Unsolved Mysteries Season 5 Episode 2

  • 2 days ago
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00:00My name is Don Phillips. I'm a paranormal researcher. I'm not a ghost hunter. I've never
00:16been a ghost hunter. I've always been there to help people, whether it's poltergeist activity
00:21and a whole array of paranormal phenomena. The cases that I deal with would be deemed
00:27as the worst of the worst, where people's lives are being very, very badly affected.
00:36I started off pretty much like everybody else, as a paranormal investigator. I became very
00:39curious as to why there's lots of unexplained happenings, lots of phenomena taking place.
00:45What was actually causing this phenomena? And then everything changed. It happened during
00:55a particular case in Leicester. The client was a very nice lady called Gaynor, and this
01:03was the most haunted residential case I've ever had.
01:09It's quite neighbourhood. I've lived in here since 1980. When I moved in, disturbing things
01:17were starting to happen in the house. Little things would disappear and then come back.
01:24But it started getting bad about after six months being here. Things would be happening
01:29every night. It got really frightening at times. I had my kids, I had three boys. The
01:37youngest one, he'd be playing in his bedroom, and I could hear him laughing and talking
01:43to somebody. I said, I just heard you talking to somebody. So is it? He says, I can't tell
01:48you, you won't like it if I tell you.
01:53There's just lots of dark things that happened all over the house. The curtains in the side
02:00bedroom would be on fire. Sometimes at the top of the stairs, you'd feel like the fingers
02:07in the back were going to push you downstairs. Just got a bit too much.
02:14Even the most hardened sceptic could not argue that this is not normal occurrences in a normal
02:22A lot of things going on there, and there was one particularly very bad entity there,
02:26a really, really bad one. One night, he was threatening to kill Gaynor. Gaynor had had
02:33a lot of people in to try and help her with this thing. They was all doing traditional
02:37things like sage prayers and everything, and nothing worked.
02:45I'm a different kind of investigator. I have the ability to be able to talk directly out
02:50of the atmosphere, the air, with these spirit people. When I was probably about the age
02:56of seven or eight, I started to feel things, I started to hear things. Just sort of kind
03:02of talking in my ears. I couldn't make out what was being said half the time, but I knew
03:06it was something different. I very, very quickly realized these were spirits. For many years,
03:14I kept my feelings, my experiences to myself. I kept that secret, totally secret. But over
03:22time, I started to form relationships, genuine, real relationships with these spirit people,
03:31entities, or the afterlife, whatever label people want to put on them. I learned to utilize
03:38my communications with the spirits, and over the years, I've helped many people with paranormal
03:45situations and phenomena taking place in their homes. When I took Gaynor's case,
03:52I was very skeptical, but when I actually got there, I could feel the energy myself.
03:57I'd been investigating Gaynor's for a few days, and I felt the presence of a female.
04:05I was totally intrigued by this, this spirit person. And I said,
04:12what's your name? Can you give me your name? Becky.
04:19I said, Becky, are you here now? Are you with me? Yes.
04:23Yes. Wow, I'm impressed. Straight off the bat, Becky. Lovely, sweet voice.
04:32And over the next several weeks, I got to know Becky, and we had regular conversations.
04:38And it was literally from that day forward, things progressed very rapidly. There was one
04:45time at Gaynor's when this bad thing, stuff, entity, whatever people want to call it,
04:53was in the room with me. I started to talk to this thing, and it made some threats,
04:59and it did not sound good. That's when Becky did something to eradicate the situation. I don't know
05:07exactly how it works. I don't know exactly what is going on, but all I do know is that was it.
05:12Becky confirmed it was dealt with.
05:16After the investigation, the spirit was just quiet. It doesn't need to be shown its anger.
05:22It's always going to be ill, which I don't mind, as long as it's not nasty anymore.
05:30In the end, I actually asked Becky, would you come with me and help me help other people
05:37who are experiencing phenomena? And she said, yes.
