Nineties Eastenders (30th June 1997)

  • 2 days ago
Nineties Eastenders (30th June 1997)
00:00Oh, sorry, am I too early?
00:27Oh, it's all right.
00:28Hello, come on in.
00:29Hey, how's my wee pal Ben this morning, eh?
00:32It's always good to see you, isn't it, gorgeous?
00:35You all right, Kev?
00:36Hi, Mark. Right, I better be off, then.
00:37Are you going to say bye-bye?
00:38Say bye-bye to Mummy?
00:39I can pick you up later, darling, all right.
00:41See you later, Kev.
00:42Yeah, see you.
00:44Found the fostering people at social services.
00:46Oh, really?
00:49They want to do a home visit.
00:51Well, that's great. They must have really liked us.
00:53Well, there you are. What have I been telling you two?
00:55You're perfect. You're just naturals for fostering.
00:58It's good, isn't it?
01:00They want to come on the 17th of July.
01:02But that's... that's about two weeks.
01:04They say they want to see us in our own home.
01:07Even if you and Lenny moved out today,
01:09we've still got to clean the place up, decorate it.
01:12It's not going to be possible.
01:14It's not impossible. I said they'd be gone by the 10th.
01:16I know, but I wanted to show them a kids' room.
01:18Something that you look at, you show we're serious.
01:21Don't worry. I'll go round and see them.
01:24It's not going to go wrong. I can see it.
01:26Look, I'd go straight round there if I were you
01:28and tell them two to get their act together.
01:35It's all right. I've been to school on my own before.
01:37Oh, you might like me to come with you.
01:38Really? You don't have to?
01:40I'd like to. Come on.
01:42Besides, I need the exercise.
01:43You'll get plenty of exercise on your run tonight.
01:45No, I thought I'd give that a miss.
01:47You're never going to stay fit if you don't keep up your training.
01:49I don't need to be Mr Superfit. I've proved I can do it.
01:52You're wasting all that work.
01:53No, I'll go out once or twice a week and that'll be fine.
01:56Otherwise it'll take over me life.
01:58You can get addicted to exercise, you know.
02:00Before long, there'll be secret runs at midnight to satisfy the craving.
02:04So I thought I'd step it down a couple of times a week before I get silly.
02:08Is something up?
02:09No, no, nothing.
02:10Yes, there is.
02:13It's Mrs C.
02:14Well, not her exactly. Her son, Nick.
02:17Him and a mate from prison have escaped.
02:20They're on the run?
02:21This is not cops and robbers, Claire. This is the real thing.
02:24Mrs C. and Nick don't get on very well, do they?
02:27She must be really scared.
02:30Nick Cotton's a nasty piece of work.
02:31If it hadn't been for him,
02:32Dot would never have left Walford and her friends in the first place.
02:35Do you think he'll come back?
02:37Probably not.
02:38He knows this is the first place the police would come looking for him.
02:40Perhaps Mrs C. could come and stay with us.
02:42I mean, better than staying on her own, wouldn't it?
02:44Yeah, I did offer.
02:46But you know Mrs C., stubbornly independent.
02:48I'm proud.
02:49You're a clever girl, Claire.
02:51But look, if anyone asks you about Mrs C.,
02:54anyone at all, don't tell them anything.
02:57Let me know straight away, OK?
02:58Of course.
03:22We're looking for a Nick Cotton.
03:25I haven't seen him.
03:26But you do know him?
03:27Yeah, I know him, but I haven't seen him in years.
03:30What about this man?
03:31I don't know who he is.
03:32Damien Spinks, fellow inmate at Cotton's.
03:34Well, at least they were inmates until they escaped.
03:36I think he might have been around last week.
03:38What are they after?
03:39Oh, they're looking for someone by all accounts.
03:41At least they're not trying to get away with it.
03:43I don't think they're trying to get away with it.
03:45I don't think they're trying to get away with it.
03:47I don't think they're trying to get away with it.
03:49They're looking for someone by all accounts.
