English Toddler Learning Video | Regulating Emotions, Potty Training, Social Skills, & More

  • 2 days ago
#toddlerlearningvideo #educationalvideosfortoddlers #toddlerspeech
Toddler learning with Ms. Abrar & Ms. Rinad! In this episode, your baby or toddler will learn how to regulate emotions, potty training, understanding their feelings, social skills and so much more!!
00:00:00All tunes in this video are made with vocals and hands.
00:00:11Hello! Hello! My name is Rinad. Hello!
00:00:21As-salamu alaykum. As-salamu alaykum.
00:00:26My name is Abrar. My name is Abrar.
00:00:32And I'm so excited to learn with you today.
00:00:37When we meet our friends and families, we should always say,
00:00:42As-salamu alaykum. As-salamu alaykum.
00:00:50Can you do it with me? One, two, three.
00:00:56As-salamu alaykum.
00:01:09When I go to the park, I love making friends.
00:01:14Do you want to come to the park with me so we can make some new friends?
00:01:21Let's go!
00:01:25As-salamu alaykum. My name is Dara. Today I'm going to the park.
00:01:31Maybe I can make some new friends.
00:01:34I see some new friends over there playing on the playground.
00:01:39As-salamu alaykum. My name is Dara. What are your names?
00:01:43Wa alaykum as-salam. My name is Abrar.
00:01:47Wa alaykum as-salam. And I'm Rinat. I like your pink hijab, Dara.
00:01:54Thank you so much. And I love your purple dress.
00:01:58Thank you. My mom got it for me on Eid. Would you like to play with us?
00:02:04Yes, I would love to play with you.
00:02:07Do you want to play with the red car or the blue car?
00:02:14Can I play with the blue car?
00:02:17Yes, here you go.
00:02:20Abrar, can I play with the yellow car?
00:02:25Yes, here you go.
00:02:28Thank you for sharing with me.
00:02:32Vroom, vroom, vroom. Yay!
00:02:35Rinat, can I play with your green ball, please?
00:02:40Yeah. Do you want to play catch together?
00:02:45Yes, that sounds so fun. Dara, would you like to play catch with us?
00:02:52Yes, that sounds so fun.
00:03:05Yay! I'm having so much fun. When I play with my friends, that makes me feel so happy.
00:03:20Do you want to go play on the slide?
00:03:24Let's go. Let's take turns going down the slide. You can go first, Dara.
00:03:35Rinat, you can go next.
00:03:41My turn.
00:03:44That was so much fun.
00:03:47I have to go home now. Thank you for playing with me. I had so much fun.
00:03:55Waalaikumassalam. We had so much fun playing with you. We hope to see you around more, inshallah.
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00:04:25Assalamualaikum, friends.
00:04:29Hi, everyone. This is my baby, Alina. Can you say hi, Alina?
00:04:41She's feeling really, really hungry, so we're going to make her some milk.
00:04:48Babies drink milkies.
00:04:51So to make her milk, we're going to use this little blender.
00:04:57First, we're going to open the blender.
00:05:04Then we need to put some water in the blender.
00:05:10Pour it in.
00:05:16Wow, just like that.
00:05:20Next, we need to add some milk powder.
00:05:25So let's add one spoon of milk powder.
00:05:31Alina loves to drink her milkies.
00:05:35So I'm going to put it in the blender, just like that.
00:05:40Next, we have to close the blender.
00:05:45And then we're going to blend it up.
00:05:50We're going to mix the powder.
00:05:53Ready, set, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix.
00:06:02Wow, it turned into milk.
00:06:07Mix, mix, mix, mix, mix, mix.
00:06:10Look at that.
00:06:12Your milkie's ready, Alina.
00:06:16She's so excited to drink her milk.
00:06:20Let's pour it into her bottle.
00:06:23This is her milk bottle.
00:06:26I'm going to open it up.
00:06:29And let's pour it in.
