Unsolved Mysteries Season 5 Episode 4

  • 2 days ago
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00:00We refer to Roswell as the ultimate cold case file.
00:05It's the one case that could solve the entire UFO mystery overnight.
00:15Other sightings in other countries,
00:18well, this is Brazil's Roswell.
00:20This is Brazil's Roswell.
00:22This is Brazil's Roswell.
00:25Other sightings in other countries,
00:27well, this is Brazil's Roswell.
00:29This is European Roswell.
00:31This is the Russian Roswell.
00:33So everything focuses back to Roswell.
00:38Roswell is the granddaddy of them all.
00:41Well, this is it.
00:43This is what the witnesses always describe to us.
00:46Kevin Randall and I have been investigating this phenomenon
00:50for a good part of the last 40 years.
00:53If we can prove what happened here,
00:56if we can prove it was an alien spacecraft,
00:59this changes the whole dynamic of society.
01:15The late evening of July 2nd in 1947,
01:19there was a severe lightning storm
01:22that came off of the Capitan Mountains in New Mexico.
01:29Ranchers described that between the thunderclaps
01:32they heard what sounded like an explosion.
01:43Next morning, a ranch foreman by the name of W.W. Brazzo
01:48discovers a debris field.
01:53There were sheets of foil-like, metal-like material,
01:57super light, but super strong.
02:04So that Sunday, July 6th,
02:06he gathered up some boxes of this material,
02:10loaded it up into the back of his pickup truck,
02:15made the 75-mile drive here into Roswell,
02:19and then at Roswell,
02:21you had the headquarters of the 509th Bomb Group,
02:25the first atomic bomb squadron in the world at that time,
02:29the very bomb squadron that had dropped the two A-bombs
02:34over Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
02:37And it's Major Jesse Marcel, the head of intelligence at the base,
02:42who would then retrieve a box of the wreckage
02:45from the rancher Mac Brazzo and take it back to his boss.
02:50And it was at noon, Tuesday, July 8th,
02:53that the Roswell Army Airfield issued that famous press release
02:57where they actually stated they'd captured a flying saucer.
03:05Once the announcement hit the wire services,
03:09news got out all around the world, throughout Europe,
03:13even as far away as Australia.
03:16Headline edition, July 8th, 1947.
03:20The Army Air Forces has announced that a flying disk
03:24has been found and is now in the possession of the Army.
03:31Major Marcel is ordered onto a B-29 bomber,
03:35and he flies with some of the wreckage
03:38to Brigadier General Roger Ramey,
03:40the 8th Air Force in Fort Worth, Texas.
03:43He takes it to General Ramey's office.
03:46Ramey takes him to a map room.
03:50When they return, Marcel is shocked to see the wreckage is now gone.
03:58And in its place is a clump of rotting neoprene rubber balloon
04:04and a shredded radar reflector kite.
04:08And Major Marcel is then ordered by Ramey
04:12to pose holding up sheets of the foil kite.
04:16Marcel is also ordered by General Ramey
04:20not to say a word to any of the reporters,
04:23not to even say a word to his wife once he got home.
04:28The media in Roswell were threatened
04:31with the loss of their licenses within 24 hours
04:35if they didn't stop the flying saucer story.
04:39And so the evolution of the flying saucer story
04:44into the weather balloon would begin.
04:47By the time the next morning came around, the story was basically dead.
04:51And from that point on, for literally decades,
04:54there were very few mentions of Roswell
04:56suggesting it was anything other than a weather balloon.
05:06wind whistling
05:09After the balloon press conference in General Ramey's office,
05:14Major Marcel was kept overnight in Fort Worth.
05:18As things quieted down, he realized he was the fall guy,
05:22he was the patsy in all this.
05:24He's ordered to pose with a substituted balloon
05:27and fully aware of the fact that it's not what he recovered,
05:31not what he brought to General Ramey's office.
05:34But he kept that a secret
05:36and would retire within a couple years after the incident.
05:41He returned back home to Woma, Louisiana,
05:44and he went into television repair.
05:48In 1947, when my grandfather was told not to talk about it,
05:54he took it to heart, that's his job, that's what he's going to do.
