Unsolved Mysteries Season 5 Episode 1

  • 2 days ago
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00:00We're probably maybe three miles in and both these people have definitely dead.
00:29We were coming in the car down the road and we were pulling in to see if we could launch
00:35the kayaks.
00:38And I saw someone laying down here along the river and I said to him, you should go check
00:46on that guy, he doesn't look okay.
00:51His knees were bent and he was facing the river.
00:56He had his eyes open and I noticed a bullet hole in his head.
01:02It also had appeared to have just happened because he still looked warm.
01:12And that's when I noticed the woman lying down face down on the bank.
01:19It was really shocking just to see her down there, sorry.
01:26I remember being in kind of a frenzy and I was honestly stricken with fear.
01:34So he said, please just go back to the car.
01:37And that was when I saw a truck with a guy sitting in it.
01:45And that just seemed really odd.
01:50There was also just the fear of like, did we just see something that could potentially
01:55be putting us in danger here?
01:58So I called back to Kate and I told her, call the police.
02:01When I heard the call dispatched, I responded straight to the scene along with three other
02:27When we first arrived, we found a black male face down on the grass beside a bench that
02:34overlooks the Rocky River.
02:38And there was a white female that was face down in the water about six feet in front
02:43of that bench.
02:46Both of the victims had sustained gunshot wounds.
02:49The male was shot twice and the female was shot once.
02:54It seemed apparent that it was either a double murder or it was a murder-suicide.
03:08When we searched the crime scene, we found three shell casings from a small caliber weapon.
03:17And we rolled the victims over and found that there were no firearms concealed underneath
03:22So after we searched the area thoroughly and found no weapon present at the scene,
03:28it was apparent that this was a murder of both of those victims.
03:32When a gun's fired, the shell casings are ejected from the firearm before the next round
03:37can be fired.
03:38And the shell casings were found relatively close to the bodies.
03:41So that told us that the shooter was close to the victims when the murders occurred.
03:47Murders committed with firearms are inherently more difficult to solve because there's physical
03:51distance between the victim and the suspect.
03:54So there's no trace evidence transfer between them.
03:58As the Assistant Prosecuting Attorney at the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor's Office, I was
04:03there to be available for legal questions on scene.
04:07Once the bodies were removed for later examination and an autopsy, the next step was to identify
04:15the victims, who they are, and how do they know each other?
04:22There were two unoccupied cars located in the parking lot, which is about 100 feet from
04:28where the victims were found.
04:31We did registration checks on those license plates and found that the sedan was registered
04:36to Kate Brown, and the SUV was registered to Carnell Sledge.
04:53It was 3 a.m., and I see somebody shining flashlights outside the front of the house.
05:03So we went downstairs, opened the door to two gentlemen standing on the front step,
05:11and they said, we have some bad news about your daughter, Kate.
05:16They identified themselves as the Metro Park detectives, and they showed me a sheet that
05:30had Nell's photos on it.
05:34My wife was still asleep, so I told them, come on up to the kitchen, and I went and
05:40got her.
05:41And they said that, hey, you know, her son had been murdered, him and another girl in
05:50the Metro Parks.
05:53And I was like, you know, how would something like that happen?
05:57Then we found out she was with Nell, and Nell was killed, too.
06:02And that's double whammy.
06:04I mean, her good friend Nell was sitting next to her, and they were both shot.
06:10At first, I was like, you sure you got the right kid?
06:15You know, this is, you know, not my kid.
06:18It was just hard to take it in.
06:21And it was just strange, because we didn't know Kate.
06:27He has friends that I don't know.
06:28He was private in that way.
06:33And the minute the police left, that was the worst.
06:38Because we said, how are we going to tell the girls?
06:41How are we going to tell her sisters?
06:48Christmas 1990.
06:50I wonder what I got that year.
06:51Kate was five.
06:52Oh, now you're going to get your stockings.
06:58Kate's trying to get hers down by herself.
07:00Yeah, Kate's being a kid.
07:01That's Kate.
07:02That's Kate.
07:03That's Kate.
07:04That's Kate, by the way.
07:13Kate was the traditional little sister, following me around, wanting to try on my clothes, all
07:18of those things that little sisters did.
07:22We had similar friends, similar interests, like sports, dance, music.
07:29Nobody else in my life knew me the way that Kate did.
07:33She was my protective older sister and was always on my side.