00:06:33Here we go.
00:06:45I spilled some milk onto the table.
00:06:50Hmm, that made me feel a little frustrated.
00:06:55I'm going to take a deep breath.
00:06:58I think that I should just get a paper towel and wipe it up.
00:07:02And that will clean up the mess.
00:07:04Right, Alina?
00:07:06Yeah, it's okay to feel a little frustrated when we spill things.
00:07:11We can just ask someone for help.
00:07:14Or we can get a paper towel and clean it up.
00:07:18I'll be right back.
00:07:19I'm going to go get a paper towel.
00:07:24Okay, I got some paper towel.
00:07:27I'm going to clean up, clean up.
00:07:31Everybody everywhere.
00:07:34Clean up, clean up.
00:07:37Everybody do your share.
00:07:41There it goes.
00:07:43It's all cleaned up.
00:07:46I feel so happy.
00:07:48I cleaned up the mess.
00:07:51Okay, so now I'm going to close Alina's milky bottle.
00:07:56I'm going to shake it up one last time.
00:07:59Shake, shake, shake.
00:08:01And now her milk's all ready.
00:08:05Now it's time to eat, Alina.
00:08:08Okay, Alina.
00:08:11Before we eat, we have to make the dua of eating.
00:08:17Dua of the day.
00:08:19Let's say it together.
00:08:22Bismillahi wa'ala barakatillah.
00:08:29Bismillahi wa'ala barakatillah.
00:08:36Thank you for making milkies with me for Alina.
00:09:00Musa is learning how to use the potty.
00:09:05When Musa needs to go to the bathroom, he's going to let me know.
00:09:13I got to go potty.
00:09:15Musa has to go to the potty.
00:09:17Let's go.
00:09:21Musa did such a good job letting me know when he has to use the potty.
00:09:29Good job, Musa.
00:09:34When Musa's on the potty, we like to sing a song together.
00:09:39Potty, potty, let's go potty when you need to go.
00:09:45When you need to go potty, let somebody know.
00:09:51Good job, Musa.
00:09:54All done.
00:09:56Musa's all done.
00:09:58Musa went to the bathroom.
00:10:01Good job, Musa.
00:10:04Don't forget to say the du'a before entering the bathroom.
00:10:11Allahumma inni a'udhu bika minal khubuthi wal khabaith.
00:10:31Mama, all done.
00:10:41Thank you for helping me, Mama.
00:11:00Good job.
00:11:03You used the bathroom all by yourself.
00:11:08I am so proud of Leila.
00:11:21She learned to go potty in the toilet.
00:11:29I'm so proud of you, Leila.
00:11:32Did you know that when we feel a poopoo or peepee in our tummy,
00:11:38we need to stop and go to the toilet?
00:11:44Even when we're playing our favorite toys.
00:11:48So, Leila, next time you're playing and having so much fun
00:11:53and you feel a little poopoo or peepee in your tummy,
00:11:57we need to stop and go to the toilet.
00:12:02Don't worry, Leila.
00:12:04Your toys will be waiting for you when you get back.
00:12:08So remember, when we feel a poopoo or peepee in our tummy,
00:12:14we need to stop and go.
00:12:17That's right.
00:12:19We need to stop and go to the toilet.
00:12:24Your toys or whatever you are doing will always wait for you.
00:12:29Great job learning to go potty in the toilet.
00:12:32We are so proud of you.
00:12:40Did you know that when you learn to go potty in the toilet,
00:12:45we say bye-bye to our diapers and wear underwear?
00:12:51Underwear comes in so many cool colors.
00:12:56You can go to the store with a grown-up and choose cool underwear to wear.
00:13:07On the count of three, let's say bye-bye to our diapers.
00:13:13One, two, three.
00:13:18Bye-bye diapers.
00:13:24Storytime with Kalamkit.
00:13:31My First Muslim Potty Book
00:13:34by Yusufa Janjua
00:13:37illustrated by Golnar Servatian
00:13:42You were once little, babbling and crawling.
