• 2 days ago
00:01:24Soy cocinero no modelo yo no quiero una publicación de cinco páginas en la revista hola
00:01:31No se trata de convivir con celebridades se trata de cocinar comida de verdad con el corazón
00:01:42Amo la cocina
00:01:56Team Slater solo quiere no amigo pero solo es una fotografía no espera
00:02:03Hola cielo
00:02:06Necesita trabajo pero es perfecta y cuando la veré michelle la mara puse una oferta
00:02:12Que aguarda un segundo a guardar estas conduciendo muy despacio bueno pues orilla te vuelve a llamar
00:02:21Si estás tratando de convencerme de que lo haga y lo soñaría
00:02:24Pero él dijo que no se irá hasta conocer al genio que dijo genio definitivo de acuerdo ingo
00:02:30toma el paseo si chef rob
00:02:34Muéstrale bebé
00:02:55Un verdadero placer
00:03:00La maldición de ser una celebridad nunca siendo el mío el consejo no corras o te accidentarás
00:03:15Hola soy francoise siento no estar para contestar tu llamada pero si me dejas un mensaje de regresar en la llamada adiós
00:03:24Hola soy yo amor
00:03:27Solo quería escuchar el sonido de tu voz y decirte que te amo y que te extraño mucho
00:04:01And it's a photos and
00:04:12No puedo recordar como era ella eso es malo no cielo es normal
00:04:23Ya es hora apaga las luces por cierto
00:04:27Encontré esto la bota en venta que es la bota
00:04:35No es nada buenas noches
00:04:56Las críticas de hoy
00:05:01Cielos a decir verdad pensé que era muy buena cocina muscular un poco sensual no la de abajo
00:05:09Es una vieja y sucia taberna el lugar de rob hailey tiene corazón y se esfuerza hace tres años
00:05:15estaba en la cima en serio qué pasó
00:05:18Su esposa falleció el fin del mundo comida sosa es insabón el fin del mundo
00:05:28Y ahora aquí en canal 4 guy witherspoon nos lleva al edén
00:05:32Como nos vamos a cercando a la temporada de neblina y poca productividad
00:05:37sean bienvenidos a comida para pensar conmigo su anfitrión guy wither
00:05:49Esta desbordando por la banda de la derecha llega hasta el fondo
00:05:53Manda el centro retrasado llega el debate de cabeza y esto es un gol
00:06:02Un gran gol
00:06:04Yo nunca había estado en Wichita antes
00:06:07Escuché que no había donde comer ningún lugar decente o algo así ninguno
00:06:12Hasta que Jack y Jill Adams abrieron el edén
00:06:17Jack conjura maravillas en la cocina
00:06:20Mientras que Jill adorna el frente del lugar con gran frenesí
00:06:25Vayamos adentro
00:06:27Todos los menús son estacionales por lo que la calidad y la frescura es mejor que cualquiera
00:06:43Sí, muy de acuerdo con todo el lugar
00:06:46Muchas gracias
00:06:47¿Le sirvo un poco?
00:06:55Una taberna con verdadera comida inglesa y Guy está haciendo un programa ahí
00:06:59Eso es nuevo
00:07:04¿Conoces a ese tipo?
00:07:08Él es muy bueno pero bebe sin control
00:07:12Nada puede estar más lejos de las porquerías salidas de un microondas
00:07:19Que sirven en tabernas por todo el país
00:07:30Yo estaba viendo eso
00:07:31¿Cuál es el marcador?
00:07:35¿Llegaron los pais de pescado?
00:07:38No hay duda de que él sabe lo que está diciendo
00:07:49Ella es muy auténtica
00:07:51Ella es completamente a la antigua, de principio a fin
00:07:54Además de ser...
00:07:57Una criatura espléndida
00:07:59Todo se ha vuelto gourmet en estos días
00:08:01Hasta los campamentos sirven cosas en palos
00:08:11Eso es
00:08:13Ay por Dios
00:08:16¿Tú recuerdas esto?
00:08:19Tu fase de Madonna, sí lo recuerdo
00:08:22Una niña de 10 años cantando como una virgen asusta
00:08:26Especialmente si eres su padre
00:08:31Es bueno tenerte en casa, Kate
00:08:33Nosotros te cuidaremos
00:08:36¿Desde España?
00:08:38Si quieres que nos quedemos, nos quedaremos
00:08:40Tenemos esa reservación hace meses
00:08:42Oye, ¿puedes venir con nosotros y reseñar algunos restaurantes?
00:08:46Esto es perfecto
00:08:47Voy a escribir mi guía para chefs con talento y originalidad
00:08:51Y no para las rameras de las celebridades y estrellas de rock
00:08:55Sin ofender
00:08:57Oh, sí
00:08:58Es un muy, muy delicioso
00:09:01Brebaje de esparra
00:09:05Es un muy, muy delicioso
00:09:06Brebaje de esparra
00:09:08Gordon, ¿qué estás haciendo aquí?
00:09:10No te veo desde hace años
00:09:12Tu imperio es más que increíble
00:09:16¿Qué es lo que te está sucediendo?
00:09:18¿De qué estás hablando?
00:09:19Por favor
00:09:21Comida de verdad, con el corazón
00:09:23¿Recuerdas lo que me dijiste?
00:09:25Sí, pero todo es distinto
00:09:27Françoise estaría horrorizada si lo viera
00:09:29No la involucres en esto, por favor
00:09:31Tú sabes que es cierto
00:09:33¿Sigues vendiendo el trifle?
00:09:36No, no lo creo, no
00:09:42El fin del mundo, su comida sosa y sin sabor
00:09:45Otro maldito crítico que no puede ni hervir agua
00:09:48¿Tú lo sabes?
00:09:49No lo sé, pero como ve las cosas, las dice tal cual son
00:09:51Todo esto tiene que parar
00:09:59Uno al día
00:10:00Está bien
00:10:03¿Ya tienes todo?
00:10:06¿Llevaría a Michelle a la escuela esta mañana?
00:10:08¿La recoges después?
00:10:09Claro, sin problema
00:10:10¿Tú qué vas a hacer?
00:10:11Piensa comprar la bota de mamá
00:10:14Es hora de irnos, llegaremos tarde
00:10:36¡Eres un estúpido!
00:10:53Odio estas personas
00:10:55Wooden doesn't
00:11:05Wooden doesn't
00:11:30Aviso propiedad privada
00:11:39Busco a John
00:11:46No hay gente
00:11:47No amigo, es la hora pico del lugar
00:11:50Así es, en verdad lo es
00:11:57¿Qué demonios es lo que buscas?
00:12:00Pues, hace tres años mi esposa le hizo una oferta por este establecimiento
00:12:06Tú eres Rob Haley
00:12:09No tienes vergüenza al mostrar tu cara en este lugar
00:12:12Escogí un pequeño lugar de retiro en Alicante
00:12:15¿Qué demonios pasó?
00:12:18Ya entiendo, algunas cosas
00:12:20Eso lo justifica
00:12:22Lo explica todo, es comprensible
00:12:25Mi esposa me dejó gracias a ti
00:12:27Lo siento
00:12:28No, en serio, lo digo en serio, es lo mejor que me ha pasado
00:12:33¿Aún lo sigue vendiendo?
00:12:36¡Vaya! ¡Qué sorpresa!
00:12:39Hola bebé, hace tiempo que no te veo
00:12:42Tú eres medicina para mis ojos
00:12:44Hola, soy Kate
00:12:46Soy Rob
00:12:49Hola chicos
00:12:51Él va a comprar el lugar
00:12:53No puedes vender este lugar
00:12:55No, aún lo estoy pensando
00:12:57Él es un chef
00:13:00Vaya, ¿qué tipo de comida?
