Detentionaire S4E09 - Game of Clones

  • la semaine dernière
00:30Ça a commencé le premier jour de Cam, depuis qu'il a perdu sa présidence à Beth.
00:34Chaz pensait qu'il m'aurait écrasée en faisant retourner le retour de l'ex-président dans son ambush TV le plus dégueulasse de tous les temps.
00:40J'ai pensé qu'un personnage d'autorité pourrait en fait, vous savez, s'occuper.
00:44Mais Principal Worst avait autre chose à parler.
00:46Coral Grove.
00:48Alors je lui dis tout.
00:50La prochaine chose que je sais, c'est que je suis dans cette boîte et que ça ne prend pas un journaliste investigatif pour voir pourquoi je suis là.
00:56Aouh !
00:57Mais depuis que je suis là, c'est tout parce que Jenny et moi avons obtenu ce mot de passe du lieu de Brandy qui nous a donné accès à une database de Coral Grove.
01:05Ce qui a évidemment fait les gens très en colère.
01:07Et ça veut dire que Jenny doit être la prochaine.
01:09Oh, je dois l'informer.
01:11Mais comment ?
01:12Hey, tu peux la garder là-bas ?
01:15On est au milieu de quelque affaire importante ici.
01:18Ok, les gars, qui a gagné ?
01:20Oh, oui, moi.
01:22Ha ha, c'est Gin. Je vais juste prendre mes gagnants. Ha ha !
01:52La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
02:22La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
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03:22And now, Holger no know what to say
03:25So I just be doing this
03:27Ja? Good
03:29Oh, yeah, good
03:31Thanks, Holg
03:33I can always count on you
03:37I want you to have the extra one
03:39You know, guard it and stuff
03:41You're giving me?
03:43The most special super important key?
03:45Thank you, Lee!
03:47Holger will never let it out of sight
03:50Holger will never let it out of sighting of eyeballs
04:00See? Holger save
04:02Come on, buddy
04:04Let's go save the world
04:10Seriously? I'm going home
04:12That news update or whatever you want to call it
04:14Was pretty much the most embarrassing thing in my life
04:21So you lost it a tad
04:23And tried to strangle Kimmy
04:25I'm sure no one even saw it
04:31Okay, they saw it
04:33But it's done
04:35And I'm sure everyone's gonna like forget it
04:37In like no time
04:39Like, bing, bang, boom, it's over
04:41See? Hey, where'd it even go?
04:43I don't know
04:46Yeah, thanks for the help there
04:48Any chance you've seen Tina?
04:50Of course
04:52Now it makes sense
04:54Tina is behind this whole thing
04:56She totally never got over Lee
04:58And so sick Chaz on me
05:00Tina Qui, where are you hiding?
05:02Tell her to call me if you find her
05:04So, what are you gonna do about Chaz?
05:06I don't freak out that easy
05:08Besides, he's got the attention span of a
05:10Oh, hey, a penny
05:12He's probably off bugging someone else right now
05:15Here he is Enigma High
05:17Today's special
05:19But really not special at all guest
05:21Ex-President Kim
05:23Seriously, dude
05:25Not this again
05:27Totally this again, dude
05:29Hey, watch it
05:31Okay, people
05:33Welcome to Chaz's Corner
05:35Daytime edition
05:37Destined to be the most exciting hour
05:39In TV history
05:41Hour? You're loco, man
05:44No one wants to sit here while you talk smack that long
05:46Sure they do
05:48They love my voice
05:50And who wouldn't with his low low lows
05:52And his high high highs
05:54People tell me actually I should do radio
05:56But look at this face
05:58But this isn't about me
06:00On this show, our audience will be the ones asking the questions
06:04Who's first?
06:06Did you cheat to become president?
06:08Why do you always wear those headphones?
06:10Are you balding?
06:13Is your foot odor problem hereditary?
06:17Oh man, this is going to be the worst day ever
06:19Hey, you're in charge
06:21Can't you make them stop?
06:23I don't want to be the bad guy and shut it down
06:25And besides
06:27I have a question
06:31Why are you always wearing that big coat?
06:33Is it to hide your freakishly small legs?
06:39We're in luck
06:42Oh no
06:44Call me a picnic
06:46And rain on me till Tuesday
06:48Do not be cyborg rage
06:50Principal Commander Admiral Barrage
06:52We'll only be visiting Papa Ping in hospital
06:56Hospitals are for the weak
06:58And anyone who visits a hospital
07:00Is weak by association
07:02Detention for you, Lanky Lou
07:04And for Ping
07:08Something new
07:10Something new
07:14More diabolically painful perhaps
07:18What's the name of 12 gibberish gerbils?
