• last month
Nineties Eastenders (29th May 1997)
00:30George, I'm so sorry. Did I wake you?
00:55Oh, no, not really. What's up?
00:58Yours, I take it.
01:00Where'd you get these from?
01:01Friends of yours. Decided to let themselves into the club last night.
01:05Think about it. Who'd you lend your keys to?
01:07Well, no one.
01:08You sure about that?
01:09Of course.
01:10If I find you've been lying to me...
01:23What time is it?
01:24Oh, eight.
01:25James is gonna kill me.
01:26Oh, shut up.
01:28What's his problem?
01:30Oh, he's dead, apparently.
01:32My mouth feels like a rat just died in it.
01:34Well, you shouldn't have smoked that cigar.
01:36So how much did I lose last night?
01:37Everything, I think.
01:39You didn't see me writing out any IOUs, did you?
01:41No, but at one point you tried to sell a kidney to raise some cash.
01:44I think I remember that. How about you? Do you win much?
01:49So you didn't win, I didn't win, who did?
01:52Tony took most of it.
01:53Tony? I don't even remember him being here.
01:58It's a quarter past eight.
02:01Well, Sanjay ain't gonna be very happy with you, is he?
02:03I'm sick.
02:05Look, do us a favour, will ya?
02:07Stop by the store and tell him I'm not well.
02:09He's never gonna believe me.
02:10Everyone saw you getting drunk in the Vic last night.
02:12He's gonna know it's just a hangover, isn't it?
02:14Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot.
02:16You never ring in sick, do ya?
02:18In fact, you're so perfect you even work at night.
02:21All right, all right.
02:22I'll see you in the morning.
02:23I'll see you in the morning.
02:24I'll see you in the morning.
02:24I'll see you in the morning.
02:25I'll see you in the morning.
02:26I'll see you in the morning.
02:26All right, all right.
02:27You want me to tell him, then?
02:29Forget it.
02:38Sorry, Sanjay.
02:39Simon, where the hell have you been?
02:40I'll make up for it, I promise.
02:43Come on, look, I said I was sorry, didn't I?
02:45What do you want me to do, get down on my knees?
02:48It was late, I had a few beers and I just fell asleep.
02:51Will you stop sulking for five minutes?
02:52I'm not sulking.
02:53That's better.
02:54Don't shout at me or something.
02:55What, to make you feel better?
02:56I'm sorry.
02:57Ricky, get lost.
02:57I don't want to see your ugly face.
03:01Oh, please don't shout.
03:03Any chance I can get a bath at your place tonight?
03:05In fact, I don't want you or Tony anywhere near our place.
03:11What's all that about?
03:12I'm certain Tony nicked the keys last night.
03:16Well, to let himself into the Cobra.
03:18You know how he keeps going on about the place.
03:19He's an idiot.
03:20Doesn't he know what he's getting himself into?
03:27Is it all right if I shoot off for an hour?
03:29What, where are you off to?
03:30Well, I've got to take Courtney to the clinic.
03:32She's all right, isn't she?
03:33Yeah, she's fine.
03:34I've just got an appointment with the elf visitor.
03:36They want to talk about immunisations.
03:38Well, I'll give you a lift over there if you want.
03:39Oh, yeah, if you don't mind.
03:41Well, I'll tell you what, why don't you come with us?
03:42We can see the elf visitor together.
03:43Yeah, if you want.
03:44Well, she's your daughter.
03:45I just thought you might be interested.
03:53How you doing?
03:55Listen, what about tonight?
03:56What about tonight?
03:57We'll go back to the Cobra, finish where we left off.
03:59No, not tonight.
04:00Well, when then?
04:01Look, just forget about it for now.
04:02We're not going to find anything in that office.
04:04Well, it's worth a try though, isn't it, Polly?
04:05Just drop it.
04:09Who's he on the phone to?
04:11I don't know.
04:12He hasn't come out of his office all morning.