05:42The first thing I did is just, I needed to prove this was real. I understood the skeptic and
05:50paranormal community, everything was about evidence. And I wanted an independent witness,
05:56witness testimony of my relationship with Becky. The only way I could do that was to find somebody
06:05who was an open-minded skeptic, somebody with a hard-line reputation. That would be Steve Merrow.
06:13My name is Steve Merrow. I'm the founder of the Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology.
06:18It's a UK-based organization that deals with certain paranormal subjects.
06:24Parapsychology is about human abilities, ESP, telekinesis, telepathy.
06:30I first heard of Don through looking at his videos on the internet. And then, I'll be honest,
06:36I wasn't impressed. Hello, good people, and welcome to another episode of The Supernatural
06:41Files with me, Don Phillips. Unfortunately, the world is full of people that want to do
06:46fakes and hoaxes, and I'm very reluctant to go into those fields. Listen, I'm not a ghostbuster.
06:52I'm not a ghost hunter. I'm a scientist. I'm a man of evidence.
06:56I'm a man of evidence. At some point, Don reached out. He said he could demonstrate
07:03his unique ability to be able to communicate with something referred to as Becky.
07:09I said, look, I don't want to get involved, Don. I knew that Steve's endorsement would be the step
07:16in the right direction, considering his reputation and his experience. And he said, look, Don,
07:21I'm not the person that you want. And then came the phone calls. Very persistent.
07:30And he was on the phone to me one night, and I said, I don't leave any stone unturned.
07:34And if I find his deception, or if you're lying, I will tell the world. I'm your last guy you need.
07:42Thinking that'll scare him off. And I said, you know what, Steve? That is what I want.
07:47Steve, just come out with me. Tell it as you find it. That's all I want you to do. So he agreed.
07:53And he picked a location where he'd been investigating, which is at a woman's house,
07:58Gaynor's house. And I went down there with my colleague, Jackie. And I explained to Jackie,
08:03I said, let's just get this guy out of my hair. Find out if he can communicate
08:08with something referred to as Becky.
08:19After being there for a short period of time, he went straight into demonstrating,
08:23because I was demanding, show me. Show me the evidence.
08:29So he took out his recording device, holded it up into the air.
08:34My ears are very attuned to whatever frequency these spirits communicate on. I will often hear
08:40the voices. And at the same time, I will be taking a recording on a digital voice recorder,
08:45or three or four voice recorders and a video camera, to confirm what I'm hearing, but also
08:51so that my clients could actually hear them too. Voice recorders will pick up a much different
08:58frequency. That's what enables us to be able to hear the spirit people speaking.
09:04That's where the recorder comes in handy. I'd already checked for wiring and speakers. There
09:10was nothing, no way to hide anything. Just a normal home. And he pressed record for 10 seconds.
09:17And we stood there in complete silence, not hearing a thing, nothing, until he pressed stop.
09:24And then he played back, and I heard a voice. Well, it sounded like a female voice.
09:34It's Betty.
09:40It was a rush. Now he's got my attention. Of course, we had to put that to the test.
09:46Of course, we had to put that to the test. So I conducted a blind envelope test.
09:53During this envelope test, you get a single envelope. You put a picture inside that envelope,
09:58and the person who's being tested will tell you what that picture is. And bear in mind,
10:03this picture can be one of millions of pictures in the world. It could be anything in that envelope.
10:08Steve, he went to go on further. He didn't give me one envelope. He gave me three.
10:12Three envelopes marked A, B, and C. This is a controlled event.
10:20I need to see, if you can communicate, can you communicate, Don, with whatever this entity is,
10:27to tell you what's inside this envelope? And he picked envelope B, put the other two aside,
10:36and he held it up, and his recorder, what image is in this, Becky? I heard a response come back
10:44on the recorder. I couldn't quite understand it, but it sounded like eit or ait or something like
10:49that. And he said, Becky, can you just say that again, please, but a bit louder?
10:54When we played back the recording, then I heard her say, it's a kite.
11:00And Don looked at me and said, it's a kite. And then Becky went, you got it.
11:06He pulled out the picture. He nearly fell out of his chair.
