Thomas and Friends - 3x10 - The Trouble with Mud

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Season 3, Episode 10 (US)


00:00One morning, Thomas was being cleaned when Gordon arrived.
00:05Mud had blown all over his smart blue paint.
00:09Hello, Gordon, called Thomas.
00:11You look as if you've had a mud bath.
00:13Be a sensible engine and have a shower instead.
00:16Gordon snorted.
00:17I haven't time to dawdle over my appearance like fussy tank engines do.
00:22The wind blew stronger.
00:25Gordon, slow down, called his driver.
00:28This made Gordon crosser still.
00:31Now I'll be dirty and late, dirty and late, he hissed.
00:38At the next station was a sign.
00:40All trains must wash down daily.
00:44James had just finished being cleaned.
00:47Come on, Gordon, said his driver.
00:49You'll feel better too after a good hose down.
00:52Bah, said Gordon and angrily let off steam.
00:58You're a very naughty engine, said Gordon's driver.
01:01Now James will need another shower.
01:03You'll have to wait your turn till later.
01:06Good riddance, huffed Gordon.
01:08I'm far too busy to waste time with water.
01:13He finished his journey safely and steamed into the big station.
01:17Sir Topham Hatt was waiting.
01:19So were Gordon's coaches and the passengers.
01:23Goodness gracious, said Sir Topham Hatt.
01:26You can't pull the train. Henry will have to do it.
01:30Gordon, you'd better get cleaned straight away.
01:38Gordon was soon being washed.
01:41Mind my eyes, he grumbled.
01:45Then he pulled cars for the rest of the day.
01:48Freight trains, freight trains, he spluttered.
01:51He felt his position deeply.
01:53That's for you, and you, and you.
01:57Cars will be cars, laughed James.
02:00They won't with me, snorted Gordon.
02:02I'll teach them.
02:07James got ready to take the express when Gordon returned.
02:13Be careful, warned Gordon.
02:15The hills are slippery. You may need help.
02:17I don't need help on hills, replied James, huffily.
02:21Gordon thinks he knows everything.
02:29Earlier, a storm had swept Gordon's hill,
02:32blowing leaves onto the tracks, which made them slippery.
02:35Even though the storm had passed, the hill was still difficult to climb.
02:39James knew this.
02:41The signal showed clear, and James began to go faster.
02:48I'll do it, I'll do it, he puffed.
02:55Halfway up, he was not so sure.
02:58I must do it, I must do it.
03:00But his wheels slipped on the leaves.
03:03He couldn't pull the train at all.
03:06Help, help, whistled James.
03:09His wheels were turning forward, but the heavy coaches pulled him backwards.
03:17The whole train started slipping down the hill.
03:21His driver shut off steam and put on the brakes.
03:24Then carefully, he stopped the train.
03:30Gordon saw everything.
03:33Ah, well, we live and learn.
03:35Never mind, little James, I'm going to push behind.
03:39Clouds of smoke and steam billowed from the snorting engines as they struggled up the hill.
03:45We can do it, puffed James.
03:47We will do it, puffed Gordon.
03:50At last, they reached the top.
03:54Beep, beep, thank you, goodbye, whistled James.
03:58Boop, boop, answered Gordon, goodbye.
04:02That night, Sir Topham Hatt came to see the engines.
04:06Gordon was miserable.
04:08Please, sir, said Thomas, can Gordon pull coaches again now?
04:12If you understand that having a washdown is essential to every engine, then yes, Gordon, you may.
04:18Thank you, grunted Gordon.
04:22Dirty or clean, I'm a famous machine.
04:25But no one heard but him.