07:22I'll come back with something for you later, Ping
07:24And it'll be a testifying doozy
07:28Okay, Tina
07:30This is my millionth call
07:32I'm not stalking you, but
07:34Okay, I'm stalking you
07:36Wait, who's there?
07:39Hello Jenny Jergens
07:41What are you doing hanging out in the dark
07:43Without any candy
07:45Want a chocolate covered raisin?
07:47They're delish
07:49And dark so they don't blow your cover
07:51Perfect sneaking around food, I must say
07:53I wasn't sneaking around
07:57So you don't want special sneaking around candy
07:59But you do like candy
08:03Hey listen, any chance you've seen Tina?
08:05Okay, fine
08:08I've been putting on some weight
08:10But give up candy?
08:12That's crazy talk
08:14Yeah, sure, total crazy talk
08:16Seriously seen her, not seen her
08:18Just need an answer on that
08:20Maybe you could come with me and explain to them
08:22Why I'm not giving up the candy
08:24What do you say?
08:26And then I can help you with your little Tina problem
08:30Now Cam
08:32We've met the people you really disappointed as president
08:34Now let's meet the people who never liked you anyway
08:37First up
08:39Uh, hey, where are you going?
08:41I've been texting you for like half an hour
08:43Oh, you know, traffic, hazmats
08:45And I don't know, maybe my whole life falling apart
08:49Sorry, I gotta get to class
08:51What is it?
08:53Forget about class and check the tude, dude
08:55I got the password to the teacher's lounge
08:59You got it? How?
09:01State secret
09:03But now we can get to the bottom of this whole teacher cloning thing
09:07Smell that?
09:09Green apple splat gas
09:11Just like the bedroom at Petty's
09:13Which means they probably gassed this room
09:15And suck them down to a pod chamber below
09:17Great, so how do we get to-
09:25If he catches us in here, we're in-
09:27Initiating sleep protocol
09:31Something's going on
09:33Splat gas
09:36Un authorised personnel detected
09:38Cancelling sleep protocol
09:40Dude, your stupid hand's in the way
09:48Okay, just tell them you don't think I should have to quit candy
09:50Then I'll take you to Tina
09:54Wait, so you do know where she is?
09:58We know a lot of things
10:00Especially that too much candy makes you fat
10:03Okay, what is this?
10:05Are you guys twins?
10:07Hey, so Miss Juergens
10:09What we'd like to know is
10:11Finwitch's book
10:13Where is it?
10:15Huh? What book?
10:17Who's Finwitch?
10:23Yeah, well
10:25Why don't you tell me where Tina is first?
10:29She's soon to be on her way
10:32Well, she's soon to be on her merry way to the same place as you
10:34One more time
10:36Where's the book?
10:40It doesn't matter if you answer here or there
10:42Either way
10:44You will answer
10:48And what would you two be doing here?
10:52Who's up for football?
10:54Don't be ridiculous
10:56We have classes to teach
10:58Sounds like someone's too chicken
11:01To take on the football champ
11:05To the gaming arena
11:07So it's agreed?
11:09That was weird?
11:13Something's up with the clones
11:15And we gotta get down there to see what that is
11:17How'd he make that beam thing come out?
11:19He sat
11:21And then
11:2310 bucks says it's a bioscan only triggered by teacher
11:25So what?
11:27We wait for another one to come in and activate it?
11:29But this time
11:31Keep your body parts inside the ride
11:35Just one more match and we go back to class
11:41Say hello to my little friend
11:43The ground
11:45Penny bend
11:49Not since the battle of underwear canyon
11:51Have I seen such utter disrespect
11:53For reality
11:55Now get back in there
11:58Start teaching
12:00No way
12:02We've had enough of taking orders from you
12:04Always with the teach that kid to read
12:06Or show that student how to invert a fraction
12:08The students all hate us
12:10What are we supposed to you macaroons?
12:12You're teachers
12:14Well I say enough hatred
12:16From now on they can do what they want
12:18And we can play our football
12:20Have you all flipped your lippity lids?
