Nineties Eastenders (26th May 1997)

  • 6 hours ago
Nineties Eastenders (26th May 1997)
01:07Look, starving yourself isn't going to help find Joe.
01:09I'm not hungry.
01:11Well, it's there if you want it.
01:13I'd better get going.
01:14I promised Mum I'd go to the cash and carry.
01:18Will you be OK?
01:22Or ring me, yeah?
01:33Any word on Joe?
01:35Well, how's Lorraine?
01:36Not good.
01:37Now, why don't you go and see her?
01:38Bit of female company might do her good.
01:41See if you can get through to her.
01:43I'll see you later.
01:54See if you can get through to her.
01:59Is this supposed to be some sort of show?
02:01I've always had that pitch.
02:02Not today, dear.
02:03Yeah, but I've had it for months.
02:04You're not on the list of regulars.
02:05Yeah, but Michael always just...
02:06Mr Rose is not running the show today.
02:08I am.
02:09And I've already allocated the pitches.
02:11First come, first served, according to the rules.
02:13You mean all the pitches have gone?
02:14That is correct.
02:15Yeah, but recently we've been having a temporary one
02:17as well as a permanent pitch.
02:18I don't believe this.
02:19But I've just been round your place.
02:20And you are?
02:21Simon Reynolds.
02:22And Ricky's not there.
02:24Ricky will let you in.
02:25I work for Sanjay Kapoor.
02:26Yes, indeed.
02:27I've heard about Mr Kapoor.
02:28What's that supposed to mean?
02:29Yeah, and recently we've had an extra stall
02:30so we can sell more stock.
02:31All the casual pitches are allocated.
02:33Now, if you'll excuse me.
02:34So what am I supposed to do now?
02:36Go home and enjoy the rest.
02:38And try to turn up a bit earlier tomorrow morning.
02:40This is just not fair.
02:50Oh, hello, love.
02:51Hello, Peggy.
02:52Can I ask you a favour?
02:53Yeah, of course you can, darling.
02:54Come on in.
02:55There must be something wrong with her system
02:57that shoves sick people out onto the streets.
03:00He could be anywhere.
03:02He could be hurt or worse.
03:06I don't know what to do, Pat.
03:08Well, there's not a lot you can do, love.
03:10Except sit here and wait for the phone to ring.
03:12I'm even scared of that.
03:13Of what the news might be.
03:15You shouldn't be here on your own.
03:17What about Grant?
03:19Do you want a cup of tea, Lorraine?
03:21Do you want some toast, Lorraine?
03:22I mean, he keeps fussing around me.
03:25He's trying.
03:27But he doesn't understand.
03:30I used to bath my babies in the kitchen sink, too.
03:33Oh, Grant loved it.
03:35Way out when I used to take you out.
03:38Can you hold her for me?
03:39Oh, yes, please.
03:41Thanks ever so much, Peggy.
03:42I really do appreciate it.
03:44Look at her little face.
03:46Oh, she loves a little splash of that, don't she, darling?
03:49Just like your daddy.
03:52Oh, I know he's only trying to help,
03:54but he thinks everything's so simple.
03:57He thinks I worry too much.
03:59You know, Joe's a big boy now, nearly a man.
04:02I should be letting go.
04:04Grant's about as perceptive as a bar of soap.
04:11Why is everything such a mess, Pat?
04:13It's not, love.
04:15You know, when I look in the mirror, I think,
04:16that woman can't be me.
04:18I'm just too young to have lived my life.
04:20Two living partners, two children, one dead, one mad.
04:23Lorraine, you mustn't speak like that.
04:25You know, I'm young enough to make the same mistakes all over again.
04:28I mean, what must people think of me?
04:30Oh, it doesn't matter what they think.
04:31Doesn't it?
04:32You never stop people judging one another.
04:35Do you know, the older I get, the more I realise that nobody's right.
04:39We're all just muddling through.
04:41They used to call me a looks woman.
04:44Yeah, but I held my head up.
04:46I decided that I didn't have to answer to nobody,
04:48as long as I gave it my best shot.
04:50Do you know, you've been a much better mother than I was.
04:53Well, at least you're done right by your kids.
05:03No, this is 0448.
05:06No, don't mention it.
