Coro Street 27th September 2024-N

  • 2 days ago


00:27Roy, did you manage to...? Oh, you.
00:31How's Bethany?
00:32She's not good.
00:33I mean, she's not well enough to fly home.
00:35Of course, Sarah wants her back as soon as possible,
00:37but there's no telling when she'll be able to do that.
00:39Must be very hard for the both of you.
00:41I will tell her you said hi when I see her, okay?
00:44Here we are.
00:45One tea, two bacon, perhaps.
00:47Oh, thanks, Roy.
00:49Thank you, Roy.
00:51Will Lauren be attending court today?
00:53Uh, no.
00:54She can't face it.
00:56And she wants to be a Frankie, so...
00:58Yeah, that's understandable.
01:03I still think you and Roy get something to eat.
01:06I mean, it could be a long morning.
01:08To be honest, um, I don't think I could keep anything down.
01:13I keep getting these waves of nausea.
01:16Well, after today, we'll be one step closer
01:19to having Joel out of our lives for good.
01:21That's a good day.
01:23Yeah, it is.
01:28I should be heading to the church about now.
01:32It's the 27th, isn't it?
01:34It's supposed to be mine and Joel's wedding day.
01:41You know, we should be preparing ourselves
01:44to walk down the aisle.
01:48Making our vows to each other in the presence of God.
01:52To death do us part.
01:54And instead, I will be in court
01:57watching him make his plea.
02:11I can't believe I'm stuck with it, for God.
02:14It's horrible.
02:17I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
02:20Look, you're going to get used to it, OK?
02:22People do.
02:24Get used to this bag hanging off me?
02:28No wonder Daniel's scarpered.
02:31Look, I told you you had to go back for Bertie.
02:33He'll run a mile when he finds out.
02:35Well, listen, I'm not going anywhere, OK?
02:38We're going to get through this together.
02:40You've just got to be strong.
02:42I don't know if I can be, Mum.
02:45I've ruined my life.
02:48I've ruined my life.
02:58Morning. How do you do?
03:00You all right, Eddie? Just going to get back into good work.
03:04Don't tell me you've given him his job back.
03:06Yeah. Yeah, we have.
03:08Do you realise how distressing this is for Liam?
03:11Honestly, I thought better of you two.
03:14What's with the black eye?
03:16A likely story.
03:18How can you take him back on after everything he's done?
03:20I'm sorry, Gary, but my mind is made up.
03:23Look, we are not going to agree about this.
03:25And he might not have nicked the purse, but he's still trouble.
03:27Look at him, he's a little thug.
03:29All right. Come on, you've made your point.
03:31The boys are on edge whenever he's around.
03:33They can't get on with their lives.
03:35Surely you can see this isn't going to work, man?
03:37I understand where you're coming from, I really do.
03:39But believe me, Stu and I will keep a very, very close eye on him.
03:43Come on, let's go. We're wasting our time.
03:50But you think it's my fault?
03:52Silly cow getting lipo to get rid of a bit of puppy fat.
03:57You never had any puppy fat to start with.
04:04They gave me a discount.
04:06Made it sound really straightforward,
04:08like it wasn't a big deal, just a little tweetment.
04:12Well, you didn't know any of this was going to happen.
04:15I just wish you'd phoned me beforehand.
04:17I would have talked you out of it.
04:19I know, Mum.
04:21I'm sorry, I just...
04:24I wish I hadn't even come out here.
04:26I just want to go home,
04:28be in my own bed.
04:32Oh, sweetheart.
04:34Look, you're not well enough to fly yet, OK?
04:37But I'll get you home as soon as I can.
04:40My insurance will cover this, though, won't it?
04:42Are we not running up a massive hospital bill?
04:47Don't worry about it, I'll sort that.
04:50How much do we owe?
04:54Please, Mum, how much do we owe?
04:57It's about £25,000 so far.
05:00So far?
05:02Come on, Mum.
05:04Just concentrate on getting yourself better
05:06so I can fly you home, OK?
05:08I said I'll sort it and I will.
05:11I'm sorry.
05:13I'm sorry that you had your birthday ruined.
