I Hated Cheaters until I Became One

  • 2 days ago
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MSA, formerly known as "My Story Animated," is a dynamic YouTube channel that brings real-life stories to life through engaging and visually captivating animations. Specializing in personal drama, emotional journeys, and life-changing experiences, MSA transforms viewers' submissions into powerful animated narratives that resonate deeply with its audience. Each video tackles a wide range of topics, including relationship struggles, overcoming adversity, and self-discovery, making it a platform where real-life events are depicted with creativity and authenticity.

The channel's content is crafted to be relatable and inspirational, offering viewers a blend of entertainment and life lessons. Through animated storytelling, MSA explores complex social dynamics, personal growth, and the challenges of everyday life, providing viewers with stories that are not only entertaining but also thought-provoking and emotionally engaging.

**Disclaimer:** The stories presented on this channel are based on personal submissions and are animated for entertainment purposes. While the narratives are inspired by real events, the characters and specific details may be fictionalized to protect the privacy of the individuals involved. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. The opinions and experiences expressed in the videos are those of the individuals submitting the stories and do not necessarily reflect the views of MSA. Viewer discretion is advised.
00:00Hi, I'm Nora and most of the time I'm pretty sweet
00:03But when I fall in love I turn into a jealous psycho before I continue, please like and subscribe
00:08I blame my mom entirely for it
00:11She and my dad were high school sweethearts
00:13But over time dad kept getting promoted at work and got busier while mom felt neglected and became really insecure
00:19I mean she became a nutcase
00:21Like once in the supermarket when dad held the door open for the woman behind us mom accused him of flirting with her and even
00:28Flung a melon at the woman's head or that time at my sixth birthday party when dad gave a female clown a slice of cake mom
00:35Marched over furiously smushed the cake with her fist and then gave the clown a wedgie
00:40I don't condone violence, but that was hilarious when I was in the third grade mom was
00:46Convinced that dad was having an affair with his pretty new secretary
00:49So one day she took me and my older sister Sophie to his office. Please don't steal our daddy lady
00:55Don't take him away from us who will feed us it by his clothes. Do you want us to be orphans?
01:01It's a very bad thing to be a wait. I forgot. I wrote it on my arm
01:05Oh, yeah a homewrecker homewreckers are bad and you'll end up in jail bad lady
01:11Wait a second are those my jeans you're wearing I want my jeans and my husband back
01:16Which are you insane as if my size zero jeans would even fit your size eight
01:21But mom snarled and left at the secretary who dodged her and went screaming down the hallway
01:27She burst into the conference room with mom on her tail and the two ended up crashing
01:31Onto the large conference table where dad was having a meeting with the company's top executives
01:37What on earth you cheated on me and gave this bimbo my favorite jeans mom threw a stapler at dad
01:43Which missed him and hit his boss instead needless to say he was fired and that was the day
01:49He left us for good Sophie, and I were devastated wipe your tears girls
01:54He wouldn't have left if he wasn't cheating on me take it from me
01:57All men are garbage and we're better off without them
02:00Well that didn't stop me from having my first crush in the seventh grade his name was Adam
02:06And he was our neighbor one day Sophie caught me staring at him from my window
02:10Adam and Nora sitting in a tree
02:16Shut up Sophie, I don't even like that boy
02:18Yes, you do you want to brush his hair and hold his hand and have his babies. I read it in your diary
02:24See I snatched my diary out of Sophie's hands and pushed her out of my room
02:29She was so annoying a couple of weeks later a super pretty girl named Becca joined my class
02:34And we quickly became friends once when we were hanging out at my place Adam showed up at my door
02:40Hi, I brought you some cookies I baked myself you free to hang out. Oh, yeah, why wouldn't I be free wait?