07:37There's a purple and pink ant on my nose.
07:40I can't get it off.
07:44She was really, really goofy.
07:46She was weird.
07:48But in a good way where it was, you knew when she was in a good mood by her level of goofiness.
07:55She was so lighthearted and carefree.
08:00But I think the fight between dark and light was a challenge.
08:06Kate struggled often with depression and anxiety.
08:11And for years, the only coping mechanism she had was drinking.
08:19But thankfully, Kate decided to get sober.
08:24She had been on a path of self-discovery for years.
08:28And she had put in the work.
08:30She was happy with her career in marketing for a jewelry company.
08:35So she was just feeling good.
08:36She was vibrant.
08:37She was happy.
08:39She sent me a picture about a week before she died.
08:42And her comment underneath was, Stella's got her groove back.
08:48And she had just hung out with Nell the night before.
08:50She texted me.
08:51Kate and Nell had a really unique friendship.
08:58They had met a decade before, and it kind of ebbed and flowed.
09:02You know, there came points where Kate would get in a serious relationship or Nell would,
09:07and they would maybe not communicate as much.
09:10And then when they were able to again, they would reconnect.
09:14And it was as if no time had passed.
09:17They had that kind of friendship.
09:25His first picture, Carnell was maybe two months old.
09:29Right, right.
09:32Look at him.
09:33She was so cute.
09:36He was a great baby.
09:38Nell was special to his family and friends.
09:46I try to think about the good times, because we had a lot of good times.
09:50He was a real good kid.
09:55He's my first grandson.
09:58I loved him from the day I seen him in the crib.
10:02You know, I was just thankful for the 40 years I did have my baby.
10:06I'm thankful for that.
10:11Carnell was my big brother.
10:12He was my role model.
10:13And, you know, he's always been a strong-willed older brother, passionate, got me into sports.
10:22Carnell was 6'4", 220 pounds, but not a confrontational guy, a teddy bear, not a fighter.
10:32He always cared for me, loved for me, wanted the best for me, you know, and I wanted the
10:38best for him.
10:39But regardless of how big I got, I was always just his little brother.
10:48He was always a person that wanted to help people, even when he was young.
10:56All of his jobs surrounded kids.
10:59He coached children with disabilities, and they would have so much fun.
11:04He was so patient, and they loved him.
11:10They miss him so much.
11:12To this day, they still talk about Carnell, yeah.
11:20An investigation is underway in a community on edge after two people were found dead in
11:25the Cleveland Metroparks' Rocky River Reservation in Fairview Park.
11:29Cuyahoga County medical examiners conducting autopsies today to shed light on what happened.
11:34Until then, this community is left wondering.
11:41The Metroparks system here in Cleveland is often called the Emerald Necklace because,
11:46you know, in Cleveland, we're surrounded by all these green, luscious, beautiful parks.
11:51And it's not uncommon to see people jogging there, families pushing their strollers in
11:56the parks.
11:57All walks of life visit these parks.
12:01Kate's apartment building overlooked the Metroparks, and she would meet friends down there a lot
12:07because it was beautiful.
12:10It's not like the city of Cleveland, where on a weekend, you may have eight or nine homicides
12:14in the Metroparks.
12:16The last homicide we had prior to the one that we're talking about today was 20 years
12:22And where this happened at, there was a lot of traffic going through that day.
12:26So it was really a very strange occurrence.
12:29This is where Kate and Carnell were killed.
12:34You could see the road and the parking lot.
12:37It was in very close proximity to the bench that they were sitting on when they were shot.
12:41Very close to the street, easily seen from traffic passing by.
12:47At five o'clock, there's so much traffic going down that causeway.
12:51I mean, 75 feet from this, from this bench.
12:56How could it happen that nobody heard or saw anything?
13:01It just, to me, that just, it's hard to believe.
13:08When we arrived at the scene, there was a man parked in a truck in that parking lot.
13:14He found out that he worked for a roofing company, and he said he saw Kate and Carnell
13:19arrive at the location.
13:22According to him, he was working on estimates and writing up work orders when this incident
13:27took place.
13:28He reported that he didn't hear the sound of any gunshots or see any suspicious people
13:32in the area.
13:34He heard nothing, he says.
13:36I question that.
13:39Why would you still be working in the park at five in the afternoon?
13:43And you don't hear a gunshot, several gunshots?