00:13:03¿Comida de desayuno inglesa?
00:13:05Embutidos, frijoles, pan frito
00:13:07Me encanta el pan frito
00:13:09Rob es un gran chef
00:13:11¿En serio?
00:13:13Bueno, yo no vengo aquí por la cocina
00:13:16Esto es perfecto
00:13:18Nada pretencioso
00:13:20Mi comida no es pretenciosa
00:13:22Hago comida real con el corazón
00:13:26Kate sabe mucho sobre comida
00:13:28Es crítica gastronómica
00:13:35¿A ti no te agradan los críticos?
00:13:38No, no mucho
00:13:40¿Ese es tu auto?
00:13:41¿Lo es?
00:13:43Matarás a alguien si conduces de esa manera
00:13:45Y esto no es adecuado, señorita
00:13:48Ay, por Dios, ¿eras tú?
00:13:51Pues, espero que sea mejor cocinero que conductor
00:14:06Lo hiciste
00:14:08Empieza ahora
00:14:10Tu comentario me costó cuatrocientas mil libras
00:14:13Son muchos platos que lavar
00:14:15Lo siento mucho
00:14:17No es para menos
00:14:19No es para menos
00:14:21El fin del mundo
00:14:54Qué bueno que tu padre aún organiza buenas fiestas
00:14:57Me alegra saber que sigue sabiendo dónde encontrar hermosos accesorios
00:15:01Hoy no se conocen
00:15:03Él es Roberto
00:15:07No habla español
00:15:09Mi amor, un viquiere de champaña, por favor
00:15:15Quiero ser tú cuando crezca
00:15:19Ay, querida niña
00:15:21El primer divorcio es siempre el peor
00:15:24Se compone después de eso, créeme
00:15:28Voy a tener que rescatarlo
00:15:31Lo último que queremos es un romano furioso
00:15:37Huevos de codorniz en una cama de poros
00:15:40En tiras con salmón escocés ahumado
00:15:43Pepinos ligeramente encurtidos y tortas de avena
00:15:46¿En verdad yo ordené eso?
00:15:48¿Dónde los compraste?
00:15:49Los preparé
00:15:50Golpéame con una pluma
00:15:52Mi padre solía ser chef
00:15:54Sí, mi abuela era un encanto desnuda
00:15:56Buena comparación, pero ahora, pruébalo
00:16:14Cielos, no me culpes porque me gusta
00:16:18Yo le daría todo
00:16:20Eso es seguro
00:16:21¿En serio?
00:16:22¿Tú crees que tendría oportunidad?
00:16:24Ninguno, para nada
00:16:26Amigo, en nuestros tiempos, cualquiera de los dos la hubiéramos convencido en tres segundos
00:16:31Si otra vez te vuelvo a atrapar viendo en la dirección donde se encuentra mi hija
00:16:35Mi perro te atacará
00:16:44Ella me preocupa
00:16:46Pues ya es tarde
00:16:48Ella es un adulto
00:16:50Yo podría matar a su esposo, acostarse con el asistente, patético
00:16:54Bueno, tú no puedes hablar
00:16:56Bueno, por lo menos mi secretaria era una mujer
00:17:13Tengo una, gracias
00:17:16Te sienta bien la soltería
00:17:19La champaña
00:17:21Sabes, no deberías alejar a todos los hombres
00:17:26¿Y por qué no debería hacerlo, James?
00:17:28Pues, para empezar, no todos resultamos ser gay
00:17:43Ella me desea
00:17:45Puedo verlo
00:17:57Y por último, el postre
00:18:00Taram, el favorito de Michelle, ¿compartan?
00:18:14Es un triunfo
00:18:16Es cierto, maldita sea
00:18:18No hables así
00:18:19Tú lo haces
00:18:20No lo hablo
00:18:21La semana pasada, un hombre dijo que su pay de pollo estaba congelado de en medio
00:18:24Y tú lo llamaste
00:18:25Michelle, no lo digas, te lo pido
00:18:29Y bien, ¿qué opinan?
00:18:33¿Lo intentamos?
00:18:34Enventa la bota
00:18:36Necesitaremos ayuda
00:18:44Hola, amigo
00:18:46¿Cómo estás?
00:18:49¿Qué te sirvo?
00:18:51Creí que querías cocinar
00:18:53Es mejor de lo que él hace
00:18:54Él abrirá un nuevo lugar
00:18:56Qué bien
00:18:57Amigo, en serio, él volvió a cocinar
00:19:30¿Qué dices?
00:19:45¿A dónde nos dirigimos?
00:19:46A la antigua bota de Francois, aparentemente
00:19:49Gran idea
00:20:00Por Dios, ¿qué hace ella aquí?
00:20:02Ella paga las cuentas y dice que los niños son lindos
00:20:05Maldita sea
00:20:07Tú entrarás
00:20:08No, tú
00:20:09Tú le agradas
00:20:11¿En serio?
00:20:29Ella quiere hablar contigo
00:20:30Y yo dejaría mi chaqueta si fueras tú
00:20:33Ella quiere hablar contigo
00:20:34Y yo dejaría mi chaqueta si fueras tú
00:20:36Ella quiere hablar contigo
00:20:37Y yo dejaría mi chaqueta si fueras tú
00:20:47Ella quiere hablar contigo
00:20:48Y yo dejaría mi chaqueta si fueras tú
00:21:03Tú dijiste que estos niños eran lindos
00:21:05Tú debes estar bromeando
00:21:06Mira nada más
00:21:20Maldita sea
00:21:22Lo siento
00:21:23Maldita sea
00:21:24Oye, tú
00:21:26¿Y no piensas decir nada?
00:21:27Ella creció en una cocina
00:21:30Tu madre amaba este lugar
00:21:32Oye, Michelle, ¿viste eso?
00:21:42Ah, ¿qué tal?
00:21:43Es la crítica
00:21:46En verdad lo hiciste, ¿eh?
00:21:47Lo convertiremos en cafetería
00:21:48Hamburguesas con queso, papas malteadas
00:21:49Solo para ti
00:21:51Y yo pensé que iba a ser cocina británica
00:21:53Con un toque provenzal y matices toscanos
00:21:55Una pizca del norte de Taiwán
00:21:56Un poco del calor de Sichuan
00:21:57Y todo en una guga
00:21:59Esas no pueden faltar
00:22:00Lo siento
00:22:01No al toque provenzal
00:22:02Ni matices toscanos
00:22:03Ni subtextos catalanes
00:22:04Ni toques cantoneses
00:22:06¿Elementos daneses?
00:22:07¿Elementos daneses?
00:22:09No, no elementos daneses tampoco
00:22:13Definitivamente no
00:22:14Influencia californiana de ninguna clase
00:22:17Vamos a servir
00:22:18Ingredientes ingleses finos
00:22:20Tratados con respeto
00:22:21Respaldados con técnicas francesas clásicas
00:22:24¿No es así?
00:22:26¿Eso harán?
00:22:27Lo que ella dijo
00:22:28Ya te lo dijeron
00:22:29Estoy impresionada
00:22:31Ella es la que manda
00:22:32Jamás trabajes con tu hija
00:23:33Había un chef en la bota hoy
00:23:36Excelentes noticias
00:23:38Será un desastre
00:23:40Una multitud
00:23:41El pueblo lleno de autos
00:23:43Nada como tus siestas, ¿verdad, Max?
00:23:45Eso es diferente
00:23:46Como sea, la última fue para Kate
00:23:48¿Lo fue?