12:27You think that can stop us
12:29We have another one
12:31You wanna play a game
12:35We'll play a game
12:37Yes indeed
12:39Is it that coffee pot
12:41The table
12:43Yeah okay I'm done with I spy
12:45Ah but you were getting closer
12:47Where are you going
12:49A teacher could walk in any minute
12:51I'm bored
12:53Let's at least see what's on while we wait
12:56If you're just joining us
12:58We're in the middle of Chazzy's Corner
13:00Daytime edition
13:02Sorry for being late
13:04Holger had extra hard time
13:06Finding special bag of mystery suspense
13:08And flan baking accoutrements
13:10Why is no one making the flan
13:12Oh dude
13:14Things are messed up
13:16Excuse me
13:18Kind of in the middle of taping a show
13:20Here's a signed autographed picture of me
13:22Thanks you're welcome move it on
13:25Man we really should do something about this
13:27Why it's hilarious
13:29Hey there's leftover birthday cake
13:31So where are the teachers
13:33What the
13:35Lady for reals
13:37Can't you shut this noise down or something
13:39Deal with it on your own short round
13:41I got a date with a touchdown
13:45Who will be in charge to show us
13:47How to be baking the flan
13:55Go go go lunch lady
13:57Dude all the teachers are out there
13:59What are they doing
14:01What are you doing
14:03Enjoying cake
14:05This is how I like to eat it
14:07So what leave me alone
14:09What was that
14:13Rule number one
14:15In a sporting event
14:17Always bring a tank
14:22I don't think the teachers are coming back
14:24Like ever
14:26Then we gotta go get one
14:28Ladies and gentlefolks
14:30Breaking news flash
14:32Our principal is on the war path
14:34Taking out teachers
14:36It's crazy insane
14:38And it's gonna be the next story I cover
14:40Right after humiliating Cam a little bit more
14:42Enough meany times
14:44No more
14:46Oh yeah well who cares what you think
14:49Holger care
14:51And this be my class
14:53So say crazy lunch lady
14:55Who just made a splendid diving tackle
15:01Come on everyone
15:03Who'd rather be mean
15:05Mean mean mean
15:11You are all being controlled by evil
15:13Time for learning the lesson of madness
15:15Where be Holger's bag of mystery
15:20Flan baking accoutrements
15:22And hard life lessons
15:24Over here dude
15:26And I really hope you got something good lined up
15:30Weird is one thing
15:32But this is nuts
15:34What's happened to them
15:36Let's snap a teacher and find out
15:38And we better do it before barrage nails them all with that crazy tank
15:40Principal robot face has taken my football team away
15:42It's just not fair
15:44Not fair at all
15:47Maybe we can help you start a new team
15:51Yeah let's get out there on the field
15:53Hold on
15:55If we're gonna take this seriously
15:57We need to come up with some plays
15:59Gee I never thought of that
16:01Well aren't you glad we're part of your team now
16:05Good then to the playbook room
16:11Knock knock company's here
16:13You think you can just lock us up in a box
16:15And get away with it
16:17I happen to be
16:19A respected journalist at Enigma High's
16:21Top rated news show
16:23Ok it's the only news show
16:25But I am exposing all of this
16:27Alexander Enigma would be proud
16:29But you know too much now
16:35Wait no candy at least
16:37Haha that's the other guy
16:44I'm so sorry I couldn't warn you
16:46They took my phone
16:48Don't worry about that now
16:50Woah I think we're moving
16:52This just keeps getting worse
17:00Dude why do you even have all this stuff
17:02You never be knowing
17:04When you have to be teaching the masses
17:06Between the good and the evil
17:09Ok everybody
17:11This is the scary castle
17:13Where evil lives
17:15His name Mr Bad News
17:17He make money from people's tears
17:23Back to my show
17:25You be quiet now
17:27You are Mr Bad News
17:29And here
17:31Is the Viking Santa
18:04Initiating sleep protocol
18:14Now get ready to rock
18:16I'm not even gonna ask
18:22Mr Music Player
18:24Can you be reading the sheet music
18:27And Viking Santa
18:29Make everyone happy
18:31But Mr Bad News
18:33Is still wanting everyone to be sad
18:39Perfectly good ex-president mock
18:41Sitting right here
18:43But that is only because he no liking the presents
18:45That's ok
18:47Because evil can not resist
18:50No resist
18:58Is that flan
19:00This game is no fun
19:02And the neck shapes
19:04Ask me if I give a cat's pajamas
19:06Go ahead
19:14I read them instructions on you clones
19:16And it says that you're all acting
19:19Like a teenage loop de loo
19:21Because you're not getting enough clone vittles
19:23Hmm clone vittles
19:25Shut it
19:29I'm gonna keep you in them recharge pods
19:31Until you're good and done
19:33And no more football
19:46This is delicious flan
19:50That was like the best
19:52That is important lesson for today's class
19:54Viking Santa bring good to play sad
19:56By much evil and bad news
19:58So no be mean
20:00Eat flan instead
20:02No idea what you're saying
20:04Because I speak what they call English
20:06But can you get me some more of this delectable flan
20:08Mister bad news man
20:10I'm here to make you pay
20:12It's time to face the mighty wrath
20:14Of Carmen Brizante
20:20Really I miss the whole thing
20:22Is that flan
20:24Dig in while it's hot people
20:26I'm Chaz Moneranian
20:28And this scrumptious moment
20:30Was brought to you by me