05:15Oh, no, well, I had a nice morning
05:17and I got a sip of wine before the school rang.
05:19No, I just...
05:21We have to worry about the fact
05:23that we've taken our eye off the ball with Hope.
05:25Well, we've had a lot on our plates
05:27with Alina and Dorian.
05:29Yeah, well, that is all the more reason
05:31to be keeping an eye on her.
05:33Cassie knew to tell me
05:35that she was going to have to go home.
05:37Yeah, well, that is all the more reason
05:39to be keeping an eye on her.
05:41Cassie knew, Ty. I'm her mum and I didn't have a clue.
05:43Neither did I.
05:45I'm sorry if I've been distracted lately.
05:47Yeah, well, I am going to be watching her
05:49like a hawk from now on.
05:51The slightest sniff of one of them vicks
05:53I'm going to be going on like a ton of bricks.
05:55Oh, here she is, talk of the devil.
05:57Morning. Morning.
05:59What do you think you're doing?
06:01Watching telly.
06:03No, you are not.
06:06What I wanted to do, sweeping up, making brooms.
06:10Right, got to go. See you both later.
06:12See you later.
06:14Hey, kid.
06:16You know you can always talk to me and your mum, yeah?
06:18Aside from this
06:20vaping thing,
06:22is there anything else going on?
06:24Is there anything that you're worried about?
06:28I'm sorry I ruined Mum's birthday.
06:30I'll make it up to her.
06:34You'd better get dressed for work.
06:40Obviously you've done a lot of funerals.
06:42Yeah, but this isn't
06:44really something that you can practice.
06:48I mean, obviously
06:50I'm fine with all the religious stuff.
06:52You know,
06:54death is not the end of this story.
06:56It's when
06:58I talk about Paul as a person
07:00I start to break down. I'm just...
07:04I'm just worried I won't be able to get through it.
07:06Of course you will.
07:08And I'll be there if you need any support.
07:10I'll make sure everything runs
07:18This is definitely going ahead, then, is it?
07:20Bernie's asked me to hand them out.
07:22I thought you were fine about the rave now.
07:24I can't really object, can I?
07:26I'm getting to do the main event my way.
07:28Look, I know
07:30I meant to embrace celebrating
07:32Paul's life. It's just...
07:34It's not really my thing.
07:36No, but it's Gemma's and Bernie's.
07:38And it was Paul's.
07:42Oh, and we do need to discuss Paul's ashes
07:44at some point.
07:52The funeral's happening on our first wedding anniversary.
07:56No, wait.
07:58I should have spotted that.
08:00I haven't even thought about the date.
08:04I'm so sorry.
08:10I don't know why there's a delay.
08:20I've come to offer my support.
08:22It's already started by now.
08:24Yeah, so did I.
08:26But it's Judge Nagle sitting,
08:28she's in good hands.
08:30She won't take any nonsense.
08:32What do you mean?
08:34Well, if his solicitor tries to delay things
08:36or get him off on a technicality.
08:38The charges are far too serious.
08:46When did you get back?
08:48Last night.
08:50That was quick.
08:52Sarah sent me packing.
08:54What, after you went all that way?
08:56So, I take it you don't know the latest?
08:58I know nothing. Sarah won't answer my calls.
09:00What's happened?
09:02Bethany's had to have a
09:04stoma bag fit.
09:06A stoma?
09:10Oh, my God.
09:14My God, she must be devastated.
09:20Why wouldn't Sarah tell me? I should be there.
09:22I should be there holding her hand, telling her everything's going to be OK.
09:24She's going to need a lot of support.
09:28I'm assuming it's just a temporary measure, though,
09:30while she recovers.
09:32No, it's permanent.
09:36What on earth would even possess her to go for a surgery
09:38like that in the first place?
09:40I had no idea that she had
09:42these kinds of body issues. If I did, I would have
09:44tried to reassure her, told her that she's perfect
09:46as she is, but...
09:48to go to such extremes...
09:50I just can't get my head around it.
09:54Did she say anything to you about it?
10:02There's a chance I could have
10:04stopped the surgery, yeah.