05:57He's a military officer, and by gosh,
06:00if you don't want me to talk about it, I'm not going to talk about it.
06:04But at a certain point, after so many years go by,
06:10he just couldn't understand why the truth wasn't coming out.
06:16It ate him up inside.
06:18I think it was because he wanted to talk about it,
06:21he wanted to get it out there, he believed in it,
06:24but yet he was forced in this corner.
06:27And my grandfather decided he was not going to die with the story.
06:3430 years after the incident, Major Jesse Marcel Sr.
06:38was diagnosed with terminal emphysema.
06:42At this point, Marcel had nothing to lose, he was dying.
06:46What's the government going to do to me now?
06:49And so he decided to tell the truth.
06:53I knew that I had never seen anything like that before,
06:56and as of now, I don't know what it was.
07:00Marcel shared details of his experience in the TV series
07:04In Search Of in an episode, which was one of the earliest efforts
07:08to uncover the buried history of Roswell.
07:12It was not anything from this earth that I'm quite sure of.
07:17You couldn't even bend it, you couldn't embed it,
07:20even with a sledgehammer, it would bounce off of it.
07:23What I was familiar with was just about all materials used
07:26in aircraft and air travel.
07:29This was nothing like that. It could not have been.
07:34They took pictures, of course, they had a whole flock of microphones there,
07:38they wanted some comments from me,
07:41but I wasn't at liberty to do that.
07:44So all I could do is keep my mouth shut.
07:47And General Ramey is the one who told the newsmen
07:51what it was and to forget about it.
07:54It was nothing more than an observation balloon.
07:57Of course, we both knew differently.
08:08When we learned about Jesse Marcel talking about
08:11picking up pieces of a flying saucer,
08:14that sparked our whole investigation.
08:17Our research, looking for corroboration of the story.
08:21Let's see what we really have in the way of evidence.
08:31Flying saucers have invaded our planet.
08:34I always blamed my mother for my interest in UFOs.
08:37She was a science fiction fan, and she took me to a movie in 1956
08:41to Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, and that kind of got me interested.
08:48I spent several years as an intelligence officer in the Air Force,
08:52was deployed to Iraq as an Army intelligence officer,
08:56and eventually retired as Lieutenant Colonel from the Iowa National Guard.
09:01In the 1970s, I published several articles about UFO sightings,
09:05including those with physical evidence and some sort of photographic proof.
09:11When I met up with Don Schmidt,
09:14he had an extensive background in UFO research.
09:17He had worked with Alan Hynek, Dr. Hynek,
09:20who was the Air Force consultant to Project Blue Book,
09:23their investigation of UFOs at the time.
09:25And I thought I would be a good partner for Don
09:28simply because of my military background.
09:30I would understand the protocols of the military better than a civilian would.
09:34And I might relate a little bit better to them.
09:36They might be more open to talking to me
09:39than someone who did not have a military background.
09:41So he invited me down to Roswell with him,
09:44and we made our first investigation in 1989.
09:49Well, you remember the photographers running into the arroyo, yeah.
09:54Because it was such an excitement to be there.
09:56It was such an excitement.
09:57I became interested in the very subject of UFOs back in high school.
10:02I was just captivated, just the very concept of being visited
10:07by an intelligence off the planet.
10:09Kevin and I, we have written a number of books investigating UFOs.
10:15One of the things that I really enjoy about the subject
10:21is not only chasing this elusive phantom,
10:25but trying to solve the ultimate mystery of what happened in Roswell
10:31because the story is that big.
10:34When we first started investigating Roswell,
10:37February of 1989, Kevin and I were complete skeptics.
10:41We both knew next to nothing about Roswell.
10:45Don and I came down here with the attitude that
10:47we'd spend a couple of days down and get to the bottom of it,
10:50and that would be the end of it.
10:52We were wrong.
10:55The military came, appeared over there.
10:58It was something that deserved our full attention
11:01in an investigative capacity.
11:03One of the problems we had was we were dealing with witnesses
11:07from 1947 who were getting very old.
11:11We got word of it with the rancher himself.
11:14He was glad to do the government a favor of bringing the pieces.
11:20Marcel had since passed away,
11:23and so we realized we had kind of a race with the undertaker on that respect.