05:08The wrong number.
05:12I mean, what a time to get a wrong number, eh?
05:17Shame, really.
05:18If you'd known you were free,
05:19you could have gone to Auckland Towns with Alan and the kids.
05:21I'm too old.
05:22Well, I'd have gone if I could.
05:23That was my pitch to flaming liberty.
05:25Well, you should get up earlier.
05:29Yes, but you did offer to queue up for the extra stall, didn't you?
05:32Yeah, and I got there the time you told me to.
05:34Yeah, but it wasn't early enough, was it?
05:35Well, it's not my fault.
05:36Oh, come on.
05:37Stop squabbling, will you?
05:38What does one more day on this matter?
05:39That's yours, and that's yours, OK?
05:42Who rattled this cage, eh?
05:44Have you seen Pauline?
05:46I need to grant her.
05:47What was she doing?
05:48Punishing the sidewall.
05:49Yeah, she's an overdrive in there.
05:51I mean, she's so worked up about this social worker coming tomorrow.
05:55Well, you can understand I wanted the place to look nice.
05:58Hi, Ruth.
05:59How are you?
06:00My gorgeous boy, then.
06:01Ah, he's brilliant.
06:03Hey, can I see you later, all right?
06:06See you later.
06:07I could come with you if you want.
06:09You're on sex, aren't you?
06:10I might do it outside.
06:11I'm a big boy now, Kev.
06:13Well, wouldn't it be the last counselling session?
06:15Well, I can manage, but thanks.
06:18I could come back later, if you like, take you out to lunch.
06:21No, I'd rather stay by the phone.
06:23Oh, yeah, I know.
06:25I'll be exactly the same.
06:27I'll come back anyway, just to make sure you're all right.
06:30Chin up, eh?
06:32When Joe gets back, he's going to need you to be strong.
06:34You really think he's going to come back, Pat?
06:37Yeah, I do.
06:39I'll see myself out, love.
06:42Hi, Felix.
06:43I was going to ask you if you could have a few hours off.
06:45Couldn't possibly today.
06:46Why don't you ask Don?
06:48Yes, love.
06:49I'm not your love.
06:51What would you like?
06:52Three teas and clean cups.
06:53Blossom, this isn't mine.
06:55I asked for beans.
06:56Oh, yeah, that's right.
06:58It's so busy today.
06:59Don't worry about it.
07:00Yeah, what about my teas?
07:01Keep your hair on.
07:02I've got to get some tables in.
07:03Yeah, what about my...
07:04That's it.
07:05They're coming.
07:06I'll just get your beans for you, love.
07:08You want me to go out with you for the day, just like that?
07:10Why not?
07:11Well, we haven't made no plans.
07:14What plans do we need to buy a ticket for the Tube?
07:16I'll take you on a magical mystery tour.
07:19I'll have another cup of tea and I'll think about it.
07:22Busy today, Gran?
07:23You notice?
07:24Still better than me and Choir, eh?
07:25Don't worry about that.
07:27What am I going to do with myself?
07:29Clean out the kitchen cupboards?
07:31Is that your idea of a joke?
07:33Well, I blame you.
07:35You and the others.
07:36If you'd have kept your mouth shut,
07:37we'd have had Michael back instead of that witch.
07:38I don't know why you're moaning.
07:39I'd love to have the old day doing nothing.
07:41No, you wouldn't.
07:42You bet I would.
07:43No work, no community service.
07:47With you in a minute, Dot.
07:50Give us a moment, Ian, will you?
07:51£1.20, please.
07:52That's robbery, that is.
07:54Mate, I was wondering if you'd have Lucy for me this afternoon.
07:57It's just that I've got to go to the bank.
07:58Yeah, I suppose so.
07:59All right.
08:00Yes, love.
08:02In a minute, Dot.
08:03I want to sound them out about something.
08:04Ian, it's not a great time to say.
08:05You can see how I'm fixed.
08:06All right, I'll bring her back late, innit?
08:08Don't do that.
08:09Sorry, love.
08:10I've just been thinking about your offer.
08:12The trip.
08:13Did you mean it?
08:15I never joke about having fun, Blossom.
08:17It's too serious.
08:20I was expecting you hours ago.