00:23:49Tuvimos 23 quejas en el consejo
00:23:52Un record muy nuevo
00:23:54Será bueno tener algún lugar aquí
00:23:55Donde podamos ir
00:23:57Entonces quizá ya no tenga que cocinar tanto
00:23:59¿Tú preparas buen pan tostado?
00:24:01Es más de lo que tú haces
00:24:05Yo estuve en su restaurante en Londres
00:24:06Hace un par de semanas
00:24:08No creo que la multitud vaya a ser un problema
00:24:22¿Me ves el trasero otra vez?
00:24:24Linda forma, ¿cierto?
00:24:26¿Crees que esté tan firme como te gusta?
00:24:28Puedes apretarlo un poco
00:24:29Ve si está listo
00:24:33¿Quieres una taza de té?
00:24:36Una de azúcar
00:24:37Yo también quiero una
00:24:38Y tú también
00:24:43Perderemos el vuelo
00:24:44Solo voy a saludarlos
00:24:46Puedes hacerlo cuando regresemos
00:24:49Podría ser muy tarde
00:24:53Movamos esta encantadora pieza de equipo vintage
00:24:55¿Me ayudas?
00:24:56Es muy precioso
00:25:00¡Maldita sea!
00:25:08¿Está bien? En verdad, lo siento
00:25:10Esa maldita cosa casi me mata
00:25:11Sí, lo siento, estamos reorganizando un poco
00:25:13¿Estás seguro de que está bien?
00:25:14Yo soy Rob
00:25:15Max Templeton
00:25:17Vivo a la vuelta de la esquina
00:25:19¿Qué pasa?
00:25:20¿Qué pasa?
00:25:21¿Qué pasa?
00:25:22¿Qué pasa?
00:25:23¿Qué pasa?
00:25:24¿Qué pasa?
00:25:25¿Qué pasa?
00:25:26¿Qué pasa?
00:25:27¿Qué pasa?
00:25:28Vivo a la vuelta de la esquina
00:25:29¿Le ofrezco algo de beber? ¿Una taza de té?
00:25:31No, gracias
00:25:32Kate me habló de sus planes
00:25:35Es mi hija
00:25:36¿La americana?
00:25:37Los sesenta, rock and roll, Estados Unidos, una historia larga y brutal
00:25:40Mira, todos apreciamos el silencio y la paz de este lugar
00:25:44Espero que los conserves
00:25:46El karaoke será solo dos veces por semana
00:25:48Y la banda de los viernes y sábados
00:25:51Es una broma
00:25:52Es solo una taberna con buena comida
00:25:55Y solo eso
00:25:57Te destriparé con el capitel de la iglesia
00:26:08¿Crees que tenga oportunidad con Shawna?
00:26:10No lo sé, todo es cuestión de suerte y paciencia
00:26:13¿Qué debo hacer?
00:26:15Para empezar, pregúntale a ella
00:26:20¿Pediste a la caballería?
00:26:27¿Rob Haley?
00:26:28No, él está adentro
00:26:32Solo será un minuto
00:26:40¿Puedo ayudarte?
00:26:41¿Rob Haley?
00:26:43James Forrester
00:26:44Soy dueño de algunas tierras por aquí
00:26:51Será un oasis gastronómico
00:26:54¿Oasis gastronómico?
00:26:56Una buena taberna inglesa, Kate me lo dijo
00:26:58¿Ella es tu amiga?
00:26:59Un poco más que eso, si entiendes lo que quiero decir
00:27:07¿Entonces, cordero servido con salsa de menta y mermelada de grosella?
00:27:11¿Ese tipo de cosas?
00:27:12¿Me das la espátula, por favor?
00:27:14¿Pudín de cebo?
00:27:15Y los tornillos
00:27:19Para mantener fuera los insectos, ¿cierto?
00:27:21Esa es la idea
00:27:23¿No quieres que Sanidad esté detrás de tus pasos, o sí?
00:27:27Espero cosas maravillosas
00:27:29Espero no decepcionarte
00:27:31No lo harás
00:27:33Buen día
00:27:53Un pequeño recordatorio
00:28:06El fin del mundo con su comida sosa y sin sabor
00:28:17Eso es todo, estamos listos
00:28:25Ven conmigo
00:28:33Wow, vaya, eso es bastante claro
00:28:36La bota, no perros ni críticos
00:28:39¿Y bien? ¿Qué opinan?
00:28:42No hay trifle
00:28:43Sí, ¿qué pasó con el trifle?
00:28:44De acuerdo, amo el trifle
00:28:49Chell, haz los honores
00:28:52Ahora declaro la bota abierta
00:29:02Unos cuantos clientes, recomendaciones y despegamos
00:29:22Buenas tardes
00:29:27¿Vio el letrero?
00:29:30¿Qué letrero?
00:29:36Los, toma la escalera y la pintura
00:29:46Por lo menos alguien es feliz
00:29:49Dios mío
00:29:53Yo me encargo, tómate un descanso
00:29:55Maldición, he esperado mucho para que estos dos se decidan
00:30:00Díganme, caballeros, ¿qué van a comer?
00:30:13¿Plugman Lunch? ¿Pidieron carnes frías y queso?
00:30:17Ellos creen que pueden ordenar fuera de...
00:30:18¿A dónde vas? ¡Oye, oye! ¡No, amigo! ¡Vamos!
00:30:21Son nuestros clientes
00:30:24Por favor
00:30:28De acuerdo
00:30:41Un ingenuo y domesticado Bogdán
00:30:44Presuntuoso y... notas de frambuesa
00:30:48Tánicos medios y un poco...
00:30:51¡Ay, mierda!
00:30:53¿Esa es la manera de dirigirse a un artista cuando está trabajando?
00:30:56Ven, siéntate un minuto, algunos de estos son agradables
00:30:59Grabamos hoy, ¿recuerdas?
00:31:00No, voy a deslumbrarlos
00:31:02Cancelaran tu presentación
00:31:03Ellos no van a cancelarlo, soy una sensación nacional
00:31:07Pero como sea, estoy sobrio como un juez
00:31:09Vamos, hora de café
00:31:11¿Qué? Yo no quiero café
00:31:13Déjalo, déjalo
00:31:14¿Pero por qué?
00:31:15Bájalo, vamos a ir por un poco de café
00:31:17Camina, hombre obstinado
00:31:22Viejos miserables y bastardos
00:31:24Después de todo, solo querían queso enrollado con pepinillos
00:31:28¡Maldita sea!
00:31:29¿Está bien?
00:31:31Salva mi alma descarriada
00:31:44¿Y eso qué?
00:31:45Trifle, degústenlo
00:31:47No me gusta el trifle
00:31:48Vamos, es delicioso
00:31:50¡No queremos!
00:32:21¿Qué vas a hacer, bebé?
00:32:22Llevaré a Flo al parque
00:32:23¿Está bien?
00:32:39¡No, regresa!
00:32:44¿Dónde está Michelle?
00:32:45No lo sé
00:32:48¿Estás bien? ¿Qué pasó?
00:32:50No pasó nada
00:32:51Yo conducía por el camino y...
00:32:53Si eres uno de esos malditos conductores estúpidos que no prenden hasta que matan a alguien
00:32:56¡Regresa a América para que estemos más seguros!
00:32:59Ven acá
00:33:01La velocidad es algo delicado para él
00:33:03Él se calmará en un minuto
00:33:04¡No, no lo haré!
00:33:06Yo no conducía tan rápido
00:33:08Y quizás sea otra estúpida americana para ti
00:33:11¡No soy tan estúpida!
00:33:25Me dijeron que debo disculparme contigo
00:33:29¿Ibas a hacerlo?
00:33:31¿Quieres comer algo?