11:27We had to get to the witnesses while they were still alive
11:30and we could talk to them about what they had seen and what they had done.
11:36Early on, we met with the late Dr. Colonel Jesse Marcel, Jr.,
11:42the lone son of Jesse Marcel, Sr.
11:48Why did he wake you up?
11:50He had something he wanted to show us.
11:52This apparently was some debris or something he brought in from the field.
11:57Look at this writing.
11:59What do you think that is?
12:01Jesse Marcel, Jr. found a thing that he called an I-beam,
12:06eight to ten inches long and maybe a half an inch wide at the widest part.
12:11And there was some purple symbology on it.
12:15It was sort of embossed on there.
12:18The most unusual part of this whole thing was what was on the I-beam,
12:22the inner surface of the I-beam.
12:24There appeared to be a type of writing, definitely a purplish, violet hue.
12:29I don't recall seeing any lines or letters of any kind,
12:32but it was more like geometric shapes.
12:35Is it possible you might have mistaken it for Russian, Japanese,
12:39any other language?
12:41No, no way.
12:45My grandfather said,
12:46I think you're the first person to ever see a writing from an extraterrestrial
12:51being of some kind.
12:55This is pretty representative of what they found.
12:58It was silver in color.
13:00Even the color of the symbols were a light violet like this,
13:03and these symbols were based on my grandfather's and father's descriptions.
13:12You remember back when we were, I think, somewhere around eight and nine years old,
13:18and Dad would talk about, you know, life in the universe.
13:22Jesse Marcel III and Denise Marcel were important in the beginning
13:27because they helped us understand their grandfather.
13:30When my grandfather and father, when they were relaying these stories,
13:34it was life-altering.
13:36They, at the very least, absolutely believed in it.
13:41We would talk privately among ourselves about what this thing was.
13:47We came to the conclusion it was not of earthly origin.
13:52If I had not actually held pieces of it in my hand,
13:55I would not think that it would be possible.
13:57But because I happened to see this, that's the only reason I believe it.
14:02My grandfather broke every rule in the book to go home and show his son what he found.
14:09And because he was willing to break all those rules,
14:13ones that he was steadfast in belief of, I mean, lived his life by,
14:17that little piece of information probably makes me believe it more than anything.
14:21That he was willing to, could have destroyed his career.
14:24It could have done anything to him.
14:26But he took that chance just to show his son.
14:30He felt it was something very unusual.
14:32He felt it was probably something we'd never seen before or would never see again.
14:37When my father started talking about the Roswell incident,
14:40his story stayed completely the same from the beginning to the end.
14:44He never changed anything.
14:46Eleven years old, but he remembers.
14:48I remember that very well, in spite of being eleven.
14:51I do believe, however, my grandfather took secrets to his grave about the Roswell incident.
14:58Because he always said, there's a lot more to the story, but I just can't talk about it.
15:03When Jesse Marcel Sr. finally broke rank,
15:07more and more witnesses that had been sworn to secrecy
15:11started coming forward with their stories about Roswell.
15:15There's no doubt in your mind, I gather, that the balloon story was a cover story.
15:19Absolutely not. We knew that it was a cover story.
15:24General Thomas DuBose, Chief of Staff to Brigadier General Roger Reed,
15:28General Thomas DuBose, Chief of Staff to Brigadier General Roger Ramey in Fort Worth,
15:33confirmed that the weather balloon story was a cover-up.
15:37But we used that in order to assuage the curiosity of the press.
15:44People were very careful about what they said,
15:47and I think a lot of the times people didn't know who to tell
15:51and they didn't think they'd be believed anyway, so they didn't talk about it.
15:54And once we began asking questions and they realized
15:57that there were people who would believe their stories,
16:00they shared what they knew with us.
16:03Bill Brazel was the son of Mack Brazel,
16:06who was the man who discovered the debris field.
16:09Bill Brazel found pieces of the debris himself.
16:13It was not a weather balloon. It was something altogether different.
16:19My friends was asking me if I'd found any more or anything like this,
16:24and I said, well, I picked up a few scraps, about a cigar box full,
16:30and somebody, I don't know, must have informed the Air Force
16:37because first thing I know, I have visitors.