13:47I have told the authorities, I question that.
13:52Small caliber firearms are much less loud.
13:56And if that weapon was additionally silenced with a suppressor, it could be very quiet.
14:02So we believe that it's completely possible that the roofer did not hear the gunshots
14:06from that distance inside of his truck.
14:10He was our first person of interest in this case, because he was there before, during
14:14and after the murders.
14:16But we looked at him extensively from the very beginning, and through searches of his
14:21electronic devices to include the tablet that he was working on and his cell phone, we can
14:26verify that he was busy doing those tasks during the time that these murders took place.
14:35Our initial assessment was robbery appears to be a very unlikely motive because the victims
14:41had belongings on their persons and inside their vehicles that were not taken.
14:47Kate's cell phone was recovered.
14:50Carnell's car contained two cell phones, a work phone and a personal phone.
14:54And also their wallets were in plain view inside the vehicles and those were untouched.
15:00We also found an area of blood on the back of the bench where the male victim was seated.
15:06And this led us to believe that the victims were approached and shot from behind.
15:12What they told us was, Nell, he was shot in the back of the head.
15:17When Nell had fallen to the ground, he was shot again in the head.
15:21Kate jumped down to the riverbank, which is about five, six feet and started running away
15:28and was shot in the back of the head while trying to flee.
15:32The police don't know who the target was, but because Nell was shot first and twice,
15:41in my mind, that was evidence that he was the target and could have been trying to protect Kate.
15:49I think it's most likely that the assailant came from the street or from that parking
15:53lot and the escape route could be the same way.
15:58It could be through these wooded areas.
16:00That's one of the unknowns with this case.
16:07We're about 150, 200 meters to the southwest of where the crime took place,
16:15underneath the Lorain Avenue bridge.
16:18A couple hundred meters down the road to the south, kind of a gravel pathway hooks up with
16:23this main bike running path.
16:27I am the assistant special agent in charge of the FBI Cleveland field office.
16:32The FBI typically doesn't work homicide cases because it's not a federal violation, but
16:39I became familiar with the case after Cleveland Metro Parks asked for our assistance.
16:45This would be a potential avenue of escape if somebody was on foot or on a bike or something
16:51like that.
16:53Somebody have ran over here after shooting two people and maybe not been seen and maybe
16:58scrambled up the hill.
17:00I mean, there's any number of possibilities.
17:06Every time I think about this case, I get angry.
17:10I mean, that could have been any one of us sitting on the park bench, I guess, is what
17:15makes me the most angry, that the fact that two lives like that were ended for no reason
17:22on such a beautiful day in such a beautiful park.
17:26A question we've been getting day after day here at 19 News.
17:29What is going on with the investigation into the double murder in the Metro Parks Rocky
17:33River Reservation?
17:35Both victims' family and police are searching for answers.
17:42As the investigation developed, all the parties, the investigating agencies have gathered for
17:47a strategy session in order to piece together a timeline as to what happened that day as
17:52fast as possible.
17:54We reviewed surveillance camera footage from Kate's apartment complex, and in doing so,
18:00we found that Kate arrived home from work, and she signed in to a gym that's located
18:06on the property to exercise at 3.38 p.m.
18:10Cell phone records revealed that Carnell sent Kate a text message at 4.02 p.m. asking
18:17her if she'd like to get together with him at some point.
18:21Of course, we don't know why Kate and Carnell were meeting.
18:23I think any coordination was done through voice calls, which we obviously don't have
18:27access to the content of.
18:29We know she ultimately places a phone call to him while she's still at the gym, and that
18:35phone call lasted for about 10 minutes.
18:40Carnell left work at 4.24 p.m., and Kate signed out of her gym at 4.31 p.m.
18:52And at that point, both of them headed towards the park.
19:03One of our officers was running radar along the side of the road, and he saw Kate's car
19:08along the side of the road, about a mile from the crime scene.
19:14And that officer's dashboard camera captured a vehicle that appears to be Kate's car
19:19traveling along the parkway towards the crime scene at 5.01 p.m.
19:25At 5.03 p.m., Carnell's car is seen passing that same police cruiser on the dashboard
19:31camera, also headed towards the crime scene.
19:34We believe they arrived there in about two minutes, parked at the scene, and sat on the
19:43park bench together.
19:49But one of the biggest challenges in this case is still, we don't know why they were
19:55meeting that day.