00:33:37Bueno, mira, dejemos algo en claro
00:33:40Se te pasó la hora
00:33:45Déjame llevarte a tu mesa
00:33:51Lengua de res con remolacha y apionabo
00:33:56Suena delicioso
00:34:10Me gusta
00:34:15¿Qué sigue?
00:34:17Es americana
00:34:18Así que cualquier cosa con cabeza
00:34:21Déjamelo a mí
00:34:26Pues déjame saludarte
00:34:31¿Crees que nos irá mejor?
00:34:32Pues la comida era una porquería en Londres, pero por lo menos vendíamos mucho
00:34:40Oh, no, en serio, ya no, gracias
00:34:43Pudín, te gustará
00:34:48¿Está bien? Lo probaré
00:35:04¡Ay, por Dios!
00:35:05Te lo dije
00:35:06Yo creo que ese postre le va a encantar
00:35:11El lenguado estuvo genial, perfecto
00:35:14Y la lengua de res, una revelación
00:35:18Y vaya, ese no es un trifle ordinario
00:35:22No puedo creer que lo vaya a decir, pero en verdad ese pudín es seriamente sensual
00:35:27¿Por qué no tienes gente formada para entrar?
00:35:29Acabamos de abrir
00:35:31¿Y haces esto?
00:35:33¿Acabamos de abrir?
00:35:35¿Y has escuchado de la publicidad?
00:35:38¿O vas a hacerlo a la manera inglesa, donde escondes una luz bajo el plato y luego te quejas porque nadie la ve?
00:35:45Ella conoce el plan secreto
00:35:47Quizá quieras repensar tu estrategia, en particular tus problemas con los críticos
00:35:54¿Cuánto te debo?
00:35:57La casa invita
00:36:03¿Quieres que vaya por la pintura?
00:36:06Claro que no
00:36:40Levántate y brilla, mi amor
00:36:44Es hora de mi cabalgata matutina
00:36:47¿Son las órdenes de los cabalgantes?
00:36:50Así es
00:37:03¿Veo que aún no has adquirido el júbilo de la perla?
00:37:06¿Y tú no te has deshecho de tu fetiché por las pantaletas, por lo que veo?
00:37:10No es fetiché, más bien es lo que aprecio
00:37:14Él parece ser un buen tipo para ser un artesano
00:37:17¿De quién hablas?
00:37:18Del tipo de la boca
00:37:19¿De quién?
00:37:20De la boca
00:37:21¿De quién?
00:37:22De la boca
00:37:23¿De quién?
00:37:24De la boca
00:37:25¿De quién?
00:37:26De la boca
00:37:27¿De quién?
00:37:28De la boca
00:37:29¿De quién?
00:37:30De la boca
00:37:31Del tipo de la boca
00:37:32Oh, Rob
00:37:34Sí, es genial
00:37:36En verdad, genial
00:37:39Leí tu crítica de su restaurante en Londres
00:37:43Estoy seguro de que hará lo mismo, por lo que se puede ver
00:37:47Todos merecemos una segunda oportunidad
00:37:51¿Supongo que así es?
00:37:56James, por favor
00:37:59Fue bueno cuando estuvimos juntos
00:38:01¡Ay, por favor!
00:38:06¡Mira lo que hiciste!
00:38:08Estos pantalones son de lavado en seco
00:38:11Pues envíame la cuenta
00:38:17¿Qué te ofrezco?
00:38:18¿Dónde está Michelle?
00:38:20Quiero llevarla a alimentar a los patos
00:38:23¿Cómo van las cosas?
00:38:24El yate quizá deba esperar
00:38:26Está bien, yo me mareo
00:38:29¿Cuánto nos queda?
00:38:30Otro mes
00:38:40¿Algún otro cliente por aquí?
00:38:45Es una pena
00:38:46Sí, pero no hay nada que podamos hacer, ¿o sí?
00:38:48No, por supuesto que no
00:38:50No hay nada que puedas hacer
00:38:51Bueno, no hay nada que nadie pueda hacer
00:38:53Definitivamente nada que yo pueda hacer
00:38:56Es que hice una promesa que nunca nadie lo sabría
00:38:59¿Nunca sabrían qué?
00:39:01Sobre la cocina de tu padre
00:39:02¿No quieres que las personas se enteren?
00:39:05Solo que no quiero ser juzgado por un crítico presumido que no sabe nada
00:39:08Con excepción de la presente
00:39:11Pero, ¿no los críticos te dan nombre?
00:39:13Sí, papá
00:39:14¿No son los críticos los que te dan nombre?
00:39:16¿Se están uniendo en mi contra?
00:39:35Parada 4
00:39:39Aguarde, aguarde
00:39:46¿El nombre?
00:39:52Sí, no hay problema
00:39:55Nos veré después
00:40:05¿Saben qué maldita hora es?
00:40:16Ya estamos llenos
00:40:22Hola, ¿la bota?
00:40:24¿Seis para la cena a las ocho?
00:40:28¿El domingo? ¿Comida o cena?
00:40:31No, lo siento
00:40:34¿La próxima semana?
00:40:36Lo siento
00:40:39Está bien
00:40:46Díganme, ¿qué pasó?
00:40:48Una buena crítica
00:41:03¡No! No corras y no atrapes nada cuando se caiga
00:41:06Déjalo caer, puede estar filoso, o caliente, o ambos
00:41:09No quiero que te hagas daño, te necesito
00:41:11Sí, chef
00:41:14La bota
00:41:17¿Qué demonios está pasando?
00:41:20¡Malditos turistas!
00:41:22Todo lo echan a perder
00:41:24Detente, por favor
00:41:29Hola, ¿esto no tiene que ver contigo, o sí?
00:41:31Definitivamente no
00:41:33¿Quieres ayudar?
00:41:34Ay, no, no quieres mi ayuda en la cocina
00:41:36Yo uso la alarma contra el fuego como temporizador
00:41:39¡Malditos críticos!
00:41:40Lo sé, no puedo ni hervir agua
00:41:42Lo guardo como recordatorio
00:41:44¿De lo duro que tienes que trabajar para mantener los estándares?
00:41:46No, de lo que le voy a hacer a ese bastardo cuando lo encuentre
00:41:49Si hay algo de verdad en eso, creo que te hicieron un favor
00:41:56¿Dónde está Michelle?
00:41:57Ella está arriba
00:42:00Oye, Kate
00:42:04¿Por qué?
00:42:08¡Ingo, los vegetales ahora!
00:42:10¡Ingo, los vegetales ahora!
00:42:41¿Lista para ir a ver a los patos?
00:42:52¡Ah, toma!
00:42:54¿A dónde vas ahora?
00:42:55A decirle a ese oportunista ventajoso lo que pienso de él
00:43:00¿Qué demonios está pasando aquí?
00:43:02Se ve bien, ¿se divirtió?
00:43:03Yo no me pararía ahí si fuera usted
00:43:05Estamos completamente llenos, pero siempre podemos hacer un lugar
00:43:07Estamos llenos como una bota
00:43:09Lo arruinaste
00:43:12Me tomó dos horas llegar aquí, dos horas
00:43:14Normalmente me toma cuarenta minutos
00:43:16Todo el lugar está lleno de autos
00:43:18Es un desastre
00:43:20¿Estás buscando problemas?
00:43:21No, pero sí puede moverse un poco
00:43:23Yo no me voy a mover
00:43:25Ustedes son los que se moverán
00:43:32Es en serio, lo podemos hacer
00:43:41Medio minuto por favor, gritó el hombre sobre su hombro
00:43:45Y desapareció en un balbuceo de voces y en una nube de humo
00:43:51Yo te gusto, ¿verdad?
