just thinks they're pretty.
38:06We suck.
38:07We need new brains. What's up with Willow?
38:10Out with Amy, I guess.
38:13Great. Someone to do more magic with.
38:16But at least she's not all cooped up and crying. That's forward momentum.
38:21Now, I know that I don't know everything that happened with her and Tara, but...
38:26Tara thinks Willow is doing too much magic and she's not the only one.
38:31Oh, no. Well, I think she'll be fine, you know.
38:35It's... it's Willow. She of the level head.
38:38Well, those are the ones you have to watch out for the most. Responsible types.
38:43Right. She might go crazy and start alphabetizing everything.
38:48I'm serious. Responsible people are always so concerned with being good all the time
38:54that when they finally get a taste of being bad, they can't get enough. It's like all kablooey.
39:00That's not true.
39:01That's not true.
39:03Okay, not kablooey. More like bam.
39:06It's human nature, Buff. Willow's getting a taste of something powerful, way bigger than her.
39:13She was getting out of control with it before Tara left.
39:17And now that she's gone...
39:18It's got to be seductive. Just giving in to it. Going totally wild.
39:25We need to keep an eye on her.
39:27Okay. Okay. Well, we'll keep an eye.
39:31But we can't assume that everybody's getting seduced. You know, sometimes...
39:43Hello, Magic Box?
39:48Meet me at the cemetery. 20 minutes. Come alone.
39:59Bloody hell.
40:01Yes, it's me.
40:03You're calling me on the phone?
40:06Just be there.
40:08Why? Are you helping again? You have a lead on this frost monster thingy?
40:15Something like that, yeah. I thought you might be up for a little grunt work.
40:20What? No. No, no grunting.
40:24I was talking sharp love, but if you got other ideas, you, me, cozy little tomb with a view.
40:40So, what did Captain Peroxide want?
40:43Nothing. You know, he just, you know, wanted to see if I wanted to patrol for the monster.
40:51But I told him that I would not.
40:58I'm telling you, I think there's something about this thing.
41:02Well, I don't know, Buff. It seems like we've been through every book.
41:06Yeah, even the ones that weren't so boring you wanted to kill yourself.
41:10We have those?
41:11I'm just saying, all the things that have happened lately.
41:14Okay, the bank robbery, the jewelry heist.
41:18Exploding lint.
41:19But is it me, or do these things seem really...
41:26Well, I was gonna go with unusual, but yeah.
41:30I don't know. You know, I'll do a quick patrol tonight,
41:33and after a good night's sleep, we can solve this tomorrow.
41:37I remember optimism.
41:39It's because you're like a thousand.
41:42Night, guys.
41:52And so my night is now complete.
41:55You never showed.
41:57Sorry, a little busy actually doing stuff.
42:00You shouldn't be so flip-flopped.
42:02What are you gonna do, walk behind me to death?
42:04I'm just saying things might be a little different.
42:09You ought to be careful.
42:14Get out of my way.
42:19For what?
42:34Oh, the pain.
42:36The pain is gone.
42:41Guess what I just found out.
42:44It looks like I'm not as toothless as you thought, sweetheart.
42:52Don't you get it?
42:53Don't you see?
42:56You came back wrong.
43:13It's a trick.
43:21You did something to the chip.
43:23It's a trick.
43:24It's no trick.
43:24It's not me.
43:25It's you.
43:27Just you.
43:27In fact, that's the funny part.
43:29You're the one that's changed.
43:31That's why this doesn't hurt me.
43:36Came back a little less human than you were.
43:39You're wrong.
43:44And how come you're so spooked, love?
43:47And why can't I do that?
43:56You're wrong.
44:13You're wrong.
44:33You know, this music isn't quite...
44:43You know, I don't want to know.
44:46I don't want to know.
44:48You know, I don't want to know.
44:50I don't want to know.
44:52I might be right.
44:54They'll find their way to me.
44:56They'll find their way to me.
44:58They'll find their way to me.
45:00They'll find their way to me.
45:02They'll find their way to me.
45:04They'll find their way to me.
45:06They'll find their way to me.
45:08They'll find their way to me.
45:10They'll find their way to me.
45:12They'll find their way to me.
45:14They'll find their way to me.
45:16I just want to know.
45:18I just want to know.
45:20I just want to know.
45:40Oh, poor little lost girl.
45:42Oh, poor little lost girl.
45:50She doesn't fit in anywhere.
45:52She's got no one to love.
46:00I'm lost?
46:02Look at you, you idiot.
46:04Poor Spiky.
46:06Can't be a human, can't be a vampire.
46:08Where the hell do you fit in?
46:12Come on.
46:16Your job is to kill the Slayer,
46:18but all you can do is follow me around
46:20making moon eyes.
46:22I'm in love with you.
46:24You're in love with pain.
46:26Admit it, you like me
46:28because you enjoy getting beat down.
46:30So really,
46:32who screwed up?
46:34Hello, vampire.
46:38I'm supposed to be treading on the dark side.
46:50What's your excuse?
46:52Damn it!
47:10So we've kind of played this scene.
47:16We're turning.
47:28I just keep thinking
47:30there's got to be someplace
47:32like bigger than this.
47:38it's way too early to go home yet.
47:48I wasn't planning on hurting you much.
47:50You haven't even come close to hurting me.
47:52Afraid to give me the chance?
48:00You afraid I'm gonna...
48:20Come on.
48:50Come on.
49:20Come on.
49:22Come on.
49:26Come on.
49:50Come on.
50:08Grr. Arrgh!