00:13:46Then you learned to talk and walk without falling.
00:13:55May you keep growing and learning.
00:13:58That is our prayer.
00:14:00So bye-bye diapers.
00:14:02Hello big kid underwear.
00:14:10You are a big kid now and so you should know.
00:14:13Big kids use the potty when they need to go.
00:14:21When you're feeling full or pressure down below,
00:14:24time to get on the potty.
00:14:26Move fast, not slow.
00:14:35If you have an accident while you hurry,
00:14:38we will clean it up, love.
00:14:40Don't you worry.
00:14:44Enter with your left foot whether you walk or run
00:14:49to get to the potty and get the job done.
00:14:53Then pull down your pants and big kid underwear.
00:14:57Ask for help if you need it.
00:14:59That's why we are there.
00:15:06And sit down to make pee or sit down to make poo
00:15:10because that's what big kids on the potty must do.
00:15:15Poo and pee are negis, which means impure.
00:15:18So get out every plop and drop and always make sure.
00:15:30To do is to ninja.
00:15:32It's kind of like being a germ-fighting ninja.
00:15:41Muslims use water to wash their private parts.
00:15:44Pay close attention.
00:15:46This is how istinjat starts.
00:15:51First, after you've done your poo or peep,
00:15:54give us a call and say,
00:15:57Please come and wash me.
00:16:04With water from a bidet,
00:16:07With water from a bidet, lota or pot,
00:16:11we will clean you just like all Muslims are taught.
00:16:15The left hand washes while the right hand pours.
00:16:19Once you're older, this task will be yours.
00:16:28Using toilet paper will wipe you dry.
00:16:31You could wipe yourself if you wanted to try.
00:16:37Istinjat is over and clothes come back on.
00:16:40We flush the potty and the waste is all gone.
00:16:52Head to the sink.
00:16:54Take a step on the stool.
00:16:56Wash your hands.
00:16:5720 seconds, that's the rule.
00:17:03You're all clean, little one.
00:17:05Great job! What fun!
00:17:08Exit with your right foot and you're all done.
00:17:14Now you're in the state of taharrah or purity,
00:17:17as Muslims must be when they reach maturity.
00:17:21The Prophet whom we send peace upon said,
00:17:24Cleanliness is half of Iman.
00:17:30Allah loves those who are pure and clean.
00:17:33May you keep growing and learning your deen
00:17:36and get potty trained with good Muslim hygiene.
00:17:54It's okay. Where are you going, Musa?
00:17:56I'm going outside and play.
00:17:59Do you need help putting on your shirt?
00:18:02I can help you.
00:18:09There you go.
00:18:11Now you can go outside.
00:18:15Next time, if you need help,
00:18:18you can ask me for help.
00:18:21Or you can ask a grown-up or a friend.
00:18:26Have fun outside.
00:18:29We all need help sometimes.
00:18:32When you need help, you can say,
00:18:35Can you help me?
00:18:37Or, I need help, please.
00:18:43The book is too high.
00:18:46I need help getting the book from the shelf.
00:18:51What can we do?
00:18:54We can ask for help.
00:18:57I need help getting the book from the top shelf,
00:19:01so I'm going to ask for help.
00:19:09Can you help me grab the book from the top shelf?
00:19:13Yes, sweetie.
00:19:18Thank you, Mama.
00:19:22Thank you, Mama.
00:19:25Thanks for the book.
00:19:27Thanks for getting me the book.
00:19:30Let's play a game of Simon Says.
00:19:34When I say Simon Says, you do the action.
00:19:38If I don't say Simon Says,
00:19:41then you don't do it.
00:19:45Simon Says, touch your nose.
00:19:49Simon Says, turn around.
00:19:54Simon Says, touch your head.
00:19:59Simon Says, wiggle your fingers.
00:20:03Touch your nose.
