Blitz Cartoons How to Draw for Kids

  • le mois dernier
00:00:00La Marseillaise
00:00:30La Marseillaise
00:01:00La Marseillaise
00:01:10La Marseillaise
00:01:20La Marseillaise
00:01:30La Marseillaise
00:01:40La Marseillaise
00:01:50La Marseillaise
00:02:00La Marseillaise
00:02:10La Marseillaise
00:02:18Hi, and welcome to How to Draw Blitz Cartoons. I'm Bruce Blitz, and together you and I are going to explore the fantastic, fun world of drawing cartoons.
00:02:29Now in this course we're going to deal with the basics of drawing cartoons. We'll take it step by step, and soon you'll be creating your own little cartoon characters in your own cartoon world.
00:02:39By the way, you're the boss. You decide everything. You design the character, set up the situation or gag, select the supporting cast of characters, pick the props, camera angle, location, everything.
00:02:52All you need is a pencil, some paper, and a little imagination. So sit back and relax, and just let your mind go, because anything is possible in cartoons.
00:03:01And what is a cartoon? A cartoon, by definition, is a funny drawing expressing a funny idea. I'll show you what I mean.
00:03:10We have here a funny drawing, and it could stand by itself, but if we add just one more element to this drawing, we can make it expressing a funny idea. Let's do it.
00:03:23I'll put some eyes here. Now, I think you're ahead of me. You might already know what I have in mind. Tongue.
00:03:54Now, it could even stand by itself now, but let's add one more thing to it. Caption.
00:04:05Throw some quick color into it.
00:04:16Some red for the tongue.
00:04:20And there you have it.
00:04:24Next, let's talk a little bit about what you're going to need in the way of art supplies to get started. I've got some good news for you, because it's not going to cost you much.
00:04:31All you'll need to get started is a pencil, some paper, and an eraser.
00:04:36First, the pencil. I like the pencils with the softer leads best. However, a good old number two school pencil will work fine.
00:04:44Now, as for paper, you're going to use a lot while learning, so buy the most inexpensive paper you can, like a ream of bond paper or a pad of newsprint.
00:04:54Now, any eraser will do, although I prefer what is called a kneaded rubber eraser, because it can be shaped to get into those hard-to-reach places, and best of all, it doesn't leave crumbs.
00:05:05Once you've laid out your cartoon in pencil, you might want to go over it with a black felt-tip marker to bring out the cartoon lines, make them more defined.
00:05:13Now, the selection is vast, so I suggest you go to the art store and experiment as to which one you like best.
00:05:19Now, I'm going to be working rather large here today, so I'm using a pretty thick point.
00:05:24Now, you're ready? All right, let's get started.
00:05:28First, let's take a look at some cartoon heads.
00:05:44To actually begin drawing a cartoon head, we're going to start with a shape.
00:05:49Now, I want you to notice how I make this shape.
00:05:53By loosely moving my hand around, before I even touch down, getting the feel, and then I'm going to start drawing the shape.
00:06:00You don't want to start drawing like this, doing one of these, because it's going to get real contrived-looking, and that's not what you want.
00:06:08Okay, now we're going to loosely sketch in some guidelines.
00:06:13Now, using these guidelines, we're going to put in the features.
00:06:16First, the eyes, which is nothing more than a curve and two little dots.
00:06:21Some eyebrows.
00:06:24Then, the mouth.
00:06:26And finally, the eyes.
00:06:28Now, I'm going to sketch in the features.
00:06:30First, the eyes, which is nothing more than a curve and two little dots.
00:06:34Some eyebrows.
00:06:36Then, the mouth.
00:06:38And finally, the eyes.
00:06:39Some eyebrows.
00:06:42Now, the nose.
00:06:48Which I like to put underneath the eyes.
00:06:50Then, the mouth.
00:06:52I'm going to make that a wavy line, make it funny, with a tongue coming out.
00:06:56Two ears.
00:06:58One on each side.
00:07:02I'm going to go over the chin with a little blocker of a line there.
00:07:06Now, the hair. Now, again, be loose because you want to get that spontaneous look to your work
00:07:12by making these little squiggly lines. Get your whole wrist into it.
00:07:16Like that.
00:07:18A little neck.
00:07:20And that's basically it.
00:07:21That's all there is to it.
00:07:23How did yours come out, okay?
00:07:25Alright, now let's do it again.
00:07:27Well, this time, we're going to make it a little bit different.
00:07:30First, we're going to start with that shape.
00:07:31Now, when we put the guidelines in, we're going to think of that shape as an egg, a three-dimensional object.
00:07:37So, when we put the lines in, and we're going to put them a little bit to the left,
00:07:41we would have to be curving that line like this,
00:07:44because it has roundness.
00:07:48Imagine an egg or a balloon.
00:07:50Now, the other line, same thing.
00:07:53Now, using these lines again as guidelines, let's put in the features.
00:07:57First, the eyes.
00:08:00Some eyebrows.
00:08:02A nose.
00:08:04A mouth.
00:08:07Now, this time, we only see one ear,
00:08:09because if his head is turned, his other ear wouldn't be visible.
00:08:13Let's define the chin again.
00:08:16Some squiggly hair.
00:08:21And there you have it.
00:08:22And there you have it. That's all there is to it.
00:08:24Let's put a neck on him, maybe a bow tie.
00:08:34If we would have done two shapes like this, and put those lines up top like this,
00:08:39and this one down here like that,
00:08:42we could have made him looking up.
00:08:45His nose, we're down.
00:08:47That's how you draw cartoon heads facing different ways.
00:08:51Think of it as a balloon or an egg.
00:08:54Put your lines in, and go back over it, and put your features in.
00:08:58Now, we've shown you how to draw the same character facing in different directions.
00:09:02But to change that character,
00:09:04we go to our next lesson, which is Features and Expressions.
00:09:17Features and Expressions
00:09:32In order to vary the cartoon head,
00:09:35we have to vary the shape that we start with,
00:09:38change the guidelines,
00:09:40and the features.
00:09:42Let's do one here.