11:08It was a kite. It was a kite. I couldn't believe it.
11:13Whatever this thing is, it knew exactly what was in that envelope. She didn't get it from me,
11:18and he didn't get it from Don. And I was surprised. That was a test that he was set to fail.
11:24And I can't even begin to say what the odds are of getting that, picking one out of the three,
11:30picking one item out of any item it could have been,
11:34the chances of actually getting that right are next to impossible.
11:40I've never witnessed anything like that before.
11:44What is Becky? I want to know, who is this person?
11:49From what I've been able to gather, from what she told me, and I have not got all the answers,
11:54Becky was a person that passed over and, for whatever reason,
12:02entered into this role of being more of a spirit person.
12:07Becky was a school teacher. She had two children,
12:11died in a plane or a train crash. She was 35 years old, and it was in 1985.
12:17I don't know the full story on that.
12:19All I know is that I couldn't possibly do what I do without Becky.
12:26When I got back home from Gaynor's home, I thought to myself,
12:30could I really have been stooged? You know, could it have all been set up prior to me going?
12:37I need to get him out of Gaynor's. Where's next? Where's we going to go? What test can be done?
12:42I wanted to see if he could demonstrate the same ability that he's showing me at Gaynor's.
12:47Let's put him in another paranormally orientated location.
12:51Take him to Cannock Chase.
13:00Cannock Chase, this is a place in Staffordshire in the UK.
13:04It is an old war cemetery there, and it's known for its paranormal phenomena.
13:09It's an environment that Don will not know where I want to be. He can't prep it.
13:14Don didn't know I was taking anybody with me.
13:17He thought I was just going to go on my own. I turned up with Jackie, their partner.
13:21With Don, things kind of get crazier. He's unique in the way he works.
13:28My role was mainly an observer, but I did a lot of the filming.
13:31There's something going on here at this present moment in time,
13:34or there's something that's happened here that the energy was really strong,
13:36or there's something that's happened here that the energy was really strong,
13:39but I just crossed literally off the footpath into this field.
13:44We're out at Cannock Chase at night. It's pitch dark.
13:47Don is out in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of night.
13:51There's nobody around. Nobody.
13:56We carried on down the track in the middle of the woods at maybe
14:00one o'clock, two o'clock in the morning. No lights.
14:03Then I felt an energy was walking down this path, and it was pretty strong to my left.
14:10And obviously, I walked into the energy.
14:13Stepped into it, whatever it is, it's here, and I just stepped straight into it.
14:17This is not just a random energy. This was literally a direct path for me to follow.
14:22He headed into a load of bushes, and I'm like,
14:26slow down, slow down, because it's pitch black.
14:28And I'm like, you know, in my own mind, where are we going? What are we doing?
14:32And then all of a sudden, Don just clutched his chest.
14:44I'm all right. I'm okay.
14:47And I was concerned. I said, you all right, Don? Are you okay?
14:50And I could see the sweat coming off him.
14:52I could see him puffing and panting out of his chest.
14:54Clear signs of anybody who's got a heart attack.
14:56And he said, no, no, no, it's okay. It's okay. I've had this before.
14:59I'm trying to think what the hell's going on.
15:01He says, no, it's just a blast.
15:03I said, a blast? What do you mean?
15:05It's just energy. There's something here.
15:12When this kind of thing is happening, my entire process is just focused on the energy.
15:20There's no other thought in my brain.
15:21I've just always called them blasts, as in a blast of energy,
15:24because to this day, again, I still don't know exactly what it is, where it comes from.
15:30Prior to my uni with Becky, none of this was possible.
15:34But I have no control at all when this is actually going to happen.
15:39No control.
15:41All of a sudden, bam.
15:52I said, this is it, this is it.
15:53And I can't see a thing. I just think, this is it.
15:56The camera pans up, and I remember looking up, and just the light from the camera
16:01illuminated part of the tree.
16:03It was crouched underneath.
16:05And just beyond, above my head height,
16:08the tree's absolutely covered in flowers and ribbons and all sorts of things.