02:47I have another guest over, but yeah, I don't think she'd mind come in come in you smell so good
02:51I mean the cookies the cookies smell so good
02:54I wanted Adam to have a good time
02:56So I logged on to ask brain to and asked about fun game ideas the three of us played truth or dare
03:02Charades and hide-and-seek a couple of times
03:04I caught Adam smiling at me and when he brushed cookie crumbs from my cheek my heart skipped several beats the next day at school
03:11I was at my locker, and I saw Adam staring at me from across the hall
03:15Suddenly he winked at me and blew me a kiss the butterflies in my stomach went into a frenzy
03:21I raced down the hall ready to jump into Adams arms
03:24But I slipped on a banana peel and fell face first right at Adams feet
03:28I thought he'd sweet me up, but instead he stepped over me hugged Becca and gave her the most romantic kiss
03:35I'd ever seen I wanted the ground to swallow me whole that night mom and Sophie caught me crying in my room
03:42Boys are like that sweetie. They'll lead you on make you think they love you and tear your heart out
03:47Just like your father not only was my heart broken now
03:50I was totally paranoid when a boy even came close to me hey Nora you want to go to the movies
03:55I'd rather eat a bag of worms
03:57Would you be my Valentine stay away from me, or I'll dunk your head in a toilet Nora
04:02You're the most beautiful girl. I've ever seen liar after a while
04:06I got a reputation for being a little cuckoo and most of the kids in school started avoiding me
04:12But I didn't care Sophie was totally different though
04:15She'd flirt with every boy that passed her in the hall and did a new jerk every two weeks of course
04:21They all broke her heart, and I felt so sorry for Sophie that I decided to help her you gotta remember my rules
04:27So don't let their good looks fool you don't trust anything
04:30They say don't let them melt you with their kisses and don't ever fall in love
04:35Sophie listened attentively and took notes, but a week later. I caught her kissing a boy named Clive in her room
04:41You're breaking all the rules your rules are dumb. Oh boys aren't bad. That's right girl boys are cool
04:47And that's why they rule
04:50Shut your stupid mouth no one's talking to you. Where'd you pick him up from the dumpster? That's your problem
04:55You're so judgmental and won't give any boy a chance
04:58I thought you were smarter than this Sophie maybe hanging out with stupid boys has made you stupid, too
05:04Sophie kicked me out of her room, and we didn't speak much after that soon
05:08I was off to university and there were boys everywhere
05:11I just kept my head in my books and rejected any boy who even tried to make a move
05:16But you know a girl starts to get lonely so when a girl in my class asked me out one day
05:22I impulsively said yes
05:24Just because I had renounced all men didn't mean I couldn't find love and how bad could it be right at first not so bad
05:31In fact pretty great. She loved to cook she braided my hair
05:34She gave me the best pedicures and we were the same shoe size
05:38But then she started acting like I'd adopted her she would never leave my dorm
05:44Hated it when she used my towel in my hairbrush
05:46She was clingy and needy and constantly needed validation that she was the most important person in my life
05:53So if your mother and I were hanging off a cliff holding on for dear life, and you could only save one person
05:58Who would it be uh my mother obviously?
06:02Seriously, I've known you for a month mom carried me in her womb for eight more months than that
06:07I thought it was a reasonable answer, but she totally lost it
06:10She broke half the things in my room and threw the other half out the window before she stormed off
06:15Then she started stalking me everywhere. I went I tried talking to my other friends about how unsafe I felt
06:21But they all laughed it off. Yeah, if you're dating a guy and complain about him everyone shows you sympathy
06:26But no one comforts you if it's a girl. Oh come on. She's barely five feet, and she looks totally harmless
06:33What could she possibly do to you only after she tried kidnapping me did anyone take things seriously?
06:39She was expelled from the university and I got a restraining order and after that I swore off girls, too
06:44Then in my junior year Sophie showed up at my dorm one day with the worst news
06:50Clive proposed to me you're kidding man that loser is so out of your league. Don't worry sis
06:55I know how to handle this just send Clive a breakup text telling me stinks
06:59He makes you want to puke and you never want to see him again. No. I love Clive
07:03I said yes, and our wedding is in four weeks. I just came to ask you if you'd be my maid of honor
07:09I couldn't believe this. I thought Clive was just a phase. I wanted to yell at the top of my lungs
07:14Don't do this. You'll ruin your life, but instead I caved in and said yes
07:19I mean was I allowed to say no when I got back home for Sophie's wedding
07:23I tried to keep an open mind about Clive, but Clive was horrible. He had no sense of humor
07:29He was boring and he totally ignored Sophie to spend all his time with his friends or fixing his dumb car
07:35So when it was time to make my maid of honor speech well things got out of hand
07:40Here's to Sophie and Clive Clive is dumber than an ant he smells like a rotten egg and his face reminds me of a horse's butt
07:46What are you doing?