00:09:44Let's make this one a long, thin one.
00:09:47Like that. Let's make a short, squat one over here.
00:09:50Okay. Now, let's go put the guidelines in.
00:09:53There's the vertical one. This time, we're looking straight at the character.
00:09:57Now, let's put this guideline in towards the top of the head.
00:10:01This time, let's put it down the lower half.
00:10:05Okay. Let's go back over it now, using this as guidelines,
00:10:08and put the eyes in.
00:10:10This time, instead of making two circles, let's make two lines,
00:10:14making one a little bit different.
00:10:16By varying them, it makes it a little funnier.
00:10:19Okay. Let's put a nose in.
00:10:21A long, thin nose this time.
00:10:23Now, let's put the mouth down here, instead of so close to the nose.
00:10:26Let's make a little squiggly line like that.
00:10:28Little ears.
00:10:32And for the hair, let's make them bold, except for a little bit on the side.
00:10:39A couple of little funny hairs up top.
00:10:42Let's blacken the chin line a little bit.
00:10:44There, we've got one character there.
00:10:46Now, let's do a little short, fat guy over here.
00:10:49Okay, we've got a funny little stubby nose.
00:10:55Put glasses on him.
00:10:58One eye up here, one eye down there.
00:11:02Take glasses.
00:11:04Resting on the ears.
00:11:08This time, let's give him wavy hair.
00:11:20Chin line.
00:11:24And the neck.
00:11:26Put some eyebrows on this fellow, too.
00:11:30You see, by varying the shapes that we started with, the guidelines,
00:11:33and drawing the features in differently,
00:11:36we've come up with two different characters.
00:11:38Did you ever wonder how, with all the millions of people there are in this world,
00:11:42how we can all look different?
00:11:44I mean, we all have the same features.
00:11:46We all have eyes, nose, mouth, and ears.
00:11:48Yet, we all look different.
00:11:50Well, the answer is, it's because the size and relationship to each other
00:11:53that make us all look different.
00:11:55It's the same with cartoon heads.
00:11:57Now, a good way to practice cartoon heads would be to
00:11:59get your piece of paper and draw about 25 circles on them,
00:12:02different shapes,
00:12:04throw the guidelines in differently,
00:12:06and try to make all 25 heads look different.
00:12:08That would be a good exercise.
00:12:10Let's do it again.
00:12:14Let's this time start with a squiggly shape,
00:12:16instead of an oval or a circle.
00:12:20There's one.
00:12:22Now let's do a triangular shape.
00:12:29Let's put the nose down here this time,
00:12:31and let's make it a little small nose, like that.
00:12:37And let's put a mouth.
00:12:39Let's put a mustache on him this time.
00:12:41A mouth, a smiling mouth,
00:12:43with teeth.
00:12:47Let's put some eyes in.
00:12:49Let's see.
00:12:51Some pretty large eyes.
00:12:53Looking off to the right.
00:12:55Some eyebrows.
00:12:59Some ears.
00:13:01Now for the hair, let's...
00:13:11A little hair coming out underneath the ear.
00:13:16Blacken that line in.
00:13:19And the neck.
00:13:21Over here, let's make a girl's face.
00:13:23Let's put a small nose in.
00:13:26Put the lines of eyes over there.
00:13:30Let's have her eyelids closed,
00:13:33with a heavy line there like she's wearing mascara.
00:13:36Some eyelashes.
00:13:37Thin eyebrows.
00:13:41Now if you notice here, I drew the eyes,
00:13:44and I left a little bit of white space in each eye.
00:13:47Sort of giving the impression that there's a...
00:13:49the shine, the highlight.
00:13:51Now let's give her a smile.
00:13:53Let's put some lipstick on her.
00:13:59Round cheeks.
00:14:01Let's go over the chin line.
00:14:02Now for the hair, let's give her a big bushy head of hair.
00:14:15Let's give her a neck. Let's give her some beads.
00:14:25And there you have it.
00:14:27Now for some expressions.
00:14:28And this is what will breathe life into your drawings.
00:14:32This is what makes your cartoons appear to think.
00:14:35Now we're going to start with anger.
00:14:38Remember, start with a shape.
00:14:42Let's put a nose there.
00:14:44Now, if someone's angry, what happens to their face?
00:14:48Their mouth would be in a frown,
00:14:50and the teeth would be showing.
00:14:52The lip would be out.
00:14:54Now, let's draw a face.
00:14:55The mouth would be showing.
00:14:57The lip would be out.
00:14:59So let's make the teeth in.
00:15:04And here's her ear.
00:15:07And the eyes, as before.
00:15:09But now watch what just the eyebrows facing down like that does.
00:15:13And let's give him some hair.
00:15:17Now I'm going to introduce here
00:15:19what I call cartoon accessories and effects.
00:15:22Blacken his chin in.
00:15:24Now what we do here is to make him look angry.
00:15:26That's angry.
00:15:28But now watch.
00:15:30If we just put a little sweat coming out of him,
00:15:32look how much more angry he appears.
00:15:34Even some of these lines
00:15:36make it look like he's steaming mad.
00:15:39That is anger.
00:15:41Okay, let's do another one.
00:15:47Let's have this time the fellow hilarious.
00:15:50Let's start with a shape.
00:15:52This time let's do a triangular shape.
00:15:58Now, if someone's hilarious,
00:16:02have the nose like that first,
00:16:04and the mouth would be in a big smiling shape like that.
00:16:08Real big smile.
00:16:10Like that.
00:16:12Teeth definitely showing.
00:16:14Tongue way out.
00:16:15Now this would all be painted black
00:16:17because it's inside the mouth and it would be dark.
00:16:22Let's clean up this line
00:16:24around the tongue.
00:16:26And the eyes would be squinted.
00:16:32Eyebrows down.
00:16:35Little ears.
00:16:37Little squiggly hairlines.
00:16:40And again, for some cartoon accessories and effects,
00:16:42I think the sweat would go again.
00:16:45Maybe his head would be shaking from laughing so hard.