16:15And then I realized, this is the only tree like that.
16:19How did he know to go to that tree?
16:21I have no idea.
16:23Why did he, how did he manage to take us straight to it?
16:27After talking to Don, I said, look, you know, what's the significance about this?
16:30He said, I'm not too sure.
16:31I'm going to have to see if I can get some information from Becky.
16:37There's another one.
16:45I'm not hearing anything about what happened at this tree,
16:47what it was about or anything.
16:49I can only assume someone lost their life there, took their life there, was killed there.
16:54I didn't even really know the full history of the place.
16:57And then it was only through research afterwards that we find out,
17:02oh, unfortunately, some bad things are taking place.
17:05It can't chase.
17:07Some years back, there were a number of murders,
17:10and they did eventually get the perpetrator.
17:12The bodies were buried in that location.
17:15I don't research places before I go to them.
17:18I just go, do my job, and leave.
17:24Whatever Becky is, he's on the investigation with us, giving him information.
17:30What happens when he's experiencing some of this phenomena or communicating with Becky?
17:35Becky seemingly resides within him.
17:39And I'm still, oh, I don't like that sound because
17:42we can't help immediately drawn to the word possession.
17:46And that usually is associated with negative type things, not usually good.
17:56I was ready to hot tail it out, I have to admit, I really was.
18:00The adrenaline was rushing through me.
18:03But I was thinking, what's next?
18:06What's another thing I can do?
18:07I can't get enough of it.
18:09Each and every time I went out with Don,
18:11the bar was raised every single time, and it's continued to be raised.
18:16I have really no idea what his limitations are.
18:20But I keep pressing him, and he keeps demonstrating his capabilities.
18:24There was lots more experiments I wanted to do.
18:39Tutbury Castle, in my opinion, is definitely haunted.
18:46The castle has had a reputation for literally centuries.
18:49It has been subject to siege, blood, murder.
18:54And our torture chamber, well, as you can also imagine,
18:58is hugely popular with ghost hunters.
19:03Tutbury Castle, there's a lot of history there.
19:05Its grounds are very known for its paranormal phenomena.
19:08We managed to gain access to that location for 24 hours.
19:12And I took a couple of extra team members with me on this occasion
19:15from the Scientific Establishment of Parapsychology.
19:19And we wanted them to see what Don's capabilities were.
19:24My name is Chris, I'm a paranormal investigator for over 20 years,
19:29searching for evidence of any afterlife and paranormal activities.
19:35So I was asked to go along to Tutbury Castle by Steve.
19:40Don, when I met him, I wasn't sure at first.
19:44He was kind of proud of the achievements that he claimed to have
19:48with his spirit guide, Becky, and the things that he could do with his mind.
19:54Don would be using his voice recorders.
19:57A lot of people out there, myself included,
19:59try to think out the box when it comes to EVP,
20:02which is electronic voice phenomena or voices from the deceased spirits
20:06or whoever that you're trying to communicate with.
20:09I myself used a back detector.
20:12It's to measure ultrasonic sound frequencies.
20:16We don't know what happens when people pass over.
20:20Some people believe that we're not hearing a lot of spiritual voices
20:24because they're not speaking in the same frequency.
20:27So the back detector is, it allows us to modulate just on the tip of human frequency.
20:35At Tutbury Castle, I expected to walk in and feel energies here and energies there.
20:41It was flat, and I was, wow,
20:44there's not a lot going to be happening here tonight.
20:47And then we were standing in the main area and everything changed.
20:53Everything changed.
20:55I got that familiar energy feeling again.
20:59It was getting stronger and stronger.
21:03And I thought, this is a portal forming.
21:06It feels like a portal.
21:08Portal is literally an entrance and an exit from another domain to this domain.
21:14This connection to what we believe to be other realms or other dimensions.
21:19So I said to Steve, Steve, I think there's a portal forming right here above us.
21:25Don starts having a conversation with Becca.
21:28Becky, if I'm right, there's a portal about to open.
21:33Can you just say the word portal?