03:51Listen, do you want to meet for lunch later?
03:53No, I've got loads of work to do with Polly being away,
03:55and I want to get most of it done
03:57if I'm going to go and court my dad tomorrow.
03:59Yeah, well, how about a quiet night in then, just you and me?
04:02Yeah, maybe.
04:03We can have a takeaway, get a couple of videos.
04:05OK, you're on.
04:06See you later.
04:07Yeah, bye.
04:08So what was this bloke in for?
04:10Supply a Class A drugs to minors.
04:12Sounds like a mate of Nick Cotton's.
04:14Bit of a mistake letting him get out then, wouldn't it?
04:16Look, if you do see him, don't approach him.
04:18Five years inside, he's done nothing for his tenure.
04:21Yeah, well, Nick Cotton would be an idiot to show his face round here.
04:29Back to walking, not running, I see.
04:31Yeah. Have you seen Nigel about this morning?
04:33No, mate.
04:34Look, do us a favour.
04:35If you do see him, tell him I need to speak to him urgently.
04:37Yeah, all right.
04:40Miley, can I have a tea, please?
04:42Yeah, come out.
04:43The coffee blues, aren't they, Kath?
04:45I know, I was at the doctor's.
04:47No, don't worry, it was just a routine appointment.
04:49It went really well, actually.
04:50How about you? Have you managed to find a summer job yet?
04:52No, I haven't really tried.
04:55Doesn't sound like you.
04:59Something up, isn't there?
05:01I don't want to go home.
05:02Why not?
05:04Well, because Dad's there, and he's upset about the court case tomorrow.
05:07Oh, of course. I'm sorry, I forgot.
05:10Well, he's barely beginning.
05:12Are you all right?
05:13I suppose.
05:15I just want to be able to help him, you know, give him a bit of support,
05:18but every time I try and mention it, he just changes the subject.
05:21I'm not sure, but he probably thinks by not showing you how scared he is
05:24that you won't worry so much.
05:26But I am worried.
05:27You know, I feel sorry for Robbie because he got hurt,
05:30and I feel sorry for Dad because he might go to prison,
05:33and then I can't help thinking that the whole thing's because of me.
05:36Sarah, you cannot feel sorry for everyone in the whole world.
05:39You've got to think of yourself for once, not them.
05:43I tell you what, why don't we go out tomorrow night?
05:45Take your mind off things.
05:47Just for half an hour, just for a coffee.
05:50Maybe, yeah. It'll depend on what happens in court.
05:52Oh, yeah, I know, but I'm just saying, until I hear otherwise,
05:55then I'll take it as we're going out, yeah?
06:01Mrs C?
06:03Mrs C?
06:04No, I heard you.
06:11Hello, is that the South Waltham Animal Shelter?
06:14Yeah, I phoned you before.
06:16It's about Wellard.
06:18And Alsatian Cross?
06:21And the other one?
06:22Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:23Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:24Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:25Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:26Yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:27And Alsatian Cross?
06:30Look, I really should get that.
06:32Evans Executive Car Service, how can I help you?
06:36Sure, will that be a wait and return or just a drop?
06:40No problem, thank you. Bye.
06:43Look, if you do find him anywhere,
06:46what, about a week ago?
06:48I know it's a long time ago, that's why I'm phoning you.
06:50Excuse me, mate.
06:53I've cut him off now.
06:54You got a minute?
06:55Look, mate, we don't do cabs.
06:56It's account customers only, I'm afraid.
06:58I don't want an account.
06:59I'm looking for an old friend named a .com.
07:01Do you know her?
07:02Excuse me, I really must answer that.
07:03Evans Executive Cars.
07:05You haven't seen her around then?
07:07Not lately, no.
07:08Sorry, ten minutes?
07:09When do you see her last?
07:10I don't know. Sorry, can you repeat that, please?
07:13I need to know where she is.
07:15Do you understand?
07:16I don't know, all right?
07:19Sorry I couldn't come round early,
07:21but it's been non-stop in the shop this morning.