08:22Yeah, when there was a queue at the cash and carry.
08:24Where's Ryan?
08:25She's not coming in.
08:26But we're really short stock.
08:27Mum, she's out of her mind with worry.
08:29Yeah, I know.
08:30Well, I'm sure we'll manage.
08:31You're in early.
08:32He's just been telling her about the new club.
08:34Oh, he's got the luck of the devil.
08:35No, your luck didn't come into it.
08:37Your sensible business management.
08:38Oh, get away.
08:40Thanks, Peggy.
08:41Hello, Gran.
08:42Oh, is she all done in?
08:44And what's...
08:45Courtney's just been having a little bath upstairs.
08:47Because they still haven't got any hot water.
08:48Oh, right.
08:49Well, everything clean there, ain't you, darling?
08:51Is your hair dry?
08:53Your grandma's fuss, fuss, fuss.
08:55So what's this about this new club, then?
08:56It's all right, Peggy.
08:57I know the way out.
08:58Oh, it's no trouble.
09:00Now, remember what I said.
09:02Are you sure?
09:04I don't want my little granddaughter
09:05roughing it there, do I?
09:06And you're clear it will go on.
09:07Can't you forget news of the boss around here?
09:10Thanks, Peggy.
09:16There you go.
09:18I had a phone call at the weekend
09:19from one of my council contacts.
09:21Oh, yeah?
09:22Guess who's managed to get a late licence
09:23for the Cobra Club.
09:24How's he done that?
09:26I think we've both probably got a fairly good idea.
09:29I bet he's got plans for that place,
09:31and I bet they don't match up
09:32with the ones he gave the council.
09:34It's a cover.
09:35Of course it is.
09:36And I want to know what for.
09:37Yeah, but where do we start?
09:38Oh, no.
09:39Oh, come on, Polly.
09:40No, I'm in this on my own.
09:41Anyway, I'm not sure it's going to end up
09:43Gazette business.
09:44Yeah, but it might be useful for you
09:45to have me around.
09:46Oh, you fancy yourself as my protection?
09:48Could be risky going alone.
09:50Come on, you know I'm right.
09:52Let's say just for one minute I was to let you in.
09:55I wouldn't want Max knowing, not a thing.
09:57You know you can trust me.
09:58I suppose.
09:59Well, am I in?
10:01I'm going to end up regretting this.
10:04So how do you manage to swing a new licensing?
10:06Well, simple.
10:07Present to the council with a proposal they like.
10:09Oh, friends in high places?
10:10No, it's all fair and square.
10:11I mean, I had to give a few.
10:13No, assurances.
10:15It's going to be a private drinking club,
10:17not a bit like the old place.
10:20There's nothing on.
10:21But are you?
10:22I don't fancy it.
10:23Will you figure something in?
10:26We've been looking for you.
10:28Oh, yeah?
10:29We want to chat.
10:41The social worker's coming round to see Martin.
10:43She's hardly going to come in here and inspect the state of your drains.
10:46Do you not think she's going to come here, have a good look at us,
10:49decide what sort of a family we are and put a label on us?
10:52We're a good family.
10:53Oh, you really think so?
10:55What is all this?
10:56Well, look, there's our Michelle,
10:58two kids by two different blokes,
11:00now married to someone else entirely.
11:02Then there's your dad, he was in prison.
11:04He was framed.
11:05Not the first time.
11:06He was ill then.
11:08There's Martin, turning into a right delinquent.
11:11Yeah, but Mummy's been through so much, hasn't he?
11:13Look, my mother brought me up to believe
11:16that the mother should be strong,
11:18make a strong family, a normal family.
11:21I used to think we were.
11:23Now I'm not so sure.
11:25I mean, look, you're the only normal kid I've got
11:27and even you've got HIV.
11:30You see, I've been wondering,
11:32could you kids come in useful?
11:35But that's the problem, see?
11:37They're still kids.
11:39I ain't got much use for kids.
11:41What are you saying?
11:42So what I'm saying is,
11:44is that we've got plans around here
11:46and them plans don't include you.
11:49So, take a bit of friendly advice,
11:51go back to your train set.
11:53Why should we?
11:54Cos I said so.
11:58We'll have to think about that.
12:00Yeah, well, don't say I didn't warn you.