04:18I tried to ring you earlier.
04:19It was engaged.
04:20I've been busy.
04:21That woman from yesterday, I've talked to a few people.
04:23She's a journalist.
04:24I know.
04:25Polly Becker, War for Gazette.
04:27You know?
04:27She broke into the club last night.
04:29Her and Tony Hills.
04:30Did they find anything?
04:31Well, there's nothing for them to find.
04:33You've got to do something about those two.
04:34It's taken care of.
04:36Are you sure?
04:37I'm sure.
04:44My office, now.
04:54One of you tell me what's going on.
04:56What do you mean?
04:57I almost lost my job because of you two.
05:00You were in a lot of trouble.
05:03George Palmer.
05:05A pair of you broke into his office last night.
05:07It was a spur of the moment decision, Max.
05:09You'd have done the same thing.
05:10No, I wouldn't.
05:12You know where your trouble is?
05:13You don't think.
05:14It was me as well, Max.
05:16Have you forgotten what your job is?
05:18You're a trainee, not a journalist.
05:20And at this rate, you never will be.
05:22If I thought breaking into the man's office would prove anything,
05:25I would have done it myself years ago.
05:27I forced his hand, didn't I?
05:28Into what?
05:29All you've done is put our jobs on the line.
05:32You can't mess with this guy, Polly.
05:34He doesn't scare me.
05:36He should do.
05:38Just get back to work, the pair of you.
05:40I mean real work.
05:42How did he find out?
05:43Doesn't matter.
05:47Well, you're very smart.
05:50I hope you're not going to be chewing this stuff through the hearing.
05:52Why not?
05:53It won't make a very good impression, will it?
05:55I'm not one of your kids, Carol.
05:56I know.
05:57Just promise me you won't try blowing bubbles when they're asking you questions.
06:00Oh, God, just let it warm you.
06:01Get out of here.
06:12Oh, excuse me.
06:19Oh, I'm sorry.
06:28Coffee, please.
06:30Sit down.
06:31I'll bring it over.
06:33Busy place.
06:34I was building up for the lunchtime rush.
06:37You're a teacher, aren't you?
06:39I do private lessons and the occasional gig.
06:42So why would you want this job?
06:43I need regular money.
06:45Yeah, I've got a few students, but it's not enough to keep me afloat.
06:48Well, I'm looking for someone full-time, really.
06:50Well, that's what I'm after.
06:51Any music lessons will be in my own time.
06:53I don't let people down.
06:54I've still got to see more people.
06:56I'm a good worker, Mrs Mitchell.
06:58Give me a chance and I'll prove it to you.
07:01When does Blossom go?
07:02Today, isn't it?
07:03I'm sure you're very good, but I have advertised the job.
07:06Check this.
07:06I'll start tomorrow on trial.
07:08You interview people over the weekend
07:10and then give me a second interview once you've seen what I can do.
07:13What have you got to lose?
07:16What are you wearing those things for?
07:18I need to rest my eyes.
07:20You'll have an accident if you're not careful.
07:22Dr Legg says I needed to rest my eyes before my tests.
07:26All right, Grey?
07:28Listen, me and Carol have been talking.
07:30You know, we want you and Fuchs to come over to Vic tonight.
07:32Oh, I'd like that.
07:33Yeah, just a few drinks before you go, you know.
07:35Wish you both well and all that.
07:36Ah, thank you.
07:37I think I'll need a few brandies before I get on that plane.
07:41We'll see you over there.
07:42What's all that about?
07:44Felix has asked me to go over to Israel with him for a holiday.
07:49I never knew he was so forward.
07:51He can be quite forceful when he wants to be.
07:53He's a sweet man.
07:55I do hope you let him down gently.
07:57Let him down?
07:58Why would I want to do a crazy thing like that?
08:00You're never going with him, are you?
08:02The plane leaves tonight.
08:07Cheers, babe.