07:23I thought I'd pop round and bring you a couple of things
07:25in case you haven't been able to get out.
07:27I haven't seen you over the weekend.
07:29No, well, I've had a touch of something,
07:31so that's why I haven't been out the last couple of days.
07:34Yes, the pollen count, it's very high.
07:36I can feel the tubes in my chest tightening
07:38as soon as I look out the door.
07:39All right, can I get you anything for it?
07:41Oh, no, no, nothing will shift it once it's started.
07:43I'm afraid I'll have to go.
07:45Oh, no, no, nothing will shift it once it's started.
07:47I mean, there's no point in showing me face
07:49if I don't feel up to it.
07:50No, I suppose not.
07:51Well, do you need anything else?
07:53Well, I wouldn't want to impose.
07:55It's not a problem, honest.
07:56A packet of them plain digestives wouldn't come amiss,
07:59and they've got to be plain,
08:00because you know I can't take nothing rich.
08:02It's as good as done.
08:03And some tea bags.
08:04If you get the round ones, they've got more flavour.
08:06And some butter, and 40 packs.
08:08Right you are.
08:09Good morning, Mrs Cotton.
08:10Sorry to trouble you again,
08:11but we need to ask you a few more questions.
08:13I suppose you have to.
08:14Is this really necessary?
08:15Mrs C's not feeling too well today.
08:17I promise I won't take up too much of her time.
08:19Do you want me to wait with you?
08:20No, you go on.
08:21You've got work to do.
08:22Right, we'll be back later.
08:37I wanted to ask you this morning,
08:38but I didn't like you in front of Mark and Ruth.
08:40How's it going with the adoption register people?
08:42Oh, well, it's such a palaver.
08:44I've spent the whole weekend going through family documents,
08:47haven't seen the light of day for years.
08:49Yeah, but they've got to be sure, though, Paul.
08:51Can you imagine the heartache
08:52if they put you in contact with the wrong person?
08:54Yeah, I know, you're right.
08:55Come, sit down. Go on, let's have a quick break.
08:57I tell you, I didn't realise what a nerve-wracking business
09:00this was all going to be.
09:01Yeah, but surely it's got to be worth it
09:03if you do manage to find her.
09:04I'm not so hopeful, to tell you the truth.
09:06Why would they say?
09:07Well, it was like you said.
09:08Depends if she wants to be found or not.
09:10Yeah, and I guess you have to consider
09:12that not everybody wants to discover
09:13they've got a whole new family.
09:16Look, I hope you don't mind me asking.
09:18How did you feel when Donna turned up?
09:22Seems like another lifetime.
09:25When Donna turned up,
09:26it was mixed feelings, very mixed at the end.
09:29But that was Donna for you.
09:31It always felt pointless,
09:32her trying to turn me into mum at that late stage.
09:35But it doesn't have to be like that.
09:37And how do you mean?
09:38Well, I felt when we approached it all wrong,
09:41Donna turning up out of the blue like that,
09:43it was just a bit too much for me to take in,
09:46at least at first.
09:47Well, I'm not going to just turn up on her doorstep.
09:49Look, I know you won't,
09:50but it's not just your feelings here.
09:52Think about how your sister must feel.
09:54You've known your mum.
09:55She might resent that.
09:57Yeah, well, I wanted to make it a fresh start,
10:00something mum would have wanted,
10:02bring the family back together.
10:04You're making it sound like a trauma, I don't know.
10:06Oh, no, no, I don't want to put you off,
10:08not because of Donna.
10:09It's just that, well, there are some other ways of going about it.
10:13Like what?
10:14Well, don't take everything on yourself.
10:16There's other groups of counselling,
10:17and some of them even make the first approach for you.
10:20I don't know.
10:21I mean, wouldn't that be like it was just being taken out of my hands?
10:25Anyway, they've got me on their computer,
10:27so that's a start, you know.
10:29Anyway, you're trying.
10:30It's obviously important to you.
10:33Hiya, Ted.