00:20:06I didn't say Simon.
00:20:10That was silly.
00:20:12Let's do it one more time.
00:20:14So remember, when I say Simon Says,
00:20:17you do it.
00:20:19When I don't say Simon Says,
00:20:22you don't do it.
00:20:24Let's do it one more time.
00:20:26Simon Says, jump up and down.
00:20:31Simon Says, stop.
00:20:34Simon Says, jump up and down.
00:20:38Simon Says, stop.
00:20:41Simon Says, jump up and down.
00:20:44Simon Says, stop.
00:20:47Simon Says, jump up and down.
00:20:52I didn't say Simon.
00:20:56I got you.
00:20:58Great job playing Simon Says.
00:21:00I had so much fun.
00:21:02Maybe you can ask a grown-up
00:21:04to play Simon Says at home.
00:21:14Let's pop some bubbles.
00:21:17Let's pop some bubbles.
00:21:20My bubbles are pink.
00:21:23Pink is my favorite color.
00:21:26What's your favorite color?
00:21:30Thanks for sharing.
00:21:32I like that color, too.
00:21:34Let's blow some bubbles.
00:21:37Ready, set, go.
00:21:42Pop, pop.
00:21:44That was so fun.
00:21:46Should we do it again?
00:21:48Yeah, let's do it again.
00:21:50Let's pop some more bubbles.
00:21:54Ready, set, go.
00:22:02Those were small bubbles.
00:22:07Let's do it one more time.
00:22:10Let's do it one more time.
00:22:13Let's do it again.
00:22:16Ready, set, go.
00:22:23Oh, man.
00:22:25That didn't work.
00:22:27It's okay.
00:22:29When things don't work,
00:22:31sometimes I feel a little frustrated.
00:22:33But I can always try again.
00:22:36Let's try again.
00:22:39Ready, set, go.
00:22:44Wow, that worked.
00:22:48I tried again, and it worked.
00:22:52That makes me feel so happy.
00:22:55I'm glad I didn't give up,
00:22:57and I tried again.
00:23:10Do you want to come with me to the park?
00:23:14Let's go.
00:23:22Do you hear that?
00:23:26Where is that coming from?
00:23:30I hear kids playing.
00:23:35I hear kids playing.
00:23:41Do you see kids playing?
00:23:45I see them.
00:23:48There's kids playing.
00:23:52The kids are playing.
00:23:56Let's go.
00:24:05Do you smell that?
00:24:09Do you smell that?
00:24:16What do you smell?
00:24:20I smell flowers.
00:24:26They smell so nice.
00:24:32Let's go.
00:24:44What did you feel?
00:24:48What did you feel?
00:24:52I felt the wind.
00:24:56That was cold.
00:24:59I felt the wind.
00:25:03Let's go.
00:25:09What's over there?
00:25:13What do you see?
00:25:16What do you see?
00:25:19I see a playground.
00:25:27Good job.
00:25:36Did you know that on and off are opposites?
00:25:42This is a flashlight.
00:25:44We're going to turn it on and off.
00:25:49Turn on.
00:25:52Turn off.
00:26:05That was silly.
00:26:07On and off.
00:26:10Those are opposites.
00:26:12Great job.
00:26:16Did you know that hot and cold are opposites?
00:26:27Is the snow hot or cold?
00:26:33That's right.
00:26:34The snow is cold.
00:26:38What about the sun?
00:26:40Is the sun hot or cold?
00:26:47The sun is so, so hot.
00:26:50The sun is hot.
00:26:53Great job.
00:26:55What about ice cubes?
00:26:57Are ice cubes cold or hot?
00:27:05The ice is cold.
00:27:08The ice is so cold.
00:27:11Good job.
00:27:13What about the stove?
00:27:16Is the stove cold or hot?
00:27:22The stove is hot.
00:27:24We should never, ever touch the stove.
00:27:29The stove is so, so hot.