10:06You knew?
10:10All rise.
10:20In the case of the Crown
10:22versus Joel Dearing,
10:24it appears Mr Dearing has failed to attend.
10:26Do you know his whereabouts?
10:28I haven't heard from him.
10:32we request a bench warrant, not fact for bail.
10:34Very well.
10:36Warrant issued.
10:38When Mr Dearing is found,
10:40he will be remanded into custody.
10:58I got Winsome up and going on.
11:02I mean, I kick myself every time I think about it.
11:04What happened?
11:06I phoned her up when she were in Turkey, right,
11:08to see if she could bring back some duty-free for Shona's birthday.
11:10And she told me that she'd
11:12been interviewing people who had had liposuction.
11:14And apparently
11:16it was a dead easy, quick way
11:18to get rid of those love handles.
11:20And she was thinking of giving it a go.
11:22Giving it a go?
11:24You don't just give liposuction a go.
11:26Why didn't you try and talk her out of it?
11:28Why didn't you convince her that she was crazy
11:30for even thinking about it?
11:32Because I didn't think she meant it.
11:34I just laughed and said,
11:36they'd need all day to get rid of your love handles.
11:38Of course you did. You're unbelievable.
11:40Couldn't you have just once dropped the sarcasm
11:42and actually listened?
11:44She doesn't even have love handles.
11:46I thought she was messing about. I was just joking.
11:48You should have told her that she was gorgeous as she is.
11:50Convinced her not to go through with it.
11:52Don't you think I know that?
11:54Listen, I've gone over the conversation over and over in my head
11:56and every time I tell her not to do it,
11:58but guess what? She's done it.
12:00And now she's in the ICU.
12:02She was reaching out to you. Do you know what Nathan put her through?
12:04I honestly didn't think she was serious.
12:06Well, you do now.
12:08Not like getting a stoma fit
12:10to make you sit up and pay attention, eh?
12:12Listen, I've let her down.
12:14Right, I know I have, but I'm not the only one
12:16who ignored the signs. What signs?
12:18The one person to blame for all of this is Nathan.
12:20Right? He's the guy who really screwed up
12:22her self-image and she hasn't been herself
12:24since he came back on the scene.
12:26Don't try and wriggle your way out of this, Nat.
12:28You know, who needs a creepy sex offender
12:30when your own uncle's making you feel like
12:32a beached whale?
12:36I heard her.
12:38Have you got any prawn cocktail crisps?
12:40Oh, sorry.
12:42I think we're all out.
12:44Actually, I might have some out the back.
12:46Let me go check.
12:52It don't matter. I've got the crisps.
13:04She's got it.
13:06Stu says
13:08that he deserves another chance.
13:10He's digging his heels in.
13:12It's outrageous after everything we've
13:14said to him. I mean, why is he
13:16so set on helping Mason anyway?
13:18Well, I guess
13:20that's it. What more can we do?
13:22What I can't get my head around, right, it's like
13:24after everything that he put them lads through,
13:26how can he just go where he wants?
13:28Aren't you suggesting we have a tracker fitted on him?
13:30No, I'm saying that he should be told to stay away.
13:32Like a restraining order?
13:34Not a bad idea, is it?
13:36Might go and see Adam.
13:38I'll see what Marie thinks.
13:40Well, it's worth a shot.
13:44Another pint, please, Daisy.
13:46You back already?
13:48Yeah, I had to get back
13:50for Bertie.
13:52Anyway, Sarah don't want me there.
13:54She's stressed.
13:56Looking for somebody to blame.
13:58I was available.
14:00That doesn't seem very fair.
14:02She knows why they couldn't get hold
14:04of me when it was all kicking off.
14:06That I missed the hospital's calls
14:08because I was with you.
14:10Well, I
14:14didn't mean to get you in trouble.
14:16And we were only talking.
14:18Sarah seems to think
14:20it's all very suspicious.
14:22She wouldn't even let me see
14:24Bethany to say goodbye.
14:26How is Bethany?
14:28Is she out the woods?
14:30Nowhere near.
14:32She's in such
14:34a bad way.
