• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Sono 44 anni che Andi e Mentadent sviluppano il mese della prevenzione. È un’iniziativa molto importante che quest’anno si è arricchita della collaborazione con la Fimp. Questa è fondamentale perché significa che ora siamo in grado di raggiungere tutte le famiglie italiane dalla più tenera età dei bambini e di insegnare loro metodiche di prevenzione odontoiatrica”. Così il presidente nazionale Associazione Nazionale Dentisti Italiani, Carlo Ghirlanda, a margine della conferenza stampa a Palazzo Montecitorio che ha dato il via al 44esimo mese della prevenzione dentale che visto la partecipazione di rappresentanti delle istituzioni, dell’Andi, di Mentadent e della Federazione Italiana Medici Pediatri.


00:00It's been 44 years that Andy and Mente have been developing Mente della Prevenzione.
00:09It's a very important initiative that this year has been enriched with the collaboration
00:13with the Italian Federation of Pediatric Doctors.
00:16It's a fundamental collaboration because this means that we are able to reach all Italian families
00:22from the tenderest age of children and teach them prevention methods and the importance
00:28of prevention.
00:30The results of Mente della Prevenzione in 44 years are very important.
00:35They have provided us with a series of data.
00:42The first is that 44 years ago, when we left, Italian children at 12 years old had about
00:4812 already ill teeth that had been treated and then either extracted or cured or were
00:58under control.
00:59Today, Italian children at 12 years old have less than one tooth that faces pathologies.
01:05But at the same time, we have a data that in the course of time, the attention to prevention
01:13has increased.
01:14This is also in relation to the possibility of spending of the patient citizen.
01:19This can lead to, in some cases, a result that, alas, means eight teeth of separation
01:26between one child and the other based on the possibility of spending.
01:30This is a data that has drawn attention also among the decision-makers, among our parliamentarians.
01:37And with them, today, we are going to meet to confirm a mutual commitment of a search
01:44for a solution to this problem.