00:16:48So let's put some of these lines in.
00:16:52And there you have it.
00:16:54A good way to practice
00:16:56expressions would be to sit in front of a mirror.
00:16:59Just look at your face.
00:17:01Make these expressions
00:17:03and then transfer your expressions onto the paper
00:17:05into cartoon style lines.
00:17:07Okay, let's do a different expression now.
00:17:09How about this?
00:17:10Okay, let's do a different expression now.
00:17:12How about suspicion?
00:17:14Now I do want to say to you here
00:17:16that when you come up with expressions
00:17:18that you know you have to draw,
00:17:20think it through.
00:17:22What might happen to someone's face
00:17:24when they're suspicious?
00:17:26Let's start with our shape.
00:17:28Let's give him a nose.
00:17:30Let's give him a face in this way.
00:17:32When someone's suspicious,
00:17:34they might be peeking out the side of their eyes.
00:17:42One would be down,
00:17:44sort of pondering,
00:17:46and the other one up.
00:17:48The mouth, like this.
00:17:50Not so sure,
00:17:52so he's sort of not happy about it.
00:17:54One ear over here.
00:17:56One ear over here.
00:17:59Let's give him a crew cut.
00:18:03Some dots for some stubbly hair.
00:18:05Now for some cartoon effects.
00:18:07If he was suspicious of somebody,
00:18:09he might have real quickly turned his head.
00:18:13And by doing that,
00:18:15we sort of get that impression.
00:18:17And if he's looking at something over here,
00:18:19we can indicate that
00:18:21by little dotted lines,
00:18:23like he turned and looked.
00:18:25And that would be suspicion.
00:18:27Let's do another one.
00:18:30Let's have someone crying hysterically.
00:18:38Here's a nose.
00:18:41The mouth is in a frowning thing.
00:18:43And as before,
00:18:45the lip is out,
00:18:47and the teeth are showing.
00:18:53This will all be blackened in
00:18:55because it's the inside of the mouth.
00:18:57Now I want to say here that
00:18:59you're going to find that when you're drawing expressions,
00:19:01a lot of times you're going to find them overlapping.
00:19:03Like the mouth might be the same
00:19:04in crying and anger.
00:19:06But it might be one little subtlety,
00:19:08like the eyes or the cartoon effects
00:19:10and accessories that we spoke about,
00:19:12that will change the whole thing.
00:19:14Let's put some ears up here.
00:19:17One there.
00:19:19And his eyes will be closed.
00:19:23And his eyebrows,
00:19:25instead of down making him angry,
00:19:27he's crying, so his eyebrows will be up,
00:19:29sort of in a pitiful type way.
00:19:31Now for the cartoon accessories,
00:19:32we're going to darken in the chin first,
00:19:34around the side of his face.
00:19:36Give him some hair.
00:19:41Okay, some sweat and some tears.
00:19:48How about a word like this
00:19:51to make it all work?
00:19:57So you can do things in cartoons
00:19:59that you can't do in other forms of art,
00:20:00like adding that you could never do
00:20:02in an oil painting.
00:20:07Okay, let's do a different one.
00:20:09How about stunned?
00:20:11How would a stunned person look?
00:20:13Okay, let's start with a shape.
00:20:15Let's put a nose in.
00:20:17Let's put a nose like that
00:20:19with one nostril in.
00:20:21Now for the eyes,
00:20:23let's do something new.
00:20:25How about just a swirl,
00:20:27like no pupils or anything.
00:20:30Eyebrows run up here,
00:20:32up there.
00:20:34Mouth, nothing more
00:20:36than a little line like that.
00:20:44Let's blacken this.
00:20:46Now let's have his hair stand straightened up,
00:20:48straight up in the air like that.
00:20:51Okay, now for some effects.
00:20:54You can get a lot of mileage
00:20:56out of these sweat drawings.
00:20:57Okay, now,
00:20:59some lines like this
00:21:01indicate that
00:21:03maybe he heard a loud noise
00:21:05or was hit over the head with a brick
00:21:07or something like that.
00:21:09Then we have stunned.
00:21:13Let's do fright.
00:21:15That's a great one to do.
00:21:17Okay, let's start with our shape
00:21:19like that.
00:21:21Let's give him a nose over there.
00:21:23This will be a side view.
00:21:28Again, the mouth will be
00:21:30the opposite of a smile.
00:21:32A lot of teeth showing on this one.
00:21:34Even the bottom teeth
00:21:36will be out on this one.
00:21:38And the tongue right in there.
00:21:40Let's blacken that in
00:21:44because that's inside.
00:21:46Teeth, bottom teeth,
00:21:48top teeth.
00:21:50Okay, now,
00:21:52put the ear in.
00:21:54Now, what's going to make
00:21:55this whole expression work
00:21:57are the eyes.
00:21:59You don't want to have them closed.
00:22:01You don't want to have them half closed.
00:22:03You want to have them wide open.
00:22:05So let's draw circles,
00:22:07one circle,
00:22:09and then the other circle
00:22:11which will be a little bit behind that eye
00:22:13where you only see part of that circle.
00:22:15So, like that.
00:22:17Now, for the pupils,
00:22:19to make this fright really work,
00:22:21to make it as funny as possible,
00:22:23you make a small, small dot.
00:22:25I'm only standing straight up.
00:22:29Again, some sweat.
00:22:32And some vibrations to the eyeballs.
00:22:36Some more sweat.
00:22:38Oh, that guy,
00:22:40he's scared.
00:22:44Try a few.
00:22:46Look in the mirror.
00:22:48Come up with some expressions.
00:22:50And make sure you observe people
00:22:52wherever you go
00:22:53Okay, now for some
00:22:55more cartoon effects and accessories.
00:22:57We have a lady here
00:22:59looking into a mirror.
00:23:01Now, to make that look more like a mirror,
00:23:03a glass mirror,
00:23:05all we do is make a couple
00:23:07of diagonal lines together.
00:23:09Now, watch.
00:23:11Right over the drawing.
00:23:13Don't worry about it.