21:35A voice came through the back detector through my headphones that I was wearing.
21:40And I heard a female voice, a human voice,
21:43very close to me, in my ear, the words portal.
21:47Chris suddenly goes, oh, my God.
21:50And he takes his earphones off.
21:52And he's like, he starts filling up.
21:53He starts, he's really welling up.
21:56I said, are you all right?
21:57He said, I've just heard her.
21:59I said, what do you mean?
22:00I said, I've just heard her so perfectly say the word portal.
22:04And then I think it was probably a second or two later,
22:07I kind of felt his energy suddenly stepped into me.
22:10I know it's a weird thing to say,
22:13I could feel all these emotions that I wouldn't normally be experiencing.
22:18It was Becky.
22:19And that, what can I say?
22:22It really was.
22:23Chris was just reduced to tears.
22:24He couldn't even talk.
22:26He was just a blubbering wreck.
22:29It did kind of drop me to my knees.
22:30And I was probably talking gibberish.
22:33I didn't know whether I wanted to laugh.
22:34I didn't know whether I wanted to cry.
22:35I didn't want to scream, shout.
22:38I could feel sadness coming from her.
22:40I kind of felt that.
22:41But there was also elements of excitement.
22:46Don played it back on his voice recorder.
22:48We got the same word in the same voice was on his voice recorder.
22:53And obviously, this back detector must have been an easy way for her
22:57to communicate where everybody could have heard it.
23:00And then the portal opened.
23:03The way a portal works, you feel the energy build until it's open.
23:09When a portal opens, it expels a great amount of energy.
23:15It was so intense.
23:16It was so strong.
23:17I couldn't deal with it.
23:19There was too much.
23:20I had to dispel it.
23:21I needed to get rid of it.
23:22He goes blood red.
23:24And he's charged.
23:25He said, oh my god, I feel energy.
23:28Perfect, let's do an experiment.
23:29I got some dowsing rods out.
23:32Dowsing rods will identify certain types of energy,
23:36magnetic fields, and so forth.
23:39I need to demonstrate this energy because people can't see it.
23:43I said, Don, just try and see what you can do with this energy.
23:46Can you direct it by way?
23:49He said, I don't know.
23:50It's all experimental.
23:51We've never been there.
23:52I'm holding these rods up.
23:55The guys all stood around watching me.
23:57And Don just goes like this.
24:08Everywhere I push this energy, these rods are flying out all over the place.
24:14And that is the perfect demonstration of how I push this energy out and how powerful it is.
24:19Because these rods are in glass tubes.
24:21You cannot effect them.
24:22Steve can't effect them.
24:24And all I can do is shake my head in wonderment.
24:26I'm just looking around going, look what's happening, guys.
24:28This is crazy.
24:30He's physically moving these things by directing energy at them.
24:35He's physically moving these things by directing energy at them.
24:39I've worked with many investigators with many different appliances,
24:42and I've never seen anything like that.
24:44And I remember going home that night.
24:47In a word, I was flabbergasted.
24:49It's weird how things happen.
24:51But I think that was done purposely by Becky so somebody could bear witness.
25:00She does exist.
25:01Yeah, certainly does exist.
25:04She does exist.
25:09After working with Don for quite some time,
25:11I realized I need another pair of professional eyes.
25:15Somebody will say it as it is, like I do.
25:18First person of choice was Barry Fitzgerald.
25:20Barry Fitzgerald had been known all over the world, actually.
25:24Traveled to 53 different countries.
25:26An authoritative figure who has specialized in the paranormal.
25:30I thought he was ideal.
25:32My name's Barry Fitzgerald.
25:33I'm a paranormal investigator and author based in the West of Ireland.
25:37I've been doing this now over 35 years.
25:39I've really dedicated a lot of my time to it.
25:42I think my drive is to discover what truly is communicating with us from beyond the veil.
25:50Steve was telling me about Don and this relationship with Becky.
25:54He was telling me all this wonderful stuff.