14:36Well, what actually
14:38happened? Because Adam implied
14:40it was down to complications after a surgery
14:42but he never said. I'm still trying to get
14:44my head around it.
14:46It's bad enough that she had body issues.
14:48Not that I knew.
14:50I would have told her. She's beautiful.
14:52She's amazing.
14:56has made her feel bad about herself and then
14:58someone else has offered her a quick fix
15:00and now she has to deal
15:02with these massive
15:04complications that are going to affect her forever.
15:08She's had to have a stoma fit.
15:10You're kidding.
15:14Oh, poor Bethany.
15:16She'll pull through. She will.
15:18Sarah's with her
15:2024-7 and
15:22she's going to stay there
15:24until she's well enough to come back.
15:26I'll be waiting
15:28with open arms.
15:32Meanwhile, we've run up some
15:36hospital bills. I don't know how we're going to pay for it.
15:38It's already costing thousands.
15:40David's set up a crowd funder.
15:44Well, what are the details?
15:46I'll share it on my socials.
15:48Oh, that'd be great.
15:50That'd be
15:52really great, actually. People don't understand
15:54the potential dangers
15:56of procedures like this. They just think,
15:58oh, I'll pop over to Turkey and get a bit of lipo.
16:04Bethany's had
16:06a lipo.
16:12How'd you get on?
16:14Joel didn't turn up.
16:16Police have been around
16:18to his flat, but there's no
16:20sign of him. That's unfortunate.
16:22Surely, as a solicitor,
16:24he's aware of the implications
16:26of missing his own plea hearing.
16:28He's an idiot.
16:30Now he looks even guiltier than ever.
16:32Someone must know
16:34where he is.
16:36I'll follow you in.
16:38I just need to have something to rub. Could you get me a tea, please, Dad?
17:04I'll have a look at the diary
17:06and you might be able to move the funeral
17:08only to the next day, though, which is the same day as the rave.
17:10No, I don't want to do that.
17:12I don't want to share
17:14the day with Bernie's rave.
17:16It just feels like it can dilute everything.
17:18If you speak to Gemma and Bernie,
17:20I bet they'd move it if you asked them.
17:22No, I don't want to do that, either.
17:24They're clearly up to a lot of effort.
17:26Hopefully, it means a lot to them, so...
17:28I'm sorry, Billy.
17:30No, we'll just...
17:32We'll just have it on our anniversary.
17:42Oh, you're a star.
17:44Thanks. Yep, I've got everything
17:46on the list. You've been showered, Al? Yep.
17:52Find deep
17:56That must have cost a bomb.
17:58Yeah, but it's worth every penny if it does what it says
18:00on the tin, isn't it? Plus, you deserve
18:02a little treat.
18:04Have you spoken to Deedee?
18:06Let me guess.
18:08She'll have the nerve to plead not guilty.
18:10He didn't show up.
18:12You what?
18:14Don't worry, we will find him.
18:16And how many times have I heard that, that you'll protect me?
18:18Because you haven't, have you? He's going to come after me and Frankie.
18:20Lauren, Lauren, you need
18:22to listen to me.
18:24I don't think he'll run the risk of being caught.
18:26He'll be lying low somewhere. He'll find a way.
18:30He's done it before.
18:34Can I have a word?
18:44Can you take her in tonight, so she's not
18:48That's what she wants.
18:50You're one of the few people that she trusts.
18:52Yeah, well, I guess we've got
18:54a house full of people, so there's always someone
18:56to keep an eye on her.
19:08Look, Lauren, DS Swain
19:10reckons you should stay at ours tonight.
19:12What do you think?
19:14I'm not leaving Frankie.
19:16But you will be safe.
19:18We'll explain to the nurses.
19:20And it's just for one night,
19:22Lauren, and that way, if Joel
19:24turns up, which he won't, but if he does,
19:26then you won't be on your own.
19:28And we've got to think about you, too.
19:32Right, OK. Fine.
19:34I'd like that if you'd let me.
19:38Then that's settled, then.
19:40I'll see you later.
19:56You can't consume alcohol in here.