08:08Sorry it took so long, Mum.
08:09Ah, it's all right, love.
08:10It's been quiet.
08:12Right, I'll put her down.
08:14So, how'd it go, then?
08:16A little confusing, you know, injections at two months, three months.
08:19What's that, immunisations?
08:21Yeah, they gave us some leaflets to look through before we decide anything.
08:24Did you get your lot done?
08:26Yeah, of course.
08:28Here you go.
08:31All being well, it should be signed and completed early next week,
08:34if that's not too quick for you.
08:35No, sooner the better.
08:36So, what's this, your third outing?
08:37Yeah, it's right third.
08:38Was it your father's trade?
08:39Only they tend to be family businesses, fish and chip shops.
08:42Nah, Dad used to work on the market outside.
08:43Ran fruit and vegetable.
08:45No kidding.
08:45My Dad ran a stall, South London.
08:48Knew everything about me, did he?
08:50I'd say, well, nowadays, any Tom, Dick or Harry can set themselves up with a stall.
08:53I mean, half the time, they haven't got a clue what they're selling, have they?
08:55Here you go, Nigel.
08:57What's that?
08:58It's a picture of Claire.
09:00Actually, it's a bit out of date.
09:01She's grown up so quickly.
09:02Remember when you carried that around with you?
09:04Yeah, of course.
09:05Reminds me what she used to look like before she started wearing makeup.
09:10Oh, you think you feel bad?
09:11I was queuing for me picture at dawn.
09:12I'm sure I'm still drunk.
09:14What do you reckon, then?
09:15Air and a dog?
09:16Oh, no, just a lemonade, Tom.
09:17Two lemonades, thanks, Tiff.
09:18Listen, Tiff, if Ricky says anything, I wasn't in here last night, all right?
09:21Well, where were you then?
09:22I was at home on my own over an early night.
09:24Oh, I see.
09:26So, who was that propping up the bar, getting drunk,
09:28telling everybody what a pig her husband is?
09:30Well, no.
09:32Hey, how you doing?
09:33Did she give you the job?
09:34Yeah, on a trial period.
09:36Start tomorrow.
09:37I see.
09:37Told you you'd be all right.
09:38So what about tonight?
09:39Ready for another card game?
09:40Don't you ever get bored of losing your money, Jack?
09:42Don't think Ricky's going to be allowed out tonight.
09:44What about you, Alan?
09:45No, I'm going over to Vic.
09:46Graham's off on holiday, so we're having a few drinks.
09:48Sounds exciting.
09:50You don't fancy covering for me for a few hours in the cav, do you?
09:53I don't.
09:53Start till tomorrow.
09:54We can get some practice in.
09:56Show Kathy that you know what you're doing.
09:58I'm going in.
10:01Keep the change.
10:01Oh, thanks a lot.
10:05Come on.
10:08Listen, I've been thinking.
10:10Might take Courtney out this afternoon, if you want that.
10:13Well, yeah.
10:13Yeah, take her over to Nigel's.
10:15You sure you don't mind?
10:16Of course not.
10:17Tiffany, have you got any pictures of Courtney?
10:19Yeah, I've got some official ones from the hospital.
10:21See if I can dig some out for you.
10:22That's all right.
10:26Don't blame me for expanding.
10:27If you're making a profit with the formula you've got, stick with it.
10:30What about you?
10:31You ever thought about branching out?
10:32No, not now.
10:33I don't have enough time to put into it.
10:34Well, that's why you employ people.
10:36I mean the personal time you need to invest.
10:37I'm too heavily involved in council business these days.
10:40Yeah, I'm on the local council.
10:44Well, sorry.
10:45You just don't look the type.
10:47What type do you expect?
10:48Oh, I don't know.
10:49Stuffy old men drinking expensive whiskey wearing cheap suits.
10:52Yeah, that sums up some of my fellow councillors.
10:55So what do you have to do?