12:02We wouldn't want anyone to get hurt around here, would we?
12:05Come on, lads.
12:07They don't frighten me.
12:09Not me.
12:13You were wetting yourself.
12:15Get lost! Just get lost!
12:17How long are you going to stay there for?
12:19Just till we get the water back.
12:21So why are you taking all her clothes?
12:23So why are you taking all her clothes?
12:25By the time she's been sick a few times and overflowed her nappies.
12:28Yeah, right, I get the picture.
12:30You are coming back, though?
12:32I've told you.
12:33Yeah, well, I hope you know what you're doing.
12:35I'm doing what I think's best, Simon.
12:37Best for you or for Courtney?
12:39For my baby.
12:43Cheers. Thanks, Pete.
12:45There you go.
12:48I can't believe she said what she did.
12:50She was in a state, Mark.
12:52I know, but to my face.
12:54She has what she really thinks.
12:56She's not herself.
12:58And neither are you.
13:00OK, it was a stupid thing for Pauline to say.
13:03But, I mean, she doesn't know about this CD4 test tomorrow, does she?
13:07Why are you always so reasonable?
13:10Listen, mate, I'm going to try not to worry you.
13:13At least until you've had the second test.
13:17Mr Raymond, I've been looking for you.
13:19Oh, yeah?
13:20I just thought I'd let you know.
13:21This is my boss, Sanjay Kapoor.
13:23Oh, Mr Kapoor.
13:24The new market inspector.
13:25Oh, right. Pleased to meet you.
13:27Can I buy you a drink?
13:29That won't be necessary.
13:30I'm only here to let you know there's no point trying to queue up for an extra stall tomorrow morning.
13:34Why not?
13:35I'm sure you'll agree it's for the best.
13:36But we haven't done nothing wrong.
13:37We don't want any suspicion of anything underhand.
13:39Best for everybody.
13:42Who does she think she is?
13:44The new market inspector?
13:45Yeah, the temporary market inspector.
13:47She can't be temporary enough.
13:49Honestly, you give some people a bit of power and...
13:51Look, get us another drink, mate.
13:52I'm just going to phone Michael, yeah?
13:55Yes, Simon, what'll it be?
13:57Oh, I'll get the door.
14:02Oh, you took your time.
14:04What did Grant say?
14:06Well, you have to hold him.
14:07Not exactly.
14:08Oh, Peggy, he's going to go berserk.
14:12Hello, Grant.
14:13Someone going to tell me what's going on?
14:15No, Grant, look, I've been meaning to tell you...
14:22I'll, um, I'll move my stuff upstairs, shall I?
14:24Good idea. I'll be up in a minute.
14:26He's turned up at my mother's.
14:28She's just phoned.
14:29That's great.
14:31Joe hitched his way up to Bolt because he wanted to see Karen's grave.
14:34Can you believe it?
14:35How is he?
14:36Mum says he's fine.
14:37I'm just on my way now.
14:38To Bolt?
14:40Look, I'm sorry to leave you in the lurch.
14:41Oh, don't even think about it.
14:42Well, when will you be back?
14:43I don't know.
14:44Well, this week, next week, when?
14:45I'll give you a ring.
14:46Look, I can't stop.
14:47I've got a cab coming in a minute.
14:48All right, I'll see you.
14:51Good news, eh?
14:54By the way, Tiffany's moving in.
14:56You what?
14:57Her and the baby.
14:58Only till they all put us back on.
15:00Because we both want to do the best by your child.
15:02I thought you'd be pleased.
15:08Here I am.
15:09Oh, that dad from them four wolves, they're driving me mad.
15:12You all right?
15:14A bit weary.
15:15Why have you not come down with something?
15:18Get days like this.
15:19It's called old age.
15:20You're not old.
15:21You don't think so?
15:22No, and neither do you.
15:24Well, that's right.
15:25Life's not finished just because you're eligible for a bus pass.
15:29Well, who said it was?
15:30It's up to all of us to get out there and lead a life.
15:33Gran, are you on something?
15:34Can you keep a secret?
15:36You mustn't even tell your mum.
15:38Especially, you mustn't tell Alan.
15:41Because I haven't finally decided yet.
15:43Decided what?