19:58Look, I urge you,
20:00hand yourself in immediately.
20:04I've got
20:06a better idea.
20:22Can you hear me?
20:26Excuse me.
20:28Can you help my daughter? She's struggling to breathe.
20:30Let me see. Bethany?
20:32Can you hear me?
20:34Is she going to be OK?
20:36I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside
20:38while we see to Bethany.
20:56I was ready
20:58to face the music.
21:00Press my sharpest suit.
21:04Janet Nagle
21:06is an eminent judge.
21:10I just couldn't face
21:12all the people I'd hurt.
21:14I've done
21:16some terrible things.
21:18Even you got
21:20dragged into Storm Joel.
21:26You're a decent man, Roy.
21:30You know, some of my clients,
21:32they say that when they admitted their guilt,
21:34it was like a...
21:36like a release.
21:40My guilt has taken over me.
21:44I feel like I'm suffocating.
21:48Well, that is a positive
21:52You've accepted what you've done and now
21:54you just need to take
21:56responsibility. I'll call the police.
21:58Don't do that.
22:00I said don't do that!
22:22I must ask you to leave now, please.
22:28I'll pay for the damage.
22:32Hey, look, don't...
22:34don't be frightened.
22:38I'm an aggressive man.
22:40I promise.
22:42How much does a phone
22:44like that cost, anyway?
22:46Well, not like that, cos that one's
22:48broken. Where's my wallet?
22:52I think I've lost my wallet.
22:54I need my car.
22:58I left it in the car.
23:02Oh, but I'm sorry.
23:04I will send you the money.
23:06Just give me your dank details
23:08and I'll put it in your account.
23:10It's OK. It doesn't matter.
23:12I would still like you to leave.
23:18I'm sorry.
23:20I mean it.
23:22For, like, everything.
23:24I have...
23:26I have done some bad things,
23:28but I have to say sorry to you.
23:30Especially you.
23:32It's really... It's OK.
23:34No, it's not!
23:36It's not.
23:40No. Because of me,
23:42they... they locked you up.
23:44They accused you
23:46of killing Lauren
23:50a murderer.
23:52A weirdo.
23:54And I just watched.
23:56I made it happen.
24:00But you have to believe me,
24:02I only did it
24:04because I...
24:06I didn't have any choice.
24:08And I feel really bad.
24:14Well, if you really
24:16feel like that,
24:18perhaps you would feel better
24:20if you just confessed to everything
24:22and then your victims
24:24wouldn't have to testify in court.
24:28I wish I could.
24:30Well, you could at least try.
24:32Oh. Oh, no.
24:36It's over.
24:40There's no way out.
24:42I'm going. I am.
24:44But before I go,
24:46I have to say
24:48sorry to you.
24:54I better get that.
24:56No, no, no.
25:02Scarlett? Don't be frightened.
25:06You stay there.
25:08Do not move.
25:12Roy, I can see the lights, man.
25:22Hey, what are you doing in there?
25:24What have you done to him?
25:34Roy, are you okay?
25:36Are you hurt? Has he hurt you?
25:38No, no.
25:40He wanted to apologise. Apologise?
25:42I think he's having some kind
25:44of breakdown. Okay, well, he was drunk.
25:46I also believe
25:48that he might be mentally unstable.
25:50Oh, you're shaking.
25:52If he burst in, knocked the door, smashed the phone,
25:54it was a frightening experience.
25:56I'm ringing Lisa. I'm not hurt.
25:58Okay, well, he's out of control, Roy.
26:00The man's out of control.
26:04Hi, Lisa, it's me.
26:06I'm with Roy. Joe's been in here
26:08in the cafe. He's come in. He's been drunk and aggressive.
26:10He smashed the phone. I don't know. He's terrorised, Roy.
26:14Well, he's gone off somewhere. I don't know, but you need
26:16to do something.
26:22I'm so, so sorry.
26:48Please, can you tell me what's going on with my daughter?
26:50It seems possible
26:52that Bethany may have pneumonia.
26:56It's a risk when a patient's immunity is compromised
26:58after surgery.