10:56Most of it's pretty mundane stuff, putting suggestions forward.
10:59Sometimes it gets interesting.
11:00Like the high street.
11:01We've got this plan going through to pedestrianise a large part of it.
11:04That's a good idea.
11:05Yeah, sometimes we can actually make a difference, get things done.
11:09Felix and Blossom?
11:11That's what I thought.
11:12Mind you, Nigel, you didn't hear it from me,
11:14because I think they want it kept under the counter.
11:17You don't think they're, well, you know, romantically involved, do you?
11:20Well, I don't know, but they are sneaking away on the fire.
11:23Here she is.
11:24Oh, what a little dear.
11:26Is she grown?
11:27She weighs a ton.
11:29She's a bit an image of her dad, isn't she, Mrs C?
11:31I can't see it.
11:32Well, try taking your glasses off.
11:36Oh, yeah, so she is.
11:39Still, most babies look like that, don't they?
11:42What do you mean, look like what?
11:43Well, you know.
11:46I think I'd better go.
11:48I'll see you later, Nigel.
11:49All right, Mrs C.
11:50What was she on about?
11:51I haven't a clue, mate.
11:52So where have you taken her?
11:53Oh, just round the square.
11:54You can't take her far in case she needs a bottle or a nappy change.
11:56So have you changed your nappy, then?
11:58Of course I have.
11:59I've always wondered.
12:01Is it as bad as blokes make it out to be?
12:03It's all right.
12:04I can think of better things to do, but it has to be done, doesn't it, sweetheart?
12:10Oh, hello, love.
12:10When did you get back?
12:11Just this afternoon.
12:13Yeah, how's Joel?
12:13Everything all right?
12:14Yeah, he's good.
12:15A bit tired, but he's home now.
12:17Listen, do you mind if I don't start back until tomorrow?
12:19I want to spend some time with Joel this evening.
12:21You know, unpack, get settled.
12:23Oh, that's fine.
12:26Take as long as you need.
12:28Um, is Grant around?
12:31No, he's taking Courtney out.
12:32Oh, right.
12:33You won't be long.
12:34Shall I give him a message?
12:36Just tell him I'm back, would you?
12:37Yeah, I will.
12:45You all right?
12:46Yeah, yeah, I'm fine.
12:48How long are we supposed to be here?
12:50I don't know.
12:51Just got to hang around in case they show up.
12:53What, they want to fight?
12:55You've seen how big they are.
12:56It'll be all right.
13:13Did you have a good time?
13:14Yeah, a great time, thanks.
13:16What's that?
13:17What, you wanted a picture of Courtney?
13:18Oh, yeah, thanks.
13:23Yeah, it's great.
13:24Let's get some more done soon, what do you think?
13:26Yeah, you're right, she's changing so quick.
13:27Yeah, that's what babies do, isn't it?
13:34Come on, that's enough.
13:35Let's go.
13:40Oh, Miss Darcy.
13:45Are you okay?
13:46Yeah, I'm all right.
13:51Do you know him?
13:52Only since it was a baby.
13:53Leave me alone!
13:54Come on, Martin, I'll take you home to your mum.
13:56Do you need me?
13:57No, he'll be all right with his auntie Dot.
13:59Come on, dear.
14:01That's it.
14:07What, mate?
14:08How'd it go?
14:09Yeah, I answered all their questions.
14:10Now I've just got to wait for them to make a decision.
14:12Oh, it'll be all right.
14:14Do you know something?
14:15As I sat there listening to myself explain it,
14:18I could see their point.
14:19Whose point?
14:20This lot.
14:20Oh, hang on, I thought we didn't do anything wrong.
14:22No, we didn't.
14:23But I can see how it must have looked to them.
14:25They're just the same as us.
14:27Struggling to make a living.
14:28If they can't trust me, who can they trust?
14:31Look, they'll come round.
14:32You'll see.
14:33Do me a favour, will you?
