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(Adnkronos) - “Infezioni resistenti soprattutto in ospedale, tra pazienti con cancro e ricoverati in terapia intensiva. Progressi terapeutici e miglioramenti in termini di sopravvivenza rischiano di essere compromessi dai batteri resistenti”. Così Nicola Silvestris, segretario nazionale Aiom, Associazione italiana oncologia medica e direttore della struttura complessa di Oncologia medica Irccs dell’Istituto tumori “Giovanni Paolo II” di Bari, in occasione del talk ‘Antimicrobico resistenza. La sfida di investire in ricerca’, promosso da Adnkronos, descrive “questa situazione clinica che non impatta solo sulla sopravvivenza, ma anche sulle condizioni e quindi sul ‘timing’ dei trattamenti: in alcuni casi ritardandoli o impedendone l'inizio”.


00:04Infections, typically from bacteria or fungi,
00:08are the primary cause associated with death
00:11unfortunately in almost half of oncological patients.
00:14Some studies tell us that in oncological patients
00:17in intensive care, most of the infections
00:21are related to resistant antibiotic germs.
00:24This clinical situation not only impacts survival,
00:28but also the timing of treatments,
00:32in some cases delaying or preventing them from starting.
00:36This is why managing these clinical situations
00:40is of fundamental importance,
00:43especially if we take into account the progress
00:46we can make in oncology today.
00:48What we achieve with new drugs and new therapeutic options
00:52in terms of survival,
00:55To reduce the impact of infections
00:58by resistant antibiotic germs,
01:01there are some key words in oncological patients.
01:04The first is information.
01:06We must inform more and more.
01:09In this case, patient associations play a fundamental role.
01:13We must train, we must learn to collaborate
01:16with different specialists.
01:18Interaction between oncologists,
01:20infectiologists, microbiologists,
01:23and so on.
01:25Let's not forget the importance of vaccination programs
01:29that IOM has put in place,
01:31also indicating them in some guidelines,
01:34and that can somehow help contain the phenomenon.