19:56That's the million-dollar question.
20:00Why did they meet that day?
20:04What was the meeting for?
20:07Has this been happening a lot more, and nobody knew about it?
20:12Or was this just a one-time occurrence?
20:16I believe it was a last-minute meet-up.
20:19I do.
20:20When things were tough for Kate, she'd look to Carnell.
20:24And likewise, when Carnell was struggling with something, he'd get in contact with Kate.
20:29That's right.
20:32When this first happened, I imagined Kate reaching out to Nell because she needed a
20:38And I knew that she was going to need a friend.
20:40And she needed a friend.
20:41And I knew that she was going to need a friend.
20:43And I knew that she was going to need a friend.
20:46And I knew that she was going to need a friend.
20:48Because she needed a friend that day.
20:52But if it was Nell that wanted to meet up, I would guess that he had something important
20:57to tell her about their relationship, that he wished they could be more than friends.
21:04Kate had told me about a month or two before that he said, you know, Kate, one day we're
21:08going to end up together.
21:11So in my mind, it could have possibly have been another conversation like that.
21:18I just don't know what could have been so important that they had to meet in person.
21:23It doesn't make sense to me.
21:27Because Nell had made plans for family dinner that day for 5 o'clock at his grandma's
21:35And the Rocky River Metro Park is the west side of Cleveland.
21:40So it was kind of going out of his way to go to the Metro Park from work and then back
21:46to grandma's.
21:48Southeast side.
21:50It seems if it were not so important, he could have went after dinner.
21:57Something made him go before dinner.
22:03My thinking is he was going to go and maybe after he see her for a while didn't call me
22:07and tell my grandma I'm on my way now.
22:10But he didn't get a chance.
22:13Because as soon as he got there, it happened.
22:18Kate unlocked and checked her phone at 5.08 p.m., a time that we know her and Carnell
22:25to be at the park.
22:27The 911 call was received at 5.22 p.m.
22:32So we know within that 14 minute time span, the assailant approached Kate and Carnell
22:36as they sat on the park bench, fired three shots at close range and killed them both.
22:41The biggest mystery for law enforcement is why were they killed?
22:46Is this a personal attack, a crime of passion?
22:51Who was the target here?
22:52Was it Carnell?
22:54Was it Kate?
22:55Was this a stranger?
22:58Those are some of the things that this investigation struggled with.
23:02Neither of the victims had significant assets, family, or friends.
23:07Neither of the victims had significant assets, feuds, or criminal histories that led to an
23:13obvious motive in this case.
23:17In the very beginning, I thought it was possibly a hate crime, judging by the way that the
23:24murder had happened and the level of brazenness it required.
23:29Hate crimes in Cleveland, they are skyrocketing and it does not matter the motivation.
23:35Hate crimes over race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, they're all on the rise.
23:40I was told by one of the detectives there's over 30 hate groups based in that area.
23:47I wouldn't take much for somebody driving to the park, sees a white girl and a black
23:53guy and has a gun in his car and doesn't like the looks of what he's seeing and pulls over
23:57and, hey.
24:01I believe that that's possible.
24:03Certain areas are more prejudiced than others.
24:06Not saying that everyone in Rocky River is prejudiced, but there is prejudice everywhere.
24:15It's certainly a theory, but we need to have evidence that supports that.
24:19Also, we don't want to, I guess, turn a blind eye to other potential theories and just say
24:25it's only a hate crime.
24:26It could be a random act of violence that had nothing to do with race.
24:31There was a theory that began to surface that it could have been gang related.
24:38Could it have been a gang initiation?
24:41Could have, but as far as gangs go, they will maybe commit a crime to get into the gang,
24:49but it's rarely on an innocent person or persons.
24:53It's usually in furtherance of the gang, like they'll target a rival gang member on the
24:58rival gang member's turf, so to speak.
25:02Is it impossible?
25:03No, it's not impossible.
25:04We would never rule anything out.
25:07I just don't think a gang would do this.
25:09I don't think it was random.
25:11I really don't.
25:13I do think this was contentional.
25:15Somebody really wanted both of them dead.
25:21What I believe is that one of them was followed because authorities think that they were killed
25:28sometime after 5.08 and the people who found their bodies called 911 at 5.22.
25:35So that's a very short time window for somebody to be,
25:40just happen to be there and decide they're going to do this.