07:48Sophie I don't know how you can stand him. Are you marrying him for his money. Oops. I forgot. He's broke look
07:53We both know this marriage isn't gonna last so why don't we cut to the chase now?
07:57And I can get you out of that tacky wedding dress Clive bought you from the dollar store
08:01Sophie got so mad that she threw the wedding cake at me Clive's mom cried and the rest of the bridal party
08:07Chased me out of the building the next day
08:09I was packing my bags to leave when Sophie came to my room
08:12I thought she'd punched my face, but instead she took my hand listen Nora. I'm not like you. Okay. I'm not bitter
08:19I'm not angry, and I don't hate men. I chose Clive and if you want me in your life
08:24You'll have to respect that okay, but you're making a huge mistake
08:28You're the one making the mistake love is real and one day. I hope you'll understand
08:34I was only trying to do the right thing but clearly Sophie was too blind to appreciate it
08:40But when I got back to my university my life turned upside down my friends
08:44And I went to a restaurant to celebrate my birthday
08:46But when we got there the waiter told us our table was booked three dumb guys were sitting there laughing and joking
08:53But I booked this table a week ago my apologies ma'am. It was our mistake
08:58Maybe you could come back tomorrow
09:00Just as I was about to snap at the waiter one of the guys from the table walked up to us his name was Chris
09:06He had movie star hair a million-dollar smile and a perfect body. Why don't you girls join us?
09:12There's plenty of room, and we won't bother you. That's a horrible idea
09:16Don't mind Nora is she's just kidding the next thing
09:19We were sitting at their table and Chris talked to me all night to my surprise he wasn't the absolute worst
09:25He worked in a private security firm as a bodyguard and all his crazy stories made me laugh at the end of the evening
09:32He even asked me for my number. Don't get any ideas. I'm not interested in a relationship
09:37Neither am I I was thinking we could be friends after that Chris and I talked and texted every night and soon
09:43We started hanging out almost every day. No we weren't dating. We were just okay fine
09:48It's true every time he was close his cologne made me dizzy
09:52And when he looked at me my stomach did that weird thing that it does after I eat too much cheese
09:57And if his hand brushed against mine, I started having acid reflux
10:01Yeah, I let my guard down and fell in love okay, and I wasn't the only one
10:05I know we're supposed to be friends
10:07But I love you Nora
10:08And I think we're meant to be together like the moon in the night sky like the bees and the flowers like water in a well
10:15Just shut up and kiss me soon after I'd graduated and moved in with Chris
10:19He got a job as a bodyguard to protect this beautiful pop star Sasha
10:23Yeah, I know y'all have heard about her Sasha the gorgeous singing sensation who ended up dating her ex bodyguard Damon
10:30That one Sasha was going on tour and for months Chris was off traveling from city to city
10:35And it got kind of lonely then one day mom and Sophie came to visit Oh Nora my poor baby
10:41You must be so sad. What are you talking about?