27:00We believe that in her post-operative state,
27:02as she recovered from the sepsis,
27:04she may have
27:06inhaled saliva into her lungs
27:08and this caused the infection.
27:10But she is going to be okay.
27:12She will recover.
27:14We have put her on high-flow nasal oxygen.
27:16This should keep her levels up and improve her recovery.
27:18We'll keep monitoring her.
27:20Please, can I see her?
27:22Just give us two minutes.
27:42Do you think I'm stupid?
27:46I never said anything.
27:48You stole our vapes.
27:50I never!
27:52I know you did. Give them back.
27:54Or do you want me to call the police?
27:56And your parents?
28:00You didn't do it for me, I did it for a mate.
28:02I think it was stupid.
28:06I have to be 18 to buy these.
28:08What are you going to do?
28:10You can't be doing this stuff.
28:12I'm sorry, I won't do it again.
28:14Alright, fine.
28:16Just this once, I won't call the police.
28:20But, you only get one chance with me.
28:24Well, I'll be here next time.
28:40Dee Dee?
28:42You okay?
28:44I'm fine.
28:48Look, I think you should stay at number three tonight.
28:50I'm fine, Dad.
28:52Okay, I can look after myself.
28:56Look, why don't you just humour your old dad, alright?
28:58Just stay there.
29:00I'd like to know you were safe.
29:02I'm safe.
29:04If he couldn't face the court, he does not want to face me.
29:06You don't know that.
29:08You don't know what's going on in that man's head.
29:10We worry about you.
29:12You'll be safer at home.
29:18If it'll make you feel better.
29:20It will.
29:22I just can't wait for this nightmare to be over.
29:32I mean, who has their funeral and their anniversary on the same day?
29:34It's not your fault.
29:36It's not fair.
29:38No, it's not.
29:40Shall we?
29:42He was going to take his own life.
29:44If he had, I would have been there rather than on the end of the flaming phone.
29:48I know.
29:50Come on, you.
29:54Can you believe?
29:56Right, mate.
29:58You will be.
30:00Thanks, guys. Come on.
30:04That was a waste of time.
30:06What did he say?
30:08Well, according to Adam, it's going to be practically impossible
30:10to get a restraining order against me, son.
30:12Why? The lad's a convicted criminal.
30:14Yeah, I know, but...
30:16because he's not actually done anything
30:18to Liam or Dylan since he's been released
30:20and there was no application made by the CPS
30:22when he was sentenced,
30:24there's literally nothing that we can do on the legal front.
30:28So, what happens next?
30:30I don't know. I'll have a think while I have a pint.
30:32But if the law won't protect the boys,
30:34then let's think of a different way.
30:38What's the catch?
30:40There's no catch.
30:42So you've bought me chocolates because...?
30:44It's your birthday.
30:46It was my birthday yesterday and you got me a card.
30:48You deserve more than a card.
30:50Are you in some kind of trouble?
30:52No. I can't get you a birthday present without you thinking
30:54I've just been released from strange ways.
30:56Well, to be fair, you do have form.
30:58I don't have a bath.
31:00No, no, no, you won't. No.
31:02They're my favourites, so I'm sorry.
31:04It was a lovely gesture.
31:06Well, I'm a lovely daughter.
31:10You've got form.
31:22Oh, thank you.
31:24Sorry your mum's a bit stressed.
31:26Cos of me?
31:28Well, her birthday did go pear-shaped.
31:30Yeah, sorry about that.
31:32But it's not too late.
31:34Chocolates from me today,
31:36chocolate from you tomorrow.
31:38Yeah, why not?
31:40I'll put me thinking cap on.
31:46He was drunk.
31:48Well, he'd definitely been drinking.
31:50Did he threaten you physically?
31:52Just the phone.
31:54I'm so sorry, Roy.
31:56I don't see why.
31:58It wasn't your fault.
32:00I brought that man into people's lives.
32:02I mean, look what he's done.
32:04Look at what he does.
32:12Is it right that Joel's been here?
32:14He threatened Roy and he smashed up the phone.
32:16Are you OK?
32:18No, I'm fine.
32:20I don't understand what he wanted.
