Remington Steele S03E10

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Remington Steele S03E10


00:00I'm Tony, she's Terri.
00:09Who would want to kill two singing telegram girls?
00:11How do you like that?
00:12The guy stiffed us.
00:13Have you ever seen this before?
00:16Myron gave one to each of his golden circle.
00:19Find the man who owns this Aramasa, and I'll show you a man whose breath smells of murder.
00:59I'll show you a man whose breath smells of murder.
01:29I'll show you a man whose breath smells of murder.
01:59I'll show you a man whose breath smells of murder.
02:29I'm going to need to take a bus.
02:57Where are you from, sir?
03:01I thought so.
03:08Where would you like me?
03:26I'm going to need to take a bus.
03:57I'm going to need to take a bus.
04:22This cake's for you from Marjorie.
04:25On the anniversary of your theft.
04:28One of these days your greedy nest is going to be your death.
04:56Oh, happy birthday, boss.
04:58Oh, thank you, Mildred.
05:01Mildred, I thought we made plans to take Mr. Steele to dinner.
05:04Well, where I come from, that's called three's a crowd, if you know what I mean.
05:09Hope you get your wish, chief.
05:10Oh, I'm sure Miss Holt will do everything in her power to see that I do.
05:16Well, in that case, make it a pip.
05:24Jenny, Jenny.
05:26Tell me, Laura, is this sudden celebration merely an act of capricious folly
05:31or has it been steeping for some time, eh?
05:33I created you, remember, Mr. Steele?
05:36Your birthday is a matter of record.
05:38Mildred came across it while she was updating the files.
05:41Oh, well, you might be interested to know that we have a tradition where I come from.
05:44Really? Where is that exactly?
05:47It's quite a grand tradition, really.
05:49Pounded down from father to son and father to son and father to son.
05:53Picture what's the point?
05:55The birthday boy gets one wish, but it must be grounded by the stroke of midnight.
06:03Da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da, da!
06:07Shave and a haircut. Surprise!
06:10The romantic way.
06:13Bravo, girls, bravo.
06:15Not exactly the wish I had in mind, Laura, but we're getting there.
06:17At least it wasn't my idea.
06:20Oh, oh, oh.
06:24Somebody doesn't want me to get my wish.
06:27Oh, boy.
06:28You'll never find a hat, will you, me, my dear?
06:30A hat?
06:34What are you doing?
06:38A little trick I learned from John Wayne.
06:44Yes, well, I'd better just say it's safe to get out now, Laura.
06:50Mr. Steele, this is going to sound crazy.
06:57But I don't think those shots were meant for us.
06:59Oh? Then who?
07:05Just a minute, ladies. Come back. Stay, stay, stay.
07:08Oh, don't worry. You don't have to tip us.
07:11It's quite possible whoever fired those shots was aiming at you.
07:14Oh, my God.
07:15Stay calm.
07:16We're trained investigators, and we're here to help you, Miss, uh...
07:19I'm Terri. She's Terri.
07:20Oh, I can see it's going to be a long night, Laura.
07:22I mean, who would want to kill two singing telegram girls?
07:24Not just singing telegram girls.
07:29Penny Marshall's gardener said we're the next Laverne and Shirley.
07:31Penny Marshall's gardener?
07:33Yeah, we did his birthday.
07:35Penny was supposed to be there, but she didn't show.
07:38Tell me, girls.
07:39Have you any idea who would want to kill you?
07:41Not really.
07:43Haven't got a clue.
07:44Ah, little murders.
07:45Elliot Gould, Alan Arkin, 20th Century Fox, 1971.
07:48A random sniper picks people off at a New York high-rise building.
07:51Okay, girls, on your way.
07:52I'm sure our man is scaling another high-rise as we speak right now.
07:55Are you really going to send these poor defenseless girls out to face Lord knows what?
08:00Merely one of our options, Laura.
08:02Obviously. Whoever it was, follow them here.
08:05Now, where were you tonight?
08:12Ah, Mr. Baskin. Pleasure to meet you, sir.
08:14Pleasure to meet you, indeed.
08:15Milo Minderbinder, Jingle Grams Incorporated.
08:18I believe two of my young ladies visited you this evening.
08:20Those two work for you, do they?
08:22Oh, yes, sir, and I was just...
08:24One drink.
08:39I thought this was great.