16:42But we were just scraping the tip of the iceberg at that time.
16:47When we first heard of the incident at Roswell,
16:50we assumed it was just another UFO sighting. It could be easily explained.
16:54About a year into the investigation,
16:57when we did the Unsolved Mysteries shoot here in Roswell,
17:01that changed it into kind of a national phenomenon,
17:04and more and more people started coming forward.
17:07There was a flying saucer.
17:09Some type of craft was flying.
17:13There was a flying saucer.
17:15Some type of craft from outer space.
17:17No qualms about what it was.
17:21I actually saw that piece of I-beam.
17:32Don't you say another word.
17:37Their stories were consistent, both the military and the civilian.
17:42And after all these years, they wanted to tell the truth.
17:47To date, we have interviewed over 600 witnesses,
17:51either directly or indirectly involved with the Roswell incident of 1947.
17:56Like one of the witnesses told us,
17:58first thing I think of in the morning, last thing I think of every night.
18:04It doesn't get any easier,
18:07because every time that I tell somebody about it,
18:12I feel like I'm 12 years old again.
18:16Frankie Rowe was the daughter of a firefighter in Roswell in 1947.
18:22There had been reports of emergency personnel in the area who had recovered debris,
18:26and Frankie told us that a state trooper brought some of it to the fire department,
18:30and she actually handled some of the debris.
18:34In an emotional documentary decades later,
18:37a dramatic interview elicited from Frankie
18:40the fear and trauma she felt as a young girl.
18:44A car came driving up the driveway, and we had a pretty long driveway.
18:47It was a military car.
18:50He had mentioned at first that he wanted to see the one who had seen the piece of material
18:54that they had been handling down at the station.
19:00I said, yes, I did handle it.
19:02Then he started emphasizing, no, you didn't.
19:05He didn't just come out and say,
19:07this is not something you're going to be allowed to talk about.
19:10He was trying to get it through my head that I never saw it.
19:15And he got louder.
19:17He said, there are things that we can do.
19:19He said, we can take you out here in the middle of this desert.
19:22He said, no one will ever find your bodies, ever.
19:25No one will ever know what happened to you.
19:30And I never discussed it again.
19:37The government has never acknowledged any extraordinary debris at Roswell.
19:43Yet, one of the things that we learned was that back in 1947,
19:48the military went into high gear with a full recovery operation.
19:55They immediately cordoned off the area, cordoned off the roads,
19:58and then arranged for troops to go out and actually recover from the debris field
20:04every last piece of physical evidence.
20:11My dad, Colonel Pat Saunders, was second in command
20:17under Colonel Blanchard at the Roswell Air Force Base.
20:23When the crash occurred, he was most responsible for assigning troops to the cleanup
20:30and how they were going to proceed with keeping the secret after the fact.
20:37Colonel Patrick Saunders observed firsthand the level of security,
20:42the level of manpower that were part of the recovery operation,
20:46and the fact that enlisted men, non-officers, were sworn to secrecy.
20:54When we contacted your father, he was often very reluctant to talk to us.
20:59He made jokes about the little green men or the men from Mars and that sort of thing.
21:03There was always something about it that we knew he knew more.
21:06My dad was very aware of those threats that were made to anyone involved and even civilians,
21:14and he knew that some would be carried out.
21:19The effort expended to recover the material does not make any sense
21:26if it was just a weather balloon.
21:28Why was there the need for the security in the first place?
21:32From that point on, the evolution of the case is very complex.
21:39The debris field was just metallic debris.
21:43So there had been a search for an impact site
21:46where the craft itself supposedly came down.
21:50Witnesses told us that back in 1947,
21:54a team of archaeologists from Western Texas Tech came upon this pod,
22:00this egg-shaped craft about the size of a Volkswagen Beetle.
22:05So this particular site,
22:08So this particular site is separated by about 27 miles,
22:11going east-southeast from the debris field.
22:15We believe this was the final impact point.
22:21And then we learned they discovered bodies,
22:25and they were not human.
22:29When you start talking about some kind of a craft and bodies,
22:32well, then you've elevated this to the level of a human being.
22:36When you start talking about some kind of a craft and bodies,
22:39well, then you've elevated the level of importance.