00:23:15Two together.
00:23:17Maybe one more over there.
00:23:19That sort of adds a reflection
00:23:21so she's looking into a mirror.
00:23:23If you had a shape drawn
00:23:25and you added a couple of lines,
00:23:27it would sort of give the reflection effect.
00:23:29Okay, let's move down to this one.
00:23:31We've got here a fellow here
00:23:33who could just have been
00:23:35hit by a brick.
00:23:37Now, how would we indicate that?
00:23:39To show motion,
00:23:41we're going to have the brick
00:23:43coming in from here,
00:23:45like that.
00:23:47Again, be loose.
00:23:49Now, at a point of impact,
00:23:51let's put a sound effect.
00:23:53And let's put a little
00:23:57splash like that
00:23:59so it looks like he just got hit in the head.
00:24:01Now, the brick's going to continue on
00:24:03this way.
00:24:05Let's draw the brick now,
00:24:07which is nothing more than a rectangle.
00:24:11Now, that's the brick.
00:24:13Let's take a little red pencil
00:24:15and make that look more like a brick.
00:24:18And there you have it.
00:24:20Now, if you wanted to go over that
00:24:21you could just sort of
00:24:23take the same lines and add to it
00:24:25and maybe even
00:24:27take a marker and
00:24:29do this.
00:24:32So it would really look like
00:24:34it hit him in the head.
00:24:38let's move on.
00:24:45Okay, we have here a fellow who is
00:24:51There's some
00:24:56and some
00:24:58vibrations to the eyeballs.
00:25:00But now what really is going to make this,
00:25:02now notice up here,
00:25:05if he was really that shocked,
00:25:07his hat might have flown off his head.
00:25:09So let's draw his hat.
00:25:11Baseball hat.
00:25:14And here's his brim.
00:25:16Now, again, some motion lines
00:25:18indicating some speed
00:25:19or action.
00:25:21A couple of these lines
00:25:23make the hat
00:25:24sort of look like where it's been.
00:25:26And that makes it just fly right off his head.
00:25:28So if we add a little color to this,
00:25:30give him a blue hat.
00:25:34And that works great.
00:25:36Okay, let's move down to the next sketch here.
00:25:38We have a fellow who just swung a golf club.
00:25:40Now, that sketch by itself doesn't really have
00:25:42too much motion to it, but if we
00:25:44again add that
00:25:46point of impact, let's add the sound effect too.
00:25:47How about
00:25:49my second favorite,
00:25:53Spelled T-H-W-A-C-K
00:25:55is the proper spelling of thwack.
00:25:59And some
00:26:03splash lines like that.
00:26:05Now the golf club would have started here
00:26:07and continue all the way around
00:26:09because if you're a golfer, you know
00:26:11you have to have a follow through.
00:26:13So let's do this
00:26:15and all the way around.
00:26:17Splash lines like that.
00:26:19Some more sweat.
00:26:21I like to juice up my pictures,
00:26:23as you may see.
00:26:27Put a little red.
00:26:31And again, you can add some
00:26:33lines like that
00:26:35to make it look that much more powerful.
00:26:38Let's do another one.
00:26:40Okay, now we have a fellow here
00:26:42who's very cold.
00:26:44And how would we show he's cold?
00:26:46Now, as in before,
00:26:48we wanted to show some motion,
00:26:50we just put some vibration lines.
00:26:52But if he's cold,
00:26:54he might be shaking,
00:26:56so you make the lines appear to shake
00:26:59on each side.
00:27:02And out of his mouth
00:27:04might come a little bit of steam
00:27:06or smoke in this case.
00:27:07Like this.
00:27:09Smoke is drawn,
00:27:11just like we did before
00:27:13on the running pose.
00:27:15And this fellow's cold.
00:27:17Okay, down here we have a pot boiling.
00:27:20Now, to show a pot boiling,
00:27:22we could do a couple things to it.
00:27:24We could add these wavy lines
00:27:26like it's steam coming out.
00:27:28Maybe double that.
00:27:30Just go over the same one.
00:27:32And because your pen won't actually
00:27:34go over the same lines,
00:27:35even if you tried,
00:27:37to sort of get that nice flow to it,
00:27:39double line flow.
00:27:41Now, what else might happen?
00:27:43Okay, if it's boiling,
00:27:45it might be a little bit of water
00:27:47coming out like that.
00:27:49What else might happen to it?
00:27:53So you put just a couple
00:27:55little bubbles like that.
00:27:57Now, just like there are
00:27:59so many different styles
00:28:01and techniques to drawing
00:28:03the cartoon head,
00:28:05we're going to start
00:28:07with a standing pose.
00:28:09And then we'll move on
00:28:11to some action poses.
00:28:13Okay, first a standing.
00:28:15Now, we're going to start
00:28:17much the same way
00:28:19as we did cartoon heads.
00:28:21We're going to start with shapes.
00:28:23First, a shape for the head.
00:28:25And we're going to make
00:28:27this fellow waving.
00:28:29Now, we're going to put
00:28:31another shape in
00:28:33for what will be the torso.
00:28:35There we go.
00:28:37Now, we're just going to
00:28:39loosely draw some lines
00:28:41that are going to indicate
00:28:43arms, legs,
00:28:45some shapes for hands, feet.
00:28:50Now, we're going to go back
00:28:52over this using these guidelines
00:28:54and fill in some details.
00:28:56Now, we already know how
00:28:58to draw the cartoon head,
00:29:00so let's put in a nose,
00:29:02mouth, some teeth,
00:29:03some ears,
00:29:07a face.
00:29:13Okay, now here we go
00:29:15with the body.
00:29:17Now, I want to say here,
00:29:19don't panic.
00:29:21We're going to take it
00:29:23body part by body part
00:29:25and we're going to build
00:29:27on it, the neck.
00:29:29Now, we're going to draw
00:29:31the arm.
00:29:34Now, the hand.
00:29:36Now, let's make him having
00:29:38just a fist.
00:29:40Now, let's do the same
00:29:42thing over here.