00:27:32It can give us a big boo-boo and we can get hurt.
00:27:37We never touch the stove because it's really hot.
00:27:42Never, ever touch the stove.
00:27:44That gives me a big, big boo-boo.
00:27:52Did you know that fast and slow are opposites too?
00:27:59On the count of three, let's run fast.
00:28:03One, two, three.
00:28:06Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast.
00:28:10That was so fast.
00:28:12Now let's go slow.
00:28:15Slow, slow, slow.
00:28:22Let's go fast.
00:28:23Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast.
00:28:28Cars can go really fast, super.
00:28:32And turtles go really slow.
00:28:37Fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast, fast.
00:28:42That was so fast.
00:28:44Now let's go slow.
00:28:47Slow, slow, slow.
00:28:52That was really slow.
00:28:56Fast, slow.
00:29:01Great job learning with me.
00:29:10Can you make a happy face?
00:29:13Happy, happy.
00:29:16Your turn.
00:29:19Make a nice happy face.
00:29:24What makes you happy?
00:29:30My family and my friends make me happy.
00:29:35My mama and my baba and my brother and my sister make me happy.
00:29:44Can you make a sad face?
00:29:57Your turn.
00:30:03Oh, that's a sad face.
00:30:12What makes you sad?
00:30:20It makes me so sad when my friends don't share their toys with me.
00:30:25That makes me so sad.
00:30:29But it makes me so happy when they share their toys.
00:30:39Hey Leila, when you're sad, what do you do?
00:30:44When I feel sad, I like to give my mom or dad a hug.
00:30:49They make me feel so much better.
00:30:53Me too. I love hugs from my mom and dad.
00:31:02Can you show me a mad face?
00:31:07This is mad.
00:31:10I'm mad.
00:31:15Good job showing me a mad face.
00:31:18Can you tell me something that makes you mad?
00:31:27Thank you for sharing.
00:31:29Sometimes that makes me mad too.
00:31:32It makes me feel mad when I lose my favorite toy and can't find it.
00:31:40Next time, I'm going to ask a grown-up for help.
00:31:44Maybe they can help me find it.
00:31:47I'm going to take some deep breaths and say,
00:31:52Can you help me find my toy?
00:31:55That'll make me feel better.
00:31:57Sometimes, to stop being mad, I'll take a deep breath.
00:32:04Can you do that with me?
00:32:09Let's do that again.
00:32:16Or, I'll go talk to a friend.
00:32:23Musa, I'm so glad you're here.
00:32:27You cheered me up.
00:32:30I'm not mad anymore.
00:32:32Thank you for cheering me up.
00:32:44Musa, what do you do when you're mad?
00:32:48I like to sit down.
00:32:50Try that.
00:32:55And count to five.
00:32:59One, two, three, four, five.
00:33:07Do you feel better now, Musa?
00:33:13This girl looks really, really sad.
00:33:19She looks really sad.
00:33:22Why does the girl look sad?
00:33:28Yeah, she's sad because her ice cream fell down.
00:33:36That's right, her ice cream fell down.
00:33:40So, she's feeling really sad.
00:33:43I feel really sad when my ice cream falls down, too.
00:33:48What can the girl do to feel better?
00:33:53That's right.
00:33:55She can ask a grown-up for help.
00:33:58Maybe she can have another ice cream,
00:34:01or she can ask a grown-up for a hug to feel better.
00:34:07Sometimes, things fall down and break,
00:34:10and it can make me feel really sad, too.
00:34:13But there are so many things we can do to feel better.
00:34:24Wow, these kids have big smiles on their faces.
00:34:30They're feeling happy.
00:34:34They look so, so happy.
00:34:39They're so happy because they're playing together.
00:34:45I feel so happy when I play with my friends, too.
00:34:50When I'm happy, I smile and I laugh.
00:34:56I love to play with my friends.
00:35:09Uh-oh, this boy looks really, really mad.
00:35:15He looks angry.