22:42The government has wreckage and alien bodies?
22:44Alien bodies, yes.
22:46You say that so seriously.
22:48It's because it's absolutely true.
22:50When we look at the body stories,
22:52there were some very good people who we talked to that are very credible.
22:56It all went out into the desert in this truck
22:59where a crashed saucer had come down.
23:01It was the daughter of Sergeant Melvin Brown,
23:05who was pulled from his squadron
23:08to be a security guard out at the crash site.
23:31There was this tarpaulin or something,
23:33these covers that were inside the truck,
23:35and they saw these two bodies.
23:38He said they were smaller than us,
23:41no more than over four foot tall,
23:44much larger heads than we have,
23:46and slanted eyes.
23:50Shortly after we got involved in the case,
23:53we came across the first stories about bodies,
23:55and I think they have been proved from that point
23:59as credible evidence that there were bodies.
24:05Pappy Henderson was one of the pilots
24:08for the first air transport unit,
24:10and according to Saffo Henderson, his wife,
24:14Pappy was one of the pilots that flew bodies out of Roswell.
24:19The final destination was Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
24:22in Dayton, Ohio, where the craft and bodies
24:25would be tested and analyzed.
24:30My husband told me the bodies were small,
24:34the heads were larger,
24:36and the eyes were rather sunken and a little slanted.
24:42They were strange.
24:44They were not of this earth.
24:49When my husband, who was a man of truth,
24:54who was trusted with 29 different Army aircraft planes,
25:00first pilot, aircraft commander,
25:02tells me this story, I believed him.
25:09My father, Colonel Pat Saunders, retired in 1970,
25:14and for the longest time he never told anyone anything.
25:19But at some point he just felt like
25:22he had to tell the truth to someone,
25:27and he just chose to tell it to me.
25:34He didn't say a lot.
25:39He really simply said,
25:41we're not alone in the universe, we found bodies.
25:49When my dad told me that, my jaw kind of dropped.
25:53I was shocked that he actually finally admitted it.
26:00I had originally failed in my efforts to get Patrick Saunders
26:04to speak candidly about the incident.
26:07But later on he began to tell family and friends
26:11about what happened.
26:13We were to learn through the family,
26:15and specifically his son, Tim,
26:17that his father had left a deathbed confession
26:22in a most unique form,
26:24in that of buying up copies
26:26of our paperback edition of our second book,
26:29and then writing that notation on the inner leaflet.
26:33It said, this is the truth, and I never told anybody anything,
26:38and signed his name, Pat Saunders.
26:40Here's a statement where the flyleaf
26:43talks about damage control,
26:45talks about what they did to cover the thing up,
26:48and here's one of the primary sources
26:51explaining what we wrote in the book is true.
26:55I think it is the most damning document
26:58because it really spelled out exactly in detail
27:02what my dad had done and what his role was in the cover-up,
27:07in that they found bodies.
27:14So we're now in Hangar P-3, now known as 84.
27:21It's one of the last structures on the base
27:25that was here in 1947.
27:27At the base hangar, witnesses told us
27:31boxes of the wreckage, along with the crate
27:35containing a number of the bodies,
27:38were loaded into waiting aircraft
27:41and then shipped out.
27:43Based on testimonies of the witnesses,
27:46this is probably the room where they kept the bodies.
27:50It's a perfect locker, that it is,
27:54with, you know, frosted windows and a single door.
27:58It's sealed off now, but in 1947, it was open.
28:01You could move the bodies from this secure location
28:05right to the airplane.
28:07They could have taxied from this point and taken off.
28:10They could have been off the base in 5 minutes
28:12once they got the thing loaded.
28:23Congressman Schiff,
28:24what got you interested in this subject, per se?
28:27I started receiving letters a little over 2 years ago
28:30from constituents stating that they believed
28:32the government was covering up what happened at Roswell.
28:36Congressman Stephen Schiff of New Mexico
28:39represented a good number of the actual witnesses.
28:42In 1994, he would spearhead the effort
28:45by members of Congress demanding to see the Roswell files.
28:52And now this from the Pentagon.
28:54The Air Force has issued a 231-page report
28:57on what's become known as the incident at Roswell.