08:41Two of our girls, Tony and Terry, were here tonight,
08:44and I'm doing a follow-up to see if there were any satisfactory.
08:47Oh, yeah. They left something I'd like to return.
09:06Oh, my God.
09:19It's not so late to salvage the evening, Laura.
09:21Long live, Mr. Seal. It's only meringue.
09:23Well, we can still catch the opening of the second act.
09:26Well, after the lights go down, of course.
09:28Ah, the girl's calling card.
09:30Yes, well, let's hope Mr. Flowers is a bit more accommodating.
09:33In this business, Mr. Seal, you take the lemon with the meringue.
09:37Mr. Flowers, I'm with Gigi.
09:48Oh, dear me.
09:50Oh, dear, dear, dear.
09:53And on my birthday, too.
10:04$3.99, $3.99.
10:10Congratulations, Laura. You've managed an ungraceful pace.
10:13I think it's safe to assume whoever took a shot at Tony and Terry
10:17had something to do with Myron Flowers' murder.
10:21What's odd about it?
10:22There was meringue on the door on the wall outside the office.
10:25Yet the only thing on Myron's face was aftershave.
10:29So who did Tony and Terry accost with a pie in the face?
10:33Oh, indeed.
11:03$3.99, $3.99.
11:34That Myron Flowers?
11:36You know him, Milton?
11:37Oh, doesn't everybody? He's the Colonel Sanders of Britsbury.
11:40You said you went to Mr. Flowers' office at around 7.30?
11:43Exactly, 7.30.
11:45And you're sure it was Myron Flowers you surprised?
11:48A little bald for about 60.
11:50Don't try to fake us, Mr. Seal.
11:52The whipped cream was sticking all over his hair.
11:54That I remember.
11:55Terry, Myron Flowers was bald.
11:57He was?
11:58Yes, and it's quite possible you two threw a pie in his killer's face.
12:01It is?
12:02Can you describe the man you thought was Myron Flowers?
12:04Like that.
12:05How old?
12:08What color was his hair?
12:10Light brown.
12:13Oh, it sounds like you really put the old peepers to him.
12:17One thing is for certain, he knows what you two look like.
12:20Yes, and I'm afraid he's determined neither one of you will live to identify him.
12:24Does that mean we have to stay cooped up here till you find out who that guy is?
12:28I think it's best.
12:30We'll start with the security guard at Flowers Industries.
12:32He ought to know who was in and out of that building tonight.
12:35But we have a gig tomorrow.
12:36Yeah, we're doing Morgan Fairchild's manicurist daughter's birthday party.
12:40That showbiz?
12:42Don't you realize what a great contact Morgan Fairchild's manicurist is?
12:45Yeah, she tells Morgan how great we are.
12:47Morgan tells her agent.
12:48Agent tells her producer.
12:49And we've got our own series.
12:51That showbiz.
12:54Oh, don't worry about it.
12:57Oh, don't worry, girls.
12:59Mr. C will have this one wrapped up in no time flat, won't you, boss?
13:03Oh, yes, with some judicious gumshoeing, we should arrive just in time for the curtain call.
14:12Mr. Johnson?
14:39Heart attack?
14:40He's the right type.
14:41Overweight, undernourished.
14:43And kept and unloved, by the looks of him.
14:46More than likely he was killed
14:48keeping some identified man from Flower's murderer.
14:52Have a look.
14:56Bring him in.
14:58If he was murdered, it must have been by somebody he knew.
15:02No sign of forced entry.
15:04Except for us.
15:08Hmm? Oh.
15:14Oh, well, I must say, the man of taste
15:17appears to be solid gold.
15:19Why would a security guard squander his money on a solid gold atomizer?
15:24Unless it didn't belong to him in the first place.
15:26This could have fallen out of the killer's pocket when he struggled with Johnson.
15:29At least we have something to go on.
15:31There can't be a lot of solid gold atomizers floating around.
15:49Yeah! Pick up your feet!
16:09Oh, what a perfect...
16:14Come on! That was my favorite part!
16:17Girls, put some clothes on.
16:19There's a gentleman present.
16:21Okay, Krebby.
16:23Don't call me Krebby. The name is Krebs, and it's Miss Krebs to you.
16:28Yes, ma'am.
16:31Oh, boss, I'm sorry I'm leashing these two on you and Miss Holt.