25:56You know, he was ticking all the right boxes
25:59by saying that he could produce this phenomenon,
26:01he could produce that phenomenon,
26:03and all these strange things were happening around him.
26:05I said, okay, okay, bring him to Ireland.
26:11And I'll devise a series of experiments in which we can test Don.
26:16And he can tell me more about this thing he communicates with,
26:22this what we will call Becky.
26:27Don had never been to Ireland, so he didn't know where he was going.
26:32Steve did not know where he was going.
26:36The only person who knew was me.
26:38The West of Ireland is littered with ancient architecture.
26:43So I took him to this old ruin of a house called Lachine.
26:50On the way there, Don said something very interesting,
26:55and I didn't quite understand what he meant.
26:57He was saying, I'm getting the impression where we're going next
27:00has been taken over by nature.
27:01It's like there's a canopy above me.
27:06The first vision I got of Lachine House was barely a building,
27:11and the trees had taken over inside the house and grown.
27:17It's as if nature had swallowed this place.
27:20Don, he was spot on.
27:22He knew exactly where he was going.
27:30Steve and the other cameraman was there, and we listened.
27:34So obviously now, the light's falling.
27:37We're actually moving into the night time.
27:39The energy is already changing.
27:42It was getting stronger and stronger and stronger.
27:44It's a different kind of energy.
27:45Try that.
27:46He was walking around a ruined manor house,
27:49pointing out where things were in the day.
27:55It's like seeing it from the past.
27:57This is definitely the focal point.
28:00This is not making any sense to me, because I know it's not.
28:05This feels like it's a museum.
28:14And then there's always this thing about artefacts,
28:17artefacts from Egypt.
28:19Don started drawing forward this information
28:22and picking up on pyramids and Egypt.
28:26Little did he know Don was picking up on the history of the location.
28:31According to some of the historical information Barry'd found out,
28:34the person that was the owner of Lachine House
28:38was a collector of Egyptian artefacts
28:42and managed, probably illegally,
28:45to get them out of the country
28:47and stored them at Lachine House.
28:50A whole floor was dedicated to mummies and artefacts
28:53and all things strange and unusual from Egypt.
28:56Anything you could lay your hands on.
28:57He actually made it into a bit of a museum.
29:01I also get a feeling like we're talking among ourselves and everything,
29:05but it's actually listening.
29:07It's intelligent.
29:08It's not a residual energy.
29:12It's intelligent and it's angry.
29:16And it's destructive.
29:19It's destructive.
29:23This is...
29:24This does not belong in this place.
29:27It's not from this place.
29:38This was no ordinary haunting by Great-Auntie Betty.
29:42This was a djinn and came with the artefacts to the house.
29:49Within the Western idealism, we're used to the term djinni.
29:53Djinni is a term which is applied to a particular djinn
29:57that is trapped to the object.
30:01They are demons, I suppose, of the deserts
30:05and they need to be respected.
30:07I told this djinn,
30:09you know, you're scaring these people.
30:11I think you've caused damage to people's...
30:16a lot of damage to people's lives.
30:19It became very oppressive
30:21and I understood the more he was pushing,
30:24the less responses he was actually starting to get.
30:28I'm aware
30:30that you've caused people misery in the past.
30:35Probably on quite a grand scale.
30:37Don Godlovem has this mass of an ego
30:41which he brings forward into this place
30:44and that's the kind of thing that he does.
30:48It's the wrong thing to do with the djinn.
30:52I never felt so much out of my comfort zone in my entire life.
30:58What was strange was
31:00when Don went to communicate with Becky,
31:04which he does on a regular and everyday basis, of course,
31:07he didn't get Becky.
31:08Becky was airwalled.
31:11I had this problem in Ireland
31:12where I was getting very little from the recorders.
31:15Barry said Becky wasn't there
31:17because I'd take a recording and I couldn't hear it.
31:19So he's, oh, Becky didn't show up.
31:22No, she was there.
31:23I could feel it all the time that I was there.
31:26But it's difficult to explain what is going on
31:29when I can feel it, but I can't hear Becky.