15:48Mum, you should have asked me first.
15:50Courtney's your own flesh and blood.
15:52Yeah, it's not her I'm worried about.
15:53I like having her here.
15:54A baby needs a mother.
15:55Or maybe she needs her uncle and her mother's ex-boyfriend.
15:57So why don't you invite Tanny and Simon while you're at it?
16:00Keep your voice down, please.
16:03Quite frankly, after your performance last week,
16:05I think you should catch yourself lucky Tiffany allowed you anywhere near that baby.
16:09You still should have asked me first.
16:10Oh, Grant, love.
16:11They'll only be in the spare room.
16:13You'll hardly know they're here.
16:14And you see Tiffany keeping a low profile.
16:16Wouldn't it be a chance for both of us to get to know the baby better?
16:20You know I'm talking a lot of sense.
16:22Oh, and before I forget, with Ray being away,
16:25we're going to be really short-staffed.
16:27I'll have a word with Tracy.
16:28No need.
16:29I've already sorted it out.
16:33Mum, how have you sorted it out?
16:35I've had a word with Tiffany.
16:37With her on the premises, it makes a lot of sense.
16:39Without asking me?
16:41Grant, if Tiffany's downstairs behind the bar,
16:43you'll be able to spend more time up here with your daughter.
16:46Oh, hello, darling.
16:48I was just going to make a cup of tea.
16:49I bet you could do with one.
16:50Yeah, please.
16:51Well, go on, make yourself at home.
17:00Sure you'll be all right on your own?
17:03Only I could stay.
17:04Well, I missed your last session.
17:05Well, there's a lot of work in it.
17:07Well, it's not that much.
17:08Anyway, you kind of enjoy yourself.
17:09Yeah, all right, Ricky.
17:12All right?
17:13Got a bike out, Sally.
17:14Higgs also needs looking at.
17:15Yeah, well, you'd better go and speak to the comedian under the bonnet.
17:18What's his problem?
17:19Oh, he's not fond of Mondays.
17:21Who is?
17:22They're even worse for him.
17:23Why's that?
17:24Because he has to sit around and be nice to people.
17:26Yeah, what was that?
17:31Oh, I'm just helping my gran out, Kev.
17:32Is that all right?
17:33Yeah, sure.
17:34Can you move to the other bus with me?
17:35Straight away.
17:37I'll do it.
17:38Tell her.
17:40I'll do it tomorrow.
17:41After I've spoken to Carolyn, I'll...
17:43No, gran, now.
17:44Grab the moment.
17:46Grab the moment.
17:47You're right.
17:48Here you go.
17:50Cathy, can I have a word?
17:53Yeah, of course.
17:54What is it?
17:55I'm sorry, but you're going to have to find someone else.
18:00For the calf.
18:01I'm leaving.
18:03Now, it's vital that each one of you sees this not as an ending,
18:07but rather the beginning of a new stage in your journey towards recovery.
18:13You know, I'd be lying to you if I said it was going to be easy from here,
18:17because, well, it won't be.
18:21We've talked about relapse before.
18:24But remember, you've kicked the habit once,
18:27and even if you do slip back, well, you can kick it again.
18:31We'll be here for you.
18:33I expect some of you didn't think you'd make it this far, but you have.
18:36And that's something to be proud of.
18:42I can get a ten.
18:43I think it would be better to get someone permanent.
18:46But if it's only a holiday?
18:48I'll be gone for a month or two.
18:50You do intend to come back from Israel?
18:52Oh, definitely.
18:53I mean, this is my home.
18:56But I don't want to be tied down, not to a specific date.
19:00I don't want the responsibility.
19:02I just want to have some fun.
19:04Lawson, I could murder a coffee.
19:06I'll bring one over.
19:11Well, what?
19:12Aren't you going to ask me how I got on at the bank?
19:14Oh, I'm sorry, love.
19:15They've agreed to lend me the money so I can open a new shop.
19:18You're expanding?
19:19Yeah, onwards and upwards.
19:20Well, go on, say something.
19:22Well, I didn't realise, but that's marvellous.
19:25So what did Kathy say?
19:27She was very understanding, very supportive.
19:30I can't believe you're really going to do it.
19:32You're really going to go?
19:33I reckon I am.