32:22I mean,
32:24did he try to intimidate you, or...?
32:26He wanted...
32:28to apologise.
32:30What, by smashing up your phone?
32:32He's more of a danger to himself
32:34than anybody else.
32:36Yeah, well, I'd be happy to see him
32:38beat himself up.
32:40Yeah, and I'd be the first to volunteer to help him.
32:42I think he just feels his life is
32:44falling apart.
32:46Yeah, well, it should be, after what he's done.
32:48You going back to the hospital again?
32:50No, she's staying at ours.
32:54Look, Roy,
32:56he might not have hit you,
33:00he battered me half to death.
33:02I mean, who knows
33:04what he could do now?
33:20From the financial advisor that set up Bertie's Trust Fund,
33:22he's now saying
33:24it could be weeks
33:26before we can access the money.
33:28Must be nice to have a trust fund.
33:32It was my mum's house, OK?
33:34And I did it to protect
33:36his future in case anything happens to me
33:38like it did to his mum.
33:40I didn't know that something like this was going to happen,
33:42did I? If I could get access to the money,
33:44I'd be using it to help Bethany right now.
33:46The best thing to do
33:48is not tell anybody else she was having
33:52People are not going to want to help out if they know that
33:54she brought this on herself.
33:56She's right.
33:58People will be a lot less sympathetic if they know she was out there for
34:00cosmetic surgery.
34:02Hang on, she's the victim here.
34:04Do you want to get her home or not?
34:06What do we say?
34:08We say, we don't know.
34:10She's in hospital, they're not telling us anything.
34:12She's awaiting tests,
34:14whatever. The point is we just raise
34:16as much money as possible to bring her home.
34:18I've shared it on your socials.
34:20Thanks, I appreciate that.
34:22Hey, any news on Bethany?
34:24Not yet.
34:26Actually, I must get off, I said I'd ring
34:28Sarah and tell her I was getting on this end.
34:30I'll give her our love, won't you?
34:32Tell her I'm doing everything I can to help.
34:34Yeah, I will. See you.
34:36Yes, love.
34:38You look exhausted.
34:40I'm fine.
34:42I think you should go home and rest.
34:44And if you need help with Bertie.
34:48Yeah, I will. Bye.
34:50Listen, we have more patrols
34:52in the area and we are prioritising our search
34:54for Joel.
34:56There's no need for you to be scared.
34:58I'm not scared of him.
35:00I'd be more scared of what I'd do
35:02if I caught up with him.
35:04Yeah, well, you're not the only one
35:06that wants him locked up.
35:08That man has ruined a lot of lives.
35:14Would you mind
35:16checking on tomorrow's bookings, please, Mason?
35:22Would you like a menu?
35:24No, thanks.
35:26Can I get you a drink?
35:28No, thanks.
35:30Would you like a takeaway?
35:32No, thanks.
35:34Well, I don't understand.
35:36What is it you do want?
35:38I'm just here to keep an eye on him.
35:40Look, I know it's not an easy situation,
35:42but the lad just wants a chance.
35:44He doesn't deserve a chance.
35:46Well, you can't just sit here all night
35:48staring daggers at him.
35:50I mean, I'm just doing what I should've done
35:52first time round, which is not let him
35:54out of my sight.
35:56What are you doing?
35:58Oh, you know me, babe.
36:00Just making Weatherfield a safer place.
36:02In fact, strangely, I'm feeling quite peckish now.
36:04Why don't you join me?
36:06I'll have a chicken karahi, a potato samosa
36:08and an onion bhaji, please.
36:12Is it just chocolate chip
36:14or does it have, like, other bits in it?
36:16No, I think it's just chocolate chip.
36:20Did you hear that?
36:22Hear what?
36:26It came from the garden.
36:32What if it's him?
36:36Right, you stay here.
36:38I'm going out.
36:40What are you doing?
36:42I'll be fine.
37:04It's just the gate.
37:06Right, come on.
37:08Inside, now.
37:14Max, come on, inside.
37:20You're really going to stay here all night?
37:22As long as it takes.
37:24I've got this.
37:26I just feel bad
37:28leaving Kirk with Leo.