14:34Yeah, whatever.
14:35Get some of the traders together in the Vic tonight.
14:38I think it's about time I said a few words.
14:40Put the record straight.
14:45You set yourself down, Martin, dear.
14:49Oh, hello, Dot.
14:52Martin, what's happened?
14:54But you...
14:56Look at your shirt.
14:57What's happened?
14:58It was some other boys.
14:59I think they was picking on him.
15:01Who were they?
15:02No one.
15:06There you go.
15:07Has my dad been in yet?
15:08Do you know who's coming in tonight?
15:10Maybe he's not.
15:11Oh, no, no, no.
15:12Left the skin.
15:13Another one.
15:15Mind talking to you?
15:16Oh, come on, I said I was sorry.
15:17Do you want me to go?
15:18No, you stay where you are.
15:19If anyone's going, it's him.
15:20How long's this going to go on for?
15:21Till you learn your lesson.
15:22I don't like sitting in all night on my own,
15:23and you didn't even phone.
15:24I'm sorry.
15:25I'll make it up to you.
15:28What do you reckon?
15:28Should I forgive him?
15:29It's up to you.
15:30All right, just this once.
15:32If you ever do that again...
15:34Right, who wants what?
15:35I'll get these.
15:35Celebrating something?
15:36Oh, the end of a bad day.
15:38How's your hangover, Bianca?
15:41Where's Grant?
15:41Oh, he's upstairs with Courtney.
15:42Do you want me to get him for you?
15:43No, it's all right, I'll go alone.
15:44All right.
15:51Is she all right?
15:54Yeah, she's asleep.
15:55Can you give us a hand downstairs?
15:58Yeah, I'll be down in a minute.
16:01Oh, lovely having her here, isn't it?
16:08You know she can't stay, don't you?
16:11I'm just warning you, when Tiffany goes,
16:13Courtney goes with her.
16:16Not if I get the residency order.
16:18Could you really do that?
16:20You've seen what Tiffany's like with her.
16:22She adores that child.
16:25I want her here.
16:26And so do I.
16:28And if Tiffany was an unfit mother,
16:29I'd back you all the way.
16:31But face it, Grant, you can't split those two up.
16:35I know.
16:37You're right, Pauline, this looks nasty.
16:40Look, this might sting, okay?
16:44I warned you.
16:46So, what really happened?
16:48I told you, a bunch of kids jumped me for no reason at all.
16:51Well, why didn't your friends help?
16:54What friends?
16:55Well, I thought that's how it works, you know?
16:58Somebody gets in trouble and their friends back them up.
17:01I mean, what about the kids you hang about with?
17:03Didn't they help?
17:04They're not my friends.
17:06Well, maybe it's time you got some new ones, eh?
17:13You all right, Mum?
17:16What's happened to you?
17:18So, where is he, then?
17:20I don't know. He said he'd be here, all right?
17:21I bet he won't. Show his face.
17:23Look, I just delivered the message, yeah?
17:25So you're a messenger boy as well now.
17:27Where's Felix?
17:29Where is he?
17:30He's not here yet.
17:31He's coming a bit finally.
17:33Stop winding her up. He'll be here.
17:34He'd better be.
17:36Did Lorraine call while I was out?
17:38Oh, she's back.
17:39She's back?
17:40Oh, sorry, Grant. She called in early.
17:41I forgot to tell you.
17:42What did she say? How is she?
17:43Oh, she's fine and she'll be back in tomorrow.
17:45Why didn't you tell me?
17:46Did you know about this?
17:47No, and you were out with Courtney.
17:49Where are you going?
17:50To see Lorraine.
17:51But we're busy.
17:52Yeah, well, you should have told me earlier, shouldn't you?
17:57Oh, yes, love.
17:58Pipe, please, Peggy.
18:00What's this you're doing?
18:02What's that?
18:03Filling up my pub with traders.