00:43:59De alguna manera
00:44:00Buenas noches, que duermas bien
00:44:02No dejes que los ácaros te molesten
00:44:20Él me ama
00:44:55Te debo una
00:44:57No fue nada, me dio gusto hacerlo
00:45:00¿Qué pasó?
00:45:11Lo siento, yo...
00:45:20¿Qué le sucedió?
00:45:23Es que ella siempre conducía muy rápido
00:45:31Creo que será mejor que me vaya
00:45:33Sí, yo también me voy a la cama
00:45:40Y Kate...
00:45:44Cuando quieras
00:45:49Buenas noches
00:46:00¿Estás bien?
00:46:30Esta fue una buena idea
00:47:00¿Qué pasó?
00:47:01¿Estás bien?
00:47:02¿Estás bien?
00:47:03¿Estás bien?
00:47:04¿Estás bien?
00:47:05¿Estás bien?
00:47:06¿Estás bien?
00:47:07¿Estás bien?
00:47:08¿Estás bien?
00:47:09¿Estás bien?
00:47:10¿Estás bien?
00:47:11¿Estás bien?
00:47:12¿Estás bien?
00:47:13¿Estás bien?
00:47:14¿Estás bien?
00:47:15¿Estás bien?
00:47:16¿Estás bien?
00:47:17¿Estás bien?
00:47:18¿Estás bien?
00:47:19¿Estás bien?
00:47:20¿Estás bien?
00:47:21¿Estás bien?
00:47:22¿Estás bien?
00:47:23¿Estás bien?
00:47:24¿Estás bien?
00:47:25¿Estás bien?
00:47:26¿Estás bien?
00:47:27¿Estás bien?
00:47:28¿Estás bien?
00:47:29¿Estás bien?
00:47:30¿Estás bien?
00:47:31¿Estás bien?
00:47:33You may take him
00:47:34Come here
00:47:35My father told me he loved me
00:47:39so his secretary signed my birthday cards
00:47:43She's pretty lucky
00:47:45But she doesn't have a mother
00:47:46Yes, she does have a grandfather
00:47:49He adores her more than most
00:47:51You're going to miss something if you cut it this way
00:47:53I'll show you how to do it
00:47:57You keep your finger on the edge,
00:47:59you make short strokes,
00:48:01keep your eyes on it,
00:48:02and watch your thumb on the knife.
00:48:03Keep the tip of the knife on the board
00:48:05and let your knuckles guide the knife.
00:48:14That's it.
00:48:15A more even slice
00:48:16and less chance for your fingers to end up on the plate.
00:48:19You have very beautiful hands.
00:48:22Don't you want them to end up like this?
00:48:28Safety is very important to you.
00:48:30The kitchen is a very dangerous place.
00:48:32And not just the kitchens.
00:48:34And what happened to your ex?
00:48:41Tall, handsome, well-educated,
00:48:46good family, good job, gay.
00:48:53And what's his name?
00:48:56You told me...
00:48:58Oh, James?
00:49:00How do I put this?
00:49:02An indiscretion of youth?
00:49:05Was it momentary?
00:49:15And paradise was lost.
00:49:18Don't be silly.
00:49:19They're just extra cars.
00:49:21He's a good guy, an excellent cook,
00:49:24and what he does brings pleasure to so many people.
00:49:27To my ribs.
00:49:29It's always about you, isn't it?
00:49:31I don't know what you're talking about.
00:49:33It's always when you want it and how you want it to be.
00:49:40It used to be rock and roll and single life.
00:49:43And now it's peace and being my father.
00:49:50Well, you didn't make it easy.
00:49:52You took your mother's side.
00:49:57Are you serious?
00:49:59I was 12.
00:50:01Why was your lightness my fault?
00:50:04You left.
00:50:06I didn't mean to hurt anyone.
00:50:10But you did.
00:50:13Kate, I'm really sorry.
00:50:17Yes, I'm sorry.
00:50:19I'm very sorry.
00:50:22I want to make it up to you.
00:50:25I know.
00:50:34I'll walk back.
00:50:52This is inconceivable.
00:50:55Why aren't you ready to wait for me to arrive?
00:50:58How do you expect me to communicate with my muse
00:51:01in such intolerable circumstances?
00:51:03Calm down.
00:51:04It won't take long.
00:51:06Why don't you go ahead and find out exactly how long?
00:51:09What is this?
00:51:10The boot in Warren Dossett just opened.
00:51:13We thought it could be a possibility to fill the space of 17.
00:51:17Well, let's see if they're still here in 10 years.
00:51:19This is Rob Haley's new place.
00:51:21Poor Rob.
00:51:23He's very sad, isn't he?
00:51:25He's completely lost.
00:51:29What in this green land of God are those fools trying to do?
00:51:34Could you be so kind as to go and investigate, please?
00:51:40Your Bloody Mary, with a touch of Jerez, as you ordered.
00:51:45Derek, you're a god.
00:51:49I thought the dwarf would never leave.
00:51:54This new place.
00:51:56Where is Wooten Dossett?
00:51:59He's about 20 minutes away.
00:52:01Time for an expedition.
00:52:04You're going to get me in serious trouble.
00:52:07You're very used to it, Derek.
00:52:10It's an investigation for 17.
00:52:13You listened well to Miss Moffat.
00:52:19Oh, boss.
00:52:21I think we might have a problem.
00:52:26Oh, Derek.
00:52:28You're in trouble, Derek.
00:52:31Oh, Derek.
00:52:33You're in trouble again.
00:52:46Shauna, what are you doing here?
00:52:49Guy Witherspoon.
00:52:52Do you want to get rid of him or do you want me to...
00:52:54Do you know how many people watch his show?
00:52:57It kills my nerves.
00:52:58How much time for the tongue?
00:53:00Two minutes.
00:53:02Guy Witherspoon is here.
00:53:05Tell me there's no problem.
00:53:06There's no problem.
00:53:07No problem.
00:53:08Why would there be a problem?
00:53:09I'm going in.
00:53:11I don't care.
00:53:13I don't care.
00:53:14Anything else?
00:53:15A bag of fries?
00:53:17I'll go get it.
00:53:18No, don't bother.
00:53:20What's going on?
00:53:22I'm not asking you.
00:53:23Nothing, really.
00:53:24No, friend, please.
00:53:26I'm not going in.
00:53:28What's going on?
00:53:29Why don't you want me to...
00:53:30Rob, I was told you weren't here.
00:53:35Dear boy.
00:53:42You know he's the only critic worth a mountain of beans.
00:53:45Do you have time for a chat?
00:53:47Yes, a little.
00:53:50I'm moved you remember him.
00:53:51The fist fit?
00:53:52I think we have a little.
00:53:54Give me Ule's arm.
00:54:03I love your tie.
00:54:04Thank you, dear.
00:54:07Dear boy, this program immortalizes
00:54:10and could immortalize this lovely place you have.
00:54:13Guys, I'm not interested in immortality.
00:54:18I just want to feed the people.
00:54:20What about the team?
00:54:21Maybe it's pleasant for them.
00:54:24Maybe it'll tickle them.
00:54:27Think about it.
00:54:28It shouldn't bother you.
00:54:29Call me.
00:54:31If you change your mind.
00:54:33Only if it can be fun.
00:54:40Are you leaving?
00:54:42You can't leave these lovely things trapped there.
00:54:46It's cruel.
00:54:56What are you doing here?
00:55:24I don't know what to tell you.
00:55:26How long are you going to take?
00:55:30You're a useless bastard.
00:55:32Do I get this after months of waiting?
00:55:38Come into my charming room, you idiot.
00:55:43What do you mean months of waiting?