16:35You hired them, Mildred?
16:38Never mind. Your heart was in the right place.
16:42Come on. Come on. This is a pigsty.
16:44Let's move it. Pick it up. Come on. All of it.
16:53Rise and shine, Laura. Rise and shine.
17:06Laura, wake up.
17:09There we go. There's a girl.
17:11I didn't get to bed till 5 a.m.
17:14I stayed up all night talking about fizz.
17:18You know, it's funny.
17:19Those girls and I are worlds apart,
17:22and yet I'm not that much older than they are.
17:24Hey, cool. What's this doodad?
17:27That doodad is evidence before you smudged any meaningful fingerprints off it.
17:32I got it. No, you don't.
17:35Need I remind you, this is my home and my phone.
17:41It's for you.
17:44Hello? Oh, hi, Petula.
17:46Petula? Our answering service.
17:53You two are guests in my home.
17:55That means my clothes, my closets, my dresser drawers and my phone number
17:59are strictly off-limits. You got it?
18:01We got another gig, Terry.
18:03Woody Allen's West Coast barber's brother is having a bar mitzvah.
18:06Well, Woody's sure to be there.
18:08This is it. Our big break.
18:10I can feel it in my bones. Dibs on the shower.
18:15Mildred? Yo.
18:17They don't leave this loft.
18:19Right. From here on, Krebs gets time.
18:22Look at this place.
18:24Let's wrap things up so we can get back to normal.
18:37I'll tell you what kind of grudge I had against Myron.
18:40I spent eight years of my life perfecting the formula for flower power.
18:44I'm the genius behind it, not him.
18:46He stole it from me, he put his name on it, he made me do it.
18:49He stole it from me, he put his name on it, he made a forger.
18:53I empathize with you, Dr. Flowers.
18:55Working the trenches while a figurehead basks in the limelight.
18:59It's enough to drive anyone to murder.
19:05Certainly you don't think I had anything to do with Myron's death.
19:09You certainly had an excellent motive.
19:11Last night was the 10th anniversary of Myron's deceit.
19:14I simply hired Jingle Grams to remind him of it.
19:17I would have gone myself if I had a class.
19:20No, I wish.
19:23I would have loved to have seen his face just one last time.
19:27Well, it appears he robbed you of even that small consolation.
19:30Doctor, tell me, have you ever seen this before?
19:33Yes, Myron gave one to each of his golden circle.
19:36And just who are the golden ones?
19:38Well, his second command, Fitz.
19:41My replacement, Brendol.
19:43And my ex-son, Chip.
19:48He left me the same day his father did.
19:51As far as I'm concerned, I no longer have a son.
19:54Well, if you suspect you're after him,
19:57I would say that Brend and Chip were probably worth
20:00about $25 million more today than they were yesterday.
20:07Find the man who owns this Alamaza
20:09and I'll show you a man whose breath smells of murder.
20:12Oh, how I longed for the days
20:14when our cases truly puzzled me.
20:17Of course, on the other hand,
20:19the sooner we solve this case,
20:21the sooner we'll be able to address ourselves
20:23to more pressing matters.
20:25What could possibly be more pressing than that?
20:28Catching the opening act of 42nd Street.
20:30I called the box office this morning.
20:32Best seats in the house.
20:34Mind the road.
20:37I married Elliot, my first husband.
20:40The Saturday after I graduated from high school.
20:43Myron and I were married
20:45less than a month after my divorce from Elliot.
20:48I've never been without a man in my life.
20:51If this is too painful for you, Mrs. Lowers...
20:54No. No, no.
20:57Myron is dead.
21:00And nothing I can do will change that.
21:03I just have to stop feeling sorry for myself
21:06and get on with the rest of my life, like it or not.
21:10Oh, Chip!
21:12Oh, this is my stepson Chip
21:15and my husband's personal secretary, Miss Evans.
21:19Oh, this is Mr. Steele.
21:21How do you do?
21:23I'm Laura Holt.
21:25They're looking into the circumstances
21:27of your father's final journey.
21:29Yes, your father's untimely departure from this world
21:32has put two of our clients
21:34in a little bit of a predicament.
21:36Someone is trying to kill them.
21:38You think it's the same man who killed your father?
21:41I'll tell you what.
21:43You guys find whoever did my father in,
21:45and I'll take care of the sucker.
