Snuffy's Song (Snuffy Smith)

  • 2 days ago


00:30Oh, I declare. I told that newsboy about throwing that newspaper. There's the same thing with
00:55the telephone book. Oh, Randall Goshen, there must be a lot of news today.
01:00Um, local boy makes good. Elmer Hutch, great new hillbilly recording star, makes first million.
01:11A mil, a mil, a million dollars. I remember Elmer, he was nothing but a hog caller.
01:17Still is, but they gave him a guitar to go with his hog calling, and it comes out real purdy like.
01:24A million bucks, a hog caller with a guitar. Imagine, why can't I find a fella like that?
01:30With my brains and his talent, we could make a fortune.
01:33I was raised in these hills by my ma.
01:38What in blazes is that?
01:40Oh, that's Snuffy doing his chores.
01:43I don't care about the joys or the cities. I'll stay in these hills and I'll sing my little ditty.
01:52Uh-uh-uh, red balls of fire. I'm a fried.
02:02Uh-uh-uh, red balls of fire. Goodness gracious.
02:06I'm chop chop chop chop choppin' with all of my might.
02:10Hey! That's burning, burning. What is it? Can't you see I'm working?
02:15Snuffy, you will never have to work again.
02:18You gonna come out of your head?
02:19You and your contraption make the most beautiful music I ever heard.
02:23Sharks ain't nothing but music to work by.
02:26Just sit down, cuz. Sit!
02:29Sit? And deprive the world of the sweetest music, the sweetest roll this side of the Rockies?
02:35Hey, Google! That's real catchy!
02:38Snuffy, you're gonna make a million dollars.
02:41Is that more than a dollar thirty?
02:42Even after taxes.
02:44Hear me close, cuz. I need a dollar thirty to buy Louisa your new plow.
02:48I'm plum-tuckered out watching her pull the old one.
02:51Snuffy, I promise you, you'll get your dollar thirty.
02:54As for me, I'll just take the small change that's left over.
02:57Fair enough, Google. You're a good man.
02:59Now what do I have to do to get this dollar thirty?
03:02Cuz, you, me, Louisa, and that contraption, we are going to the big city.
03:06I'll make all the arrangements.
03:08Google, how come we ain't sitting up front with the other folks?
03:19Those are the cheap seats. We got the air-conditioning.
03:22You're a good man, Google.
03:27There she is, folks. The Seymour Stereo Recording Company.
03:31Oh, the fire!
03:33Just look at that crazy silo.
03:37Folks, you're looking at the longest plane building in the world.
03:40Time's a-wasting, Google. Let's get that dollar thirty.
03:44This ain't no city. It's a jukebox.
03:52Never thought I'd lose her that way.
03:56Gone. The last of my kinfolk.
04:08I want action, you hear? Action. Get out and hustle. Get out and find me some new singers.
04:26Get out of here. Got our fellow Halloween ditties.
04:28Ooh, ain't very hospitable, Harry Paul.
04:31Reckon I can calm him down tonight, Ma.
04:33I won't stand for publicity, suss. I won't stand for that.
04:36Now just sit. No standing.
04:38All we want to do is make you a million dollars, Mr. Stereo.
04:42Don't forget my dollar thirty.
04:44Now you just sit quiet and listen. Snuffy, set up your orchestra.
04:48Louisie, fetch me some kindling for the woodchopper.
04:52My Chippendale. My precious antiques.
04:55That was just an old chair. Anyhow, we'll buy you a brand new one when we make our record.
05:00Just an old splintery store. Won't hurt a body no more.
05:07Uh-oh. Black balls of fire. I'm voracious.
05:16Uh-oh. Black balls of fire. I'm a fright.
05:20That's beautiful. I never heard anything that's so, so...
05:24Thank you, ma'am. So purdy in all my life.
05:26Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop it with all of my might.
05:30Yay! Now do I get my dollar thirty?
05:32A dollar thirty, that's the greatest sound I've ever heard.
05:35We're going to bust the record business wide open.
05:38Here, sign this contract.
05:42Both names, please.
05:46We'll start recording tomorrow. Huge track stereo.
05:48We'll make the whole album. We'll call it, uh, uh...
05:51The Sweetest Roll Inside of the Rockies.
05:54That's catchy. This is going to be the hottest record we've ever made.
05:57Yes, sir. You just watch us smoke.
06:00Gentlemen, we stand to make five million dollars with my new discovery.
06:04There they come now, gentlemen. The future of Seymour Stereo Records.
06:08Joe, light the orchestra.
06:13Mr. Smith, you're on.
06:19All this gold ain't worth a dollar thirty.
06:22I'm plumb turkey down.
06:25It says he's a sour belly frosty.
06:29You sure can pick him. How'd he do it?
06:31Searching. Infinite searching.
06:33Chop, chop, chop, chop, chop it with all of my might.
06:55Here, Jerry. Just needs tuning.
07:03Get out! Get out! You ruined me! Me, Seymour Stereo!
07:07Not till I get my dollar thirty!
07:09I said out! Way out!
07:15We still got our contract.
07:19Good thinking, Google!
07:24Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
07:27U.S. launches first oil drum.
07:30President congratulates Pentagon.
07:33Pentagon puzzled.
07:35Launch! Launch! That reminds me.
07:38I'm hungry.
07:42There goes the sweetest music this side of heaven.
07:45P.A. Perkins.
07:48There goes the sweetest music this side of heaven.
07:52Play party for the people.