19:36So what happened to Stuart, the toff, the one that dropped out?
19:39I don't know.
19:40My money was on you not staying, of course.
19:43Yeah, that first day.
19:44You looked at us like we were some sort of dirty smelt.
19:48You thought it was all stupid.
19:50True, but, er...
19:52Well, it didn't take me too long to work out
19:54I was the most stupid one out of the lot, yeah.
19:56Now, do you really mean that, Phil?
19:58Or are you merely saying it for effect?
20:00What's the joke?
20:02Nah, nothing.
20:04Oh, just wanted to say thanks.
20:06What for?
20:07For your contributions.
20:08You've both done a lot of good work over the last few months.
20:11You ready for another one?
20:13Yeah, thanks.
20:15So, how are you feeling?
20:17Yeah, OK.
20:19You can always come to one of the drop-in sessions or give me a call.
20:22You've got the number.
20:23Yeah, thanks.
20:25You coming?
20:26Do you reckon?
20:30No problem.
20:35Oh, I didn't realise what time it was.
20:37What's all this?
20:38Salmon patty followed by honey roasted chicken.
20:41Oh, why?
20:42Well, I thought it'd do you good.
20:43It did, didn't it, Mark?
20:45Why's there only three places?
20:47Well, Martin said chips were ready.
20:49Oh, that's typical.
20:50Charles has a decent meal for a change and he hopes for chips.
20:53It's just not...
20:55That's right.
20:56So what is normal, then?
20:57Roses around the door, a smiling mummy with an apron on
21:00and a daddy in a three-piece suit and 2.4 children.
21:03Is that what you mean by normal?
21:04I don't...
21:05Cos you'll be hard-pressed to find a normal family like that around here
21:08or anywhere else for that matter, because they don't exist.
21:10Only in the adverts.
21:11Mark, I was only saying...
21:13Nobody's normal.
21:14All right, we've had our problems.
21:16But we do OK.
21:17We are OK.
21:18Even if I do happen to be HIV.
21:30What I said to you earlier on, I shouldn't have.
21:33I was wrong.
21:36You mustn't put us in a box, Mum.
21:39Other people might, we can't stop them,
21:41but once you start sticking labours on yourself,
21:45you might as well just give up and die.
21:49I'm sorry, love.
21:54What are you playing at?
21:55Earning a bit of money.
21:56Yeah, and I'm the Queen of England.
21:58Sorry, Bea.
21:59The management don't like me fraternising.
22:02Do you reckon she's back with him?
22:04Well, in a few years, don't you need a brain transplant?
22:06You do know this is strictly temporary, don't you?
22:09As soon as that boiler's fixed.
22:10Yeah, you won't see me for dust.
22:12Look, I won't want to impose myself on your grant,
22:14but I've got to do what's best for my daughter.
22:17It's lovely.
22:18And here you are.
22:20It's lovely.
22:21And here you are.
22:22Oh, thanks.
22:23You know, it's me who ought to be buying for you.
22:25Well, after the lovely day you've given me,
22:27it's the least I could do.
22:29Took me my bride, took me my crane.
22:31Oh, Ricky, my man.
22:32Oh, don't bother asking.
22:33I didn't get round to get your bike.
22:34I'm still waiting for some parts.
22:35Yeah, well, it's almost anyway.
22:37It'll be ready tomorrow morning about half past ten, yeah?
22:39Hey, no sweat. Listen, let me get you a drink.
22:41No, I'll get these.
22:42Tiff, have you got a minute, please?
22:43Yeah, won't be long.
22:44I don't know what to say.
22:46I've got to go.
22:48I need to go.
22:49I need to before I'm too old.
22:51I haven't got years on you yet.
22:53Maybe, but I've got to grab my chances
22:55as and when they come along.
22:57I'm going to miss you.
22:59I'll send you so many postcards,
23:01you'll hardly notice I'm away.
23:03You know that's not true.
23:05Alan's going to take this hard.
23:07He thinks the world of you.
23:08Well, he's a big boy now.
23:10I was there for his father.
23:11I was there for him.
23:13I want to put myself first for a while.
23:15You will come back?
23:16Of course I will.
23:17I mean, this is just a holiday.
23:19It's a holiday.