00:35:19Why do you think the boy is angry?
00:35:25Yes, because his friend or his brother,
00:35:29they're taking his toy.
00:35:32I feel really, really angry when people take my stuff, too.
00:35:37That's not nice to take other people's toys or things.
00:35:42What can the boy do to feel better?
00:35:47Yes, he can tell the boy,
00:35:50hey, that's my toy.
00:35:52Can I have it back?
00:35:54Or he can go ask an adult for help to get his toy back.
00:35:58Remember, we never take toys from other people.
00:36:02We always have to ask.
00:36:05He can ask by saying,
00:36:07hi, can I play with your blocks, please?
00:36:11And even better, you can ask to play together.
00:36:15You can say, can I play blocks with you?
00:36:19That would make everyone feel so happy.
00:36:23Remember to always ask before you take things.
00:36:27And if somebody takes your toy, you can ask for it back.
00:36:31If they don't listen, you can always ask an adult,
00:36:35like your mama or dada or teacher for help.
00:36:39Good job.
00:36:53Which color has more ducks?
00:36:59Which one has more?
00:37:05Yes, the green box has more ducks.
00:37:11Let's count the ducks in the green box.
00:37:15One, two, three, four.
00:37:21The green box has four ducks.
00:37:27How many ducks are in the blue box?
00:37:35Four is more than one.
00:37:39Four is more than one.
00:37:43Good job.
00:37:57Can you help me find the letter M?
00:38:03Help me find the letter M.
00:38:09Is that the letter M?
00:38:15Is that the letter M?
00:38:23No, that's the letter S.
00:38:27S for star.
00:38:31S for star.
00:38:39Where is the letter M?
00:38:47Is that the letter M?
00:38:51Is that the letter M?
00:38:59No, that's the letter T.
00:39:11Where's the letter M?
00:39:15Is that the letter M?
00:39:19Is that the letter M?
00:39:27That's the letter M.
00:39:39Thank you for helping me find the letter M.
00:39:49Let's learn about shapes.
00:39:55Do you know your shapes?
00:40:03The first shape here is a circle.
00:40:07A circle.
00:40:11A circle is round.
00:40:15It goes around and around.
00:40:19That's a circle.
00:40:27Can you help me figure out
00:40:31which one is a circle?
00:40:35Is a cookie a circle?
00:40:39Or pizza?
00:40:43Which one is round?
00:40:47A cookie!
00:40:51That's right!
00:40:55A cookie is a circle.
00:40:59A circle.
00:41:03Great job!
00:41:07Next shape is a triangle.
00:41:11A triangle.
00:41:15A triangle has three sides.
00:41:35That's right!
00:41:39Can you help me figure out
00:41:43which one is a triangle?
00:41:47Which one has three sides?
00:41:51Is a pizza a triangle?
00:41:55Or a ball?
00:41:59Which one is a triangle?
00:42:03Which one has three sides?
00:42:11Yes! A pizza slice!
00:42:15A slice of pizza is a triangle.
00:42:19It has three sides.
00:42:23And it's very, very yummy!
00:42:33Next shape is a square.
00:42:37A square.
00:42:41A square has four sides.
00:42:45Let's count how many sides are on a square.
00:43:01Four sides.
00:43:05One, two, three, four!
00:43:09Great job!
00:43:13That's a square.
00:43:17Can you help me figure out which item is a square?
00:43:21Is a block a square?
00:43:25Or is a donut a square?
00:43:29Which one is a square?
00:43:33The block! That's right!
00:43:37A block has four sides.
00:43:41And it's a square! You got it!
00:43:45Good job!
00:43:59The last shape is a rectangle.
00:44:03A rectangle.
00:44:07A rectangle also has four sides.
00:44:11But two sides are long.
00:44:15And two sides are short.
00:44:23And two sides are short.
00:44:27Can you help me figure out which item is a rectangle?
00:44:33Yes? Thank you!
