Miami Heat Guard Pelle Larsson has Ice Water in his Veins

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Heat Rookie Pelle Larsson discusses his Heat love and what Summer League was like this year.
00:00This man has great hair. I'm just gonna say it right off the bat Leroy. Hey, what?
00:05What's the problem? I don't have hair dude. Why would you like throw it in my face?
00:12I wasn't uh, I wasn't making it a thing or nothing like that
00:15And i'm almost 30 years older than him. Well, listen, I can't I can't help that man. I don't know what to tell you
00:21Pella larson here miami heat second round pick joining us here on the show. Thanks for time, man. Really appreciate it
00:27Thank you for that introduction. How are you buddy?
00:29I'm, great. Would you agree with this statement? Pella larson is better hair than pat riley
00:34Oh, I mean he's been in the game that game for a long time
00:39He's definitely the
00:41Yeah top of the chain right now. Would you uh, have you did you get to meet pat?
00:45Have you like has that been an interaction? What were the uh, the first interaction with the guy father? What was that? Like?
00:50Yeah, I mean got the call on on draft night. That was probably the first interaction then
00:55And then he's been in the gym with us when we're practicing and watching and giving good advice so that's been great
01:04from your standpoint, um, what one of these
01:07Pre-camp workouts been like getting to kind of know you had such a great run in the summer league that we all saw
01:12With uh, you know with quiche with kalel and all that but like getting to know some of the the vets around
01:16What has that experience been like for you?
01:19It's been really really cool and a lot of uh
01:22Good moments, uh, we've been playing against the vets as young guys and it's uh, it's obviously a challenge
01:29but uh, you know, we got the best of them a few times too, so
01:33uh, it's been a lot of learning and a lot of uh,
01:37Adjusting and and you know to the new game
01:40So you went vet you went vets versus rooks. Is that how it was going in the summer?
01:44Uh, I mean a little bit a little bit. Yeah, we've been mixing up but most of the time
01:49I uh, I saw you post on instagram
01:52Something very scary because you were golfing in sweden
01:56and a moose
01:58Was on the golf course
02:00and I gotta tell you
02:01That would that would immediately be the end of golf for me
02:03I think that would be the end of the day. How of a regular occurrence is this with moose in sweden?
02:08I mean, I think probably a gator is a little bit scary more scary than a moose
02:14You can just run away from a gator
02:17But you can't run away from a moose
02:20I mean, uh, yeah, maybe not maybe if you're fast enough side to side, but uh, that's what they say
02:24They say zigzag on a gator. Yeah
02:26A moose. I don't know what you do like for a gator. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. They say I need to know
02:32Well, we're giving you some florida lessons here. We're trying to you give us moose lessons
02:36We give you gator lessons on how I think it's been debunked though. What what running?
02:41Yeah, no, they first of all, they're not
02:44They're not
02:46Alligators aren't normally
02:49Unless you mess with them
02:51Right or like say if you walk on the edge of water, they feel threatened
02:55They attack you whereas I don't know about a moose like he's already you ain't you're not in the bushes you
03:01On the golf course, so I don't know how they attack or not attack. Nah
03:06They're minding their own thing pretty much most of that unless you go for their kids or something. I don't know but
03:12No, they're they're pretty chill. Just don't get into that line of sight probably
03:17Uh, what did uh kicking back to to the summer league that was such a cool run you guys
03:23Uh seemed very united. You all came in there with a purpose
03:26What was that experience like you guys went in the summer league title?