00:55:44Oh, man.
00:55:49Cocoa cookies?
00:55:51Or oatmeal cookies?
00:55:54I agree.
00:55:58Good morning, handsome.
00:56:00You slept well, didn't you?
00:56:01Like a baby.
00:56:05I suppose you don't want to be on TV, do you?
00:56:11He wants to do a food show in this place?
00:56:20That's a no.
00:56:25What's going on?
00:56:27Don't look at them. They're playing.
00:56:29I'm going to be a TV star.
00:56:32Food to think about?
00:56:33Oh, yeah.
00:56:36Call him.
00:56:38Let's do it.
00:56:42And you don't want tea?
00:56:46Then let's start outside.
00:56:48We'll have Guy do the introduction.
00:56:51I'm sorry. Just look at him.
00:56:53Look at him.
00:56:55It's your lotion.
00:56:57It's damaged my olfactory receptors.
00:57:00I can't work with him anymore.
00:57:02You need me.
00:57:08You have to calm down, please.
00:57:13We'll shoot on the 17th.
00:57:14I promise Guy will be there sober and on time.
00:57:17Hold on, Tania.
00:57:19What did I tell you about making promises?
00:57:27Terry here will make sure that nothing inappropriate happens.
00:57:33Isn't that right, Terry?
00:57:35Mr. Witherspoon will arrive at the established place at the established time.
00:57:40Ready to work sober, excited and motivated.
00:57:43And not a drop of alcohol will touch his lips until then.
00:57:48You can't do that.
00:57:52Look at me.
00:58:00Are we expecting someone special?
00:58:07Damn bastard.
00:58:14He's landing on my cricket field.
00:58:20I can't believe it.
00:58:45I'm sorry to ruin your game.
00:58:47I think the pilot got lost, sir.
00:58:49You can't fool me, son.
00:58:50You don't know where Haley's boot is, do you?
00:58:53It's over there.
00:58:55At the end of the road.
00:58:56Okay, thanks. Cheers.
00:59:00Well, there you have it. Game over.
00:59:02No, until you hit the post.
00:59:12I think the cricket is doing very well.
00:59:16The polyfusé was a better choice.
00:59:19But you must love the way the butter works.
00:59:22More wax.
00:59:24With the precise amount of capers.
00:59:26Who would have thought you could do that with a carrot?
00:59:31I can definitely help.
00:59:35You forget about my military training.
00:59:37I thought you had run away from the reserves because all you did was go to dinners.
00:59:42They didn't chase me. They asked me to leave.
00:59:45What's your plan?
00:59:46Don't move.
00:59:48I'll be back in a minute.
00:59:57Operation Ratatouille.
01:00:06What? What's wrong?
01:00:07It wasn't what they ordered. It's a disaster out there.
01:00:09It's not much better here.
01:00:10Tell them it's all we have.
01:00:11Tell them it's courtesy of the house.
01:00:13Tell them we're out of meat, we're out of hay.
01:00:15And there's no more Xylabox.
01:00:16They won't like it.
01:00:18What? What's wrong?
01:00:19Where does it hurt?
01:00:20What did you do?
01:00:21No, I'm fine. I'm fine.
01:00:39Did you find your pants, honey?
01:00:42That's what I wanted.
01:00:45Then you'll have it.
01:00:47I know the owner.
01:00:51I wouldn't go in there, friend.
01:00:56That's what you think.
01:01:07What the hell is going on here?
01:01:09Excuse me.
01:01:10Listen up, face of the moon.
01:01:11I'm an expert in martial arts.
01:01:15Well, I panicked.
01:01:21Now you come with me.
01:01:22You didn't cut my fingers.
01:01:24Yes, I did.
01:01:27You know,
01:01:28kitchens are very dangerous places, James.
01:01:31Anything can happen.
01:01:33Come now.
01:01:37This won't stay that way.
01:01:40Let's go.
01:01:46Mike Tango?
01:01:47This is Judith Foxtrot.
01:01:49No, Max, I'm James.
01:01:51Operation Mosaic is underway.
01:01:53I repeat, Operation Mosaic is underway.
01:01:55Oh, blessed be you.
01:02:08What are you going to do with Kate?
01:02:11You like her and she likes you.
01:02:13You're a soprano.
01:02:14I didn't recognize you for a moment.
01:02:16I'll try to do you a favor.
01:02:19Can you take care of Michelle for me?
01:02:20I'm going out for a moment.
01:02:22You're going out?
01:02:32Hit me with a feather, friend.
01:02:41Do you know how stupid this is?
01:02:43I feel like a teenager.
01:02:45This is illegal.
01:02:46I know.
01:02:47But I'm still your little girl, so shh.
01:02:57I don't think so.
01:02:58Because you're not going to marry her, right?
01:03:00Oh, no, I'm not going to marry her.
01:03:02No, I'm not going to marry her.
01:03:05I have a son.
01:03:06I have a son.
01:03:08I have a son.
01:03:10My son.
01:03:11I have a son.
01:03:14I have a son.
01:03:15I have a son.
01:03:17Uh, I haven't done this in a long time, I have to say it.
01:03:26Yes, me too.
01:03:47I need to tell you something.
01:03:52What? Advice or techniques?
01:03:58Always the criticism. How much did I get?
01:04:08Three out of five stars. Believe me, you don't want five.
01:04:14Five out of five stars is that you're a professional.
01:04:17That's not good in bed, it scares me a little.
01:04:20But a talented amateur who does it sincerely, that's much better.
01:04:32Come here.
01:04:44The boot.
01:04:47I won't give you your boot.
01:04:50Are you sure you're okay?
01:04:52Yes, she is first and so it should be.
01:05:59I think I heard someone outside.
01:06:02Maybe it's a fox or something like that, honey.
01:06:05Go back to sleep.
01:06:14Mr. Haley? Mr. Robert Haley?
01:06:18Health and safety. Can I change somewhere?
01:06:23What is all this about?
01:06:26We have received a complaint.
01:06:28What kind of complaint?
01:06:30It's not possible for me to tell you.
01:06:34Who complained?
01:06:36I don't know.
01:06:38I don't know.
01:06:39Tell him.
01:06:42Who complained?
01:06:44You know I can't tell you.
01:06:49Do you want some coffee?
01:06:52Oh my God!
01:06:55What is this?
01:06:57I can't believe it.
01:07:00It's disgusting. I'm going to give you a warning.
01:07:03You are very close to breaking the standard health regulations.
01:07:10I don't want a damn taverner from London
01:07:13turning the whole town into a parking lot and ruining it for everyone.
01:07:17For you, you say?
01:07:18For everyone.
01:07:20Change the record, honey.
01:07:22You haven't been successful in years.
01:07:24I guess a boiled egg would be a lot to ask for.
01:07:37Good morning, Dad.
01:07:40Good morning.
01:07:42I have a surprise for you.
01:07:47Close your eyes.
01:07:59Open your mouth.
01:08:11Incredible, isn't it?
01:08:15He has a gift.
01:08:17And he has the sweetest daughter.
01:08:22Are you happy here?
01:08:30Are you okay?
01:08:31I haven't been better.
01:08:33Never better.
01:08:39Now what?
01:08:42Give me an order to register the place.
01:08:44I guess so. What for?
01:08:46I'm sorry, sir. I can't tell you.
01:08:48Of course you can't.
01:08:49You'd better come in.
01:08:50And how the hell do you know?
01:08:52I have no idea.
01:09:01What is this?
01:09:02It's sealed.
01:09:03It's pending a council review.
01:09:05A citation.
01:09:06There have been many complaints.
01:09:08You extended your welcome.
01:09:11You know, the guy who does this gets $10 an hour.