21:47Tell me, did the late Mr. Flowers have any enemies?
21:52Why, Miss Holt!
21:55Myron was respected and admired
21:57by everyone who knew him.
21:59She's incredible, isn't she?
22:01Mm. Mind-boggling.
22:03Tell me, weren't you a little bit concerned
22:06that he didn't come home last night?
22:08Oh, I know. I was with Joshua.
22:12Yes, my guided imagery instructor.
22:16It wasn't uncommon for Mr. Flowers
22:18to work in his lab for hours on end.
22:20He wouldn't even stop to eat.
22:24That was Myron.
22:26Dedicated, self-sacrificing, brilliant.
22:29He'll be with me forever.
22:34Me, too.
22:38Oh, thank God!
22:40Now I can land.
22:42Now I can finally rest my wings at last.
22:45I took the first flight back.
22:47Brenda, I don't know what to say.
22:49It is such a shock.
22:51I mean, I can't believe it myself.
22:53Myron's really gone?
22:55Gone, Nathan.
22:57But not gone.
23:00Oh, I'm sorry.
23:02Nathan Fitz, Myron's second-in-command.
23:04How do you do? Rimshin Steel.
23:06Laura Holt.
23:08They're investigating Dad's death.
23:10Oh. Really?
23:15Lose anything, Mr. Fitz?
23:17My atomizer.
23:19I seem to have misplaced it.
23:21Ah. Ha!
23:23Here it is.
23:25Ah. Ha!
23:29Guess that blows the atomizer theory.
23:33Suspects not only have their atomizers,
23:35but also alibis as well.
23:37Let's hope 42nd Street enjoys a long run.
23:39The way things are going,
23:41you may be celebrating your 42nd birthday
23:43before we get to see it.
23:48Those girls can't identify me, Brenda.
23:50It is only a matter of time before Steel...
23:52Brenda, please listen to me.
23:54This is your problem, too.
23:56If Steel gets to me...
23:58I don't want to hear about it, Nathan.
24:00Do what you have to do.
24:03All right.
24:05That's it.
24:07That's the last straw.
24:09I don't care if it is a matter of life and death.
24:11Those girls have worn out their welcome.
24:15I could strangle them if one gets through.
24:19Where are they?
24:27I don't know.
24:29I don't know.
24:34If anything happens to those girls,
24:36I'll never forgive myself.
24:38This ain't nothing but poor Mildred.
24:48I, uh...
24:50I think you'd better have a look in here.
25:02Oh, Mr. Steele,
25:04it was so humiliating.
25:06Was it the man you thought was Myron?
25:08He had on this, like, blue ski mask
25:11and sunglasses.
25:15The guy was wearing sunglasses.
25:17No way, Ray.
25:19Mildred, did you get a good look at it?
25:21I'm sorry, Miss Holt.
25:23All I remember is the mask.
25:25Oh, my God.
25:27Oh, my God.
25:29All I remember is the mask.
25:31Well, the most important thing is that you're all safe.
25:34You better get dressed before you catch a death of cold.
25:39Oh, Mr. Steele.
25:41You don't think any of the less of me, do you, boss?
25:44I mean, now that you've seen me, you know.
25:47Of course not, Mildred.
25:49I did the gentlemanly thing.
25:51I averted my eyes.
25:53Oh, bless you, Mr. Steele.
25:55All right, girls.
25:57Brains before beauty.
25:59Why didn't the mask never kill them?
26:02Why did he make them take their clothes off?
26:05It doesn't make sense.
26:07Unfortunately, sense is the one thing we're solely lacking in this case, Laura.
26:17Unless he was looking for this.
26:22What is so important about this thing?
26:24It has no distinguishing marks, no monogram.
26:26Speaking of distinguishing marks,
26:28did you happen to notice the unique placement of the tattoo on Tony's...
26:31It was Terry, and I thought you averted your eyes.
26:34Ah, yes. Well, detectives trained.
26:36Eye can be a nagging problem at times, Laura.
26:39Never a moment's rest.
26:41I wonder what's in this thing.
26:46Good Lord.
26:48Oh! That could have been you, Mr. Steele.
26:51Oh, you, Miss Holt. We've been carrying that damned thing around for the last 24 hours.
26:54The bloody thing's lethal.
26:56Well, it is. And we'd better look into Johnson's autopsy.