18:05Well, you'd be glad of the extra business.
18:07Yes, I am.
18:08But next time you can give me some warning.
18:10No, no, love. This one's on me.
18:13Michael, I thought you'd changed your mind.
18:15What's he feeling like in the crowd?
18:17Well, let's just say you're not the most popular person here.
18:20So what are you going to tell him?
18:21I don't know yet. I think I'll finish this first.
18:25I'm off. See you tomorrow.
18:27Yeah, see you.
18:30What's going on?
18:32Don't give me that.
18:33Why did you tell me you were working last night?
18:35Because I was.
18:36Look, it's complicated.
18:38So tell me.
18:38I can't.
18:41Where is he?
18:42He's in bed. He's just had a bath. He's exhausted, poor thing.
18:45Was he sleeping rough?
18:46Yeah, some night.
18:48I'm sorry I wasn't over early.
18:50That's all right.
18:51Only mum forgot to tell me that you were back.
18:53I'm just trying to get things straight.
18:59I missed you.
19:05I thought the same thing when you and Tiffany went out the other night, didn't I?
19:07I know, and I don't mind if you do.
19:09So what were we arguing about?
19:10Well, I just didn't think you and Lenny were your type.
19:12Oh, you're worried that they might leave me astray, are you?
19:15Well, maybe.
19:18Here you go.
19:20Is he still not here, then?
19:21Typical man, late for everything.
19:23Oh, he'll be here.
19:25Well, I propose a toast.
19:26To Blossom.
19:27May you have a wonderful, exciting and well-earned holiday.
19:31Cheers, Gran.
19:32Cheers, Carol.
19:33Why don't we get some dinner?
19:35Are you hungry?
19:36I don't want to leave Joe at home.
19:37Oh, no, I didn't mean that.
19:38I meant, you know, go and get a takeaway.
19:40An Indian.
19:41Some more wine.
19:42Not for me.
19:45You tired?
19:52So, what have I missed?
19:54Any news?
19:56Nothing much.
19:57Her mum's invited to stay while they sort the water out.
20:00Yeah, I saw she was there.
20:02How's Courtney?
20:03She's good.
20:04Must be nice having her there.
20:06It is.
20:10Look, is something wrong?
20:15Can't that wait?
20:20Look, we need to talk.
20:24This isn't going to be about Courtney and Tiffany again, is it?
20:26No, it's about you and me for once.
20:29What about us?
20:30Well, it's just that I've been thinking and I...
20:32And what?
20:36This isn't working.
20:38I can't go on like this.
20:40Just for the record, I want to make a few things very clear.
20:44Yes, I did invest in a deal with Sanjay.
20:48Yes, I did grant him a temporary new stall in order to help him clear the stock.
20:52What did I say?
20:53I should have told you all sooner, before it got this far.
20:56I'm sorry.
20:57I've handled this badly and I can understand why you're angry.
21:01But you must believe me.
21:02I'm on your side, all of you.
21:04Oh, yeah.
21:06I would have done the same thing if I were you.
21:09I would have done the same thing for any of you.
21:11My job is to give people opportunity.
21:14I believe I was doing that.
21:16So how much did you make?
21:17Ron, have you been listening?
21:19I have done nothing illegal.
21:23Why are you saying this?
21:26Because it's true.
21:27I mean, look at us.
21:29This isn't a relationship.
21:31We're just a shoulder for each other to cry on and that isn't enough.
21:35It's not like that.
21:36Be honest.
21:38Not for me, it's not.
21:39Then I'm sorry.
21:41We don't feel the same way.
21:45Have you found somebody else?
21:48I wish it was that simple.
21:52I don't believe this is happening.
21:54It's over.
21:57Surely you can see it, Grant.
21:58See what?
21:59It's not working.
22:00It's never worked.
22:01Not from the start.
22:02It's not true.
22:03It is.
22:05I mean, we were just kidding ourselves.