03:30Yeah, I mean we we got smacked the first game in in san francisco and that was the start of
03:35the journey the start of the get back kind of was our theme, you know, uh
03:40Making sure that would never happen again. Uh was a big
03:44Big emphasis in the meeting after that game
03:47but also we played a game the day after so we had to change really quick and
03:51Uh, but it was just a lot of fun
03:53Um, we had a great team and I think the most unselfish team. I think that's why we won
03:59guys that
04:01You know, maybe gave up part of their role a little bit for the benefit of the team
04:05Uh, and I think we just played harder than everyone
04:09It was uh, it was very impressive to see like somebody new step up every single night with you
04:14Keisha johnson you guys were college teammates like what is that like having
04:19Almost like a buddy just kind of come into this nba experience with you because he he was very impressive before he got
04:24Dinked up there at the very end like he was very impressive in his early showing too
04:27Yeah, I mean
04:29It's crazy. Uh
04:31crazy coincidence, uh
04:34or not, I don't know, uh, but
04:36It's everything's been very
04:39I'd say like normal and maybe that's having him here
04:42Uh has helped a lot. I was just trans transitioning from my senior year at college and into here. He's
04:48been at both so
04:50It's kind of felt normal to have him here and and it's been a very good thing
04:54He's been very impressed by your ability to get in the cold tub. Like is that like a is that like a swedish superpower?
04:59I mean, I was born in the cold
05:02That's it born in the winter so
05:05I guess so. Well, so like have you done winter diving into water?
05:09Yeah, you've done stuff like that
05:11You go in the sauna and then you dig a hole in the ice you jump in you go back in the sauna
05:15It's good for you. Do you have any tips?
05:19Tip my tip is do it
05:22Just do it. That's all you gotta do
05:24But you can't like you gotta just do it. You can't like dip a toe
05:28You can't no you just either get in or don't get in there's no everybody goes up and goes
05:35You just get in can't second guess yourself
05:37No for a second because then you're gonna end up there like probably 15 minutes, right?
05:41You uh, you got a shout out from uh from jimmy butler from I guess is that your coach in sweden your trainer in sweden
05:48Yeah, one of the guys I train with when i'm when i'm back home like a skills coach or something
05:52Okay. So, uh, what did that mean to you to to get the nod from from jimmy?
05:56Uh, yeah, I mean
05:59it was fun to see him in sweden and uh, uh enjoying himself and uh,
06:04And also, you know hanging out with the same people. I hang out when i'm back home. They're great people
06:10So i'm i'm glad he's in good hands when he goes there
06:14And and yeah, that was it was cool. Is there like a hot because we're seeing european basketballs going crazy
06:20I don't feel like you know
06:22Sweden is getting necessarily the the respect of maybe the other nations of far along. Do you feel like it's a hotbed?
06:27growing as far as skill is concerned as far as
06:30Uh as many people love it because you know, the panthers are full of guys from sweden on their team
06:34But like is is basketball becoming more popular over there?
06:38For sure. I think uh, you know before this year we've had
06:42Two nba players from sweden and this year we got two drafted. So right doubled in in one year
06:50Uh, so I think it's definitely on the right trend up
06:53You uh, you posted this photo of you in the heat sweatshirt
06:56Were you legit? Did you just like the logo or you like a heat fan growing up?
07:00no, my family went to florida for vacation when I was probably like 12 and we watched the
07:06You know the big three play carmelo and the knicks. Oh
07:10in the american airlines arena, so
07:13It's pretty cool to have that and I had a bunch of heat care from that trip. So
07:18That's gotta be crazy all of a sudden now you're playing for that team
07:22Like you did you ever think one day that's gonna be me?
07:26I mean, that was always a dream, right? Yeah, right and then when they finally have me you're like, yeah
07:31You know, it was it was cool. But that is that you you became a heat fan because you came here, right?
07:37It's not like man. The big three was pretty big at that time. Yeah, I mean, uh, I never really had. Um,
07:45One team I was like diehard fan for I would say right so I can't claim that I was a fan my whole life
07:52Looks great, though
07:54I for sure was a fan of that team and and they look like they were having so much fun. So yeah
08:01Well, man, well, listen, we're hoping that you have a fun season ahead
08:04People, uh think the world of you as a player and say that you're gonna fit right in here with this
08:08Uh this organization so we appreciate you giving us some time and we look forward to the year man. Thank you