00:44:39Is the moon a rectangle?
00:44:43Or a chocolate bar?
00:44:47Which one is a rectangle?
00:44:55The chocolate bar is a rectangle.
00:44:59Rectangle. It has four sides.
00:45:03Two sides are long.
00:45:07And two sides are short. Great job!
00:45:23I had so much fun learning shapes with you!
00:45:31Let's do a pattern.
00:45:35A pattern is when something happens in a repeated way.
00:45:39Okay. Let's do the pattern.
00:45:43Circle. Square.
00:45:47Circle. Square.
00:45:55Square. Circle.
00:46:03Circle! That's right!
00:46:07That's a pattern!
00:46:11You did it! Great job!
00:46:27Let's do a pattern with wild animals!
00:46:35Lion. Elephant.
00:46:51Elephant! Good job!
00:46:55You did another pattern! You are so smart!
00:46:59Great job!
00:47:15I'm building with my blocks.
00:47:23I'm building up, up, up with my blocks.
00:47:31Can you tell me what shape this is?
00:47:35What shape is this?
00:47:39What shape is the yellow block?
00:47:43Yes! A circle!
00:47:47A circle!
00:47:59What shape is the blue block?
00:48:03What shape is the blue block?
00:48:11It's a square. Square.
00:48:15I have a blue square
00:48:19and a red square.
00:48:23Blue and red.
00:48:27I'm all done playing with my blocks.
00:48:31Can you help me clean up?
00:48:41Clean up. Clean up.
00:48:45Everybody do your share.
00:48:49Clean up. Clean up.
00:48:53Everybody do your share.
00:48:57Clean up. Clean up.
00:49:01Everybody do your share.
00:49:05Clean up. Clean up.
00:49:09Thanks for helping me clean up.
00:49:17I'm going to go put this back
00:49:21and get another toy.
00:49:25Can you help me sort bugs?
00:49:29I'm trying to find bugs that can fly
00:49:33and bugs that don't fly.
00:49:37A caterpillar!
00:49:57Can caterpillars fly?
00:50:01No. No. They don't have wings.
00:50:05Caterpillars don't fly.
00:50:09A dragonfly.
00:50:17Can dragonflies fly?
00:50:25They can fly.
00:50:29Can you fly like a dragonfly?
00:50:37Can you fly like a dragonfly?
00:50:41Flying like a dragonfly.
00:50:45Good job!
00:51:01Can a worm fly?
00:51:05Oh, silly. Worms don't fly.
00:51:09They don't have wings to fly.
00:51:13They don't fly.
00:51:25Bee. Can a bee fly?
00:51:33Bees can fly.
00:51:37It's flying over my head.
00:51:41The bee is flying over my head.
00:51:49Can you buzz around like a bee?
00:51:53Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
00:51:57Good job!
00:52:11Can ants fly?
00:52:15No. No. Good job.
00:52:19Ants can't fly. They don't have wings.
00:52:41Can a butterfly fly?
00:52:45Yes. Butterflies can fly.
00:52:49What color do you see?
00:52:57I see an orange butterfly.
00:53:01Butterflies can fly.
00:53:05So beautiful!
00:53:15Thank you for helping me sort
00:53:19bugs that can fly
00:53:23and bugs that don't fly.
00:53:31See you next time!
00:54:01I'll give you a hint.
00:54:05It's snowing and it's really cold.
00:54:13That's right!
00:54:17It looks like winter outside.
00:54:21The season of winter is really, really cold.
00:54:25And sometimes it snows in the winter too.
00:54:29Do you know what I can do
00:54:33to feel a little warmer?
00:54:37I'm feeling really cold.
00:54:41That's right!
00:54:45I should put on a jacket to feel warm.
00:54:49I'll be right back.
00:54:53I put on a jacket and I feel better.
00:54:57I like to wear a jacket in winter time
00:55:01so I'm not so cold.