10:34Let me know you get on.
10:35Yeah, of course I will.
10:37Talking about me, were you?
10:38No, I've got better things to do in my time.
10:41It's something private, that's all.
10:46I thought I might have found Sarah in here,
10:48by her spot at lunch.
10:49Well, she was in earlier.
10:50Why don't you stay?
10:51I ain't going to make you a sandwich.
10:52No, I...
10:53I can see you're busy.
10:54I don't want to get in the way.
10:55That's it.
10:56No, I'm working at home.
10:57I'm sorry.
10:59Of course.
11:00Sorry about it.
11:01I came out before I could think.
11:02Do you ever?
11:06Same again, thanks, Tiff.
11:07That was a quick refill.
11:08Are you trying to get your wicked way with him or something?
11:10Sort of.
11:11I want to talk to him back behind a place of our own.
11:13Sounds like Nisfielding to me.
11:15I've never thought of it like that.
11:16So, what a trick you think?
11:17I can't seem to find my way with him.
11:19Well, I can't either.
11:20I've got to go.
11:21I've got to go.
11:22I've got to go.
11:23I've got to go.
11:24I've got to go.
11:25I can't seem to find the right moment.
11:26I know what he's like.
11:27He'll be all right sticking the mud sometimes.
11:29No, I'd love somewhere over my own.
11:30Just make a right and call me.
11:32Well, good luck.
11:33You'll need him.
11:34Don't be like that.
11:36Well, what'd they say?
11:39I haven't been round yet.
11:40Look, I will, OK, but we need to handle this carefully
11:42or they'll just dig the reels in.
11:44Do you want me to come with you?
11:45Er, no.
11:46I'd rather try on my own first.
11:51You took your time, didn't you?
11:52It's not as if I'll get a long enough lunch break as it is.
11:54I don't want to be sat here on my own while you two are gassing.
11:57Tiff was just saying that she'd like to live somewhere else,
11:59you know, with a bit more space.
12:00Do you know how sick I am of just laying under a motor all day?
12:03Well, can't we talk about something else other than work?
12:05No, I never get any time off,
12:06not with a community service on the weekend.
12:08No, when I go there, I'm doing the same stuff, fixing engines.
12:11You know, when it's me dinner, I wouldn't mind a bit of a chat.
12:14That's what I'm trying to do, isn't it, have a chat?
12:17Never mind.
12:19That son of hers has always been an accident waiting to happen.
12:21More like a ticking bomb.
12:23I just wish I could have tipped you off earlier.
12:24No, it's not your fault.
12:26With or without warning, the police were going to have to contact her.
12:29Poor Mrs C.
12:30Wherever she goes, Nick turns up to ruin things for her.
12:33How's she taking it?
12:35She's putting a brave face to it.
12:37Well, the old bill all over the square this morning,
12:39asking questions on the market.
12:40If Nick or this other bloke do show, it won't be long before they've picked up.
12:43I hope you're right.
12:54Good afternoon, Mr Hills.
12:59Steel toe caps, essential for this job.
13:02You're four days early.
13:03Oh, I haven't come to collect.
13:05This is a courtesy call,
13:06to remind you that payment is due in full on Friday.
13:10Where's the courtesy in your hassling me?
13:12If you'll just open the door a little,
13:14I can take my foot out and leave you in peace.
13:17See you soon.
13:20I've been trying to get hold of you two all day.
13:22We've been really busy.
13:23Hardly returned to base this afternoon.
13:25You know I'm here.
13:27The house, right?
13:28Well, of course, the house.
13:30And I think you've been very patient so far,
13:31and I don't want to fall out over this.
13:32Well, you're not leaving us much choice.
13:34Now, just a minute.
13:35I know it's difficult finding good accommodation,
13:38but I'm not going to let you down.
13:40I'm not going to let you down.
13:41I'm not going to let you down.
13:42I'm not going to let you down.
13:43I'm not going to let you down.
13:44I'm not going to let you down.
13:46So I thought you might find these useful.