29:00But the report seems to raise just as many questions
29:03as it tries to answer.
29:05I was an Air Force Office Special Investigation agent
29:08and I dealt with issues having to do with
29:11all kind of investigating matters
29:13from criminal to otherwise.
29:15I had almost nothing to do with UFOs
29:21until I was assigned to the Roswell incident.
29:24But I remember watching Unsolved Mysteries about Roswell
29:29because I was a great big Robert Stack fan.
29:32And I remember when the show came on, it got my attention.
29:36Tonight, a special Unsolved Mysteries report,
29:40Mysteries of Alien Beings.
29:42If Robert Stack said it, it's got to be true.
29:44I mean, would a guy in a trench coat with that kind of voice
29:46lie to you?
29:50In 1994, our job was to find out
29:53what did or did not happen at Roswell.
29:56But in order to do that, we had to review
29:59literally millions of records, miles of microfilm.
30:03And I really kind of wanted there to be something there.
30:08But there was almost nothing in any Air Force records
30:14about Roswell.
30:16And then we found out about Project Mogul,
30:19which was taking place in New Mexico at that time.
30:23Begun in 1946, Project Mogul was a top-secret attempt
30:28to acoustically detect suspected Soviet nuclear explosions
30:32and ballistic missile launches.
30:35Mogul used an odd assortment of naval acoustical sensors,
30:39radar-reflecting targets, nylon fibers, and other equipment
30:43carried aloft by a train of weather balloons
30:46extending over 600 feet.
30:48Project Mogul explained a lot of things
30:51for this whole Roswell incident,
30:54including the descriptions by some witnesses
30:57of what the material found at Roswell looked like.
31:01And so our conclusion was a Project Mogul balloon
31:07crashed in Roswell, and that Project Mogul
31:11was the best scientific and logical explanation
31:16for what happened in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947.
31:20Did we say that was definitive? No.
31:23The Air Force now says it wasn't a weather balloon after all,
31:27but a top-secret balloon to spy on the Soviets.
31:30That would appear to explain all the Pentagon's secrecy, right?
31:35When the report came out, I wasn't surprised at all.
31:38I didn't know exactly what they were going to do.
31:41They weren't going to admit anything.
31:43We had considered Mogul very early on in our own investigation,
31:47and we could easily disqualify it
31:49as a potential explanation to Roswell.
31:51We were told it was a top-secret project.
31:54We were told it was classified material being used,
31:58but when we get down to it, we realize the purpose was classified,
32:02but the balloon itself was not.
32:05The Mogul equipment was off-the-shelf weather balloons,
32:10off-the-shelf radar targets.
32:12In fact, early on, the people at Alamogordo Army Airfield
32:16where they were launching the balloons
32:18made a trip to Roswell Army Airfield
32:20to enlist their aid in recovering one of the balloons
32:23that crashed east of Roswell.
32:25So the Roswell Army Airfield knew what was going on.
32:29They knew what the balloons were.
32:31There was no reason for Jesse Marcel Sr. not to be able to recognize it.
32:36They were launching these Project Mogul balloons on a regular basis.
32:42The Air Force report would attribute Roswell to Flight No. 4.
32:50The culprit they point to is the June 4, 1947 launch from Alamogordo,
32:56but the problem is all the documentation suggests Flight No. 4 never flew.
33:01The flight was canceled because they could not launch them in cloudy weather,
33:06and if the flight was canceled, well, it couldn't have left the debris.
33:11One thing is clear.
33:14Everybody agrees something fell, but what was it?
33:19I respect Colonel Weaver as a military officer.
33:23I think he's an honest man.
33:25I think he was given a job to do, and he did the job he was given to do.
33:29We just disagree on where some of the evidence takes us.
33:33They followed the trail to Project Mogul
33:35because here was an explanation that gets it out of the hair of the Air Force
33:38and it proves that it was something mundane.
33:40But the government does not offer any evidence
33:43that what they found was, in fact, a Project Mogul balloon.
33:46They just suggest it, but there is no evidence for it.
33:51This was a good-faith attempt to really look at Roswell in depth
33:58as much as it's been criticized since that time.