00:29:44Shoulder, elbow,
00:29:46and up.
00:29:48Now, let's make him waving.
00:29:53Okay, now let's go back
00:29:55and put in a little bit
00:29:57of detail.
00:29:59Let's give him a short
00:30:01sleeve and a collar.
00:30:03Now, as far as the body goes,
00:30:05the rest of the torso here,
00:30:07let's put in a line that's
00:30:09going to indicate his waist,
00:30:11which would be his belt
00:30:13about here.
00:30:15Now, let's make this
00:30:17a little more definite.
00:30:19Now, we're just going to
00:30:21thicken up these two lines
00:30:23and make it pants.
00:30:26There you have it.
00:30:28Now, for the shoes.
00:30:33That's it.
00:30:35A little shadowing.
00:30:37Some cartoon accessories.
00:30:39We have a fellow waving.
00:30:41That's all there is to it.
00:30:43Now, the shapes are going
00:30:45to dictate to you
00:30:47what proportions the figure
00:30:49is going to turn out to be.
00:30:51If we're going to use
00:30:53a much rounder shape,
00:30:55it would have been
00:30:57a fatter fellow.
00:30:59With shorter lines here,
00:31:01it would have made him
00:31:03look like a man.
00:31:05Okay, let's do it again.
00:31:07This time, let's do a woman.
00:31:09Start with the shape.
00:31:13Now, another shape for the body.
00:31:15This time, let's make it
00:31:17a little thinner like that.
00:31:19I want to say here also
00:31:21that these guidelines
00:31:23that I'm using might appear
00:31:25to be a little bit darker
00:31:27when we go over it again,
00:31:29but that's just because
00:31:31I'm trying to illustrate
00:31:33a woman's face.
00:31:35Let's put her hands on her hips
00:31:37like this.
00:31:39Okay, now let's go back over it.
00:31:41Now, I'm going to use
00:31:43the darker pencil here.
00:31:45Hopefully, it will be
00:31:47that much darker.
00:31:49Okay, now let's do her face.
00:31:51Let's make her mad.
00:31:55Eyebrows down, remember.
00:31:57Give her a little nose.
00:31:59Let's make her gritting her teeth
00:32:01off to the side like that.
00:32:04Okay, now let's give her a chin.
00:32:09Let's give her some earrings.
00:32:12Okay, we've got her face in there.
00:32:14Now, let's draw the rest of it.
00:32:16Go back over the neck.
00:32:23again, let's start with the shoulders.
00:32:25Down to the elbow.
00:32:29Let's give her some thickness.
00:32:30Let's have her on her
00:32:32hands on her hips like that.
00:32:35And the same thing over here.
00:32:39Again, those guidelines are just that.
00:32:41They're guidelines.
00:32:43They're not
00:32:45so rigid where you can't
00:32:47vary a little bit.
00:32:49They're just to give you an indication
00:32:51of where you're supposed to be.
00:32:53Now, let's give her some sleeves.
00:32:55Now, this is clothing,
00:32:57so let's make it a little bit loose.
00:32:59Comes to about there.
00:33:01Okay, now her waist.
00:33:03Her hands are on her hips,
00:33:05so her waist is about here.
00:33:07Give her a beltline,
00:33:12Now, we're going to make her
00:33:14skirt with her hips.
00:33:16Now, remember, if this is her waist,
00:33:18we're going to flare out,
00:33:20showing the hips,
00:33:22right to her knees.
00:33:24Same thing here.
00:33:26Now, if this is to her knees,
00:33:28like this.
00:33:34Those little lines here
00:33:36show the kneecaps.
00:33:38Okay, now let's make her feet.
00:33:40One that way,
00:33:42one that way,
00:33:44a little shadow on the bottom.
00:33:46Don't listen unless she's wearing slippers.
00:33:50now let's
00:33:52fix her hair.
00:33:54Now, if she's mad,
00:33:56add some cartoon accessories,
00:33:58to make fun of her.
00:34:02Okay, the first action pose we'll draw
00:34:04will be a guy running.
00:34:08Now, if a guy's running,
00:34:10what will be happening to him?
00:34:12He'd be leaning forward,
00:34:14his arms might be stretched out like this,
00:34:16and he might be happy.
00:34:18He might be thinking he's winning the race
00:34:20or something,
00:34:22so let's start the same way we usually do,
00:34:24with a shape.
00:34:26Here's his head.
00:34:28A quick action line, like this.
00:34:32Okay, same thing with his body,
00:34:34let's put a shape in.
00:34:36Now, his arms would be forward,
00:34:38his head stretched forward,
00:34:44For his legs,
00:34:46one would be all the way out there,
00:34:48the other one would be
00:34:50all the way behind him,
00:34:52because he's really leaning forward into this race.
00:34:54Okay, now let's go back over it
00:34:56and put some details in.
00:34:58First, his facial expression.
00:35:00As I said, he'd be happy
00:35:02he's maybe winning the race,
00:35:04so let's make him smile.
00:35:11His eyes, wide open.
00:35:13He can smell success.
00:35:15Eyebrows up.
00:35:19Now his hair.
00:35:21He's running,
00:35:23his hair would be flying backwards, right?
00:35:25Okay, here's his chin.
00:35:26A little bit more hair.
00:35:28Okay, now, again,
00:35:30start with his shoulder.
00:35:41Same thing over here.
00:35:43Now for his hand,
00:35:45this hand,
00:35:47fingers stretched out,
00:35:51You can see a little bit of his other hand,
00:35:53so again, some fingers.
00:35:54Okay, so we have his back arched.
00:35:58Now let's put in a line that indicates his waistline.
00:36:00Right there.
00:36:02Okay, let's put him wearing shorts.
00:36:04So let's make some elastic, huh?
00:36:07That's elastic.
00:36:09Okay, now shorts.
00:36:13And now,
00:36:15this thigh,
00:36:17knee, and down.
00:36:19Thicken it up, go over it.
00:36:22Okay, now let's put his socks in.
