• last year
(Adnkronos) - Gesualdo: “Abbiamo festeggiato i 40 anni di FISM con quattro tappe, affrontando temi che vanno dai nuovi modelli organizzativi al capitale umano, alle competenze digitali. È necessario formare professionisti nell’ottica della futura sanità diffusa, incrementando il ruolo della prevenzione. Nel futuro la medicina territoriale fronteggerà la cronicità, lasciando l’acuzie agli ospedali, che saranno meglio integrati nel territorio”. Così Loreto Gesualdo, presidente FISM, in occasione della quarta tappa degli Stati Generali della Federazione delle Società Medico-Scientifiche italiane che ha celebrato a Roma il quarantesimo anniversario.


00:0040 years of FISM history that we have celebrated with four stages, the first in March we launched
00:12a new organizational model, the so-called Patient Journey Digital Enhanced, a new way
00:20of taking care of the patient at 360 degrees, which has led to the second stage because
00:30innovative organizational models work if there is human capital formed and therefore we have
00:37moved with the second stage on digital skills, we need to train
00:43health professionals and our patients seen as people to this new
00:49way of doing health, the so-called diffuse health and we have not missed during these
00:56celebrations of the 40 years of FISM also a very important chapter, a chapter that
01:03certainly supports our national health system making it sustainable, prevention,
01:10because preventing is better than curing, so we had at the Ministry of Health in November a
01:17two-day event dedicated to 360 degrees to male and female prevention that culminated in the
01:25village of health where we launched the germoglio because our goal was, we want to
01:32germinate the culture of prevention and inform and educate the population and today we are here
01:43we are talking about specialist training, we are talking about new organizational models of our
01:49national health system that we would like to be more and more sustainable and adequate. Next steps, first of all
01:58do the so-called team building, I think that health professionals must
02:02put everything around a table and with the institutions they must find the best way to
02:07face the challenges of the future, the challenges of the future must go from a reorganization that
02:15must see the hospital integrated with the territory, therefore strengthen the territory a lot
02:20for chronicity and leave the scab in hospitals, it can be done, you have to go from a
02:28vertical approach to a horizontal approach.
