The Scripture says that if we have faith as small

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The Scripture says that if we have faith as small
00:00Read Matthew 17, 20 for reflection.
00:02The scripture says that if we have faith as small as a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible.
00:08The mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds Jesus could have said.
00:12If you have great faith, if you never doubt, I will do something great.
00:16But Jesus doesn't expect us to always have great faith.
00:19While it's wonderful when we do, he understands there will be times when we think something is impossible.
00:25He knows there will be moments when we don't have the faith we need to reach our destiny, Sophie.
00:30He says, if you have just a little bit of faith, that's all you need,
00:34then I will show up and exceed your expectations.
00:37Supporting verse, Matthew 17 to 0, in Jesus' name we pray. Amen.