10:45Stop it mom
10:45It's none of your business
10:47Your sister needs to know mom showed me a bunch of pictures online of Sasha leaning on Chris's arm and laughing
10:54Then she turned on the TV and some stupid reporter said how cute Chris and Sasha look together when I heard that I suddenly
11:01Picked up a bat and smashed the TV to pieces Nora. Don't listen to mom
11:06She's paranoid all that stuff is stupid gossip
11:09Sasha is with Damon and Chris adores you Nora don't be naive like your sister
11:15Everybody lies and cheats after Sophie and mom left. I called Chris, but he didn't answer
11:20I kept thinking about what mom said and how I'd broken all of my rules and now my heart was in danger
11:26so the very next morning I put on a disguise took a bus to Sasha's next concert venue and
11:31Signed up as an extra on set and I watched the two of them like a hawk
11:35Every time Chris whispered something in Sasha's ear my heart burned
11:39She even asked him to zip up her dress once had everybody else died one evening during Sasha's performance
11:45I was backstage when I saw Chris and a dancer going into a dressing room and closing the door behind them
11:51What the heck I quickly ran after them and burst in
11:55Aha caught you just then I saw the girl's arm was bleeding and Chris was bandaging it caught you wait
12:01Who are you exactly? Oh god, I couldn't let him recognize me
12:05I turned around and ran for it with Chris sprinting right behind me in my frenzy
12:10I found myself heading straight for the stage red alert red alert a snake is headed towards the Eagle
12:15I found myself crashing into the dancers on stage and just as I was about to run into a horrified Sasha
12:21Four men pinned me to the ground while the audience gasped. I was immediately carried away and found myself facing Chris backstage
12:29Nora, I realized my wig had come off
12:32Sasha's performance was ruined and her manager insisted that Chris be fired. What were you thinking?
12:38You compromised my client security and you cost me my job and my reputation. Oh, I don't know Chris
12:44I was thinking how my hunky boyfriend hangs out with beautiful pop stars and dancers all the time and is never home anymore
12:50Can you blame me for being paranoid?
12:53Yes, I can. I haven't given you any reason not to trust me yet
12:57I I just don't want you to be a bodyguard anymore. Well too bad. It's my job. Just go home Nora
13:03I don't want to be around you right now
13:05Feeling miserable. I ended up going to a dance club instead to get my mind off of everything
13:10I saw this cute boy on stage playing with the band and he kept winking at me. I recognized him from TV
13:15He was a movie star on an impulse
13:17I took a deep breath and then walked up to the boy and gave him a passionate kiss the next morning
13:22I was back home and I woke up to tons of pictures on the internet of me and that movie star kissing
13:28Chris showed up at my door soon after why would you do that to me? I thought we were in love
13:34Everybody cheats, babe. Welcome to the real world. I know you'll cheat on me one day if you aren't already
13:39I'm done with this stupid relationship
13:41I walked out of there with my bags and went to Sophie but soon after I started feeling sick to my stomach
13:47It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was a cheater something. I hated and felt horrible about
13:54I made a big mistake. I don't know what to do. Yeah, you messed up big-time. I wasn't talking to you Clive
14:01There's no need to be rude. You're right. I'm the worst and I'm sorry for all the mean things
14:07I've said and done to you too. I don't know who I am anymore
14:10I never wanted to hurt Chris, but something came over me. You let mom get into your head Nora
14:16She says she's better off alone
14:18But all I see is a bitter paranoid woman who can't be happy and can't stand anyone else's happiness either
14:24You deserve to love and be loved in return
14:27And yeah, sometimes love can hurt but sometimes it can also be amazing like what Clive and I have
14:35I really don't understand how that's possible with Clive. Okay. Okay. Sorry. You're right
14:40I decided to see a therapist and learned to deal with my insecurities and trust my heart
14:45I even wrote Chris a letter apologizing for hurting him. I didn't get a response, but that was okay one day
14:51I went to eat at the cafe where Chris and I had our first kiss then someone walked up behind me
14:56You're sitting at my table. I looked up to see Chris looking down at me
15:01He smelled like an ocean breeze my heart melted, but I tried to play it cool
15:05I don't see your name on this table. You're right. Do you mind if I sit with you?
15:09I thought you hated me. I did it first, but I couldn't hate you for too long. You really broke my heart though
15:15I hope one day you can forgive me. You were the love of my life and my best friend
15:20I want you back, but I understand if you can't trust me. Maybe we can start over. We could take it one day at a time
15:27I can't promise anything, but I do want to give us a second chance
15:31And this time I was throwing away all my stupid rules and following my heart