25:48After the murder, I thought of everyone differently.
25:53It could be someone we know.
25:55It could be someone Cape's family knows.
25:58Victimology is very important in any homicide investigation.
26:04Who's around the victims in terms of friends, family, associates?
26:09And is there anybody that wished them harm?
26:12Was there a stalking issue?
26:13Was there threats in the past that need to be vetted?
26:17We're looking for somebody that would have a desire to kill one or both of them,
26:22somebody that has access to a firearm,
26:25and somebody that would have the opportunity to encounter them at the park to carry out this crime.
26:31Everyone was a suspect after he died.
26:38Including Alyssa, his ex-girlfriend, because I didn't know her long.
26:46We started hearing stories filtering in of an ex-girlfriend of Nell's that we found abnormal.
26:55There were displayed behaviors at his funeral.
26:59Over-the-top expression of grief and emotion, things that were obvious to other people as odd.
27:06And we were told from one of Nell's very close friends that his ex-girlfriend had a concealed
27:12carry permit.
27:15That was the first tip where we fixed our focus and started looking a little bit more at her.
27:25My relationship with Nell was hard to define.
27:31We had started talking online about one year before he was killed.
27:39And when we met, it was like he, I'd known him for my whole life.
27:46We dated for about six months and decided that we were better as friends for the time being.
27:54But it's complicated.
28:01A month before he was shot, we started talking again and we got closer and closer.
28:08And we were going to get back together.
28:11The last time I saw him was Saturday, the weekend before he was killed.
28:16But we texted the day that he was killed.
28:20And the last text I got from him was around 3 p.m.
28:24He was asking how I was because I had had a tough day.
28:29So I texted him later that evening and I said, no worries, it's in the past.
28:35And I never heard back.
28:41I saw what happened online the morning of June 5th when one of his cousins posted a picture.
28:50It's like my heart dropped to the floor and I was just in denial, disbelief.
28:59When the murder happened, I was at work and I hadn't left until later that evening.
29:07But I did talk to detectives quite a bit afterwards.
29:11They did ask for my weapon and I understand that.
29:16We did take a very close look at Carnell's ex-girlfriend and she had a verifiable alibi
29:21that put her nowhere near the crime scene when these murders occurred.
29:24She was very cooperative in the investigation and turned that weapon over to us
29:28and it was found not to be the murder weapon.
29:33I can only guess what happened that day because I didn't know anything about Kate and Nell's
29:40But I'm thinking it would have been somebody that Kate knew because I cannot imagine anyone
29:45wanting to hurt Nell.
29:46You're such a gentle soul.
29:50Yes, I'm biased because I'm Nell's brother, but I don't think it was him or someone he
29:57And I don't want to point the blame at Kate, but I really think there was something or
30:04someone that maybe had an issue with her.
30:06It was one of those situations where we were, again, grasping at straws.
30:12I went on my own investigation to dig as deeply as I could in Kate's life.
30:21Going through her stuff after she died, it was the most intense thing I've ever had to
30:28In the months before her death, Kate had lost all this weight and she was feeling really
30:33confident and wanted to get out into the dating world again.
30:37She hadn't been in a serious relationship in a long time, hadn't dated, and so she was
30:42kind of stepping out into that world again, a very new world of online dating.
30:48She was on Tinder and she was meeting up with a couple different people and they were all
30:53She was on Tinder and she was meeting up with a couple different people every now and then
30:58for different types of dates.
31:02The Friday before Kate died, she was communicating with this person, met him through a typical
31:06dating app, and she met up with him on a date.
31:13She just had this feeling about this person that something was off.
31:19She described his eyes looking black.
31:24She didn't feel safe, so she left.
31:30And then later that weekend,
31:34found out that he had killed someone a decade before.
31:40The murder that he was a part of was extremely disturbing.
31:45He and his brother had stabbed a person and then set the body on fire.
31:50Kate was pretty frantic about it, said, you know, I can't believe this.
31:55I don't know why I didn't look this up sooner.
32:00And I remember her text message specifically said to me, I feel sick right now.
32:07They never saw each other again, to my knowledge.
32:10Police told us that he had an alibi.
32:13He was down in Southern Ohio when Kate and Al were killed.
32:23There was another man who she had dated for, I think, a year, year and a half, maybe.