34:01We ruled out all the other things that made sense,
34:05airplane crashes and nuclear accidents and missile launches
34:09and all the other things that we delved into,
34:11including the fact that could this be something from outer space?
34:15And there absolutely is no record of anything the Air Force has
34:20to indicate that was the case either, so it was ruled out.
34:28The Air Force's 1994 report only created more questions.
34:36What about all the rumors of all the bodies?
34:39I mean, balloons don't have pilots.
34:46Today, we're releasing the final report
34:48to address questions about alleged bodies
34:51associated with the Roswell story.
34:55In May of 1997, in a response in addressing
34:59the growing number of witnesses to the bodies,
35:01the Air Force was once again compelled to come out with another report.
35:07Reports of aliens were actually anthropomorphic test dummies
35:12that were carried aloft by Air Force high-altitude research balloons.
35:17Critical examination of alleged alien sightings
35:20consistently matched the physical characteristics of these dummies.
35:27Crash test dummies are today easily identifiable.
35:31However, during the 1950s, public awareness was still decades away
35:36for these important scientific tools.
35:39The second report was kind of laughed at by UFO researchers
35:42because we saw all the flaws in it.
35:44So that kind of eliminated for us the legitimacy of the report.
35:54I don't reconcile that. I just have no idea why they say that.
35:57To us, it became a hodgepodge of just trying to throw everything
36:01against the wall and seeing what could stick.
36:10...saying that they're talking about 1947,
36:13but you're talking about dummies used in the 50s.
36:16Well, I'm afraid that's a problem that we have with time compression.
36:21Why didn't people at the time say,
36:23well, my goodness, we were having dummy tests, this explains the answer.
36:26Well, the dummy test, actually, you need to get the book.
36:30They're talking about crash test dummies,
36:33which didn't even come into existence until 1952, five years later.
36:37And so none of our witnesses to the bodies in 47
36:40could have been witnesses to the crash test dummies.
36:45I have it tabbed and I should be able to find it,
36:48but quite frankly, I'm sitting here and my knees are shaking.
36:51The vast majority of my colleagues
36:54see it as part of the cover-up with a smack of desperation
36:58that if you don't like this, try this,
37:00if you don't believe this, believe this.
37:03But quite frankly, this is probably what it was.
37:06You keep using the word probably, and you say case closed.
37:09Those two don't jive. How do you reconcile that?
37:12Okay, let me say, from the Air Force perspective, that's exactly what it was.
37:17They knew they weren't going to get us to back down, ever.
37:21And it has only motivated us all the more.
37:25In fact, we felt rather vindicated that they were acknowledging
37:29that witnesses were describing bodies that were not human.
37:36The other world visitors, the rain, the heat doesn't bother them.
37:40The word is, space aliens don't sweat.
37:44The mainstream media had this knee-jerk response
37:48that, well, the government says this, so we'll go along with it.
37:52The media enables the UFO cover-up from the very beginning.
37:56They do their 90 seconds on it,
37:59and we can see the tongue-in-cheek treatment they gave the topic
38:03because an awful lot of times they were too sophisticated
38:07to believe in flying saucers from another planet for crying out loud.
38:11Next they'll be saying wrestling on TV is fake.
38:15One question I'd like to get the answer to is,
38:19if there was a top-secret Project Mogul balloon that fell out of the sky,
38:23why is there no record of the crash?
38:26Where's that documentation?
38:29Every aspect of this incident, from the recovery to the transport,
38:34would have been heavily documented,
38:37and to suggest that all that documentation has been misplaced,
38:41mislabeled, or never existed
38:44is just beyond human comprehension.
38:47If you can prove that Roswell was some terrestrial event,
38:51if you have better evidence, let us know.
38:55I believe that the military experienced the recovery of an alien spacecraft.
39:00It's where the evidence is leading us.
39:03The Air Force says they have no evidence it was extraterrestrial,
39:08but I think when they're looking for these sorts of records,
39:12they're looking in the wrong places.
39:15I think that the files were gathered up and are in a different repository,
39:19hidden deep in the archives of the government,
39:22and therefore there was no paper trail to it.
39:26Something happened out there in that New Mexican desert,
39:30and we're not getting the whole story.