26:59I have a feeling a blow to the head wasn't what did him in after all.
27:08Yes, thank you very much.
27:10The atomizer was filled with poison.
27:12For the daisy-fish breath, no doubt.
27:15Now, Mildred, how are our charges holding up?
27:17Oh, they're in Miss Holt's office
27:19trying to convince Morgan Fairchild's manicurist
27:21to postpone her daughter's celebration until tomorrow afternoon.
27:24Here's the Johnson autopsy report.
27:26Thank you, Mildred.
27:28I was right.
27:30Johnson was poisoned by a mixture of ingredients found in most laboratories.
27:33Ah, which makes this little gem a murder weapon.
27:36Yes, but whose is it?
27:38Chip, Brenda and Nathan Fitz still have their atomizers.
27:41Therefore, it obviously belongs to Myron Flowers.
27:44And if he was half as obsessed about his breath as his intimates were,
27:48then the murderer obviously thought he had a foolproof plan.
27:51And since Myron didn't fall for it,
27:52he obviously adopted plan B and shot him.
27:54Then used the atomizer to get rid of Johnson.
27:56Now, if you were the murderer,
27:58where would you go to get your hands on the ingredients
28:01to make the deadly poison?
28:22What are we looking for?
28:30He's dead.
28:32Oh, my God.
28:34Oh, my God.
28:36Oh, my God.
28:38Oh, my God.
28:40Oh, my God.
28:42Oh, my God.
28:44Oh, my God.
28:46Oh, my God.
28:48Oh, my God.
28:50Oh, my God.
28:52Oh, my God.
28:54Oh, my God.
28:56Oh, my God.
28:58Oh, my God.
29:00Oh, my God.
29:02Oh, my God.
29:04Oh, my God.
29:06Oh, my God.
29:08Oh, my God.
29:10Oh, my God.
29:12Oh, my God.
29:14Oh, my God.
29:16Oh, my God.
29:18Oh, my God.
29:20Oh, Chip, stop.
29:22Chip, hexachloro...
29:24You had a fight with your dad, didn't you?
29:28Don't lie to me, Chip.
29:30I heard him tell his lawyer
29:32that he'd been betrayed by his own flesh and blood.
29:34He said he had vipers in his nest
29:36and he was going to clear them out once and for all.
29:38Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?
29:40I don't know what to think, Chip.
29:42I'm scared.
29:46Chip, stop.
29:48It was about us, right?
29:50He found out about us, didn't he?
29:52He was going to cut you out of the will.
29:54He said so.
29:58I didn't kill him.
30:00The old bird was my father.
30:14I've seen enough.
30:16On the contrary.
30:18I don't think we've seen anything yet.
30:27Do you think Chip killed Mylon?
30:29It's a distinct possibility.
30:31This case has been deceptively irritating from the outset.
30:33I suggest we move cautiously and get a second opinion.
30:41I got it.
30:43Mr. Tillema, the answering service shouldn't have given you this number.
30:47Wasn't he casting director in Attack of the Terrible Snapping Thing?
30:49I can't hear you.
30:51Mr. Tillema!
30:53Mr. Tillema, the girls are booked for the foreseeable future.
30:56Don't listen to her. We'll do it.
30:58Whatever it is.
31:00Hold just one moment, please.
31:02Now, listen to me, you overgrown Shirley Temples.
31:04It is my job to see to it
31:06that you live long enough to play character parts.
31:08But you don't understand.
31:10We have been bouncing around this town for six whole months.
31:12Knocking on doors.
31:14Singing our hearts out.
31:16Dancing our feet off.
31:18And what do we have to show for it?
31:22We're practically over the hill.
31:24Washed up. Wiped out.
31:26All right. I've got the perfect part for you.
31:30You can play a couple of corpses.
31:32You walk out that door, and that part's yours permanently.
31:34Now, park it.
31:36Hello, Mr. Tillema.
31:38I'm awfully sorry to keep you waiting.
31:40That's quite all right. I am very determined.
31:42Uh, Mr. Steele, what a surprise.
31:44We need to ask you a few questions.
31:48Oh, uh, come in.
31:50Come in.
31:54We believe we know who murdered Myron Flowers.
31:56You do?
32:00Domestic homicide, it seems.
32:02Classic case. Greed, passion.
32:06I knew you'd get to the bottom of it.