32:30She broke it off with this young man, but I don't think he wanted to take no for an
32:39They had a very troubled relationship and he was abusive.
32:46Everybody was aware that he was violent and had a violent history with her.
32:51They had thankfully broken up a few years before she died.
32:56But Kate, being a creature of habit, she would continuously see him secretly.
33:04And then I found out he was with Kate the night before she died.
33:11The police had told me that at Kate's apartment, there were video cameras that saw him coming
33:17and leaving that night.
33:20And I pictured the ex-boyfriend showing up the next day when she left the gym.
33:27Them getting in the typical fight that they had always gotten into.
33:30And Kate leaving and him following her to the park.
33:36Because if she had denied him, if she had severed the relationship, you know, again,
33:43he would want to retaliate.
33:47Police had determined that he was at a barbershop at the time that Al and Kate were killed.
33:55Whether they have video footage of that or not, I don't know.
33:58The theory of a jealous boyfriend makes sense.
34:04Jealousy, when it rears its ugly head, who knows?
34:09And whoever did this was very brazen.
34:13Was it insanity?
34:15Was it a psychopath?
34:16Was it rage?
34:17Was it jealousy?
34:19I went over it and over it and over it day after day after day.
34:23I went over it and over it and over it day after day after day.
34:28It just doesn't make any sense.
34:30Now tonight, a new effort to bring justice.
34:33The Brown family and investigators are hoping money talks.
34:37They are adding $70,000 to the already $30,000 in reward money, bringing the total now to $100,000.
34:46We are here today at this press conference to plead
34:48with anyone who has information to please come forward.
34:53We raised the reward money and we thought, oh my God, somebody's gotta,
35:02if they know anything, they're going to come forward.
35:06But no.
35:07The case started to go cold.
35:15In the beginning, I feel like we had more hope and there was better communication
35:20because everything was fresh.
35:21Our investigators continue to work doggedly, pursuing new leads and following the evidence,
35:27which will lead one day to the door of the person or persons responsible.
35:33But then the longer time went on, you started to question what had been done, what hadn't been done.
35:41Do I think some people dropped the ball?
35:43Of course.
35:45And it frustrates me because nobody's being held accountable.
35:50I never thought it would have taken this long in order to get justice.
35:59There are some really hard, resentful feelings as far as law enforcement's concerned.
36:09We have signs we put up down in the park asking for tips that they made us take down.
36:17These aren't signs for a graduation party.
36:20These are signs that are down here trying to stir up tips, maybe that one lead that would lead
36:29to getting this solved.
36:31It was upsetting and it was also one of the last glimmers of hope that we were doing something.
36:39I think the Metro Parks wanted to take the signs down
36:41because they wanted people to feel safe in their parks.
36:44But if a crime like this could be committed, they clearly are not safe.
36:50We certainly use every tool in the toolbox.
36:55We've submitted the case to our behavioral analysis unit down at FBI headquarters.
37:01And we've used the FBI's violent criminal apprehension program.
37:05Every potential suspect, no matter how crazy the lead is or the tip is,
37:10we have run every single one down.
37:15We think about it every day.
37:17We're not giving up and we need help with the public and maybe a little bit of luck on our side.
37:24We haven't put the case down since June 4th of 2019 and we won't
37:28until the person or people responsible are brought to justice.
37:33Law enforcement has said that they have done everything they can to vet every single
37:38suspect or person of interest that they had.
37:41And they just don't know who did this.
37:44So I look at it like, get the story out there,
37:48get people talking about it again because it's just, it's stagnant.
37:57Six months before the murder, I had a dream that Neil had been shot.
38:06I don't know if God was preparing me for what was to come, but he's gone.
38:15It shouldn't have happened.
38:17It shouldn't have happened.
38:24I don't think I'll ever be able to make sense of what happened.
38:31I miss her so much.
38:37It still don't seem real.
38:39And I know it's real.
38:40Being the matriarch of the family, I'm supposed to be strong
38:44and tell the rest of them to be strong as well and not to give up.
38:52I believe that this person believes that they've got away with murder, but it's not over.
39:00Someone knows what happened.
39:03Why they won't come forward, I don't know, but I pray that this is revealed.
39:11By finding the person that did this, I'll know that that person can't inflict this on someone
39:17else and they'll have to live with knowing the wreckage they caused to our lives.
39:23We will always be here looking and trying to figure out who you are and why you did this.