31:33People expect them to be like just talking
31:36and answering questions all the time like it's a telephone.
31:39Me and Becky have different ways of communicating.
31:41Her giving me that energy, buzz or whatever you want to call it.
31:44It is a confirmation.
31:47Anyway, the short version is
31:49after we did a lot of stuff there, Barry was blown away.
31:52Absolutely blown away.
31:53I was blown away.
31:55It was very, very impressive to see Don's ability
31:58unfold and blossom in front of us.
32:02And to a point where I even brought Don to the side
32:05and I said, Don, you have this ability.
32:07And you, you have the ability.
32:10You do not need Becky.
32:12But he didn't listen.
32:14A little while after Ireland, I was talking to Becky.
32:22And she said, you're going to America.
32:26OK, interesting.
32:29Don told me, going to Seattle.
32:32In 18 months time.
32:35Right, OK.
32:37Seattle, really.
32:38You and me.
32:38All right, bye.
32:40I just said, OK.
32:45Steve Merritt got a call from Keith Linder in Bothell,
32:49which is close to Seattle.
32:52Keith had been experiencing poltergeist activity
32:55and a whole array of paranormal phenomena.
32:58Keith got desperate.
33:00So he rang Scientific Establishment
33:02of the Power of Psychiatry in the UK, which is run by Steve.
33:05Steve contacted me because of who I am and what I do.
33:08He said, can we come and help with Don's case?
33:10I said, I'm going to ask Becky.
33:12Becky, shall we do this case and go to America?
33:17She went, yes, do it.
33:20It was an incredible investigation.
33:23Keith's house was certainly haunted.
33:26And we secured a lot of clear recordings
33:29to suggest there's something pretty strange going on.
33:32The stuff that was going on there was crazy.
33:34There was objects moving around.
33:36There was a lot of things going on.
33:38There was men's voices, females' voices,
33:41voices talking to each other.
33:43Cabinets doors opened, furniture moved,
33:45plant pots thrown over, coffee tables tipped up,
33:48all sorts of things.
33:51His house was being trashed, completely trashed.
33:54Thousands of pounds worth of damage was being done.
33:58Keith wanted us to find out what was going on.
34:01He wanted us to find out what was going on.
34:03He wanted us to find out what was going on.
34:04He wanted us to find out what was going on.
34:06Keith wanted us to help him rationalize what was happening,
34:10find out exactly what was going on,
34:12and provide evidence to that effect.
34:15We did some research and found that Keith's house
34:18was built on a Native American burial ground.
34:21That'll probably do it.
34:25The unfortunate thing is we were unable to completely
34:28fulfill our duties with Keith because we got a frantic phone
34:32call early hours of the morning to say he'd had enough.
34:37Keith was out.
34:37He was going.
34:39So he quickly vacated the property.
34:42However, there was an experience during the investigation
34:45in Seattle, which is one that's never left me.
34:49One day, Don turns to me and said,
34:52Becky says you're ready.
34:56I was like, what's that mean, I'm ready?
35:00He said she'll communicate with you directly.
35:04All of a sudden, we're talking and somebody just joins in.
35:08Full-blown female, human-sounding voice,
35:11which was absolutely harmonic and beautiful,
35:14and just started talking.
35:15She just joined in the conversation.
35:17We stopped.
35:18Steve looked at me with eyes like rabbits in car headlights.
35:21Out of thin air, and this is the first time
35:25no recording device is needed, direct voice phenomena.
35:28Right here, right in front of us both, it's Becky.
35:35It was an experience I can't forget.
35:36He took me to my knees.
35:38He took me to my knees.
35:40And it's an exit, it's an exit.
35:42It's an emotion I cannot describe.
35:45Can't, it's upsetting, because I can't put it
35:48into words how I feel about that.
35:51I mean, that rocked me because I'd never
35:52heard Becky like that before.
35:53That was absolutely incredible.
35:54I've never heard like that since.
35:56But it bothered me.
35:58I had no control over my body.
36:01I buckled me up.
36:02I fell to the floor.