32:08It was just a matter of time.
32:10Mr. Fitz, you've known Chip all his life.
32:15Yes, and I know he'll never forgive me for this.
32:18We don't mean for you to condemn him in any way,
32:20but in your heart of hearts,
32:22do you believe he could murder his father over Nancy Evans?
32:30Of what?
32:37Yes, of course. Chip and Nancy.
32:42Yes. Oh, now it all makes sense.
32:45How so, Mr. Fitz?
32:49Well, um, Myron had plans,
32:52ambitious plans for Chip,
32:54but he never approved of his relationship with Nancy.
32:56Thought she was too common for him.
32:58Naturally, Chip tried to keep his relationship with her a secret,
33:01but they're kids, and when kids are in love...
33:04Yes, we know. All the world's a stage.
33:07Please don't misunderstand me.
33:09I love that boy like a son, but...
33:11He's impulsive.
33:13As a matter of fact,
33:15I heard him this morning making plane reservations.
33:17Where to?
33:19Singapore, I think he said.
33:21How hard would it be to disappear in that part of the world?
33:24Especially with $25 million in, uh, cab fare.
33:27Mr. Fitz, I'm sorry you had to hear the news like this.
33:30I'm sure it must come as a bit of a shock.
33:32I hope, Mr. Steele.
33:34Good night. Good night.
33:54Yes, who's... Uh, is this Petula?
33:56Yes, this is Mr. Tillema again.
33:58Uh, do you expect Tony and Terry to check in?
34:01Yes, they do. Would you tell them, please,
34:03to meet me at 1209 Desmond Estates?
34:05Yes, I've got something really juicy for them.
34:27Returning to your father's office
34:28after you retrieved the poisoned atomizer,
34:30you had no alternative but to shoot him
34:32when you realized your original plan had failed.
34:38But then,
34:40upon leaving the scene of the crime,
34:42you encountered two singing telegram girls.
34:45Knowing that they could identify you,
34:47you followed them
34:49and then tried to kill them in my office.
34:52That's a great story, Steele.
34:54Unfortunately, it isn't true.
34:56I didn't shoot my father.
34:58We'll see about that, eh?
35:02Yes, we'll see about that.
35:04This way, girls. Don't be bashful.
35:07There you go.
35:11may I introduce to you
35:13Chip Flowers.
35:15Hi. How you doing?
35:23Yes, well, closer, girls. Take a good look.
35:26I imagine it was a trifle dark last night.
35:28I thought you said the guy was gonna be here.
35:38Take a good look.
35:40I want us to be absolutely positive.
35:43Him? There. You see?
35:45I've never seen that guy before in my life.
35:47Me neither. That's impossible.
35:49Mr. Steele, perhaps we'd better...
35:51Everything points to him. I mean, his father cut him out of his will
35:54because he approved of Chip's liaison with Nancy.
35:57You have got one minute to get out of this house.
36:00Please try to understand, Mrs. Flowers.
36:02Mr. Steele is known for his rather unorthodox methods.
36:05I assure you, he's not accusing anyone.
36:07He's merely attempting to eliminate suspects.
36:10Well, I don't exactly like the way this guy works.
36:13In fact...
36:15Fantastic. Thanks, Petula.
36:18Mr. Tillema called again.
36:20He wants us to come over for an audition.
36:22That's great.
36:24I'm worried about this. Me, too.
36:27We're gonna knock him dead.
36:39We can't suspect textbook logic from every case.
36:42If we've missed something, we'll find it.
36:44Even if we have to go back to square one.
36:47Square one? I've never gone backwards in my life.
36:54How'd it go, boss?
36:56You may be witnessing Steele's last case, Mildred.
36:58Oh, that bad, huh?
37:00Where are the girls?
37:02I thought they were with you.
37:04No, they left us.
37:06They didn't come out the front. I would have seen them.
37:08Then they must have slipped out the back.
37:10Where would they go?
37:18Hello? Who's this?
37:20Petula. Oh, good.
37:22This is Mildred Krebs with the William Morris Agency.
37:26No, I won't.
37:28The William Morris Agency never holds.
37:30Now, listen.
37:32I got a deal in turnaround here, and Metro wants to take an option on it.
37:35And I think Terry and Tony would be absolutely perfect for the part.
37:41I know they've got other offers.