00:36:24Now his foot
00:36:26will be sort of pointing up, ready to go down,
00:36:28make contact with the ground, so let's
00:36:31put his
00:36:33running shoe in there.
00:36:35Let's put a little
00:36:37zigzag line there for his running shoe.
00:36:39Now here's his other leg back here.
00:36:41Here's his shorts.
00:36:43Let's make this line a little heavier.
00:36:45And here's his other leg
00:36:47all the way back.
00:36:49His calf, socks,
00:36:51and his other shoe.
00:36:56he's running.
00:36:58Now let's do things to this to make it really run off the page.
00:37:02Let's put the ground line in.
00:37:04That'd be down here.
00:37:06It already makes him look like he's going faster because
00:37:08he's off the ground.
00:37:10Let's put a shadow in
00:37:12down here.
00:37:14Now let's put some speed lines in,
00:37:16like this.
00:37:18Some lines like that, some smoke.
00:37:21Some more smoke here.
00:37:23Again, some perspiration.
00:37:27Some movement in his eyes.
00:37:29And he's running.
00:37:31Now let's add one more element to this,
00:37:33a couple more elements to this,
00:37:35to make it like expressing a funny idea.
00:37:37Okay, he's running a race,
00:37:39so let's put in
00:37:41the words
00:37:45finish line.
00:37:47Finish line.
00:37:52Okay, but watch this.
00:38:01I'm running the wrong way.
00:38:03Over here we can put another fellow over here.
00:38:06His eyes are half-masked.
00:38:08Eyebrows up.
00:38:10There's a nose
00:38:13looking at us.
00:38:17Let's give him the hat,
00:38:19like he's the coach.
00:38:31Okay, you get the idea.
00:38:33Okay, let's do another one.
00:38:35Let's do a guy swinging a baseball bat.
00:38:38Again, start with a shape.
00:38:40Here's his head.
00:38:42Another shape for his body.
00:38:44Let's have him looking straight.
00:38:47At us.
00:38:49And have his legs sort of
00:38:52in a squatting motion.
00:38:55And now his arms would be,
00:38:57he's facing this way,
00:38:59his arms would be this way
00:39:01because he just swung the bat around,
00:39:03so let's have his arms like that.
00:39:05Another one like that.
00:39:07A couple of shapes for the hands.
00:39:09Okay, now let's go back over this,
00:39:11put some details in.
00:39:13Put some shapes for his feet.
00:39:16He's looking this way.
00:39:18Let's put his nose in.
00:39:26This time, let's have his eyes closed
00:39:28because he just swung the bat.
00:39:31He's happy about that.
00:39:34Put a hat on his head.
00:39:36A little beanie.
00:39:38Here's the brim.
00:39:41Let's put his chin in.
00:39:43Okay, now we know he's facing this way
00:39:46and the swing was this way,
00:39:48so let's put his shoulders in as before.
00:39:51Thicken it up.
00:39:53Let's put a sleeve in.
00:39:58One hand.
00:40:01Other hand.
00:40:03Other shoulder.
00:40:05Now let's draw the bat in.
00:40:10Okay, now let's do his body.
00:40:12Again, let's put a line in for his waist.
00:40:15Let's make his torso.
00:40:17There we have it.
00:40:19Now we're just going to put his legs in
00:40:21like this.
00:40:25Double that.
00:40:27Now if he's wearing a baseball outfit,
00:40:29let's have his pants sort of blast
00:40:31the bottom.
00:40:33High socks.
00:40:43There it is.
00:40:45Let's put some lines in there
00:40:47to indicate a swing.
00:40:51And a point of impact.
00:40:53Let's make a sound effect.
00:40:59And the ball would be going off
00:41:01the screen like that.
00:41:03Boom, boom, boom, boom.
00:41:06Now a good way to practice action drawings
00:41:08would be to just draw from life.
00:41:10Have your friends post for you
00:41:12or watch TV.
00:41:14Watch a basketball game
00:41:16or even go to a game live
00:41:18and bring your sketch pad.
00:41:20Just sketch away.
00:41:22Now finishing these drawings
00:41:24isn't what's important.
00:41:26What is important is just get yourself
00:41:28used to seeing that line of action.
00:41:30What happens to the human form
00:41:32when it's in motion.
00:41:34Now let's see.
00:41:36Let's move on now
00:41:38to my favorite area of cartooning,
00:42:30Cartoonists love to draw animals
00:42:32because they go everywhere
00:42:34and they lend themselves to humor
00:42:36when they see an animal
00:42:38in a human situation
00:42:40thinking or speaking.
00:42:42And to draw animals is really simple.
00:42:44It's really just a matter
00:42:46of utilizing the same steps
00:42:48and techniques that we used
00:42:50for the cartoon face.
00:42:52Let's draw a dog and I'll show you.
00:42:54We start with a shape
00:42:56and another shape back here.
00:42:58Now let's just go over that.
00:43:00Let's put in a nose.
00:43:02Now a dog, it's going to be
00:43:04different than a human.
00:43:06And a palate.
00:43:10Okay, now let's put in eyes,
00:43:12same as before.
00:43:14Although you can draw your eyes
00:43:16any way you want.
00:43:18And a mouth.
00:43:20And his tongue coming out.
00:43:22Now that's basically it
00:43:24for the outline.
00:43:26Now let's just go back
00:43:28and make it more dog-ified.
00:43:30Let's make him a shaggy dog.
00:43:34Let's put some hair on top
00:43:36of his ears.
00:43:43His other ear back there.
00:43:46That's basically it.
00:43:48Let's draw another one.
00:43:53This time let's draw a line.
00:43:56Have him looking straight at us.
00:43:58Start with a shape
00:44:00and another shape
00:44:02for his face.
00:44:04Now let's go back and put the features in
00:44:06his nose.
00:44:10Now his nose will also be different.
00:44:19His chin.
00:44:22Let's give him some whiskers.
00:44:25Now let's put a shape
00:44:27for his head.
00:44:29And now he's got ears like this.
00:44:37Now let's make him
00:44:41like a male lion with a mane.
00:44:46And that's it.