13:49Everything we've had a chance to look at so far
13:51has been too expensive.
13:52Oh, not local.
13:54A bijou residence that sleeps two.
13:56Otherwise known as a bedsit with a bunk bed.
14:01Right, we'll take a look at some of these numbers tomorrow at work.
14:04And if we're really stuck and we can't find somewhere by next week,
14:07surely you can stay on at your mum's.
14:09Sorry, guys.
14:11I know this is inconvenient, but it's not up for negotiation.
14:13Me and Ruth want the house back by the end of next week.
14:16Best take a look at some of these, then.
14:18We'll keep you posted.
14:29I can't stop.
14:30Now, wait a minute.
14:32How's Joe?
14:33Well, he seems a lot better.
14:34And happier.
14:36Look, I'd better get on.
14:37I've been out all afternoon and Joe'll be waiting for his tea.
14:40Well, you've had some work already?
14:41No, I've just been to Napoleon in the job centre.
14:44Well, if they need anything to say when you work to the Vic,
14:46just let me know, yeah?
14:47I'll do that.
14:55You all right?
14:56Yeah, I'm fine. What's the matter?
15:00She said we couldn't talk properly in the cafe earlier, and...
15:02I was worried about you.
15:03Shutting yourself up in here all day.
15:06Yeah, well, I got behind with the VAT.
15:07One thing and another.
15:08You ought to forget about that.
15:09It won't matter if you leave it for a day or two.
15:11Well, it will if I go down tomorrow, won't it?
15:14I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that.
15:17I just meant you've got more important things on your mind.
15:19Well, this is important.
15:20That business is all I have.
15:21And it's suffering because of all this.
15:23I didn't realise you felt things were that bad.
15:25It's not surprising, is it?
15:27I mean, I'm not exactly popular around here, am I?
15:29One bit of trouble and everybody treats you like you've got something contagious.
15:32Why don't you come have a drink late with me and Phil, eh?
15:35We can go somewhere away from the square if you like.
15:37Bring Sarah.
15:39All right.
15:40But we go over to Vic.
15:42I don't want anyone saying that Ted Eales is afraid to show his face.
15:46They just wanted to know if I knew of anyone he might contact.
15:51Old friends, you know, from Gravesend.
15:54You don't know, do you?
15:58They still think that Nick might come here.
16:01I don't know what to think about it.
16:03I really don't.
16:04I'll make you a cup.
16:06All I know is...
16:09there ain't nothing for him here.
16:13We should buy our own telly, you know.
16:15If you're going to sit in front of the box watching a stupid game every night,
16:18at least we could call it our own.
16:19It's not a stupid game, it's football.
16:22We've had 20 quid a month for that telly and video.
16:24Do you know if we bought our own, it'd pay for itself in less than a year.
16:27We haven't got the money to just go out and buy our own telly and video.
16:29Have you seen how much they cost?
16:31Yeah, I know.
16:33I mean, it's just the principle, isn't it?
16:34We wouldn't be renting from someone, it'd be us.
16:36Our own telly.
16:37Yeah, and what happens if it goes wrong?
16:38We have to pay for repairs, don't we?
16:40All I'm saying is, it's something we should think about now we're married.
16:44I mean, it's like this flat.
16:46All the money we're spending on this flat every month
16:48is going straight into Phil Mitchell's pocket.
16:51They're making a fortune out of us.
16:52And we've got nothing to show for it at the end of the day.
16:54We could be putting that money towards our own...
16:56Oh, God! Did you see that guy?
16:58We could be putting that money towards our own...
16:59Oh, God! Did you see that guy?
17:01Come on, Tosh. I'm gonna get a beer. Do you want anything?
17:04No, there's sport on telly.
17:06What was that?
17:07Nothing. Fine.
17:08I tell you what, we should get cable, you know.
17:09There's loads of sport on that.
17:12You'd best be off.
17:13I've kept you long enough.
17:15Claire will be wanting a supper.
17:17Only if you're sure you're gonna be okay.