22:07It's never been about us.
22:09It's been about Tiffany and Joe.
22:12Courtney and Peggy.
22:13I mean, the only thing that's kept us together is everything around us.
22:16It's so messed up.
22:19Forget everything else.
22:23Those things are important.
22:25It wasn't until I finally got away from here that I saw it.
22:29I saw my old life, Grant.
22:33I saw my friends.
22:36My family.
22:36My home.
22:38And I miss them.
22:41And there's nothing I've ever had here.
22:45Not even you that could come close to that.
22:47And I don't think it ever will.
22:52I don't believe a word of what you just said.
22:56I love you.
22:57And you love me.
22:58So what's so complicated?
22:59Don't tell me how I feel.
23:00Stop making excuses!
23:07Do I scare you that much?
23:13I'd never lay a finger on you.
23:17I love you.
23:20Is that what he said?
23:21So many words.
23:22He knows you're a good mother.
23:24Thanks, Peggy.
23:26I want him back, you know.
23:27I know.
23:28But don't rush him.
23:29Give him time.
23:30He'll figure out what's best for him.
23:33What about the rest of us?
23:34What about you?
23:35When are we going to get some special treatment?
23:37You have!
23:38I've helped you all out in the past.
23:39Every single one of you.
23:40Whether you've known about it or not.
23:42I've stuck by you.
23:43I even turned a blind eye when you've wanted me to.
23:47Now, I know next week whether I come back as market inspector.
23:50But you know something?
23:52I don't even know if I want it any longer.
23:54I'm not going to work on a market where nobody trusts me.
23:57I've explained myself enough over the last few days
23:59and I am so sick of it!
24:01Now, you either accept what I'm telling you
24:03or we call it a day.
24:05It's down to you lot.
24:12Hey, Mum!
24:12You missed all that!
24:14Michael, he's threatened to quit the market!
24:15Near enough.
24:16He had a right go at everyone.
24:17Yeah, we should all just shut up
24:18and just let him get on with his job.
24:21He's not there.
24:22He's probably on his way over here.
24:23Well, you don't think he forgot about me
24:25and went straight to the airport, do you?
24:26No, of course he didn't.
24:27Here, look.
24:28I'm so sorry.
24:29I got on a taxi and it broke down.
24:30So I had to get another one.
24:31Yeah, calm down.
24:32You're here now.
24:33Yeah, well, look.
24:33I've got a taxi waiting outside.
24:35Sorry, everyone.
24:36We've got to hurry.
24:37Come on.
24:38Right then.
24:39Israel, here we come.
24:50It's getting late and I'm tired.
24:54I can't go and leave it like this.
24:57There's nothing you can do.
25:01Listen to me.
25:03I can change things.
25:04I mean, just tell me what.
25:06You can't change the way I feel.
25:10What if we love each other?
25:11Have you heard anything I've said?
25:16Don't love me?
25:20I think you should go.
25:22No, I want to hear you say it.
25:24What would that achieve?
25:25Say it.
25:32I'm not in love with you.
25:36Derek, is that what you wanted to hear?
25:59I don't believe you.
26:06Bye-bye, love.
26:06Bye, Gran.
26:07I'll see you soon.
26:08Take care of her, Felix.
26:09You can have my word on it.
26:10All right.
26:11I'll write as soon as I can.
26:13You do that.
26:14Listen, whatever you do, you make sure that you enjoy yourself, yeah?
26:16Don't you worry.
26:17I will.
26:20I'm going to miss you, Gran.
26:21You sort yourself out, you hear me?
26:23I will.
26:24Come on, Blossom.
26:24We'll be late.
26:25I'll see you later then.
26:26Off we go.
26:26Bye, everybody.
26:27See you.
26:28All the best.
26:34All the best.
26:35Bye for now.
26:36See you.
26:37See you.
26:37Love you, Gran.
26:39Bye, Gran.
26:39Take care.