00:55:05Something else that I like to wear when it's really cold outside
00:55:09is a scarf. We wear scarves in the winter
00:55:13to feel nice and warm.
00:55:21Renad, what do you wear
00:55:25when it's cold outside?
00:55:29A jacket!
00:55:33I have a jacket and a scarf.
00:55:37I feel so
00:55:45I feel so much better.
00:55:53It's really, really hot.
00:56:01It's really hot outside.
00:56:05Do you know what season it is outside?
00:56:09I'm at the beach and I'm really, really hot.
00:56:17Summer! It is the season of
00:56:21summer! That's right!
00:56:25In summer, it gets really hot outside.
00:56:29Some things that I like to do when it's hot
00:56:33is I like to wear sunglasses to protect my eyes
00:56:37from the strong, strong sun.
00:56:41I also like to swim in a pool
00:56:45to cool down. Some other things I like to do
00:56:49when I'm feeling really, really hot is drink
00:56:53ice cold water.
00:56:57That always makes me feel
00:57:01so much better. What do you like to do when it's hot
00:57:09That's awesome! Thank you for sharing.
00:57:13It's my favorite season because I love to go to the beach
00:57:17and build sandcastles and swim
00:57:21and I spend so much time with my family and friends during the summer.
00:57:25It's my favorite season.
00:57:51Leaves! There are so many leaves!
00:57:55Do you know which season
00:57:59the leaves fall off the trees?
00:58:07Fall or autumn is the season where the leaves
00:58:11fall from the trees. Maybe your mommy or
00:58:15daddy rake up all the leaves and you get to
00:58:19jump in the pile of leaves. That's my
00:58:23favorite thing to do in fall. In the count
00:58:27of three, can you jump with me? We're going to
00:58:31pretend to jump in a pile of leaves.
00:58:35Yeah? One, two,
00:58:39three, jump!
00:58:43That was so much fun! Do you want to do it again?
00:58:47Yes! Let's jump in a pile of
00:58:51leaves again. One,
00:58:55two, three, jump!
00:58:59I love fall because it's so
00:59:03much fun to play with the leaves.
00:59:07Wow! Look at all the beautiful
00:59:11flowers. Do you see all the
00:59:15beautiful flowers around me?
00:59:19Wow! Can you guess what season we're
00:59:23in? There are so many beautiful flowers
00:59:27and the weather feels so nice.
00:59:35Spring, that's right! Spring comes
00:59:39after winter and before summer.
00:59:43So the weather is just perfect. And during
00:59:47spring, all the flowers bloom
00:59:51and we have so many beautiful flowers.
00:59:55Mashallah, I love to smell the
01:00:05We learned all
01:00:09four seasons together. The four seasons
01:00:13are fall, winter,
01:00:17spring, and summer.
01:00:21Let's go over all the seasons
01:00:25together. Do you remember what happens in
01:00:29fall or autumn? Yes!
01:00:33The leaves fall from the trees.
01:00:37That's right! When you see so many
01:00:41leaves on the floor and the trees are empty,
01:00:45that's the season of fall.
01:00:49Next comes winter. Do you remember what happens
01:00:53to the weather in winter?
01:00:57Yes! It gets really, really cold.
01:01:01And sometimes it snows
01:01:05in winter. That's winter.
01:01:09After winter is spring.
01:01:13In spring, the weather gets warmer and the
01:01:17flowers bloom. I love spring.
01:01:21And the last season is my favorite.
01:01:25Do you remember what my favorite season was?
01:01:29I'll give you a hint. It's the season we can go
01:01:33to the beach and swim in the pool.
01:01:37Summer! That's right!
01:01:41Summer. Summer is when the weather gets really
01:01:45hot. And you might go to the swimming pool
01:01:49or the beach to cool off. And don't forget to wear your sunglasses
01:01:53to protect you from the sun.
01:01:57Thank you for learning the seasons with me.
01:02:01Fall, winter, spring, and summer.
