Upaya Menjaga Pertumbuhan Ekonomi

  • last week
Kementerian Keuangan memastikan, berbagai upaya mendorong kinerja APBN dalam 10 tahun terakhir, telah menjaga pertumbuhan ekonomi tetap positif. Dirjen Anggaran Kementerian Keuangan menjelaskan, bahwa fungsi APBN sebagai bantalan pertumbuhan ekonomi akan terus ditingkat, dan memastikan pembiayaan utang masih dalam kondisi terjaga.


00:00The Ministry of Finance has ensured that various efforts to boost the performance of the State Budget in the last 10 years
00:05have maintained a positive economic growth.
00:08The Finance Ministry's budget review explains that the function of the State Budget
00:11as a pillar of economic growth will continue to be increased
00:14and ensure that the payment of debts is still in a maintained condition.
00:22The Ministry of Finance ensures that it continues to boost the performance of the State Budget as a supporter of economic growth.
00:27The Finance Ministry's budget review explains that in the last 10 years,
00:32various functions of the State Budget have been able to maintain economic growth
00:36and even contain the pressures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.
00:41The Ministry of Finance states that in the last 10 years,
00:43the government has reached around Rp 3,588 trillion,
00:47the subsidy spending has reached around Rp 3,568 trillion,
00:52and the social protection budget has reached around Rp 3,620 trillion.
00:58The various total budgets are ensured to be one of the fiscal support functions
01:02that support various development needs.
01:05The Ministry of Finance also claims that the payment of debts is still safe,
01:09although the debt spike makes the debt position reach Rp 8,500 trillion.
01:15That's called payment.
01:19So, if we have income in the form of taxes or the receipt of non-taxation state,
01:26there is spending,
01:29we have always spent more than the income we have.
01:37Isn't that dangerous?
01:43It's not dangerous.
01:44Why is it not dangerous?
01:45Because we believe that we are growing.
01:49We will also grow to generate revenue in the future.
01:58The Ministry of Finance will continue to maintain the APBN's credible posture
02:02and will adjust it to the government's priority program in the future.
02:05For that, the party continues to promote effective and efficient spending
02:09in the Ministry of the future.
02:11Jakarta Raharjo Patmo, IDX Channel.
02:19Jakarta Raharjo Patmo, IDX Channel.