17:21It's only gonna be a matter of a couple of hours
17:23before the police pick him up, Mrs C.
17:26Why don't you come back and stay with me and Claire tonight?
17:28We'll pick up fish and chips. What do you say?
17:30I've told you.
17:31I'm best off in the comfort of me own home.
17:34Nobody's scaring me off.
17:36Especially not me own son.
17:38All right.
17:39But if you need me for anything at all,
17:41you contact me straight away.
17:43Promise me?
17:44I'm fine.
17:45Nothing a good night's sleep won't put right.
17:49You sound like an old mother hen.
17:51You're a force to be reckoned with, you know that, Mrs C?
17:55Oh, I love that film.
17:57Especially the big song and dance number at the end.
17:59I could watch it over and over.
18:01You have watched it over and over.
18:03I've seen it with you at least three times.
18:05Yeah, well, it's a classic. I love it, don't you?
18:07Past the time, I suppose.
18:09Oh, look, leave all that. I'll do it later.
18:11No, I can't relax with this mess in front of me.
18:13Oh, come on.
18:15Look, I'm sorry if you found the film boring.
18:17That isn't what I said.
18:19You've certainly got something on your mind.
18:20Is that surprising?
18:25I'm not sure I can take much more, you know.
18:28You mustn't think like that.
18:30Look, don't let it get to you.
18:32How can you say that?
18:34In the last couple of weeks, I've been out and in the Vic,
18:36beaten up in the street,
18:37and now my dad might go down for GBH.
18:39Can it get much worse?
18:41Oh, look, I'm sorry.
18:44I just need some space.
19:05Still working?
19:07Oh, sorry, sweetheart. I was miles away.
19:09I'm nearly through.
19:11How do you fancy joining Aunty Kath and me for a drink in a minute?
19:14Oh, sure.
19:16Good. I've been locked in here all day doing me paperwork.
19:19I need to stretch my legs.
19:21How about you? Did you have a good day?
19:23Yeah, it was OK, I suppose. Spent most of the day with Joe.
19:26Did you? How is he?
19:28Yeah, he's well.
19:29You sure he's completely better?
19:31Yeah. He's better than I've ever seen him before.
19:34Shouldn't you give him a bit of space, time to adjust?
19:37He's my friend, Dad, and I want to be there for him.
19:39Joe's got his share of problems, just like everyone else.
20:02Who is it?
20:04Is that Mrs Cotton?
20:06Open up, it's the police.
20:08Oh, what's the matter? Have you forgotten something?
20:10That is Mrs Cotton.
20:12Yeah. What do you want?
20:14Open the door, Mrs Cotton.
20:16I need to speak to you.
20:18You're not the police.
20:20Who are you?
20:22I'm sorry, you're right.
20:24I'm a friend of Nick's.
20:26I've been out on the street for days.
20:28Please, just let me in for a minute so I can explain.
20:31I've got some messages for you.
20:39Mrs Cotton, I'm sorry I lied to you.
20:43Look, I've got nowhere else to go.
20:46Mrs Cotton?
20:51Stupid old bag.
21:16I don't know.
21:18I don't know.
21:20Just when you think Dot's settled back in again, this has to happen.
21:24Who'd have thought that poor woman had suffered enough?
21:26I don't know what I can do to make things better.
21:28You know what it's like when you're trying your level best to help someone,
21:31but they don't really want you to.
21:33That's how it feels with Dot sometimes.
21:35I know what you mean.
21:37She's a very proud woman.
21:39She's so scared that Nick'll turn up.
21:41You probably will, knowing him.
21:43At least I got her to promise that she'd contact me if he gets in touch.
21:46I wouldn't hold your breath.
21:48She's a complete fool as far as Nick's concerned.
21:51I should have insisted that she stay with me.
21:53Look, you can't make Dot do anything she doesn't want to.
21:57She's too set in her ways.
21:59She's always given in to Nick, and she always will.
22:02She'll tell you it's because she wants to be a good mother.