36:04I couldn't breathe.
36:06I felt an emotion that doesn't exist.
36:09It's something I never want to experience again, ever.
36:12Her voice just cut through me.
36:17And it left me in a place
36:23that I had to really think about everything,
36:26the whole life, everything.
36:27About life, about death, about why me.
36:32I guess from Steve's perspective,
36:34as a power psychologist and having
36:36spent years in the field, but when you know
36:38definitively that this is real, the afterlife is real,
36:43when you're presented with something
36:45absolutely undoubtable, that's quite a world shaker.
36:49And believe me, it did totally rock Steve's world.
36:52I was excited because I'd never heard
36:54Becky talk like that, ever.
36:56As a person, in this lovely harmonic voice,
36:59it was really something.
37:04Right, I'm aware that you're here still
37:06and I'm aware that you can hear me.
37:08Back in Ireland, it was very, very impressive
37:10to see Dawn's ability unfold.
37:13But I wanted to know more about Becky.
37:16So Steve then gave me the information,
37:18the background on Becky and the identity
37:22Becky wished to portray herself by.
37:24This person, this mother, who sadly had
37:28two children and died in a plane crash.
37:31I went back into the records and that
37:33person did not exist.
37:36Becky had lied to Dawn.
37:40This was a huge flag to me because what
37:42it really does is set this premise that
37:46whatever Dawn was communicating with
37:48has lied to him before.
37:50It will lie again.
37:52It doesn't want to be found out.
37:54And that's exactly what was happening
37:55here with Becky.
37:57People might find this strange, but I
37:58seldom question anything to do with Becky.
38:01Information that she tells me, anything
38:03like that.
38:04I go on what I feel and what Becky's
38:06telling me.
38:07That is my confirmation.
38:09Why are you here?
38:12Do I know 100% certain every single detail
38:16Becky told me about herself is true?
38:19How can I be realistic and say,
38:21of course I do.
38:24What is Becky?
38:26Who is Becky?
38:27Where does Becky come from?
38:30What we need to understand is that this
38:33phenomena can manifest in whatever form
38:36it wishes.
38:37It can penetrate into a person.
38:40Once this symbiotic relationship is
38:42developed, it's very, very difficult to break.
38:45But that phenomena was probably tracking
38:47Dawn since the early days of his life.
38:51Becky now is experiencing life through him.
38:56And it's experiencing his emotions,
39:00the world as we know it, through his senses.
39:03I do think that we are now looking at a
39:05possession with Dawn.
39:08I've had people from all quarters,
39:10including some religious circles saying,
39:11you don't know what you're messing with.
39:13Some people will say, well, how do you
39:15know she's not a demon?
39:18Becky's controlling.
39:20Becky's quite powerful.
39:22Some negative things will go to the great
39:26length to achieve what they want to achieve.
39:29But does Becky represent something negative?
39:33Let's say possession is a total real thing.
39:36Why could a person not be possessed by
39:38something, an entity that's good to,
39:41to do good things?
39:43If I'm possessed by Becky, then absolutely
39:46Because you know what?
39:47We do good things for people.
39:51My life's completely changed since meeting Dawn.
39:54I will never be the Steve Miller I used to be
39:57and can never go back.
39:59I've seen too much.
40:01I've witnessed too much.
40:04What I can say is, I've seen no harm come
40:07from Becky in 10 years of working closely
40:12with Dawn.
40:13I believe they need each other.
40:15And to go as far as saying that,
40:17and I don't think there's any separating now.
40:20I can see it going on forever.
40:24It's who I am.
40:25It's who I've become.
40:26Becky is a part of me.
40:27I'm a part of her.
40:30I couldn't go back to just being a normal
40:32person now because I am who or what I've become.
40:39It is me.
40:41And Becky just suddenly disappeared.
40:44Honestly, I guess half of me would go with it.
40:55I have absolutely no idea why this thing started
40:59with me in the first place.
41:02Why everything's happened or where it's going.
41:06But I'm in it for the full journey.
41:09Wherever it may or may not take me.