01:09:16I gave him $200 to let me give it to you.
01:09:19It's the best money I've ever spent.
01:09:21One more thing.
01:09:25She's mine.
01:09:26I ask you not to get close to her, friend.
01:09:28Or things can get very difficult.
01:09:34I almost forgot.
01:09:35Have you ever wondered who wrote the review hanging in the kitchen?
01:09:42And although you know it, well done.
01:09:45You're smart.
01:09:47See you next Tuesday.
01:09:52Kate's boyfriend and her father had us locked up.
01:09:57Kate has a boyfriend?
01:10:06Good morning to you too.
01:10:09What's wrong with Gruñón?
01:10:12They're going to close.
01:10:21Kate, leave him alone.
01:10:24You can't do it.
01:10:25They did.
01:10:26What can I do?
01:10:27You've done enough.
01:10:28What do you mean?
01:10:29Your father, Forrester, they signed the complaint.
01:10:31And your boyfriend left me this.
01:10:33Oh my God.
01:10:34Are they yours?
01:10:35He's not my boyfriend.
01:10:37And I swear, I don't know where he got this.
01:10:41Do you know anything about this?
01:10:43I've tried to tell you.
01:10:44Of course you do.
01:10:47Oh Rob, please.
01:10:48Don't do this.
01:10:49Go now.
01:10:51You were cooking trash before and you know it.
01:10:55And if you think I ruined your life, then you don't know me well.
01:10:58Oh, that's true.
01:10:59Go now.
01:11:01If your wife dies and you have a beautiful daughter,
01:11:04you have no right to be an idiot.
01:11:06Okay, thank God.
01:11:07Close the door when you leave.
01:11:08Oh, and Kate.
01:11:10Do me a favor.
01:11:12Don't say goodbye to Michelle.
01:11:30I love you.
01:12:01What the hell?
01:12:07What the hell are you doing?
01:12:13Are you Ron Haley?
01:12:16His Majesty will arrive here at 11.
01:12:17You have to be ready by that time or we'll all go to hell.
01:12:21Who is His Majesty?
01:12:28If you don't close, we'll have a big moment.
01:12:31If we don't have it, who knows?
01:12:32And who's going to cook? You?
01:12:41What a shame we got rid of the microwave.
01:12:44Just reheat the food and you'll be fine.
01:12:48Did you see the criticism of the pub last week?
01:12:51They were killed mercilessly.
01:12:53They'll be fine.
01:12:54Of course, everything will be fine.
01:12:55We would be better if Kate was here.
01:12:57Chell, sometimes the elders leave.
01:13:02Give me a hug, daughter.
01:13:04Go to hell.
01:13:14Can I have a glass of wine when we finish?
01:13:16Are we in the right place?
01:13:17Yes, Guy.
01:13:18While everyone is aware.
01:13:28You can do it.
01:13:29Of course you can.
01:13:30It will be great, really great.
01:13:33We have a critic to impress.
01:13:35Thank God.
01:13:37But what about the audience?
01:13:38Well, if they don't want us here, we'll go to a place where they want us.
01:13:41Isn't that right?
01:13:43Let's go.
01:13:57How much longer, Mr. Forrester?
01:14:00He should be here in a few minutes.
01:14:05At my signal, go to hell.
01:14:12Where is Mr. Haley?
01:14:14He probably realized it's a lost cause.
01:14:27Let's go.
01:14:50I'm sorry I'm late.
01:14:52Kate, honey.
01:14:53I'm glad you came.
01:14:55How about we have dinner tonight to celebrate?
01:14:59Maybe you want to return these to your collection.
01:15:03Gab hasn't done them like this in ten years, and they'll look great on you.
01:15:09How do you know?
01:15:16Mr. Templeton won't join us this morning, but he would like to withdraw all his complaints.
01:15:23And I'm here on behalf of Mr. Haley.
01:15:26Kate, don't do it.
01:15:27Look at me.
01:15:28Can we finish this, please?
01:15:33Let's start with the rats.
01:15:34Oh, your special topic, Mr. Forrester.
01:15:37The list of complaints is immense.
01:15:40They're all shit.
01:15:42I'm sorry, can I say that here?
01:15:43Parking problems.
01:15:44What parking problems?
01:15:45Miss Templeton.
01:15:48Los Angeles of Hell.
01:15:50It's a joke, right?
01:15:51Miss Templeton, I warn you that if you interrupt again, we'll get you out of the process.
01:15:57All Rob Haley does is be an excellent cook and an excellent father.
01:16:02If that's a crime, we're all lost.
01:16:07There must be at least a hundred cars trying to get into town.
01:16:10You couldn't breathe because of the gases.
01:16:12There were even truckloads of tourists.
01:16:14A truckload.
01:16:16And it didn't look like a gastronomic pilgrimage.
01:16:19It was a group of wild rugby players drunk.
01:16:22If his little brain can't understand that he's been lying...
01:16:25Kate, sometimes discretion is the best part of courage.
01:16:29You think courage is the cover of a sofa.
01:16:32Miss Templeton.
01:16:45Goodbye, Kate.
01:16:52One last thing, Mr. Forrester, if you'll allow me.
01:16:55The Angel of Hell.
01:16:57What kind of motorcycle did he drive?
01:17:05Here we are, on this splendid autumn day,
01:17:08a little less than an hour from the London perdition centers,
01:17:12entering the splendid Arcadia of the British countryside.
01:17:16We're here to eat in...
01:17:19La Bota.
01:17:22Here, I must say,
01:17:25that regardless of the splendid beauty
01:17:28that manifests itself around us,
01:17:30we find ourselves in a gastronomic desert,
01:17:33a culinary desert revived by Rob Haley and his team,
01:17:36who have created a true oasis where they serve British food
01:17:41with an honest heart.
01:17:44Do you want to come in?
01:17:46And cut!
01:17:47Directly and without tripping.
01:18:09It looks good to eat.
01:18:11Take it.
01:18:24A modest choice, but chosen very carefully.
01:18:38Hot salmon mousse with British asparagus sauce.
01:18:44But Orte, have you gone completely crazy?
01:18:49Don't worry, it's apple juice.
01:18:51Guy, if you don't mind, we have two more takes.
01:18:55Just give us your opinion, would you, darling?
01:19:08Beautiful textures and an extraordinary combination of flavors.
01:19:20Well, here we have it.
01:19:21Another excellent meal in nice surroundings.
01:19:24One more test, and we need one more test,
01:19:27that in the culinary bet,
01:19:29we can see our continental cuisine directly in the eyes.
01:19:34So, as a good guide says,
01:19:37it's worth getting lost.
01:19:39Bon appétit.
01:19:42Let's close the shot.
01:19:44I can't believe it, if God exists.
01:20:02For God's sake, sit down, please.
01:20:06Have a glass.
01:20:07Not for me, thank you.
01:20:08I can't stand thinking about starting again.
01:20:11Two years, 127 days.
01:20:15Oh, good.
01:20:17Why don't you try some of this?
01:20:21Without jerez, I promise you.
01:20:24Absolutely wonderful.
01:20:35I invite you to a beer.
01:20:36Oh, do you mind if I call Bertie?
01:20:40The more, the better.
01:20:41There's still half a barrel left.
01:20:55Oh, great.
01:20:56The mysterious angel of hell.
01:21:00It's very flattering.
01:21:01I can't believe it.
01:21:02That's right.
01:21:04I came to tell you that you can reopen.
01:21:08I suggest you eat your tongue, get in your car,
01:21:10and ask Kate.
01:21:13Why are men so obtuse sometimes?
01:21:16Excuse me?