00:44:48That's how you draw a lion.
00:44:51Let's do a couple of quickies now.
00:44:54For instance,
00:44:56to draw a fish is nothing more than
00:44:59a diamond shape like that
00:45:01with a triangle on the back.
00:45:03Let's put an eye in the middle.
00:45:07Make him smiling.
00:45:10Put in a fin.
00:45:13Something like that.
00:45:16Let's blacken this.
00:45:21A couple of bubbles.
00:45:24Some motion lines for his fins.
00:45:26That's how you draw a fish.
00:45:29Now let's draw a snake.
00:45:34His face would be like
00:45:38Little nostrils like that.
00:45:40Let's give him a sinister smile.
00:45:43And some eyes
00:45:46like that.
00:45:48Now for his body,
00:45:49it's nothing more than some
00:45:50loose squiggly lines.
00:45:53Go back over what you've just done.
00:45:56Put a ground line in
00:45:57like little shadows.
00:46:01Put his tongue in.
00:46:03You can put some spots on him.
00:46:11Put his rattle on.
00:46:12He's a rattlesnake.
00:46:15Have it shake.
00:46:16You can even put a sound effect
00:46:17in there if you wanted to.
00:46:19Or you can even have this.
00:46:27It's obvious we can't draw
00:46:28all of the different kinds of animals.
00:46:29There's a lot of animals
00:46:30that we can't draw.
00:46:31We can't draw all of the
00:46:32different kinds of animals
00:46:33that there are.
00:46:34But a good way for you
00:46:35to practice would be
00:46:36to clip out of a magazine
00:46:37or some books
00:46:38some pictures of animals
00:46:39and just like we did
00:46:40with features and expressions,
00:46:42just reduce what you see
00:46:43down into cartoon style lines.
00:46:45Simplify and humorize.
00:46:47It may be a good idea
00:46:48to even start
00:46:49what cartoonists call
00:46:50an art morgue,
00:46:52which is a collection
00:46:53of photographs
00:46:55from pictures of animals
00:46:56to athletic events,
00:46:59And a good way to start
00:47:00would be to get yourself
00:47:01a catalog from
00:47:02a major department store
00:47:03because in that
00:47:04you have pictures of
00:47:05hammers, lawnmowers,
00:47:06beds, everything.
00:47:09Let's do another picture here.
00:47:11And this time
00:47:12we're going to introduce
00:47:13something new.
00:47:16Okay, this time
00:47:17we're going to draw a dog again
00:47:18but this time
00:47:19we're going to have him running.
00:47:20Let's put some lines in.
00:47:21Remember like before.
00:47:23His front legs
00:47:24would be out forward.
00:47:25His back legs
00:47:26would be like that.
00:47:27And his tail.
00:47:28Now let's go over this
00:47:29and put some features in.
00:47:31Remember the nose.
00:47:32A little shine.
00:47:43Ears flying in the wind
00:47:44because he's running.
00:47:49Now let's do his body.
00:47:50Let's do his legs.
00:47:58Back legs.
00:48:02And his tail.
00:48:06We have the dog there.
00:48:08Now let's put in
00:48:10some backgrounds.
00:48:11Now when you're doing backgrounds
00:48:14put some shadow there
00:48:15and some speed lines.
00:48:17You don't want to take away
00:48:18from your main character
00:48:19so you'll want to keep it
00:48:20as simple as you possibly can.
00:48:22Let's put some ground in.
00:48:24Stagger that line a little bit
00:48:25because it's grass.
00:48:26He's outside.
00:48:28Now let's put some
00:48:31which is a line like that.
00:48:32Put the roots.
00:48:35A knot hole.
00:48:38Lines like that.
00:48:45In the foreground
00:48:46let's put some bushes
00:48:49which we draw like that.
00:48:52In the background
00:48:53let's put some more bushes.
00:48:54Now these lines that we drew
00:48:55are going to be smaller.
00:48:59Some more over here.
00:49:03This indicates a little bit of
00:49:04some grass.
00:49:07You can put a mountain in
00:49:08real lightly.
00:49:12Let's put the sky in.
00:49:13Put some clouds.
00:49:15That's all I'm going to do.
00:49:17You want the main character
00:49:18to stick out.
00:49:20Now let's do another one.
00:49:22This time we have a
00:49:24secretary typing away.
00:49:25Now let's put her
00:49:26in an office setting.
00:49:29She's already got the typewriter here.
00:49:30Let's put the desk in.
00:49:41Not too much detail.
00:49:43Keep it simple.
00:49:45Let's have some papers flying.
00:49:52Now let's put in
00:49:53a horizon line in the back.
00:49:56That's the floor.
00:49:59Now let's give her some props.
00:50:01She might have a file cabinet
00:50:02next to her.
00:50:04Like this.
00:50:15And a vase.
00:50:18Put one flower in it.
00:50:19Makes it funnier.
00:50:20It's a cartoon.
00:50:22Sort of drooping.
00:50:24Okay, now how about a door?
00:50:30I'm also not making my lines
00:50:31as dark as I was before
00:50:32on the main character.
00:50:34Of course it's in the background.
00:50:35Now there might be
00:50:36a tile floor.
00:50:37Let's make it like this.
00:50:39See how the lines come forward?
00:50:42Sort of making perspective.
00:50:44It sort of brings you
00:50:45into the picture that way.
00:50:46Now over here,
00:50:47let's give her a picture
00:50:56Now in the window,
00:50:57let's put the
00:50:59view of the city.
00:51:04Which we do like that.
00:51:06We can make it
00:51:08by adding a little
00:51:13Put some windows.
00:51:19You don't want to go
00:51:20too wild on this
00:51:21because it's
00:51:22going to take away.
00:51:24Put some sky in.
00:51:26And that's basically it.
00:51:27Now that's,
00:51:28that would be an office setting.
00:51:33Okay, let's do a,
00:51:35let's do another outdoor scene.
00:51:36This time,
00:51:37a football field.
00:51:39Okay, we've got a fellow
00:51:40running for a pass.