23:20So, Felix.
23:23So there's nothing between you then?
23:25What do you mean?
23:31Well, he's a nice man.
23:33Yeah, but you like your men hungry.
23:38All right, George.
23:39Yeah, I'm just going to pop upstairs, OK?
23:43What's he like, Tiff?
23:44Well, George, he's a real gent.
23:46And he seems like he's got a soft spot for piggies.
23:48I like him.
23:53We're trying to phone Michael all day.
23:55A bit late to say sorry now, isn't it?
23:56Yeah, I want to talk to him about this new market inspection.
23:58Well, somebody ought to.
23:59Yeah, but he's not answering, is he?
24:00Maybe he's gone away for a long weekend.
24:02Yeah, maybe.
24:04What are you having?
24:05Oh, I think I'll just have an orange juice, please.
24:07What do you think of that?
24:14I'll be with you as soon as I can.
24:18Guess where Felix took me today.
24:20Oh, I see.
24:21If you'll excuse me, Dot.
24:24You're going going, are you?
24:25I'm expected back for supper.
24:28Well, thank you ever so much, Felix.
24:32The pleasure, dear lady, was all mine.
24:36Are you fond of the zoo, Kathy?
24:40There you go.
24:41So, what's the story?
24:44One word, three letters, beginning and ending in M.
24:48Right first time.
24:49And you're none too pleased about it.
24:51Right again.
24:53So what's Lorraine got to say about it?
24:55She's up in bolt and choked to death.
24:57Life's never simple, is it?
24:59Sounds like you could do with a drink.
25:01Tell me about it.
25:03No, don't worry.
25:04I can handle it.
25:06So you reckon you're going to be OK?
25:09I've been to hell and I don't want to go back there.
25:13So what was that?
25:17Why do I always get the feeling that she's one jump ahead of me?
25:20Her mum or Tiffany?
25:25She looks like you.
25:27Oh, leave off.
25:28I mean it. She's got your dimple.
25:31She's lovely.
25:32Just like her name.
25:35So perfect and you.
25:37So innocent.
25:39Shame they have to grow up and turn into people.
25:42Oh, I love her already, George.
25:44As if she were me own.
25:46She is your own.
25:48She's Tiffany's.
25:49But it's nice borrowing her for the night.
25:53So, come on, you're better than them.
25:55Me and Courtney are just staying for a few days.
25:58Yeah, that's what I just said, innit?
25:59Have you forgotten what you've done to me last week?
26:01Look, you've just got a bit over-enthusiastic, that's all.
26:03He snatched your baby.
26:04Yeah, because he loves her.
26:06What are you up to?
26:08Tiffany, this is me you're talking to, not some fairy that's just fell out of a Christmas tree.
26:11What are you playing at?
26:12Mate, I love it here. I feel like I belong here.
26:14You're wrong.
26:15Look, being back here, it just feels so right.
26:17You're so wrong.
26:18Look, I know that Grant is no angel, but he's my baby's dad and I do love him.
26:22Are you forgetting something? He's in love with someone else.
26:24Well, yeah, you're out of sight, out of mind. Isn't that what they say?
26:26Or is it absence makes the heart grow fonder?
26:28Nah. Personally, I never bought that one.
26:30Well, I reckon you're reading too much into her.
26:32She's moved in. She's a devious little cow.
26:34She's got a brand new baby and she needs her order.
26:37End of story.
26:38There's more to it than that.
26:40She's a mother. She's looking out for her kid.
26:42That's what mothers are supposed to do.
26:44So you still want him back after everything he's done?
26:46Yep. Call me old-fashioned, but it's right for Courtney and it's right for me.
26:49And if I play my cards right.
26:51Oh, there you go.
26:52Oh, will you look at that? The perfect pint.
26:55You ain't lost your touch, Tiff.
26:56Oh, I bet you say that to all the girls.
26:58Have one yourself, eh?
26:59Oh, thanks. You're a perfect gin.
27:01Look, I know I'm going to have to be careful.
27:03Careful? Forget careful.
27:05You're mad. Remember what he's like?
27:07He's humiliated you.
27:08If he can track you out once...
27:09This is what I want, Bea.
27:12Yeah. I know what I'm doing.
27:31I love you.