01:21:17Who do you think showed up at the council this morning
01:21:20on your behalf and saved your ass?
01:21:22You're kidding.
01:21:23No, I'm not.
01:21:25Yes, but she wrote that horrible critique that...
01:21:28Oh, hey, Rob.
01:21:29One minute.
01:21:31Serve this man a drink.
01:21:34Don't be stubborn and stupid.
01:21:38I'm not.
01:21:39I'm not.
01:21:40I'm not.
01:21:41I'm not.
01:21:42I'm not.
01:21:43I'm not.
01:21:44I'm not.
01:21:45I'm not.
01:21:46I'm not.
01:21:47I'm not.
01:21:48I'm not.
01:21:49I'm not.
01:21:50I'm not.
01:21:51I'm not.
01:21:52I'm not.
01:21:53I'm not.
01:21:54I'm not.
01:21:55I'm not.
01:21:56I'm not.
01:21:57I'm not.
01:21:58I'm not.
01:21:59I'm not.
01:22:00I'm not.
01:22:01I'm not.
01:22:02I'm not.
01:22:03I'm not.
01:22:04I'm not.
01:22:05I'm not.
01:22:06I'm not.
01:22:07I'm not.
01:22:08I'm not.
01:22:09I'm not.
01:22:10I'm not.
01:22:11I'm not.
01:22:12I'm not.
01:22:13I'm not.
01:22:14I'm not.
01:22:15I'm not.
01:22:16I'm not.
01:22:17I'm not.
01:22:18I'm not.
01:22:19I'm not.
01:22:20I'm not.
01:22:21I'm not.
01:22:22I'm not.
01:22:23I'm not.
01:22:24I'm not.
01:22:25I'm not.
01:22:26I'm not.
01:22:27I'm not.
01:22:28I'm not.
01:22:29I'm not.
01:22:30I'm not.
01:22:31I'm not.
01:22:32I'm not.
01:22:33I'm not.
01:22:34I'm not.
01:22:35I'm not.
01:22:36I'm not.
01:22:37I'm not.
01:22:38I'm not.
01:22:39I'm not.
01:22:40I'm not.
01:22:41I'm not.
01:22:42I'm not.
01:22:43I'm not.
01:22:44I'm not.
01:22:45I'm not.
01:22:46I'm not.
01:22:47I'm not.
01:22:48I'm not.
01:22:49I'm not.
01:22:50I'm not.
01:22:51I'm not.
01:22:52I'm not.
01:22:53I'm not.
01:22:54I'm not.
01:22:55I'm not.
01:22:56I'm not.
01:22:57I'm not.
01:22:58I'm not.
01:22:59I'm not.
01:23:00I'm not.
01:23:01I'm not.
01:23:02I'm not.
01:23:03I'm not.
01:23:04I'm not.
01:23:05I'm not.
01:23:06I'm not.
01:23:07I'm not.
01:23:08I'm not.
01:23:09I'm not.
01:23:10I'm not.
01:23:11I'm not.
01:23:12I'm not.
01:23:13I'm not.
01:23:14I'm not.
01:23:15I'm not.
01:23:16I'm not.
01:23:17I'm not.
01:23:18I'm not.
01:23:19I'm not.
01:23:20I'm not.
01:23:21I'm not.
01:23:22I'm not.
01:23:23I'm not.
01:23:24I'm not.
01:23:25I'm not.
01:23:26I'm not.
01:23:27I'm not.
01:23:28I'm not.
01:23:29I'm not.
01:23:30I'm not.
01:23:31I'm not.
01:23:32I'm not.
01:23:33I'm not.
01:23:34I'm not.
01:23:35I'm not.
01:23:36I'm not.
01:23:37I'm not.
01:23:38I'm not.
01:23:39I'm not.
01:23:40I'm not.
01:23:41I'm not.
01:23:42I'm not.
01:23:43I'm not.
01:23:44I'm not.
01:23:45I'm not.
01:23:46I'm not.
01:23:47I'm not.
01:23:48I'm not.
01:23:49I'm not.
01:23:50I'm not.
01:23:51I'm not.
01:23:52I'm not.
01:23:53I'm not.
01:23:54I'm not.
01:23:55I'm not.
01:23:56I'm not.
01:23:57I'm not.
01:23:58I'm not.
01:23:59I'm not.
01:24:00I'm not.
01:24:01I'm not.
01:24:02I'm not.
01:24:03And you were right.
01:24:05I cooked horribly, only horrible food.
01:24:08You reminded me of who I was
01:24:09and what I was supposed to do and what I could do.
01:24:13I know we British are very stupid
01:24:15to say what we feel, and I'm the worst of all,
01:24:17but I just wanted you to know that everything has changed
01:24:20because of you, and I just wanted you to know that
01:24:22before you left.
01:24:27That was very sweet.
01:24:29But you could have told me next Wednesday.
01:24:33I'll only be in Paris for a week.
01:24:36I don't care if it's for a week, a day, or an hour.
01:24:39This was worth it.
01:24:54From now on, I'm going to drive.
01:25:01I did it wrong.
01:25:16Well, here we have it.
01:25:17Another excellent meal in nice surroundings.
01:25:20One more test, and we need one more test,
01:25:23that in the culinary bet,
01:25:26we can see our continental cuisine
01:25:28right in the eyes.
01:25:30So, as a good guide says,
01:25:33it's worth getting lost.
01:25:36Bon appétit.
01:25:40What the hell are you doing?
01:25:42Get back to work.
01:26:00♪ We got lost in the storm
01:26:03♪ Searching for another life
01:26:06♪ I found a melody to sing
01:26:11♪ I think today's gonna bring
01:26:15♪ Everything sunshine
01:26:18♪ Everything brighter
01:26:20♪ Everything left for us to do
01:26:23♪ Falling in order
01:26:25♪ Don't you think some days
01:26:28♪ Better than ever
01:26:31♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:26:33♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:26:36♪ Everything sunshine
01:26:40♪ And I don't miss a thing
01:26:47♪ You look like you're up for fun
01:26:52♪ So put on your nice shoes
01:26:55♪ And dance until what's done is done
01:26:57♪ Cause I've got a second wind
01:27:03♪ You thought it was ending
01:27:05♪ We're only just about to begin
01:27:08♪ Cause I've got a melody to sing
01:27:13♪ I think today's gonna bring
01:27:17♪ Everything sunshine
01:27:20♪ Everything brighter
01:27:23♪ Everything left for us to do
01:27:25♪ Falling in order
01:27:28♪ Don't you think some days
01:27:30♪ Better than ever
01:27:33♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:27:35♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:27:38♪ Everything sunshine
01:27:44♪ Tell me we'll get better babe
01:27:46♪ Tell me we're alright
01:27:49♪ Remember all those lonely evenings
01:27:51♪ And every sleepless night
01:27:54♪ You told me that you loved me then
01:27:56♪ And you said you loved me now
01:27:59♪ And though we only learn as fast as time will allow
01:28:14♪ Everything sunshine
01:28:17♪ Everything brighter
01:28:19♪ Everything left for us to do
01:28:22♪ Falling in order
01:28:24♪ Don't you think some days
01:28:27♪ Better than ever
01:28:30♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:28:32♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:28:35♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:28:37♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:28:40♪ Everything sunshine
01:28:44♪ And I don't miss a thing
01:29:14♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:29:17♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:29:20♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:29:23♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:29:26♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:29:29♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:29:32♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:29:35♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:29:38♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:29:41♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:29:44♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:29:47♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:29:50♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:29:53♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:29:56♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:29:59♪ Leads us to all we never knew
01:30:02♪ Don't you think all we're going through
01:30:05♪ Leads us to all we never knew
