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Patience Purity Power

PATIENCE ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09MG5K4P8

PRAY FOR PATIENCE ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09WZ29CNT

PLAY WITH PATIENCE ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QCGX6ZS

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DGFKRJ2Z (Amazon Kindle)

IMAGES of JESUS ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B39PSGP6

Imágenes de Jesús - (Spanish) ~ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BBJR9Q2Z

Tinyurl.com/PaulFDavis-Books (Paul's Books)
TeachersPayTeachers.com/store/PaulFDavis (Paul's Lessons)
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00:00James 1 verse 4 in the Bible tells us let patience have its perfect work that
00:07you may lack and want nothing. Patience works inside of you. Purity, it grinds
00:14down your motives, it builds integrity. Hebrews 6 verse 12 says faith and
00:19patience combined enable and empower you to inherit the promises of God.
00:23Corinthians 13 says love is patient. The first word God uses to describe love is
00:29patient. If a person is impatient with you, they do not love you. Their love is
00:35imperfect and it has not yet been purified. They are self-seeking and
00:40looking to gratify their own lust. Love, however, is patient and it's not
00:45self-seeking. It is not impatient. It is selfless. It practices self-denial. It can
00:51take up its cross, deny itself, and seek the good of another. That is true love. It
00:57is patient. It is kind. It endures all things and believes in all things and hopes in
01:01all things. So may God perfect you in his love, in his patience, in his kindness, in
01:06his hope, in his purity, and thereafter release his power because faith works by
01:11love and the love of God is the door to his grace whereby you can access his
01:16peace and his power and live in victory each and every hour and day of your life,
01:21my friend. So be blessed. I speak peace to every storm in your life, give you
01:25patience and purity and wisdom of the Almighty and miracle-working insight and
01:30strategy to go forth and live your dreams and be a blessing and carry the
01:33glory of Christ Jesus to your generation.