39:33Here we are now, 76 years later,
39:37and now we're talking about hearings in Washington,
39:41and they keep talking about Roswell.
39:44Since the Roswell incident in 1947, many Americans have wondered
39:49about the dangers of unknown objects crisscrossing our skies.
39:53Yet from Roswell, New Mexico, to the coast of Jacksonville, Florida,
39:56mountains of overclassified documents continue to be hidden from the American people.
40:00The American people deserve to know what is happening in our skies.
40:03It is long overdue. Thank you.
40:06A congressional committee held a rare hearing on Capitol Hill today
40:10on the subject of UFOs.
40:12Now those three men testified before Congress today,
40:15providing shocking details about what we call UFOs, but the government calls UAPs.
40:21One former Pentagon employee told Congress last week
40:24that the truth is out there, and it's being hidden from the American people.
40:32When we began our investigation more than 30 years ago,
40:36we just did not have many pieces.
40:39As we talked to people, we got more and more pieces of the puzzle,
40:42and we began to understand more clearly what was going on.
40:46It is a labor of love because I wanted to tell the story.
40:51I thought there was a story that needed to be told here.
40:59It's been my life's work.
41:01At times I would ask myself, was it worth it?
41:07But I've made my choice to speak out for the witnesses,
41:11to represent all of them, because they want answers.
41:15I want them to say, yes, it did happen,
41:17and I'm sorry your dad had to carry that secret all those years.
41:19I'm sorry he couldn't die in peace.
41:22I'm sorry he had to be laying in bed dying and trying to relate a story
41:26that even while he was dying he was too scared to talk about.
41:30What I want to find out is why.
41:34They feel that the government owes them.
41:36They feel that the Pentagon, for example, has used their family.
41:43Seeing what my dad had to deal with,
41:46the fact that they had to keep it secret, it bothered him.
41:51But it was his duty, and he was certainly not ashamed of that.
41:59But I knew it in some ways defined him.
42:03I'm very proud of what he did, and it makes me miss him a whole lot,
42:08wishing I could have a couple more conversations with him about it.
42:15The officers who were involved, they were the elite in the military.
42:21And with Jesse Marcel Sr.,
42:24the government selecting him as the patsy, as the fall guy,
42:29that's the ultimate crime when you think about the fact
42:32that he was used for all those years to maintain a cover-up.
42:39When my grandfather spoke out,
42:42to me that seems very courageous that he did that.
42:48He definitely had a lot of pressure, but at the end of the day,
42:53my grandfather believed through the end of his life
42:56that what he was involved with was not from this earth.
43:00And he thought he was the luckiest guy on this planet
43:05because he was involved with it.
43:09He and my father both led their lives
43:12believing that there's life out there beyond us.
43:17My father spent the vast part of his later life
43:21looking through telescopes, building telescopes.
43:24My dad built this amazing observatory.
43:28His passion was that telescope.
43:31He would tell me, when you're looking up at the sky,
43:34there's a possibility that somebody or something
43:37is looking right back down at you at the same time.
43:41Ultimately, my father's dying wish was that in my lifetime
43:46that the government would finally just come out and say,
43:49yes, Roswell was real.
43:53We are confident in our conviction
43:57that we have demonstrated
43:59by the wealth of eyewitness testimony,
44:03the documentation provided with the sworn affidavits,
44:07the video depositions, the deathbed confessions,
44:11that we have proven this beyond a shadow of a doubt.
44:16But I still need to hold peace
44:19with the physical proof that will help break this case.
44:24It is still an unsolved mystery
44:26simply because we do not have that last piece of the puzzle.
44:30But there's still things that we can do.
44:33There's still investigative tracks we can follow.
44:36We're still tracking down families.
44:39We're still conducting archaeological work
44:42out at the relevant sites.
44:44We're still hunting. We're still searching.
44:48Whoever secures the proof,
44:51I just want to be at the finish line at that time.
44:55I want to be around for that final victory,
44:59which will be for everyone.
45:04Did our government in 1947 really discover evidence
45:09that there is life in the universe
45:12outside our own atmosphere?
45:15Perhaps it was an experimental aircraft
45:18that the military wanted to keep top secret at all costs.
45:22But perhaps, just perhaps,
45:25the military was wrong.