37:30Have you finished?
37:34Time do you close?
37:36About now, actually. Here's your bill.
37:38Great, so can we go now?
37:40Look, you go if you want
37:42but I'm going to stay for a bit.
37:44I might even walk you home
37:46so I know where it is.
37:48I know how you feel, okay?
37:50And I agree.
37:52I think you've proved your point, haven't you?
37:54Why don't you just call it a night
37:56and come and spend some time with me and Liam
37:58instead of wasting it in here with him?
38:00Come on.
38:06We don't want you around here, all right?
38:08And I won't rest until you're gone.
38:14Hope you enjoyed your meal.
38:16I'm sorry.
38:18It's not your fault.
38:20It is my fault, actually.
38:22I did some
38:24pretty bad stuff.
38:26You sure everything's okay with your brothers?
38:28You sure
38:30they didn't give you that bruise?
38:32Yeah, everything's fine.
38:34Right, well,
38:36you get yourself home.
38:38We'll see you tomorrow.
38:40Thank you for sticking up for me.
38:47I saw you chatting
38:49to Daniel earlier.
38:51Oh, can I stop you there?
38:53Sorry? I already know what you're going to say.
38:57You're going to say,
38:59why don't you tell Daniel you still have feelings for him?
39:01Well, maybe I was and maybe I wasn't.
39:03But if I did
39:05say that, what would you say?
39:07I would say
39:09I did tell him I still have feelings
39:11for him and he knocked me back
39:13because he loves
39:17When was this?
39:19After she flew to Turkey for her lipo.
39:21Which I was not meant to tell you.
39:23She's had liposuction?
39:25Yes, but you can't tell anyone.
39:27But why?
39:29I mean, she'll need it. She's gorgeous.
39:31I don't know. Maybe you can ask her when she gets back.
39:33But right now, it's secret.
39:35David thinks people won't donate if they know.
39:37What was that?
39:39Yeah, I could see that.
39:41You know, I thought it was like a burst appendix.
39:43Can we get back
39:45to you and Daniel, please?
39:47Nothing to tell.
39:49Well, why didn't you tell me that he'd knock you back?
39:53that was my last throw of the dice
39:55and it's officially game over, so
39:57time to move on.
39:59Move on?
40:05Daniel and Bertie are going to be part
40:07of my life for a very long time
40:09and I have to cope with that, but
40:11to be honest, Jen,
40:13it doesn't really help talking about it with you.
40:15So, thank you.
40:17I'm fine. And now all I care about
40:19is Bethany getting better.
40:23Fancy a brew before bed?
40:25I would love a brew before bed.
40:27And you know,
40:29if you do ever feel like...
40:33Oh, don't, don't put the bolt on
40:35because Kit's not back yet.
40:53Hey, it's me.
40:55Did you call?
40:57Yeah, how is she?
40:59Well, she's sleeping.
41:01They say that she's
41:03stable now.
41:05They're putting her on respiratory support for a few days.
41:09Mum's been asking after you
41:11every hour on the hour.
41:13I'll give her a call in a minute.
41:15When do you think you'll be able to come home?
41:17Well, apparently
41:19because of the bowel operation
41:21she's not going to be able to fly
41:23for at least a week.
41:25And even then, it'll be
41:27under ICU conditions.
41:31Right, what's that mean?
41:33It means it's going to be
41:35very expensive.
41:41Daisy's helping with the crowdfunding thing,
41:43but I know Daniel's
41:45having trouble getting his hands on the money from his mum's house.
41:49I just want to get her home.
41:51Yeah, we will.
41:53Right, I'll see you later.
42:07I'll see you later.
42:37Hiya, Didi.
42:39It's me.
42:47I just want to say one thing.
42:53I still love you so much.
43:01We always hurt the one we love,
43:05We always hurt the one we love, right?
43:11I know there's no way back
43:17after everything,
43:27maybe there's something
43:29I can still do
43:31to make you
43:33and everyone else
43:43I'm so sorry.
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44:15But stay with us
44:17for the last in the series of
44:19My Mum, Your Dad, here next.