22:05But there are limits, surely?
22:06Dot's been far too good to him.
22:08That's what's made Nick the way he is.
22:11Honestly, Nigel, don't worry.
22:13I'm sure you've done everything you can.
22:50I thought you had it all organised.
22:52So did I.
22:53Well, you saw me, I had my book, the names, the stakes, the odds.
22:56Of course I was organised.
22:57Well, how come you're out of pocket then?
22:58Not so much for your business since.
22:59£2.80, please.
23:01Small change for a bit in Targaryen like yourself.
23:03Yeah, I wish.
23:04And what about my tenner?
23:05You? You know the place to bet on.
23:06I'm sure I ain't got your name in my book.
23:08Well, I'll tell you on the night.
23:10Well, what were the odds?
23:11Well, I don't know. It doesn't really matter now, does it?
23:13Grant or Nigel.
23:14Honestly, who do you think?
23:17I bet your old man don't know that.
23:19No, he ain't going to find out either, is he?
23:22Come on, cough up. Give the lady her money.
23:25Good doing business with you.
23:27Oh, here they are now. Remember, he's wound up about tomorrow.
23:32Oh, yeah, all right, Sarah?
23:33Where are you having Ted?
23:34Yeah, come sit down. I'll get him in.
23:36That's all right, by the way.
23:37No, it's on me.
23:38I said I'd get him.
23:39Oh, if you insist.
23:41No, I hope you carry them.
23:42No, I'll do it. You stay there.
23:45Stopping him and getting him a drink, that's all.
23:47Oh, let him get him. It'll make him feel better.
23:49You all right, love?
23:50Yeah, I think so.
23:52Yeah, of course.
24:05Mrs Cotton?
24:08I'm sick of all this running. Please.
24:11How'd you get in?
24:13One of your neighbours downstairs.
24:15I would not, but I'm so cold.
24:18Why come to me?
24:20I don't know. I had nowhere else to turn.
24:23And Nick had told me so much about you.
24:25What did he tell you?
24:27How good a mother you've been.
24:29How caring, thoughtful.
24:33I was in so much trouble.
24:35Someone got hurt inside and they were trying to pin it on me.
24:38I had no choice. I had to get away.
24:41Mrs Cotton, I want to give myself in, but I'm so afraid.
24:58Help me do the right thing.
25:11So how's business?
25:13Well, about what you'd expect for the time being.
25:15Not good, then?
25:17Sarah, what did you do today?
25:19Oh, not much. Nothing's going on now that the school's over.
25:22Must be difficult trying to compete with these big DIY stores.
25:25No, the shop's fine. I've always done quite well out of it.
25:28Beats me out.
25:29I mean, there's not many people these days
25:31popped down to their friendly ironmongers
25:33for boss white and a pound of tin tacks.
25:35That's a really lovely dress, Sarah.
25:37Dad bought it for me quite a while ago.
25:39It suits you.
25:41At least my business is all above board and legit.
25:43You're trying to say mine, eh?
25:45Amazing if it was. First time for everything.
25:47Will you just pack it in, both of you?
25:50Just for one night, why can't we all get on with each other?
25:55That's a nasty cut.
25:57How do you do that?
26:01Why are you doing that?
26:02I thought you said you wanted to turn yourself in.
26:05Here, what are you doing that for? That's my cupboard.
26:09Look, if you want a bite to eat, I could cook you something.
26:13You said you was hungry.
26:15Or we could go out.
26:17We could go to the cafe.
26:19It's a very nice cafe.
26:25You ought to wash that.
26:27Make sure it don't go septic.
26:30I always have that there
26:32so as I can get my feet next to the fire
26:34because of me circulation.
26:40You do not move or speak
26:43unless I tell you you can.
26:46Do you understand?
26:54You understand what I said?
26:58I suggest you get some sleep.
27:00It's going to be a long night.
27:09We're at work with Dangerfield at 4.20 this afternoon
27:13and there's more medical work before then.
27:15Stay with us for Dr Finlay next.