37:43Do you think the William Morris Agency would want them if they didn't?
37:46Now, where can I find them?
37:481209 Desmond Estates.
37:51Thanks, kid.
37:53Hit it, Fred.
38:09Thanks for the lift.
38:13We're gonna get this gig, Tara. I know it.
38:17Two weeks from now, we won't be able to walk down the street without bodyguards.
38:20The house in the hills, a billboard on sunset.
38:23Tony, I just want you to know...
38:26if it wasn't for you,
38:28I probably would have gone back to Sioux Falls a long time ago.
38:31Oh, Terry.
38:33If it wasn't for you,
38:35I'd probably still be working in my brother's auto body shop in North Hollywood.
38:39Well, I guess we make a pretty good team, huh?
38:42The best.
38:44Now let's get in there and give them everything we've got.
38:50Let's go.
39:13Mr. Tillema?
39:18Is anybody home?
39:22How do you like that? The guy stiffed us.
39:25Not quite.
39:47Come on.
40:17Come on.
40:42Come on. Hurry. Hurry.
41:11Behind you!
41:28Fitz? Yeah, Fitz.
41:30Okay, okay. I give up. I did it.
41:32I shot Myron Flowers.
41:34Oh, stop grumbling, Fitz. You have some dignity for heaven's sake.
41:37Mr. Steele! Miss Holt!
41:39The coroner just called.
41:41Myron Flowers didn't die of gunshot wounds after all.
41:43Oh, good Lord. Isn't anything routine anymore?
41:45What did he die of?
41:51Why would Fitz poison Myron and then shoot him?
41:53I didn't poison him and then shoot him.
41:55I just shot him.
41:57That means you shot a dead man, Fitz.
41:59Oh, a dead man?
42:01Yeah, just like showbiz, Fitz.
42:03It's all in the timing.
42:05Does that mean I'm innocent?
42:07Not quite.
42:09What does it mean?
42:11It means...
42:13we go back.
42:15From square one to square three.
42:18Fitz shot Myron, all right,
42:20but only after he'd been poisoned.
42:22But why would you poison him if you were going to shoot him?
42:25How many times do I have to say it?
42:27I didn't poison him. I just shot him.
42:30Then who poisoned him?
42:34Do we have an answer?
42:36We're going to look awfully foolish if we don't.
42:41Obviously, it was a man.
42:43How do we know it was a man?
42:45The mask broke into my loft.
42:47And any fool knows it wasn't Fitz,
42:49since he would have murdered Tony and Terry
42:51knowing that they could identify him.
42:53Which means the intruder was looking for something.
42:58The poisoned atomizer.
43:00And in order to poison the atomizer,
43:02he had to have access to the lab.
43:09Seems Armistice Steel was right after all.
43:15Oh, dear.
43:17I couldn't run away with a man who's a murderer.
43:20You couldn't? You couldn't?
43:25Well, it wasn't Chip and Nancy Myron found out about.
43:29It was Chip and Brenda.
43:31Apparently, Brenda had one too many flowers in her bouquet.
43:34Myron had to go.
43:38I told you I would take care of Myron and Chip.
43:41You told me Myron found out about us.
43:43Yes, but what better way to manipulate you
43:45into murdering the one person that stood between her and the man she really loved?
43:48You've been had, Fitz.
43:50She never planned to run away with you.
43:52It was Chip she wanted.
43:54And what about Nancy? What were you going to do about her?
43:57That's what I'd like to know.
43:59I loved you, Chip. You loved me.
44:01Yeah, but not like I love Brenda.
44:03She's like, I don't know, she's something else.
44:06She certainly is.
44:08She's busted.
44:43Sorry! Sorry!
45:25Don't waste your breath.
45:36Come and meet
45:38Those dancing feet
45:41On the avenue
45:43We're taking you to
45:4542nd Street
46:01Somehow when you said we'd celebrate my birthday
46:04With 42nd Street and champagne at your place
46:07I had an entirely different idea.
46:09I had an entirely different evening in mind.
46:11We have the best seats in the house, Mr. Steele.
46:14You know, boss, I think they have real potential.
46:17Oh, you canine fellows.
46:21Cheer up, Mr. Steele.
46:23Birthdays have a way of rolling around year after year.
46:26A real birthday cannot be as memorable as this one, Miss Holt.
46:29Ah, cheers.