00:51:42Now let's put the ground line in.
00:51:46Let's put some shadowing
00:51:47because he's running.
00:51:48Put some speed lines again.
00:51:52Now this time,
00:51:53we're not going to have it
00:51:54so on the same plane
00:51:55like we did with the office
00:51:57and the other outdoor scene.
00:51:58We're going to put some
00:51:59perspective in it.
00:52:00Now these are the grandstands.
00:52:02See how it goes up
00:52:03on an angle like that?
00:52:04Bringing you into the,
00:52:05into the distance.
00:52:06See, this is the
00:52:07far end.
00:52:08These are the seats.
00:52:12Some banners.
00:52:16people in the
00:52:17far away would just be dots.
00:52:21closer in the foreground,
00:52:22they'd be more like circles.
00:52:24But you don't have to draw
00:52:25every person, obviously.
00:52:26But you can just suggest it.
00:52:28People up here
00:52:29on the cheap seats
00:52:30would also be dots.
00:52:33And like that.
00:52:34Now let's put some lines in
00:52:35for the football field.
00:52:37Even put the goal post in.
00:52:41And some sky.
00:52:43Now a good way
00:52:44to practice backgrounds
00:52:45is to just plain have
00:52:46your sketchpad with you
00:52:47all the time.
00:52:48When you go to
00:52:49the shopping mall
00:52:50or even drawing
00:52:51in your own living room,
00:52:52just get in the habit
00:52:53of always sketching.
00:52:55Now when you're drawing,
00:52:56say, in your living room
00:52:57and you need things
00:52:58like props
00:52:59because you want to
00:53:00add these to some
00:53:01of your pictures,
00:53:02all you do
00:53:03when you draw props
00:53:04is just to reduce it
00:53:05down to its basic elements.
00:53:06Like let's draw something
00:53:07you see every day
00:53:08like a computer.
00:53:12this could do
00:53:13for the screen.
00:53:15Let's put a little
00:53:16thickness in it.
00:53:20That's all you would
00:53:21need for the screen.
00:53:22Now for the keyboard,
00:53:23it's like a rectangle.
00:53:29For the keys,
00:53:30you can just suggest
00:53:31a few circles
00:53:32or squares,
00:53:33whatever you want.
00:53:35And that would take it.
00:53:37And a little squiggly line
00:53:39for the wire
00:53:40to start connecting it.
00:53:41That could be a computer.
00:53:44Let's do something else
00:53:45you see every day.
00:53:46How about a coffee pot?
00:53:48That could be,
00:53:49let's make it
00:53:54And let's put the
00:53:56spout right there
00:53:59and the base.
00:54:05You don't want to
00:54:06start with too much detail.
00:54:07Here's a handle.
00:54:11Let's have the lid
00:54:12flying off.
00:54:19Maybe some steam
00:54:20coming out.
00:54:23Even some coffee
00:54:24dripping out.
00:54:25Make that black.
00:54:31Lines looking
00:54:32like it's coming off.
00:54:33How about the cord?
00:54:34It's an electric
00:54:36And that could be
00:54:38the way you would draw that.
00:54:41Now how about a chair?
00:54:42An easy chair.
00:54:51Make it real soft looking.
00:54:54The other arm.
00:55:00That would do fine
00:55:01for a chair
00:55:02and for a lamp next to it.
00:55:06All you have to do
00:55:07is look around your own house.
00:55:08There's plenty of things
00:55:09to practice on.
00:55:17Let's put some fringe
00:55:18on the lampshade.
00:55:22Okay, now do you remember before
00:55:23when I said to you
00:55:24that anything's possible
00:55:25in the world of cartooning?
00:55:26Well, let's go back
00:55:27and have some fun.
00:55:28Let's take these objects
00:55:29that we've already drawn
00:55:30and put some life into them.
00:55:36Put eyes, nose, mouth
00:55:37right into that chair
00:55:39and make them come alive.
00:55:41Same thing with the lamp.
00:55:42Let's make the lamp a girl.
00:55:52See, you can even do that.
00:55:55Let's have them
00:55:58in love.
00:56:01Inanimate objects
00:56:02coming to life.
00:56:03Let's go back
00:56:04and do the coffee pot.
00:56:08Okay, let's look on the object
00:56:10and see what might be used
00:56:12for the nose.
00:56:13It's already there,
00:56:14like his spout.
00:56:16Put some eyes around that.
00:56:20Let's have him wincing.
00:56:21Put his eyes squinting
00:56:22like that.
00:56:26How about have his mouth
00:56:27like that,
00:56:28like it's so hot
00:56:29he can't stand it.
00:56:31See, we've added life.
00:56:34Let's do the computer.
00:56:39Same thing,
00:56:40we'll just do the same features.
00:56:41Let's have him
00:56:42looking smart
00:56:47and smug.
00:56:50Let's have him thinking
00:56:51of something smart.
00:56:54Let's have him
00:56:55thinking of something smart.
00:56:58Let's have him
00:57:09A cartoon like this
00:57:10could easily be used
00:57:11for an advertisement
00:57:12for a computer store.
00:57:14Well, that's about it
00:57:15for the basics
00:57:16of drawing cartoons.
00:57:17I hope you've enjoyed it.
00:57:18We've covered a lot of ground.
00:57:20The rest, well,
00:57:21that's up to you.
00:57:22But the more you practice,
00:57:23the more you'll develop
00:57:24your own style
00:57:25and technique
00:57:26for drawing cartoons.
00:57:27And when you practice,
00:57:28make sure you practice
00:57:30and not just what
00:57:31comes easiest to you.
00:57:32For example,
00:57:33if you have trouble drawing,
00:57:34say, cartoon hands
00:57:35or action drawings,
00:57:36focus in
00:57:37and work on that.
00:57:39Remember this,
00:57:40if you even have
00:57:41a little talent
00:57:42and you practice hard,
00:57:43you'll do much better
00:57:44than a lazy person
00:57:45with tons of talent.
00:57:47I'm Bruce Blitz saying
00:57:50keep on cartooning.
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